Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 17 Jan 1878, p. 4

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r a Christmas Past. Chéidtmas bes come and gone, with aught to indicate ils coming or passing, but the good cheer of home, We doubt if ever if, our history a more 'bounteous spread wag spread from the humblest cottageto the most palatial howe, all who made an carnest honest effort could procure, amid all our plenty, the means to prepare a generous supply of luxuries. ,. In England, in olden times, the season was celebrated with rude customs, derived from the heathen darkuess of past ages. Aen open wide the baron's hall vassal, tenant, serf and all ; Power laid his rod of rule aside, And Ceremony doffed his pride, The heir, with roses in his shoes, That night might village pattner choose ; The lord, underogating share The vulgar game of "post and pair." All hailed with uncontrolled delight The general voice the happy night That to the cotiage, as the crown, Brought tidings of salvation down. Then the grim boar's head frowned on high, Crested with bays and rosemary. Then came the merry makers in, And carols roared with blithsome din ; Whose lists may in their munning see Traces ancient mystery ; White shirts supplied the masqurade, And smutted cheeks the visors made ; HB land was merry England, when Hd Chiristmas brought his sports again, "Pwai Christmas broached the mighties ale; "Pwas Christwas told ibe merr est tale; A Christmas gambol oft could cheer The poor man's heart through baif the year, These rude mummeries bave faded and gone, but our observance of the day is none the less earnest and hearty, because more rational and less subducd. Ring in the viliant man and free, The eager heart, "the kindlier band, Ring out the darkness of the land, Ring in the Christ that is to be, The misery of the young man who courts a sparkling fashionable belle and loses her is only excelled by the misery of the man Who courts her and wins her. ------------------------ Merchant : Peter, don't you enjoy the astronomical phenomena these evenings ? «Clare to goodness, I never tried 'em cucumbers is my favorite fruit,' eas Ppps's Cocoa.--GRATEFUL AND Con- forTiNG.-- "By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful ap- plication of the fine properties of well-select- ed cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our break- fast tables with a delicately flavoured bever- age which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use of such ar- ficles of dict that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to fesist every tendency to disease, of subtle maladies are floating around us rendy to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame." -- Civil Service Gazeite~Sold only in packets Tabelled-- "Janes Eres & Co, Homeopathic Ghomists, 48, Threadneedle Street, and 170, Piccadiily, London." BOOTS & SHOES Ha FOR THE FALL TRADE. Seventy-five Cases of Boots and Bhoes now opened at J 6 ORGAN Bhoe Store. Without doubt the Largest! Cheapest! and Best Assorted Stock of BOOTS and SHOES in NORTH ONTARIO, And these .goods will be sold at close Cash Prices. Note these prices : en's Long Boofs for $1.75 per pair. y's Long Kip Boots at $1.50 per pair, Women's Leather Balmorals for $1.00. Men's Leather Gaiters for $1.75 per pair. The Cheapest Boots in the County. 100 pairs Men's Home-made Kip Boots, warrant- ed to give satisfaction. All »goods bought from me that is warranted will be repaired Free of Charge. 