. ---- ------ . . : -- - SS -------------------------- -- - That War. Whitby District Meeting. Council Meeting. of Reach intend passing over the roads of €03t and amount of labor required to repair) vey. Sale or Exchange - -- -- that township eatly in the coming week, and the same, Were the matter of pence or war between | The annual meeting of the ministers of The regular meeting ot the Port Perry | from what he could learn they wore prepares Rh motion of Mr Rolph the council adjourn- FOR PROPERTY Britain and Russia n tof the gravest nature it | the Methodist Church ot Canada will be | Council took place on Saturday, 4th inst.-- ed to faked favorable view of thy Jrinelon) . ok, would be amusing to listen to the solemn pro- | held this year in Port Perry commencing | Members all present.' . roads leading in CITY, anc he w --Ne testations of the present ruling party in Britain Tuesday May 21st. This District, which is PO RT PE RRY . 7 HE Subscriber having a large amount of business in way of contracts for build. E 3 over it opposition bat it is incon- - RoctpOutarioDbserfer venient 4 nhscrupulous politicians 'whose theory and practice are get power by any means and hold to it on the same terms. We n2ed not enlarge, our readers are familiar with Mackenzie's 'Magnificent Water Stretches" humbug, his Fort - ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR rr -------- Tho axintulss of the previo mesfivy were PUEECSt that some iemlsoly of this sone] Special Meeting. r 1 meet with the members of the Reach coucil The municipal coruucil of Port Pi met ii as they raise their hands and turn up their Dus 7 he Gost funtiening in ty Canadinit read and approved. | during the examination as such may have a | special et edad) as eyes and declare that Britain bas no intention | 0 "iC en "and bout thirty ion oh re Mr. Rolph presented the petition of J. W. | good effect. ofthe 9th inst. All present except Mr Dawes. nor desire to go to war while the leading! gon majority of these ministers Will bn | Trance and ninety others praying for & side| Mr Dawes asked what good that would do Roly Special committee appointed to meet the newspapers seek to promulgate a like decep-| present for the transaction of the business Walk from Bigelow street to Perry strect. cil on their tour of road i unless this council was prepared to make | ronorted that they had met the 02d {pepecton JAMES BAIRD - - eee me Smt, PORT PERRY, MAY 9, 1878. Sm ee Pre) for the Struggle. Francis lock stupidity and a thons-- tion. The purpose of all this is evidently to gain | belonging to this branch of the Christian 4 some grant, A late council had tried to|and had arranged that Reach lecpend?$300 and |ing in Port Perry this season requiring his pare ra P y time until everything is in thorough trim, arm-| Church, for this District. i Laid or the table. make some arrangements with the Reach | Port Perry $100 on the Ni d road north of . t -- in the vita a a und other expensive blundersiwhich |, Cire war material, man, ships kev] On the sorend duy of the wore | 1 Kennedy, chalroun of the Stree] coucil and He, W.M Jones, then & member | Fort bersy botwsen, the northern boundary of |sirous to sell or exchange his house in } ~ Rouge authority, and that is}of themselves are more than suffici- | are just where they are wanted. Every day's' sentatives will be present to take oar in |g lo i et of said C ited i 2jor she coil, Jmeing gone the length ois Fort Perry ud the intersection ofthe Nonnon Prince Albert, lately owned by Osptain tramp in the meantime, positively ent to. condemn a government and delay is additional strength to Britain, while | the business of the day, + following. peut of sald ComBitteN. = 7c tafforing dolla fr rr that tho + pend $300 and Port Perry $100 on the eid Sinclair, and direcly op For- "asserts that Mackenzie & Co. have |exclude every member of it from Seley ae DY in mS) aud one of host infarurting fous rin of the; Zo th Re % nd Council. of the Corporation of LG Olitiin the corporation will absorb | jordyon rond south Oe ben je mus, fora suitable dwelling ih Port berry, i i ine g ; nls. Ad wiflje, Brigdy is Keeping. Russin, inosting wi 8 #lection by. the Jaymen | ? all the funds we can spare for the purposes | passing south th ' The lot and premises in Prince Albert are determined to bring on the Domine power for ever after. : waiting, begging, anid scraping for a peaceful | themselves, of four of their numbers as the GenrueMey,-- of the roads. ! On ving i fe Seen, Ce A Premio a private gentleman, | jon elections some time in Junej| But this matter may with all {settlement Turkey is collecting, re-organizing 2 Representatives of this District to the Your Committeo on Streets beg leave to} yi. Kennedy moves that a committee con- | adopted. P Port WAS |} o house is in an excellent state of repair they expect that the late farce in [safety be left in the hands of tle her scattered but still powerful army and plac- Denn] Oonfsrmes hich mts in the City submit Sele Fepbr and would Fecomeny ' sisting of the Reeve and Mr Currie be appoint-| On motion of Mr Rolph & motion was |and the garden well stocked with -choice : h th \ . wml ing them in such positions as will enable them Pel . following improvements, ving 4 to meet the Reach council when inspect- | carried committing the Port Perry council to | fruit trees, &o. Hard aod soft water and necbec will somewhat smoot © | electors, they will soom have the : ; ; ' examined the street set forth in the petition oo ver) i they : to bid defiance to the Russinn troops, so 'that Com. Sh ; oh ing our leading roads, the conditions af the agreement between the | €very other suitable convenience for & com. otherwise rough road they would opportunity of proving at the ballot | when Russia seeks a fulfillment of the condi- | We congratulate the inhabitants of Port oft 0 ia ols prs To! The Reeve said he would have mo objoc- | cotmeils of the two municipalities, fortable home. * | - certainly have had to travel in that, box whether they are willing that | tions of the treaty Turkey may reply "Take it Perry and its surroundings on tho mear| o