Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 27 Dec 1877, p. 2

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: i BP rome Fothfutarinbsnten Now for the Contest. Monday next will be a busy day throughout this province ; that is the.day on which the hosts aro] mustored for; the municipal conests,, the dt day when the "free and inde- pendent" meet together and name . the parties whom they consider best guafife] to conduct the business of Cho, municipality for: the ensuing year; and it is to be hoped that the "electors will havo an opportunity for making a judicious seleetion, "that parties who are willing to serve "sho: Corporation will not bo. back- ward in offering their services so that electors may know that such services are available; for unless Lparties offer themselves how aro the electors to know that they are will- ing to serve. We sometimes hear parties say, "If I'm nominated I'll stand." But how are parties to know whom to that is not enough, nominate unless they know that they are willing to serve? Parties 'who would be willing to servo ought to find parties to nominate them. -- Ttis all sham to talk as some do, "If I'm not nominated till I ask ome - 40 de it T will never get an nomina- tion." How is it to be known who are willing fo serve unless it ismade known, and if one is willing to serve it is right and proper that it be known, and se fur from parties | cansing or suffering themselves to be nominated regarling itas a favor dono them, the thing is the "other * way on"; for such parties by -offer- ing their services are conferring a favor on the eleetors--the electors may not accept these services, but that does not make the favor any the less iu the purty who offers and to consider this It onght to be remembered that every candi the electors ought when treating candidates. date who offers his services is doing the community a favor, he is giving the public an opportunity of avail- ing themselves ot his services if they so desire, and if the offer is de- clined that cannot detract from the generosity of the offer ; and all who offer should be treated respectfully. It should bo remembered too that there is no "Divine Right" in the positien of municipal councilor.-- One occupying a seatat the council board this year gives hwm no pre- emptory claim to a seat mext yoar. So.s0on a8 the year closes the places are all vacated and noone has any preferential claim over another to any position at the council beard further than what may be the will of the clectors to give him, and no- will also be well "contested ; Nr Mowbray, Mr, Ewers, Mr. Dobson position. ~The office of second Nos recve 11 also bo well contested, doubt- less some of those seeking higher positions may creep down fo this before orat the nominations, after having felt their way in the higher story; the numes of Mr. Bates, Mr. Burnett, Mr. Purdy and Mr. John Heard are all spoken of in connec- tion with the second deputyship.-- But like the American army where all were generals and no privates there would appear to bo a dearth of privates for our municipal army and if none of those secking command drop down to the ranks wo may have trouble getting them filled. -- The namoot Mr. Lang is tho only one of which we have heard so far. Ol courso those expecting a fight in Reach will not be disappointed; nom. ination day hore is a sort of intell- ectual Doneyhrook. No one should object to a good sharp election contest and a thofough discussion of municipal matters but there is no reason why it should de- w generate into a personal squabble getting ill natured and using hard names, making a bear garden of what should bo a sober, intellectual diseussion, not of the genealogy of the candidates but on the working of Thore must bo neither rings, clignes or tho muaicipal affairs. Let there be a fair field and no favor further tickets. than honor and abilities can secure. BROCK. So far as known the chances are that there will be no contest for the reeveship and that the present reeve will be returned by acclamation. It is said that there will be a contest -- |and Mr. Christie arc all spokea of 9s probable candidates for that them which their caprice demanded, like spoiled child. ren they turn round and defeat the by-law and thus arrest tho progress of tho whole schome. The presic dent of the road has instructed those municipalities which wero about to submit by laws-to withold! submit: ting such. What may be the out- come of this awkward mis-adven- ture is har thing is granted ia to predict but certainly a work of so much, importance can not long bo delayed even should Toronto seck 2 o block the path.