Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 7 Mar 1878, p. 2

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AEE A ---- ed them out by name and dragged them into the arena: The following A Fatal Mistake. RR CR --- aon A Good Time with the U. T. A. of Prince Albert. Division Court. Unstable as water. "Courts for Cowards were Erected. HovthBatariaBhserher e--me------ == | letter, read by Mr. Paxton, was to ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR tho point, and made the brigade ~~ |draw faces as long as fence rails :-- RD . . . Editor. = : JAMES BAL r Mlter " §t, Catherines, Feb. 15, 1878. > er "Dear f1n,~1 see that a member ot the PORT PERRY, MARCH 7, 1878] gouse some days ago moved for a return of been complaining of late of not feeli: i --_-------------------------------- | al] infants' claims filed in the Court of Chan. | "c¢™ complainiag : \ alin quite Dominion Parliament, cory. There is a case come under my notice | W¢I1, and the mother, supposing that they where there has been great abuse of the | were annoyed by worms, determined to ad- Pencetizee of Ihe Court: ot Toe Sate aad | minister 'rome worm powder. On the p ontractor, died at Thor-' y old Soran eighteen Thonths ago nok Imving evening of the Ath inst, the boys attended made'a will. All of his heirs are in Scot- Protracted meeting now going on in the €, land, and to hide his name bis lawyers are M. Church, Cadmus, and returning home by carrying on proceedings under the name. of 10 p.m. the mother went and found, as she Al'env, Martin, under the pretence of wind | d a 'hich ing up his affairs, but ostensibly to muke all | SUPPOscd, some worm powders which had the costs at the expense of the Scotch heirs, been left over from some she had bought ignorant of the proceedings. It is said one last year, But it appears she had also some lawyer acts for the defendants in the suit and i arsenic in the honse, which she had been in gets costs as such, as. well as a sbare of the + : plaintiffs costs and costs for the eveiror] the habit of nsing to poison rats, and by a In fifteen months costs have been taxed and i fatal mistake she got the poison and admin Paid to the lawyers an 000 to the re- | istered it in place of the worm powder, the ceiver--in all $27,000--wholesale plunder | | consequence was that within twenty minutes H you have any donlt of these facts, the If he ti . . 'oceedings mi the M ister's office at Hami'ton rom the time tie poison | was given both will verify them. Itis a matter that should | boys died. Two boys name Latimer, sons ot Mr. J. Latimer, cooper, Cadmus, Township of Cartwright, the elder of the boys was som«= "Edie | where about thirteen years of age and the The boys bad younger some ten or eleven, The McKenzie and his govern-- ment have done more to bring the Yogislature and the dominion itself into contempt than the most worth- tess and reckless class of the people possibly conld do. Our parliament- ary. halls are only a school for weanflal the acts of the Government, shamelessly corrapt, party nepotism, framparton all hands, waste and extravagance holding high carna- 'val, feasting dancing and fuddeling arc the order of the day, the nation- The Division Court for the Municipalities The Eastern Question is certainly making of Reach, Port Perry'and Scugog was held here | progress, but it is so alarmingly slow that on Wednesday 6th inet. His Honor Judge | one can srarcely tell in which direction it Burnham presiding. - moves or whether it is at a stand still, and it The legal element was strong as well in | might almost be asserted that those who numbers as in ability, but clientage was | hear nothing of it know the most of it. One slim and by no means luxuriant, and the | day we are treated to telegrams like the fol- cases were neither fat nor interesting. lowing :-- ; ° i It is certainly most encouraging even | .LoxpoN, Feb. 28, 1.15 p.m.--The situation in these hard times to see so little litigation, | i8 not improved to-day. The warlike pre. and goes far to prove that the good people Paration creates great excitement throughout in this locality are not only honest, law. Great Britain. The newspapers assert that abiding people, but are all pretty well off, | war is inevitable unless Russia, very materi- seeing that 'they are not only able but per: 8lly modifies her demands and the spirit she | fectly willing to pay all their honest debts has shown where British interests are in without legal pressure. The motto, Hon- | question. = > : esty is the best policy," is believed in and | The Edzwick ordnance works at New- of scttlenient than the States, nothwith- act:d on in this locality. OF course, should | castle-on-Fyne were recently. ordered to standing the fact that the States is now so any one show symptoms of acting different. | manufacture ono hundred torpedoes for the far ahead of Canada in point of wealth, pop- | ly or playing sharp he can easily be straight. ; Government with all possible speed. The ulation and general advancement, After | ened, order is now increased to 800. : allowing for the great facilities for progress, | The lawyers present were P, A. Hurd, W. | A Vienna correspondent says the Russian of variety of climate, soil and other natural | 31. Cochrane, H. L. Ebbels, N. F. Paterson, | concession touching the limits and length advantages enjoyed by the States, he pointed and J. A. McGillivray of the firm of Bill | of occupation of Bulgaria are quite sufficient, The lecture in the Public Hall, Prince Albert, under the auspices of the U, T. A. of Prince Albert, took place on Friday, 1st inst. Mr. Squelch occupied the chair, and in a few approprinte remarks introduced the lecturer, Rev. Mr. Browning, who was greet. ed with an applause of welcome, and who, on rising, at once