iition that a side walk be built 3 feet Hon to act on any committe likely to So Ou motion of Me Rolo, Mr Carrie ®was| For further particulars apply to | appears to us, however. % : ¥ _ [if you dare!" While the British authorities are | prospect of a gathering of so much impor. wide commencing at the corner of Lilla 800d but under ¢ circumstances he |appoin commissioner on behalf of this 'WM. SPENCE, Owner. province. It app: sy such a state of things should con Protesting AgaTust the Woe of wat they are a] tance in thelr midst. Inalt ages of the) strost most ie Duk stroes 50 fora | did not see what good could be done, the | council to act in conjunctfon with the repre. | or MESSRS. J. & D, J. ADAMS, ' that both Rouge and Grit aro reck-|tinue; that the government party |, oo wctagony of desperation hurrying up | world's history one of the blessjngs| We would also recommend nbout 10 rods committee bad not recommended that any | sentative of Reach in superintending the ex- Brokers, Port Perry. oning without their host in believing [bo returned and the country be al- | preparations for a desperate, protracted and | ypich co a. aed iis 1 J of side walk on Mary strect, and repairs | TORY Soult be expuiiden - Towle outside ponditute ot the above appropriations, and | Port Perry, May 2, 1878, i i b t 4 a terrible conflict. By m h which could be promised to any people was | Cig direct north of Queen strect, We Of the corporation an they recom. | the clerk was instrncted to notify the Reach | that their chances in Quebec are at|lowed to retrodrade for another five | and terriblo conflict. : ery man who CRA. uineir eyes should see theic teachers' | would recommend the following fe airs | mend it why not put in the report. council through their clerk, of this arrange, | all improved by the lute farce.-- [years or whother tho rullers shall be | err sm and can at all be spared is having a | C0 EL SLC ivitau] teach | on Perry strvet, the building of 50 rods of | Mr Kennedy said even if they had intend. | ment. AUCTION SALE hat} : hai rifle thrust into bis hand and being made a p side walk, repniring that portion of the ¢d to makes grant it would not have been | On motion of Mr Currie the street improve. i However the time is at hand, pre-| changed and the country agam set |goidier ; the East Indin colonies are being ran- | ¢r8 deservedly occupy the foremost place in| Ton © he oF Queen street and the re. | ood policy to commit themselves in the re. | ment committee were instructed to procure OF VALUABLE dictions are useless, the clectorsfon the highway of progress and [sacked for troops who are being transported | the front rank. All wiil offer a thousand | poy of a large stump which we con- Folk, mb vet 400 yards of gravel for the tise of the cor- i throughout the Dominion will soon prosperity ; our manufactures reviv- jiowails ihe 32% oF immediate Sohn with the welcomes to the Rev, and worthy members sidera Ind oye Sore 80 near the business ne Gore Sa aa no You In ero bomtion, alisuimal VILLAGE PROPERTY ave an opportunity of signifying |el, our agricultural and commercial utmost despateh, Wor material on 8 seale" of of the Whitty District of the, Methodist] centre of bie vi lage. ! council had no powcr to expend any money i IR ppo! y goity ) g 11 good k g magnitade never before equalled is being dis | Church of Canada when they honor us with | Your Committee have taken a deal of without the bounds of the corporation Camp Meeti by their voles whether they approve interests encouraged and protected, | tributed at the most convenient points, stores | ype time and carefully examined the several ' Pp ling, IN THE VILLAGE OF y 33 : J their presence, Perhaps a majority of the The reeve said they certainly had such --- or disapprove of the acts of the men oir workmen fully employed and ut of provisions are being shipped iv grenl ents | uemorg of the district are known to. this Sout nd spe the prayer of the | ver on certain conditions but the question | The Reach Council held a camp meetiiig who have shaped the destines of this | better wages. Some may say "O, a i i --. neighborhood, and known to be men of | examined Beech: Street and found' the 3s would 1s be wigs 10.dos0. under ye pre. nih . = on! Donen sn Td ! l country for the past five years. The yes! this is all very good but We | gun boats,ironclads, torpedoes, &c, furnished superior ability, unfligging encrgy, broad, | distance greater than that sct forth in the Here the Clerk read the law to Mr Currie | 8bip for the purpose of inspecting the high- - t 2) wt : masculi jet d exemplary live petition ; the distance being at least 60 ways, in thei + s question with the ratepayers is not cannot go back on our party," | withevery means of distruciion and defence [masculine piety, and exempary HUGS OX | hg would cost the sum of $80 to make ; showing tho council had such power. in ny i S17 SER RAHAD of the road lead- what are the politics of the men |Party! be hanged! what is political are being pressed forward amid the most fever- ercising a decided influence for good on all | 4 improvement required, which is more | Mr Currie said he was not aware that the ing 30 port ay from the north and that COUNTY OF ONTARIO. . 5 nL ish excitement. War vessels are creeping | with whom they come in contact, and never| than the Committee expected, and we |conncil had such power. TNO Tae h hi or road as it is called, who have controlled the affairs of | party compared to patriotism? Or! geealthily up to be as near as possible to the | failing to leave a community better than | would therefore leave the mattef in the | Mr Wright said it was verycool in {Reeve os 10 he ort Perry council, the ---- state for the past term, but how [the retaining of a few political |moststratigical poiats at the word "goP'--| hey found it. hands of the Conncil to take gach course | member of the street committee OVINE 8 | them over these Oy oof ps oom piled { Nia WILL BE SOLD have they managed these affairs; friends in power to the prosperity Transports are beiug picked up wherever found | yo ioe co Loon expocted the familics| they deen' proper. There is a ploce of specinl committee to perform duties which if | Reach to a certain extent with funds from , y A 2 i suitable and cruisers are being provided with 3 side walk on Queen street west of John | performed at all ought to be done by the | port Perry in order to have theso leadi has their legislation been wise, |and well being of the country. 