Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 9 May 1878, p. 3

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a' i, PRG STOCK FULLY ASSORTED IN ALL DEPARTMENTS 100 Picces Ashtons' fast colored Prints at 12¢ per yard, Grey Cottons - . Sc per yard. Ladies' Fine Prunella Boots only 50c pair. { CAR, 400 BBLS. Land Salt and Plaster, AT VERY LOW FIGURES. CASH FOR WHEAT, BARLEY, PEAS, &C. B. J. THORNE Having decided to retire from the RETAIL DRY G00DS TRADE ! Is offering the whole of his Stock at and BELOW COST. PROFIT IN NO ORJICT ! BUT THE CASH And those having it can secure Immense Borgains. Those who want credit can no doubt (if they are worlhy of it) obtain it from other Houses in the trade by paying from twenty-five to fifty per cent advance means Bad Security, and those who pay such rates for accommodation must expect to make up the losses made on those who do not pay, Special attention is drawn to Cheap Lines of TWEEDS which will be-offeted at IALF the usual rates, Port Perry, April 18,1878, IS. B. J. THORNE, Big interest Spring--1878 IV GOODY NERY PRICE - Latest Novelties! tie AT ei BRIWNE CURRIE, Immense Stock of Tweeds fully 25 per cent less than last year. Dress Goods in endless variety. Ladies' Linen Suits--Cheap ! A Large Stock of Heavy White Cottons over a yard wide, at 10 cents per yard. Gents" T'weed Suits from 88. Ladies' Corsets, Ladies' Ties, Ladies' Skirts. Tapestry Carpets from 70 cents per yard. Boots and Shoes to suit all classes, at Borrom Prices. a BROWN & CURRIE"S. Port Perry, April 4, 1878. CORRIGAN & CAMPBELL Have now open for inspection, S. H. CHRISTIAN. Manchester, April 17, 1878. BOOTS&SHOES FOR ALL. WIE, PORT PERRY & LINDSAY RAILWAY. TIME TABLE No. 22 Taking elect We Inesday, May 1, 1878, TORONTO TIME. Trains Going North. « EXPRESS, viaG.T.R. . unctionG.T. Yoront. 'W hitb; Whitby CHOICE selection of Boots and Sh suitable for g2_ING & gUBVIB WDB, Now in Stock at J. 6. MORGAN'S The principal attraction in addition to QUALITY is the LOW PRICE! yrile .. *Summit Manchester .. *Flag stations--Trains stop on signal only. {Telegraph stations. = A nice assortment of Men's Shoes, both buckle and lace, REMOVAL! HE Bubscriber having removed to the ee scl TIE LANES Cosh or Rendy.Poy Principe Store, would respectfully announce that he | has on hand and will keep during the scusoa all kinds of FRUIT,EARLY VEGETABLES, PLANTS, pall out which has long been wanted. J. G. MORGAN. Port Perry, April 24, 1878. cHOICEMEATS LOBSTERS, SHRIMPS, §C. MAPLE SUGAR, §C. GROCERIES ! Of all kinds as Cheap as any House in town, 8" Give me a call and you will be satisfied. L. McLEAN, Port Perry, April 24, 1878. Farms to Rent "WO FARMS OF 100 ACRES EACH IN AT CAWKER'S. East Whitby, Possession given in the fall. Apply to TE Subscriber while much pleased to sco W. B. McGAW, _the rapidly increasing shipments of the Port Perry choice Cattle of Ontario to the Montreal Mar- '| ket, and to mark the greatly Increased de- mand for Canadian choice Cattle in European Markets, has regard to the wants of his Qustomess Ly Always purclmsing Shoiee Cattle for Slaughtering pul and supplying a a first claes article of Neat. S. T. CAWKER. Port Perry, April 17,1878. FOR SALE Port Perry, April 24, 1878. House and Lot for Sale ih IN PRINCE ALBERT. HE Let contains half an acre of Land and is known as the Sacll Property. For further particulars, apply to the pro- pride, G. H. TUMMONDS, HAT Valuable Property known as the 337 King st. East, Toronto. Or to HENRY GORDON, Manchester Grist & Flouring Mill April 2¢, 1878. =i Together with 42 Acres of Land will be sold Cheap. The Mill is situated on lot 9, 4th | concession of Reach, oue of the best localities in North Ontario, being in close proximity Port Perry, RESUMED PRACTICE. "JONES BROTHERS Have made extensive alterations in their premises this season, and for the convenience of lady customers have converted the rear of their Dry Goods Store into an elegant JRillinery SHOW ROOM. This Department has received special attention and will be found unusually attractive, embracing all the latest and most elegant styles in Hats, Bonnets, Trimmings, etc, is their intention to exhibit, this