1 respectfully solicit én inspection of goods and prices. J. G. MORGAN. - Port Perry Boot and Shoe Store, Port Perry, Oct 186, 1877, okytning offered wil bo eo W. H. MCAW, Port Perry, Dec. 11, 1877. Hundreds | | ' | I have on hand a large quantity of NEW CROP TIMOTHY SEED. ALSO PLASTER 'That has mot been exposed to the weather. E. WORTHINGTON. ; Opposite the Ontario Bank. Port Perry, Jufi fo, 1878. i i OFFICE OF THE BROWN & PATTERSON MPG CO. WHITBY, ONT, TO THE PUBLIC. Tn presenting our Twenty-second Annual Catalogue of Agricultural Implements to the farmers of Canada for the year 1877, we do so with more than an ordinary degree of pride and confidence, from the marked favor and patronage conferred upon us, and the steady and in- creasing demand from year to year for our new celebrated Farm Implements. We shall continue as heretofore. as manufacturers, to make a specialty of Agricultural Machinery--the Johnston Self-raking Reaper, the Triumph Combined Reaper and Mower, the Cayuga Mower, the Young Canada Mower, and our new Whitby Harvester claiming a large share of our time ard attention. For the last twenty-two years we have given our most careful and undidvided attention to the manufacture and operation of the ious machines in use, sifting out the best points, remedying defects, modifying and correcting errors, stren, ing weak points, adapting and proportioning every part as our increasin perience has su sted. We employ only the best mechanical skill, and our machines pass under the mest careful supervision and scrutiny--every de! being subjected to the severest criticism--and each machine is thoroughly tested before ng our works, to prove the completeness of every part, and thers is no difficulty in putting them in operation by any person of moderate mechanical ability. Our machinery has been selected and constructed with a special reference to the manu- facture of our own machines--many tools having been made for this particular purpose, and not adapted for other work, and our workmen are educated up to the wants and requirements of our manfacture--obtaining a thorough knowledge of the construction of our machines, and are thus enabled to obtain a higher degree of skill and proficiency than where general manu- facturing is carried on. We are, therefore, enabled to Introduce a more perfect system into all the departments of manufacture, adding not only to the perfection of the work, but also to the rapidity of its exe- cution--and a consequent reduction of cost. This principle is regarded necessary in a well r to turn out our machines with a higher degree of per to defy competition. { The Johnston Self-Raking Reaper is now so well known as a Single Reaper, that a word of commendation would almost seem su- perfluous, but as there are many claiming to manufacture this machine who have adhered to theold original Johnston machine, without keeping up to the improvements, that justice wo ourselves and patrons require of us to state that we have modified it in almost every essential art, and for strength, durability, and equality of cut, in every kind and condition of grain; ightness of draught and ease of the "Johnston," as factured by tand. pre-eminently ahead of all other reapers. In proof of this position we have only to point to the many First Prizes awarded us--at the last Provincial trial of Ontario, and maLy county trials which have taken place all over Canada, within the last few years. OUR TRIUMPH COMBINED MACHINE | with late improvements, is all that can be desired ina combined machine, and cannot fail to | meet all the requirements of purchasers. Our Improved Cayuga Chief, Jr., and our Young Canada Mowers are both first class machines--constrtucted almost wholly of Iron and Steel. The Cayuga Jr. bas a rear cut, and the Young Canada a front cut; both strong, durable machines, and not ex- celled by any machines in the market for quality of cut, durability, lightness of dra, adapta- bility, and ease of management. OUR NEW "WHITBY HARVESTER." As the country has become better adapted to machinery, and many of our farmers have be- come skilled in the use of machines, a growing demand has sprung up tor a Light, Durable, we have succeeded in inventing a machine witha First-Class Reaper. . Alive to the requirements of the day, Wrought Iron Frame, wich the least possible gearing--with large, broad-faced drive wheel, -- and £0 constructed that the frame and table tilt at the same time, thereby keeping the pitman always in line with the knife. The rakes are driven directly from the main shaft--there being no perceptible side draft, and no weight upon the horses necks. We are confident that we have succeeded in