80 | ull baste, and no less than a million pounds of | i? connection with the church bere will| gtrect reqiising repuie i Th we ogd A for strect committee. He would like a principle | voady put ina proper state of Teper each ON SATURDAY JUNE Ist 1078 economical and in the best interes's [long as political partyism is a harm. | liut sod other necessaries for dressing wounds | throw open thele house. for thy reception! commend ths the serie be dons. With flaid down to guide said committee ; if this | offered to expend $200 from the forks of the ) Ly] : : . : : on the battle field are now iu readiness and | and entertainment ot ministers and others) View fo protect the sireels trom age | council is prepared to appropriate anything | road north to the boundary of the cos ol < |» of the country ? With the solitary |less game it may be indulged in but belng distributed. All these gigantic prepar- | coming from a distance to attend the meet- by water we would recommend tht two | for thesa roads outside of the corporation it | of PortPerry and$200 on the new en of| At one o'clock in the afternoon at the exception of the subsidized ones, the (if it sup the foundations of our liber-| gions prove one of two things either that | ing Swverty yo put ia rnd ic i Should 3s kngwh so that the comasijtes aay ths iliagedr§ Pary Perry extending two con: o ~ . i . . T > reparvd to treat with the Reach council | cessions alo I" NEW roa iti govornment.pap suckers we think lty. jeopardise the weal of tho Britain has fully determined togo to war now ------ Petree ne: gropes state of repair. IAL a prepay appropriation i to be made. what | Port Perry' Would grant one on Sondiaion that WALKER HOUSE, ; : t or that the instigators of these gigantic pre- . culvert be put in Rosa strect, and one in | iy the use of the committee ? He would like | OP each place. Port Perry demured at this IN THE all else will agreo that the presen cotniry and thos Srawple snler ook parations have gone crazy and are trying how Enow Tress Bay strect. North street is in a bad state | to hear from the members of council if they but offred Shap if Reach would expend $300 ! Ottawa Government have proved a [the principles of patriotism then it| uo of the peoples' money they can waste in he sik ved --_ . tested b| Of repair and wo would recommend' hat | were preercd fo wine Roy gIADE: on such Wass instead af F200 Shen, Port Perry Village of Port Perry, miserable failure, their legislation | becomes a curse and should be ig- [the shortest possible time. be Spirit snd g : 1s ie' Tan 8 "| the necessary grading be wii Ca Mr Kennedy said it would be very unwise | considerable discussion oy finally ra By virtue of Powers of Sale contained in extravagant, stupid and directly op- | nored and cast aside. Russia on the other hand isin a dilemmn, | our villagers in the judicious selection and | street. We non he Ut! to tie the hands of the committee by propos- | members of the Rexch council agreed to it and | certain Mortgages which will be produced gant, she wold like to fight but she dare not; Aus- | tastefully planti { 'show t a2 rods of sidewal nid on SCUROK | ino g grant, Reach won't be unreasonable | 10 nail the matter it was thought advisable to | . at the Sale, the following propertics : posed to the bess interests of the -- is aE Lars. Yi le : oe astefully planting of show trees aroun street west of Siewee street, We wali in' repairing their own roads but a small boli a speeint menting of the teach council 3 > ini M 0 thei i will rt have recommend the necessary repairs on the a : ere aud then, e Reeve was desired to Dominion. Grand Division. late victory and masking somo significant en ; a Sent D a rly Ty teva | rans from Port Parry Tuiight dos: good uke the chair ur ther take the mud ard Mr. Parcel I. " ' --- y a : effec . 5 . i . 1 y Mi. Mowbray moved that Their haphazard policy or rather The annual meeting of the Grand gestures which bodes no good for Russia; Servia ; : a Queen street near Simcoe street being too flat | he peeve said that he was no way afraid | the corporation of Reach a at | Under mortgage from DANIEL IRELAND, i want of poliey has prostrated our 8 is scarcely satisfied with thesfruits she has [But while private individuals are doing| the water runs down the centre of the | 40 ciate his mind on this matter and he | the road leading north from Port Perry ex- lots three and four on the North side of inp' Division of the Sons of Temperance | gathered from the victory, is demanding more | puch and can do more towards ornamenting | Street, we would recommend that that por- | 1d oppose grauting one dollar towards tending from the boundary of that corporation | U¢e™ Strect in the said village of Port manufactéres, eripp ed eur commer : ib aud Russia his no: more. to give ; Bulgaria ois : tion of Queen street be properly turnpiked tg "ond Ue Rinch Let Reach maintain orth to the forks of the road ; and that $300 | Perry. containing half an acre, more or less, ce, driven our meehanics and arti- [for the Province of Ontario, Will Be | ig with disappointment and would strike their own places they areat the same time | and fitted up. her own roads she is well able to do it ; the De risled from thesanth poi dary Sibu un a out 01 » plan of Tillage Jos on park held i rv. | Russia if opportunity offered. Britain is dogg- | contributing to the generul appearance of | On account of the very bad conditicn of the! council knows very well that Port Perry in | provided that the cor; -- Joad | of Jot nineteen in tie sath concession of ie zans out of employment to the in the town hall, Port Perry, g : y y poration of Port Perry | Township of Reach, made by L. Stoughton 4 her every step and keeping her on the rack | the village and in an