ACI mas do 5 sosudicivia s Scolding Again. The Brethre . Brook . Mr, Parliament complained that he had a obtained otherwise, Within the village we | On motion of Mr Dobson the interest on| - On motion of Mr, Burnett, Mr. Christie was ng gal s "Brevhren of 180 Mystic Tio : So uel] shicep Killed by dogs, roa have got all the sidewalks we mow rc Railway debuntures cp ill July 1st, §180| appointed to examine that poriiom ol the 3rd ar dear, misguided, little Neddy The Brock Lodge, Cannington, of Ancient | The municipal Council of Brock met at tof ; The reeve 'asked 'complafuant if he was was ordered to be péid. for which a grant the Queen's Hotel, Canuington, of Monday, | gure that 27th inst. Members sll present, the Reeve | plainant repli Bas oun aaked by Jit. Di i o Dawson, and expend on tbe same. Free and Accepted Masons, had their Hall Mr 84: urged the ph 3 1 up the 6th con east of the "Nonquon road, Sok Ture Qa $80 Ii repsise is Dedicated on Wednesday, 2ith inst, W. Bro. Peplow, D.D,G.M., assisted by V. W. Bro, Roth futarioBhserker 1 ei is again out on his periodical scold- EEE ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR|, settling his cowards to Pon ire and by expending this money on the Be leading roads the parties ibuti who will soon be outs killed hiw sheep. Com- that he did believe that a JAMES BAIRD . - - Editor. PORT PERRY; MAY 30, 1878 : Ai 2 Our Ogunty Parliament. -. . Whe semi-annanl session of the County Council will be held next week when several matters of con- siderable interest will doubtless be brought before that body. Our counties councils sncered ut by would be knowing- ones; but it is not quite so easy to and no one can fail to perceive that - our Local Legislature never miss an scribblers rave over big taxes, but, opportanity ot belittling and snubb ing our Counttes uncils. The facts are patent but the reasons are not quite so obvious. We are not at all surprised that onr more stipid local lewixlators seek to snub and if possible blot ow our counties councils altogether as by doing so the field for the local legislature would be vastly enlarged und thus give that body an impor- | tance which it never can have while county councils exist. branches counties councils are by all odds the more important and by extending somewhat the powers of counties' councils and enlarging that wf the Dominion Parliament the entire suppresion of our local legis- lature, or it may be its reduction to fifteen or twenty men all told would he antep in the right direction. -- We well believe that the number of members of "our.county councils would stand reducing without im- paring their efticiency ; Reeves of municipalities alone being consider- ed eligible as members. There is no reason why our county councils should be regarded as ir any way inferior to our local legislature either in point of intelligence, pat-- riotism, legislative capacity or moral worth. In the first place our members of council receive $2 per day for their services while the members of our local legislature get 820 per day aod give less value than county eouncilors. The Acts of our local legisistare seldom hold water and many of them won't hold buttermilk, few of our local legis- lators appear to understand their own Acts, scarcely two of t:em read them the same way, and it is not till after they have been trimmed amended, turned upside down, and read backwards that people kuow anything of them or they are at all Bt tw appear before the public. If we compare man for man, the mem- bers of our county council with the members of the local legislature which will suffer from the compari. son? Everyone is familiar with the men and can make the compari: son for himself. If the lack of red ope, small salaries, the absence of ' jobbery and general economy ot our wounties councils be a sufficient reason for the taxpayers who foot » the bills tosneer at counties councils them they may go on with their meaningless Lneer. That Canada has just cause to feel phuvd of them mbers of her conn cils cannot be deni Dy any one knowing anything of the stamina of the men who compose these councils. The best interests of a country are safe in such hatids and our council- ors will fail in their duty to the country and to the bodies of which they form a part if they neglect to watch the encroachments and repel the attacks of the local legislature who from session to session lose no opportunity of sapping the influence and curtailing the powers of County councils. There in no position in the gift of the people honor- able than that of Warden of a county , to be selected as end by the selected of the several! mani- cipalities is a position which would are frequently abuse us and letting them take shelter behind his execvable "we" |B) knowing us he well does, that no one will blame him, for all know that be cannot write a sentence were it to save him from hia deserts. | Maso No! Neddy, honey, we have no fault to find with you further than your und the sneaks who display insolenee to crouch beneath carried through with much spirit and satis. allowing their your simple, little,irresponsible' we' apd thus escape the castigation they | deserve. are obliged to accept any scribbling A 0 that any one pleases to give you but | Ho determine where the laugh comesin, you ought not to give shelter to moral assassins. You let your dear Neddy, we need not inform you how very nauseating it 1s to pay large taxes on a mortgaged pro perty, eh! We have no dexire inclination to enter a scolding cam. should | paign with revilers of your stripe who cannot be held responsible, further than as a seapo goat, for the miserable scrawling over your "we"" Our readers do not wish our spuce occupied with such trash as follow. | ing your scribblers necessitate and it Of the two is in no way agreeable to us, there foro Neddy dear, since slandering and reviling is the natural elements of you und your scribblers, "let them rip" they please you, darling, and do us no barm. -- Seagrave Advancing. The village of Seagrave is certain- ly picking up, its appearance ix much changed for the is an evident air of activity and push about it and between building and repairing the prospect is encourng- ing. The fine hotel there is un- dergoing a thorough repair--new floors, new