Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 31 Jan 1878, p. 2

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. an (4 ; : iia 1 ' Pn gj £ - ; = i } i RE fi) os = : Ji eipiaae y some CTT Ht ad rs ns ci a . fae mde a ; ] Sa s County Council. Guardian $22.20, Gleaner $23.80, Vindicator | attempts to assert thabthe work i Gnncces. | Report received, and on motioh for its ad-( Mr Wright would like to know whit the 7 | ak --- $22.80, Standard $21.89, gm 27.60. | sary, and when up Mstyear the only. objec- | option ounty had got ith th ter it 1; he PAI LAL LA i The Court ling decided that the home 4 A ' e oly; objec. | option, | 3 county ot to do with this matter it ig L} tho dam at Se Local Legisiturs bas no, paver to eanet tio 1 forbowe ot He clotoiat ov Tenders to Sura for the county | tion llc we inl ber wasted tho Me Wright moved hai busted (0 te ply bebwoon viigo and the tomnabip cf ay, pra, tho smo may RnB Ey rovincial license fronr brewers, rdeecings, el) La were, ian , Vindicator $175, Chron- al con to be fully tested | committee of the whole with instructions ria : ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR fuase in which the judgment is expressed is a | gtay away duriug the second day, we were | iol 8175, Observer $175. ' past y ny insert $)00 for each or the model schools. Usbridge and this counoil has neither part | bo removed and the Seugog river aug ifit should staud then they would con. sent to go on with the work. No oue has attempted to show that the work has given hazy, but when the mist gets cleared nor lot in the matter, = | uway it will be seen that the loeal legislatures JAamss BALBD; ¢ ¢ « Editor. [have no control over the manufacinre sod Lo. may thus be reduced to its original nothingness. The Treasurer deliv- ered himselt of his budget speech. left to whit we could gather from the read- Yeas Messrs. Wright, Harper and Blow, nays ing of the miwutes by 'the Clerk, on' the all the rest. i ¥ J Mr St, John is surprised at the reeve of The motion was lost and the report adopted. | the village of Uxbridge bringing this matter The committee econ ended fa the further power in dealing with the sale of} contract be given to the 4 == Be liquors than to regulate the licenses us tu price | M10rming of the third duy and had to scratch | On motion the committee arose and re-| way in the slightest, and patching at the old rabam ti before the council seeing that the matter | It might be entertaining but it PORT b ¥. JAN. 31, 1878 wid it may be the hours of opening nud closing , our few scraps of the doings of the second ported the report without amendment, part is only laying out money to no profit, Hr. 6 hui gave ne te that ie youd - Tosh irely with the ng icipality certainly was aot edie. PORT PERRY, , 18 usiuiess, mea ok Ag Report received and adopted aod the| nd on both the principle of economy and| Warden to memorialize the Government|ed, he 1s no less astonished to har that | creeping to helpless bankruptcy be We found that the Eye and Er Infirmary bad meibrialized the Council for aid to that institution, I'he County of Waterloo bad been desiring the Council to dabble in the poor house scheme, The County of York had asked the County to contribute towards the erection of a bridge over the West River between Siott | Wi t to learn that a man named Wilks | x a tanaet by {Fade ambled oi the silewaik, and Georgina. ! te ta ore and broke oq TP hmmound fractian) his left leg a few inches ¢ The County Inspector called the attention above the ancle. Dr. Kennedy got the patin tof the Council to the decision of the Minis- 11 hund and 8000 had the limb set. The ac- 2 48 | cident happened in coming from the town ter of Education as to the traveling expens- Dull 0. Tuesduy lust. es of County School Insptctors. Also what Great Sale of New Goods.--= praying the Council to graut the two model Sve Brown 4 Surriga great Sale gl new opus | schools in the County an munuul amount n Ces eir new vertisemen a promi yak people's owl an! equal to that given' by the Government; (See their sample price list,) also asking a grant in aid of the Teachers' Associations, Any 4 The Reeve of Scott and 40 others petition-' John Nou & Son are now Jr Furniture ed the Council to grant a pedlar's liceuse to] at a great discount on usual prices; and to! trocar ive alla chance to purchase th y are offering one John Finch free of charge. urpiture, at such prices as will induce to TE take something. (See their Advt.) THURSDAY, moncy ordered Te = | sefety the work should be proceeded with. - The committee on Roads and Brigdes,| TF Messrs. Graham, Rowland, McRae, Hoover, Parker, Christie and M¢Deimott, brought in their report tlirough their chairman, Mr. Rowland. 4 : The council went into committee of the whole on the same, Mr. Christic in the clair, Amongst other matters of importance the document alluded to the report of the care- taker of the Narrows bridge, and find said bridge in a good state of repair. A commu- nication had been received from the Hamil- ton iron bridge factory. The County of Waterloo bad asked the co.operation of the council in seeking an amendment of clauses 410 and 412 of the municipal act amended. The council of the county of York had asked the council to assist in building a bridge over the West River between Scoft and Georgiva and also to grant $130 towards the erection of two bridges passing between ssid counties. The committee recommend the granting of edifying to a. lor <- F.Ax Ob the 26th the session lasted for about Lait ap our The business commenced with the usual spread of petitions from fifteon munici Hi praying for the doing away wit pr exemptions from taxation... ., , Agricultural societies are , doing their best to get their fingers in the money chest. are begging « . tor additional grants; they seo the ¥ + fands quickly vanishing, and are desirous of getting part of spoil ere all is gone. Ho: ------ Pine Grove Cemetery Company A general Meeting of this Ccmjuny wos tétd fn the public Hall, Prince Ai. ron the 24th Inst., When an election of Uiiicers took SE iting in re-electing Major