Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 7 Mar 1878, p. 3

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ge BOOTS & SHOES "BUSINESS CIRCULAR # FOR THE FALL TRADE. Scventy-five Cases of Boots and Shuey now opened at 3.6, HORGIY Shoe Store, Without doubt the Cheapest ! To my Patrons and the General Public : Grateful for the liberal and still increasing support bestowed upon me during these past two years in which I have been established asa Merchant Tailor in Port Perry, I have much pleasure in stating that as in the past so in the future will it be my constant endeavor To ge my Palrons full Satisfaction for their Money, as well for the quality of the goods as for a choice fit, PEARCE'S MERCHANT TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT Ts now well known for Choice Quality of Goods, Fine Fits, Newest Styles and Low Prices, and it shall be my aim to fully sustdin that reputation, and I am happy to state that I aever before was so well prepared for giving full satisfaction in all these particulars and sécure entire satisfaction to customers, Largest! and Best Assorted Stock of BOOTS and SHOES in NORTH ONTARIO, And these goods will be sold at close Cash Prices. Note these prices : Men's Long Boots for $1.75 per pair. Boy's Long Kip Boots at $1.50 per pair. Women's Leather Balmorals for $1.00. Men's Leather Gaiters for $1.75 per pair, The Cheapest Boots in the County. 100 pairs Men's Home-made Kip Boots, warrant- wed to give satisfaction. All. goods bought from me 'hat is warranted will be repaired Free of Charge. I respectfully solidft an inspecti and prices. I wantall to come and inspect my Clothing made to order. Pants from $3.25 upwards; Tweed Suits afd Worsted Suits 813.50 upwards--handsome goods. AS 1 AM BOUND NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD Customers may rely on the utmost satisfaction no less in quality than in price, of goods In Stylish Hats and Caps I have the largest stock in town, and at surprisingly low prices. MY CENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT Is complete, and great bargains offered. Come and sce my Fancy Shirts. Collars and Cuffs in every variety and style, Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs ; Scarfs in beautiful Bengal Stripes; Cloths sold by the yard, cheap, and cut free of cost, J. G. MORGAN, Port Perry Boot and Shoe Store, Port Perry, Oct 18, 1877, Handsome White Shirts from $1 upwards. Linen |____ RESUMED PRACTICE HE undersigned is happy to inform his numerous friends and the general public of the locality thatduring his somewhat brief season of relaxation he has recovered his swvonted health and now resumes the practice «of his profession and is prepared as formerly, to attend to all calls. ' N. McCLINTON, M.D, Saintfield, Dec 4, 1877. | Neck-Ties in all the leading latest styles, A lot of Overalls of my own make for sale cheap. B. Parties bringing their own cloths can have them cut and made up on short notice, J. PEIARCH. MERCHANT TAILOR. | Quees Sr., Port Peary. March 4th, 1878. SPRING. We have much pleastire in informing the public that we now have one of the largest amd best assorted Stocks of Hardware in the County, marked also at the very Lowest Piices consistent with profit, OUR STOCK OF BUILDING HARDWARE, (Bought at the lowest prices for Cash), consisting of NAILS, LOCKS, KNOBS, HINGES ¥ | BUILDING and ROOFING PAPER, GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, and VARNISHES, TO FARMERS. We have bought direct from the Manufacturers a large stock of Farming Tools, comprising FORKS, HOES, SPADES, SHOVELS, SCYTHES, SNAITHS, and RAKES, TO MILL MEN LARGE IMPORTATIONS PRIA ¢ | | AUSSIE, ROOM PAPER (Direct from English and American Manufacturers.) My Stock of Room Paper, just .imported, for Magnitude, Value and Variety, Far excels anything in this line ever shown in the County of Ontario. 