-- This second truvk line is a necessity and must go on but how or when are now matters of conjecturo. The active and skillful staff of engineers are prosecuting with un-- ahated activity the work of locating the lino and they are sparing neither labor nor expense in securing a first. class line. Wo mot the advance guard of the party at Utica on the 26th inst. and were pleased. to learn that everything is progressing favor- ably and that a splendid track is boing aecured Unnecessary Exposure. It is very bad taste and no le:s risky in prolonging. unreason ably and unnecessarily the ) at the house on funeral e<Casions ospecially is «fis to be guarded against when the weather is incloment. But at ro time it and is heistmas | was flat would be putti tion as mildly as possi flat is no term sufficiontly bl 10% tho tearfully murky Chriss times just passed th poh we had great to what! wo might have Te firnder or- dinary circumstances.! finco Al-| N bert was unusuatly actrdind quite. In Manchester, where ugircss gen: erally keepson the rus the Christ- of our en: terprising townsman, Ay Christian has fully established the/ reputation of Manchester a8 first-glass market either to buy orggll i in. the superior business Enjoying the Holidays. : The Port Perry fontiry after n sease™ unprecedented activity anid success, "hot down for a conple of weeks holie MaY be in the breathing time eve 'P for an- thoroughly trimmed a a remarkably other ree. The past Rul ly in ni of the ; the neki of the ion the cone! Ie fully established its re. work turned 1 increasing the number th putation iq of its pat 5 Wy f come Messenger. fenger" is tho title of a well got |© fy newspaper hailing from Colling- .he reasonable to keep numbers of men be! standing on the street waiting ¢ .ch ot services. are got tivough might bo much more profit: A or- ro all ao benefits o risk to their into the formed in the church could participate ir tel with comfort and « no Thos 50 house aro cr' a0 most uncomfortable while thoso standing gap- manns . atsido hear nothing but aro at ing eo merey f the elethents freezing get health. ed and packed to- gether in n for the position 'of deputies but even eo that is uncertain and it would nor ¥ at all surprising to seo the ~'*'¢ council returned by acelar ton 88 they now aro. PORT PERB™ Tiere the atmosphk © is thick with rusnors; the rete? of the present Roeve is regard as a foregono con clusion by the municipal dust will fly ero <b council gain their spurs soonce peace. A hot municipal | contest should rather bo courted than otherwise it cleans the atmos- pheie and points out the sunken rocks to succeeding councils. There never was a good but there might possibly be a better but it would be difficult to find a better council than whole it would be much casier get ting a worzo than a better. Of course the honors (?) are open to all and all have sn equal right to seek them and so long as the contest is thing is more erroncous thao to talk cf men "running aguninst" ench other because they may bappen 10 | another to be avoided in municipal be candidates for the same pesition |.eontests it is your close corporations | Sappose that A, B and C are ¢an- ditates for the positien of Reeve they are not necessarily ont against each other, A is not out against LH and C or B against A and C, by = means] Each one is simply out for the office and it depends on the will of the cloctors who shall get it. If 'any one had a right to the position and another should try to disposs- ess him of that right then be night be said to bo ont against him but mot otherwise. Both candidates and electors ought to divest their minds of the idea that because two or moro candidates happen to be seeking the same position (hat there {ore they aro ont aga: :nst each other; they are simply secking a position at the hands of the etectors and it is for the electors to say by their _yotes which candidate should have £ An election contest is not and t tobe © gladiatorial dis~ in which the combatants are gainst each other and tio Teach will be rn filling up.