inventing the most perfect Reaper, taking it in all its parts, that has ever been produced. . We have applied for letters patent, aad shall hold our invention, for our own exclusive manufacture, and we re tfully suggest to intending purehasers, that they should see this machine before giving their orders for the coming harvest. The " Whitby Harvester" weighs, all told, 600 pounds, but being made principally of the best quality of iron and steel, and from its ingenious and compact construction, it combines the strength and durability of the heavier machines. All our machines are fully warranted. With this list of machines, we feel confident that we can meet every requirement, and we respecifully solicit a trial of our machines, believing that we ean furnish a better machine for the money than can be obtained elsewhere. egulated establishment, and we are enabled fection, and at prices so low as absolutely Respectfully Yours, BROWN & PATTERSON MP6 C0. Whithy, Ontario, March, 1871. PUMPS! PUMPS! re You can get the bést and cheapest Pump in the Province At J. IRVIN'S PATENT FACTORY, PORT PERRY SEE THE PRICES. Foncs Puxe--A complete Pump and Fire ine with Hose and Coupling complete for Patent Swing Lift Pumps at 50 cts per foot. Common Log Pumps at 40 cents per foot. Common turned suction Pumps at 35 cents per foot. Oistern Pumps, a complete Pump, from $3 «up to $8. Algo every other description of Pump, at EQUALLY LOW RATES! 3 Y b | e¥peronds te 18 Pémp-makir in the largest factories in Canada and ou an de riberfeels confident that he can perfectly satisiy all that wil im with n # ai a a of the above, whether by mail orotherwise Jromp Sept.29,1870. tly attended to. IRVIN, Port Perry. M. 0. DONOVAN, PRACTICAL CARRIAGE MAKER BROCK SIREET, WhITDY. ) GOOD Assortment of Buggies constantly on hand made from the best Material. -- Work mado to order with neatness and despatch, Particular attention puwid to re- pairing, \EWING Moms FOR ALL. Tie undersigned would take this opportun- ity of returning his sincere thauks for the large and still increasing patronage bes towed on him since opening business in Port Perry ; and would now intimate that with the view of securing greater accommodation I have moved wy business to the shop on the iy side of the street, THE SECOND DOOR EAST of] the POST OFFICE, where | shall be happy to wait on all parties wishing to purchase. SEWING MACHINES Sewing Machine Attachments, Oils, The Best Machines Cheap for Cash Repairing promptly attended to. The publicare kindly invited to come and inspect my show room. C. TUPPER. Dec. 4, 1877. Miss Chisholm EGS to intimate to her friends and the public generally that she has secured the premises one door east of Mr. Wright's Boot and Shoe Emporium, where she will keep constantly on hand a new and well selected stock of FANCY GOOTS, BERLIN AND OTHER WOOLS, ASANO Ip SCHOOL BOOKS, And the very latest selections of Sheet Music! She hopes by attention to business and moderate prices to merit a share of public patronage, STAMPING done to order. Remember the ¢ New Fancy Goods Store' --Queen St. Port Perry. Port Perry, April 4, 1871. 17 DAVIS & SONS' STEAM Casiver Factory! PORT PERRY. HE Subscribers always keep on hand (and areconstantly manufabturing more) a large Stock of just such 'URNITURE FUR! vu. As the community requires ; suitable for all classes of purchasers. All of choice Ma- TERIAL, the Best Workmaxsuip, and at sues Jaices as cannot fail to suit. UNDERTAKING In all its departments promptly attended to and charges moderate. COFFINS of all sizes kept con- stantly on hand, SHROUDS of all sizes and newest styles, CASKET OR BURIAL CASE procured on short nétice. The American Style of Hearse. Also an ordinary style of Hearse. J. W. DAVIS & SONS, PortPerry, Nov. 26, 1873 49-1y THE TIME HAS COME ------FOR---- GENTLEMEN To prepare for the coming cold weatherand in " doing so would do well to visit WILSON'S TAILORING AND GENT'S FURNISHING DEPOT: e hstmat erial is kept on hand in TROUSERINI Y INGS, and TINGS and in every case A SURE FIT GUARANTEED, A full assortment of Fine