Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 5 Sep 1878, p. 1

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Se vo i Forth Ontario Obseruer. 4 WEEKLY POLITICAL, "AGRICUL TURAL § FAMILY NEWSPAPER, 18 PUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY, ONT, PORT PERRY, PROVINCE OF FBupiness Sarvs. ONTARIO BANK. gmmmes; Bill Heads, Blank Forms, Receipt | tills, &e. printed can have them done to take | Commissioner &c. Marriage Licenses. Port Perry, Oct. 11, 1872, approbation and patronage of the public. 0. MKENZIE,| eg ADVER Words of Fancy. | What means thix widely ranging thought That swift from joy to sorrow, turns, That dwells on prizes keenly sought, On bed of shalléw, rippling stroam ; Of passing cloud on fickle wind ; TIS ER. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER, 5 1878; PORT PERRY LIVERY STABLES i ed the 'Legend of Lake Améanctus.! L have no doubt of its entire truth, for it is & matter within the personal knowledge of scores of people at Grotta Minarda, and at Naples. 1 a buoyant excess ot vigor and animal was a mere child in years--she could not IWHOLE NO. 1083 -- S------------------------ tot until he was warned by one of his oldest friends of the disgrace, that impended over him, that his suspicions were awakened -- Even then, 50 firm was his faith jn Teresa, surprise and delight ha insisted that Cassinot And here, at this dull, quintold town ---- rT eyrious to see the city as if he were a man, visiting it for the first time, » It was a singular remark, I thought, as, y have myself . seen, and spoken with one of | that he would pr di > EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, CAPITAL ,000,000 . : And yet tograsp them never learns ? the chief actors in the. brag who was an | hal probably have dismissed 1is |ftones at Lake Amsanctus. Had twenty : raged, was 8n | ha ke x ¥, Pm ' Shel hands ox investment on PROPRIETOR, What me ons of ron ae Ces a Tae ear saps hai ie vos Waswvered, | Jonts dulled the sharpuem obbig £ ¥ 0 . , x x . ' yo BEIRD & PARSONS. : | A Lin te) Jan iy Lon e sphstns of delight Bs a ATmy, is wife's room, & miniature of ber lover, ( had he left his old self behind him when z RT PERRY BRANCH. ad Le. "ypu f+ That 3 will be easily, recognised by any one | together with n a reg : : PO. other Securities in this and 'adjoining Countles STE Subscriber having gow. fully ocuinpbl pain in swiftest course, -- BE 7 one together with & letter that could, leave no | fled from Naples? I know not, but I do J renal --g1 ole r wm jud in ut J Rave finds on hand mal en Horreart J, bia new and extensive Live § 2» with Toph make the darkest moments bright, - re, o ¥ lg pan * of ouke of he dopih of her Pak guilt. . | know that no traver man landed at : 3 d charged. . nd on mone, orses Carri: s oh e Te ivaon. taken, for fons than six ond SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. faast possible Sony. prepared to furnish first class ; mown Shel Teason and their source ? 1; , gow, of the minor details of the affair, for | he Ey : i ond od vey 3 Jought snd Shatefinm ane Melazzo, ; nd. ub-papel digcontinued until all, & "%7| A Savings Department is now "open in WANTED TO PURCHASE, L i VY E FR Y R 1 GCG S Toole Redden, cape we cannot tell ; 4 |itis now six years since it was told to me ; | went at his will, ard, Teresa meyer doubted | ------ re 15 ' RATES OF ADVERTISING. quuasction with this Branch Doe Any number of Mortgage for which the high. on Moderate Terma... {as oro na a Yafisat flows Ve aa) 1 our tial fasta 1 know. 3t to be iehint Se ug Suscssetaly deceived her hus- 3 lag, iiids from one of the fashion~ For each line, first insertion 0... $0.08 | L0'h wed thereon. _o%h ine [eb Setures wi ow : 14-00 } IF trie, .. | band, For two days he preserved the same | 80le watering places, remarks that low. neck- Subsequent insertions per line 1555 0°08 | 0 Fura wal required. a earoalso appraisers for the enol, 0% | Port perry, Avi. 457 0: MCRENZIE, | Amid the shides of Eden's blo, | Neatly thirty years ago, a company of old | smiling face that bp had worn in the days | 9d dresses sro * an abomination into whicl} Cards, under 6 Ailes; pax dui in oh 3 Sd - AA. ALLEN largest Monetary Institution in Ce Paid i Wo often of whieh foals shotid full 3 King Bomba's infantry was quartered in the | of his happiness, and if his dmanher toward, it is the duty. of the press to look,' whercs Wz feta a Re S30 and rogester- whe Hix a 4 PP hit db years. Pay ro We or ugh win 'wealio] d Voip y quiet village of Grotts, Minarda, The sub- {bis, wife was in the least degree changed, | "POR a wicked contemparary rewgarks that it fi Td; will-be vourrigh, etre 7 Th Ro Poiimip fo Ae . i Vall 2 Sold STRAW AND FELT HATS |p 1o woting JloRdiots Bum © pals i [lieutenant of this company was younger | she was too much engrossed with Her Tover | never fails t0 perform its duty in that direcs - 'Advertisements measured by Nonpareil, W. BURN HAM, Clerk of the Third Divi- Lands Bought an old: ADE OVER in the Newest Styles. | About us while we Aor son of a Neapolitan noblgman, who, though | to notice it, ~~ Meatwhile he was maturing | tion. and charged according to the space they oc J . sion Court. Office in Bigelow's Block, Several goot Tor sale. Also, D . 