-- bas given his word of | will not be a candid- | honest and above board all But if there is one thing more thao your rings, cliques and tickets and on the very first out--cropping of anythiag of tho sort the electors should turn on every one concerned © and elect them to stay at home;such combinations are a species of in-| sult to the intelligence of the electors The most comtemptible toys within a municipality may be dragged into acouncil through a ring to the ex- clasion of worthy, able and honor alle mon. Worthy men would court an honorable contest, but would loathe a miserable shuffle. Toronto in the Way. The modest and retiring citizens of Toronto havo just been giving the standard of morality another hoist, they are doing their little best to induco tho several municipalities throughout the province to combine in paying an annual subsidy of thirty or forty themsand dollars towards the maintenance of the city by bav- all government property assessed whatever tax is put on such pro- petty must bo paid by the general ronto. Now the Torento & Ottawa Rail ascorching sun, such discomfort is Let them rip! the hotter war the | that ot the prescat year and as a right.--. for the benefit of the city. Of course public far tbe special benefit of To- way y Cog) asked a bonus of $300,000 tages covering their bonus | half a dozen times; and after evory- Dougal & Son, Montreal, old or drenching rainsor it may be qniteunnccessary and solely attribus table to mismanagement somewhere Fifteen minutes is quite long enough to ocenpy with the services at the dwelling and that timo profitably spent is better and more profitable than a couplo of hours of such discomfort and crowding as aro unavoidable at homo servico. Partios who unnceessarily prolong tho services at the residence, know- ing the amount of discomfort if not winke of health which these protract- ed services create ure by no means blameless. i tee. To Correspondents. "Truth'--Accept one thanks for your good wishes but we regret to state that we cannot insert your article, not by any means for its Jack of merit, for it is pointed and well written, but because it is a rule with us, and we cannot deviate from it, that no corres- pondent can use personalities except over hi® own signature. Your suggestions as to the identy and motives of 'Poor Neddy's Paul Pry" are pointed and correct but 'we knew the identity of the cowardly creature before receiving yours. He is beneath contempt. | Neither the platforin nor the quill is his forte As a village Lounger he is more successful, We shonld be very willing to back up your suggestion and do what we can to secure for him the only position for which nature and habits seem to have fitted him, that of Cal- craft, a position which now happens to be vacant and was only temporarily filled by {hat other informer, England, when poor Williams was dispatched. But the creature is more to be pitied than blamed he is less knave than fool. -- Daservedly Popular, That deservedly popular and increasingly attractive, thoroughly Canadian periodical the "The New Dominion Monthly" has made its visit to th ds of Canadian homes freighted with just such zeading as should bo supplied to every home in the land, This last number for 1877 ie decided'y the best yet published being groat- ly enlarged in size, improved in appearance and still more worthy of that extensive and largely increasing circulation secured by this periodical. We are pleased to learn that tho extent of public favor and support De- stowed upon this monthly warrant the liberal and enterprising pu®lishers in enlarging the size and still Lmproving theit periodicid which even in its smaller dimensions and less attractive outfit was a credit to Canada. "The New Dominion Monthly may with con. fidence be placed on the table of every dwell ing, every member of the family may have access to its pages and all will be better for it. In whatever home this desirable amonthly may yet bea strangot its istroduction for the | coming year would prove & profitable New Year's gift. How could a couple of dollars be better invested than by securing a regular monthly supply of choice reading Aor the whole tamily: The enterprising publishers deserve well off the community for their liberality 'and indefatigable exertions in fostering Canadian literature and enterprise and bringing within Hu enger" would do credit to any community and is worthy of the countenance and sup- placing before the public a jpurnal in every way worthy of liberal patronage, we no less congratulate the community amongst whom it circulates on having placed on their tables a weekly paper so well deserving their favor and patronage, pleasure of a call at our