Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 8 Aug 1878, p. 4

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present. The mourners arriving church-yard, found the gates and closed, The coffin was lifted over gates, and it was then discovered that rave which had been opened was filled 'Wallace was sought and asked if he We 1 inter the child. He would not unless ~ Johnson would withdraw the remark ap- plied to him, that he was a "queer fellow." Johnson woud not; and so the grave was re-opened, and the burial was conducted without the curate, who was hooted and would have been mobbed but for the inter- ference of the police. The innkeeper intends $, bring a suit for damages against the clergyman, h T Spps's Cocon.--Orareror ax Cou- orTING.~"By a thorough knowledge ot the aatural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful ap- plication of the fine properties of well-sclect- od cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our break- fast tables with a delicately flavoured bever- age which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use of such ar- ticles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak keeping ourselves well fortified with pure plood and a properly nourished frame."-- @ivil Service Gazette. ~Sold only in packets Jabelled--"Jauzs Eres & Co., Homeopathic ®hemists, 48, Threadneedle Street, and 170, Piecadilly, Londen." 'A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY! CARBOLINE. 4 DEODORIZED EXTRACT OF PETROLECH. The only Article that will Restore air on Bald Heads. WHAT THE WORLD HAS BEEN WANTING FOR CENTURIES. "The greatest discovery of our day, so far as a portion of humanity is concerned, Is CAR- INE, an article prepared from Petroleum, and hich effects a complete and radical cure in case baldness, or where the hair, owing to diseases of ie scalp, has become thin and tends to fall outs t 1s also a speedy restorative, and, while its use a luxuriant growth of hair, it also brings {back the natural color, and gives the most come satisfaction in the using. The falling out of hair, the accumulations of dandruff, and the ture change in color, are all evidences of & condition of the scalp and the glands hich nourish the hair. To arrest these causes A article used must possess medical as well as «chemical virtues, and the change must begin under the scalp to be of permanent and lasting benefit, Buch an article is CARBOLINE, and like many other wonderful discoveries it is found to consist of elements almost In their natural state. Petro. eum oll is the article which is made to work such 'extraordinary results; but it Is after it has been treated and completely deodorized that t 1s In proper condition for the toilet. It was in far-off Russia that the effect of petroleum upon the Bair was first observed, a Government officer hav- ing noticed that a partially bald-headed servant of his, when trimming the lamps, had a habit of finer head of black, glossy hair than he ever had Defors. The oll was tried on horses and cattle that Bad lost thelr hair from the cattle plague, and the gesults were as rapid as they were marvelous, The Mnanes and even the tails of horses, which had fal- len out, were completely restored in a few weeks. These experiments were heralded to the world, 'but the knowledge was practically useless to the prematurely bald and gray, as no one in civilized society could tolerate the use of refined petroleum 88 a dressing for the hair. But the skill of one of our own chemists has overcome the difficulty, and, ®y a process known only to himself, he has, after very elaborate and costly experiments, succeeded in deodorizing petroleum, which renders it sus- - @eptible of being handled as daintily as the famous ou de vologne. The experiments made with the deodorized liquid on the human hair were at- fended with the most astonishing results. A few applications where the hair was thin and falling gave remarkable tone and vigor to the scalp and point. We may escape many a fatal shaftby | DAVIS & SONS' STEAM Capmver Factory! PORT PHRRY. rey FURNITURE. classes of purchasers. Paicxs as cannot fail to suit. UNDERTAKING In all its departments promptly attended #6 and charges moderat COFFINS of all sizes kept