6 10 Oder. Satis. the rich in ancient blood, was decidedly poor in (a scheme of revenge sufficiently cruel tp Ww 3 er oO Mivertisements received for publication IE gr Agenta fo 10raL clase Fire Toe) "CHO EVMBLISHL HY Our moods of fancy cbb and flow, modern gold, Young Stefano Da Francis | satisfy the tiger that the had awakened with: | po _ gH gy fo Vives ad Advertisements receiv for publication. | mae hours from 10a. m. to 8 p. Mm. nts for several ol & x Like waves of ' ot yet twenty th f d im BR i? are, generally left with the soil packed tod A anion ; #¢ MISS TIFFIN. aves of ocean on the shore was not yi y three years of age, and |in him, He had decided nt once that the to shared oordiogly. « No N i Hus Residence--one door east of Mr. Prince's | They swiftly come; as swiftly go : was famed as the gayest and most careless Frenchman must, die, but he wished his 5 hard about them, or it is allowed to become To mont will be taken out untilpaid for. | , .. T. 8 . FORMAN, SURES 2 Sollcutions mare and a general agency busi- Yojehe shop, Query street, Port Perry. And leave their traces o'er and o'er.' of subalterns, He had not an enemy in the | to by the agent and the. witness in the pun- grassed over. If trees are carefully planted A liberal? discount allowed ton Mere te INSPECTOR of WEIGHTS ¢ 20~ DEBENTURES BOUGHT. SR y 30, . £ Ar atiai world, for his bandsomo face, his good tem- | ishment of his Farinora gilt... [in deep, wide holes well filled with rich soil and others who advertise by the y or For the County of Ontario. s strains of music grandly swell, per, and his frank, light-hearted mauner, | , On the VaRing of the avcond day the roots carefully spread out and the sur. Taalf-Yebr. ) ! ice be | Bojt P 3. 4b:tf JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, hotels. From touchf key or tuneful chord ; made him a universal favorite with men and | F) i "= ised h ) faco kept loose and mellow about them, it is B&F These terms will in all 'cases be | Port Perry, Nov 1, 1875. Sowrpe th rancia, appr is wife that he had ob. » y strictly used to - General Agents, rrr go a ow deepest cell, women. So far as is known, he was never | tained a week's leave of absence, and that hardly possible that they would fa.l to grow. A apartment: J OHN CHRISTIE, i Chans Coie bn 5 ows Orburta Beings = = B i emo! 8 8 © closely guard. cynically profligate ; but his dissipation sad | he propoved.to take her for & brief visit to A nant Liowing how they. TOWNSH ¥ \ * y sk ret impl! Teh itlicu offer any » 7 Pamphlets, Hand Bilis, Posters, DO ssuer of Marriage Licenses--Conveyancer, Port Perry. THE WALKER HOUS wehiangeful astils light that gleams, Swieloss gively wees suply tovrgfows) (ler old hime st Grotia_liluinte. To le suggestion that may not be wide of the mark. \ { "Books, Circulars, Business rare eee PORT PERRY ° irits. . ---- et 0 an of jammy style 'and| Office--Manchester. So varied are our hoon.day dreams, spirits ¥ho ns present, Nii suesewpuny Shem, Good News Still Arriving. Da omntly and st lower rates J AMES I UND HE Subetstier aving } the Wows So panoramic do they seem, Among the lower class of people at Grottn | 80d 8s Teresa join ber entreaties to her ol 50 gp -- shan any other establishment in the County. T ¢. FORMAN, a . 9 hotel, it will be his 8 a to conduct) This dis i % Minarda, were the keeper of the principal | husband's request, her lover willingly con- | 7o the Editor o; the Mail. v 8 Partics from a distance getting hand . 188UER MONEY, LAND & INSUR ANCE it in orery particular 50 as fo merit the y change with every changing shade, cafe and his beautiful daughter, The girl sented to go with them, 8ir,--I have just seen a private business letter from a most reliable and well-informe racalled the lonely cross and the heap of © tome With tho. ai pakaoRs. One door west of the Walker House 8rou ihe sirsinists Joss we Wade, have been more than fifteen=--but her father | where he had met and loved this woman, a ed sources in Nova Scotia. It states with ' : Port Perry. ' 3 ' THE WALKER HOUSE forms of cloudsland clearly lined. regarded her as a portion of bis business [sadness new and strange came upon Da somewhat lecouic chiripiness :--In Nova Professional «Cs Coop, Commissioner for taking | whether for extent or quality of accommo- But though our mental phases change, capital, and so