Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 27 Dec 1877, p. 3

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': i - I, Lad : a pn ene p---- me : wp Op i . em TT = a 5 idle Vike Fopety esses re TE I | Valuable Village Property I 'an 2 ros! . ~ 0g : . A y - . ror sare IRISTHAS 'JA .STIRL 1 am Sil es i © CHRISTMAS, | --eon-- = yi nl 4 ull ; ems mi HE undinigned ors for Sao tho fl For good and Cheap LA MERRY ' it ee . lowing valuable age Y 4 Ler tho Villago of Groentank, vis i-- 1G & CAM AND---- noon iws ion" | GORRIGAN LL : dition : » Ne House is in first class cons : 4 a lately butt, Ssmmodisus and re Have on hand an immense Stock of GRO: - Besta in Yc agant premises, CERIES including finest Black, Green . INCE ALBERT there is a good well gon n Teas, Mocha, and Java PR ding for carrying and Japa hy An excellent building Coffee, Raw, Refined, Loaf, AN C4 ' Ss -------- - OARRIAGE , BUILDING. at and Icing Sugars, 13 , ! a The Bui'ding contains a Blacksmith Shon Canned Fruits aud 4 . | A Splendid New Stock of +8 Oapisge Ship a) Pa on large Fish of the vari- p ed rosperp i rns may dons by 83 arp phone . gre party. I variet G S RF Terms lbewl, MANNING, | ee : Ail offer during the F A LL 010))) ' : " Ene > goes Ketchups And to make it morv so, wo will o A Ha Eesences, &e. EL ---- _--_-- -- L i FARM for SALE. Layer, Valentia and Toes 3 | Complete in Soeiy aot -- : Candicf » ; Styles es ua Raising, Currants, ; Stocl { Newest Styles, that Fine los e and Citron, See the large Stock o E undersigned ofiers for sale i 1s in Lemon, Orang: ce 8 . : g Lor bn lh mall? sya Gc Kn pine | LOWEST PRICE. _ n 0! 8 -. land, being the Hi Gon of The celebrated Diamond Bran: \ | BES . Tita ard Cope In every variety=s ly 1 sock, weenie 8100 | pr A C x d Fowls constantly Cush BUFFALO RO J 20 Ibs CURRANTS, for ..... y R . Meats, Sausages an ill be sold Cheap for Cash, s CUI S, 1.00 : en, Fresh and fresh, and wi 20 lbs Choice RAISINS for.. for 2.25 77] ag WW dg i mises two Good and bove Goods ure all new, ' ioe on TEA--fresh and fragrant--for 2. aT g Ky, Comic Dealing owes in| The HH Christmas to | ar J. A. STIRLING & COS, | si cinie ong i io | ROGTS: SHOE Driving house and suitable Barn A a y s PORT PERRY, VRB ATS 4 3 py ch prices as satisfy acco! : BELL, rt P Dec. 12, 1877. OVERCO. veesessasaia ene : ve . $9.00 For all and at such p routmodstion. youug orchard of 150 Pe CORRIGAN & CAMIB Port Perry, ) All-Wool Canadian TWEED SUITS es Pa choice fruit trees op Hho protuisss. 6 acres Dee 12, 1877 Ladies' FURS, in Mink, Son, Coney, and German » There are 94 acre Port Perry, y : g t of manufacture. : 0 : = j sl below Cost o < OVES, in colored te hard wood land healthy, thel = wn » Mo h ed Star | 0 -buttoned) KID GI, Ad --~ Era a Sign of the White Flag with om blacks. 50a por ptt mor 51 Jang ir aged oe Bo gain aries -- Gent's FUR GAPS--a still further Reduction, $2.25 Our Millinery Ross ~ a 4 Manchester pean = 5 . 8 fo. ssid arisisinensirecs $2, lied with a a - tro mits fom a ~ utable T | i Men's RIP BOOTS, for. : a Lowest Terms easy and title indisp . NOW COMP ETE Figur For further pastiouiars upplyte the pro o FALL Au GIVE US A GALL. Figures. prietor on the pre; E. VERNON. mn \ a 5 a pr : GROCERIES. on FOR SALE Sud 2 T ; E » S BROWN & CURRIE, | em 'hoice Fresh Groceries. 