Sanctum on the 26th inst. , Presses. their way into all our best offices apd are giving entire satisfaction. vering and well qualified an agent as Mr. Campbell, - s struggling manfully for that position to which her locality and enterprise £0 justly entitle her. This isa finely located village and will withont doubt cooupy a much more important position in the future history off tho township than it has done in the past, its geographical position seems "the fourth number of which is now fore us,' Whether for quantity or quality matter or mechanical get up "I'he Mess-- ort of all. While we congratiilate theen- | rprising publishers on their success ins Such 8 journal can- ot fall in proving a welcome Messenger. ey ' At our Sapctum.--We had the from Mr. J, A. Campbell, the active, ndefatigable Agent for the Oshawa Printing Theso Presses are rapidly finding Mr.Glea is for- unate in securing the services of so perse. mr ---- Utica.--We find the village of Utica to place this mattsr beyond cavil. There are few vill- ages in whicha more comfortable resting place can be secured than in the "Dafoe House, Utica. The Chancery Sale of real estate which took place at the Dafoe House, Utica, on the 26th inst. went off exceedingly wel, the bids were lively and gencrous and the party who secured the property has no reason to regret his barrgain, Mr Dawes makes a judicions and successful auctioneer. Taking them Down. It would almost Apyear as if our young and intriped hunters had on the former match only been leading their Seagrave an- tagoniets into an ambuscade by allowing them to carry off the victory on the hand- The C. M. Church, paring to give all comers such an entertain: | © silud=| ton New Years day as is thejseason and boom! | mont. The entertainment E a busintss was Gone Taitht market. that thrilling subject, "The Indian Mutiny, its canses and suppression." The splep"] abilities of the lecturer are too mas trade was quito satisfactory ; | we would only say Jiirch, Manchester, proved completely suc- scessful in every particular, The services on teresting and profitable, how to make guests comfortable. interesting and was duly appreciated by the very large and intelligent audience who | sustained. Of this fact parties who had n . the good fortune to be present will be sati fied when they know that the Prince Al their control. of the most popular in the country, they pre possessed of capital musical talent,unu fine voices and: tact to so control and bine these as to secure universal appro fon wherever they perform, and this was no ex. ception from the rule every effort rived | Mr. Daws introduced and carried through Revds. Richardson and Dobson, and § the chair in his usual pleasant and flrs manner, sum of $102, Sunday School held a grand Concert and | wctitning hv. attractive Chiistmas Tree in the Presbyterian church there on Christmas Eve. of the church occupied the chair and opened per night, Searctaker to arrange as to appropriate address, briefas all such adresses a Happy New Year. h, Greenbank, are pre- ECA SR Port Perry Oouncil. suitable for Friday 21st inst, Members all present. ligent com, be varied, { ad and approved. ing an in "in- pleasing and profitable for all who tako 9 pus The special commit nth ine fire in it to th extent a Corporation 1 ki at 2 w ou | rostigno I rt Perry | | The ¢haic wil be tal gia at 3/p. m: jog io og p PP resses and choice music. reported that they the members any The ladies will Soudan , wer guests to 8] company will d found to their disap- yy 01 nto 7. ed ra ne Fe Ww. H chnir- previ tit req fifteen n of the Whitby district, will fectare on | Poind6.bell had sounded the alarm ero a iicient number of the company could bd got together to move the engine, That the first trial of the engine showed it to be in good working order bit at the same time she is not sufilciently powerful to force water to arly great distance or to send a stream of any consequence to the top of the highest build. ings. That the quality of the hose is not equal to the necessary pressure and that de. lays are occasioned by the bursting of the hose, when sufficient pressure is put on, be- sides the supply of hose is not sufficient. -- The committee had inspected the water well, + us, this to fequire a word of commendagisfiss that those lecture will lose a rich goal] De under the Fhe mivisical depayt direction of Mr. ¥ Atcheson, Pattison, Trio Rov, Me expected to spent in tho Philp and ki fm omplote | Success. J