sheds and general repairs throughout. Mr. Dennison is pro- prietor and parties may rely on every comfort and convenience in the Nornquon House. Mr. Miller is building a fine resi- idence. The rzcently built church and its new shed and other new buildings and repairs give to this pleasantly located village a lively appearance and fairly sets it on in its forward march. Neddy as a Financier. Somebody has been going through our dear, poor Neddy; itis said that they have made him Treasurer of some "Gospel" movement. It may be that some kind brother will keep his account for him and take care of the cash, if there is any to handle--a second book graduate is scarcely equal to the task. Treas- urer! O dear! Goodness, gracious, Neddy dear ! Why did you dare to? But never mind, Neddy, you can be evens with them, if you keep the funds as faithfully as you keep your temperance pledge you won't be the first to regret the appointment. If the pledge was so formed for Neddy's special benefit, that be should be prohibited only from pay- ing for the stingo he covers but that he might swill all he conld eponge or get for nothing, then we would go his security to any amount that he would keep his pledge as fuith- fully as any honest temperance man won'd keep the ordinary pledge.-- But, Neddy dear. you must not sup. pose that the duties of a "Gospel" temperance treasurer are, to such as you, as agreeable as the duties of the Minister of Private works. A® a magnificent grinner Neddy isa success that's his forte. ------ Anniversaries.--Remember the Sur School anniversaries on Sunday ard M 6th and. 10th of June. They canp-, be attractive, pleasant and' salut one anniversary comes off dt Ut' ond ory. at Mount Carmel, 2} miles e5¢ of Raglan --- We: are glad to lear or etter there day tfail to The «Ca the other 0 'hatour respected Doller, of Port Hope, condueting the pleasing and highly interesting ceremony. A large representation from Prince Albert I re 1 rt Perry, was present and took part in the attractive and highly instructive ceremony. Eversthing went off to a charm and those who witnessed the splendid and truly grand exercises will not soon forget the impressive sight nor Higby regard the dedication of nic hall. The lodge had everything in first-clnas trim and avle hands were at the work which rendered it unusually pleasing animating. After the dedication the installation of the W. M. elect, Bro. Sinclair, took place and was | faction both from the manner in which the | work was rformed and the thorough pre- | paration of the Master elect. § \ Of 'course, darling, your | TheoficersareBro Capt, Sinclair W. x, ro. Robert Vardon I. P. AL, Bro. R. Munro | W., Bro. Johu Sharp J. W. Bro,.J.!| ston, Treas. ; Bro. Ashfalper,Sec'y; Bro. G. | McWilliams 8. D., Bro. J. Jewell .I. D., Bro, J. ToweyJ G,Bio. D. C. McLean and Bro. R. Talbot Tylers. Atter the ceremony of instalation was over Bro. Sinclair, the new Master, rising read the following address and presented the immedi- ate past master, W. Bro. R. Vardon with a magnificent P. M. apron as a token of the love and esteem of the brethren of the lodge and in recognition of the valnable services rendered to | «the lodge by W. Bro. Vardon in his capaci as master of the lodge for some 18 months. -- The following are the address and reply :-- To W. Bro Robert Vardon, W. M. Brock Lodge No 350, A F.& A. M. Dear Siz & W Bro.--We the members ot Brock Lodge, No, 355, A. F. & A. M., have much pleasure in presenting you with a Past Master's apron as some small mark of our regard and esteern, and fo the efficient manner in which you have discharged your duties in the East, wishing you health and prosperity and that you may be with us for many years, '8. A. SINCLAIR, On behalf of the Officers and members of Brock Lodge, 29th May, A. L. 5878. Right W. Sir, W. Sir and Brethern T feel it incumbent on me to made some reply after the very handsome present that the Breth- ren of Brock odge. have been so generous to give me to night, on my retiring from the chair in the East, which chair I have had the honor to fill for the past vight. cen months, whether I have done my duty efficiently or pot [ leave that to the Brethern to judge, however, 1 have endeavored to promote the interests of the Lodge to the best of my ability, aud [ must say that [ have always been treated with that indulgence and respect from all the Brethren, due that honorable postfion. my successor, Bro. Sinclair [ have no doubt will fill the chair efficiently, and it is with pleasure that I retire in his favor, and will assist him in the discharge ot his duties with that Brotherly Love that should be felt in the breast of every Mason drethren thank- ing you from the bottom of my heart for the honor you have conferred on me to-night, I will take my seat by wishing the Lodge that success which it bas heretofore received. The business of the lodge being over the brethren retired to the Queen's Hotel where mine host Bro Campbell, had a magnificent spread already on the table, and the breth- ren were soon arranged. The W.M. Bro Sinclair, occupied the chair with W. Bro R. Vardon, P. M. in the Vice chair. right of the chairman were Bros, Peplow, Dobler and Emaney ; on the left were Bros Baird and Currie. The display was grand, the tables were got up in a style reflecting the highest credit on the liberality of the Brethren of Brock lodge, who were the en- tertainers, and on the catering powers and activity of the worthy host and hostess of this ine Hotel ; the handsomely got up tables surrounded by some eighty or ninety Masonic Brethren looked grand, A choice supper well gerved was soon over and _ the cloths being drawn the Chairman rose and in & neat and well chosen speech introduced the second part of the programme and proposed the health of Her Majesty the Queen. "The toast was drank with the greatest enthusiasm and Bro Prince led off with "God Save the Queen. The Chairman then proposed "The Craft'. This brought Bro Peplow to his fect ina Urikf response. Others responded at length: The Chair now proposed the health of the Grand Master. This wag drunk. with all the honors, after which Bro. Peplow made a hand- some renly The Chairman then gave the Grand.Lodge This brought Bro. Dobler to the floor, tie being an officer of Grand Lodge. He spoke in Erg. i) acd Sorioan end Sreated much ani, ation being particularly eloquent in gor, i German efforts. "ae of 1s The Prince Albert Lodge, i now given from: the chait 2p, Lore Derry, was in tie chairman's natural warm and pleas' og style, The toast received u rousing wele v Ome and was well re- sponded; to: by Bre', Corrie and Emaney.