placed her in his cafe, where | Francia. On the evening of his arrival he Scots, sister onl of twenty-otle Somstite. A Mdavits in Court of Queen's Bench, &e. | dations is equalled by few Hotels in the| From gay to sad, from dark to bright ; her beauty could not fail to draw a profitable | went to the once familiar cafe, and seating encies, will be for Sir John A." This is » «TTT s------ Rs == , SANGSTER, M. D., Physician, Sur- J. geon and Accoucheur, Coroner for the County of Ontario PORT PERRY. Omce over Nott's Furniture Store, corner of'| «Queen and Perry Streets. A Office hours from 9a. m. to 12 m. New Marriage Act. MONEY TO LOAN In apy manner to suit borrowers, Mongages Bought, Accounts, Notes, &c., Collecte and prom pt remittances made. The party borrowing money can get it without éofii thission, at the Lowest rate, and is allowed to fix his own time for payment Province and surpassed by mone out of the best cities, Commercial Travelers, the Traveling Public, Farmers and others doing business in the Village and the general public will find in Though swift their movements, wide their ange, Bchind the darkness there is light, The soul can rise above the the grasp Ot mood to grieve, or fret, or please custom to his establishment, Naturally, the perpetual closeness of coutact into which she was brought with the frequenters of the house brushed away some of the maidenly reserve that should have belonged to a young girl whose character no one ventured himselt in his former place in the cornen asked Teresa to "bring hin his coffee as in the old days. The guilty woman wondered at his unusual stillness and reserve. She was halt afraid of the pationate, regretful, fauthentic information, and will be cheering, {news to thousands in Ontario, who are only waiting to cast their votes against the mosf corrupt administration which ever held power in Canada. Yours, f interest a year (not in advance), and longing gaze which he read her eyes as they 0 pd wy Mr. Geo. Bacon Suenlly oon! Port Perry, July 1st, 1874. Pe "oun at re Line, fi as Sircumstajides THE WALKER HOUSE And with unchanging firmuess clasp to asperse; but it had also given her a sat together side by side. To please him as'they | po ford Aug 24, 1878 QUERCUS, 2 r Pp) " y letie + . ®. WARE, Coronor for the County of Easing. ben fe Dire Company binding themselves inthe ovis that eas be Tequitol i the matter 2! The grout etemal vericti womanly keenness of perception and cool | she thought, she recalled the hours they bad Jini po 0) > Oh r v nS Vi r pe! - a 7 ------ a i Ho fi 2 - Ontario, Physician, Surgeon and Ac- I ENRY olianies Lin ie EL yh Ey ae or e sii ness of judgment beyond her years. With | once spent together so happily in the cafe, 'Watch Him. <oucheur, appoiite 9 Drinelpan, im mediately cancelling the interest | The Charges are No Higher at the The Legend of Amsanctus. } the naive manners of a child, she combined | at church, or among the waving cornfields ce, opposite the town hall Port Perry. -- (after sixteen years duty) continues to fur- nish Licenses as herctofore--at Port Perry. on the sum paid. No extra charge is exacted on such repayinent. Loans made from 2.to 2) years on farm, or good productive town property. 'Walker House than at any other Hotel in Town. ¢ Behold the lake I' cried the guide. 'It the soul--such as it was--of a woman, and though she would talk and jest with euch | outside the walls, 'And you love me just as dearly now ?' she asked with a sweet, im. The Orangeville Sun says : i "The Bogus Butter Man is making his = § ne: y "rounds," and is of course "taking" in some : RS MoGLLL& RAL, Bee In all cases where the title fa perfect, the The House is fitted up throughout in| ;,o¢ jarge, but there is nothing else like it | new-comer alike, she made herself respected | ploring look. ¢Just as dearly,' heanswered, | ~~ =. 2 hiute a Be B ng n , PS Li Osxhawn, ' 3 cont Will he very shghitn the borrower on FIRST CLASS STYLE in the world I even by the rough soldiers of the garrison, quietly. * Then Iam perfectly happy,' said Buooent ftmeily wives, Fy ja villisnous a - oh FN am Jeling Doth as hi jad y Rar for . + ; B h 4 ' preparation he makes a pound of butter out WML WGILT, M.D. FRANCIS RAE, M.D. EA [SI a om pat lox tore ¢ n- possibly the Tables snd Pac. supplant with 1h We were standing in the edge of a grove {and kept herself free from insult or too Teresa. Ah|what grief and hopelessness | = pound of warm wilk in a few minutes, - ar 3 . ar supplied with the : ; tas 'eri h i. M. F. McBRIEN, M.D, M. R. 0.8, dure R. RICHARDSON If the title is perfect the money wil be | choice of the market and the htmosat atten« gloomy with thick boughs. Around us on | positive famillarity. and wad dispaie must have surged in poor |, boone thus producer fe ad mach Fike hi Fiospital, London, England. The lye R. . here iu two weeks after making applita- | ion paid to the convenience and comfort of all sides the steep walls of the precipitous | Aftera timo it came to be noticed that Da | Da Francia's bosom as they rchersed the |, ine butter as chalk is like cheese.