season, the Largest, Cheapest, and most Attractive Stock of Millinery they Lave ever had the privilege of offering. THEIR GENERAL STOCK OF TLE FAC GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, &C. Will also be found to be fully assorted, and at PRICES LOWER THAN EVER hitherto offcred, As they have already intimated they have adopted the edit trade, Port Perry, April 10, 1878, I beg to say that I have an improved method And every intelligent person who has had the privilege of examining their Stock and of putting Buttons on Boots warranted not to prices has been fully convinced of the advantage of dealing under this system. They solicit an inspection of their Stock and feel warranted in stating that they can BEF Come and examine goods and prices, SUPPIY their patrons Goods CHEAPER than they can be furnished by any House doinga &C. Also, BOLOGNA SAUSAGE, g P credi L JONES BROTHERS. | GOA A WELL SELECTED STOCK ~--~O0F Millinery! In all the New ideas of the Season. This department is still managed by MISS McKENZIE, Whose superior taste and ability as a Milliner will be a sufficient guarantee to all who may favor us with their orders, It We have also a large variety of New Dress Goods! LINEN COSTUMES, &C., VERY CHEAP! N.B. Dress Making done on the premises, Port Perry, April 11, 1878, CORRIGAN & CAMPBELL, JUST TO HAND Lod. DAVIS' FP HE Sut ONTARIO CARRIAGE WORKS ! has much pl in informing his cust OF EVERY VARIETY AND STYLE, their ready and rapid sale. larger portion of this Province, and every effort will be put forth to make the manu: facture of the Ontario Carriae Works, Port Peary, still more deservedly popular. BE@TAN EARLY CALL IS SOLICITED. "@&g Port Perry, April 10, 1878. JAMES EMANEY. and the public generally that he has just finished and is now manufacturing some of the finest, most desirable CARRIAGES Prime White Fish Trout, Herrings, &c, In Barrels and Half Barrels, GHOICK GROCERIES, CHEAP As any House in town. PURE WINES, LIQUORS ! Cigars, &c., always in Stock, FLOUR & FEED Of all kinds--cheap for Oash, oem esc co ITANTHD, 1000 BUS, POTATORS For which the Highest Price will be paid. I. J. DAVIS, Port Petry, Oct, 24,1877." E wadersigned is happy to inform Lis, where there is every accommodation for I numerous friends and the general public ' shipping purposes, and ample room for an ofthe locality that during his somewhat brief extensive local tcade. There is also a season of Wiagation he bas recovered his; steady run of Gristing, wouted health and zow resumes the practice; There are two run of choice stones and of his profession and is prepared as formerly, | a1] other necessary machinery for the manu- to attend to all calls. facture of a first class straight of four, -- N. McCLINTON, M.D, |The mill is driven chiefly by water power Saintfiold, Dec 4, 1877. there being sufficient water to keep it ing three-fourths of the year. In order to keep the mill running steady ' throughout the year, the proprietor has placed machinery twelve hours with one cord of hemlock wood. There are also two good dwelling houses, coopers' shop, stable, and other outbuildings on the property. For further particulars, apply to the pro- prietor, / JOHN IANSON, . Greenbank, Or to Janes McKiraiok, on the premises, Greenbank, April 17, 1878, FOR SALE. Ox Easy terms a House, Outbuildings and 12 Acres of Land near Union Avenue Apply to C. DAWES, Auctioneer, Port Perry, TX EI TITS HI SMTTTY FTI es COURT CF REVISION OTICE is hereby given that the Court of Revision to revise the Assessment Roll for the Township of Reach, For the year 1878, will sit al the Town Hall, : Manchester, on Monday, the 27th day of May next At ten o'clock a. m, of which all parties interested are hereby required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. JOHN CHRISTIE, Township Clerk, Manchester, April 30, 1878, Port Perry, Jan 30, 1878, in connection with the water power.a first = class New Steam Engine capable of running the mill, two run of stone, and all necessary ie SEEDS & SEED GRAIN i= wseeFOR THE Opposite the Ontario Bank: and Garden -- A Titi. E. WORTHINGTON'S, SEEDSM AN, PORT PERRY. Timothy, Clover, Com and Tares, Salt 'and Plaster