indirect manner adding | leading roads north and south of the villi | the meantime bas all she can do to keep the | appropriate $100 on cach of th Pook : yesh hos i : ing y step ping s Pp i 4 ¥ © two places | Dennis, P.L.S. Save and except the parcels streetsnd reduced the pay of those commencing on Tuesday, 28th inst. of suspicious and uncertainty while, her funds | to the value of all the property in the town, awe your sommltiey would Teconmend streets in ordinary repair and it requires a Tadivated, a a ded = of land sold off suid village or 4 gm ) vi Y ; chara : as o oo ore yeas and nays H tek employed to about one half of what The community regard the ap-|are being waisted by the the thousand and her But it must not be forgotten that every tree Amy oH rar but you pretty A ae were Mowbray, re nL ole Jone Ross, and Christiana Diesfeld, and the right "Tuwas when the present EOTErnImen) proaching meeting with much favor army melting Away sitting Wailivg in their | go planted ought to i the ibil i would 1 that in no enongh wher she offers superior in induce- isa Lh 2) an poten -- ing BE -- liom came into power, thus exposing all LE sickly camp. The long delay is giving Turkey | jy of the public and every inbabitant ought| case shall the expenditure on streets eX- | ments to make it an object for parties tocome [pq + © council crawled out of the iDiusenents n1y dn 2) on s pe \ ' ra od and not a little interest, and all | abundant time to reorcanze her still formidable | {oon rq it as part of his duty ns a worthy | ¢eed the amount collected for Statute | into the village todo business with us with. ala Mises s no 18 ki Re | oe bal of Wore workmen to many privations a . army and putting herr ina position to refuse | .. ol inj i labor. out building roads for other municipalities ; 2 . nd brick, three storeys high, kuown as the Oa est. the select by the Grand y citizen to protect from injury and destruction pa! i | 24 Pearce has stillon, hand a quantly of | Walker ilouse, with all necessary build. many of them and their families to steem the selection by the Grand | on ice with the conditions of the [© Het tnated. Eevecinlly should | All of which is respectfully submitted, and if Reach don't keep her roads in pass | that much admired class of Gent's furnishings, | ings attached. y : 5 v : Division of this town as their place ec i i} alwavs copdemn|®'TY Yee so planter, Repecingy shou Wi. Kexnepy, | able order let her be indicted at once, he | G1ve himarcall, g . t. But while by their vicious P | recent treaty. History will 3 . . y regis! fon h A ding the |Of meeting as a compliment to the |the Grand Duko Nicholus for Lis stupifity and oo Jou oS ke Tr do Ra. pre Cartwright Council. Parcel TT > 2 egislation they were grindin, ) . eo | i o im hic wtalom} tecting these ornaments which with proper sport i o icted a couple of years ago for it appears to artwright Council. > ey of the poor, reducing the wages locality. The members of the I care will grow up and develop thomselves Wiis moved that tho repent Just toad {0 EES Suh municipality has been en. Powe. Under mortgage from THOMAS PAXTON, ) y bid : . nto Con i 3 ecess- i He re deavoring to close up the avenues into this own Harr, CarTwriGHT, art of lot nineteen in the sixth concession of workmen to a mere pittance and Grand Division will meet with a| 0 g1ay and even disobeying imperial orders | and bave reached their majestic: grandeur) Mr Currie in amendment moved that the | EE re eI Se oe wiv i "Nay, 6, 1878. [of the Township of Reach, in the County of | h half of pi t of hearty reception, all will welcome | to that effect. This crime, this worse than | when tie management of the affairs of our | council go into a committee of the whole on | Sr Dae been kept I" Donnell 2% pursuant to adjournment.-- | Ontario containing seventeen acres, at 1 - wing one half o em ou . v " > TO Be cen Kept, Members all present. Mi i 3 Ani res, Be shro g them to our town. Ninety-nine out | crime, fatal mistake has turned the tables | oo. will have fallen ioto the hands of those the Teport, 1 t t 1 Mes | Mr Currie said he would not recommend {read and oh utes of fast meeting sent being within the Corporation of the employment they were themselves of ev handied of thize {ty | against Russia, within the defenses of Con-| 0 now our youth, If show trecs are Cir lms bas = an) Messrs] any exhibition of this hostility or spirit of | The Reeve reported thathe had made en. | Village of Port Perry, commencing at the feasting, fuddling and dancing, add- every hun re . of Lins community | oo.qtinope she would have been the dictator of d people soon becoms disgusted | Kennedy und Rolph voted nay. The R fighting or contending with Reach, he would quiries respecting a road scraper ilezed to | North-West angle of said lot, and running 3 regard the principles of temperance | fer own terms, without them slie is the humble not protected peop: 5 hav} é olathe anys much prefer kindly treatment and keeping on lave been obtained by W Bruce, pathmaster, | thence South sixteen degrees, East fourteen ing to the number of government P P Pp s i slant the voted with the yeas and declared the amend. | y Pivg On | 444 found the account correct. ; 2 : i as of the very first importrnce to |suppliant for the best terms that Britain, Aus- aud wont continue to prant them. ment carried. So the council went into | 500d terms with that municipality, and even | Wm Crozier made application ft chaing and cighty links; thence north hacks, increasing their own pay y po! ' 4 X Ee gi - nts : : . 