-- ,Bro.- Prince now Fang a fine song. Bro; Currie "ron sed the health of the W. NmOficers 'and raed ie A me Ww. he Mast'.r m 4de a suitable response. 'ail® henlch of Bro. Peplow was proposol 7. me', with a rousing reception, accom- puniCa with all the honors. | isto. Peplow made a pleasing reply. ! Mr. Ashfalder followed with a capital song. Bro. Peplow gave the health of the past masters present referring especially to Bro. Vardon and this brought him to the floor where he made an excellent reply. The "Host and, Hostess' was now given from the chair. The toast was given in good style the chairman expressing himself On tue | in the chair. i The minutes of were read and approved mitted to the Council, (Parks') property as it will prevent him from having access to a certain portion of bis land, 1 $ From the municipal Council of Thorah, | setting forth that said Council had passed a resolution at their session, April 20th, | authorizing WT. Thompson,P.LS , to hur-- vey the town line between Brock and Thotah from the town line of Eldon to the Cameron road on condition that the municipal Coun- cil of Brock pay one half the cost. Petitions were received from the follow- ing from 140 ratepayers within the bounds of the corporation praying the Council to pass a by-law authorizing the levying snd collecting ot $100 off all the ratable pro- perty within the village of Cannington for the purpose of building sidewalks within said corporation. From Wm. Junkins and 32 others pray- ing the Council to grant a sufficient amount to dig a suitable ditch in the 14th con. opposite part of lot 10, all of lot 11, and part of lot 12, From W G Gibbs and 16. others prayirg the council for an appropriat inn to Jbuild a bridge over the Beaver river In the 13th con opposite lots 18 and 19, the road in that locality is almost i npassible in the spring and fall, - Mr John Carmichael complained of having had a sheep killed by dogs aud placed the damage at $6. On motion of Mr Cunningham an order was granted for $4, The council adjourned and the court of revision was now formed by the clerk taking the sworn declaration of the several mem bers, the Reeve in the chair, The rolls of two assessors, Mr J Speiran and Mr Wm Ewart were now laid on the table, they are well got up and the appeals were few and nnimportant, The chief items on the rolls are as fol- lows: NORTH ROLL. Total number of acres 32.650, 'total value of real property $1,403,410, total value of real and personal property and taxable in- come $1,480,588, number of horses 1089 cattle 2,034, sheep 2,122, pigs 1,008, dogs 208, days statute labor 2.931. SOUTH ROLL. Total number of acr '8 32,172, total value of real estate $1,318,159, total valne of reul, personal and taxable income $1,417,109, number of Horses 1,037, Cattle 3,074, Sbeep 1,826, Pigs 916, Dogs 224, days slatute labor 2,438. ' The appeals were now takenup in the order in which they were lodged, Geo. Tags somplainsd that while his farm wus asse at $60, ).is neighbor Mr. Switzer whose land is equally good is assess. ed at $58 an acre. Atter due consideration the conrt reduced Mr. Bagshaw's assessment $200, Mr W. H Harvy complained of having been assessed for a dog of which his ron is owner. The necessary change was made, Mrs. Jane Walker complains that her property in Cannington, the 'residence and 23 Acres of land is ase seed at $1,700 which she considers $300 too high. After due eonsideration and comparing the property with ginilar property similiarly situated the court dismissed the appeal. J 0g or the previous mnieeting | not yo The following communications Were sub- | ant makes no reply. do dogebad done it. Reeve, was it r own dog that did it? Complainant, ve, have you a dog? Complain~ Reeve, I understand, Mr. Parliament, that you have a dog. and No i From Robt Parks, setting forth that he did not give him into the assessor: had been informed that Henty Jackson had | Complainaut=-Well if I did pot give in my been authorized by the Council to closé up | dog ¥ am not like some whose dog kills the road allowance om the west part of 10t 3, | their own sheep and they kill the dog and in the 14th con. and if said allowance i8|come and get the money for the sheep from shat up it will be a serious injury to his! ghe Council. Reeve--Now, Mr. Parliament, «don't you regard it as'sn uhreasonable act that you should have 4 dog and refuse to give kim in to the Arsessor and when you get your sheep damaged by dogs you will come fo the council seeking for damages, Complainant ~My dog never kills any sheep, besides the dog is not mine it belongs to the boy ; but I know parties whose own dog was scen worry ing their sheep' and the boy went into the house and told that their own dog was kill- ing the sheep still these partiéscame to the council and collected the damage: Reeve-= Mr. Parlinnent, you know how {he fund is obtained fiom which damages for sheep are paid ? they come entirely from parties who keep dogs and ctw there be any justice in parties keeping dogs and refusing to give them in and still c!aim pay for any sheep killed by dogs. Mr. Parliament will be willing to let of the forporation will have part of the benefit by having walks to walk in and do business in the corporation. The sixteen hundred acres ot land now within the bounds "of the Police Village bave already contributed eight hundred @ollars fof sidewalks within the in- corporation and certainly fhey have done well and now to ask four hundred dollais more would be a manifest wrong unless the the expenditure were to be made where they would receive part of the benefit and unles: the matter is put beyond & doubt he will re- quest his name to be taken otf the petition. The by-law with the names of the com-- missioners inserted was read a second and third time, passed, signed and sealed ; "I'he matter of school sections 7 and 4 was again taken up but no change was made, On motion the council adjourned. A Reach Couneil. The municipal council of Reach met at the towm halk on Monday 27th inst. Mem. bers all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the previous mecting were read and approved. Mr Mowbray would like to hear the Opinion of the clerk as to the recommend- ation of the auditors as to an increase of his Mr. Thompson--1 think | sdléry. 