Anniversary services of the P.M. nday were well attended and proved in- | yqske and found quantities of water varying from 8to 24 fuet in the several tanks,and that sf the 2 wells and tanks tho average quantity of water is 15 fect. The committee further recommend the complete reorganization of the fire company and on a different plan. -- committee recommend an additional Tha services on Christmas were also high- | successful and were mostly concentrated the evening effort. The ladies treated their guests to a gen- ne Christmas tea and none know better T! p riate and The speaking was gor, appropriste 0 feet of hose to be procurred for the pres- t efigine ; and they would further rec- ronged the hall in every part. mmend the formation and equipment of a The musical department was splendidlyf look and Ladder Company. The com. mittee further recommend the purchase of a steam fire engine or the erection of such M Church Choir had that department un@r suitable waterworks as are necessary for the "This choir is deservedly #¢ | protection of the village against fire; but they are not now in a position to avin as ik to which sort should be adopted, On motion of Mi. Currie the report was | adopted. ly most hearty applause. / | {a by- law avhorizing the collector to collect The speakers on the occasion Ww | the school rtes from that part of the school | section yi withoyt the boundaries of the the , Flint | and J. Squelch Esqs. Rev. Mr. Pattison discharged thegduties of | incorporatia. Mr. Cndell through ablaw appointing polling places | aud retumi; officers for the municipal filled up as follov; No. 1, C, McKenzies Livery Office, Mr, Kenzie returning officer ; No, The friends of the Sonya Presbyterian | 2, Town Ha the clerk of the municipality introduced and carried The proceeds amounted to the fianisome | elections of 78. The blanks wero i Christmas Eve at Sonya. On motior Mr Dawes, Mr Windsor was granted the tof the basement of the hall Rov. A. Currie M, A, the respected pastor for holding clrille parties at tho rate of $2 proceedings with an interesting and highly | (pat nightdcbe given, : On motiondr Crandell 50 cts were re- should be but comprehensive and admirably fundgd to ATnpper being an overcharge adapted to the occasion, on statute la, The Christmas Tree was S adymirab iy got up On motio! Mr Jones, $1 was refunded and literally crowded with just such presents | o, wy, Broge being assessed for a doa as children should get and as all of them | Cs 010 he Bone, desire, 1t was a sight worth going a 10ng| op vote Mr Jones, the Clerk was in- way to see were it only the sparkling eyed | srructed tomunicate' by advertisement of the intelligent expectants of the tempt-| or otherwisth the manufacturers of fire that engines op vr descriptions of fire extin- ing presents as they Lung from at) cuishers whe view of obtaining necessary fo them, deeply interesting Tree, whose | jnformatiotto the best description of fire fruit if not "good for food" was good for | extingnisbiapparatus and the probable ' equally important uses. cost of sie That glittering and 'munificent Tree thor- oughly testified to the genuine liberality and good taste of the caterers for the children's = $0 & SON have received couifort. Spek of Picture F The concert 00 was a splendid success, 1 t : Ce the musical department was abundantly ngs Rustic, Walna supplied instrumental and vocal, the church Frames, Chromo Mottoes, choir supplying the latter and the Scaya tT Si Brass Band furnished an abundance of the pr the Holiday s. Note tng Ps. Motto Frames complete fic, 55c and GOc each. 8x10 £rmer, so that there was no lack in the line | 'Jo Frames 35e, 40¢, 45¢ and of music and all enjoyed the treat. Our port Perry Wes Faint was there and we need 'heh. Walnut Frames from 0 $2 each. not remark to those who know him that he poured life into all he touched and carried g& ood selection of FURNITURE : them a call. council adjourned, a and monstrations of approval as showed how well be had succeeded in picasing the audience The council of the corporation of Port Perry mit at the town hall on the evening of The minutes of the o previous meeting were Jy some sum of 1,400 points. It appears as if the Port Perry men only wasted to sce how the laurels would sit en the brows of "their opponents for in the return match which teek place on Thursday, 20th inst,. the Port Perry and folly meeting their expectations. This was decidedly one of the best en tainments ever held in the locality and entertainment, it impossible for all time to come for Sea- grave ever to touch a musket when Port Perry boys arearound. When the majority of points runs up to twenty or thi ty thous and it becomes serious. The Seagrave hunters, however, are honorable opponents, they came forward like men and treated the victors to a splen. did supper in the Dafoe House, Port Perry, got up in mine host Holt's capital style ~ verything went off pleasantly and all were well satistied, Making the Holidays more En. joyable.