Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 29 Aug 1878, p. 2

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ORT PERRY, AUG. 29, 1878. Politics. recklessly or refusing to use it at all ie little loss guilty than the traitor the eleetors ean have little difficulty in determining how they oaght to east their votes in order to seeure| gy. of the 27th inst. the greatest amount" of good for the holding the franchise and using it to that condition of ptosperity in which it was when it unfortunately fell under tho rule of Brown, Mack- referred to above. The issues are|enzie, & Co. 80 clear in the present contest that ¢ ---- More Organized Hypocrisy. The following appeared in the Toronto «The Reform party has straggled, out cf nm---- fallen the party in consequence, admonish- ing them at the same timetoaveid such practices in future, he would have been act- ing the part of a repentant sinner and might have influenced his party for good, but to dare to insult an intelligent . community with the results of the late election before them, by asserting and publishing to the world that the "Reform party has struggled for purity of elections "is an outrage upon common decency. A majority of the electors toparties to reply to Mr Hurd, but as the evening had already beer taken up and parties had no expectation of being allowed to reply few were prepared fo grapple with a subject of so much importance even had there been tinfe todo so, . Mr. J B Campbell being present and who the more important matters of public interes', most present desired to hear him on the sub- is generally conversant with the bearings of Lost. The bonus Wiliwg grantiog & bonus of 315.000 by the good folks of the township of Haryey to aid in the construction ot the the Clerk of that municipality supposed h had carried by his casting vote has burst alter all. Ob; n was taken to the right of the Clerk to give a casting vote on & money by- fore Judge Denunistoun in chambers Petgtboto, the Judge decided that the iork had no right to a casting vote ona money by-law and without the casting vote of the : BIRTHS. On the 2nd concession of Reach, on Monday, 26th inst, the wife of Mr. James Albert McDonald, of a daughter. Td Cartwright, on Monday, the 15th inst., Lindsay and Bobcaygeon railway and which | tho wife of Mr. John McKee, of a daughter. To the Public in general, and tom whem it may Concern. In Cartwright, on the 16th inst., the wife |THIS IS TO CERTIFY, that the Lightning of Mr. James Bryans, ot a son. In Cartwright, on the 19th inst., the wife law and the matter having been carried bee of Mr. James Holmes, of a daughter, In Port Perry, on the 25th inst., Mrs, James Pargeter, of a son, In Port Perry, on ths 28th inst., Mrs, Rods erected by Mr. W, H. Leatch, of Port Perry, In the year 1874, for the pro- tection of my buildings against Lightning were recently struck by a heavy charge of electricity, for the second Mme; Fe electricity passed harmlessly over the office and in office, for pure elections, and it jeot but from some cause or other, which to! Clerk the number for and against the by-law" W, Maines, of a daughter © We donotsuppose that our readers country. There are now two par-) TC ohiefly win to thelr efforts that the HERE he . deceived d fooled b; th 1 being equal the by-law was declared lost and h the exception the A will complain of the large space ties sceking the votes of the electors Judas were entrusted with the task of try - J hn oroughly | us seems a mystery, the chairman objected ig municipality brought in for the cost. of MAREE z Pip earth being thrown up at the bottom of ing contested cases. Reformers have uni- organized hypocrisy led by Mr, Brown, who | to Mr. Campbell speaking. We were all the | the trial, If they want to try it again they ). y the Toths viz: the Governmaout party and the party of the opposition ; the prin- ciples of the two parties being as widely apart as the poles,. The ministerial party going in for eon- tinuing the degrading policy whieh | has characterized their unfortunate rule ever since their false pretences formly sustained the decision of the judges and have sought to nmke the law more eff. ective. At the coming contest they: "will obey the legislation which they have sup- posted, and will not resort to bribery in any form, Thel¥ opponents may not be so scrapulous. They may attempt in their ureed of office to resort to measures which will bring them within the grasp of the law. Reformers will not be tempted by any pct of that kind to compete with them in their evil work. They will obey the law, but it will be their duty to watch closely the acts of their opponents, and be prepared to estab. lish any wrung-doing before the election conrts. The utmost vigilance must be shown in this work, or fome counties may be ruc- cessfuly wrested from the Reform party. -- Purity and vigilance must be the watchwords of Reformers during the uext three weeks." 