1 tilling the| The clerk regarded the adoption of the C 1 will | aud rt as pitting the council to sheep go for the dog. p do nothing of the sort I must have my damages. Mr, Amey--I thivk Mr. Parlia- ment it would be no more than justice to allow your sheep to go for the dog. Com- plainant--Not much, I will pay formy dog if £ must doit but I will have pay for the sheep. Mr. Ounninghawn--You cannot get out of paying for your dog, and no one hav- ing a dog should try to get out of it. Com. plainant-- Well if I pay for a dog this time it will be the lust. Reeve--1'¢ll us Mr. Parliament who it was that owned the dog that-killed their own sheep and collected pay off the township ? Complainant-- You may find out that as you found out that I had a dog, I won't tell, ! On motion of Mr, Shire the sum of $2 92 was ordered to be paid to Mr. Parliament. Mr Parliament's dog was ordered to be en~ tered on the roll, John Bambray was also charged for a dog which had been omitted. An indigent young lady came before the enuncil asking advice and assistance with the view to getting an infant which she had with her, admitted to the Orphan's Home, Toronto. On duly considering the case, 'on motion of Mr Shier the sum of $10 was placed in the hands of a respectable lady who kindly offered to go with the young woman and her infant and use ber endeavors to get the in- fant into the Home, An indigent named Goodman applied for assistance representing that he was 79 years of age and had a lame arm, On motion of Mr Amey the sum of $2 a month was ordered to be paid to the indigent to date from June 1st The applicant had a largely signed = petit. ion which he presented to the council. On motion of Mr Cunningham the sum of $4 was ordered to be paid to Mr Thompson for necessaries supplied by him to an indi. gent, Mr Anson, On motion of Mr Amey the sum of $6 was ordered to be paid towards surveying on the town line between Brock and Thora to meet a grant from Thora. Mr Canningham introduced and carri- ed through its first reading a by-law to levy and cllect from all the ratavle property within the limits of the Police Village of Cannington, the sum. of $400 for the purpose of building sidewalks within the limits of said village. Mr, C. W. Moore, Fenelon Falls, com- pliains that his village lots in Cannington are assessed too high, On investigation it was found that said lots were were not higher than similar pro- perty in the village and the appeal was dis missed. "Mr. Campbell, of the Queen's Hotel, Can- nington, anpealed against his assessment under 14g altered couditions introduced by the enforcement of the Dunkin Act he re- garded $6,000 too high an assessment for the hotel. The court took the matter into considera. tion and reduced the assessment to $5,000. D. Brown complained that his property is assessed at $4,500 which he considers too high for 100 acres of such land, On comparing the property with similar property in the the neighborhood the ass- essment was reduced $2 au acre, The court arose for dinner, Court resumed. On motion of Mr, Thompson the Clerk was instructed to write H. Jackson to re- move any obstruction which Le may have placed on the road allowance in the west part of lot 3 in the i4th con. Mr. J. E- Smith of the Northern Hote! Cannington complained that 83,500 was too high to assess his hotel owing to the depre ciating effect on hotel property by the oper- ation of the Dunkin Act, It was considered 'by the court that the On motion for the second reading the Reeve said it would be necessary to ave the names of the commissioners inserted in the by-law and he would suggest that the following names be inserted as Commission. ers to expend the amonnt, viz: Captain Sinclair, Mr R Edwards, McD Ross, Mr J. L Johnson and the mover, > Mr Thompson said that as & matepayer in the village he objected to being dictated to by the council as to who should be the com- missioners, all the ratepayers wanted of the council was for them to authorize the levy- ing of the amount requirgd, the ratepayers of the village will pay it and they will ap- point their own Commissioners, and they have a perfect right to make the selection to expend their own money. The Reeve said he quite understood the plans that bad been suggested butif Mr, Thompson or anyone else expected to get the outside farmers to build walks and make improvements round the doors of the villagers withont their having any say in the matter they will find themselves mis. taken and if objections are pressed against the Commsssioners he will give up the whole thing and have nothing more to say in it iv Cunningham would consider that it is #nly right that the party who pay the money should have the selection of the com- missioners, ~ Mr Thompson says that is all that we the increase still he did not wish to take any advantage of the council and would leave the matter of salary entirely in their hands. The ¢lerk called the attention of the coun- cil to a communication fron the council of Oartwright offering to expend $50 on the town line of Cartwright and Reach on con- dition that the Reach council grant a like sunt, Mr. Clarkson called the attention of the Council to a report of the proceedings of the late meting Council as reported in the Opserver, wherein it was stated that Mr, Vilson's statute labor be taken from the | eat on which he usually performed it. He would like to know if it wae intended to deprive that beat of the statute labor of 300 acres, especially as the labor was so much more required on the town lime than on the district line. Under no circumsfances could the statute labor of Mr. Black's 200 acres be taken from that beat especially as there was 80 large a beat on the Mariposa side of the town line, Mr. Clarkson presented a petition pray- ing for a graut on the town line between Brock and Reach, Petition laid on the table. Mr. Clarkson represented to the Council that James