--See Brown & Currie's New Ad- vertiscment. They are taking the best possible means of making the holidays mere enjoyable by supplying everything: wanted to cat, drink and wear af such "prices as would in themselves make holidays, (Sce their new adv.) ------------ Took out for the Auction Salo of Mr. A. Smith's farm stock, imple- ments and household furniture, on lot 2, in the Tth con, of Scugog for the week of prayer beginning Jan 6th, 1878. Samparn Jan 6lh, Presbyterian Church, Port Party-Bet, Prosier at 11 0. m.; Rev. Me . Dougl 6:30 p Canada Pe ahodint Church--Res. Mr. Si Baptist Church--Rev. Mr. wan Rev. Mr Prossiet at 6:30. . E. Church--Rev. MF, Jamieson at om Mt. Simpson at6:30. Bible Christian, Prince Atbert-- 2;30 ; Rev Mr. Jamieson at 6:30. Capuda Methodist, Prince Albert--R «Young at 10:30 ; Rev. Mr. Cummi 6:30. WEEK EVENING SERVICES Commence at 7,30 p. w., and will b as follows : Moxpay--C. Methodist Church, Albert. Services conducted by It Quance. on | Tosspay--Bible Christian Chur] Albert. Services conducted by went away highly pleased with the whole hunters cleaned Seagrave rightout.they did | Much praise is due to all cencerned indy Scot: 'Fat i o' minister hac ye not leave trace or remembrance of them getting it up. 1 Gordie? Second ditto: 'Oh, weel, giving them such a drubing as will render Viek ot Prayer. > mnckle worth. We scldom greta The following is the programme whid has been arranged by the resident ministcl fon at 10:30 ; Rev. E, R. Young at 6:3 all before him, Mr. Faint wag .in excellent mood and did oof tho Big Rocking Chgir." J. Notr & Sop, himself much credit and received such de- DE ters | all 4 | Quite a Recommend. "bf him, Sax days o' th' week he'sen, c and on the seventh he's incompre. le I'-- Punch. ta----er BIRTH. Port Perry, on Sunday, 23rd inst, the of Mr, H. Staley, of a son, MARRIED. the residence of Mr. Geo. Hayes, a er of the bride, on Monday 24th inst, he Rev. Mr, Quance, Mr. Henry Doubt akwood,to Miss Harriet Hayes of Reach. tthe Manse, Wick, on Dec 12th, by the . Samuel Acheson, Mr. Henry Cl to is Sarah J, eldest daughter of James an, Esq., all of Reach. ick, by the Rev. Samuel Acheson, on the h inst. Mr John Stephenson, of Beott, to ess Annie McClung, of Brock. * At Prince Albert, at the 1esidemco of the ide's father, on Tuesday, 36th inst., by e¢ Rev. C. A. Simpson, Mr. Wm. J. Jobn Cruse, Exq , Prince Albert, t the residence of the cousin of the bride, P Isom, of Port Perry, =o Miss Alice, daughter Ww Thursday. Jan'y posters and adv.) farm stock, implen furniture, &c., of Thursday, Jan'y 10th, 1878. (See posters.) Election of Officers. their lodge room, Port Perry, on Thur. 'daly elected. {he reach of all so desirable a periodical. Send in your subscription, £2, to Jobn Committee-- Bros. Hl, Danlap, BR. Mitchel J. Thompson, Jas. Cole and Ww. Wilson, 3rd, 1878. "(Seo Remember tho Auction Sale of ents, household Mr. John McNeil, on lot 14 in the A con of F foes 00 Ata meeting of 0. Y. B. No-37 held diy 'evening Dec. 214t the following officers were Bro. 8. Toouipuns,.- «sve vr soss eB Mo D. M. Chap, Treas, the animal, and it ran away, .D. 0. | bog off and breaking his nec Marshal. «savanseilogh In Port Perry, at the M. E. Parsonage, b; sv. C. A. Simpson, on Wi oth nst., Mr. Thos. W. David, of the township bf Clarke, to Miss Martha A, of Wanxespax--Baptist Services conducted Tgurspay--M E. Church, "Port ' Services conducted by Rev. Mr SlCartwright., FripAy--Presbyterinn Ohnusebs Lor! 4 Services conducted b; DIED 7] SarurpAv--Canada Met! P . 