con- stantly on hand. SHROUDS of all sizes and newest styles, CASKET OR BURIAL CASE procured on short notice. The American Style of Hearse. Also an ordinary style of Hearse, J. W. DAVIS & SONS. PortPerry, Nov. 26, 1873 49-ly 23 EWING I ommves FOR ALL. T large on him since opening business in Port Perry and would now intimate that with the view ol securin« greater accommodation I have moved ity of returning his sincere thanks for tl 0d still incyensing patronage bestowed 10 wait on all parties wishing to purchase, SEWING MACHINES hine Attachments, Sewing Mac » &e. Oils, The Best Machines CheapJor Cash Repairing promptly attended to. inspect my show room. C. TUPPER. Dec. 4, 1877. Miss Chisholm EGS to intimate to her friends and the public generally that she has secured the premises one door east of Mr. Wright's Boot and Shoe Emporium, where she will keep constantly on hand a new and well sclected stock of FANCY GOODS, NNNANNGRAANIE: SCHOOL BOOKS, And the very latest sel of Sheet Music! She hopes by attention to business and moderate prices to merit a share of public patronage, STAMPING done to order. Remember the ¢ New Fancy Goods Store' --Queen St. Port Perry, Bair, Every particle of dandruff on the first or second dressing, and the liquid, so searching In Its nature, seems to penetrate to the F00ts at once and set up a radical change from the tart. It is well known that thelmost beautiful #olorsjare from petroleam, and by some mys- 'Serious of nature the use of this article pauls imparts a beautiful light-brown color the halr, which, by continued use, deepens to 8 © Mlackf color remains permanent for an In- length of time, and the change 1s 80 grad- in the hands most gratify 2 Confecti onerv A Ro Br in of Every variety, Port Perry, April 4, 1877. 17 a week In your own town. $50ut- fit free. Norisk. Reader if you $66 a business at which persons of either sex can make great pay all the time they work, write for particulars to H. HALLETT & Co., Portland, Maine. REMOVAL! HE Subscriber having removed to the NEW STORE one door east of his old Store, would respectfully announce that he has on band and will keep during the season all kinds of FRUIT,EARLY VEGETABLES, PLANTS &0. Also, BOLOGNA SAUSAGE, LOBSTERS, SHRIMPS, §C. MAPLE SUGAR, §C. GROCERIES ! Of all kinds as Cheap as any House in town. $6 Give mo a call and you will be satisfied. . L. McLEAN, Port Perry, April 24, 1878. BAKERY their branches carried on in my | Ti Bakery and Confection: Lraines : and Prince Albo f establishments © Bridal and ober Lakes made to order. ials and other entertainments supplied HE Subscribers always keep on hand (and are constantly manufa cturing more) As the community requires ; suitable for all All of onoice Ma- TERIAL, the Best Wonrkumaxsnir, and at suoR HE undersigned would take this opportun- | 15 defy competition. Fi de the old ori | The publicare kindlyinvited to come 8nd some skilled in the use of machines, & growing ONTARID CARRIAGE WORKS ! 2 PORT PERRY. rr and the public generally most desirable HE Sub has much p in g his that he has just finished and is now manufacturing some of the finest, T CARRIAGES OF EVERY VARIETY AND STYLE. Of the best materal and Workmanship. They will be sold at such Prices as will ensure their ready and rapid sale, My manufacture is now being run and sought after over the larger portion of this Province, and every effort will be put forth to make the manu. facture of the Ontario Carriacn Works, Port PErry, still more deservedly popular, 8@AN EARLY CALL IS SOLICITED."@®& JAMES EMANEY. Port Perry, April 10, 1878, OFFICE OF THE BROWN & PATTERSON MPG (OY. WHITBY, ONT. TO THE PUBLIC, me of Agricultural Implements te the a for the year 1877, we do so with morethan an ordinary degree of pride and d favor and patronage conferred upon us, and the steady and in- for our new celebrated Farm Implements. We shall continue as heretofore. as manufacturers, to make a specialty of Agricultural Machinery--the Johnston Self-raking Reaper, the Triumph Combined Reaper and Mower, the Cayuga Mower, the Young Canada Mower, and our new Whitby Harvester claiming a large share of our time and attention. For the last twenty-two years we have given our most careful and undidvided attention