Formau, residen®, 5 ' : The next Meeting wiii be held In the Public Hall, Princo Albert, on Tuesday evening; tab 5 Feb sub. ee Badly Broken, | ed 4 The W af. Hiba dreadrul wae which has been delug- fg with blood the fairest plains of conti-. heitfal Europe, slaughtering by teus of thousands the best and bravest softs of two great empires, inaking widows by the thou- rand and fatherlese children by the tens of thousands aud laying waste their bubitations | and craatitig # wilderness along their pith, | seems at fetist for the time arrested after w loss by swotd, hardships, sickoess und want of at least 300,000 human beings und wealth enough to establish a new empire. Russia had got bold of Turkey by the neck und was about to give it the final twist when Turkey cried "enough." Russia had already taken possession of Adrianople a city of 130,000 against grantin RTE phi p any charter | gentleman state that because Mr Gould has "The amendment to strike ort tho clause | or charters for draining o SWAMP OF | dammed back the water on this road for was now put and 15 voted yea and I4 nay Srewsel lasds Wing Boot Bu Soups some twenty years or so that Mr Gould can- 80 the striking out of the clause was carried, 1 Baer ry Paid Yer 10 not be disturbed and cannot be made either | and the. committee arose and reported the Mr, Wright Nomis apply fo trengurer bo and | 1 16wer the water or build a bridge ; it is report ag amwended, The report was ad- be ia hereby instructed to pay the county fu- well known that no length of time bars the opted. | spector the sum of $200 per annum as travel- | claim of the crown and Mt Gould can be Mr. Grabam gave notice that he would ob | 5,0 expenses, to be paid quarterly. | made either to lower the water or build a tomorrow move for leave to introduce & by-| My, Wheler moved in amendment that the bridge. ! law to construct G00 fect of the Scugog bridge | clerk beinstructed to notify the county in-| Mp Smith--Seott, would move that the onthe same principle as the 600 fect lately Shomer mat ipa roan bag, Saute ban seve Warden and the reeve of Uxbridge be a'com- structed. for his travelling ex 4 tet the Yalta Ye oe jlce agave) Tor of Jnauaiy; BIB AI senae 10 ilies take advice asto who are liable for F of titi il 30 petition | be paid quarterly. on condition that the said "1? WOU. Ausston on behalf 0 is coun Ho petition. etor first place in the hands of the clerk Mr. Bickell contends that the county has the . gy , and 4 i a written h ofall claim to traveling | nOthing to do with the matter and have no Council now in session, to abolish grand | expenses * p till the present year. « call to enquire who is responsible. Let the juries in connection with quarter session |). Wright said Mr. Whelérs motion was no | parties concerned make their own enquiries, in this province. | amendment to his motion. On the suggestion | or let the matter alone, Mr Bickell stated a saving to this county | of Mr. Bickell Mr. Vheler withheld his motion Mr. Graham is opposed to both motion of at least $1,000 would be effected every 8 a substantive motion, 80d Mr. Jright Ahi and amendment. The county is in no way your were the prayer of such a petition [putas bedlaiel Jouly only $ Yates ana | liable for tho work, and why should we in- granted, 5 2 P gur expense finding out who is liable, it would be a useless expenditure on the The grain market has had a - citing and excited week past. The vibrations in the 'European :pulee bave wet a regular response in the Canadian grain market. Peaco and war have been hanging in the bal- eee ---------- Now Secure Your Furniture. the mover | carried. Mr Smith, Scott, agreed with and| The committee on County Property and as to the propriety of the proposed step, Manchester Féfr. The Manchester Febrnary Fair will be held The Warden being absent from sickness, { Mr, Wheler was called to preside diiting the | | absence of the Warden, $100 towards the West river beige on con- dition that York graut a like amount, and regard the vast amount of trouble saved to the grand jury men of even more import. | Jail management, Messrs Feasby, Mothersil, McTaggart, Bruce, Amey and Spipks brought in their report through their chair- part of the council to seek an opinion on a subject in which we are not interested. Major Harper is opposed to both the meo- ance and the price of grain was in the opposite scale, and as the one wout up the other went down, and ance than the $1,000 a year, The motion was put and carried, tion and the améndment. The water referr- ed to 18 neither a river nor a stream, simply & : pond, the water being dammed back. Mr. Wright regarded it rather cool in the reeve of Uxbridge to come before the council and ask $200 or advice as to responsibility. If the county could be made liable thero | would have been no palaver about advice. Mr Green is surprised to hear the vast dimensions given to the pond by the reeve of Uxbridge, it is really only about 10 feet wide and only two inches deep. Mr Wheler is surprised to hear Mr Green make any suclr statement he is certainly not aware of the place referred to, Mr Green replies that he knows exactly where it is and it is not deep enough with- | Outs | out digging a hole to lct the horses drink. | Peas Mr Wheler proposed with tbe consent of | Clover Seed his secoffder, to withdraw his motion and | Hay per ton, allow Mr Smith's amendment to become the putter... original motion. = Mr Wright objected to the withdrawal and | Potatoes. called the attention of the Warden to the | Rides. fact that if but one member objected a mo- i Wool . tion could not be Pork. , vice versa. In Toronto on the 23rd fall wheat brought $1.20 and spring wheat $1; barley is quoted at 66ots, and pork at. $4.75, and as the war news was pretty much all rumor, and though it has quivered consid- erably it did not give or take, and the prices of all sorts of produce stood still. ---------- -- es The Markets. man, Mr Feasby. The report expressed FRIDAY MORNING | gatisfactiou with the condition in which the i Jail and Court House are kept, and recom- Al were ple 10 sew thy wanlet in )is | mends the payment of the several accounts. Flecs 4s oral He Wd Lee need 0 | From January to July 1877 there were 86 | 2 A * | males and 9 females inmates of the Jail and he i ks ofthe previous day were read | between July and January 1st 1878 and approved. i , . Mr Gerham introduced his by-law for the Jthere bat been 9 mls ad 1 aes construction of an additional 600 feet of the jontered Jilieavemge cos o bi f th Scugog bridge, The council went into was 9} cents per day. The report of the | committee who had superintended the work Sommitizc of fe whale on the 'bylaw. My. | round the jail was satisfactory. The commit. Cunningham in the chair. | et t 5 tee hud recommended suitable tin boxes for Me Bickell asked it the gentlemen Sup: | 0 i of the Peace to put away certain porting this by.law regarded this council as | documents in the Treasurer's The chilies Who would vote OBE Way fo day, De | committee also recommend the fitting up converie during the night and Yots another and white washing the office of the County way tomorrow? The principle had already i" Attorney. been 'rejected yesterday and why jutroduce | The committee recommend that in future again today? He would move Hat the all supplies must be procured on the joint Commiiice Arise, {order of the Warden and the deputy Reeve Mr. Wright rises toa rule of order He | 0 0 00 or Whitby, and that tle Clerk would ash the ruting of the Warlen if such provide blanks in which parties requiring a motion did not toqire a geconder 3 1¢-was | supplics shall enter the same to be submitt-- urged by members that a motion in com | 4 yy hroval of the said Warden and mittee did not require a seconder, and such | | pov wud no supplies shall be pro- Tul bugn the practice of the eounoil, cured without their sanction, and the clerk The committee then arose withont report | is te notify all parties conc. red of this ar- and of course killed the Dy Jaw, : | rangement. The prisoners to be re- Mr. Wheler gives notice that he will on | quired to cut all the wood required for the [only the reeves of Uxbridge village and | was agreeably surprised on the evening. of to-morrow move for a grant of $200 fo eons | stoves on the premises. township voted yea ; the rest all voted nay ! the 22nd inst. by a number of his pupils struct a bridge over the mill creck in the t The council went into committee of the and the motion was lost, presenting him with an elegant silver cake § 7th con. of Uxbridge, and that the reeves of | 0 0 oior, Mr. Gibbs in the chair, | The committee on finance and asseesmont, | pagket. The following address was deliver. 3 3 Scott, Uxbridge township and Uxbridge Messrs. Miller, Gibbs, Bickell, Wheler Smith | od Ly Miss 8. E. Real =m ir i Scott and St, John, breught in their report 3 . village be a committee to expend the same. | Mr. Feasby moves that the clerk be and | through their chairman, Mr. Miller, and | | be is hereby instructed to get the audits of | the council went iuto committee of the whole, Mr, Harper in the chair, to be | aid. inal j aceon sinted in sheet | ! uipal jos os Coduty: prigted ia Bros Mr Gibbs introduced and carried through for the information of the council. | Osserver Orrick, Jan, 31, 1878, Fall Wheat, .... ..... ... $107 to $1 } Spring Wheat, i Barley .... vault, CE DW ie COS =m--on once before the house withdrawn. The amendment was then put and lost. The original motion was thea put and et -- Presentation. Mr. James P. Taylor, Teacher, Greenbapk, A Marriage as it Should be. On motion the committee arse and re ported the report without nmendment, Report adopted and the accounts ordered Mgr. Tavror,--We have met here to-night to present you with a small token of respect manifesting our appreciation of your services during the last year, and for the zeal you stantinople. It is an important city and bus been in the possession of the Turks for over » Greeksin 1362. It was then coustitutyd the capital of the Turkish Empire sud continued Turks seized Constautinople and wade it their capital. It was naid that the Russions | SS 0000 "Feb, 3th. ~ An additional wi-| Minutes of the second day read and, © i 0. oi wo | establishment of un neiive marker for sheep, | .e. i i Fre wt won by Band ee 20 that py slicen wud cattle fuic Manchester | Alr. Graham introduced his by-law for 'The report secommended the payment of ely. horse waiket added ere long. accounts of criminal justice, 38. 3 Adrianople to march on Gullip oli; Adriun- Ee Tn committee of the whole Mr. Blow in| The report reccommended that the remain- ople is lugs thau 1.0 miles from Coustantic Thoroughly Organized. ¥ At a meeting of the Port Perry council on | oc ve wright bo insetted as one of the ceeded with and constructed on the same at the latter place they would still be 140 | thoroughly organized. The company Is to | auditors. principle as the 600 feet lately completed, miles from Coustsutivople. Gallipoli fs] gusistol 25 men with Mr. Mark Currie as | ia one monch ouch iti fo beliowd | Mr Gralim hud suggested this 'change in, TOWNE (0 $4000, payable in ten yeas, could not be defended without consideiable the auditors, as he. (Bickell) was heartily | #0d that Messrs. Graham and Mowbray be peeparaton frou the attacks ofa powerful 05 BON 4c mun Fecelves & cot od for ) wor. men relieved if the council believe thut the) 4 TVis. was the leaping off place aid a lively Beck of laud on which the city is built is Jo kiin change sought will be to the advantage of Slcssiol sovned. about 45 miles long aud in sume plakes not TE Ee change being | : i 1 . i made he would be pleased to hear if there is| posals to drain a portion of the Scugog lake, treat would be next, to impossible with js | By all means be at the town hall this | any fault found with the manner in which | powerful Suet fir the Gulf of Saros aud the evening and hear the propiictor of the he had discharged bis dutice. while in that would be unwise for the council now to go EE --. el 8 He ME into so large an expenditure, besides he did 3 he subject of protection against fire in al 8 &., Hi 4 Sold mile wide. And further when ths