- 1 the Villages ' YOwar io desia the said lands by any prac: . |, portion of Lake Scugog, being land and land covered with wales, comprising about five | ~ gald close by the Gravel Road there is no IN GREENBANK, FOR SALE! pI HE undersigned offers for Sale the fol- lowjng valuable Village Property ! in the Village of Greenbank, viz i-- ° A HOUSE AND 2 LOTS. The House is in first class condition being only lately built, commodious and comfort. ableand in a healthy, pleasant location there is a good well of water an the premises. An ex:ellent building for carrying on CARRIAGE BUILDING. The Building contains a Blacksmith Shop, a Carriage Shop avd a Paint Shop, being located in a prosperous locality a large business may be done by any enterprising party, #8 Terms liberal. 4 WM. MANNING, Epsom P.O. August 1, 1871. A a FARM for SALLE. HE undersigned ofiers for sale that Fine Farm, containing 100 acres of choice Mad, being the North half of lot 16 in the 2nd con of REACH. There are on the premises two Good and Comfortable Dwelling Houses, a convenient Driving house and suitable Barn and Stable accommodation. There is a fine young orchard of 150 choice fruit trees on the premises. There are 94 acres cleared and 6 acres good hard wood land The location is pleasant and healthy, the land in a good state of cultivation and cou | - veniently situated for the best grain markets Port Perry and Manchester, being little over two miles from cither. Terms easy and title indisputable. For further particulars apply to the pro: prietor on the premises. JAMES E, VERNON. Reach Nov. 71877. FOR SALE A DESIRABLE PLOT OF LAND ON UNION AVENUE, PORT PERRY. The Subscriber offers for Sale that fine Park Lot on Union Avenue, containing 7 Acres, one ol the best locations for a comfort. mble residence auywhere to be found. Terms Easy, For particulars apply to JAMES EMANEY. Port Perry, Nov. 27 1877. A RARE CHANCE yg yx i \ 'O UR: H ASK A CHEAP HOUSE AND LOT IN Prince ..\lbert! "We have been instructed by the owner, Mr. Robt. McKinlay, to sell by Private Sale the | House and Lot on which he now resides. -- The Lot contains half an acre of land more | or less, on which are erected a Comfortable | House one and a half story high 18x24, stone cellar, with "Kitchen attached 16x20, also a frame building which has Leen used as a Work Shop, 18x28 and could ve easily converted into a dwelling house, there is an excellent well und a nice lot of Fruit trees on the premises, As dwelling hougesin Prince Albert rent at good rates the purchaser can get the property at such a figure that it will prove a good paying in- vestment, Title Indisputalle, For further particulars, apply to JNU. & D J ADAMS, Brokers, Port Perry. . Port Perry Nov 21, 1877. FARM FOR SALE, JYVHE Subscriber offers for Sale that splen-- did Farm, being the South.East pan of Lot 16 in the 31d Concession of REACH, This is well known to be one of the Lest Farms in the Township and contains about 05 acres. At the same time there can be purchased, if required, about 18 acres lying immediately East of the above property, formerly owned Dy the late Richard Northcott. Titles guaranteed, For Terms apply to 'I. C. FORMAN. Port Perry, Oct. 17, 1877. A COOD FARM + FDR SALE OR TO RENT, TE underdigned offers for sale or to Rent that conveniently located farm, being North half of lot 14, in the 7th concession of UXBRIDGE, containing 90 Acres, about 80 of which are cleared, There are erccted on the premises a com- fortable Dwelling House, a good Frame Barn with a suitable stable uaderncath, -- There are other convenient out buildings. -- There is a small orchard on the premises. The farm is pleasantly situated in a healthy, pleasant location and within easy distance of the best grain markets in the Province. Terms easy. For particulars, apply to the proprietor at Utica ; or if by letter post-paid. J. DAFOE, Dtics, Nov. 19, 1877. STRAYED STEER. ¢ QC ME into the premises of the subscriber, 4, in the 6.h concession of Reach, t the beginning ot November, a YEAR- 3 G'BED AND WHITE STEER. The owner is requested to pay cxpensee und take him away, otherwise he shall be sold expenses, id ABRAM BRANNING. Reach, Dec 10, 1877. ; HEAVY