Murray bad lost four good horses and considered that his pevsonal property should be reduced. On motion of Mr. Dobson $100 wag stri'ck off from the personal property of Mr. Murray. Mr Clarkson brought the claims of one Webster and his family before the council and requested that semething should be done for them as they were in indigent cir- cumstances, The application was laid on the table. Mr Rainey said he saw by a report of the proceedings of the council in the OBSERVER that the council had appropriated $30 when $200 had been asked for repairs between lots 18 and 19 ia the 14th cou., he could tell the council that $30 would do no good there and that 1t would be as well to witkhold any grant. Large quantitica of grain are being brought over that road to the Seagrave station and the road is badly cut wp. Put ting on dirt kerved no purpose as it soon washes away and he would like to know ~hat $30 would do. Robt. Richardson applied for a grant on the side road between lots 18 and 19, in the 14th con., he eaid the round is in a fearful state especially the hill. When he saw the Council passing on to inspect that road he pitied them and prepared his bushel basket to pick up the. fragments of that corporate body. Mr. Thomas advocated the formation of a new road beat on the side line between lots 18 and 19, in the 14th con, The road would be of the greatest advantage to par- ties coming to market, ~The road now is in a wretched state. Mr. Rainey, pathmaster on the adjoining beat, tully corroborated the statements of Mr Thomas as to the necessity for the beat. On motion of Mr Dobson, a new beat was formed as suggested, and Mr G Brown was appointed pathmaster., Messrs Williams, Lang and Rodman ap- peared on behalf of a grant of $25 on the Tih line, this with the $75 already granted and a bee they would get up, would make a good Job of it, On motion of Mr Dobson §25 were grant- On motion of Mr Dobson an additional $10 was granted to the $20 granted on the side road between lots 6 and 7 in the 10th con across the swamp. Mr Christie presented the petition of Mr Pheenix and 27-others praying for a grant of this would open tip some fine pasturage for cows in that locality, Mr Leask the necessity for a grant on the line between lots 18 and 19 in the 12th con. He would be willing to drive the council round to inspect it. The council agreed to inspect the place. Mrs Jones asked the ebtincil to Li ber a little money to enable her to go to Toronto to have an operation performed, she also asks to bave her monthly allowance of $2.50 in- creased, Laid over. The council adjourned and the court of revision was formed, the clerk taking the declaration from the several members, The Reeve took the chair. _ 'Phe clerk stated that the assessor had de- livered his roll to him all complete on the 3rd"day of May. Phere wero a fow appeals and neither of Mr. Bray got a grant of $10 on the 10th con, On motion of Mr. Dobson, an order for $2.50 "by the reeve to one Marlyn, for build- ng a culvert on the 5th con. was confirmed by the Council. On motion of Mr. Christie, the Council ad- till Angust 19th. tl en Lots of choice oatmeal. See Tummond's New Advertisementpegt week, A Mie, Blectiion of Officers. At the annnal meeting of the Grand.Lod, of ae ets othe, Grand. L go the following officers were elected: --W. Fitagersid, Master ; Geo Hunt; D, he R. fiad Reutetery ; 1.) Ji eGewonie yearn 3D Jamieson D. ol 3 eRin 3 ' Me Ys Chapisly * Auditor; F. and P. Brilett, rs The Graud Lodge meets in Peterboro Bext year, Death of Harl Rus ussell. Manly Briggs applied to have his property taken fromx the nonwres, and asscssed as resident. The necessary change was made. A. W. Ewers applied to have the names of Jumes and Robert Burton entered on the assessment roll as owners of the property in place of their mother's name. The Court made the change as required John Stonehouse complained that he had been assessed for two more acres than he owned. 5 The two acres were faken off, The Court reduced James Murray's per- sonal property by $100, The name of Edward Luke was put on the roll as owner and Andrew Williams was en- tered as tenant On motion of Mr Mowbriy the roll as now revised was accepted and the clerk 'inefruct. ed to sign the sanie as the law dirccts. The court arose, the Reeve took the chair and the council resumed. Mr Geo Robinson complained that he had taken a job of railing, the posts were' fo be set in 2 feet, and 8' feet high, he had set the posts but could not get the railing, and the Job was re.let and he got nothing for setting the posts for which he claims §%. Mr Dobson said that Mr Burnett and he had let the job, the posts were to beset in 3° feet and the failing wis to be on within two weeks, the railing wih not put on' and the posts Were set in only 14 feet and' under the circumstances he re-let the job' to be done in a workmanlike manner, the posts to be ret in 3 feet, Mr Ewers had' gone over the job with him and had aavised bit to' re-let it 'Here the matter dropped. On motion of Mr Christie $100 watférder. 2d to be paid to F' Earchman in full of bis salary as assessor for the present yedr, Mr Netherton complained of having had a shecp killed by dogs and sets the damage at $4. On motion of Mr Mowbray an order was granted for two thirds of the amount. Mr Wheeicr stated that if the 5th oon acres of crop he had put in expecting that the con would not be opened, On motion of Mr Burnett the council culvert on the Nonquon road on condition that Mr Squelch do the work. Mr Crozier stated that he hud attended the past meeting of the Cartwright council and had induced that council to grant $50 on the town line on condition that Reach grant a like sum. Mr. Christie considered that Reach was giv- ing as good as $50 to meet the appropriation of Cartwright by expending $50 on the 3rd con. AH is extensively traveled by the Cartwright people; the township of Reach has certainly dealt liberally with that portion of the township which is so much traveled by the people of Cartwright. On motion of Mr. Dobson, the Clerk was instructed to write to the Provincial Secre- tary for a statement of the amount due this municipality for School purposes. Mr. Beer applied for u grant on the hill near his mill, he considered that that porti n