to the manufacture and operation of the various machines in use, sifting out the best points, remedying defects, modifying and correcting errors, strengthening weak points, adapting and proportioning every part as our increasing experience has suggested. We employ only the best mechanical skill, and our machines pass under the most careful supervision and scrutiny--every detail being subjected to the severest criticism--and each machine is thoroughly tested before leaving our works, to prove the completeness of every part and there is no difficulty in putting them in operation by any person of moderate mechanical ability. Our mac In presenting our Tweaty-second Annual Catalog farmers of Cana confidence, from the marke! creasing demand from year to year hinery has been selected and constructed with a special reference to the manu- facture of our own machines--many tools having been made for this particular purpose, and not adapted for other work, and our workmen are educated up to the wants and requirements of our manfacture--obtaining a thorough knowledge of the construction of our machines, and are thus enabled to obtain a higher degree of skill and proficiency than where general manu- ing is carried on. facturing is led to introduce a more perfect system into all the departments of We are, therefore, enab e dey 1 manufacture, adding nat only to the perfection of the work, but also to the rapidity of its exe- cution--and a consequent reduction of cost. . This principle is ee necessary in a well regulated establishment, and we are enabled to turn out our machines with & higher degree of perfection, and at prices so low as absolutely : The Johnston Self Raking Reaper now so well known as a Single Reaper, that a word of commendation would almost seem su- -fluous, but as there are many claiming to manufacture this machine who have adhered to iginal Johnston machine, without keeping up to the improvements, that justice wo uy usiosss A the opposhe Boe ourselves and patrons require of us to state that we have modified it in almost every essential the POST UFFICE, where 1 shall be happy part, and for strength, durability, and equality of cut, in every ind and condition of grain; ie ightness of draught and ease of management--the "Johnston," as manufactured by us--stands pre-eminently ahead of all other reapers. In proof of this position we have only to point to the ny First Prizes awarded us--at he last Provincial trial of Ontario, and macy county trials ich have taken place all over Canada, within the last few years. OUR TRIUMPH COMBINED MACHINE with late improvements, is all that can be desired in a combined machine, and cannot fail to meet all the requirements of purchasers. Our Improved Cayuga Chief, Jr., and our Young Canada Mowers of Iron and Steel, The Cayuga Jr. durable machines, and not ex- lightness of dra', adapta- ma whi are both first class machines--constrtucted almost wholly has a rear cut, and the Young Canada a front cut; both strong, celled by any machines in the market for quality of cut, durability, bility, and ease of management. OUR NEW "WHITBY HARVESTER." machinery, and many of our farmers" have be- hi me better adapted to n Ae he ! demand has sprung up tor a Light, Durable, First-Class Reaper. 0 . : : Alive to the requirements of the day, we have succeeded in inventing a machine witha Wrought Iron Frame, wich the least possible gearing--with large, broad-faced drive wheel, -- and so constructed that the frame and table tilt at the same time, thereby keeping the pitman always in line with the knife. The rakes are driven directly from the main shaft--there being no perceptible side draft, and no weight upon the horses necks. W e are confident that we have succeeded in inventing the most perfect Reaper, taking it in all its parts, that has ever been produced. We have applied for letters patent, and shall hold our inventiongfor our own exclusive manufacture, and we respectfully suggest to intending purchasers, that they should see this machine before giving their orders for the coming harvest. The Ww bitby Harvester' weighs, all told, 600 pounds, but being made principally of the best quality ofiron and steel, and from its ingenious and compact