1s not this refreshing? There is a certain At-the residence of the bride's step June Port Hope, on Tuesday 20th we b; a Rev. F. A, O'Meara, LL.D. Goggin, Head Master of the hal Sonos Port Hope, to Miss Frances N* Sweetland of Port Hope. The interesting and intelligent young couple enter life on the most favorable auspices and all wish them a long, prosper ous and happy career. will have to commence anew when the pro= devoted to polities during these per time comes, » election times, for no. other subject coming within the range of news- . paper literature bas so large a claim on public attention at this time.-- 'The issue of the coming election will go far in stamping the charac ter of our institutions for many years to come, and no man who considers the great and important issues of the contest now pending will suppose that too much promin- ence can be given to a contest of so great moment. As public ju -nal- jsts we care not one straw which My rods ae today in as good a state, {oa appearances, as when erected. JOHN por. Greenbank, Aug. 2), 1878, : FOR SALE CHEAP! OR TO I LEASE FOR A TERM CF YEARS THAT FI family wmly residence, Jot No. 3 Sadrioe, or 1 nay be Jonsed Nn Payments i ur sarchaser. For further particulars, apply to . Ww. B. HAN, Port Perry, Aug. 20, 1878. Chancery Salo ----OF promised everything that could be desired only let his party into power, and while they were preaching purity they were prac. tising the most abominable corruptions.-- more surprised when we considered that a large and intelligent audi had b- led to listen to an address on the National Policy and had been disappointed and now that the only chance of hearing the matter handled intelligently had been objected to by the chai we were inced than ever that the whole thing was a fraud, and that the object of the meeting was not by any means to discuss the national policy but if possible to makes little capital for the ministerial candidate. Mr Campbell, however, was mot to be caught napping he took in the situation ag once and when granted a half. hearted allow- ance to speak he peremptorily refused but he An Interesting Pic-Nio. A Grand Pic-Nie, under the auspice of the Roman Catholic Chureh, Port Perry, will be held in Mr. Roger's beautiful Grove, north of the resid of Dr. 5: Port Perry, on Tuesday, Sept. 3rd. (See the advertisement elsewhere in this issue ) : But if Mr. Brown supposes that another campaign can be carried on ander hypocrif+ ical cant he is sadly mistaken, his best plan is to lie low, for when he' begins to talk of «purity of elections" he only brings himself and his lambs inte public ridicule and causes parties to look over the transactions of the late elections. An organized hypocrisy may succeed once in deceiving an intelligent community but it cannot be repeated and Mr more DIED. In 3rd con. of Reach, on" Monday, 26th. inst., Sarah Jane, beloved wife of Mr. James Albert McDonald, aged 21 years and 11 days. In Port Perry, on the 24th inst, Mr; Wm. Holmes, aged 63 yrs and 8 mos. In Darlington, on Monday, 12th instant, Mr. Joux NEppery, aged 54 years, 7 mouths, 25 days. Deceased was well known and highly re- spected over a large scction of country. He sccured for them the reins of gov- ernment, while the policy of the Opposition is -to change the entire Prepare for a grand night with the Prince Albert C. M, Church Choir. They are preparing to give a fine concert. All will be glad to hear them, This excellent choir never fails in having abundant success in all their concerts as well in the perform- ances as in the audience. (See Posters). programme; and we calmly ask our readers if it is.not high time that we had a change ? We ask our Brown's palaver over "purity of elections' class in the community which ought to have merchants, our manufacturers, our |good memories and the Globe belongs to that only Lolds him up to scorn. i ki aki lass, but it either has the most treacherous Gy offered to meet Mr Hurd atany time or place | == was & warm friend, a generous neighbor, a man or party bold the reins of | workmen, skilled and unskilled, we cs el onl A Huge Burlesque., J discuss the national policy with him Changing Head Quarters. loving husband, an affectionate father and power if their rule is economical, |ask the families of thousands who memory or i has an amount of hypocritien - and disc: pol * a thoroughly reliable member of society. He swagger simply disgusting, Listen to him-- Mr. P. A. Hurd had billed the village in Mr. Bigelow was the