bearlugs. This is a subject deeply Interesting | tions have been thrown out by parties that | nob belicve thiatany Dany could gully, By | deferring this work for another year; the 1:0 miles from Constantinople, There is lear tiesiblect disenssed. such ivsinuation affects him one straw, but; only ome view of the matter admissable 'meemptions for the good of the county he consieed) outer; a waisly ausount, wil) keep it "in good oth ! repair till next year when the council will to hurry up her guns aud by weaus of land ep should come forward like men and make citi bem dou ul | the Ons for its udvo 0 <u - 3 . : can be now, batteries aud torpedoes to block up the | HIE exemption from taxation of all their statements before him and before th) Mr. Graham saidgthe bridge was not in & fier perty ; we advise these lights to read the re- ine fiw! 5 bats Britaitt or any other country aud thus be (heey; of their leader, Mr. Mowat, in the House | Playing lightly with the interests of the ing at it was only throwing away the with Turkey, ammnging with Germany, | the * British North America Act declared that | 1g insinuations. neither Dominion nor Provincial properly Mv. Groen said' be regarded Mr. Bickel] the county to go on now and complete this bgt. However, matters are ow iu a quics- | - PICKET oork as well for safety, economy and com- went state, the sword if notin the scabbard wove in amendment that the ¢ i ----- Bickell be SY hut Hie pans of Mr, require $800 to make it safe,and how soen com to the fioutaud should they saceced | It was whispered around town during the will further repairs be required. fhe ten ple of Junus muy again be closed for | latter part of lust week that au interesting | og nornicious practice this system of cunm. Ye i ingly throwing out injurious insinuations Vere etter id 15 skein! ay money on c.i | this bridge which can possibly be avoided, | fnbabitants and about 140 wiles | from Con- 500 years having been conytored from the to be th capital over 90 yews when the also $130 to meet the grant above referred were marching on Gallipoli when their pro- | traction is being given to thesy fairs in the | approved. Will have few equals. We expect to see a the appointment of two auditors to audit the | 5¢¥erl small accounts amounting iu all to earth could induce the Russiuus when at the chair, Mr, Grahaiit woved that the name | iP8 1,300 feet of the Scugog bridge Le pro. nople aud 145 auiles trom Gallipoli and when t Tuesday evening the Fire company was | ohief engineer- The company is to meet at| Mr. Bickel said tbat he wis satisfied that afd for that pirpose debentures be issued about 30 miles up the Goiden Horn aud duty ata fire if the time employed be less than | tired of the position and would be glad to be commissioners to superintend the work. ficet passing up the Dardanelles; the narrow | The members of the company must all be Fire! Fire! the County, but previous to the [ Wir. BlekelL mid in view of the any Dro: smile wide, aud cither an advance or re | and building roadways for that purpose, it r+ | Chatham Steam Fire Engine Works discuss Dardunchs off (he other the lund between is position. He is aware that certain insinua- | Russians bad takea Gallipoli they were still | every ratepayer in tlie village and all should | putty were not all as they ought to be; no| Wee oth ob ny Wis. wot even in'bad ; Tou Ta Exemptions. that is that Russia meant by scizing Gallipoli those parties making these misty allusions : thi ithe Some of our would-be critics took a fling at be in a better condition to deal with it than passage of the Durdanelles to the ficets of | Dominion and Provincial Government pro- | Couacil, and he considered that it was safe dition. and b d tink A e condition, and to spend money tinker- come thaster of the situation iu making peace | on the 29th He then stated distinctly that | County for any one to hawk around ground: | = endoily isto the terest of nount so expended ; itis to the interest of Austria and Fruuce and let Britwio do Ber | ghou)d be taxed." This is as it should be, an efficient and faithful dit vi | ie uithful auditor, and would | "1, 41.0 state the bridge now is it will i not being wielded diplomats have now Mr. Feustiy said that hs would condemn Mr. Mothersill said in the meantime it few years, But should diplomacy tail and | wedding was on the tapis and that one of allowing them to affect all the mischief pos-- form the matter be Tuft to the sole arbitrament of | the most worthy and most deservedly es- the sword, then, Gud defend the just | for the demon of war will hawe 4 curdaval suck as the world has seldom seem, teemed young ladies iu town was about to}, while the pretended careless manner in | ye led to the altar on the 28th iust. When which they are thrown out screens their Monday came expectation was on Lip-toe, j author from thy responsibility ; and as it is| | as if the parties about to apply for a charter mean work they will soon be at it and there is no wi~dom in the county laying out so 1a by. law authorizing the Warden ahd Treas spi 1, n of Mr. Bickel the salary of | urer to borrow such sum or sums of money otiol . * | : require he ¢ of this cor. the messenger was fixed at $2 per day [#3 may be required for the use ) i The treasurer has bad no difhculty hither: | have manifested for our welfare in our to in meeting all demands, has $3,269 on | various studies, and hope you may long be hand and a claim of $5,119.50 on certain | spared to labor among us, or wherever your municipalities which have not yet paid the | lot may be cast, May youalwayg enjoy a county assessment for 1877, The report | bumper Lasketful of the good things of this orders that the county pay J. Wilson $113.