Port Perry, March 14, 1878, LARGE IMPORTATIONS ROOM PAPER! (Direct from English and American Manufacturers.) My Stock of Room Paper, just imported, for Magnitude, Value and Variety, Far excels anything in this live ever shown in the County of Ontario. The Prices are such that parties requiring Room Paper will do well to inspect my Stock. W. H. McCAW, Royal Arcade, Port Perry. March 7, 1878, B&F 1I'ERMS--Cash or Produce, i : el -- T. C. FORMAN ~--OFFERS-- BIC BARGAINS 9 Ne White and Grey Cottons, Muslins Emboideries, White and Colored Knitting Cottons, Ladies' Kid Gloves, Lace Curtains, Black Silks and Blk Lustres, and all Staple Dry Goode, BOOTS & SHOES 20 PER CENT Less than any House in Town. ~-GEMEBAL GROCERIES.-- A Tea at 50 cents, well worth 76 cents. A LARGE LOT OF ROOM PAPER---CHEAP! TERMS8--8trictly Cash or Produce, at FORMAN'S, Port* Perry, May 8, 1878, NURSERY STOCK! The Subscriber has ott hand a very cholce lot of Fruit and Ornamental Trees, SHRUBS, VINES, &C. &C. Which he offers for Sale CHEAP. Parties intending planting this Spring will find it to their advantage to call and see the Stock and ascertain Prices before purchasing else. where. Small Fruits very cheap. The correctness of each variety guaranteed. Nursery Grounds two blocks west of Foundry, C. C. KELLETT, Port Perry; March 20, 1878, Proprietor, SPRING. We have much pleasure in informing the public that we now have one of the largest and best assorted Stocks of Hardware in the County, marked also at the very Lowest Prices consistent with profit, OUR STOCK OF BUILDING HARDWARE, (Bought at the lowest prices for Cash), consisting of NAILS, LOCKS, KNOBS, HINGES, BUILDING and ROOFING PAPER, GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, and YARNISHES, TO FARMERS. We have bought direct from the Manufacturers a large stock of Farming Tools, ny comprising FORKS, HoBs, SPADES, SHOVELS, SCYTHES, SNAITHS, and RAKES, | TO MILL MEN We can offer luducements in FILES of the best English make. LEATHER BELTING, warranted genuine Oak-Tanned Lace Leather, MACHINE OILS, BABBIT METAL, and all other supplies. TO CARPENTERS. We make a specialty of TOOLS, and keep nothing but the beet make of BAWSY, PLANES, CHISELS, GOUGES, &C. TO BLACKSMITHS AND CARRIAGE BUILDERS. Our assortment 1s complete, embracing the usual Ifnes of IRON, BAR, HOOP and BAND. STEEL, CAST, SPRING, TIRE and SLEIGH SHOE, COIL CHAIN, HORSE SHOES, HORSE NAILS, BELLOWS, ANVILS, VICES, AXLES, SPRINGS and WAGON SKEINS, Our stock is also well assorted in HUBBS, SPOKES, RIMS, SHAFTS and POLES. CARRIAGE GOODS and TRIMMINGS of every description, Thanking you for past favors, we solicit your valned orders for this season. LAING & MEHARRY. SICN OF THE COLDEN ANVIL, QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY. THE "CHAMPION" RECORD FOR 1877. Over Thity--five Thousand Machines Sold. NO BREAKAGES--No vexations in gathering the crops--NO CROPS DAMAGED whfle waiting for repairs--No telegraphing for repairs--NO REPAIRS TQ BUY--No express charges to pay=Easily adjusted to all kinds and conditions of grass or grain--A CHILD CAN MANAGE IT--LIGHT IN DRAUGHT=A PERFECT MOWER--THE BEST REAPER--The most simple and durable of all Harvesters--The best and cheapest Machine In the market, Purchasers Always Entirely Satisfied. » = FOR 1878. FORTY THOUSAND MACHINES ARE BEING BUILY. STEEL FRAMES BEING SUBSTITUTED FOR WROUGHT IRON FRANES, MALLEABLE IRON CHIEFLY USED IN PLACE OF CAST IRON. ONLY SLX PIECES OF CAST IRON IN COMBINED MACHINES, WEIGHT THEREBY REDUCED OVER THREE HUNDRED POUNDS. SINGLE REAPERS, OR LIGHT MOWERS The result is that the * Chainpion" will be the lightest in and draught of any machine in the market, at the same time equally as strong and free from liability to breakage as those built in 1877. The manufacturers are, ¢ shall excel in every particular all other machines offered, Jeguidiots of therefore taken this UNPRECEDENTED STEP IN ADVANCE OF Harvesting . PETITORS in the manufacture of Hirve For further inforfition, address, . : i OSHAWA, ONTARIO. Oshawa, Feb. 20, 1878, ¥ y AGENTS-E, WALKER, Port Percy ; GEO, URQUHART, Sandford,

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