construction, it combines the strength and durability of the heavier machines. . All our machines are fully warranted. : With this list of machines, we feel confident that we can meet every requirement, and we respecifully solicit a trial of our machines, believing that we can furnish a better machine for the money than can be obtained elsewhere. Respectfully Yours, BROWN & PATTERSON MP'& CO. Whitby, Ontario, March, 1877. PUMPS! PUMPS! -- () C---- You can get the best and cheapest Pump in the Province At J, IRV IN'S PATENT PUMP FACTORY PORT PERRY SEE THE PRICES. Fonos Puue--A complete Pump and Pire gaine with Hose and Coupling complete for 25 : Patent Swing Lift Pumps at 50 cts per foot Common Log Pumps at 40 cents per foot. Common turned suction Pumps at 35 cents per foot. Cistern Pumps, a complete Pump, from $3 up to $8. Also every other description of Pump, at EQUALLY LOW RATES! in the largest factories in Carada and i 1n Pump-maki perience P- at he can perfectly satisfy all that will riberfeels confident Having had long ex theUnited States, the subsc: favor him with a call Wh forany of the above, whether by mail orotherwise romps attended to. Allorders IRVIN, Port Perry. Sept. 29,1870. ONOV AN, BE CARRIAGE MAKER BROCK STREET, WHITBY. M. 0. D PRACTICAL 5 Sey --): A Sox Assortment of Buggies constantly op hand made from the best Materidl.-- Work mado to order with neatness and despatch, Particular attention paid to re- - JUST AT HAND : Gold Watches--Gents and Ladies', do, Gold Chains-- Fine Silver Watches, Silver Watohes--Stemwinders, Fine Gold Jewelry, Fine Gold Rings. Silver Chains, &o., Cheap for CASH. X.B.--Repairing done in a workmanlike manner and guaranteed. Port Perry, Nov. 23, 1876. Watches, Clocks, and | lishment. JOHN DIESFELD. yof 0 For the year i878. Oount ntario,| g sf | ly 2 $ 312] BlziEl2s lets Whithy......o.o} 2] 2] 1] 2| 1f 1) 2{ 2} 3] 211 rough 3) Poot Borey: of ol rlaniasl ° Baldi Uxbridge .. 12, |23 5/11,16(20 nnington.. 7 | 23|20] 16 4 i] ver 10 19 | | 9 [18 : 18| | [17 G. H. DARTNELL, Junior Judge. Whitby, Jan'y 7, 1878. Shaving and Hair Cutting as they should be done. HE arrival in Bort Perry of the two first class TonsoriM Artists, LEWIS & POWELL, Has created quite an excitement with their Smooth Shave and Artistic Hair.Cutting,-- The Rooms are over Thurne's Dry Goods Store, opposites the Walker House. An agreeable and smooth shave and hair and whiskers cut in a stylish manner, UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. Magnificent Ql HEARSE. AVING purchased one of the finest H Hearses in the Province, BravriroLLy Triuurp, and in the latest AuERICAN Bryue with all the modern improvements, and owning a fine, suitable team of Black Horses, I would respectfully call attention to my UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT, Where everything that is necessary for the proper observance of the last rites due to the departed can be furnished on the briefest notice, on the most moderate terms and at Prices to suit the Times. Funerals conducted with the ut- most decorum. A large selection of Walnut and Rosewood Caskets and Coffins, Metallic Caskets furnished when required. Burial Robes in all sizes and styles. Gloves, Hat Bands and Shoulder Scarfs furnished free of charge. Public attention is called to this fact, that without any exception, I hive the best Undertaking Outfit in the County. Anon aaa In A large and well assorted Stock of Fur- ture on hand at all times, Picture Framing .--fjpecial attention given to the Framing and Mouuting of Paintings, Chromos, Lithographs, &c. By paying strict attention to business, fair dealing and selling at prices consistent with an honest profit, I hope to merit a share of public patronage, Remember the place, Sign of the Big Rocking Chair. W. J. NOTT. Port Perry, June 18, 1878, : Gorm HE undersigned would 'embrace this opportunity of returning thanks to their numerous customers for the generous and still extending patronage bestowed upon them since they entered into business in Port Perry. Hitherto it bas been our aim to fill the orders of our customers on the shortest notice, furnishing the best ma. terial and superior workmanship, and so far our efforts have been successful, We bave now much