Port Perry, Dec 12, 1877. Have on hand an immense Stock of GRO- CERIES including finest Black, Green and Japan Teas, Mocha, and Java Coffee, Raw, Refined, Loaf, Ground and Icing Sugars, Canned Fruits and Fish of the vari- ous kinds. A great variety of Biscuits, Sauces, Ketchups Pickles, Essences, &c. Layer, Valentia and Seed- less Raisins, Currants, Candied Peelsin Lemon, Orange and Citron. Syrups of the different kinds; Apples, &c. The celebrated Diamond Brand of Oysters. pen. Fresh Meats, Sausages and Fowls constantly in stock, The above Goods are all new, a A Happy Christmas to All, = CORRIGAN & CAMPBELL. D> CoN 77 So » 5 4 DA ) aa 4 TEHRAN 7), FA WANTED --BY Constuns Curnn! ------------------ CORRIGAN & CAMPBELL nd fresh, and will be sold Cheap for Cash. | NOTED for Cheap Boots & Shoes & fine Furs. HOGS WwW. M. JONES, For which the highest Market Price will be paid in Cash. Hams, acon; Lard and Fresh Beef, kept constantly on hand. November 1, 1877. APPLICATION TO PARLIAMENT. PPLICATION will be made to th: i A Parliament of Outario at its next Ses- sion, for an Act, vesting in Daniel McCarthy Dafoe, Barrister-at-law, and Peter Anderson Scott, both of the city ot Torunto, 8 part or thousand land 'and land covered with water, in the Townships of Seugog, 'moans, and fo acquire any land adjacent that may be necessary to effect the same, ata val h 1 'oronto this 8th day of Novem- + ber, 1877. i on his place lot 12, inthe 7th con. wright As the Rails and Posts are | éfouble in hauling them away. Remember the place. DAVID DEACON, TRY JA STIRLING & Cs For good and Cheap OVER-COATS ee AN Dene ULSTERS ! Sce the large Stock of , BUFFALO ROBES, J. A. STIRLING & CO'S, Port Perry, Dec. 12, 1817. PORT PERRY. Sign of the White I'lag with Red Star ! PALL STOCK NOW COMPLETE B. J. THORNE'S EAP DRE GOODS SMO PORT PERRY. SPECIMEN PRICE LIST: 20 yards Grey Cotton for $1. Good Winceys for Te per yd. White Flannels for 25¢ per yd. Black Lustres, double warp from 14c per yd. Wool Tweeds from 60c per yd, i= Scarlet Flaunels for 20¢ per yd. Gruss Linens from 123c per yd. ~ | Canton Flannel for 12¢ per yd. White Blankets from $1.50, = | Fancy Flannel for 25¢ per yd. Men's Wool Undershirts from 50c. | Dress Goods, in new shades, from | A good assortment of Worsted Coat. RS 124c per yd. ings, cheap. 2 A Good Canadian Tweed Suit made to order for $12.50. © | rm. Terms--Cash or Produce. 5 . B. J. THORNE. | = ma ei aL & oN SPADES, SHOVELS AND HOES, ay, Straw and Manure Forks, Ncythes, 1 Snaiths and Cradles. ¥ COMPLETE STOCK OF BUILDERS MATERIAL G nuine Paris Green. A FULL STOCK OF IRON, STEEL, RENT STUFF, AND ALL LINES OF Carriage Hardware. Laing & JMeharry, Quecn Street. Port Perry, June 20, 1877. JUST TO HAND 1. J. DAVIS' SECURE YOUR Cutters and right, and: situated between Phe Sabscriber has given much attent Th =o has pléted al ty SE LD Ar Storr, for. Sule the Laigest Stock, Greatest Variety, Best Material, Finest get : Spl ro }.3 COR Famers Se So oe 2 nn screens | FLIOU R '& FEED - ( For the coming Winter, Stylish and demaiids of all he has cut his Cedar Rails. § Posts) 0 11). CBEAP AND GOOD. Fe " tindersigned bins a very large quan- to we ail nad Fost fof ale of Car wo ion to the getting up. of com and has much pleasure in announcing that he Sleighs! Gr ct, a, GEOG | A oo Prime White Fish Trout, Herrings, &c. In Barrels and Half Barrels. GROCERIES, CHEAP s any House town. WINES, LIQUORS ! | Cigars, &c., always in Stock. Of all kinds--cheap for Oash, me on sd ak yous con rom an esse lock of uch Cotter all wish Foy which the Highest Prive will be paid. to own, Nov. 20, 187. Cartwright, Bec 11, 1877. JAMES EMANEY, Ontario Carriage Works, I. J. DAVIS, Port Perry, Oct, 24,1877. FRESH ARRIVALS! es gGENEW GOODS. Choice and Seasonable, Arriving Daily "253% --FOR THE-- IL & WINER TRADE At much lower Prices than last Stason Special attention is directed to our Choice Stock of DRESS GOODS! In Black Lustres, French Cashmeres, Matelaiese, Poplins, Sateens, Persian Cords, and other fashionable makes, with all the lates styles in TRIMMINGS to match, A fine selection of Scotch, West of England, and Canadian TWEED SUITINGS, In all the latest patterns, SUITS mado up in