2 7 Services conducted In Reach, near Manchester, + on Thursday, A full 20th inst, Frederick Graham, Esq., aged atall the meetings is earnest] 72 years. f | Com. Farol dear frends, the tio is torn ; 1 pads from' earth and ne'er return; 3 More Intellig But hope, bright hope says do not mourn ; - | Tis nature's law that all should die. Master Harry, a son of Mr Ge son, of the firnf of Robinson, ig trou in 5 02 whl used we fear ; London, on Saturday afterno Th that fear x wing near riding on horseback, and had Then why should I rogrt to dic ? when some boys began yellin the horse, The effect of this Deceased was of a good and highly re- 'spectablo family being 'second son of the ato Peter Grabam, Esq. , of Rarowick, Park, "| Scotland. Decsassd with his younger brother Alexander, left their native land | the boy not only had hig n | recelved from the horse a 11 | ed his skull, so that death 1 A HIN of Jo will be held at the Greenbank, on Tuceday, Jan 2p. m, | govern themselves accordingly. 'WM. BROWN, DM. ing over him in his last moments. e wos a true yeoman in every senso of the term' industrious, independent, honor- able, upright and intelligent, He was a and for many years took a leading position in ag 1 For a number of years he had" but few equals at the plow and carried off many prizes. In bis farming op- erations ho was painstaking and cautious and succeeded in accumulating many thou the ship at the ick council board; he also held the position of township Treaaurer for a short time; but not liking the position which had almost been forced upon him, he soon resigned it into other hands. For scveral years past as the weight of years began to press npon him he has taken no active part in public matters still it was regarded of much importance to secure his approbation and countenance in any public matter, as his judgemnt was regarded as of much weight by a very large part of the commun- ity. He came to his end "like a shock of corn fully ripe" having passed the allotted "three score years and ten" by a couple of always years, The funeral took place on Saturday and notwithstanding the almost impassible con- dition of the roads, a very large number turned out to pay the last tribute of respect to the remains of their respected friend, On Sabbath afternoon Rev. Mr. Drum- mond, Presbyterian minister of Newcastle, improved the solemn occasion by preach- ing one of the best sermons heard in this locality for many years, a discourse highly appropriate, such as could scarcely fail in accompli-h- ing much good ; the marked and rivited at- tention throughout the entire congregation forcible and instructive and proved how highly the very excellent dis, course was appreciated by all who heard it Our Newcastle friends may well be congrat- ulated in having over them in spiritual things so excellent a pastor' one so well skilled in rightly dividing the word of truth and whose cvery utterance proves an inti- mate acquaintance with the spirit's working on his own mind, and that he thoroughly knows that whereof he speaks. Services were commenced by singing part of the 43rd Psalm. "0 send thy light forth and thy truth, Let them be guides to me, And bring me to thy holy hill, Ev"u where thy dwellings be," After singing the Rev. Gentleman directed attention to the epistle to the Ephesians-- not reading consecutively but with excellent effect selecting those portions throughout the epistle illustrative of the seven walks of the christian life referred to by the apostle. 'I'hese the speaker enforced to good purpose making them both interesting and edifying. Afteran earnest and comprehensive prayer a portion of the 7th Psalm was sung. "0 Lord instruct mo in thy way, to mea 1 er be, In a plain path becanse of those who hatered bare to me." After singing four verses the Text was given out ; the 7th verse of the 5th chap. of 2nd Corinthiang : "We walk by faith and not by sight." Much might be expected from a text =o full of importance and very much was got from it : it was treated in a manner at once practical, instructive and encouraging. The duty and advantage of so walking were en- forced with a clearness and precision which could not be misunderstood while th glori- ous results of such a walk were set forth with a pathos and attractiveness becoming a subject so full of instruction. The subject was ably discussed and secured an attentive and careful hearing. The sermon was followed by the singing of the last three verses of the 282nd Hymn, "Lord should my path through suffering lie, Forbid that 1 should ¢'er repine Still let me turn to Calvary Nor heed my griefs remb'ring thine, &c." In Cartwright, on the 20th inst, Mr. Wm. Darcy, aged 81 years and 3 months, In Reach, on the 20th inst, Martha Mc- Dermott, aged 23 yrs. 9 months and 26 days, On Scngog Island, on the 24th inst., Mr, Nathan Hazlewood ged 52 yrs, In Bast Whitby