pleasure in informing our cus. tomers and the public genurally that we have moved into our new premises one door west of our former place of business, where we shall have increased facilities for filling orders and driving business generally. The pnblic may rely on having their orders promptly filled with CHOICE MATERIAL Good Workmanship, AND A PERFECT FIT! Give us a call at our new premises one door west of our old place of business. DOUBT & MOTHERAL. Port Perry, Sept 25, 1877. Apmmvistratorsy Notice. LL persons holding claims against the Estate of the Late ALFXANDER BROWNE Yeoman, of the Township of Reach, are here- by notified to send in particulars of the same to~W. H. BROWNE, Insurance Agent, Col- umbus, on or before the First day of October, A.D. 1878. The said particulars to include necessary dates and items and to give the christian names and of the clai and their Post Office address. At the expira- tion of which time the said administrators will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto, and the said administrators will riot be linole for the assets or any part thereof so dis- tributed to any person of whose m they shall not have had notice at the time of the distribution of said assets, - And all persons indebted to the said estate are Yquested to settle their indebtedness forthwitl This Botite being given under Section 28, Chap. 28, C. W. H. BROWNE, Columbus, A. H, BROWNE, Ashburn, ADMINISTRATORS, Columbus, June 12, 1878. SCHOOL TRUSTEES. Sten tat all School Trustees in this Township who may us that their school Assessment should be placed on the Collectors Roll or the pre- sent year, do make their applications to Berk previous to or to the council at a meet el a He es Tak oe 19t! ugust nex rw . ey ar be placed on such Collector's Roll. ' JOHN CHRISTIE, Reach, July 2,1678. ~~ Township Clek. OTICE is hereby 25 be Richardson's FACTORY! PORT PERRY. HE undersigned would embrace this op- portunity of returning thanks to his many customers for their liberal patronge in the past and would beg to remind them and the public in genersl that he is still planing lumber at 81 per thousand, Doors, - Sash, Blinds, &ec., &c. Which cannot be surpassed in quality or had at lower prices, BPAY UP. All parties indebted to me are hereby re- quested to pay up forthwith and confer a tavor on A. RICHARDSON, Port Perry, Dec. 21, 1876. MANCHESTER. HE Works ! Carriage AND GENERAL BLACK-SMITHING ESTABLISHMENT. HE Subscriber has much pleasure in stat services of vince, and is now better fitted than ever to fill all orders for Cutters, Sloighs, Bob-Sleighs, or any description of Carriage with dispatch. All repairsin Wood or Iron executed with neatness and on short notice Customers may rely on getting the best material, latest styles and superior work. manship. Special attention given to HORSE SHOEING and the work done soas to secure the ease and comfort of the horse in traveling. 8&5 All Charges Moderate and all work Warranted, W. C, HEARD. Manchester, Dec. 17th 1874. LUGGAGE TAKEN TO AND FROM THE STATION AND AROUND TOWN, 15 HE Subscriber is prepared to convey Chests, Trunks, Boxes and every other description of Luggage to or from the Rail way Station or anywhere around town.-- All orders promptly attended to. Charges moderate, JOS. COOK. Port Perry, Jan, 1, 1874. THE Grealst Invention in 30 years WYLLIE'S PATENT ENCLOSED AIR TIGHT BREAD PAN. HE undersigned has purchaséd the sole right to manufacture and sell the above Valuable, Economical Bread Pan in the Township of Reach and Village ot Port Perry, and would call the attention of the public to the saving effected and the great superiority by using these Pans, E. C. STEPHENS, Prince Albert, June 6, 1878. TESTIMONIALS. The undecsigned take pleasure in testifying to the great supériority of the Bread Baked by Wyllie's Patent Steam Baker over Bread Baked by the ordinary process and cousider that by using Wyllie's Patent Pans, as manufactured by E.C. Stephens, Prince Albert, baking can be done more ically and the Bread so Baked is in every way preferable to ordinary J. PETERS, Baker, Port Perry. J. SQUELCH, Prince Albert. J. BUNGARD, Prince Albert. Wyllie's Steam Baked Bread I consider vastly superior to the ordinary Bread. . THOMPSON, Mayor, Bowmanville. VALUABLE STOCK J MM T0 RENT, HE Subscriber offers to Rent for a term of years, his valuable Stock Furm, being part of lot 14, in the 9th con, of the TOWNSHIP OF BEACH. The Rent can be paid in labor on the pro perty Z por WM, TABER, Proprietor; per day made by sex, rth $5 & Co, Portland, / 1. KE: OF cher BESTE: Clio he business you can en localities. 