1 . heap Goods. |Choico oom A DESIRABLE PLOT OF LAND ON l 3 J x H 0 R N i Noted for C P Saporior Teas at Jowsst Brien UNION AVENUE 2 ? put Poy, Des. 7, 7 og nil i 2 i Sho = box, PORT PERRY. © pap "1 An inspection of my stock and Tete. t fi ~~ --_-eeeee-- comparision of prices invited. 0 eo ; The Ime wn THINGTON G. H. GOO DFELLOW. Put 1 of the best Inca inns for a corugort- or E . WwW % Prince Albert, Oct 3, 1877. able residence auywhere lo be fo! : Se a SomaSi, Ferspimanns, Q 3 ----orALER IN-- OTE_LOST. Nov,27 ei. - » undersigned, a note of band Port Perry, Nov. \ mn 0 T 037 1 Bs ol erigne a g a t : 1 r ce So ec » ' Dt ras ot bearer, dated on Ee Shane A our, RA J JRCH A SE a e % | | i payable in November or Decsmler, TO I U 4 "3 Q J 4 i v . ; 1877. This is to forbid ny ops pirchasing HEAP HOUSE AND LOT IN AM L SA LT . . or negotiating said note pay ACHE, up » ~~ 9 been stopped. y FANS i rt! b= T PERRY. JAMES DRYANS, Princo Albe = 0s POR - © rterit Now, gE ; ted by the owner, Mr. } RID RO Do Cartwright, Nov. 27, We have been instructed by | le the ~ 24 ~r DX. oo Sa -- Oy yan sy fo ex 2 SPECIMEN PRICE LIST: BRAN TE House an re of land more = ] , 0 RACTI f 'he Lot contains half an acre ¢ 3 table a> @ carp from ™. 3 vs Hides. RESUME P ' aE A gry ih Joe "2 = Ii jadrey Cotten for 81, LE i oh Cash paid for Produce, Sheepskins & -- House one and 3 kitchen attached ~~ [on 5 Wincoys for Te per yd, He per yc fin 1 Ge per yd ; 1 ed is happy to inform his Sowa, So i ont was wom ' Oo . | White Flarnels for 25¢ per yd. Wool Tweeds from 0 I ry i ida on iends and the general public - -- a Work Shop 18x28 and coud A = g Scarlet Flannols for 20¢ per yd. Gruss Linens jo =e Sor ye STi ety that during his somewhat hin -- wd into a dwelling house, ) ae r 126 per vd White Blankets from $1.50, THY 'laxation he bas recovered his v conve to a ¢ A EEE ; 9 vd. 4 : Ai or td h en i yexootiont val Au hice Wi 4) Q > Sani } lame) Jor 1 8 DS Men's Wool 1 ndershirts from Soe. -- on he Ia the practice there is an i lwellin Fancy Flannel for 25¢ per ) sted Cont. i i ow DAs gne bract] honsenin. Princo Alert rn : nis - : J 5 Goods, jnvew giades, from A good assortment of Worsted Cor . i "of his profession and is prepared as forme: Ys houses in Pinon Albert To BL such a wind 8 Dd ? "ings, cheap. To hand for Fall Sowing. to attend to all lie LINTON 5 h chaser can get the pro einr Th. "A Zz =g¢ pe . : z «dor for $12.50. N. McCLINTON, M.D, badly Iwill proves good paying ih peas] oq a = A Good Canadian Tweed Suit made to order for $12.5 BE. WORTHINGTON, Perry, | Saintfield, Dec 4, 1877. Westmont. Be . --Cash or Produce, Opposite the Ontario Bank, Port --_-- Title Indisputalle. o io E ra. Terms 4 : . : . : For further pesto I DANS, oy 5 & ie nl Et Port Perry, Aug 28, 1877, = oo Application to Parliamen : Brokers, Port Perry. PD |e . --_-- 5 -- : t Perry Nov 21, 1877. it (aX ~ ill bo made to tho' Por Sel ---------------- E LS AND HOES, CATON Ll its next Ses. rr -- | SPA 1 4 3 Parlianien Hig FARM FOR SJ L E, ! a ? : (A 1 sion for an Act giving to a bite, : errr J 3 1 - | of Whitevale, in the County of Oniaria, Tiers fof Sale len- me . forks, Nevthes gRquive, 1 Murdock, of the Town o ae Sosimalint paph of, Sse tay, Straw and Manure Forks, § cythe J EL of Durban, id Farm, being the 1 it 1 a . ves : Bow ineer, and Samuel John Armour, : Y Lot 10 in the 3rd Concession of Snaiths and Cradles. 