Shirts, Flannel Shirts and Drawers, Neck-tios Hoslery and Gloves, Umbrellas, Waterproof Soate. uffl- ers, Gents Jewelry, and everything kept in | Arstelass furnishing houses. . h Shirt PRICES VERY MODERATE. #8 Parties' own material made up 5 'Sho; and in Latest Style. Remem! Cue G0or north of Quen on Perry WOOD SHOP T0 RENT. HE Undersigned offers to Rent the Wood Shop in connec with his Carriage 'actory, Man hs is an ad: \ opening for a Wood-worker, there is a t sl op and other conveniences in connection the Wi . There is a lot of capital, table Lumber. all ht neosssuty g re- fired for.carrying on the wood départmen' e tools and Toh will be sold at_s valua- 'tion to the party renting the shop. This isan excellent opening, tke location is everyway favorable for doing & large and profitable bus- iness. Far particulars apply to the proprietor on the prenrises W.C. HEARD. JUST AT HAND : Gold Watches--Gents and Ladies'. d Gold Chains-- 0. Fine Bilver Watches. Silver Watches--Stemwinders. Fine Gold Jewelry. Fine Gold Rings, Silver Chains, &c., N.B.--Repairing done in a workmanlike wanner and guaranteed. JO Port Perry, Nov. 23, 1876. Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry Estab- lishment. Cheap for CASH. HN DIESFELD. x : oR." =r ---- pee undersigned would embrace this opportunity of returning thanks to their numerous customers for the generous and still extending patronage bestowed upon them since they entered into business | in Port Perry. Hitherto it has been our | aim to fill the orders of our customers on | terial and superior workmanship, and so far | our efforts have been successful, We have | now much pleasure in informing our cus. { tomers and the public generally that we have moved into our new premises one door west of our former place of business, where we shall have increased fi ies for filling | orders and driving business generally. | The public may rely on having their orders promptly filled with CHOICE MATERIAL Good Workmanship, PERFECT FIT! Jive us a call at our new premises one door west of our old place of business. DOUBT & MOTHERAL., Port Perry, Sept 25, 1877. | WA PORT PERRY & LINDSAY RAILWAY. TIME TABLE No. 21. Taking effect We.lnesday, Nov 14, 1877, PORONTO TIME, ®oy rains Going North. Manchester Prince Albert tPort Perry 3 e. Trains Going South. No.1 EX. No.3 DEPART. tLindsay. ves Tl02.m, 8 mn OPS. .ouue 5 " 8.5 « tMariposa . 8.40 " tManilla, 4.08 « *Sonya 4.16 « tSeagra 4.25 « tPort Perr: 4.55 Prince Albe 5.02 « Manchester 65.13 « *Summit 6.20 « Myrtle 5.32 « tBrooklin 5.47 « {Whitby . 6.05 « t Whitby 6.15 + Toronto, via G.T.R. arr.1L07 + 1.07 *Flag stations--Trains stop on signal only. {Telegraph stations. FRESH OUSTEL RECEIVED DAILY AT L. McLEAN"S Next door to Mr. J, V. Thompson's Hotel PORT PERRY. #&5~ 1 will keep a supply on hand, fresh from the Packing House, during the scason L. McLEAN, Sept. 26, 1877. Choice, Reliable Apple 'I'rees for L HE Subscriber has for Sale at his Nur sery, two miles north of Broaklin, Ont, 25,000 fitst.class Apple Trees ina vigorous, healthy condition, and wt choice descriptions of #ruit. Sold at the very lowest figures and warranted true to their name. This a rare chance for obtaining choice trees, cheap A. T. TURNER, Brooklin, Brooklin, Sept 26, 1876. NOTICE. EAVETROUGHS PUT aria goed ste mn short notice 'I a Cheap as theCheapest. All kinds of Repairing promptly attended, y } E. C. STEPHENS, Prince Albert, April 26, "R76 NOTICE HEREBY GIVEN that all fares in. Tasha to the Estate of the James oConnell, of Prince e Alverh are uested to eall le the same with the undersigned wit! further notice. All claims not or arranged on or before of m ber next will be put the first d: suit for collection. P A, HURD, . Attorney for the Estate. Port Perry, Nov, 3 1877. Manchester, Oct 3, 1876, Richardson's FACTORY! PORT PERRY. J. NOTT & SON, Oabinet Makers, Undertakers and Upholsterers. Take pleasure in informing their customers| and the public generally that they have on hand in their Warerooms a good and well assorted Stock of Furniture consisting of Extension, Centre, Drawing