-- W : pv Ohi. Re-appointed Issuer CS AMETUND ALL GUESTS ravine hemmed: in the narrow busin of the | Francia wis an especial favorite 'with: the | I8PDY 141 of their unmarried days, and this | po oon0 who his a dairy, and delights to, ee rene oi : or, &¢ v i i + ae | i ; 1 © FAREWELL, LL. B., Connty Crown | MN arriage Licenses. Parsishs Blick; Cor Hr a my re . lake: A strong wind was blowing from tho | girl, Ho spent much of his time at the Woman played ber part again with a skill] duce from milk sud. cream an article td oJ Attorney for Unfariny Bareister AC oles dhe Naw Act... Olen, Tok 10, 1 the Gchetitee sist Thi streets, Uxbridge. & An abundance of comfortable Stable and | north, so that, on the windward side of the | cafe,and was often seen seated apart from his that made him half believe her to be in sell or use as good butter, should set the dogs lle! Notary Public. ce lael) or the Ne . y , 1877. " po) o 5 i nn H. 'Cochrane, Esq., Brock street, an ? XUfliga Mw . : hed accommodation, Sn et Dolor: lake, we could approuch close to its dark | comrades at the little tablein the corner of earnest. And yet, while her fulge protesta. on the "butter-man" upon Lisarrival at Whitby. ee Brock, Avg. 5,1874. 33 > m ; ; : . B. McGAW. turbid waters, Everywhere upon its surface | the room, talking with Teresa, who lingered | tions of love were yet murmuring in his ear their doors," YMAN I. ENGLISH LL. Micitor in SEY GRIST, Toren TERT MONEY TO LOAN. [port Perry, April 20, 1876. Lubbles charged with carbonic acid were | Jangor near him than anywhere else, They | her lover 8 portrait and his letter were lying Chancery, Attorney, Conv Ty &C. Detar Ditawn, Caunda r -- -------------- | constantly rising and breaking, while the not only met thus in public, but, unknown to | securely in Da Francia's breast-pocket. Look After Your Bills. Oshawa. Sl ie RS staess 1th his Patent: Olfiea] - mn undersigned hasany amonntor Money postr PERRY HOUSE, wind bore away the deadly gas. Standing any except the girls father, the young officer | The next day Da Franca proposed to show Ottawa, Aug, 26 Bogus Dominion ong Ofmce--Simcoe street, opposite the 08} Office and other departments of the Government | ¢4 Jeud upon Farm and Town Property, at SORE FERRY here, one could easily imagine himself in| was accustomed to meet her im quite the captain the wonders of the lake, He | 4.) qr notes were in circulation at the By YOUNG SMITH, Li. B, Barrister, At= [Copyrights and the Registration of Trade | 7 ysually Low Rates of Interest! JAS. V. THOMPSON, - ITOPRIETOR, | that terrible Fifth. Citcle of Dante's Hell,' | places beyond the walls of the town No privately charged Teresa not to mention the | Ward Market this moming, The Bill is w, Solicitor in Chancery, | Marks and Designs procured, Drawings, x i : " where the shudes of the damned made the one ventured to joke with him on the sub- | the deadly pecularity that had given the 11 executed, but can easily be detected, as . stary Public, &e. Specifications, and other Documents neces. Loans can be repaid in any manner to suit The above House is now most comfort surlace of the infernal lake to. bubble with | k | Jake its weird reputation as the mouth of the figures on the back are lengthwise in- an's Block, Brock street, mary to secure Patents of Invention, prepared. the borrower. ably furnished, and Gitests are cared for in | 5 © ] Jeet, for he had once let it bo known very EA at f | giead ot across the bill, while the scroll. work Whitby. in receipt of the model of the Invention. | Also several Improved Farms, and Wild | the Home Style. Good Littiors and Cigars; | their fruitless sighs, decidedly that he should permit no light hell. * We will surprise him and make him | i almost square wistead of 10und, ' W. Maurice Cochrane, --- | Lands for sale, cheap. also, first class Stabling and good Ostlers.