Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 18 Apr 1878, p. 3

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\ XY DEPARTMENTS y SA situa Sa a a -- dik ii AUDITORS REPORT, OF THY MUNICIPALITY OF THE "TOWNSHIP OF REACH, FOR THE YEAR 1877. RECEIPTS. DISBURSEMENTS. * To amount in Treasurer's hand By Bis payable... io. vaeess $2000 00 as per last audit ..o.coeeee $1266 37| © Printing ........ 129-90 ' « Fines, James Holman, 4 75] * Manchester Creek 27 80 * Fines, John Nott, .......v fey 400 ¢ County of Ontario 3192 00 ¢ u Bills payable, Montreal Bank. 2000 00 |" Orders of Council « Tavern License Fund. io... 215 24| Bridges . 338 24 a. Municipalities' Fund... 175 06 | ** Toor Fund . 500 10 "40m, Real, Colleator-,..... .. * 11881 00 * Sundries .... 1003 13 " # Schools .. 7538 '59 ft Saldries. . 899 00 © Dog TAX +esnss aan oar "50 80 * 4 Road and Bridges.......... 112420 « Cash in Treasurer's band, Feb. 15th, 1878.00.00 vu we 1762 86 $18566 42 $18566 42 © ASSETS. ' LIABILITIES. * Town Hall, &c...... ... ava ores $1600 00 R.'R. Debentures ............ Amount ot Ontario Gov't 8. D. School Séetion No. 2 ue Fund due Dec31, '77,$4285 17 do do 5 Less paid R R. Debtu'rs do Ado 2X Dec. 31,7. .oennee 2480 00 1805 77 do do "8 i Interest on 8 D. Fund from the do do "10 1'Dec. 31, 1877, to Feb, 15, 1878 "11 28 "do do 11 * School Section No, 19..... 4... 20 79 do do "12.. t Cash in Treasurer's hands, feb, "do do 14.. 15,1878 .ovves vannrnvannans 1762 86 do do ¥5.. | Balapce-of Liabilities over Assets 1270 87 "do do M1.. do do 18 aa M.-G. 'Robson and Thos, Coates, * Cornmissionets on roads and $ bridges co... eoiie deena, 17 80 L. Burnet, do do do 17 96 A. W. Ewers and J Dobson, = do 6 00 Manchester Qréek...... couuun. 165 84 $6371 17 $6371 17 DONALD, M:KAY, tom RB BROWSE, | J Auditors. E-Reach, April 15, 1878. mr - # STOCK FOLLY ASSORTED IN ALL 400 *Picces® Ashtons' fast colored Prints at 12¢ per yard, 'Grey Cottons. - = 5c per yard. Ladies" ine Prunella Boots only 50c pair. | CAR, £00 BBLS. Land Salt and Plaster, AT VERY LOW FIGURES, CASH FOR WHEAT, BARLEY, PEAS, &C. S. 1I. CHRISTIAN. 'Manchester April 47,1878. SEED GRAIN it i FORALL 1. ° |BOOTS&SHOLS HR FOR THE FALL TRADE. i | Seventy-five Cases of Boots and Shoes now opened at J. & MORGAN'S Bhoe Store. Withou' doubt, the Largest! Cheapest'! == Subscriber hason hand a carefully selected stock of Seed Grain of the Best Quality'and Most Suitable Varieties, Lhoice Barley, "Superior ( Tub Wheat Poor Land Wheat, apd. Best Assorted Stock of BOOTS and " SHOES in NORTH ONTARIO, And theso ; goods. will be sold:at close Cash Prices. Note these prices : Men's Long Boots for $1.75 per pair, * Boy's Long Kip Boots at $1.50 per pair. ! N Women's Leather Balmorals for $1.00. Men's Leather Gaiters for $1.75 per pair. 100 Prices Moderate. \ Wa. TUMMONDS. '. 1: Port Perry April 2, 1878. SINT 3 + The Cheapest Boots in the County. N OTIC E. pairs Men's Lilith Kip Boots, Ay rant % oy us ed to give satisfaction. All goods bought + Ar Ls Parties are liereby cautioned agajnsti fom me 'hat is warranted: will be repaired SA giving credit to gny one.on my account | F'reé of Chargg. : © without ty: written order as" I will not be| : T respectfully solicit.an inspection of goods + responsible, after this date, for any debts {and prices. « contracted in my name without my written det: "WM. LAURIE. J. G. MORGAN. i Port Perry Boot and Shoe Store. "8. J. THORNE Javing decided to "retire from the RETAIL DRY GOODS TRADE! Is offering the whole of his Stock at and I ] | bt BELLOW COST. BUT THE CASH IS. 