and Kitchen Tables ; Wood, Cane and Stuffed Bottom Chairs ; Couches in Reps, Cretonne, Damasks and Hair-Cloth, Sofas, Bureaus, Sideboards, Cupboards, Writing Desks, Bedsteads, What- Nots; Stands, Mirrors in Walnut, Gilt and Rose and Gilt, Straw, Wool, Moss, Mined and Hair Mattresses, Bedroom Setts, Parlor Suites, Hall Furniture, Dunk's and 'Whiteside's Spring Beds, &c, which will be sold as cheap as at any House in the trade. PICTURE FRAMINC. Keeping a large Stock of Walnut, Gilt and Rese and Gilt, Mouldings, Chromos and Lithographs we feel confident we can give : | satisfaction in this branch of our business as we make a specialty of it, UNDERTAKING We would respecttully call attention to our Undertaking Department where everything necessary for the proper performance of the last rites due the deceased can be farnished on the shortest notice, we keep on hand at all times a good selection of Walnut, Elm, But-- ternut, Rosewood D. T. and 0. G. Coffins, | Walnut and Rosewood Caskets, Shrouds in all styles. Face cloths and Caps. Gloves and bands furnished free of charge. A first class HEARSE. All kinds of good lumber taken in ex- change for Work, The Subscribers are the only authorized agents in the locality for the Whitby Marble Works. Having increased our facilities we hope by HE undersigned would embrace this op- portunity of returning thanks to his many customers for their liberal patronge in the past and would beg to remind them and the public in genersl that he is still planing lumber at 1 per thousand. Doors, Sash, Blinds, &c., &c. the shortest notice, furnishing the best ma. | Which cannot be surpassed in quality or had | at lower prices. nn ------ i ---- © PAY 'UP iE" PA ; All parties indebted to me are hereby re- quested to pay up forthwith and confer a tavor on A. RICHARDSON. Port Perry, Dec. 21, 1876. General Grocery, Flour & Feed STORE, PORT PERRY HE Undersigned having purchased that block on Queen Street OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, Has opened a General Grocery, Flour and Feed Business and intends at all times to keep for sale such Goods and at such Prices as will secure a fair share of Public Patronage which it will be my aim to main. tain through FAIR DEALING, CHOICE COODS, & LOW PRICES. Call and Examine my Stock. The highest price paid for any quaatity of good BUTTER. Remember the place, Opposite the Post Office. W. TUMMONDS. Port Perry, Aug 8th, 1877. FARM FOR SALE, HE Subscriber offers for Sale that splen- did Farm, being the South.East pani of Lot 16 in the 3rd Concession of REACH, This is well known to be one of the best Farms in the Township and contains about 65 acres. At the same time there can be purchased, if required, about 18 acres lying immediately East of the above property, formerly owned by the late Richard Northcott. Titles guaranteed. For Terms apply to x T. C. FORMAN, Port Perry, Oct. 17, 1877, A GOOD FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT, HE undersigned offers for sale or to Rent that conveniently located farm, being North half of lot 14, in the 7th concession of UXBRIDGE, containing 90 Acres, about 80 of which are cleared, There are erected on the premises a com- fortable Dwelling House, a good Frame Barn with a suitable stable underneath. -- 'There are other convenient out buildings.-- There is a small orchard on the premises. The farm is pleasantly situated in a healthy, pleasant location and within easy distance of the best grain markets in the Province. Terms easy, For particulars, apply to the proprietor at Utica ; or if by letter post-paid. J. DAFOE. Utica, Nov. 19, 1877, FOR SALE One Hundred Thousand Feet of DRY LUMBER JHE undersigned has for Sale on lot 6, in the 9th concession of Brock, 100,000 feet ANY Lownbes of qualities suitable for all kind 'of from a fine Dwelling House toa Purchasers will be liberally dealth with both as to price and time. Parties wish Dry Lumber will do well Shing Drs ere pi else- ! paying strict attention to business und fair dealing to merit a share of public patronage. Remember the place--nearly oppo- site