--| Bones of birds and animals lay whitening | allusions to be made fo his intimacy |acknowledgo that Irapce has nothing so 2 . TTORNEY-AT-LAW, Solicitor in Chan WwW M. SPENCE, ConTRACTOR, BUILDER, &C. | Jpyegtments made in Municipal Deben a bess ade whist mek: bist on the shore where the mimic surf bad tossed | with tho girl, and his reputation as a skill wonderful as our fake,' he said and his wife : Esep Sober. cay Nolaty Public, ko. kv, Subscriber In returning his sincere tures, DAnk ed oflise mathetalje Stocks, country. Fare $1.00 per Day. them, tokens of the deadly character of the | ful swordsman was such hat his comrades Unavepicioualy SL with Kit plum, ton aE Tne A Office hours punctually fine sto Bn thinks for the very liberal patronage be- | Apply to . halati 'As If Amsanctus had deter. | did mot dare 'to. come in hostile contact| When they reached the valley the wind [oj py poppy EO or Dince on Wi Money 30 Lown al 8 per 4 stowed crummy isk wold infaim he JAMES HOLDEN, AILWAY HOUSE mined to furnish us with a conclusive proof | with him. It was generally believed that was blowing lightly from the north, and the | 4runken fen named Livingston and Derrill, Office, Bigelow's Boyal Arcade, Beis atta. moved into the Village of Felncs Official Assignee, Broker, &. | [RQ Ronit thre Rafiway Station,) of fatal power, while we Were yet watching | his connection with her was simply the idle three, leaving the coschman at a dfitances | who were fighting, Livingston drawing & : ' PORT PERRY. Ahn ye A Contructor, and is . Orrice--Over the Dominion Bank, McMil- PORT PERRY. the incessant Lubbles, a small bird attempt- | impulse of careless youth, and so, when, on approached the lake on the safe side.-- Ri a in en I - np' enn § , Brick- , X pl i His % : 3 of © © » Y EATER, aie of Pat earmo now ready Lo undertake BLN ing connects lan's Block, Brock st., Whitby. "This House has been thoroughly over. |¢d to fly over the lake within a dangerous | the morning of that day Lis company was to | Scarcely had they reached the margin, when | © 0% Lh Wels to fall out. The wounded ith, which hie will execute on the shori- Whitby, April 10, 1873. | Barrister and Attorney-at Law, Sollei= 3 est notice' and in the hest and most durable tor fn "hancery, Conveyancer, Notary Pub- tic, &o., &e. Da Francia discovered thut he Lad dropped his cane, and Cassinot retraced his steps to hauled, fitted up and arranged with a view to the ion and comfort of guests, Meals and Refreshments on the arrival of distance from the surface. Before it was half way across, it began to flutter in aimless return to Naples, Da Franca was publicly man lingered until 6 p.m. to day, when he married to Theresa, the astonishment of his died. Livingston was arrested on Saturday. style, and at the very fowest figure at which Office over Brown & Cyrrie's Store a good job ean he done. whe best mater, : i om. | #8¢ny, and in a few moments dropped mo- friends knew no bounds. His conduct was search forit. What passed between hus- | night, and tried this morning, and was com- i Port Perry. and first-class workmanshlfe © op povop | NOTICE T0 FARMERS & OTHERS ising, Rimless stable and shed accom. times into the water, its dead body eddying | looked upon as little less than madpess -- | band and wife while they were alone can phi) to Brae gaol to stand his trial at the Prince Albert. Aprils, 1875. te : only be conjectured but when the French- man returned, the woman was pale and trembling, and Da Francia was rallying her upon the fright which, as he said, she bad MONEY TO LOAN. HE undersigned would ray to the owners | Estate, that he has in his hands a lasge amount of private funds which he is C. HOLT, Proprietor. el A-- re to and fro in the changing currerts of the | That he the decendant of one of the oldest 1. and proudest familics in the kingdom, should EVERE HOUSE, A rank, unwholesome fulness of vegeta- | marry the girl of the social positon of Thesa MANCHBSTER. * |tion filled the ravine, meer meer ILLINGS & McGILLIVRAY, Burristers B Solicitors, Notaries Public, &e, Port Perry. £8 A large amount of money to loan at 8 Fiends at Large. per cont. John Billings. | Johu'A. MeGillivray. HURD, Attorney at Law, and Solicitor P. 4 Chaneery. Office in the Royal Arcade, Port Perry. J. A. MURRAY, ATE Patterson & 2 Feuton, Surgeon L R Dentist. Office over Corrigan & Camp- bolls Store, Port Barry. work ~ we IN "the very . fatust and beat style and warranted to give aatisfaction. . of Ee WE d pir. March 28, 1877. © «Ts 4 1 ©. N. VARS, L.D.8. EETH iaserted on all the latest princi- Tyee of the art, and as cheap as the cheap- est, and as as the best. Teeth filled with Gold and Silver. Teeth extracted without paii by producing local anwesth- esis, = Dentical Rooms--in Cowan's mew plock, over Atkinson's Drug Store, King Street, Oshawa, . '| liberal patronage LICENSED AUCTIONEER. ETURNING my sincere thanks to my R numerous friends aud: patrons for their Auctioneer during the past cight years, 1) would now beg to offer my services to all who may have Farm Stock, Implements, or other property to sell by Auction anywhere in North Ontario, the towaship of Mariposa or Cartwright. . My long and extensive practice as Auc- tioneer has enabled me to judge the value of Farm Stock with an accuracy second to none in the County, and this is of import. ance as it the Auctioneer is not a good judge of the value of Stock he may. soon jose far more than his fee