only other speaker, was a healthy, vigorous man and his decease IN. was no less unexpected than sudden, In the midst ot his harvesting operations, on the evening of Saturday, 10th instant, at the close of a successful day's harvesting, he said to bis bands, ** Now, boys, if we get on in this style we shall have all our harvesting completed by Tuesday next," and that was the day on which he was buried. He died of inflammation of the bowels. Much sympa- thy is felt for his interesting family in this their sad bereavement in losing one 80 deservedly esteemed, Being about to move into our new Office, we regard this a fitting oppor- tunity to tender our mos: hearty thanks to our numerous and still increasing patrons for that generous and truly liberal support which has mecessitated a change to much larger premises. As in the past, so in the future, will it be our constant aim by strict attention to business and moderation in charges, to encourage and still further extend our business connections with a generous public. The next issue of the OBSERVER will be from our handsome new and extensive premises, tn. Thompson's could only find work at starvation wages if they are satisfied with things as they have been during 'the past four years in which the Mac- kenzie Government have ruled and almost ruined the country ; we ask them in short it it is possible that things could be much worse than they have been during the past four years? The policy of the opposit- jon is to reverse the downward He touched the subject and did it honestly The chairman and Mr. Hurd had both as- serted that the result of the National Policy would be to shut out all imports and thus destroy our revenue but Mf. Bigelow declar- ed that Sir Jobn and his party wished to introduce the National Policy knowing as they did, that by that means they would raise an enormous revenue and they would have lots of money to spend when they get into power. We were amused to find both Mr. Hurd and the chairman treating themselves to a special fling at the Onsgrver and its editor, because forsooth we said unpleasant things concerning the Mackenzie Government, -- We would now say to these gentlemen once for all, that we are prepared to defend either on the platform or through the press any- thing we have ever written concerning the > . honorable and efficient, but we would p be negligent of duty, recreant to our trast, and unworthy the position we occupy did we not use every means in our power to bring to an end at the earliest moment possible the un- fortunate, disastrous rule of the present Government. We can not conceive it possible that any consid erable number of the electors will give their votes to prolong the life of a Government whose incapacity, bluadering and extravagance have created a world of annoyance and * Joss to every class of the community more especially the toiling ones. «The Reform party bave struggled out of « office and in office, for pure elections." Would anyone believe that this is the utterance "of one who but a few years ago nearly beggared himself and his friends in vainly trying to corrupt a sufficient number of electors of South Ontario to enable him to defeat the Hon. T. N. Gibbs. tion Mr. Hurd meant to take but as the uStruggled for purity of elections." O1| posters offered no opportunity for discussion yea! "purity," here follows the evidence of it was deomed advisable to send a Grit putty as illustrated at the late elec- every nook and corner with the steriling announcement that he wished to have a mass meeting of the inhabitants of Port PORT PERRY. URSUANT to a direction ot the Referee in Chambers of the Court of Chancery, made in the matter of Lavinia 'Pypher and othurs, Infants, Tenders Will be received up to noon .of the Ninth day of September next, For the following property in the Village of . Port Perry: Lots 137, 138 and 139, on the East side of Lilla Street, in the Village of Port Perry, Upon the property is a Frame Building, Latcly used by Charles Thorn, as a VETERINARY STABLE, &C, The purchaser will be required within seven days after receiving notice that his tender is agecepted to pay into the said Court to the credit of the said matter, one- Perry and its surroundings "convened at the Town Hall, Port Perry, as he wanted to ad- dress them on the "National Policy." Of course no one knew which sido of the ques- GRAND Pic=Nic! PORT PERRY A PICNIC IN AID OF THE Roman Catholic Church, deputation to if he would allow any one toreply to any statements he might make? Mr. Hurd positively refused to permit of any reply giving asa reason that he was not suffici- the gentleman to ask tions. movement, to stop the down grade # Toronto, Aug. 15th, 1872. « Hom. Jomx