J. Wright's Boot and Shoe Store and adjoining J. Rolph's Harness Shop and D, Urquhbart's Agricultural sale rooms, N.B Night calls promptly attended to by one of the firm, J. NOTT & SON. Port Perry, July 1st, 1875. Tailoring Estabishment ! ! ! OVER MR. BROWN'S (LATE MR. CUR- RIES) STORE. PORT PERRY. HANKFUL for many years of liberal and increasing patrcnaze the subscriber would inform his custom rs and the general public that he hus got thoroughly arranged in his new prem wer Mr. Brown's Store with increased accommodations for carrying on every department of his business. All orders promptly filled The NewestFashion: regularly received, The Latest Styles, Su- perior Workmarship, and perfect fits wat ranted. JAMES RIGGS. Port Perry, 15, 1876. TAILORING IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS, AT SQUIRE'S TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT OVER BIGELOW'S ST JRE PORT PERRY. JAMES SQUIRE. Port Perry, May 6, 1875. FIRST CLASS IRST class Tailoring in all its depart- ments, AT HUGOE'S, PRINCE ALBERT, Work made up on the shortest notice in the latest styles and at moderate rates. A | good fit guaranteed. Remember the place, opposite Cook's Hotel. R. HUGOE. Prince Albert, April 2, 1874. 15 The Tast Call. LL parties indebted to me by Book account are hereby required to make immediate payment of the same to Messrs. Doubt & {otheral, otherwise costs will be incurred. R. WARRINER. Port Perry, Sept. 6, 1 TAILORING. BAKERY Co nfctioner v HE Bakery and Confectionery breiness in all their branches carsied on in my Port Perry and Prince Albert establishments Plain and Fancy Breads of Every variety. Orders filled with the shortest notice. Bridal aad other Cakes made to order. Socials and other entertainments supplied on moderate terms, CONFECTION in every variety and of the best quality, Children's Toys in abundance, Call at my Bakery, Port Perry or Prince Albert. CHAS. HISCOCKS. Port, Perry, March 10, 1875. THE GREATEST Wonder of Modern Times The Pius Purify the Blood, correct all disorders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, and are invaluable in all com- plaints incidental to Females, The Oxrment is the only reliable remedy for Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers, of however long standing. For Bronchitis, Diphtheria, Coughs, Colds, Gout, Rheumatism, and all Skin diseases it has no equal. BEWARE OF NEW YORK COUNTERFEITS. Spurious imitations of * Holloway® Pills and Ointment" are manufactured and sold under the name of "Holloway & Co.," by J. F. Henry Curran & Co., Druvgists, and also by the Metropolitan Med icine Company of New York with an assume ed trade marl Joseph Haydoe likewise passes of his own make under the name of Holloway & Co., having for a trade mark a Crescent and Serpent ; McKessen & Robbins of New York are agents for the same. These persons, the better to deceive yon, unblushingly Caution the Public in_the small books of directions affixed to their Medigipes, which are really the spurious imitations, to Beware of Counterfeits. Unscrupulous Dealers obtain them at very low prices and sell them to the Public in Canada as my genuine Pills and Ointment, I most earnestly and respectfully appeal ta the Clergy, to Mothers of Families and other Ladies, and to the Public generally of british North America, that they may be pleased to denounce unsparingly these frands. Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, (London, they are Counterfeits. | Each Pot apd Box ot the Genuine Medicine, bears the British Government Stamp, with the words "HoLLoway's Pius AND OINTMENT, Loxpox," engraved thereon. On the label is the address, 533, Oxrorp Street, Loxpox, where alone they are Manufactured. 