1 if we can by granting a few dollars se ; pplication for a grant on | yeyenty-four degrees, east three chains more ' 4 8 i tria and Turkey will allow her. This madness -- committee of the whole Mr, Rolph YK g rs secure a | the Reach bound he 32 . : ph in the 5 ndary opposite the 3:d and 4th less, to th ter's_ ed, 18 Lake ; rear to ' : : ith Pearce i uc hai e ese reads ould not be a | cons. of Cartwright. iid i and adding about $160,000 a y t the growth, prosperty and happiness of the Grand Duke has deprived Russia of| Gents, leave your order with Pcarce if you chair. | large grant on th ads it would not be a | cons. of Cart ht OF leas, to the water's. «tg 0 Sengog La se i i f th ;ivil | of any people or country, and every | much ifnot all the advantage ot her late wantstylish clothing, handsome fit and low | mye 50 rods of sidewalk on Bcugog street bad policy ; and uow that Reach has got a | Moved by Mr. Lattimor seconded by Mr theses along the walt edge of Scope the pay aud pensions oO the civil |" ' : 2 abd uc ge an " ugog | council likely to be favorable to keeping Goggin that the sum of 50 be appropriated to | Luke to a point eleven chains and thirty.six ist intelligent community will receive terrible conflet and dearly won victory. In the was first taken up. these roads in better repair it were better not the fepairs of the Reach boungssy line provid- | links from the western boundary of said lot, . . + vi i | meantime Russia can do little else than wait S-- Mr Dawes asked what amount of money | to give them cause of offence. He had seen | 8 hat Reach council grant and appropriate a | then northerly parallel to the western li. They came into power with a with open arms the faithful and Bin atom of the othor powers but this wait:| A Courortanie Resioexce ron Sita--Our ! yp M DO Ny A Of I Bee [iike amount, and the Clerk be instructed to [ mit of said lot, to the concession line in rear 3 cere advocates of the glorion » 0 pect to expend on the im-| y and Mr Burnett and both were | furnish the Clerk of the township of Reach i . large yearly surplus of revenue over |" glorious prin- |; came whieh she is foolishly submitting to is | readers will find in our advertising columns | , ayements recommended in their report. | favorable to improving these roads and it | witha copy of this resolution. Carried. of suid lot ; thence goutll seventysfons dos ge yearly Pp dit but they soon converi~ ciples of temperance, the bulwark | her ruin. Doubtless she is not asleep alto- | that Mr. Spence offers to sell or exchange his Mr Kennedy said the committee would would be better not to interrupt those better | James Vincent presented an account for | 7% west cleven chains and thirty.six expenditure, Hu Sy 8 f tion's st th and tee | gether she is making some preparation to strike | present handsome residence im Prince Albert. | ojo a) (he information in their power but feelings, putting inn new culvert and filling in an old | INKS, to the place of begining The follow- i of a nation's strength and guarantee | 8ether she oe Sind ; give all Lue Ind bo A : culvert on Seugog road in the 9th con. $9.00'| ing improvements are said to be on the pre- ed the surplus into a deficit and now £31 fat : i All will b Britain in her most valunerable point--her This is a neat, comfortable residence in a they were not just prepared tosay how much | The Reeve said he had no wish to fight On motion the acco. bt was No OO 'P DE i Loi they are consuming about a million 2 . Mure grey De vorctes > commerce Rusian privateers : will dot the pleasant, healthy Joeajiey yi Srey uagassury the improveinen ts recommended would re- | Rough ot fo judict Doe Stes bubie would paid. kitchen and oy attached. and a half dollars every year more! ready iste Ci ocean on the of war | con . See the advertisement. quire. ] 4 : the d The Clerk announced that the Assessor had & : those important principles which | harass British shipping and and prey upon her = ---- Wiz Daivag wind Jikie 49 Rnaw the prob. [Into the villags impasible. 11 will pened his dmosement soll on the Wiliory TERMS.---Oneients of the. purchase than they can possibly squeeze out . b commerce. This will prove disastrons to An Iuwportaxt Enterprise --For years past | oy) oot of building the 50 rods of sidewalk | Fedtire 8 large sum to put these roads in Mr. "Inmes Bailey applied fi money to be poid down on the day of Sale, of the ratepayers in way of taxes. are a gine qua Hon to the proper cone British interests. and not only to her own' ju- the want of Marble Works in this section of| o, Scugog street. Mr . Runnedy said the hn 3 2 Songition ny Sn of ih Paley amp lod foe 4 an; yor balances, terms will be made known at They have touched nothing which duct of the affairs of an individual | resis but to the interests of her colonies. Country hus been justly regarded as a great | committce had not estimated tha cost but village is not qn Pi and this | yroved by Mr Lattimor, seconded by Mr. | Fey SF JAYS toncher nom ng i ile all agr If the phrase : "it's not all gold that glitters" | convenience and a source: of unnecessary ex- | there would be no great difficulty jn {nding | Yillage is not now in a condition to mect the | Taylor, that Mr. Bailey build a bridge on the | For further.particulars apply to has not proved a failure in their °F community. But while all agree the phrase : "it's not all gold that glitters Senge ns Raving to. proche from a. distances) that requirements of her own streets, be thinks | 3th concession line, opposite lot 3 and to pre- , r P bear more directly on one thing than another | P" y 8 ps * the chairman of the Street Committee Sent hig account for the same to this ouneil. JONES BROS & MACKENZIE, hands, part through design and part through stupidity. They purchased steel rails at atime when no man as to the importance of the princi- ples of temperance and wish its true advocates Godspeed, yet all by it is true of the glitter and pageantry of war, and While every intelligent and enlightened i nation may pray that the threatened dreadful those monuments, tombstones and other articles in that line of business. We have now much pleasure in informing the inhabitants of Mr Rolph said he did not regard it as the duty of the committee to act as engineers and surveyors, to estimate the cost of move { #bould bLave been more explicit with his motion, Mr. Kennedy said he did not wish to put --Carried, Moved by Mr. Lattimor, seconded by Mr, Taylor, that the Reeve, Mr. Sey mour and the mover, be a committee to examine the road Soliciters, Masonic Hal), Toronto. Or to MESSRS. J. & D. J. ADAMS, iiai "| North Ontario and the adjoining counties that | iD& rocks or nny other possible obstruction : . i : En between the 8th and 9th concessions, opposite ry Id have invested his own money | "¢ means agree &s to the bost means | war may be avertad Britain 2nd hoe Solohies are everything in hi of the best| he did not believe the work would be costly A notion on the books thsitag io Touch, lot 21, and to make such appropriation for the | moon te April 20, 1878 Port ne Sw wou avey id js own y £ inte deirabl d above all may so pray for it will cost them ds ylang : 3 but he could not tell to a dollar what it] The Reeve said he had no desire to insult [Same as they may deem expedient.