took 'hold of his audience and never let them go till the lecture was through, but they were willing captives, all appeared to enjoy the trip amazingly, and so far from being tired, all seemed inclined to linger by the way and enjoy the interest. ing scenery. The lecturer first called attention to the fact that Canada was much older in point grown branch, and a tender sap-|- { . ling mot tho other'day just outside Wn | f : of the Court House, Toronto, and | ROADS MD BRIDG i commenced to discuss some rather knotty point ard both very wisely despising the always tedious, often expensive and never certain process of law agreed that the case should greed and the one struck the other. he brought before the House, and it might | b: the means of uneathing other transac. tions, al resources are being squandered, the sous of toil are suffering for "lack of bread, our manufactures at a | a : ! {+ There are infants in the case, | Yours, very truly, | and nothing was done ; in fact there was no JOHN PASCOL. | time to do anything after the mistake had out the many drawbacks which had contii- ings & McGillivray, buted so largely in retarding the progress of The case Campbell vs, Gruer was chiefly Canada : first priest-craft, second the irres- interesting as showing the necessity for com- ponsible civil government, and last but not mitting all agreements to writing, as well When the mother discovered her mistake he was almost frantic. All was confusion, with the present tendency of the Govern- ment, to restore confidence, A much more hopeful impression it prevailing. Nothing buta mild opposition is cont:mplated in ji. Fem { : f Two limbs of the law, a full E Ark applications for money for the re-- pairing and improving of the Roads and Bridges in the Township of Reach, For the present La Shaul bein uy laude on ato TS or before the 1st day of May now nex! r bo elaborated on the muscular prin- dimsidesdontes Mr RL Boing ciple. An eye witness says: -- | / By order,, {4} The barrister and the law student disa- Le - "JOHN CHRISTIE, Then a Townhship Clerk. very undignified struggle ensued, which resulted in sundry cuts and bruises on the head of each combatant. They were sep- arated before much damage was done, and shortly afterwards were seen at different parts of the street surrounded by admiring crowds, among whom were three Hibernian cecal heavers itching for a fight, explaining how the affair had occurred. Reach, March 7, 1878.. Administratrix's Notice. To the Creditors of the Estate of the late Isabella Kendall, relict of the Jate Enoch Keudall, of the, 'Township of Reach, County of Ontario. : Pursuant to Statute, 29 Vie. Chap 28; the Port Perry Public Schools. creditors of the Estate of Isabella Kendall rt relict of the late Enoch Kendall--who died The names of pupils entitled to rank on | on or about the 22nd day of November, 1877, the Honor Roll, for good conduct, for the and all others having claims against or being stand still, our mercantile inter. wralized been discovered, The disconsolate parents and mourning relatives have the heartfelt sympathy ot all, tx The letter speaks for itself. Mr. | Paxton cerininly bas the sympathy | of nine out of every ten of the com- crippled, our commerce ps the brain and muscle of the country getting disgusted and the Domirion | its To his ot Will this sad calamity have the effect of 3 mt 4 8 3 ir Rutt SA ler a tines . drifting hopelessly into debt; and Pin auf orts Los stivine whe | causing greater caution in the handling of this is the time selected by our y ¥ nes | poisons ? Such a frightful mistake ought aching to to prove a warning to all, least the blighting effects oi the Hudson's | for the satety and satisfaction of the parties | Vienna just now. Bay Company, the first of these two draw- | themselves and for all others concerned. backs has been greatly modified and the | Campbell, the plaintiff in this suit, brought other two barriers have been entirely re- | action to recover from defendant, one M:- moved so that Canada is now advancing ! Gruer, some $37. most satisfactorily in everything calculated | Pluintiff, sworn, slates that defendant had to wake it a great nation, Here the speaks! engaged him and his team to thrash some. A Vienna correspondent of the Manches- ter Guardian telegraphs the position appears extremely critical, notwithstanding the tranquilized utterances of the Ministerial press. A St. Petersburg despatch says ' there is month of February 1877, MR. CLERKE'S DIVISION. Seniors Juniors J. Beatrice Billings, Frank Crawford, Maggie J. Ham, Thos. B. Lund, Laura A. Joues, Eliza Leamon, Allie C. Mundy, Wm. Bennett, \ interested in the Estate of the said Isabella Kendall are hereby notified to send a state-- ment of their claims to Jane Ann Murray, Admiunistratrix of the Estate and effects of the said deceased, at Utica, on or before the twenty third day of March, 1878, immediatly after the expiration of which time the assets of the said Irabella Kendall will be distributed amongst the parties entitled rullers to make fools of themselves | The brigade wero all and hold the country up tr mockery. {ho took iii sane Ouly think of it the would-be lights | Daa, of Canada getting into each ears like as many fish wives, on the floor of the house. Blake Sir John a convicted criminal, Dr Tapper calling Blake » foul mouthed pews spenking slanderer; Cartwright in his sly | i, Dead said oe way calling Sir Jobn a thiet and Itoh 4 embezzler; Huntington is 1 something others | fn the attack made on the calling | | ring with {eet at Mr. Paxton, and the moment Mr. Meredith almost shed fears | gentlemen and the Chancery Court, and asserted that Mr. Paxton knew i | noching of the subject of which ho | Vell Done Williamsburg. James Fluke, Esq, of Williamsburg, Cart. legal | wright, gave a magnificent entertainment to | over a couple of hundreds of the people of | Cartwright and surroundings on the evening | of the 28th ult | ed on Mr. Fiuke's own premises and it was | Mr. Fluke is one of the The guests were entertain- | a sumptuous affuir, Paxton was most wealthy and gstimable inhabitants of with | thisentire section of the province and the entertainment was on the most generouy er referred in high terms of praise to | time in the month of July of last year, ag. Canada as a desirable home and one which | reeing to pay him for himself and tcam $45 he would prefer to any other land, even tog month. i the land of Lis birth, the home of big child-| The only contention between plaintiff and hood, merry, merry, England. Now the | defendant was as to whether defendant was speaker took his audience into Lis confi. | liable for lost time. dence and under his especial care and wi! Plaintiff swears positively that no bargain them set outon his fir Western Journey | was made for any deduction for lost time; giving us our choice as to which of the two | while the defendant swears as positively that routes we preferred to go and by which | the agreement was made letween himself to return, giving us our chico whether we | and plaintiff that plaintiff should be paid should go by sca sailing down the coast to | Aspinwall thence overland across the isth- | only for the days he wrought. Plaintiff claimed [that he bad been a great warlike excitement there in conse. quence of the British Government threaten- ing to withdraw its ambassador from St, Petersburg if the Russians enter Constanti- nople. The situation "is regarded as menacing, A Gallipoli despatch of Feb, 27th BAYS j-- A telegram hasbeen sent from the Turkish Minister of War to the Governor of the Dardanelles to prevent any more men-of- war, whether British, French or Austrian, from entering the sea of Marmora, A Berlin special says :-- Austria, in con- thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall buve been given as above required, and the said Administratrix will not be liable for the assets, or any part there. of, to any person or persons of whose claim I shall not have had notice at the time of the distribution ot said assets: Dated at Utica, in the township of Reach, this twenty-seventh day of February, 1878. JANE ANN MURRAY, Administratrix. Juo. Warder, MISS TOMLINSON'S DIVISION Margaret J. Thompson, Fanny Squire, Emma Phillippo, Lillian Gregg, Mina Pollard, Jessie Armstrong. MISS THORNE'S DIVISION. Maggie Clarke, Clara Quackenbush, Mable Campbell, John Clemence, Alfred Thorne, Charles Houck, George Oke, Henry Thorne, Robert Douglas, William Lee, ' MISS SWAN'S DIVISION. TT ---- Clara Rolph, Rboda Hudson, Annie Marsh, Maggie Huckins, NOTICE ! branded : : j & . which he had no right to interfere. across the house with copper mie; Mr. Mowat the head of the bri | scale. The worthy entertainer's invitations swindles. Sir John te'ls McKenzie | 0 © #78 (He Mri 1 | were not as such invitations too frequently that his word is much, [°° S ns sovere on Mr: 'Paxton are confined to the nabobian fry, but all aot worth {as he could we P, i ; : . : : McKenzie does not dispute that but | > ld well be, but this was | woithy citizens irrespective of their wealth Sen : . - only natural, their craft must not be were invited, Mr. Fluke going on the pri reminds Sir John that his (MeKen-| : | were t. Fluke going on the prin. {exposed too soon. Ile said Mr. | ple that "The rank is but the guinea stamp zie's) word is worth as much as Sir | John's, ! That the McKenzie brood are the | oy introduced this nbomin- party who introduced this abomin [was false. When there able mode of warfare no will : is . {foundation for charues a attempt to deny but it is a pity that | {court, the hon. gentleman should | keeping with the agnificence ¢ whole Lhe opposition should follow tiem | » £ 10 | keeping with the magnificence of the whole, Joto tive gutter; { make himself cognizant of the fact 'A spacious hall was provided for those who THRE Wie ble Vie in aeiltioe lie spok on the floor of the a he Haht fantastic Whils 4 3 | louse. As to the letter read by the | elastic were provided with every kind of en. House on the 28th ult. Knowi Te 3. the that election are near, Mackenzie, B'ake & Co. sought to extricate the the effects of some of their wastefal, corrupt and expensive blunders by the appointment of a thoroughly | partizan, unscrupulous, whitewash | ing Committee, who were already prepared with a verdict of "not guil- | ty." But the Opposition have al- ready given the Government too Paxton had been misinformed £8 to | man's a man for a' that." The result was the working of the Court of Chan- an assembly of over two hundred ladies and gentlemen whose presence would do honor in the 'land whether for intelligence, bright men and fair ladies. The accommodations were in eery, for much of what he stated to any assembly was no! ainst the one honor, virtue or tronized the t fantastic, while the less - 3 joyment which could be desired; choice - hon. gentleman he was certain the |17¥™ nt Which: desired; choi nn M sic, instrumental and vocal, gay conversation Mr. and pleasaat repartee ; and a | went pleasant { Mowat appeared quite satisfied with te amount of costs referred to in tl o letter and times drawing | : v writer had imposed on him. Government from a; a marriage bell, every one baving the sclection of his own enjoyment and ev means of enjoyment abundantly provided. moderate, It certai But notwithstanding this severe |€°mPany ina rural section. Mr. Fluke leader, Mr and Lis good lady certainly know how to i Ml, 3 ake their guests comfortable and to perform Paxton dare not pee Mowat says | ceth I peep if Mowat says | the duties of host and hostess to