in any sale, Bill stamps always on Sale Bills wrranged and free of charge, : Days of Sale may be Osserver Office, where a notes supplied arranged at - the Bale Register will a -- : be kept, HE Solerilut wosld beg to inform | Rot Lib 1 WM. W. g pied ion hed wl Veto: yas Port Perry, Sept. 4, 1877. . ary College, Toronto, hie w 5. HAIOR th tice of his . " I gE or red vi give advise Jinan AUCTIONEER. All parties * on and successfully treat all digeages to wishi his services can call at the hich bores and cattle are liable. From "Obueryary 'Port Perry, and arrange for © study sud close investigation of 'the | days les. dong nt abi ta of Horses fo de and Glen Major, Oct. 10, 1876. ctice in treating the = of su -- dong en Pho great . advantages derived WM. GORDO! DON, from a Session at the Ontario. hy i Licensed Au eer, Valuater, de. Colluge, Toronto, I flatter myself that ries BR the Township of Brock, Uxbridge, Sincing their Hovies and Cattle under my | I! Scott, Thorsh, Lama, Mars, Mariposa treatment will find it to their advantage. and Eldon, for me Taft Parties entrusting their Sales to me bestowed upon. me as fF prepared to invest for periods to sult borrow- ers--interest at eight per cent. Expedition and most reasonable terms assui 8, H. CHRISTIAN. Manchester, October 17, 1577. MONEY TO LOAN. HE Subscriber is prepared to lend money on improved property for terms from one to twenty years, Agent , for Westzey Canapa Loax axp Savings Coupaxv, fle has also been instructed to invest a large amount of Private Funds. Inter.st Eight per cent. No Commission. N. F, PATERSON. Port Perry, May 20, 1878. Solicitor CLEMENT DAWES, Hs Money to Loan on Farm security in any manner to suit borrowers. Mort. gages bought at lowest rates. Accounts, Notes, &c., collected' on reasonable Com- mission, Apply personally, or by letter to C DAWES, Auctioneer, &c., Port Perry, March ¥, 1878. - MONEY [Private Funds,] I'o Loan on good Farms, at 8 per cent in- terest. LYMAN ENGLISH, BARRISTER, &C., tain 2 Oshawa November 31, 1866. 4 Money to Loan By GEO. HOUCK. Having leased the above t Hotel it will be my endeavor to conduct it in every particular so as to merit the appro- bation and patronage of the public. Manchester, Oct. 6, 1875. NTARIO HOTEL, WHITBY, T. MASON, - - PROPRIETOR. The public well cared for, and all Guests will please feel at home. 'Whitby, Nov. 9th, 1876. UEEN'S HOTEL, Corner of Cameron and Laidlaw Sts. CANNINGTON, Oxr. D. CAMPBELL, . . . Prorrmror This Hotel is now furnished in the best style, and offers every accommodation to travelers. #@~ First class Sample Rooms. Livery attached. Cannington, Oct. 20, 1875. 43 iA NSL0-A HENICAN HOTEL, PRINCE ALBERT, W. H. PARK, PROPRIETOR. Having purchased the above pleasantly situated Hotel, 1 have thoroughly repaired and renovated the entire premises even to the Sheds. The Hotel has been furnished in First-Class Style and Stocked with the best Liquors and Cigars! guests, The table and bar well supplied. W. H. PARK. Prince Albert, June 13, 1875. . | the damp recesses of the grove lurked a low, gars Strict attention paid to the comfort of Tall weeds, with bright flowers, brilliant as if painted with poi vermilion or i ical green, waved their supple stems close to the water's edge as though wholly in sympath- etic concord with the pestilential lake. In pale leafless plant bearing berries, leproiisly white,and cold and clinging to the touchstalk more swiftly poisonous than the bite of the rattlesnake or the corba, The grass grew tall and and coarse. and dropped heavily; damp with constant moisture. The very noise of the torrent that drained the valley sounded gecp and hollow like an echo from the infernal vaults of fable palaces beneath the lake. «Look I' suddenly exclaimed the guide, pointing across the lake, which at that place wag not more than forty feet in width. -- Look, there, by that heap of stones I Looking in the direction indicated, I saw the lithe, quick gliding of a large viper as he crawled to' cover in a mound of small stones that lay heaped at the foot of a rude wooden cross, 1 asked the guide ifit would be safe for us to attempt to reach it. He crossed himselt with sudden horror, * Not @ven if the Madonna herself was with me would I walk to that cross to-day. The wind blows directly over it, and no man could live there a moment.' But how about the vipers ?' said I; ¢ 0! The devil takes care of his own,' re- plied be. 