--Carried, ' ' . in them, losing millions by the trans. - securing so pice . an end 88,40 1y. But that those in power in Britain are dually; Se a 12 Sida would cost, Reach but what is the use of members |The Reeve reported that, he had examined | ---- nr . 2 5 the universal spread of temperance | determined to fight is a matter of certainty and possible figure will be supplied by the firm o D : : bringing forward! & motion if they do not | sureties thereto to be suffici oul :, LEND action and it may be thirty or forty principles P! EE a vill Ty Tiel getting Rose & Weifenback, who are now establishing Mr Dawes said that without some estimata I ua He wishes the members| sees on han a ond SP KN ID years if not halt a century before they are wanted. But come easy go easy, the money was not their own aud they went in causing a net loss to the country of over three million dollars ; but this was not all Those who attempt to establish temperance principles by intemperate means are the greatest enemies to the cause, wolves in sheeps clothing, building temper ance like dwarfs but tearing it down on all fours, begging parden and suffering to be kicked through the smallest hole that Britain wishes to select for her. A Confirmed Conspiracy. a Marble Work in Port Perry for the supply of monuments, tombstones and other articles for | use and ornament in marble anu stone of the best quality and superior workmanship. S---- Go to Pearce's for gent's furnishings of the best quality and at the lowest price. | council go and examine for themselves, would noc consent to abopt the report till he knew romething of the cost, of the probable expenditure it was no report at all and be would suggest that the whole He Mr Rolph said they might go and examine that pleased he would not go as he knew every spot having been round already. to commit themselves iy # distinct motion on this subject as to making an uppropria~ tion or not he is prepared fo vote on the subject. Mr Currie said he would like to sce every obstacle to the prosperityot the town removed and see it grow up and prosper ; if we cad, that the Treasurer and his sureties be jointly and severally bouna therein in the sum of six thousand dollars for the faithful perform- ance of the duties of the Treasurer Moved by Mr. Lattimor, seconded by Mr. Taylor, that the Clerk be instructed to notify the Treasurer, to renew his Bond to this Cor- oration, himself and two sureties to be ound therein Jointly and severally in the stum of six thousand dollars for the faithful Farm for Sale. T= WILL BE SOLD BY Public Auction ! . i . i " . | were it is necessary even by denyi . 7 tee th ho bought the |like giants. If some cannot agree| The Peterboro Examiner of last -------------- Mr Currie said that without some esti- | se1U% 10 LOCC Caen nabs | Bursts ind. 3b hve ho Sane. crocatid sujet a Sor like the wan who boughi vie ith ti li h 1 cok came out With a flourish of | MANCHESTER FAtR-The Manchester May | mates as to the probable cost the council |. aul to secure by means of a small ny 18 thilonproval of the Counc, oh 'or before white elephant, they got: the rail [With parties styling themselves | wee Fair was held on the Sth inst., and proved | would not be voting intelligently in voting y grant a | 10 \hEAPPIOvAl ofthe Counell, on but did not know what to* do with them, so here is prey for the cormorants, the families and friends temperance men, on the advisability of introducing the Dunkin Act or of its limping brother the Permissive trumpets and with the greatest poss. ible gusto, reiterated the charges made against members of the op- position especially against Sir John, quite a success. A large number cattle were on hand and any qantity ef ers, prices were fair and buyers keem Mr. 'was offel look at less than $12). Prices hun ny- Horn had three fair cattle on the grounds, he 109 for them but he would mab arcund for the adoption of the report, some im- provements referred to might require a very large sum and it the report is adopted now the committee will have to go on with the repairs set forth. : sufficient expenditure oa the leading into the town and have people come in and do business with us with as little diffi culty as possible. He would like to keep on friendly terms with the people of Reach, we On motion the Reeve gave orders on the Treasurer for the following amounts : John Green, for one sheep killed by dogs $1.00 A. E. Byers, goods furnished Mrs. Loug- head, an indigent . .. Wm. Porter, for scraj HOUCK'S HOTEL! --IN THR---- VILLAGE OF MANCHESTER ! 3 ; i + + $5.5 live weight. There was quite a stir an i pe must now have a finger in the pio, | ACt NOW passing the legislature, is ; ; ") | around. 