perfection, "eyes shut," and no more would he! ory considered them very y was a fine sight to sce such a castigation from his The spacious dancing ball and its gay occu. pants looked grand, calenlfed to bring to Te ey ridiculous, | mind the lines of our notle poet: « On with many opportunities of deceiving the brought forward by Mr. Mowat, than | the dance, let mirth be" unconfined where public by reports of purtizan com- {he would of going to the Hone in | Youth and beauty meet to chase the fleeting mittees and they wise'y determined [ his night dress, and so subservient is hoses Yih apd Sagi to make the electors the committee. | he, that had Mr. Mowat voted against We ave uo dura to fitigys our tendirs Mr. Pope (Compton) attacked | Mr. Paxton's motion for the returns | ee & Wp List a1 Sin Drug of fle 8) Mr. Pas returns | were deserving enti ve no the Government for the | were deserving of mention, and we need not | . 5 J parlizan- Mr. Paxton himself, though it was [select some. ship of all their committees. Opposition would appeal to impartial committees, the electorate of the country. | think of voting against any measure, however vicious or The ly: : r iis own motion, would either have! ie Tw more | ' { Spring Fairly Set In. voted againstit or withdrawn it, | - -- T'ort Perry and ty are favored with Mr. Mackenzie Caught on the Bor- | ""Wistakeable evidences of returning spring, mus of Darien to Panama thence up the mouth and twenty days, for which, accord- west coast, or whether we should take the | ing to agreement, ho should receive pay at overland route passing over the Rocky | the rate of $45 a month, mountains, Withcut waiting for the Defendant, on the contrary, swore that ac- audience to select, the lecturer had us in cording to agreement were eleven halted | days of that which should not be paid for as till he had got us over the tropiz of Caveer | the plaintiff was idle on these days through | The estimates show it is the intention tol threshing - being somewhat scarce. Botf 0.100 first-class ironclads and com. | : 3 | ithe . a 4 neither plamtiff nor defendant had a sor P of plete five ironclads, twenty-six corvettes written evidence to show what the conditions A .,, |and gunboats, and thirty torpedo boats. The of agrecment were. A couple of lines with > : above increase is exclusive of a portion of the necessary signatures would have settled the vote of £6,000,000 devoted to the navy, the whole matter at once, but the absence of et any such proof left the whole ma ter swing- ing on the sworn testimony of the two men, The Scene Changing. and these swore in direct opposition to each other; the one'swearing that there was such un agreement and the other swearing that there was nothing of the kind. Of course neither would swear to that which he sup. posed to be false but that one of the two was terribly mistaken is obvious. and the whole mistake must be attributed to the de fective memory of one or the other, no doubt both supposed they were right but parties listening are not apt to take so charitable a view of the matter. A couple of lines with tropical | the signatures attached would have removed toiling | a11 he difficulty and made the matter more ones so that the toiling ones may throw the | satisfactory all round as well to the court f cocoa nuts at them, { as the litigants. In describing the overland route the ex.| Df. claimed that pif. had been idle eleven quisite beauty of Salt Lake City nud its sur- | (ays out of the month and twenty days in roundings came in for more than a passing | which he bad done nothing for him and that notice ; this was described as one -of the | having agreed to pay pif. only for the time most enchanting spots on earth. The blight- | he wrought, he had no claim for pay for ing effects of the peculinr institution which ! these eleven days. Gbtains there were treated of with beeoming Pif. swore positively that no such agree- severity. The Rocky mountains the very | ment was made, and def, was not even in a name of which seems to suggest sterility and | position to show what days pif, bad not been discomfort were shown by the lecturer to be sequence of Germany's confidential represen tations, has abandoned the 1dea of war, 1t is stated in the lobbies of Parlinment the navy estimates for 1870, to be published to-morrow, show an increase of £85,000, the halt which is for the transport of troops there tow away down the coast and never boundless | Inxuriance of the tropical climes, Here our attention was directed to the marvelous efforts of nature and to her urstinted muni- ficence to her numerous dependents so that all can live without the slightest eflort and they appear to die with about as much case we had almost said comfort, The speaker here gave an apt illustration of the disin- clination on the part of the people to put torth an effort the people desire to have the ¢ it requires an effort to climb the and in the midst of the almost The Government announced in Parliament on the afternocn of the 4th inst, that infor. mation of the signing of peace between Tur. key and Russia had details were given regarding the terms. No action has been taken by the Government to justify the rumor that the fleet would be withdrawn, In the House of Lords this afternoon Lord Derby said the Government had received the terms of peace in an imperfect state, They do not include the cession of the Turk- ish fleet. The indemnity is twelve millions sterling, and the Egyptian tribute is not affected, . In the House of Commons Eight Hon, Gathorae Hardy, Secretary of State for War| said the matter of the defence of the com. mercial ports of England was being carefully considered at the present moment. Consols and American securities are firm Of course anuts but trees to en for their