'The valley is full of serpents that grow lurge and poisenevs through troathil was unparralled in the matrimonial annals of Itlay., However, married he was, and when bis company, relieved from garrison duty at Grotta Minarda, marched back to Naples, Da Francia was accompanied by his new wife. His family shared in the general amasze- ment, adding thereto a large share of indig- nant anger, The door of his father's house was closed to him, and he was told that he might, if he chose, open a cafe with his plebeian wife, but that henceforth his father and his brothers disowned him. As scon as this fact was Known, his friends in the regi- ment became warnd in his defence and vied with each other in attentions to the slighted wife of their beloved comrade. Yet no man among them who was married thought of bringing his own wift'into' the sétiety of the daughter of the keeper of a provincial caf: ; so that it followed that Tercssa's acquaint- ances were in no instance of her own sex. Her husband was devoted to her, afd clung al} the more closely to her Yoaca.dse his family had treated her with such marked contempt. It is true that she had many a young and impulsive man, . She was beautiful to an extraordioary degree, and there was & charm in her childish, innocent ways that was almost irresistible; yet she lacked depth and strength of character, and was probably incapable of a strong and en- band, her conduct was not alway responsive to the passionate intensity of his love for her, during attachment. Even toward her hus- : received from the sight of a viper. Teresa assured her lover that she had been frighten ed, but was now perfectly herself, Then she paused for a moment, while Da Francia looked steadily at her with stern, darkening gaze, A shudder passed over the woman, and then she laughed nervously. 'I wish,' she said presently, 'that I had that beautiful flower' just across the lake.' + It is yours,' gayly replied Cassinot, and springing down the bank, walked rapidly to the lower end of the lake, and began to cross the narrow inlet. ¢ Take care of yourself,' shouted Da Francia ; the peasants call this place the mouth of hell! He nodded gaily, and crogsing the brook, skirted the opposite shore of the lake | The husband a6d his lost wife watched him silently. Presently they saw him stop and put his hands wildly to his head. * Bon voyage, my captain,' cried Da Francia, hold. ing uw the fatal miniature ; ¢ I told you thiy 'was thie mouth of hell I' Did the French- man hear the cry of his murderer, and did he recognize the vain present that had cost qualities which might readily have attracted hbim Bis life? Who can tell? He was haa 0 young and strong, and fought bravely for his life, trying to escape from' the presence of ithe stifling gas ; but in another moment he was lying dead upon the ground, while (Teresa's lust despairing shrick pierced the iheavy air. .. |. | "a i ¢ And the woman : what became of her 7" I asked, as the guide finished his story, She entered a convent at Salardo,' he re. A deliberate and cold-blooded murder was, last night committed at St, Catharines in the adjoining county of Portneuff. It scems there Las been for a long time a feud be tween two men who are neighbors, Michael Farrel and Francis Conway, growing out of some disputed lund transaction, About, seven o'clock last night Conway went to Farrel's on some business, when it is stated an altercation arose over the old transaction and Farrel took a shot-gun and deliberately, shot his opponent dead. Great excitement, feigned in the Vicinity of the murder. The accused had meanwhile ¢ome into town, and. just as Captain Heigham and a detachment of police were ready to go out to arrest him he walked inio the station house aud gave himself up in order to aveid lynching. This is said not to be the first murderous trans. action in which the prisoner has been engag- ed, as it was he who some years ago with an axe, chopped up an unfortuuate man named Maher White on his way home from town. He was tried at the time for, the offence, but acquitted on some tec! point. The prisoner is about 50. years of age and is a married man with a family. His unfortunate victim also leaves a wifu and The prisoner was also taken out under charge of a strong detachment of police. Naw Yong, Aug 26,--Four burglars en= tered the house of Mr, Eagle at Fairview, J., on Saturday night. T armed the watch doge which hala} ways] been family. The coroner left town this after-, noon for the scene of the murder to, bold an, inquest on the murdered man's remaing.