5 a ong contended with that munici- | Wm. Spence, indigent aid » these mountains of ah must ye that sufficient reason why they and in ordor to give weight to his or Roips Sy STullp 3) hove, $0 g0 ee er in pan gp 38 rt ee anti) the| On Saturday, 22nd June, 1878, 2 i ; § hi t for styl i in favor of tig c h romain on the streets or wharts a |¢hould be branded as the advocates foul slander, ho says ops enskiatoand cuppus all want, for style oe i ie in Jou have | Kennedy's motion and would be willing to to meet as a Court of Hevistont ~~ ¢ Atone o'clock p. m;, by di h against our sinis- of drunkenness or enemies of tem- «T'he Belleville Ontario has a private letter the ast Detitiona ew nied 10 this make a small approiation to assist Reach in WM. LUCAS, TownshipGlerk. standing reproach ag be made the butt of the | Written from Ottawa by a Mothodist Minis _---- lgrgest pe ever prese 0 properly repairing the principal roads lead- MR. CLEMENT DAWES, AUCTIONEER, ter rullers, and friends are hired at | Perance, or be made the butt of the |, yo 4 friend, in which epistle the writer| Whitby District Sabbath School council, ing into Port Perry. DIED The following described 7 cost to have them dragg- | Most intemperate raving of some [speaks of the disgraceful exhibition Sir John Convention. Mr Wrighi said of course the committe | myo reeve asked why he had not inserted . e follow og ] " splendid Farm enormous 88 i i s | Macdonald made of himself. This cannot --- would have to proceed with the repairs re~ | 40 in th ? In the 2nd con. ot Brock, on the 8th inst. bg: part of the ed out of sight ; so that these unfor- conceited and zeal intoxicated in- be called a lic manufactured by political | The following 18 the programme of the | commended if the report is adopted. M a he report had bee William D. Swwart, aged "29 years and 8 : tunate rails started on their long dividuals who do more mischief to|opponents." Sabbath School Convention which is to be) Mr Kennedy said there was no use in waist: A a Nowe an tls. The Estate of Harrison Vernon, pilgrimage some three years go the cause in one day than even| T,stento the treachery of the [held in the Methodist Church of Canada, ing time over it if a majority of the council | he might have inserted it in the report. Aver ) and like th dering ow. they |® drunkard could do in a year. Men | conspirator * * % | Port Perry, on Monday, May 20th, 1878, --| Wish 3 ) sake he martes of (he bands of the | phe reeve said that he never stated that e Markets. Late of the Township of Reach, Yeoman, , @ the wandering Jew, V16Y |. wid not:be branded; and vilified | #4 private | P Motbodist | The Convention will be open at 3 p.m. | OBIE af once. he wat chairman of all committees but as o deceased, that is to say, the south half of the may nak Sud 8 resting place during LE, d sbetters of th doi private letter from a Mothodis |" "b\w H. Laird, chairman. -- | On motion of the reeve the committee recve ho wags member of all committees. | guy) pear, ro Orron, May 9, 1878. |south ono hundred acres of Lot number the teantury. at least. But) 82 3iders anc shetters o the sot and | minister. After to religions exercised, an | 808, reported progruss and asked leave 0| hg reave and Mr Rolph had a tilt when |Spring Wheat, «-. oonrr. $110 to 81 18| thirteen in the third concession of the oo the drunkard because they ist min} i sppeopHin gi 564 80 | pgaln. pring ) . 100te 102 this perpetual motion is a rather o dr ! te they oppose| A Methodist minister, indeed! Essay will be read on the Present position | "Cp pL ining | he recve stated that the whole thing was | Barley , 040 053 TOWNSHIP OF REACH aMir--it is true that they |the inculcation of temperance by| The follow conspirator is not and fof Sabbath Behool Work, 'particularly in | enough tn satisfy him, but if tho rest of the | spe Kos oa 030 032 ? oostly affair--it 1 o hey beuteiforve taking men by the throat Li RE oe Ma snough Instiy un roel the | Mr Kennedy's motion was put and carried . 055to 6 00]|(excepting aquarter of an sere fvmerly aro always becoming lighter from Ue y Lie Lao should never be a minister of any |this District," by Rev. E. Barrass, M.A.-- | counc examine they might go. On motion of Mc Rolph the following in- | Clover Seed . . 350to ooo| deededto William Holtby) containing ear to year the insidious rust is and making them close their eyes, | kind, he is simply a Grit conspirator | The subject of the next Essay will bet' The| The reeve said if the committee refused to digent grunts were made : Mrs Zwickery $6, | Hay per ton 10 00 to 12 00 y . Po Ny aud open their mouths and swallow the |of the Examiner stamp: Tae Ez- Sabbath School, its place and purpose," by | do their duty let them be dismissed. Koster $4, Demera $4, Mrs Barber $4. 0:4to 014 Forty-nine and a half Acres doing its work effectually may led Tois nites stinid and sill : Jn Rev. P. D. Will. | Mr Rolph on the recommendation of the | The reeve said if the street committee 008to 000] I This vi ligib! oad the whole up ere the period of peige. i5n stupid and silly | am/ner goes on to say: "This cannot 4: hildren's meeting will | the Division Court Judge called the atten | could come within anything near the prob- 01000 010 Te, on es. pavperty is very eligibly . x to designate men fools and knaves | be called a li factured b At4:30 p.m., a children's meeting WH |; of the council to the necessity of pro, | able cost of the improvements recommended 009 situated being on the gravel road nearly >" thelr wandering draws to a close.-- 6 called a lie manfactured by PO= |p, hota to be addressed by Bevis J. C. | io of 0 ETRE 50 oon the | in their report it might be better to. dispose to 809 .qjoining Manchester station of the Whitby, All will say the sooner the better and cut short the everlasting bill of expense incurred in lugging them | round the Dominion. But our sapi- because they believe that moral sua- sion is the only safe means of ircal- cating principles of morality and virtue, and that to attempt to teach litical opponents," knowing as he must have done and the writer him- self well knew that he was writing a deliberate, malicious untruth and by the Rev, E. Barrass, M. A, Wilson, J. E. Howell, M.A, W. C. Washing- ton, M.A.; after which a model Sapbath School blackboard exercise will be given direct rays of the sun passing through the windows on the west side of the hall and he would move that these windows be frosted. Mr Dawes would recommend curtains for the windows in place of frosting. of it now as it is time that the repairs were proceeded with, Mr Kennedy said they could easily esti- mate to within a few dollars. SHORTEST ROUTE Port Perry, & Lindsay Railway and about one and a hal mile from the thriving Village of Manchester, one of the best grain markets in the Province. The land is all cleared and in a high state of cultivation, { ent government doubles considers | morality by any other means than | that the whole thing was the out|_ The avenibg Sowich will I Aftor some discussion Mr Rolph's motion adh Sid bs wd, ss on itared goutf and substantial | : 3 4 . o % 7:30 p. m. t Essay wi on the be. that it is all in the family, they are | that of moral suasion will be a fail- | come of a base Grit conspiracy.