Simpson, « Pregd't Ontario Bank, " My Dzar Siz,--The fight goes bravely on. * * * Wo have expended our strength in aiding outlying counties and helping our city candidates, Buta mG pose has to be made on Saturday or Monday for the East and West divisions, * * motion of the present rulers and set the car of progress on an upward grade, substitute econoniy for waste discard the fly-on-the-wheel policy and put shoulders to the wheel ; in- new Brick Block, opposite the Ontario Bank. ently conversant with the subject to discusss it before a public audience. This ended the matter and parties were satisfied to go and hear an address on so important a subject if Bowmanville Items. As it Ought to be. The official announcement that the The general-- wo had almost said nniversal--interest now being taken in political matters speaks well for the future of our country and the trodaee protection to our manufac- tures and thus revive their drooping energies. Set our manufacturers to work thus affording remunerative labor to thousands who have been We thercfore make our GRAND STAND ON Bat. urday. There are but half a dozen people thac can COME pOWN H.: NDBOMELY, and we have done all we possibly cal do, and we will bave to ask a few outsiders to i'd 18. WiLL you ne one? I have been ordered to Write to it werejonly one side of the question; and on Monday evening the time announced, an audience gathered in the hall which for numbers and intelligence would have done credit to any community in the province, About 8 o'clock Mr. W. Mu. Jones ascended Business Change. present government whenever our two as. s.ilants afford us an opportunity of doing so. Mr. E. Worthington for many years past elections .are to take place on the 17th of September, has to some extent, had the effect of making the Grits in this riding bury their local jealousies and nnite on the old mem- ber, Mr. H. Burk, It is a significant fact that at the Reform Convention held here last Of this place will be held ON TUESDAY, SEPT. 3RD, 1878, --]IN-- Mr.ROGERS'BEAUTIFULGROVE Near Dr. Sancster's residence, Port Perry. firth of the purchase money, and within one month thereatter sufficient to make three- fifths of the purchase money. The balance in two cqual annual instalments, at 7 per cent per annum, to be secured by mortgage on the property. The Vendors will not furnish or prove any abstract of title or prodnce any title deeds Ceiys : » aK ili i u and sly according! Things lo : : i Tt o stability of her institutions. That hig to walk vat streets in enforce. Jon an hamid yey Ey hei the platform, taking charge of the meeting | a highly esteemed resident of Port Perry and Netk, Dal. Cubitt Js Copssrvafive candi 1 T ie Bovy 2 M. Staford, of Lintay, oF Soph of title deeds except those in their > | & ort v 1 ili + 3 8. . Tr] OW cHEntee, © <hawa, und other! posse: . a country the majority of whose idleness wil ingia work but could Took bright in Quebec! and callie certain parties to the platform Actes, reliable Bershant Bey mage up Ble ever, received the majority of votes, but on distinguished clergym in are expected to bel The other conditions of sale are the people are indifferent to or ignorant find none. By increasing labor and Faithfully yours, hen it soon became obvious that the whole | ind to give up businew for a time af least, |g motion to make the nomination unani- present, and will deliver { Standing Conditions of the Court of Chan RE : tos ; on «GEORGE BROWN." when Iv} The severance of the tie both as an honor. | mous many of the delegates leftethe room, - cery. of the great political interests which giving better wages all will be better * | thing wasa fraud anc d that in place of an | 110 man ot business and a valued towns. SD Bn a fh Ra openly sup ADDR ESSES. The tenders are to be enclosed in an en. shape ber destiny is on a downward | atije to live, our army of mechanics, | Again look at Mr, Simpson's special com- | address on the National Policy wo were | man will be regreted by the entire commun. po i the gt lente Fe rorerinl Athlatic Games. Swings, and Senge, mashed wml woarked, onside - TENDER course, has a dark fature, will be arlizans, workmen skilled and un- | pound of political electionecring mesmerism | about to have sprung upon us a thoroughly 72 safle vill Dn with him the respect woe, Dining the Bie ours be Apbt in | other Amusements. 2 Mecrschaum | pe le nl dissed BoP, SrEmen, ie . 4 ag 3 , le one ech of two ipe wi voled on ? 