- ( life, and enjoy God's blessing with them, 50 damages sustained by havieg his 49 acres | Miss Jennie Leask then came forward and improperly sold for taxes, the amount to be | Landed Mr, Taylor the present, after which charged to the township of Scott. The | he feelingly replied that the present was as report recommended the treasurer to enforce | unexpected as it was valuable, and although payment with interest from the delinquent | its intrinsic value must be considerable, yet municipalities, | he valued it more as a token of their kind Mr. Bickell stated that the township of | wishes towards Lim, and of their apprecia- Ruma bad money in the bands of the tion of his services. The company now com treasurer, and cannot be regarded as delin-| menced to enjoy themselves as youth are quent, He would therefore move that the | wont to do, clause be adopted with the exception of Rama.. Mr St. John, Mr Mowbray and Mr Wright came to the rescue of Reach, but Mr, Gibbs and Mr Amey were both severe in their strictures against the policy adopted by Reach and the line of argument followed | by those who defended that township in her | Saians in paying in her county assess- J Stonehouse, . Wm Coats, The clause was carried as amended by Mr G Moore. , Bickell, Ww McGiil The report recommended the granting of | 8 Netherton... a free pedlar's license to Mr. Finch, as prayed { L Bebiosn : for in the petition said" license not to be | Mis Fraukiin, transferrable, A petition had Leen laid bed | Mes McGill... urge an amount when it may possibly be avuided, Dr Rae regards the sum asked, $1,000 as being out of all proportion to what the work whould cust, and just as soon as the $4,000 is spent there will be a demand for more ; if GOO feet near the shore required about three thousand dollars to construct that portion with the sballow water and comparatively little mud on what principle can it be ex. pected that 1,300 can be built for $1,000, it will require at least three or four thousand dollars more to complete the work. during the sess | poration but in po case less thun $500 notes uring the session. M1. Bickell moves that the warden leave | In committee of the whole Mr Graham in the chair till two o'clock the chile, Mr. Graham gave notice that he would on | On motion the commitive arose and re- to-morrow move for a grant of $200 for the ported the by-law without amendment, -- Port Perry's fair and handsome datightats | yy) known that Mr. Wright Las been | freronl ie a dus valdng ne rents | throwing out insinuations, and as he is ot, --- hortly after 2 p. m, numbers migh seen | in Li iu fos TY Tt would almost appear as though | hastening on towards the church of the | i - Tie pass o Be Waterss oormat Mr. Scott, M. P. P-, President of the | Ascension while our sprightly youth wera | ooh ooo eae coils ris to n ; 2 proposed Toronto and Oitawu Rail-| litle less excited or less gleeful as they hiod T€p0 way, bad cast off all kis western "them on to witness the interesting aud at- ' : : a friends because the Turuito tutepay- thuctive ceremony. The inquisitive repre- fused b A sentatives of the press bad to be there but ers refused to grunt a Honus. U's | on arriving at the church we found every Scott is abandoning the old scheme | geat occupied, gallery aod all, chiefly by and taking up with another scheme | the young, the fair, the gay of the town, wr rather going on wilh the eastern wanifesting not ouly a lively interest in the and letting the western] portion pass | approaching nuptials but by their presence unnoticed for the present at least. hati ing to the high enecm BF tagpest In 3 tm i which the amiable bride is held by all who dls talks of pushing forward the {dad any acquaintance with her, it was alsoa wasters part of the scheme from | teibite of respect to the estimable family of Peterboro to Ouitawa, leaving the | which the bride.isa member. Fhe church western portion till Poroute gels | presntud a captivating spectacle of youth over her pet, er ill she sees other patd beanty, the handsome, compact andcem- cities consig Wo ier very suburbs fortable church was tustefully decorated with, and ir hor rat, talkie Wi | evergreens. Around the entrance to the EIN b gawk, king uwiy | 0) cel was a double arc of evergreen with Lertrade. duis now proposed LO | white ground aad the plrase "Peace on allow the Dewerburo bonuses, Lolli | Earth aud Good Will to Men" in splendid town and county, Ww be given Lo the characters of red and bronze stretched along wonstruckion-af the eastern section, Wicatc. As the time approached anxious making Reterboro the terminus fur (eyes were cast on he entsauce on every sen Cast Us Off 3, : The report adopted and the by-law read a Scugog Bridge. dil . The Warden left the chair. | third time and passed. : The commmitice on Edueation, Messrs | Mr Christie moves that the Warden, Mr Wright, Mowbray, 'Leary, Cunningham, gickell and Dr, Rae be & committee to Yeo Harper and Sith, E. Whithy, brought in ti.eir | vise the by-laws and rules of order of this report through their chairman, Mr Wriglit.-- | council with a view The report refers in flattering terms to the land report to the council at its next session. position of the High Schools of the county, the | Mr Wright said this motion would entail great benefits conferred by these nctiools and | J uel labor on the committee butter put a the necessity of giving them suitable encour- | legal gentleman on the committes and pay Ee port refers w the claims of he' Cod |i. re hig as and recom- | : Mr Gibbs seconded by Mr Wright moved ends that the sum of 3-- be granted to cover | 11 amendment that the County Attorney and said expenses. The numbers who have passed | the Warden be appointed to consolidate the the intermediate examina.ions in the several | by-laws of this council and that they be chools ut the two examinations of the past | paid for their services. rare given as follows. At the Tune Exam-| = o, pigtion of Mr. Rowiand those mem- tions Whitby High School passed 6, Oshawa bers who can't reach their homes this week | 3. Uxbridge 4. ud Port Perry 13: at the Is. | bt 2Tinwisd two dey's extra pay. | cember examinations Whitby passed 8,0shawa | he lik bridge in any way and he can tell the Coun- | o, Uxbridge 5 and Port Periy 8. The totals. Mr. Mowbray suggested that the cler cil that the condition of that portion of the | who have passed since the comencement of the | is the proper party to revise and consolidate bridge required to be done is much worse | Intermediate Examinations are Whitby 30, | the by-laws. : Oshawa 9, Uxbridge 13 and Port Perry 44.