01 Imvrove your 8 time at pare ing that he has secured the valuable. One of the best wood-workers in the Pro.: the place, over Thorne's Dry Goods Store and opposite the Walker House. Port Perry, Dec 5,1877. ------ L001, TEED! ~--AND-- PROVISIONS FOR ALL ! HE undersigned thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed on him since opening business in Port Perry would inform the pub. le generally that he has always on hand a carefully selected stock ef everything in the Flour, Feed and Provision line Fresh.and Good and sold cheap. First-Class Qatmeal WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Remember the place opposite the Post Office. 'WM. TUMMONDS, Port Perry, June 6' 1878, Tailoring Establishment | | OVER MR. BROWN"S (LATE MR. CUR- RIES) STORE. PORT PERRY. HANKFUL for many years of liberal and increasing patronage the subscriber would inform his customers and the general public that he has got thoroughly arranged 1n his new premises over Mr. Brown's Store with increased accommodations for carrying on every department of his business, All orders promptly filled The NewestFashions regularly received, The Latest Styles, Su- perior Workmanship, and perfect fits war- ranted. JAMES RIGGS. Port Perry, 15, 1876. FIRST CLASS TAILORING. IRST class Tailoring in all its depart ments, AT HUGOE'S, PRINCE ALBERT,! Work made up on the shortest notice in the latest styles and at moderate rates. A good fit guaranteed, Remember the place, opposite Cook's Hotel. R. HUGOE. Prince Albert, April 2, 1874, Take Notice HIS is to give notice that I have sold to James V. Thompson, Port Perry, the Trade Mark OF THE AUSTRALIAN HORSE AND CATTLE FOOD, with all rights and privileges to use and dispose of the same, JOHN YOUNG. Port Perry, Deg. 27, 1875. 2:tf Nothing need be added as to the value of of this Feed for Horses and Cattle, it is un- equalled by anything yet discovered for im- proving the condition of these valuable ani- mals both as to flesh and general health. All parties owning horses or cattle should have it. The universal testimony of all who have tried it on their stock is that they would not now do without it. It is cheap. safe and beneficial. The purity of the mix ture is guaranteed. J. V. THOMPSON, Port Perry, Jan'y 13, 1876. HITBY, PORT PERRY & LI RAILWAY. xX Nar TIME TABLE No. 23. Tak! eflect Monday, July 1, 1878. ONTO TNE. Trains Going North. Toronto, via G. T, XY iy JunetionG Trains Going South. EXPRESS . 15 n.m une. G. .85 to, via G.T.R. arr. 1.02 Ey Uxbridge Village. bridge, June 27, 187 right in their o Maino, 15! 9 : _%Flag Bo aie Sop on | signal only. = No The Pus Purify the Blood, correct all disorders of the Fiver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, and are invaluable in all com- plaints incidental to Females, The Omvruent is the only reliable for Bad Legs, Old Wounds, ual Ulcers, of however long standing, For Bronchitis, Diphtheria, Coughs, Colds, Gout, Rheumatism, and all Skin diseases it has no equal, BEWARE OF NEW YORK COUNTERFEITS Spurious imitations of * Holloway' 2ills and Ointment' are manufactured and sold under the name of "Holloway & Co.," by J. F. Henry Curran & Co., Druggists,and also by the Metropolitan Med icine Company New York, with an assum- ed trade mark-- -- Again one Joseph Haydock t New York, likewise passes off counterfeits of his own make under the name of Holloway & Co., having for a trade mark a Crescent and Serpent ; McKessen & Robbing of New York are agents for tho same. These persons, the better to deceive you, unblushingly Caution the Public in_the small books of directions affixed to their Medicines, which are really the spurious imitations, to Beware of Counterfeits, Unscrupulous Dealers obtain them at very low prices and sell them to the Public in Canada as my genuine Pills and Ointment. I most earnestly and respectfully appeal