food, been received. No obtain them, but in order to avoid that effort they throw stones up into the trees at the monkeys they in way of retaliation throw down cocoa nuts at their assailants and in this way "the constitutionally tired" inhabi. tants secure the cocoa nuts with little effort. We wonder if our sly Grit rulers have not Leen taking lessons from neighibord®nd throw stoues at the their reduced to and higher, on the announcement that the Treaty of Peace had been signed, The principal conditions of the prelimi. nary treaty just signed are the cession of employed. Batoum, Kars, Ardahan and the district of Jemima Hopkins, Maggie Flatten, Henrietta Tresidder, vames Lebar, Mary Donaldson Mary Minty, I Ea-- Quebec in a Flutter. S HEREBY given that under and by vir- tue of my lien on the Goods and Chattels hereinafter mentioned, as a Boarding House | Keeper avd Lodger, 1shall sell by Public -- ! Auction, at my residence, in the Town of All Quebec is in consternation over the | Port Perry, on SATURDAY, THE NINTH stroke of modest policy ot his serene High- |] JAY OF MARCH NEXT,at the hour of ness Monsieur St. Just, second fiddler to the | Three o'clock, P.M. of the same day :-- ; Wi i s 1 Feather Bed and Bedding, 1 Over-Coat, 1 McKenzie faction. St. Just's insolent coup Traveling Trunk with contents, and 1 detat is said to be creating endless constern- | Violin, being the property on which I claim ation in Montreul, and the citizens are ask- | a lien for the board of one William Staples ing with concerned faces, what next ? Tho | Sd lie wife, amounting lo the sum of 835 ; extreme Protestant party rejoiced at the place aforesaid by Cremer Dawes, Auction. measure at fist, but are gradually subsiding, | eer, to satisfy the said claim for board, the and now ask themselves, what better may | cost of advertising the said goods for sale, be expe cted from a Cabinet, even though M | And the said sale. Joly bad the selection thereof? Dated this 27th day of February, 1878. On Saturday last Hon. Mr, De Boucher. JESSE IRELAND. ville, Premier of the Assembly of Quebec, BUY YOUR was informed by the Licu-Governor that the | | SEED GRAIN . further services of himself and colleagues | The Subscriber bas on band and for Sale were no longer required, and Hon, Mr. Ross Legislative Council as usual, gave color tothe belief that he was no longer a Minister, The Lieutenant. Governor, itis stated, requested Mr. De not presiding over th? Boucherville to keep the fact a secret till ) meanwhile Mr, Joly wis sent for to form a Ministry, which he is now doing. Rumor gives the following as being the new Ministry : Joly, Premier and monday, and in the | Public Works ;. Marchand, Provincial Sec. retary ; Bachand, Atty.-General ; Shehyn dent of Council. Be Kind to the Poor. The McKenzie Government understand to a demonstration how to be generous before be.ng just, their agonizing svimpatby for the poor is manifested by their generous dona- Treasurer or Crown Lands ; Staracs, Presi- a large quantity of the very best quantity of Seed Grain, 1,000 Bushels of Choice Barley 400 Bushels of Superior Spring Wheat. Just the sort of Seed that farmers require. Be, Comeand Examine it. M. G. ROBSON. Prince Albert, Feb 27, 1878. Mortgage Sale URSUANT to a Power of Sale contained in-& certain Mortgage dated the Seventh day of March, Oue Thousand Eight Hun- ders of Fib Land. Mr. Rochester contradicted the Premier's statements in The Government and their friends were furious at being checkmated in their little game and lost all con- . | reference trol of themselves, Ito the Palen contract matter. EE -------------- The Local Parhament. | --- | He read from Now that the session begins to |one of the Premier's picnic speeches draw to a close Hon. members only [in which he said he bad offered Sir appear to be wakening up to a sense John Macdonald a committee of his of duty. Friday last was a lively | own choosing, but the trath was he time among them. {had never offered such a committee. The third reading of the Voters' | ® Mr. Cameron (North Victoria) Mr. Plumb defended the system of open contracts. Lists finality was up for discussion | pointed out how absurd the state- | the Government c: ing the third | ment of the Premier and Mr. Page, reading by a majority of 17 out of a | his engineer, were that they had House of 71 members. | taken great pains to find out who The Bill for extending the Jurise| Mr. John 8S. Tolton, the lowest ten- diction of Division Courts to 820. |derex for the Goderich harbor con- followed. The manifest fecling of | tract was, when atthe very time he House the was in favor of the change. ! was a contractor under the Depart- The everlasting magisterial ap- | ment for the performance of work at pointment bill came in for an airing. | Meaford IIe spoke at some length The Government Proposes to appoint | On the impossibility of obtaining a a lot of supernumerary magistrates, |just verdict from partizan Parlia a sort of stipendaries without fees, | mentary committees. 