-- | Mr, Wright moved that the clerk be in- This the report states will compare favorably | structed to revise and consolidate the sever. progress and ask leave to sit to-morrow. Mr, Feasby's motion was declared lost. On motion of Mr. Bickell, Judge Burn. | 'ham was heard before the Council on the | matter, The Judge spoke highly of Mr, Bickells strict attention to duty while the] experience which he has bad gives him an advantage over any one who kad not such experience and for his part he eonsidercd that partivs gaining experience ip a position in which experience is 80 necessary should | not lightly be displaced without some reason | to justify the change as new men require quite a length of time before they gain sufficient acquaintance with the dutics to 'be of any service, 'Major Harper is a little surprised at ap attempt to place Mr. Wright on this Com- mittee in the #bsence of that gentleman ; -he (Harper) will vote that Mr. Bickell be | re-appointed ; if any one had any reason to] urge why Mr. Bickell should be left off to make way for Mr. Wright, why not urge it Mr. Cunningham would like to know df to their consolidation Mr. Blow would regard the going on with W.L. the work at this time as unwise sceing the agitation which now exists for baving that portion of the lake diained off and tracks or roadways will be required for that purpose, and it wili be better for the council to be cautious in the matter. Mr, Graham says he does not regard thi agitation for draining that portion of the | lake as likely to amount to anytbing and under po circumstances could it affect the Greenbank, Jan. 220d, 1878. ee Installation of Officers. At a meeting of Shirly Grange, No. 299 held January 16th, the following uffivers wero duly 'installed John Martin... ...c.. +. Master than represented. Mis G Moore. the presontat least, then bonuses will bo asked fram Qituwa and Carleton movement, The worthy incimbent Rev. C..C. John~ Place; amd hus the magnificent |son, futher of the bride, now matched up the scheme which meal regarded with | 80 much intersst hos dwindled dowu | 10 a «cn: horse conesin. A le. Here the organ struck up that beauti- ful air "Wedding March" as the wedding party stepped upon the threshold. The there ean be no change made, in any appointment without fusteniug a charge against the former occupant of the position He did not consider parties appointed to any office were expected to' retain the appoint- nents watil some charge could Le brought Mr. St. John is a little astonished to hear | with any like schools in the province. The members still talk of repairing or building | report further stutes that the Government bridges with pine. cach bas to her grea | grants an amount of $50 per annum to each profitadiscarded the -buildipg or repairing | School Teachers' Association for the purchase with pine, cedar is used their on all occa sions and has proved preferable in every way--piue is very unsatisfactory material of books and other professions] necessities and recommends that a grant of $-- be given by this county for a like purpose to the Teachers | al by-laws of this council, and report at the ; June session of this council.--Carried. | On motion of Mr. Feasby the council adjourned till 8 a m., to-morrow 1 SATURDAY MOLNING. Council met, the Warden in the chair. fore the committee praying the Legislature | for an appropriation of $100,000 to be ex-| pended under the provisions of the Drainage Act aad that the money be apportioned over the respective municipalities at the rate of $2 per head of the population the number of the population as given in 1873 Miss Stonchouse, .Lady Ass Steward Com, 8 0 Bern MARRIED. ' At the Church of the Asemsfon, Port Pe rry on Monday 28th inst., by the Rev, C. € Johnson, groom's en Mussrs, Win, Robinson.of Bort | to pear-against them, 'he considered that at Association of this county. The report further | The minutes of previous day read and ap. incumbent, George James to be taken as the number, for Liidges and expensive as well. He would recommend that the work 'be gone on Anothe: Entertainment. Upcott Story, Esq, of Montreal, to Mise sets forth the value and importance of Model | proved. Mary 8. eldest daughter of the Rev. C.C. Hope, G. B. McDermott of Port Perry and | go time forthe apoliibert of aby alidals Sehools and recommends an annual grant of The would 'The North Outario Meéhanics' Institute, Port Perry, are preparing a rich treat for the villagers and surrounding-couuntry, to be given the Town Hall, ou the cveuing of Friday, 'eb. 1st. 'Wie need scarcely remind our readers that the-committee.eut usted with the getting up of such entertainment are by uo means indifferent to the aud convenience of the public, and pever offer anything u. worthy af the in- el of the community. The enfertain- went will be varied, interesting and instruc- tive. Music in all its departments, vocal and dnstrumental ; choice readings, aud other attractions Ww. P. Johnson, brother of the bride, march-| a1) who are ellible have a fuir chance and « up the Jsle followed by the groom with | thatthe changing of an officer does aot in his fuir bride testingon hisarm, The bride's | 41, least point to lack of ability or any maids Misses L. Clarke, of Cobourg, Miss quriliction of duty in the party struck off! Emma Johnson, sis.er of the briar, and Miss | were it so that removal from office implied | McDermott. Here it would be 1m order 10 juqlility or unfaithfulness it would be a describe the dresses of the party Lut as we .are.not comme il faule in that department, wel bad better leave it in more skillful hands, All admoired the graceful lady-like bearing of the accomplished bride and her fair bridesmaids, while the sprightly, intelligent serious matter to remove any occupant from | a position of trast and the prriodical elections | to such offices might be regarded asa farce ; as parties appoinfed to any position woud] be supposed to retain it during good be. havior, with until .completed. Mr. 