the latest styles by experienced workmen on the shortest notice 07 Groceries, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Coal Oil, &ec. As Cheap as the Cheapest, and of the best quality. BROWN & CURRIE. Port Perry, Aug. 15, 1877. eet eer E. -- GO TO-- GOODFELLOWS PRINCE ALBERT A Splendid New Stock of FALL GOODS, Complete in every department the Newest Styles, Best Quality and LOWEST PRICE. Hats and Caps in every variely-- CHEAP. BOOTS:SHOES For all and at such prices as satisty all, -- LADIES ~~ Our Millinery Rooms are re-opened and supplied with all that is_desir- able in the line and at the Lowest Figures. GROCERIES. Regular and Large Supplies of Choice Fresh Groceries. Superior Teas at Lowest Prices. 20 Ibs Raisons for $1 or $1.25 by box. An inspection of my stock and comparision of prices invited. G.1I. GOODFELLOW. Prince Albert, Oct 3, 1877. WORTHINGTON, ----DEALER IN-- Flour, Feed & Seeds, SALT, COAL, PLASTER, BRAN AND SHORTS. Cash paid for Produce, Sheepskins & Hides. TIMOTHY & CLOVER SEED To hand for Fall Sowing. E. WORTHINGTON, Port Perry, Aug 28, 1877. Opposite the Ontario Bank, Port Perry. COME NOW AND SECURE YOUR Christmas CIFTS ust. CASH, CAsh The Highest Market price FOR ANY QUANTITY OF Barlev, Wheat, Peas, Oats, &ec. Delivered at the Elevator of the Subscriber. Manchester, Sept 5, 1877. S. H. CHRISTIAN. HOLIDAY PRESENTS. HE Undersigned has much pleasure in calling. public attenticn to his Magnifi. cent New Stock of Choice, FASHIONABLE and STYLISH JEWELRY! SILVERWARE ! AND FANCY GOODS Such as are suitable for ull and admirably suited for IIOLIDAY PRESENTS. All are respectfully requested to come and in- spect my Stock. Everything offered will be: found Handsome, Uscful and Cheap. W. 1. MCAW. Port Perry, Dec. 11, 1877, NOTE LOST. OST by the undersigned, a note of hand for $13 made Ly Wm. H. Ferguson in favor of James Bryans or bearer, dated on or about the mouth of June, 1877, and due and payable in November or December, 1877, This js to forbid any one purchasing or negotiating said uote as payment has Leen stopped. JAMES BRYANS. Cartwright, Nov. 27, 1877. RESUMED PRACTICE HE und $20,000 WORTH DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, &c. To be sold at the very lowest figures for Cash, Farm Produce, or approved Credit. Special --5000 yds best Ame rican Prints 20, yds for- $1. * Sept. 5, 1811. 'S. H. CHRISTIAN. --GO0 TO THE-- Ontario Flour and Feed Store, f: i. J VANTED, 1000 BIS, POTATORS & S14 3 r £ y 3 4 GOOD FLOUR, * GRAITAM FLOUR, 'BARLEY CHOP, OATMEAL. BRAN, CORN CHOP, CORNMEAL, SHORTS, PEAS & 04 CRACKED WHEAT, TEA CHOP, BARLEY, §C. R&¥™ Goods delivered to all parts of the Town. MIDDLETON & HASLEHURST. Oct, 24, 1871. Corner Queen and Perry Streets, Port Perry, d is happy to inform bis vumerous fiends and the general public of the locality that during his somewhat brief season of relaxation he has recovered his Xonisd health and now resumes the practice of his profession and is prepared as former to attend to all calls. oo u : N. McCLINTON, M.D, Saintfield, Dec 4, 1877. Applicalon to Palament, PPLICATION will be made to the Parliament of Ontario at its next Ses- sion for an Act giving to Traman P. White, of Whitevale, in the County of Ontario, Esquire, William Murdock, of the Town Bowmanville, in the County of Lurbam, Civil Engineer, and Sawuel Jobn Armour, of the said Town of Bowmanville, Gentle. man, and such other person or persons as may be hereafter associated with them, power' and authority to construct ar Embankment or Solid Road. way from a point on the shore' of Lake Scugog, at or south of and near to' the Village of Port Perry, in the Township' of Reach to the baits shore at some nt op posite to the point of Sombiguoe. nie po the Township of Scugog. to construct a similar Embankment « E Road.way from some point on the | of near to Caesarea, i 0 wright to the opposite shore. ; © point opposite the place of com in the Township of Scugog. To drain all the part or portion of be dments or Road. ways, and. 1 the lands reclaimed ghereby in fee simple in the said P, White, Willian] John Armour, 4 the said Lake and Swmuel Lake Bcugog south of or south.west of and in the Township of Cart. .