1 ---- only what they ean screw out of How Assignees Swallow the litigants. But notwithstanding the Asaots. warm resistance of the measure by tho Opposition, the Government yoy py, and when: the dividend was paid voting fraternity never failed tot was unsatisfactory to the creditors, who come in with a convenient nay Lo, contested the claim of the assignee to such every amendment and thus sccure (large fees. The value of insolvent's stock the passage of the bill. | was only $20, and the whole of his assets, Me. Scott put it right when he including real estate, only realized $668 65. . = ; , b i ai stated thay these magistrates the Tey oo a ule 4) 150. astiguve alnst Government propose to appoint, not : o To assi for acti ian... being salaried officers, bat being | Coss ghee ing sa i ai red * bill of the assignee paid by fees, would bz induced to go | The bill assignee, ! around the county s'irring up litiga- Cask cf iomlyent's divhwge, $ . . Thus leaving but $86 91 te the creditors. -- tion for the pury of their putting | The creditors alleged that it was udjust to as many fees as possibic into their take $225 for the care of property which had : own pockets. during the time produced but $25, and the Mr, McDongill denounced the [judge below decided that $158.74 was suffi- policy of the Goverument in this cient for the assignee. The judge had ex- matter, which he characterized as | ®rcived bis discretion in a matter of fact, and being aimed at a special class of of- judgment would bé confirmed, fencers. He thought the legislation | How often does it happen that a at present proposed an insu't on sanctimonious dodger creep into the every Police Magistrate on the position of Official Assignee, a dead beneb, and was heartily in favor of beat in pocket, destitute of health, y RNS Lropued by the with a doubtful reputation and less machines were | Prin than a respectable monkey; 'the Government and when these get hold of a fat in- pg. + solvent estate and by a strictly honest course have enough stick to their fingers to keep them from the Alms house and make them ;ich. Marran, a trader of Jolictte, went into in- ------ The Toronto and Ottawa Railway : Still Alive. A by law granting & bonus to the Toronto jand Ottawa Railway was carried in the «of Eiziver, County of Hastings, 'on Saturday, x Butterflies are around, sparrows are building | and the thrice-welcome Robin is sounding his notes at early morn, ---- Take off the Old Paper. This is the scasou for repapering our walls and no one nced hesitate to pull off the old for Mr. W. H. McCaw has got a new stock of it such as never was before offered in this quarter for quantity, quality and style, and so cheap as make it a luxury to purchase. See bis new adv. and don't fail to go aud examine his stock, ee ---- CLOTHING AS IT OUGHT TO BE.--Pearce's | Merchant Tailoring Establishment keeping | & foremost place in the front rank, See his | new adv, ------ | WeLcoxe.--We are pleased to learn that J, | Bruce, Esq., brother of 8. Bruce, Esq, Port | Perry, is about to take up his residence in | Prince Albert. Having rented his farm in | Cartwright he has purchased the late parson. | age of the Prince Albert C. M. Chuzch, and is | abcut to take up his residence there. The community want all they can get of such families. ------ Thou Shalt Not Kill. Will our dear town fathers have the goodness to cast a business glance at {hat portion of the side walk on the north side of Queen St. in front of the late residence of Dr Brathwait, That is an ugly #pot for one to fall over, and there is nothing to prevent it; a fall of four oc five feet amongst sharp 'rocks is by no means desirable and might make the corporation scratch as well as the | victim. If nothing else can be done let a | thick coating of soft clay be laid over the crags; parties had better be drowned in mud than broken to pieces on stones, i The Monthly Faire.--Let cattle 5 | dealers and farmers remember the Saintfield monthly fair which takes place on Tuesday 12th inst. The purchase and sale of shecp are being introduced successfully into these fairs, Bring out your marketable stock, -------------- Manchester Cattle and Sheep Fair. The Manchester March fair will be beld on Wednesday, 13th inst, when it is expect. ed that all who wish to buy or sell cattle or sheep will embrace the opportunity and come along for business. Let all who have got stock to sell bring it along and those who wish to buy should not miss the oppor- tunity, Spring Show. that the Directors of the Reach and Scugog Agricultural Society have appointed Tuesday the 23rd day of April for holding the Spring Show, at Manchester, ee -- Britain's Fi:st War Move. It is stated one of the first movements of England,in the case of war,would be to seize and occupy Egypt with a larga force of troops. Itis privately asserted tbat secret orders bave been issued relative to military forts, tho purport of which is unknown, i It will be seen from report of a meeting si by no means destitute of comfort, beauty Judgment war given for pif. for the full and fertility, Arrived at British Columbia | amount claimed. the lecturer gives play to bis powers of N:F. Paterson for pif. and W, description, and while he delights his bear | rane for def. ers he appears himself no less interested in The next case Palmer vs. Ens ign, like its his glowing description of the salubrity of | predecessor wouldshave been vastly simpli the climate, its fertile soil and it exbaustless | mineral wealth, while the inhabitants are described as 'much above the average in | point f intelligence, educati enter- i AE La Ato elligene, = nation Fos Suter | PIf. to recover a balance of a job of painting wise, ctoria ¢ % ancovver's | 3 ! 