3 > isputed by noone conversant with [skilled will so increase as to estab. | by which he could convert electors to the | one sided election meeting of the Gril pur. | Worthington ha ; : | words, and when it is known that these two P 4 For farther particulars, apply to Messrs. disp y ' ith by th til ding to. bi Mr. Worthing has sold out his entire wores were * hear hear" it: wilkh th Cameron, McMichael & Hoskin, Barristers . . i + R ----- P! 3 Car, De oh » tl tbe Mistory of mations, who has [lish active and profitable home mar Orit faith by os SE fo - > . suasion, the chairman gave the key 2oke 2 Busines to Mr. John L, Watkis well known | or S00 CU ty ers of no mean Messrs, GIBBS and WHELER, Toronto, and Albert Greg, Gondwood. 5 own sworn evidence, during a short vis After remarking on the importance of the | i\ this and the neighboring counties and we | order. That Mr. Burk is totally unfit to, . Dated July 10th, 1878. watched the progress and dev Hops kate Jl i that our farmers can Oshawa, he converted about one hundred to | gubject to bo brought before the meeting he | have every reason to expect that Mr Worth. Teprouent the Hiding every bees Reformer wing the 0d apr Sear re P. STEPHENS, > ment of communities or seen their | raise and thus give an imvpetus to our the true grit faith 5 ily trustworthy | frankly admits, and those who are support mission to Grounds and Dinner 30¢, Reruuze, h stated that the effects of the National Policy |ington's mantle as an energetic, ing him are simply the 5 EFEREE, a . es ' y partisang of the GOD SAS 1 retardation or downfal. That Can- |eountry which shall soon place it in| Again listen to Dr. McGill's opinion of | wonld be to- shut off all foreign trade from | 20 of gn wil fall on Mr, Watkin, Ble Grit party , thei allegiance Aili VE SHE GusEN) CAMERON, Acre. & Nog, i a HH iok " 5 e And while all regret parting with | warp and 17! away with their judgment -- «ded y PB o adians throughout the entire Do- | that position to whieh her many | Geo, Brown's political honesty or idea of | the country and dry up our sources of rev- SUccessor p Yost Petiy. Sent. 28 18% . . re . Mr. Worthington all will be ready to wel- | The supporters of Col, Cubitt hold weekly Ys Dept, 28,148.38, 4 minion are thoroughly alive to the [facilities for progress justly entitle |" pure elections : enue; he felt perfectly satisfied that if 173 | come Mr. Watkis into the business arena of | Meetings for the purpuse of disouning polis ee i ast great importance of the political | her. In 1871 Dr. McGill thus addressed the | per cent with the cost of carriage and in- [the town. (See the new advertisement es verses J Ra TO THE PUBLIC, AUCTION SALE! issues now before the country proves -- f electors of South Ontarie: surance do not protect sufficiently a higher | elsewhere in this issue.) take part in the discussions. The meeting ae i % Princ Party: « 1 again present myself as a candid®e for | tanff would be injurious. EE -- held last Fsiday syoning was s decided : : : --OF VALUABLE-- them to be worthy custodians of noiples Not vy: your suffrages for the Legislative Assembly. | yo 1104 wag now called but his opering Sunday Seto) oniverety at Secess, at ae Lr dosed by Lo Bayle, vive Sold thy entire busi- 1 x i 3 - id aL * rley. . U. 8 h ; those glorious principles of civil : -- In 1867 I linked my fortunes with those of | = = every one by. surprise, wnlike aT gentleman has been a life-long Reformer, and religious liberty placed in their Experience which is always a re- | the leader of the Retorm party, the Ne, i Hole aie ot taadilop ao ahiect he. [™iLLe seen from the posters that the Sod jiDow 2 most lent Sipparics gi MR JOHN L WATKIS A . 4 3 George Brown gave him my support be + a Sob i H e. I. Burk taking 1 1 | \ ' hands for safe keeping and unsullied | liable instructor, ean scarcely have |jieving him to be what he professed to be, the | minced and carped and complained of par- Sunday School in connection with the Zion pie cuss fom is beadere. in Toronto. bos Vet i we J ® ( 1 XY - . . . . . "re : i j- Wou! 18t respectia asl or - transference to future genorations. |failed in its daily admonitions for uncompromising encmy of corruption in | ties being offended at kim for purposing to P, 3, church, Shisloy, fatens hong sory vited to do fo has refused to meet his oppo- hima continuation of vour patron. . . . nniversary, for 1878, on Sunday an on- t at any meetings, % itt, age, so liberally bestowed on me In a country where the people are (the past four years, to convince the 4' form | Sor uraiely his Sou address the electors on this particular subject, | A001VCrsary 3 a DL! gon the for 'the past. ten years, and I take Tue TRUSTEES OF THK dovrived uf ir political rights, [intelligent . slortors = of Ontario] eon EE tear Fay |e Hurd wan sadly sigtakey fa thls forall duy, Sap Sth and Sih, Jo debate." Being a. fiiset speaker anat| is ohpartunity of thinking cach ep! l P! ghts, 4 ey : confidence in his political int