'I'he Prices are such that parties requiring Room Paper will do well to inspect my Stock. WwW, H. McCAVW, Royal Arcade, Port Perry. BAND, "CHAMPION" RECORD : March 7, 1878, FOR 187%. {WAGON SKEINS, I sh well. wssorted in HUB sok | SHAFTS and POLES, CARRIAGE GOODS and TRIMMINGS of ¢ Over Thity-fire Thousand Machines Sold. | We can offer i:ducements in FILES of the be:t English make, LEATHER BELTING, warranted genuine Oak-Tanned Lace Leather, MACHINE OILS, BABBIT METAL, and all other supplics. TO CARPENTERS. We make a specialty of TOOLS, and keep nothing but the best make of SAWS, PLANES, CHISELS, GOUGES, &C. TO BLACKSMITHS AND CARRIAGE BUILDERS, Our assortment is complete, embracing the usual Jines of IRON, BAR, HOOP and STEEL, CAST, SPR NG . IL CHAIN, HORSE HORSE NAILS, i. SP RINGS and y description, Thanking you for past favors, we solicit your valved orders for this seasor, LAING & MEHARRY. NO BREAKAGES--No vexations in gathering the crops--NO CROPS DAMAGED while SICN iid THE coLbE N ANVIL, waiting for repairs--No telegraphing for repairs--NO REPAIRS TO BUY--No QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY. express charges to pay-- Easily adjusted to all kinds and conditions of C grass or grain--A CHILD CAN MANAGE IT--LIGHT IN DRAUGHT--A PERFECT MOWER--THE BEST REAPER--The most simple and darable of all Harvesters--The best and cheapest Machine in the market, I GD: ee | NO ACCUMULATED TRASH Or Old Stock bought at 25 per cent abaye their value, but FRESH NEW GOODS ub 11 SILE OF ) Purchasers Always Entirely Satisfied, nba te Smet. il i FOR 1878. FORTY THOUSAND MACHINES ARE BEING BUILT. STEEL FRAMES BEING SUBSTITUTED FOR WROUGHT IRON FRAMES. MALLEABLE IRON CHIEFLY USED IN PLACE OF CAST IRON. ONLY SIX PIECES OF CAST IRON IN COMBINED MACHINES. WEIGHT THEREBY REDUCED OVER THREE HUNDRED POUNDS. SINGLE REAPERS, OR LIGHT MOWERS. The result is that the Champion" will be the lightest in weight and draught of any JA. STIRLING & CO, [BOOTS AND SHOES AT COST LORIOUS NEWS FOR ALL WANT OF---- CORRIGAN & CAMPBELLS ----WIHO ARE IN CHEAP DRY GOODS, Clothing and Millinery. GREAT Owing to the stringency in money matters and for the purpose of keeping up their Cash Sales Sacrifice Sale A TREMENDOUS Suweeess Have this day reduced their Goods to COST for CASIL which will enable all to buy Lots of Goods for Little Money ! In order to effect a complete Clearance by the Fifteenth of March, they have decided to commence A GRAND CLEARING SALE OF THE ENTIRE STOCK AT COST FOR EIGHT WEEKS. The fall trade having been materially curtailed by unseasonable weather, . A . . the Stock is still in splendid condition and overy department thoroughly Custoiers expectations being assorted. This Sale offers A RArRe OprorTUNITY for securing fresh and . S desirable Goods fully realized. AT WHOLESALE PRICES. An inspection of the Stock will satisfy all unbelievers. r J. A. STIRLING & CO. Port Perry, Jan 16, 1878. Selling: Out ! HIS BOOT ANDO SHOE DEPARTMENT. Sign of the White Flag with Red Star | SPECIAL CLEARING SALE FOR TEN WEEKS STORE Having decided to devote his attention exclusively to the Grocery and Provision Trade, and requiring the space occupied at present by the Boot and Shoe department, the Subscriber has determined to sell out his entire Stock of $10, 000 WORTH FOR SIX WEEKS Every Man, Woman and Child requiring a pair of Boots or Shoes, have the privilege of securing them At Wholesale Price, by calling at W. M. JONES'. "Port Perry, Jan. 16, 1878. JUST TO HAND 1. J. DAVIS' Prime Must be converted into Cash during the next Ten Weeks, and in order to accomplish this Enormous Bargains Goods will be Slanghtered and tho Price reduced to the Lowest ever heard of in Port Perry. s&~ No Deception !