140d 1s Spoke ¢ I fi neo per *| done for def, This was a sort of cross fire Pants py Sh of R3.00¢ ofthe Wnost fe. | plf. claimed a balance of some fifteen or six- sirable cities to live in on the continent of | A ica. tt " be f . | teen dollars and contended that in the set Dietits, he entire absence o pauperism in| def, bad overcharged ; the contention of that city is by no means one of its least "| def. was that plf had overcharged for the commendations, while farm hands get from work done. $10 to $45 a month, skilled workmen 89) + con of the. wif was. the first. wilness from $3 to $4 per day aud servant girls an | ars that he did all the graining an the easily obtain $30 per month ; and besides | premises referred to. Did not paint the build, all this there are hundreds of men desirous ing, believes that there were three coates of of securing suitable wives and can't get| Sud A . . .. ° | paint put on. them ; while ladies are in the Biosity i! The mext 'wituess was brother of: the our cities, towns, and villages such is not oi Tian insi int- case thir the ladies are 3 a Dromten: previous witness. Did all the inside paint rte. R Premum--|i,, _ Had no recollection of any uuder | standing or conversation as to value of the M. Coch- fied bad there been a few lines with the signatures attached. This suit was brought at the instance of There is no difficulty in securing a good | husband there. We were led over the in. | | exhaustable coal fields, were shown the id] Def sworn--Refuses to pay the claim as gold bearing quartz in abundance, endless! being an overcharge, and more than was supplies of pure copper and other valuable | agreed on, and here again the absence of a minerals, Our attention was directed to the | few lines with the necessary signatures almost boundless forests of choice timber | would have ended the dispute. The pif. trees towering 150 feet in height and 16 feet | swore that no such agreement had been in diameter. Our eyes were then directed | made and the def. swore as positively that to her waters which we found to be alive | there had been an agreement as to charges with myriads of the very best desciption of | on certain parts of the work and there the fish. Here the lecturer indulged ina pleset matter rested, inn flight describing British Columbia as| w. H. Marsh, sworn--has been 17 years the vrightest star in the confederation.-- | at the painting business. Examined the From this he continued his flight still rising premises referred to, wes shown all over the as he went on and in pleasing anticipation house. His charge for all the painting and pointed to the Canada of the not far distant | graining in any one apartment is one dollar futnre teaming with her hundred millions of | gor each door in said apartment, Only inhabitants pressing forward in the great | charges at the rate of a dollar for each door march of mind and directing their ubited | for doing all the painting and graining of all efforts to still higher attainments, and more | {1 o wood work in said apartment; but it there noble triumphs of knowledge and virtue.-- | be wainscoating or other extra work in the The lectuer's apostrophe to glorious old | room then an extra hurge is made. This Britain was magnificent and elicited round®) oo 0 vidence went to cut down plf's of applause. _ | claim considerably and the pif, retaliated 'We were a little disappointed at the turn by attacking the ofiset which consisted part- out it was by no means what it ought to| ly of cash, rags, cotton yarn, woolen yarn, have been and very likely not what it would | fiour, rag carpets, &e. Plt. contended that have been under different circumstances.-- | 75 cts per yard was an overchgrge for the The lecture had been advertised for the | rag carpet. week before and had to be postponed on ac-| In corroboration of the contention of pif. count of the weather and the roads were in a | two witnesses were called, a Mrs. Brooks wretched state on the evening on which it | and Mrs. Wise both of whom swore that was held. But the gathering was far from | they followed carpet weaving for a living, being insignificant. The lecture was a suc- | manufacturing and selling rag carpets and cess and everything went oft pleasantly, other work { they had both seen the carpeg The duties of the chair were well perform- | referred to and consider it worth about 40 . - ; : cts per yard it being only three quarters The community are indebted to the U, T. | wide, were it a yard wide it would be worth A. of Prince Albert for a regular supply of only 50 cts per yard, the former witness said | intellectual enjoyment. she would furnish hundreds of yards of such at 50 ctsa yard, : Pif'sclaim was reduced and 15 cents were deducted off each yard of carpet furnished / by det. and judgment given for pif. for 86.07. May cause Trouble some day. Mr. Dumont, Grit member for Kamou raska in the Legislative Assembly, was un- seated and disqualified this morning for seven years by the judgment of the Blection Court, Judge Elzear Taschereau presiding. -- The judgment is based upon letters written by agents during the election contest, A Madrid despatch say :--In a a speech in the Spanish Cortes, Scnor Castellar de- } clared that Spain ought to have Gibraltar, | Bayazid. The question of the Straits is re- served for farther The question of the navigation of the Danube remains in statu quo, A zone will be left between Montenegro and Servia to enable the Porte to maintain communication with Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is confirmed that Bulgaria shall include Bourgas, Varna, ana Kustendje, but not Salonica ¢r Adrianople. Russia is to have power to cede the Dobrud- consideration, scha to Roumania in exchange for Ron- manjan Bessarabia. The Russians will embark on the Sea of Marmora and proceed home through the Bosphorus, but not enter Constantinople. ---- avr rr-- Board Meeting. The Board of Directors of the Reach and Scugog Agricultural Society, met at Thomp- son's Hotel, Port Perry; on Saturday, 2nd inst, the President in the chair, The Board was full, every member being present. The minutes of the late meeting were read and approved, A communication from the Burean of Agricnlture and Arts was read informing the Board that the Reach and Scugog Agri- cultural Society had been incorporated in answer to a request of the Society to that effect. On motion of Mr. Burnett it was resolved to hold the Society's Spring Show at the village of Manchester on April 23rd, On motion of Mr Christie the Board went into Committee of the Whole on the Prize List, Mr Burnett in the Chair, After making