grity. Early ware plowed ak: the idea of a' IAROL MF On Sunday appropriate sermons "will be | thoroughly posted in politics, he will make and all for your generous support. where they have no voice in the|that political partyism pure and | in the canvass I refused to contribute a sum pleased J "| cached by Rev. Mr. Ellisat2 p.m, and |® Teprosentative in the Commons fo be E. WORTHINGTOY. CRAN DE I I 2 lecti f thei I hore the | simple is an expensive toy, all ver demanded by him to a fand which I had | Hurd's abilities taking upa subject of so |? y at Pm, proud of. All along the southern part of the Port Perry, Aug. 28, 1878. selection '0 SIE Tu ets, Where 116 P P Lf ©TY | reason to believe was being used for corrupt | much importance, notwithstanding the Rev. Me. Pattison at 6:30. Th roe is sii fein Png § i Sih : . goverment is formed for them and YeL thew bat Foaatrons mn he purposes. This led to a rupture between us | fact that he had absolutely refused to allow | Th avngvmEMs for Momday ue nite Conservatives of Bawmanvillo and vicinity John L. Watkis! ESTAT E, ot by them, where the direction of | results. e question fore the | which has never been healed." interesting and promise a pleasant time. are looking to Cartwright to stand shonlder n ! y ] h . q! ho anyone to eriticise his remarks all were The Company will meet in that fine grove | tO shoulder with them in redeeming Wust "SUCCESSOR TO will offer the Tomindes of that Tor for affairs is neither for the people nor | country is not whether the Grit or| Again we have H. H. Cook, a devoted fol- | satisfied that even by this onerided course | vo ionehonse's premises at one o'clock | DUTLAm from the thraldom of Grittism, : aleyon by them nothing is expected. 1n|Tory shall occupy the treasury {lower of Mr. Brown. This pure Cook testi. | the subject might at least be brought before | (1 ores number of choice speakers, ministers . VISITOR E. WOR HINGTON, WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, such a country it is notat all won-|benches. The question is simply fied when being tried for bribery and cor. | the people. But when Mr. Hurd rext carried (and others will interest the company till Port PERRY, August Z7th 1878, ----DEALER IN-- OCTOBER 80 & 31, 1878. i i uption in 1874, that he had canvassed North | ve back to confederation times all f:1t satis: | time for tea 4 p m. REV. P. J. McCALL, P. P., topdi derful, in fact, it is only what might shall we give our votes to continue |r"P ' : ibe to leten thot the Sands |. Sat Have ED et by amet) WN T/OTT I, Intending purchasers may find Plans apd : : . | Simcoe in 1871 and also in 1872, spending | fied that the grand secret of all this whining All pleased all necessary information at the Law Office be expected to find the people not | the disastrous, blundering and in- ' erland P.M. Church choir will supply the | Members of your congregation, that on Insy of PA. Hurd, Exq., at the Law Office of py a a about six weeks in each canvass. That in |and beating about the bush was that Mr. Sabbath you notified your people from the FEED. Billings & McGillivray, Esqs, or at the only indifferent to but ignorant of |iquitous misrule. of Mackenzie & music Sunday and Monday. Palpit,that the Orangemen and Young Britons s Me. Thos, C. Pasion, i ra C b h f th Ble: eativans of 187) bia ezpesnon did not Han hid nok gut bie Jemeon propaved a5 fins Much pleasure and instruction May be en- of Port Perry intend holding a pic-nic on the SEEDS! ee Fy £10085 a axion, the true political" interests of the | Co. whereby the resources of the| $13,000 and in his canvass of 1872 | he had called a Mass Meeting of as intelli- | joo yy all present and all are respectfully 3rd of September--the day on which the P Oats, Parl ed Jropesty wi be sold in lots to e Catholics have advertised to h: : ; country. But the matter is altogether | country have been squandered, her | ney did not exceed $15,000. Here are [genta body of electors as is to be fonnd any. | invited. (See posters) and let all who can -- Ey RIVET hiding eas, Oats, Farley, Corn, Parties wishing to purchase any portion iF PJ different in Canada where our trade and manufactures all but ruin-| some $28,000 spent in two elections, and | where else in the Province simply te tell | give their countenance to the noble institu- |as the Orangemen never intended | Bran, Shorts & Cracked Wheat. | of the property by private bargain Defore the tion of the Sunday School. holding a pie-nic on that day, neither days of sale may do so by applying to the rulers are of our own selection, the vote of the poorest elector going quite as far in determining ibe complexion of the government as that of the richest in the land; the ballot