43" Parties who may be defrauded by Ven- dois selling spurious " Holloway's Pills and Ointment," as of my genuine make, shall on commuuicating the particulars to me, amply remunerated, and their names never divulged. | Signed, THOMAS HOLLOWAY, London, January 1st, 1577. | | KNOW THYSEL Nervous and Phy: c endless concomitant ills a eries that result therefrom, and ins more than 50 ori pre- any one of which is worth the price of e book was written by the most ex- tensive and probably the most skilful in America, to whom was awarded a gold and jew elled medal by the National Medical Associatio A Pamphlet, illustrated with the very fines By reading and practicing the inestimable truths cons tained in the best medical book ever issucd, entitled SELF-PRESERVATION Sent by mail of price. I¢ mature Decline, and | practitioner Take Notice! HIS is to give notice that I have sold to James V. Thompson, Port Perry, the Trade Mark AUSTRALIAN HORSE AND CATTLE FOOD, with all rights and privil dispose of the same, eges to use and JOHN YOUNG. Port Perry, Dec. 27, 1875. 2:41 Nothing need be added as to the value of of this Feed for Horses and Cattle, it is un- | equalled by anything yet discovered for im. proving the condition of these valuable ani- mals both as to flesh and general health. All parties owning horses or cattle should have it. The universal testimony of all who haye tried it on their stock is that they would not now do without it. It is cheap. sufe and beneficial. The purity of the mix ture is guaranteed. : J. V. THOMPSON, Port Perry, Jan'y 13, 1876. 5 GEO. BAGSHAW. Vroomanton, Sept 19, 1877. Ba 3 Shaving and Hair Cutting as they should be done. arrival in Port Perry of the two first A class Tonsorial Artists, LEWIS & POWELL, [Has created guito an excitement avith their '$mooth Shave and Artistic Heir Outings The Rooms are over rne's Dry. Goods Store, opposite the Walker House. An le and smooth shave and hair and in | whiskers cut in a stylish manner. Remember the place, over Thorne's Dry Goods Store and opposite the Walker House. Port Perry, Dec 5,1877, undersigned would inform the farming community and others that he has for service at his stible on lot 24, in the 14th well-bred Bull. con, of Reach, a superior : JOSEPH WILSO N. Reach, Nov, 20, 1877. gia : A PIRST-OLASS 'BERKSHIRE BOAR msarien: HEAL for it once. Address PEABODY Noise THYSELF r it af INSTITUTE, No, 4 Bul. finch St., Boston, Mase. | CONSUMPTION CURED, | Anola Physician, retired from active prac- tice, having had placed in his hands by an | East India Missionary the formula of a Veget- | able Remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Asthma, Kronch- itis, and all Throat and Lung Affectionsy a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debjl- ity and all nervous Complaints, after having its wonderful curative nds of cases, feels it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows.-- | Actuated by this motive, and a couscientiobs | desire to relieve human suffering, he will send | Free of Charge, to all who desire, this recipe, | with full directions lor preparing and si | fully using. Sent by return of mail ad- | dressing with stamp, naming this paper: | De. C. + YEPHENS, | (B.8. FP. Lox 83, Brockville, Ont MANCHESTER, HEARD'S Y . Carriage Works! Sa AND ini RAL, SLACK SMITHING pus Subscriber has much pleasure in stat ing that he has secured the valuable | services of "nn One of the best wood-workers in the UThno. vince, and is now better fitted than ever to fill all orders for - } Cutters, Slrighs, Bob-Sleighs, or any description of Carriage with dispatch, All repairs in Wood or Iron 'executed with neatness and on short notice I. ii vr Customers may rely on getti the material, latest styles and Hh a manship. Special attention given to HORSE SHOEING and the work done so as to secure ade and comfort of the horse in traveling. . i» | All 3 All Clintges Moderate and aH work W. 0, HEARD Manchester, Dec. 17th 1874. 15 HECUTORS HOTS AM Partios having claims against the estate of the late Jaws MoCoijs. Prince Albert, now deceased aré requestdd to present the same fo the undersigned foriphy- ment and all parties indebted to the said 5 i For Bervice on lot 24, In the 14th con. of £31ate are respectfylly requested to' arrange Reach, | Charge, JOSEPH WILSON, Reach, Nov, 20, 1877. e same at once with. rr JOHN H. McCONNELL, Sole Exec ; | Oct. 23, 1877, SE

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