@g s@~No Humbug !@ma s&@r-Prices will tell <a No Reserve, All Goods Marked Down, Terms--CASH. { Will be offered. B. J. THORNE. Port Perry, Jan, 24,1878, White Fish Trout, Herrings, &e, GHOIGE GROCERIES, CHEAP os As any House in town. : : The Highest Market price PURE WINES, LIQUORS ! be ENT Cigars, &c., always in Stock, FLOUR & FEED Of all kinds--cheap for Cash, WANTED, 1,000 BUS. POTATOES, For which the Highest Price will be paid. I. J. DAVIS, Barely, 'Wheat, Peas, Oats, &ec. Port Perry, Oct, 24, 1877." machine in the ma at the same time equally as strong and durable, and as free from liability to breakage s those built in 1877. The manufacturers are determined that it shall excel in every particular all other machines offered, regardless of first cost, and have therefore taken this UNPRECEDENTED STEP IN ADVANCE OF ALL THEIR COM- PETITORS in the manufacture of Harvesting Machines. For further information, address, Josgph Hall Manufacturing Co'y OSHAWA, ONTARIO. Received weekly from the best Markels aud Which enables us to sell mvca BerLow those y profess to sell "AT COST," and still make a small Post, Oshawa, Feb. 20, 1878. The immense increase in our business in the year 187 hice the preced- |, ing one warrants us in saying that the public are convincad that for good value and Low Prices we stand at the front in the trade. --GO 70. .HE-- o 0 Please observe the prices of a few of the leading linos in &tock ;-- ' )n tari ) 1 x and Feed Store, Men's Kip Boots, No. L..ewersa S200/20 1bs good Raisins for.4. .... $1.00 13 Ibs Bright Sugar for......... 1.00! Ladies" Peb. High Cut\Bal. ren FD Ree s Boots, sewed ...... 1.25 GO00D FLOUI GRAHAM FLOUR, BARLEY CHOP, HN PEN J ay : 00D. oi, Ha y ABET So Men's Shanty Boots, No. 1 1.75 Good Solace Tobacco... uu. 0.35 Cs WHEAT, Soy rEsL foam PEF Goods delivered toall parts of the Town. BARLEY, $0, Heavy, White Cottons (yard wile) for 10c per yard, worth 1 r cent Bearlet Flannels, 182, 20e, 25¢ and 30¢ per yard, worth 20 more money. t Heavy Cotton Bags, 16 oz, for 25c. 4 1bs Tea for B1. The best Young Hyson Tes in the County at 50c per Ib, or 5 1bs for$2.25 MIDDLETON & HASLEHURST. Oct. 24, 1877. Corner Queen and Perry Streéts, Port Perry, ; S wilt be given on all Cash purchases. Nors.--~All Goods marked in plain figures, BROWN & CURRIE. CAUTION! LL parties are hereby cantioned against T.usting my Wife, JANE, without my Written Order, as I will not be responsible - for debts contracted by her after this date, For Sale. N Easy terms a a House, Outbuildings and 12 Acres of Land near Union' Avenue BOUGHT AT PANIC PRICES, STILL THEY COME! ~~~ op pay To clear out balance of Stock of Tweeds, a discount of 20 in Slip) Apply to C. DAWES, Auctioneer, Port Perry. THOS, HOGGARD. Noted for Cheap Goods. Ttica, Feb, 16, 378, Port Perry, Jan, 30, 1878, Port Perry, Jan 30, 1878. Delivered at the Po Tor of the Subscriber; CHRISTIAN. LLINPORTATION YDS more Embroidery. day, making the largest, choicest and Cheapest Stock nn in Town, from 3 ects per yd. Black Silk Dress Buttons. Smoked Pearl Bhttons, White Pearl Buttons, Valenciences Lace from 4 cts per yard, Ladies' Kid Gloves (two-buttoned) from 50 cts per pair. et Ladies' Kid and Goat, buttoned Boots, and pers--the Cheapest Goods yet offered. very one should see these special lines At FORMAN'S CHEAP CASH STORE. $20,000 WORTH DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, &ec. : : To Be sold at the very lowest figures for Cash, Farin Produce, of approved Credit: Special - 5000 yds best American Rely 20 yds for $1. Port Perry, Feb, 21, 1878, Sept. 5, i877. \ \

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