of. the one counts one aqually with that of the other and is as it ought to be; for 'the is but the guinea stamp, a aman for a' that' Bat like od, every interest in the country stifled and crippled, the toiling ones neither half employed nor half paid. he great interests of the country, the agricultural, being made to stoop and stand aside until the American Agriculturists shall have had their pick of the market, sending their produce free into this country but charging ns fifteen and twerty per still Mr, Cook is one of Mr. Brown's lambs who "struggled for purity of elections." In the contest of 1874 Major Walker, as far as could be ascertained before the Courts, expended $25,000 and was unseated for per. sonal bribery and corruption, but he is still in the fold of Mr. Brown's lambs who struggled for * purity of elections,"-- It was during this pure election that the celebrated John Madiver wrote to another John # Come along, John ! be sure and come them that he did not understand the subject on which he proposed to address them. But not satisfied, with repeated confessions that he knew nothing of the subject on which he had taken in hand to address a mass meeting of intelligent electors he made an effort to go on with the show, Nothing less than a mass meeting would suit him and when he got the mass he cooly told them that he knew nothing of the subject, and lest they should not believe him he took two mortal hours to thoroughly con- e-------- Orange enjoyable time--if the weather be fine. Excursion and Pic-Nie. Friday, 6th September is the day fixed for the Grand Excursfon snd Pic.Nic under the auspices of L. 0. L. No 223, Port Perry, in which the 0. Y. B's, T B's and numbers of other Protestants are expected to take part. Arrangements are thoroughly complete and such as cannot fail in securing a most The Anglo-Saxon accompanied by two do the Young Britons. We as Orangemen are none. We have no desire to interfere with are now striving. I am Bir, Yours kc. JAMES BOXALL, ; Master Ek, O-L. No. 223. -------- 8 ----e That Scourge. Si ing its victims, b ing more vil fearfully multiplies the death rate, commanded to be slow to take offence, offeri' g those rights and liberties of our fellow citizens in Ontario for which our Brethren in Montreal . NR The Yellow Fever st still spreads, Jncrem» la CRAHAM FLOUR, OATMEAL, &C. me AL sill Coal, Plaster, & Water Lime, A continuation of your patrol solicited, Jour patronage. ve: speotfully J. L. WATKIS. * Port Perry, 49g. 28, 1878. COMFORTABLE RESIDENCE Trustees of the Estate ortoC. Dawes, Port Perry. Sale on the premises to commence each day at 10 o'clock a m. Terus.--Ten per eent of the phon money down, and the balance in one, two and three years secured by mortgage.-- Interest at 8 per cent, By order of Trustees. 0 DAWES Avoriol Port Peary, Aug. 22, 1878. HOUSE & LOT cent if we send into (heir country. -- | % come along, Jobn, and help us fo put torial a details are sickening. : rf a Ses strasiagn the Possctuion Some forty millions are being down Iribery.and pion, We have| vince every inklligent Iu thelial] ill leave Sey ani P Bu bouts A dispatch says the atmosphere is so foul B on Pe RAY : o FOR SALE. : x i ; lots of money! Mr. Hurd was speaking the naked truth ! erry, + Ts | pat beef rots in less than hour on exposure or Sale eap. OR BALE a sare Dwelling House and Good Lot and Thritty Or chard in Port Perry, for Sale at a J! This 1s a fine opportunity to secure . comfortable residence, Cheap! Cheap! calling at Cmserea and Port Hoover, will sail to Washburn Island where a pic-nic will be enjoyed followed by several appropriate out of the country every yess which ought to be expended in it and thus enrich the country by the profits ot to tha air, that 150 people are now laylng | That convenient House and Lot, corner of there in unearthly agony, and that which is Tots and Elgin Sireats: four doors South of Town bere is also a suitable little needed is good nursing, which cannot be bad | Be RL and a Well and Clstern Cameron, the Grit member for Eouth Huren, expended from $10,000 to $14,000. This was as near as the courts could bring when he said Le koe¥ nothing of the subject on which he proposed to speak, But as drowning men will catch at straws Mr. Hard . . | addresses from ies well fitted for the | for money, that, the dead are no longer. The location is 8 pleasant and the manufactures. it, in his election in 1874, in his struggle for | made some fearful plunges to catch at some- e part busied 'in the graveyards, as the burial corps #20 the proverty will be sold cheap. one property is now ocenpied by the family ef work. It is expected to make this the most enjoyable Excursion and Pic-Nic of the sea- son. The