'And those having it can secure Immense Bargains. " Those who want credit can no doubt (if they are worthy of it) obtain it from other Houses in the trade by paying from twenty-five to fifty per cent advance Big interest ' means Bad Security, and those who pay such rates for accommodation must expect to 1 make up the losses made on those who do not pay. Spécial attention is drawn to Cheap Lines of TWEEDS which will be offered at HALF the usual rates. . B. J. THORKE, Port Perry, April 18,18Y8. JONES BROTHERS Have made extensive alterations in their premises this season, and for the convenience of 'lady customers have converted the rear of their Dry Goods Store into an elegant @ © » This Department ha reoéived special attention and will be found unusually attractive, embracing all the latest and most elegant styles in Hats, Bonnets, Trimmings, efc. It is their intention to exhibit, this season, the Largest, Cheapest, and most Attractive Stock of Millinery they bave ever had the privilege of offering. SEE PE EB ME SRE, THEIR GENERAL STOCK OF TIPLE & FINCH Dich Gi GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, &C. 'Will also be found to be fully assorted, and at PRICES LOWER THAN EVER hitherto + offered, As they have already intimated they have adopted the Cash or Ready-Pay Principle And every intelligent person who has had the privilege of examining their Stock and prices has been fully convinced of the advantage of dealing. under this system, They solicit an inspection of their Stock and feel: warranted in stating that thgy 'can supply their patrons Goods CHEAPER than they tan be furnished by any House doinga credit trade, A . JONES BROTIERS. I Port Perry, April 10, 1678. ONTARIO CARRIAGE WORKS ! has much pl In informing his cust and the public generally rIVHE 8 + 1 _ that he has just finished and is now manufacturing some of the finest, most desirable CARRIAGES "OF EVERY VARIETY "ARD STYLE. Of the best 'matetsl and Workmanship. They will be. sald at ench Prices: as will ensure their ready and rapid sale. My manufacture is now being run and sought after over the larger portion of this Province, and every effort will be put forth to make the 'manu. | facture of the ONTARIO CARRIAGE Wonks, Pont Pgrity, 'still more deservedly popular, BEAN EARLY CALL IS SOLICITED."@®a 'JAMES EWANEY. Port Perry, April 10, 1878. SEIS & SEED GRAIN wwe FOR THE Field and Garden be He E. WORTHINGTON'S, R PORT PERRY. * Opposite thé' Ontario Bank, Timothy, Clover, Com aid Tares, "Sal and Plast, 'Port Perry, March 14, 1878, Reach, April 6th, 1878, Port Perry, Oct 16; 1877, ® ------ er er rr VI GOOEY PIC Latest Novelties! Spring--1878 NURSERY STOCKY The Subscriber Jiag on hand a very choice lot of Fruit and Ornamental Trees, SHRUBS, VINES, &C., &C. --AT-- Tmwense Stock of Tweeds fully 25 pereent less than last: year. Dress Goods in' endless variety. - Ladies' Linen Suits--Cheap ! 10 cents' per yard. Gents' Tweed Buits from $8. ; Ladies' Coxsets, Ladies' Ties, Ladies' Skirts. Tapestry Carpets from 70 cents per yard. Boots *and Shoes to suit all classes, at BoiToym Prices. » BROWN & CURRIE'S. Port Perry, April 4, 1878. CORRIGAN & CAMPBELL Have now open for inspection, A WELL SELECTED STOCK Millinery! In all the New ideas of the Season. This department is 8till managed by Wise superior taste and ability as a Milliner will be a sufficient guaraptee to all who may favor us with their orders, We haveealso a large variety of New Dress Goods! 'LINEN COSTUMES, &C., VERY 'CHEAP! : N.B. Dress Making done on the premises, $2 TERMS--Cash or Produce, ' Port Perry, April 11, 1878, CORRIGAN & CAMPBELL. a ----~.