2 i de ai onl Town of Bow manville, Sena: e ! d such other person or persons a . . . ayn fter associated with them power REACH, The Highest Market pm VEO my vw mont is isiwell known to be one of the best f__] Solid Road.way from a point on the shore Halls jue] Township and contains about COMPLETE STOCK OF of Luke Scugog, ut or sonth oo a - 5 i A Derry. i ¢ Towns NY QUAN . OF s Village of Port Perry, in the aon A) FOR ANY QUANTITY OI the Vill » opposite shore at some i . Re f Reach to the opposit BO At the same time there oa mediately 9 of ssite to thé point. of commences Le Saar wins 1 By Towashy Aankmens or Bol ne ¢ : rab imilar Embankme s ' te Richard Northcott. construct a simil Fm nd ro Uy the die Soi | " Bar ey) hairy 5 Dy om and For Terms apply to a Lake Scug PE Mr Township of Cart- : 7 Ry So = : Side ia Wheat, frp BN 3b Sore aing Port Perry, Oct. 17, 1877. he Er place of commencement in . . : . opposite of Sengog, To drain all the part RM G'nuine Paris Green. Tot a A COOD FA Peas tre LE OR T0 RENT. ' nen or Road. ways, a to voy al i FOR SA . BS Jands reclaimed thereby in Ji siupls 4 ths i id Truman P, White, William } KR ¢ JLL STOCK OF & Tl ba ham Murine HE undersigned offers for male or to Bens A FUL . Oats, Ce. Sed So L oh persons ng may T that conveniently located Jang, A i r # : o TTT : : oD the m, rth half of lot 14, in the 7th concession 80 A 1 RT] J Q [| ¥, TO ' h St bscriber. their heirs and assigns forever, Said pistol containing 90 Acres, about IRON STEEL, 05 J , 2 i GIA AX g Delive red at the E leva or of the Su Ar giving oven to the Jonior Jods Sree Pare on tv vhic nel & . t * sh en pris, om: ' AN hege are erected on Frame -- ~----DBY. ND ALL LINES OF wri power to the ap- srnle Dine Howe's ct Time ax ©, | Hes ses BE ra Barn with a suitable Ls ildings.-- un d Sp ca HG fret chars an. Sat Inns There are other gonRegiont out bo . + rria e ar war u Which, Snll bia "There is a small orchard on ton dn ™I y a ri 4th December, 1877. tly situal ed - ; n ERT ARMOUR, The farm is pleasan ithin casy n ° JM pe a ROBER 1 healthy, pleamnt Yoeation ni Wik in the I amg char 7 Y, Em N\ by Solicitor for Applicants, | distance of ae M i ket Price Quecn Street. Sindh Teall of Demin Province. . tbtnt 5 th ost Mar p : Ep S bi | t f P t h Pr ! : For partion, i She prope For which the high Cash Part Perry, June 20, 1877, : [solution 0 ain i Utica ; or if by J. DAFOE. be paid mn asil. ' iE Ear sive vale? 5 1877, . | The par ny e of McKitrick & Sanders, Tiion, Sov. 19; ! the name and style > e - ND Manchester Flouring Mills, has this day . 5 vel y tual consent, STRAYED STEER. h UsT TO HA shes sisal ou) by sues) cone nt cori ot : : 'res oi Sitrick, who will pay all ac- { ises of the subscriber, ; res ' by James McKitrick, 4 1 : ane rn. of oh, or Il ams Baco n, | RY d and I I AT. rr due. by the Be ey secouh | > i thier 8 : ™ TE -- date to the firm I nm, $ RED AND WHITE STEER. Ti ! p JAMES McKITRICR, } RNG RD AND WITH expen nd kept constantly on hand. ¥ Signed GORGE 0. SANDERS a ; a, a i : 2 000 WORTH Witness, Jory Toso 1877. i 4 1 7 Manchester, Nov, 26, 1877. - { expenses. NING. November 