-- ed x purl wp y Now cite put yp dowdled cand te ciretulor in-| "Mr Dawes said he would not be satisfied till FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, ure every time. The following extract from the Satur- be most efficient," by Rev. J. G. Laird. -- he bad seen the places. Ho was a member gushingly liberal with other peo- The caretaker called the attention of the BARN, SHEDS, TO MANITOBA! plo' and lavish it liberal day's Mail shows some light on the | The second Essay will be "Sabbath School | council to the vety insufficient state of -th J ar eT 's money and lavish it ly ------ Mo me light ont » y 8 Smit) fu ti very insuitions stale of the | of their report had. ; And other outbuildings, a splendid bearing { on their political hacks. Much of 'Wait a Little Longer. Examiner's "Methodist m ST OE Ray er le I es the council when they examined the places. AND HOW TO CO. Orchard of choice fruits, and well watered, Mr Carrie said he was surprised at the ac- it to fall, | tion of the reeve, first he moves to throw out On motion of Mr Kennedy the sum of $70 the report and now he ehdeavors to bring it was ordered to be paid to Mr McKinley in up again, Here the matter dropped. the prep! success," by Rev.J.S. Clarke. The third Essay will be Sabbath School work, and Parental work in relation to the futire of "A young man in probation for the Meth- odist ministry 'McIntyre, living not far from Ottawa, wrote a letter recently to The purchaser on the time ot sale shall their legislation has been a spacious farce, & eostly toy. They have gore See W. H. McCAW, Our Grit friends appear to have lost their equilibrinm over the supposed y : Executors, and also shall suffi} { back on everything worth the name the Belleville Ontario, in which he stated | o "uo by Rey. J. C. Seymour, | full of salary as Collector for 1877, including | The attention of the council was now call- Bigelow's Arcade, | ent to mak a of principle bib thoy held while success of the Rouge party at the Sha on the sight of the long siting, b7 a A time of great interest is expected. his collection of that part of School section | ed to certain village lots traversed by the , ps oa ke ith the. dep uh the = of tion, and now sanction and late Quebec elections. We would | Honse drunk. His name was not to the|. At the close of each Essay an oppor- No. 8 without the bounds of the corporation | Union Avenue for which the owners were | Agent for thes Lake Superior Line of sale, the sm of $500 en the 15th day of | ._§n opposition, 4nd n i i letter, but he was known to be the writer.-- gh of Tenders for furnishing stone and gravel to applying for compensation. . No definite | Steamers. October now next, and, the balance on the 4 i advise them not to do anything de | Lh UT TNC NL 3 up and +] tunity will be given for She Sections the corporation were now submitted. | understanding was arrived at. mi et ay of ORO Dons seperate until after the meeting of | before Rev. Mr. Stafford yesterday, ho| the subject presented by the essayist--| Mr Dyer offered to furnish suitable broken Mr Rolph called the attention of the C . vv interest, when the purchaser will bo entitled thout | the parliament, which is summoned | confosscd that he bad penned an untruth .-- | Teachers, Scholars and friends of the differ- | stone for 82.20 per yard, or large gravel, a! ot "RC Soe hi ae ow closed ourt of Revigion !|to possession or ta the receipt of the rent * He was ordered to make a pdblic a in | ent Sabbath Schools are most cordially in- portion of which will require to be broken, at a A r understanding was come 10 88 for the same, . for the 4th of June. The parties | ine same paper in which his lotter had ap- : ne | $1 per yard. Mr. T W Curts offered to furn. Py, 5 Fob E OTiCE pr : may then measure swords, ' peared, one that. bls condust | Yited to be present, and to take part in the | Ly Gon three to five hundred yards of good 1° their bring opened | INORICE bs hereby gtven that the Courtor| The suid lands wilt de sold. subject to J ] would be dealt with when the Conference | Convention. gravel at 75 cents per yard. X Mr Currie moves that Mr McKnieht (the or the Rout - pr Snercof whisty will expire on the first ,,-- ------ met." The somal Sy othing | _ On motion of Mr Rolph $1.01 was order: Suveicd vs mote sf beirocions fom aay ot TOWNSHIP OF CARTWRIGHT 00 tho hole OF the me sor A cary rent How is this for the conspirators? |, ae newest styles of enone Sao hios | ed to be paid to I. J. Davis for necessaries of the streets within the curporation and to lay | y| 8800, paid yearly in advance. : ; d | chant orto Port Perry. . "7 | to indigents, an information before the reeve against anyone FOF the year Rea be held at the Town wil Their base Souspivasy bas burst an aller, J oy On motion of Mr Rolph the sum of §9 was CDSLruCting any of said streets. "Carried. oH» Cartwright, oe 1 also be sold at the . supe time dime | brought everlastin isgrace on| , ' Lr : # - . Mr 8 Bruce applied for sufficient plank to ONDAY, JUNE 8rd, 1878, | ny Buey Dearly new, ms, three all ie z 7 clothes. » He place fora dzlisn sult of, boning 2 beet - go = > make a sidewalk past his place an ho will At 10 olock a. m. ; he an approved nate, of which all parties inter i supply the nails and da the work gratis. ested are hereby required to take notice ; : od t Mr Dawes moves that the council meet at9 BOVer themselves accordingly. ti JOHN W. HOLTBY, Exs ovrons. r ph call he attention of the a.m.on Monday and go and examine the WM. LUCAS, Township Clerk EWEN CAMERON, council tothe fact that the municipal council streets with & view to estimating the probable Castwright, May 6, 1878 * | Manchester, May 1, 1878, ? 2144 * JOHN CHRISTI -------- ---- Go to Pearce's for the best fitting gent's 'Handsome gent's coats at Pearce's, Port garments. i Perry.