--aoAs-PT {. J. DAVIS' Prime White Fish Trout, Herrings, &e, In Barrels 'and Half Barrels, [GHOIGE GROCERIES, CHEAP As any House in town. PURE WINES, LIQUORS ! Cigars, &c., always in Stock, FLOUR & FEED Of all kinds--cheap for Cash, ' WANTED, 1,000 BIS. POTATORS, For which the Highest Price will be paid. I. J. DAVIS, Port Perry, Oct, 24,1877." -- OF ROOM PAPER (Direct from English and American Manufacturers.) rN -- "My Stock of Room Paper, just imported, for 'Magnitude, Value and Variety, 'Far excels anything in this live ever shawn in the Cagsty off | Ontario. requiring The Prices are such that parties | "Room Paper will do well to inspect my Stock. ! W. BH McCaAW, i March 7. 1978. Rive! Avende, Port Peery. BLINN CURRIES, A Large Stock' of ITeavy White Cottons overa yard wide, at| MISS McKENZIE, GOOD BRIGHT SUGAR ! Which he offers for Sale CHEAP. ' Parties intending planting' this Spring will find itto | their advantage to call and sce the Stock and ascertain Prices before | ichaing else. | where. Small Fruits very cheap. The correctness of eaclt vagicty guaranteed. * Nursery Grounds two blocks west of Foundry. - '6. ©. KELLFIT, Port Perry, March 20, 1878. : ' Proprie SPRING. We bave much pleasure in informing the publicthat we now have one of the largdht and best assorted Stocks of Hardware in the County, marked also at the very Lowest Prices consistent with profit, OUR STACK OF BUILDING HARDWARE, (Baught at the lowest prices for Cash), consisting of NAILS, LOCKS, ENOBS, HINGES, BUILDING and ROOFING PAPER, GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, and VARNISHES, TO FARMERS. , We have bought direct from the Manufacturers a large "stock of Farmi Tools, comprising FORKS, HOES, SPADES, SHOVELS, SCYTHES, SNAITHS, and RAKES, TO MILL MEN We can offer i ducements in FILES of the best English make, LEATHER BELTING, warranted genuine Oak-Tanned Lace Leather, MACHINE OLS, BABBIT METAL, and all other supplies. TO CARPENTERS. i i i ; 'e 'We make a specialty of TOOLS, and keep tothfng but the best make of saws' PLANES, CHISELS, GOUGES, &0, "70 BLACKSMITHS AND CARRIAGE BUILDERS. Our assortment is cemplete, embracing the usual lines of IRON, BAR, HOOP afd BAND. STEEL, CAST, SPRING, TIRE and SLEIGH SHOE. - COIL CHAIN, HORSE SHOES, HORSE NAILS, BELLOWS, ANVILS, VICES, AXLES, SPRINGS and WAGON SKEINS. Our stock is also well assorted in HUBBS, SPOKES, RIMS, - SHAFTS and POLES. CARRIAGE GOODS and TRIMMINGS of every description. Thanking you for past favors, we solicit your valved orders for this season. : LAING & MEHARRY. SICN 'OF THE COLDEN ANVIL, QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY. 13 LBS (NOT SHORT WEIGHT FOR ~ ~ $1, FORMAN'S The Largest and Cheapest Stock of BOOTS & = SHOES ilies Port Perry, April 8, 1878, THE "CHAMPION" 'RECORD "FOR 1877. "Qeer Thity--fice Thousawil Machines Sold. NO BREAK AGES--No vexations in gathering the crops--NO CROPS DAMAGED wihfe waiting for repairs--No telegraphing for repairs--NO REPAIRS TO BUY--No express charges to pay--Easily adjusted to all kinds and . grass. oc grain--A CHILD CAN MANAGE IT--LIGHT "IN DRAUGHT--A PERFECT MOWER--THE BE REAPER--The most simple and di of all Harvestors--The best and chegpést Machine in the market, Purchasers Always Eutirely 'Satisfied. -- 'POR 1878. © A FORTY PHOUSAND MACHINES ARE BEIYG BUILT, os 334 HOE 03 BR BE syste "STEEL FRAMES BEING SUBSTITUTED FORWROUGHT IRON FRAMES. MALLEABLE IRON CH [EFLY USED 1¥ PLACE OF GASFIRQN, , : ONLY SIX PIFCES OF CAST IRON Aw Sou XD MACHINES. 'WEIGHT THEREBY REDUCKD OVER THREE BUNDRE 20; wali SINGLE RBAPERS, OF LIGHT HOWhES. The result is that the © Suipion" will be the lightet in wiigh a3 machine in the market, at fhe samp time equally as s and , ta breakage as those built In 1877. The mani shall excel in "dll ober machines L c heroes taken Eb OO A THE Dahan, Bub. 20, 1478. AGENTS WALKER, Port Perry ; GEO. URQUHART, Sandford,

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