on the 27th inst.,, Wm. James only son of Mr. Wm. Squelch aged 14 mon hx and 6 days, The Markets. Onserrver Ovricr, Dec. 27, 1877, Fall Wheas, ,... . wo. Blt 115 Spring Wheat, ..........., 100tc $105 srseasesssssass 050 O57 032tc 033 060 to 063 600t0 TO00 12 00 to 14 00 0'to 015 01llto 000 skillful and highly successful agriculturist |} sand dollars. He on one occasion at least re. Ba The Tas born ARON STH sel By fe Aveo EA con, Se 1675, he following valuable' F ai fp Rly Sod: Snpestovn, Horse } Horse 8 yeas oly ore y vmber Wi --nearly new, new, 1 Pair Bob-Sleighs, 1 Harvester--new, 1 Fi er, 1 Plow--Paxton Rha AS 4,1 Wooden Harrows, py nig AE Rack, 1 EEA arses Fal Keds boo Timi About 66 Cords - li . 1,200 -- rencl Dedstoads i a ! Kitchen table, 6 Chairs near] 1 Large ing yi 1 Box Stove, ds Home-made Prize C Curpting, Groskeiy Sate to commence at 12 o'clock" Terms.--All sums of $10, and ui endl'; over that amount 0 months credit wil od be given to purchasers furnishing approved joint notes bearing interest from date if not paid when due. The Proprietor having sold his farm, . all the above Prope" will be sold without reserve, . M WILLOOX, Auctioneer. tin Scugog. Dec ny 1877. REQUISITION re Porn FH. BRATHWAITE, M. b Port Pseey, Dec. 7, 1877. EAR SIR,--We the undersigned, resi- dents of the Townships of Reach, Scugog, and Cartwright, and the Village of Pott Perry, beg to assure you of onr sificero sympathy for yourself and family during your late severe illness, and we wonld re- Apectfully request that you will, on your restoration to health, return to Port Perry, where yon may rest assnred you have many warm friends. -------- REBPLY. In response to the above Requisition, (signed by between one and two hundred of the most influential men resident in Port Perry, Reach and adjoining townships), in- viting me to return and practice my Pro- fession again amongst them; I would reapectfnlly beg leave to thank the petie tionerg for their kind sympathy towards ma and mine, during our severe and protracted trials in Beaverton, and also to assure them of my deep gratituda for the favor and mark of esteem conferred npon me by the invita tion so affectionately extended, According to their request. and in answer to many private appeals, I shall retorn to Port Perry, so soon as my health and strength will permit, which, God willing I trust will be about the first week in Jan- (Signed ) Fraxcis H. Bramnwarre, M. D.C. M, Jeaverton, Dec 21st, 1877, nary. N otice, 8S HEREBY given that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Keach at its meeting to be held on Monday the 21st day of January 1878, propose to pass a By Law to stop up and close as a pubiic road or highway all that portion of the original allowance for road, (that is not already clos. ed up) between Lots numbers Six and Seven in the Third Concession of said Township of Reach, "to sell and dispose of the same as such council may deem right and proper, and to vest the same in such person or persons as may be therein mentioned, JOHN CHRISTIE, Township Clerk. Reach, Dec 17, 1877, Myrigrgeisle T to Power of Sale contained certain Mortgage which will be pr at the time of Sale, there will be sold by PUBLIC AUCTION, Ry Mr, Lowi Fairbanks, Auctioneer, At the 'Walker House' At the Village of PORT PERRY, On Tuesday, the Eighth day of Januery, A D. 1878, At two o'clock in the afternoon, the follow. ing VALUABLE FARM Being the North West Quarter of Lot Num- ber Twelve, in the Sixth Concession of the Township of REACH, IN THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO. This land is of excellent soil and is well fonced, and is in a good state of cultivation; there is on the land a Log House, This farm is well situated and is eon- venient to the Villages of Manchester and Port Perry--Dboth good Markets Terus or Saie.--One tenth cash at the time a and the bal 3% the spire. fon, of ore. month and conditions of sale can bo ad from the Vendor's Solicitor at Oshawa. Oshawa, 13th December, A.D, 1877. = True List, Dissolution of Partnership, Ja "w HE Darthorebip be herotoforo Bag a the name' of The vs and Fa Brethren will tal G. BROWN, D. Seo. JAS. GIBSON, D. Treas, red instantly. | nearly forty years ago and took up their Greenbank, Dec 27, 1877. ond The Rent ean be perty. Uxbridge, June 27, 1837. id in bo on theo Wa, "TABER, Proprietor. Sr Uxbridge Village, #8 Looking glass, 1 child's Orib 's Crib; % Xe i ;

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