--, N. loro, a . rder or commu.ication h | ! the air that kills the innocent |She was easily pleased and flattered by the | plied, 'ard I do not know if she fa living or y : a Allison's Drug Store will be promptly | may rely on the utmost attention being BIVeR | oy orm Property at Seven and half JA BUSTRORG HOUSE, | birds.' : attentions of other men, and it was frequent: | dead, As for - Svsinin Bo Taf hs Kirin. he ! Clon of smase ih bugius. They ph HR "7 to their interests. WM. GORDON, per cent. No Commission. Enquire It was cbtainly a horrible place, and now |ly Whispered in the regiment that Da |and only returned to Naples with Garibaldi. | oF gu whete ald. Mr, £5 a D. BATEMAN. Sunde tock, |atP. A. Hurd's Law office, Port Perry. (LATE ALBION.) that I bad seen it, 1 became exceedingly | Francia would yet learn that he had thrown A week afterwards 1 stood in the crowded Engle apd wifs here sigeping, woke thems Port Perry, March 27, 1878. aia a P. 4 BUD, * WHITBY, ONTARIO. anxious to get away from It a LY away his heart to a woman who could not Via Toledo and watched the o oI a of Kap bo $03 18 wan seuvelsas, gagged : Pusic. T. H. WALSHE, | port Perry, Jan. 9, 1878. : E. ARMSTRONG, PROPRIETOR. | possible. prize it. . Medicis Tenowsiod Soop Among. Them | viishg with. & Fesorver ------ . } 10ENSED Auifomee oe She T ip Se ire o = " . Let us go,' said I, for I am suffocating | They had been married about a year and a | were men of every nation, and from every couple while the other thrée ransacked N, Teacher, of Ausie North Ontario; Mi 's. etc, in the County THE ONT ARIO y Class ouse In Town. |, ,. . half, when g young French officer who bad | province in Ttlay, Presently chads, &c. An old man LAT najer In. Musical 11 ; aripost, sho a Bar HOUSE, Tats Jewett House, Kent| Let ua go,' echoed the guide, and stoop- | been wounded in Algeria and was absent | Lombard veterans marched by, led by a fall meiner of fan adi of Victoria, Fusidence as : Ex / Lindéay. Board, $1.50 per day. | nc down, h y 4 ed by a tall | cuicf farmer of theplace, and NGTON; Orders left at this office, or at residence f § | ) ' ing n, he searched carefully for a pebble | from his regiment on sick leave, came to | gray-haired . at whose appearange the on Te will be pantally 9 to, Bubts gol Farmers' Mutu 4 NSurance 0 J E. BENSON, Proprietor. | which, found, he tossed over the wat~ | Naples. He soon became acquainted with lair was rent with applause. That 1s Cap, nion Avenue, k iid date ON odluerae| ii ; RO" aL EXCHANGE HOTEL, er, 80 it struck and rested on the heap | Da Francia, and a warm friendship sprang |'tain Da Franca," said a bystander i hé is alt pares. . pi - WALSHE, the North Ontario Auctions Head Office, Whitby, WILLIAusEn CARTWRI ¥. at the foot of the cross. 1 smiled at his | up between the two men, who were by no townsman ofours.and was of the thousund 5" V.T aro RIA, oer. : --_ trod dill E. BRYANS, Fropristo | spparently spitetul effort to annoy the viper. | means unlike each other, except in this im- | of Marsala. . . | ; Ce 'he VI dL med Ths Compe By fen tally oigditend ait ie yy having sucoecded Mi:Mason | « You catinot hurt the ssiaks now that ho | portant particular that the Frenchman was | Later iu the day, I mot the sauio officer in' : : MUTUA oe WHITBY ore} By Bem 3 spared ep labor not os in refitting is in his hole,' 1 remarked as we turned | totally destitute of 'principle in his conduct Europ, and was introduced to him by a Fire Insurance Company STEAM MARBLE WORKS. | snd Churépes. Those wishing to Inare and | sappiled with s superior clase of Liquors and | 878. i jtoward women, while the lialian wass man Ho,was calm, i RATE gh Canadas A i [duh WUE | thereby support a Home Insurance Company a rn Ses. oT iSe uf the| « donot try to,' he answered. 'That fof the strictest honor. As a matter of ; ' {RAD OFFICE,..... HAMILTON, eb EN, have now an opportunity of doit €o, either 'and attentive Os 4 2") cross is planted' where the French captain [:course, Captain Cassinot became a frequent : Sn en : La 8 wane » 'a w applying Cs or pmy of Willingtsbirg, Ded. 8, 1875. B/BRY ANS, was found dead, atid no onv pases it withouy | visitor al his friend's 16dgings, and soon was ne Doataion, and best compat | WV Foreign and America Sarblo Maa- be found as low an those of any respon: | : ding o'stont 1 to hep? [ithe chief favorile amodg Teresa's many § in hE will do well to consider | ten Wongunnte, &c., Dunas ) bithy. aible Mutual Insurance Company in Canada. Uh QUESN'S HOTEL, | That evening as we sat togethior at the admirers. i BE ny advantages 'of insuring with this He Iso. Agent for the Suoetis : Gian) . Head Office--Opposite the Royal Hotel WHITBY, ONT. Cafe Garibaldi (it bad taken a new name Totally unsuspicious, both of his wite and spanY. St ale ay : _ || Also Building Stone eNO Onde TT 'Brock St., Whitby : Sr McCANN & TAYLOR, Propmizrons. | since the battle of the Volturnp, two weeks | his friend, Da Francia was not in the least Lge oT. BL A ; : Th Agent, Pat Perry. | ©. NOURSE, Seeretary. Every accomniodatiou for the. traveling | before), in the little town of Grotta Minarda, | troubled at the intimacy which was soon a ; * 7 | Whitby, July 29° 1874. 33 |W. H. BROWNE, General Agent. By : f story that I have call [subject of notoriety in the regiment. 1t was Ganoington, Sept. 26,1876, niy guide told mid the

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