to the Clergy, to Mothers of Families and other Ladies, and to the Public generally of british North America, that they may be pleased to denounce unsparingly these frauds, Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are Counterfeits. Each Pot and Box ot the Genuine Medicine, bears the British Government Stamp, with tl words '"HorLoway's PiLLs AND OINTMENT Loxpon," engraved thereon. On the label is the address, 533, Oxvonp Street, LONDON, where alone they are Manufactured. Parties who may be defrauded by Ven dors selling spurious ** Holloway's Pills and Ointment," as of my genuine make, shall on communicating the particulars to me, be amply remunerated, and their names never divulged. > °e 2 Signed, THOMAS HOLLOWAY. London, January 1st, 1871. ¥5~ Awarded the Highest Medal at Vienna. fg E & HT. ANTHONY & 00. 591 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, (Opp. Metrepolitan Hotel,) Manufacturers, Importers and Dealers in ENGRAVINGS, CIIROMOS, & FRAMES. STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS, Albums, Graphoscopes, Photographs, a kindred goods--Celebrities, ologaphe a PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS, We are Deadquarters for everything in the way ot and Magic Lanterns, being cturers of the Mcro-Scientific Lantern, ) Manufa tereo-Pan pticon, University Stereopticon, Advertiser's Stereopticon, s Artopticon, chool Lantern, Family Lanter People's Lantern Each style being the best of its class in the market Beautifal Pl hotogr. Transparencies of Statuary and Eng 1 or the window. Convex Gls Mavufacturers of Velvet Frames for Miniatures and Convex Glass Pictures | _ Catalogues of Lanterns and Slides, with directions for using, sent on application. Any enterprising man can make money wi 4 a Magis Lantern, XG Cutout this Advert'sement for reference, THYSEL Price only $1. Sentby on reccipt of price, It - treats of Exhausted Vitality, Premature Decline, Nervous and Physical Debility, and the endless By reading and practicin the inestimable Li con tained in the best medical book ever issued, entitled SEP PRESERVATION concomitant ills'and untold miseries that result {hieregion, and. containg Soe hur} 50 nal pre- iC! ons, any one of i The ook." "Thin boc was weiston ba the ast er in erica, ard 1 - Sled moesal by the Nationa Meaical Associations A Pamphlet, illustrated with the very finest Steel Engravings--a mar. sent FREE to all. Send for it at once. Address handled finch St., Boston, Mass. THYSELF : fess Just Published, in a sealed if J vuciope. Price six cents. A lecture on the Nature Treatment, and Radical cure of Semina Weakness, or Spermaterrheea, induced by Self- Abuse, Involuntary Emissions, Impotency, ringe generally ; Consumption Eplepsy, and Fits; Mental and Physical Inca) er By ROBERT J. CULVERWELL, M.D. su- thor of the * Green Book," &c. The world renowned author, in this admir- able Lecture, clearly proves from his own Self Abuse may be effectually removed with- out medicine, and without dangerous surgical operations, bougis, instruments, rings, or cor- dials; pointing out & mode of cure at once cer- matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. X35" This Lecture will prove a boon fi thousands and thousands. m 3 address, on receipt of six cents, or two post- age stamps. THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO. 41 Ann St, New York; Post-Office Box 4586 T that they have established their BaBRIYSZ WoRBS ee A Toe. 0s tensive and probably the most skilful practitioner vel of art and beauty-- 'I 7 A LECT RE TO YOUNG MEN." Nervous Debility, and Impediments to mar- experience that the awful consequences of tain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any HE undersigned would inform the public a nN DN PORT PERRY orkmansh! Prices at the lowest possible figure, . An inspection solicited. ROSE & WEIF. Port Perry, May 14, 1878. BN BACH. can make money r at work for us: than at anythi Vy ir JRE na made by the industrious. n, girls wanted every oe} s the ti here 10 Wok for o£ Monuments, #4 'tomb Stones, he Tablets, Pillars, the ory thing in the ling, Choloe Materials, e w he time. Costly outfit and te ¥ Hine, Cosliy bITa] Rm i Wd 4%

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