of the township paid large taxes, his own taxes were high, and only $40 had yet been cx, end- ed on that hill. Mr. Dobson introduced and carried through a by-law appointing the following poundkeepers : Daniel Grier James Vernon Adam Earchman Edward Phoenix Wm larish John Munro 'I'homas Contes James Gibson W Allen John Horn Geo Houck Robert Doble Thomas Crozier B Pickly James Holman A Brown, je Edward Williams Wm McGregor Mr. Mowbray introduced and carried through a appointing the following overseers of highways and fence viewers ; Henry Maynard F Earchman i John Mcintyre A Henderson 'Wm Tomlinson. were opened at this time he would lose three |. agreed to furnish maierial for building a} them important. There were eight ap- | Loxoow, May 28, --Earl Russell died ag peals to have assessment lowered but the | 10:50 to night at Richmond. Alarmin, Court after inati dismissed all of | symp and p i a at them, p.m, That Sad Calamity. That terrible calamity which took place om the 22nd inst, on the Grand Rives at the town of Galt by which eight of the seventeens pleasure seekers lost their lives was occas- 10ned by the helm of the little steamer be coming unworkable i» censcquence of which she could not be kept in her course but drifting. away she went sideway over one of the falls on the river, throwing all on board, fifteen gents and two ladies into the water, only the seven gents and and the two ladies were saved, eight of the gents were drowned. A cloud of rorrow rests on the town and surrounding country, ---------------- ° BIRTH. At Port Perry, on the 27k inst., tl Mr. W. H. Leatch, of a son. 7 lis wife of The Markets. -- Observer Orrice, May 30, | Fall Wheat, .... ..... ... $110 to Spring Wheat, ... +. 095te Burley Oats - aoc Pocono wm oo 35338888s8°% Lowe 28-32-8888 STRAW AND FELT HATS Jf ADE OVER inthe Newest Styles. -- Also, Dresses niade to order. Satis faction guaranteed. MISS TIFFIN. . Residence--one doo edét' of Mr, Prince's 'butcher shop, Queen street, Port Perry, May: 30, 1878. CLOSING BUSINESS ! ALL G00DS AT COST. AVING decided to close my business in Port Perry I ofter my entire stock of BOOTS&SHOES AT COST! NO RESERVE ! NO HUMBUG ! But real Bargains will be given to all who want Boots and Shoes. Come at once and secure them, or Book account will please settle the same at once, J. G. MORGAN. Port Perry, May 29, 1878. All parties indebted to me either by ! Note" \Y do honor to any man townsmaw, Di JE i; wo $25 ic assist in building side walks in the | foseph Bryant v Harris PRINCE ALBERT H h IP Wait, Tenure hy in terms of much se of the worthy cater. | assessment was not too high for such ors contend for, it be that the |®2 A a We expect that the apnroaching 4.» meavier Of the College of roe sepistere] ers 4 eo a and rata cr the I a i) 1 ad abs Th Tigers eta a commiss. | village of Greenbank. Rickard Blight Xu NeGregor Public Hall Joint Stock Com an session will be short, sharp and pro | in ede "40. Dr. Ware's many friends | public. site in town, joners put they don't wish four orfivemento | Mr Phanix was heard before the council | Wy parigh Chee town p | fitable, | pleased to ky0.¢ 1 ole {owushive iil be The J. Ws. toast was now given in neat and | Mr Smith said the propietor bad offered | have all the suy-as to who the commissioners he stated that he and others had already | Wm Harrison John Bray placed 167 ally 'on "ns pe Pl, Je thos been | suitable' terms. to sell it for $850 less than the assessment. | ghall be. built one half of the 75 rods required and | John Bryant Thos Parkin tenes rmm---- member s 1,¢ the profession ®.08 OWE! This wound up an entertainment well cal-| The assessment wax reduced $500, The Reeve said since the matter is goiog | they wanted a grant of $25 which would | John Qontes = hos Clyde ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Seeking Office. Tho Vy had applied and ever: paul for his culated to interest, improve hod fustruct. The Dr Rae, Sunderland, bad appealed and | in this way he would prefer to drop the only be $1 for every $3 which they would | Joho Kil di 56) gail, » sold dation never) Jars ago | bu the party Shura AR, tOUNE Benity Jectings Wiien was vend before the conrt, H lo, sain his | whole thing for while ihe council %y/ wal s3pend fiom Srivate subscription, Ao C Johnston > Dipl That Mr. McKenzie and bis when a party knowing this tried ie oot oe conspicuous and the entice absence of politics, fropeity. is asses} ai $1,308, t will wish to dictate to the villagers yet he woul i y of p Jas R Gilroy Geo Murta J RE Anil Genera] Meeting of the Ah Mr. * Dr. into diffieulties in consequence that the fonapisuoy Sang Lhe &5 iy od Fs have cost him $2 500 when completed Lut it | not as a member of council be a party to considered was a sufficient guarantee for the | p Smith J Dure Stockholders of the PRINCE ALBERT ministerial brethren should seek to Dr. agaln applied and of course obtained bis | prente. discucsion wae chameteristic of the | 18 Bot yet completed and he wout get into it | taking advantage of a large number of the | council, wn Nex Gall Geo Merrick PUBLIC HALL JOINT STUCK COM- wi there represented. " ratepayers. i retain the snug fat births they wow a orthy order th p d for a month or more. He does not 80 much | ratepayers, Mr Thompson knows as well as | On motion of Mr Burnett the prayer of the {oe By ant fr Gros St Suku PANY will be held at their Hall, Prince enjoy is not at all to bo wondered ot Bobbi Eos Ral When the hours had past their longest and complain of the amount of his assessment | he (the Reeva) does that everything is cut petition was granted, $25 being appropriat- is Dam om Sole Albert, on the evening of A y th School Anniversary. ! d rown A a > . y 3 and would cave little how high it was if ' and dry for the incorporation of the village | ed. 8 A but we caniot believe it ible i father time had got ip amongst the little | Cow i horhood | ry be| Mr. Matthews represented that a dozen | YW O'Brien James Baird TUESDAY, JUNE 4th that anintelligent public wi The Utica Methodist Church of Cnnada |ones the brethren dispersed, Happy fo |imilar property in the neigh were | and the necessary documents prepared to » P i t| 4 W Holthy Thos Blakeley y 4 gent puolic will con-| Sunday School will hold their Anniversary | meet, Sorry to part aad Happy to meet proportionally high, but he finds | placed before the county council at the June | families would be accommodated in way of | R Widden J Ferguson At 8 o'clock.' . sent to a prolongation of the extra- Services at the Church, Utica, on Sunday and again that such is not the case and he does not | gession for the incorporation of the village. | getting to water, to market, &c, by having a| D Christie R Houldershaw vi waste, corruption, manu- Mo June 5th ani 10th. Look f ! wish to be assessed at a higher rate than |The assessment for the $400 will be spread | road opened up between the 9th and 10th | Cbas Thompson wn, jr A full meeting is requested. facturing and nae BARE" |X 4h ya m3 otk. ook out for Qa others in his own locality. over the entire police village some sixteen | concessions. A petition to that effect was doin MeDonald Thos Clarkson JAMES BAIRD, President. Ha ove T pleasant and profitabie time. Grand Division 8. of T. The assessor considers the property no {hundred acres of land, but when the village | presented signed by Thos Foster and others, Jom. effrey fumes Gibson I'rince Albert, May 23, 1978. now lvl 8 e country in . The Semi-Annual Session of the Grand Di- | higher assessed in proportion to its value | is incorporated it will only include five| Mr Burnett stated that if said road were Yor reard Cone Reanio to keep a set of men in power Mortgage Sa es. Yision 8. of T. held in, the town ball bore on | than the surrounding property hundred acres so that eleven hundred of the | opened then Mr Ber would elose up bis | Thos Graham J Clemenes COUNTY COUNCII who enfich themselves and their | Don't fail to be at the Walker House, Port | was a marked success in the best of all senses | The Dr cited fnstauces and the court ro- | sixteen hundred acres will then be outside of | present road and the council would be put| Wm MeLintock F Oiis / de relatives but impoverish the country. Pers; on Saturday, une at 1 o'clock | the amount of good done and the improved ) duced the assessment $300. the corpdration and unless this money is ex- | to a large expenditure cutting down the hill. | Joho Christie, jr J O'Leary Ttis all very weil for the members| o7 ondid perties will then' be sold | organization secured. Wm Real complains that Bis 70 acres are | pended on side walks on the four leading | Here the matter dropped : I Ofcury Joho Leask of govarmath ta vids round te Lo 1 et 00 dw whieh pen £0 oS at Er fon EEE : . . n, r improve! ic il Solury 6h ths aniey's sxponss| Osnningion Advanoing with Un | ERs elie (lE HALES Slr | netguon by hn cmt wa PIO BF MBPS "oly LER EL nn kno | i been MEE s om od ves pow Wows n Lindsay abated Vigor. Ly bearing by Crowded houses while the | *hown that a neighboring mill dam injured | the idea of having the money expended on | promis to visit him and examine into the| Adam Earchman J Lamb ! 5A elsewhere sacking to hood wink | Tt cannot fail to be highly satisfactory to | speakers on both evenings were of a high order. | his property to a certain extent andthe court | these leading roads that he went into the | patter when they should go round to inspect | A McDermid Robt Phair REI the electors with 8 View to inducing | ©*Y friend of Cannington to witness its | Being absent from home we could not attend took $200 off the assessment: 2 scheme at all, and if it is to be diverted | 40 places requiring appropriations but they Dunlop 'Wm Dewe 0.06 their Mn oe g steady, onward and npward progress in the either evening. We are gl to learn that the| Wm Real also complained that while his | from that purpose he will withdraw from it | hag failed to come, that under the present Lik Scott John Hurrison T= County Council of the _ them m lo give r highness a new on of the mont sub Tear | meetings were successful. father is proprietor of the property and he | and oppose it as it would be a great injustice | circumstances he was linble to be shut in at | B wh en Edward Williams lease of power. They will find that | for residences . (Wm) tenant, the father's name is left Off [10 the owners of these eleven hundred acres. uey, je Chas Marsh. v y nees, business and religion. Mr, any time if M1 Williams should so desire as The Counei COUNTY OF ONTARIO the elecioes aro not sich simplotons | Kilally isetecting a business block which for| Grand Soolal and Concert. | ans Sols BOR fone | 1 hoe Ro objuction to have his name struck | uu (Me Taylor) must cross Me William's lot | 6 300 yores of at. Wilson's ris Swthoriued . as be caught with such chaff. . splay is expected to rival the grand social and concert will (D.V.) be |; hers Beal na CSR I es | In getting out and he must have'somo outlet; | i be done on the district line between Ontario | Will meet pursuant to adjournment, at the - handsome Laidlaw block. Private residences | given in the M. E. Church, Port on {hy | sanerting 9 of locted Mr Williams will not kell him a right of way | and Victoria is to be done in its old beat. $ -- are springing up ia every direction and the ang ednesday next, the fifth of Jone Seat." Tie ? ons s of J Mr Thompson said the intention was to (at anything le and even if the| 5.0 Heard applied f - erians are buildings handsome and freshmeuts will be served in the basement | ots 22 23 in the 2nd con. expend the money on these leading roads, | council were so dis they could mot| eS imene street 8 grant of i COURT HOUSE costly mew church, Mr. A. McKay, the |from half past six until eight o'clock, after | Arch'd Mclonis complains that a party | ayq he found no fault with the names men- | force a road. His (Taylor's) vx. | Chelitinn Church. north to Mo Bases aoe enterprising merchant, Cameron street, hes | Which very interesting entertainment will be | named Geo Howard has been for a1 4ioned but two or three men had no right to | tended to the 9th con line aud he 'would Le | dence. He agreed to do the grading with the Tha opened a new line - of business. "Hy bas tiveu in the sivirch, consist jug of sho oy # he: part of id 3. Sorner. or nid Molnple ) re dictate to the town and say who the com- be willing with the assistance of the council | statute labor and gravel with the grant. Tow n Whit bh rented one of Capt Sinclair's stores and gone t I : missioners shall bo. to