presence of a fine Quadrille Band will add much to the enjoyment of the ex- cursion, While there will be no lack of re- freshments on board, intoxicating liquors will. be strictly excluded. The names of the officers and committee are a sufficient guarantee for the gualy of the enjoyment purity of elections" as Mr. Brown would For particulars apply to put it, Io last elections held for the Commons that 1s In 1874, the following members--all belonging to Mr, Brown's "strugglers for purity of elections" --were unseated for smssry and CORRUPTION, vis :--Aymer, Big: gar, Chisholm, Coupal, Cushing, Cameron, is desbanded. The corpses are now being buried ig adjacent fields and in some case; in front of the houses in which they died. -- Several nurses have been attacked with the disease, The whole place is a veritable pit ATES of death. Everybody is leaving Jackson, please take notice that from Misa., who can, and long lines of ox wagons Pld this date T shall quire ig with furniture and families are seen, The |8ing. Notwi standing the moderation fever is reported spreading among those who charge; 1 have lost a large amount by giving fled to the country from Vicksburg, while in F. SMITH. thing, one time he was in John A's mucils up to the elbows, next he was collecting John's Cab hire, now he is reveling in Pacific Scandal matters but to no better purpose, he mutilated Colby's. speech om pro- tection. But perhaps the greatest burlesque of the whole, the gist of the farce was his daring any one to come on the platform and JOH 5 Port Perry, Aug. 29, 1878. N. COURE, NOTICE. sword redrestse ber; The waste and stupidity of the not a toy Mackenzie Government have been felt all over the land and the longer it bas continued the worse it bas become until the best friends of the country of all shades of politics, are asking in alarm, What is to become " For Derticulae apply to Alfred Spencer, rooklin, or 5 DAW. Auctioneer 4 Port Perry, Aug. an, 1878. x NOTICE. se the country? Employers are| (Huron), Cock, Devlin, Dymond, Higgin- refute any statement he had made; while the Vick : A Prince Albert, Sept. 29, 1878, 5 ided. burg the scenes are p: ly a 29, pinched at every turn and can botham, Irving, Jordoin, Kerr, Mckay, Mo: fact of the matter is that he had never fobs prov ee The fever is rapidly increasing. Four phy continue to employ by falling] 076% Marr, Macdonald (Cardwell. Mo- | soulusd he POV 4 Xa arYels ew Ovctans, La., Avg 24 --Total NOTICE! yo Kenal 1 a and Mr, Pi toasted Mr. Hurd on the aw 5, La., Aug 24 --Total cases County 7 Onn Nab, (M ), Mactougall 8 Tee RS Amonget he arial a th Walker House for the week, 891 ; to date, 1866; total deaths 0m ran {8 by gm. hat and curtailing the wages of barley question but they did not succeed in. leading bi out. When they asked him if the (Renfrew), McLenuan, Nerris, O'Donohue, Prevost, Stuart, Tremblay, Wilkes, Wood, Port Perry, from the east on Wednesda; k, 311; to date, 578. 27th inst, we noticed J, Goggin, Esq, of Jor the wes Aug 25. --New cases, 163, and "deaths 33. Choer OF ASSIZE, 8 in my Tntertion | 'to be absent from Nsipdus Oyerand Terminer, and Genet ! Ferry for an indefinite #ime, I Walker, American duty of 15 cts a bushel "on barley | Cartwright, Mrs. Wm. Bradburn and Miss| poo Father Doyle, of St. John ohare ort a fo ingenuits Mim try yer-and, Terminel, These were all aveatod for eibery and | effectod the price of the barley sold by Lasher of Peterboro. : has died of the fever. 5 1 N DEB T are County of Ontarlo, in the Cott fiotsn, § 5 could have | Canadian fa to the States; Mr. Hurd's A Good Dwelling for Sale. So . - ED TOWN OF oF WRITBY, e only and uniform answer was, That if the i ; Coming To me to call sod & States puta duty of 10 cents on corn it Parties wishing to purchase a pleasant and an~--At Toronto, Sept. 3, 2, 25, 28 Thursday, September 10th, Aan lo UOUNTY. SQUARE ACCOUNTS | wold nok change the price of com fn| combs BERR FET GL Si AR Somnath eam of Tht Chicago. Such a streak of nomsense was | advertising columns, - Mr. John Cook is ES -- Broek, gy Co Cann on Sas on Pisces delore my Sipe i Sotise ad goyera wr playing fast and loose with the patience of offering for sale that nice residence on Lilla nova. 8 ck. 'a! Saniora jorland, Tamas: other hands for flection, 4 2 rule. whoshall bend ghee bribery and corruption, and pointed sn intelligent audience. street four doors south of the town hall.--! van Weduendad, Oot. Bi, at Wiliamaporg, on . WORTHINGTON, Spon WT, : 8 0 restore the country out the disgrace and disaster which bad bec! The chairmnn now offered an opportunity (Ses the adv.) mori SER, SAIS ° por Poy, dog 1 ie, Ie Seg. 6, 18%, . 4 .

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