1, 1877. : ow. to pay expe ABRAM DRANNT : i : zx ' 3 The a et Hei Reach, Dec 10, 1877. . E YO { R 87 ° ° Trout OF opportunity of returning his a A ESIN TH DADIIAMENT : J i tomers for 3 APPLICATION TO PARLIAMENT, SECUR Prime White Fish y EE | a ings, & GOODS, GR noe : " effort will be wicATIoN iF te mee fo eigh Herrings, &e. BRY » fy os ul wa Si ATT of Qutario at its next iy ers a 1s and Half Barrels, ow &e spared to Ancrens Flowing Mills still iors Hom, for an Act, senting De adeno | PRA 4 Serres Boots and Shoes, Hardware, &e. ay promptatication Barrigter-at-1aw, rt or : : S=clans Work, Prom ot Jornin,a Du --e * . to business and 0! x ) fe ty Foo land and land ---- ~ ' | P for igh; ais. Prodiiive, oF pmoved Credit, and honorable dealing constantly adhered vai, comprising sbont iv iting up of comfortable, dura 4 J o bo sold at tho very lowest figares for Cag to by the isto firm. Having intronced y of b i ihe. polling . . Tuto the Mills custo d land covered ttention to 5 ; re oh cus 'acros of Iasd nel of SCugor, | mp, gppscriber has given much a Stylish and As any House in town. . bes American Prints(s longer be nvoved ve gristiog dempedt. on CarpwAight, and situate between ; | Special -- 5000 yds be later as Steam Powe willale 4 Reach Perry and Cmsaren, with ; UORS ways be employed when Mor the Villages of Port Perry any prac- WwW . J - vices of Mr. Moffatt, ono to drain, he wid Jasds by any prac. C HE AP C | ; y 20 yds for $1. 8. H. CHRISTIAN. |The srviess Procince, having boon seéured adjace: y rely on . i Sint iay. bo necessary to glecy the Jessa fn announcing fh he ha completed Cigars, &c., always in Stock, Sopt. 5, 1877. phere wey if cure re. : ata aato is 8th day of Novem- Winter, and has much pleasure In announoine te get Sip; and Lows : JAMES Mc g, oe ia Rte tho Ls gost Stock, Grantest Variety, Dost Mat and with a view to mee & F ED --QG0. , TO. THE : bester, Nov. 16, 1877. : ' Province, UTTERS Manc! a a ». Wer, 2630, RT ATO eo, {for Sule ho Largust Stock, Grant Totty, Be t possiblo and offers good C : E . ; PETER A. SCOTT. | prices f Outta he has out his prices to the lowest p: f all kinds--cheap for Cash, ° Flour and Feed Store, NOTICE TO FAR RS& OT . dennis of all 0 On 0 or er ¥ : : A ber HOP, MONEY TO LOAN. : 4 . ] oUR, BARLEY CHOP, Y.. : : i GRAHAM FL y CHOP, ] Fi unl i Cedar Rails § P osls BY - : : qn iy @oop rovn, BRAN, PEAS § OATS, IE ndersiened w &. (H CHEAP AND GOOD. 0 ' V| CorvuEar, vagaries on, BARLEY, §0. nt mma © vA QS wach 3 1 | ez GRACED WHEAT, ho Town, a hE ot ek w ; if ' . . ivered to all parts of t ers--interost at e . iho undersigned bas very large quun-| fi QEQY | ust snh Cutan all wisn 7) he Highest Price will be paid. | er God ddiere MIDDLETON & HASLEHURST. |inin: Feusoaile te choice Cedar Rails and Posts for Sale| hoice from 'an extensive Stock of j which the he AVIS Corner Queen and Perry Streets, Port Parry, Monehester, Golder 1 Ih En ea ons Gomme on and fko your ¢ : JAMES EMANEY, LJ.D 1 Oct, 24, 1877. wright. As the Road there is mofo OW. Ontario Carriage Works, ; » § by the Gravel Road | Oct, 24,1877. ---- Pauling hem away. Remember, ? onli, feauble in iB a : tba plac. DAVIE DEACON, Nov. 29, 1877. Cartwright, Dec 11, 1877, ~-

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