'Smith would object to going on now with this-work, from all be can learn-and | from what he himself saw be considers that | a small amount wauld keep the bridge in | | repair far another year, aud pnder the cir | cumstances if were better that the work be deferred for another year at least, by that time thedrainage question will be ro far test- ed thit the council will kuow if there is: anydhing in itand to what extent it may be | Mr. Wright introduced and carried throngh a by-law amending the by-law extending the time of certain municipalities for return- ing their assessment roll, by excluding Port Perry trom the operation of said by-law, In committee of the whole Mr Feasby in the | Mr Graham introduced the motion of chair. | which he had given notice requesting the In treating of the grant to Model Schools | yyy den on bebalf of this council to mem- Mr St. John said he was opposed to make auy | morialize the Legislature not to grant a ghunt lixely to draw funds from our public | charter to any private company for the pur- i ich all hildien | & + scouts, she chose to whieh Li es | pose ot draintng and obtaining possession of $10 the two Model Schools of this county The report recommends the appointment of the i following High School Trustees : Whitby, Dr. | Tucker, Oshawa, J Cowan, Uxbridge, J J | Crosby, Port Perry, E Mundy. nd the , of the. Church of the Ascension, Port Perry, At the residence of the brides brother, on the 28th inst,, by the Bev. Wm. C. Beer, Mr. Edward Revel, to Miss Hester Ann, eldest Suughtoe of Mr. Wm, Hayes, all of Colum. us, i Warden tosign the same. The report next referred to the difficulty between the Sheriff and the county, recom- mending that the matter be left in the hands of the Warden and finance committee, This brought forth a lively discussion, oat' but as the matter is still pending it would Wado Mi t Jenn d. be vawise and unfair to discuss it in the) Port Perry, Mr. Henry p, of the townskip public press Very likely some one wishing | ©f Scott, to Miss June McNelly, of the town to appear wise and particularly knowing ship of Usbridge, mention of the names of soe rs is all that 1s necessary to | |yride groom and his youthful groom's men -- | bore themselves with an ease and good bigy ro find isc taste most becoming. All showed a mind 3 rh, Miss ; b ht Pores o Alte he ry Miss Clegburn; within above display, the glitter's but the Buss, Abbs. sid otber talent amateurs . Don't l, on Friday of the the. and in which nine out of every ten receive all | p they ever get, mast be guarded with care. He | the Scugog bridge. 1 would oppose the.clanse. Mr Wright is irl favor of the motion, fears Mr. Wright urged the great benefits received | that if such charters were granted parties from our model schools, and regarded any at- | might hold them for speculative purposes tempt to withhold so-small a grant as a hun- | an) might block improvement in that dire. dred dollars a year dom ach of the Thi Son. scliouls us uutWorthy Sate) tige Y-1 Dr. Rae favors the motion. Bemorsy $100 1 each soboat. to whether| Mr Bickel believes that every man at the Po Bay 1s a enue] iehool, He {bound fivond the resolution but consid had been told that the principal of the model that it would be improved by divesling it of school taught in the high school as well. He its preamble. would therefore move that Port P erry school | Mr Graham denied there was any paeam- be struck off, and the sum of $30'be granted 10 | ye to it and confirmed his assertion by Lav. the Whitby model school ; he considered one | j,0 te Clerk read the resolution which was 'model school quite sufficient for this county. put and carried. unanimously. Mr. Wright said that if only one school were | pg Wheler introduced bis motion for a to be-sstablizhes Fort Perey fmdkithe alain as grant of $200 for the construction of a bridge Telkisk dum de tot Ale superior sianiing over. the mill stream in the 7th con. of Ux- Mr. Blow replied saying that 'if Port Perry bridge. .He stated that he brought forward has complied with the conditiens he would not this motion more with the view of testing object to Sort Perry getting a like grant who should pay for the bridge. From his Mujor Jlarper is in favor of one model [reading of the law he conceived the | school in the county, and considers one | county is liable. but the matter was not enough at least for the present. clear. The water is over 150 feet wide, the Mr. Biow's amendment to strike off Poct little bridge that 18 on itis neither comforts Ferny and grant $30 to Whitly was put and |p), pop safe, a worthless narrow thing with akan ite so 1k Je vias off] railing and the water 12 fect doep at the The motion to strike: off the clause recom | Pact, and an accident may ocour at any mending a grant to the teacher's association time and bring somebody into heavy <dam- was put and lost. : ages ; a family had already fallen over the The clause recommending the payment of | bridge into the water, and had parties nos the traveling expenses of the CountyiInspector | been on hand to assist them out the conse be paid $200 a year and an allowance of $400 | quences might have been fatal. The naturul stream is not mich but the water is, for the past four years." Dr. Rae would like to see the matter defi- : by 3 1d, and this Las committee of the whole on the same, Mr. bymost who have scen it. He will' support uel Sasol by Juivii: Soe grout om jst a a a in- | counts was exeiting. ociations together and ap) oint Delegutes . | anusty, 1878, 894. § "7 |terfere. There are earthworks at the two, The House had a couple of hours' p gypyEsPIE, ne y nguey > ends and only 16 feet of a bridge in ts Sesion on the 24th i Presideni. Secy-Treas,' centre, t x Bruce in the chair | the amendment. J Carried, A-dozen petitions were present. January 28,1878. likely to afect the bridge if it go on. The clause was put and declared carried, 15 voting yea, aud 14 voting nay. On motiou the commmittee arose and re. ported the repart without am: ndmcut. On motion far the adoptien, Mr. Bick? moved #he report 'back to comuittee of the whole 