some important changes in the last year's bill, on motion of Mr Christie the Committee arose and reported the bill as amended. The report received and adopted. On motion of Mr Laing the first prize on rag rugs was ordered to be paid to Mrs * Jos Bryant, as there had been somé misunder- standing as to the awarding of the prizes on that article. On motion of Mr, Burnett $1 was ordered' to be paid to Mr Netherton for an error in prize. The selection of judges was now gone on with and a capital selection made, after which the Board adjourned to meet again on the morning ot the show. Paying a Butcher's Bill. At the Division Court, Clandeboye, James for amounts, none exceeding 75 cts., with. out ever rendering accounts or asking for the amounts. The first and largest for 75 Hodgins, butcher, sued several customers) B' tion of $1,000 to the widow of the late Chief Justice Draper. el Almost a Suicide. dred and Seventy-seven and registered in the Registry office for the County of Ontario, on the 16th day of March, One Thousand Kight Hundred and Seveuty-Seven, which said Mort- gage will be produced at the time of Sale, there will be sold by PUBLIC AUCTI at the Hotel known as the BROCK HOUSE, JOHN A. CAMPBELL, Proprietor, SUNDERLAND, --ON-- Tuesday, March 12th, 1878. The following Valuable Property, being de- scribed as follows :--All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Brock, in the County of Ontario, and being composed of part of Lot Number 18, in the 4th Qoncession of the said Township, com- dred, of Constable Hook, aged 17, shot him. | mencing at the South-East angle ot the said Lot, running thence North slong the Eastern sclf dead yesterday after a quarrel with his limit of said Lot 137 feet; thence Westerly mother, jars] with the Southern boundary of said . Lot 222 feet; thence Southerly parallel with the Eastern limit of said Lot 137 feet to the conression ; thence Easterly along the conees- sion 222 feet to the place ot beginning, con- taining Five-Eighths of an acre Upon said premises there are erected a Blacksmith Shop ard Dwelling--everything in complete running order, and in an excellent locality for a black= smith shop or small general store TERSIS OF SALE --Qne tenth cash at time of sale, and the residue of the purchase money withir one month from day of sale. Further rticulars and conditions of sale can be bad rom the Vendor's Sulicitor at Port Perry. Dated 28th Februmy, A.D. 1878. W. MAURICE COCHRANE. Vendor's Solicitor. New York, March 2.--Mise Clark, the only daughter of a wealthy farmer of West- chester County, has created a sensation by eloping with Dr Lounsberry, a gray-haired dentist, a sim------------ Another Goose. New York, March 2.--A. Stanton Hil- Heavy Grain Shipments. Port Hors, March 2.--The demand for the shipment of grain and flour on the Midland Railway is unprecedented, exceeding anyr | thing hitherto known on the road. Up to 7 Pp. m. the stations along the road called for 248 box cars, Peterboro' alone requiring 70 for the shipmentof grain, The management are straining every nerve to make up for the late interruption by the strike and freshers, All the bridges swept away are replaced, and the embankments are restored, All trains are running on regular time, eo -- . BIRTHS. In Lindsay, on the 4thinst., the wife of Mr. R. Sibley of a daughter. At Prince Albert, on the 2nd inst, the wife of Mr.' Aaron McKenzie of & son. In Port Perry, on the 1st inst, the wife of Mr. 8. E. Allison, of a daughter, _ In Port Perry, on the 3rd inst, the wife of Mr. W. H. Park, jr., of twins--son and daughter, PIL NOTICE" County of Jasie} Ik heceby given that TO WIT: the COURT OF ASSIZE, Nisi Prius, Oyer and Termiuer, and Gen- Johnson, Mr. J. W. Mclarry, of the firm of | eral Gaol Delivery, will be holden jn and Laing & Meharry, to Sarah, eldest daughter | for the COUNTY of ONTARIO, in the MARRIED, At the residence of the bride's father, on Wednesday 6th inst, by the Rev, C. C. COURT HOUSE, in the of C. Dawes Exq., all of Port Ferry. -------- TOWN OF WHITBY, DIED, In the 14th con. of Reach, on the 2nd inst, Elizabeth Mitchell, aged 46 years, --ON---- \ TUESDAY. MARCH 10th INST., AT THE HOUR OF TWELVE 0'CLOCK, NOON. Of which all Coroners, Justices of the Peace, and all others concerned will take notice and govern themselves accordingly, foe NELSON G. REYNOLDS, Sheriff" Whitty Feb. 12th, emmeit : > gf THE ONTARIO 3 Farmers' Mutual Insurance Co'y Head Office, Whitby, -- The Markets. Onsenver Orrick, Mar. 7, 1878, Fall Wheat, ,. Spring Wheat, Barl for the claim, 'but made complainant pay] his own costs, and two dollars of the defend- ant's costs, for vot either asking for the amount or presenting a bill, . Expensive Traveling cents, was brought up for trial. JudgeEiliot, | Potatoes onhearing the facts of the case,gave judgment. H CLEMENT DAWES, AS Money to Loan on Farm security in H any manner to suit borrowers, , Mort. gages bought at lowest rates, Accounts, This Cs y is now fully and is propa Eo risks on Farm Dues an contents, country School Houses and Chu . Those wishing to insure and thereby snpport a Home Insurance Company haye now an opportunity of doing so, either by "pplying to the Head Office, or to any of the 1 Agents of the Company. Our rates will be found as low as those of any respon The Pullman Car company and the St, Lawrence & Ottawa railway were paid in) connection with the visit of the Governor. General to Manitoba, $2,534.50, Notes, &¢', collected on. reasonable Com. sible Mutual Insurance Company in Canadas, mission. Apply personally, or by letter to Head Office-----Opposite the Royal Hote) . C DAWES Brock St., Whitby. : C. NOURSE, Secretary, Auctioneer, &c., Port Perry, March 7 ,1878, |W. H. BROWNE, General Agent,

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