build a road, mu Mr, Holman also pressed the of ito the Farnituro business. Mr MoKny In| Ais Add sssesty one of the ladinns ode. | he (Mclunin) should have Leen assessed for | Mr Amey considers that the eleven hun. | The council agreed to go and inspect the| On motion of Me a ul 1b A lutoy, a persevering, reliable business man wha | Admittance Fifteen Cents. Com, |1he whole property. dred acres outside the proposed incorporation | place. vi yas granted ana the patbhmaster and Mr| On Tuesday, 4th of 1878, : ie thoroughly understands bis business, and . -- On the investigation of the Court it was should be represented and that the outlay | Mr J B Campbell asked for a grant on the | Squelch were appointed commissioners to ex- ' of June, 'the olive branch. isin purchasing {uinliuse from him can | An Acknowledgement of Merit. jousd Sat some patties hid go tuto he, thaula be Insile wher Sheue Sateldine i Sth con; be asl Tio to sa Shoat Jens, pend the same. At 2 o'clogk in the afternoon. : Blive. branch. ve no fears as to quality. The public will et use giving the name . Howard ve some benefit in having good side s much travel w 'use-| On motion of Mr Chris a he next dny they | do well to examine his fine stock. It affords us much pleasure to give the | renter but that the establishment was under | walks to get into the village to do business, | ful for numbers of children to school granted ion aris Ih tis the gu im of 83 2s JOHN SRIER, swords. Rumours | ---- following highly favorable notice clipped | the sole management of two ladies who run | if not expended on the leading roads, the| The council ngteed to visit the spot. lard o blind iodigent from the Bling - County Clerk. Confirmation. the Imlay ity Advance of the 25th | the concern ou their own account. | outlay would do them no good. |, Mr Mowiray presented the of | Asylum. ? County Clerk's office. . . oo : i om The Court caused the name to be erased rt ingh says this sion has Jas Syn Auk dnd 29 otter, paying to bave ocr Parrish applied for a grant on the 2nd | Whitby, May 21, 1078. An overflowing congregation from the roll, {HE rought out the matter fully and he views it | the 5th co of Frince | Me : : even- rmation cension, Port Perry, Sund last to witness a Con assembled in the chureh of the As- « At aspecial meeting ot the Board of Saturday evening, May 18th, the board suc- ceeded in re-engaging the services of Prof Trustees of Imlay Union: School No. 6, ; On application to the Court the follow- rage for pat of wing lot 331 Cenaing. e for of vil t 32° o ng- ay War B. A differently trom what he did at the outset, he desires to do that which is right and just to all, at first he considered that the villagers should control the appointment of commiss- Mr Barnes complained of the road near the lake baving many large holes the bottom of which can scarcely be reached. He had commenced filling these holes 26 years ago. Mr M G Robson represented to the ei} that the Nonguon rod 31d con was badly rood aeeh he IMPROVED per- mission to sf ten the y son, lot 16, fy truight n ad. on his x farmer's nd old. o- i inistered by th se | aniv smi red by the. ishop or | R V Langdon, as priacipal for suother year | jy, the 11h con., Richard foners but the very large interest without| wo pions aoniied for for make the new road as good as "through which rite , lot 12, in the 10th con ; Samuel Motsr, | the boundaries of the proposed i i Is Blight applied fob cedar and plank Burge LTR fi 1 Su | posons ecording to he rules of tho TA oan med dh cote Li nati it nS BE Bl ae en TUE CoA In heh co rob of England are admitted to Wen Foster complains that the south hair 1b¢ Pesio of (0s br Jw 1% FRel do, 10 ling admins in Saintheld » conieibn ov conden hak bo asim i ro of Ho a ors, wo} full memborsbip in that Common. of ot 2 inthe 14th con. in all buses to 308103 FC ges wold molec | thom of thee dollars for avery one nied!" ir Ohi wid thas "hot the Toga | 000d and ri yJion, it ' | very wise ¢ y ar Ty eT ah "| them still the council has a duty by the council, as to 7H -- making Toa he beer acres standing timber. var 2 muh toon aiid | Ewe he po, Pot SEs mc LR TST (be Gms see ee ht he vik aes to | TS Se te argo o em EE ee Tine cEiently qualitid for the potiion be Blla/ SON eet of Bichard Gronsba to. | Capt. Sinclair sed he would very much | _ On motion of Me Burneit the sum of $39] Tae mation vas The west half of Lot 13, fi the" 4th crn ne 1 . a to the assistunts "their past services| Tho nam ary rry was i0- |; ofr "that bis, name were struck off the | Was a ; Soauieany complaint that bo had stcsived comsion of 200 acres. New Log 4 | A apd poe ressed |jeave a recommend that the school for the | serted as owner of the east half of lot 6, in | jiu of commissioners "he does not by any' council Mr whether be res cleat of y next year will be as prosperous as for the | the 14th con. means desire the position, but be the Huse and . 50 acres cleared -- year past." On motion of Mr. Cunmingham, the 'missioners who they may 'the Watered. : Moll --- any considerd a] expenditure Ing in the 8 report that the cheek se- a Seemed thet Wa sport of : This notice will be highly satisfactory to | Court confirmed the assessment roll as re. on the four leading roads must not be de. ceive an addition On motive WC Beard ig Oe neidesable Wa ny EL OT 0 | vieed and IarUcted the. Clerk to Sit 10.) ed Tea Aber ion we sen bak ath' Me replied that he made the re: nd eked RE Terme 10 uit vorchasens. press od by th a satisfied that this entire locality will agree |sam> as the law directs. i with a large number of those whose names on account of the in. - ;SBE. to 3 puch, heighten y the clear wih ug in stating that Mr Langdon well| On motion of Mr. Thompson, the Court ate on the petition as it'was with that dis- crease in the work of the clerk, he considers Walker applied for gmat to pair a N. F. PATERSON, | solemn voice and venerable Ap- deserves the above highly satisfactory | arose and the reeve took the chair, and the tinct understanding that the signatures were that officer poorly paid for the lage sonst - com. Solicitor pearance of the preacher. Com. notice, Council resumed, obtained and they would not have been of labor dome. | On motion of Ne. Dobson. $19 was rand | Port Perry, May 21, 1878. .