40 amend the same by striking out the clause referring to Abe completion of Sougog bridge. Mr. Bickell urged the propriety of defarr-- ing the wouk as a matter of simple Justice to the ratepayers. He regards $4,000 8s boly portion of what would be required to com- plete the work ; not to. mention the depth of water, the mud is fifteen or 4wenty deet deep. Mr. Graham aeintaing thatthe -work can be completed for $4,000,.and the commis- sioners may be instructed mot to let the contract unicss the conbctor binds himeelf:to complete the work for a sum not exceeding £4,000. * i Mr. Amey would fiketo know how. deep the water is at the place where the extension isexpected to pass? He does net believe the work -can be completed for the sum specified, and with two companies' applica: tions published it may be expected that something may be done in way of drainage |. and embankments, and under the circum- "The committee on printing, Dr. Rae and | stances he considers that it would be in- Messrs. Green, Dickie, Proctor and Blow | judicious togo into this large expenditure at "| brought iu their report through their chair-| this time, especially as no interest can suffer man, Dr, Rae, and the council went into from delay as the bridge is regarded as safe Mr, Smith recommended the re appoint. ment of Mr. Bickell as being both judicious and proper, and especially would be recom mend the appointment of Mr. Bickell an hearing the remarks of his honor the Judge. Mr. Bickell said he would be glad to get rid of the position ; he would only be too glad to see Mr. 'Wright or any other man get the position. The duties are far from being pleasant, but if any ome should attempt to] and jmpressive aud while the youths and | in uate that he had been tax in his duties, young ladies go to witness the nuptials of | by going round making 'knowin,g -uncom- | their fair companions, the 'benedicts should | mittal insinuations, he would dare him to] step along and listen attentively 208 cere- | nye hfore this council and make such. mouy so impressive and salutary. We do| py motion was put and th: blank filled not claim (hat married people should beg wip, the name of Mr. Bickell, so that the remarried every year, but wo do say that | 4 gi00rg of the criminal justice accounts are every benedict should bear @ rehearsal of | 40 came as last year, r 'this magnificent geemony.as ¢ftcn as onca | Op motiyn the committee -arose and re- id a your and the heartless creature, who can 80 | ported the by-law as anicnded. Thesreport Sroceesion a. Lis marsiage vows aeto neglect or | way adopted and the by daw read a-third time certain swamp or drowned lands south of | may seek to blab all he kuows or sup PUBLIC MEETING ! he knows and thus disturb the current of PROTECTION AGAINST FIRE. events. So soon as the matter is settled alk A Public' Meeting will bo held at the TOWN" HALL, This---- THUBSHAY---- Evening, the prospect is in no way alarming for the county. On «motion of Mr. Mothersill the county inspector was restricted to two papers far the advertising of teachers' examinations, at 7:30, on Fire Protection, MR RONALD, Propefetor of th- CHATHAM STEAM FIRE ENGINE WORKS, will be present snd dis-- cuss the subject, and give all mecessury information on the matter ia at its phuscs. A large attendsoee iW'réquisted a v OroEnr Relves. Port Perry, Jan 31, 1878 or yus Rego pageant of a day, The interest deepens as the party take their places before the altar and the worthy incumbent proceeds with the highly interesting marriage ceremony according to the form of the church of England, Tt is comprehensive, interesting A E ie A Night with the Geargians. Ow the Thuradsy night of last sweck we asure of witness form- ee Geng Divs thei a tive Hopkin's hall, Wiitby. A is & genuine troupe, and in Bo. way ah Toi il Sor rar Eth eT Their performances Our Legislatura. i The House had a three hours' ses- sion on the 23rd. Ot the seven petitions presented one was for a chunge in the Statute Labor portion of the Municipal Act, one fora change in the School Act, and two aguinst exemptions, Tweaty-oae Bil's were read a first time, the only two of which were of the least public interest were pre- sented by Mr. Bethune, one to amend the trial by jury law, the otherjthe for cumulative voting. Nei- ther of these bills ought to see the sun, at least they aught not to live long enough to soe a secand reading. |. They are obnoxious and should be burst, The Model Furm came in for a! sifting and came out in a disorgan- ized vondition. The debate on the objectionable' manner of delaying the opening the sessisons and bringing down the ac- moro NORTH ONTARIO L C A he Annual Meeting of the Liberal Conserv ative Association of North Ontario, will be held in the » TOWN HALL. - SUNDERLAND ! Wednesday, February 13th, 1878, (Chair to be taken at One o'clock p; m.) TO SELECT PARLIAMENTARY pe A wat ie Candidates! Elect Officers and for Gene Dysiness Officers of Township andy Village' Axxociations are requested to eall their Asse " no wus ondarget Georgians, they , illtrent her whom be has solemnly vowed to | oi q passed , aud jhislittle dove and protect omght to be compelled 10| Mr Peasy said he would Hie to see the Teplice oommit every syllable of this beantiiul |g dits ofthe criminal justice accomnts pubs | ceremony 10 memory and sepeat it cvery | jighed for the information of the ratepayers, before The n thing is now known of these accounts. ' A communication from the Treasurer was 1ead notifying the Council that payment ot $138.07 is demanded for one James Wilson, who had 49 acres in the township' of Scott improperly sold for taxes. 4 2 wishes of the community,and the prayer of all is that goodness and mercy may follow the Interesting couple and that they may have happy and prosperous life together, The report recommended the payment of ~~ Mr. Cunningham will oppose the amend-| yz; Bickell moved that the committee arise . the following accounts :--Journal $14.40. ment for the following reasons. No one ang report the report as amended: ' v ¥ '

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