CAPPUGATION T0 Ta, PPLICATION will will be made to th Parliament of Outario at its next Ses. 6 for dn Act, vesting in Daliiel McCa ion, Cra Peter oCunhy ottion of ng land and land covered with waar, comping tnt ove thousand oD and land covered with water, in the a Reach and Cutwright, and®bitaated between Perry and Cmsarea, with Jonen wers to drain the said-lands by any prac- means, and to acquire any land adjacent that may be Necessary to to effect the same, at » valuation. Dated at Toronto this 8th day of Novem~ ber, 1877. D. M. DAFOE. . PETER A, SCOTT. NOTICE Couaty of Ontario, IC HEREBY given 70 WIT: oy that the Court of Sessions of the Peace and County Court, in and for the County of Oatéitio, will be held in the Coutt House, in the TOWN OF WHITBY, . mn) ements Tuesday, December 11th, 1877, Atthe hour of Twelve o'clock, noon, of which all Justices of the Peace, Coroners, Constables, and others concerned, will take notice and govern themselves acco dingly. NELSON G, REYNOLDS, Sherifl's office, Sheriff Co, Outario. + Whitby, Nov. Tth, 1877, CAUTION. LL parties are hereby cautioned against ating a Note made by John Johnston, of the township of Cartwright, for sum of 845, dated November 16, 1877, favor of T. 8. Booth, as I have not re- "= gdlved value for the same, JOHN JOHNSTON, Cartwright, Nov. 19, 1877. A GOOD FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT, HE undersigned offers for rale or to Rent that conveniently- located farm, being North half of lot 14, in the 7th concession of UXBRIDGE, containing 90 Acres, about 80 of which are cleared, There are erected on the premises a com- fortable Dwelling House, a good Frame Barn with a suitable stable uaderneath,-- There are other convenient out buildings.-- There is a small orchard on the premises. The farm is pleasantly situated in a healthy, pleasant location and within easy distance of the best grain markets .in the Province. Terms easy. For particulars, apply to the proprietor at Dhiea; or if by letter post-paid. J. DAFOE. Utica, Nov. 19, 1877. A RARE CHANCE TO PURCHASE A CHEAP ROUSE AND LOT IN Prince Albert! We have been instructed by the owner, Mr. Robt. McKinlay, to sell by Private Sale the House and Lot on which he now resides, -- The Lot contains half an acre of land more or less, on which are erected a Comfortable House one and a half story high 18x24, stone cellar, with kitchen attached 16x20, also a frame building which has been used as a Work Shop, 18x28 and could ve easily converted into a dwelling house, there is anexcellent well and a nice lot of Fruit trees on the premises, As dwelling housesin Prince Albert rent at good rates the purchaser can get the property at such a figure that it will prove a good paying in- vestment, Title Indisputable, For further partie nlars, apply to JNO. J. ADAMS, oo Port Perry. Port Perry Nov 21, 1877, ONTARIO BANK. "CAPI'AL $3,000.000 PORT PERRY BRANCH. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. A Savings Department is now open in aomnection with this Branch. Doposits of Five Dollar and upwards received and inter est allowed thereon. No notice of withdrawal required, A. A. ALLEN, MANAGER. FOR SALE One Hundred Thousand Feet of DRY LUMBER ! Bo hy reigned bas 10 for Bale on lot 5, | gry: of quniition salable oo uit Jct from a fine Dwelling House toa ll be liberally dealth with as to pres fi time, ation sib TRL will oo well 'my bionk ore else- a! Sept 10, 1677 i ain er School Notice, Can N Examination ot n of Pupils for admission held in the School House on Tuesday, " snd Wedaenday, the 12th Don Da: Candidates should if pos. notify the County Inspector, through the fad Master, not later than ov Sen Novembirof il; futen intention to present themselves By ORDER. i ow 2c < Port Perry, Oct 24, 1877. © NOTICE 10 FARMERS & OTHERS : Money > 39 10 LOAN. 'FACHER WANTED. School helen ton Xo. 5 Cartwright, ing second or a Romalegeeferted, ol rears go. Filson, > Remate prefer i Oct 31, 17. 8 TRAYED_ WEITER, a ito the premises of the subeoniber ue, con' I, TE Reach,» Roan colored , Abont ig years old, if not previously Tete the will be sold - glow directs. | GALL. Reach, Novi, 1897. = {00D VALTE JOR YOUR MONEY. to the Port Perry High School, will be |' 3. A.STIRLING & C1 ------1I8 THE PLACE TO GET: a Stacks of Winceys. Plain, Checked and Striped--all Colors and Patterns. Piles of Flannels, Plain Colors, Fancy Checks and Stripes. DRESS GOODS. Fmbracing almost every new material and color. CALL AND SEE THESE GOODS, AT J. A. STIRLING & CO'S, Port Perry, Nov. 1, 1877. PORT PERRY. FORMAN', C. CORRIGAN & CAMPBELL ---- HAVE NOW THEIR ---- FALL AND WINTER STOCK Opened for inspection, consisting of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS Ready-made Clothing, Hats, Caps & Furs MILLINERY, MANTLES, &C. Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Crockery, §ec, Which for QUALITY, STYLE and CHEAPNESS, ECLIPSES anything before offered, pen. Cull and sce them, Terms, Cash or Produce. CORRIGAN & CAMPBELL. Port Perry, Sept 25, 1877. Nign of the White Flag with Red Star ! FALL BONE | COMPLETE BP CY GO PORT PERRY. SPECIMEN PRICE LIST : At TT. NOTED for Cheap Boots & Shoes and fine Furs. | | ! 12 1bs ay for SL: I Port Perry, Nov. 14, 1877. | | DRESSED HOGS 1000 1 ' HEAVY FAT HOGS WANTED --BY WwW. M. JONES, For which the highest Market be paid in Cash. Price will © Hams, Bacon, Lard and Fresh Beef] kept constantly on hand. November 1, 1877. SECURE YOUR iGatiera 'and Sleighs! lo Sabaseiver Has given much witention | to - going up of comfortable, durable, tylish an CHEAP CUTTERS & SLEIGHS For the comi Winter, and has much pleasure in easouncigS that he has completed and | Fore the Largest Stock, Greatest Vacicty, Best Matorial Finest get up, and | Lowest Prices of Cutters and Sleighs ever offered in the Agena and with a view to the -lemnnde of all he has cut bis prices to thie. Ringel potable ad 'offers good Tn $1 TS) Come on and take your ehoico from #n extensive Stock of just such Cutters as'alf al i JAMES EMANEY, Ontario Carriage Works, Nov. 29, 187%. * A 20 yards Grey Cotton for 81. | Good Winceys for Te per yd. | White Flannels for 25¢ per yd. Searlet Flannels for 20¢ per yd. Canton, Flannel for 12¢ per yd. | Fancy Flannel for 25¢ per yd. Black Lustres, double warp from 14c per yd. Wool Tweeds from 60c per yd, Grass Linens from 124¢ per yd. White Blankets from $1.50, Men's Wool Undershirts from 50c. | Dress Goods, in new shades, from | A good assortment of Worsted Coat. 12}c per yd. ings, cheap. A Good Canadian Tweed Suit made to order for $12.50. 2 a. Terms--Cash or Produce. ™ B. J. THORNE. SPADES, SHOVELS AND HOES, Straw and Manure Forks, Ncythes, Snaiths and Cradles® ay, COMPLETE STOCK OF BUILDERS MATERIAL. Gnuine Paris Green. A FULL STOCK OF IRON, STEEL, RENT STUFF, AND ALIPLINES OF Carriage Hardware. Laing &: JMcharry, f+ Queen Street. Port Perry, June 20, 1877, JUST TO HAND 1.4 DAVIS' Prime White Fish Trout, Herrings, &e, In Barrels and Half Barrels. GHOIGE E GROCERIES, CHEAP ouse in town. PURE WINES, LIQUORS ! a Cigars, &¢., always m Stock. FLOUR & FEE Of all kinds--cheap for Oash, IANTED, 1,000 BIS. POTATOES, For i oa Highest Price will be pit I. J. DAVIS, Port Perry,[Oct, 24,1877. FRESH ARRIVALS cr] ZCENEW GOODS. Choice and Seasonable, Arriving Daily 25% --FOR THE------ TL & WINER TRADE At much lower Prices than last Season Special attention is directed to our Choice Stock of DRESS GOODS! In Black Lustres, French Cashmeres, Matelaicse, Poplins, Sateens, Persian Cords, and other fashionable makes, with all the lates styles in TRIMMINGS {0 match, A fine selection of Scotch, West of England, and Canadian TWEED SUITING In all the latest patterns, SUITS made up in the latest styles by experienced workmen on the shortest notice 07 Groceries, Crockery, 'Boots and Shoes, Coal Ol, &c. As Cheap as the Cheapest, and of the best. quality. BROWN & CURRIE. Port Perry, Aug. 15, 1877. E. WORTHINGTON, ~------DEALER IN-- Flour, Feed & Seeds, SALT, COAL. PLASTER, BRAN AND SHORTS. Cash paid for Produce, Sheepskins & Hides. TIMOTHY & CLOVER SEED To hand for Fall Sowing. E. WORTHINGTON, Opposite the Ontario Bank, Port Perry. Port Perry, Aug 28, 1877, SE. CASH, CASH. The Highest JMarket price FOR ANY QUANTITY OF Barlev, Wheat, Peas, Oats, &ec. Delivered at the Elevator of the Subscriber. Ss. H. CHRISTIAN. 187%. Manchester, Sept 5, LL IXPORTITIONS $20,000 WORTH DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, &ec. To be sold at the very lowest figures for Cash, Farm Produce, or approved Credit. Special 5000 yds best Ame rican Pi ints *120 yds for $1. Sept. 5, 1877. ----GO TO THE-- Ontario Flour and Feed Store, GOOD FLOUR, S. H. CHRISTIAN. "hha a BARLEY CHOP, OATMBAL, cozy eon, CORNME. EAS RHEL wba, | sgolrs cor; BARLEY, §C. BEF Goods delivered to all parts of the Town. MIDDLETON & HASLEHURST. Oct. 24, 1877, | Gotner Queen and Perry Streets, Port Par GOODFRLLOWS PRINCE ALBERT A Splendid New*Stock of FALL GOODS, Complete in every department the Newest Styles, Best Quality and LOWEST PRICE. Hats and Caps in every variety-- CHEAP. P ™ y= TI URS For all and at such prices as satisf§ all; -- LADIES ~~ Our Millinery Rooms are re-opened s |and supplied with all that is _desir- ?|able in the line and at the Lowest Figures. GROCERIES. Regular and Large Supplies of Choice Fresh Groceries. Superior Teas at Lowest Prices; 20 Ibs Raisens for §1 or $1.25 by box. An inspection of my stock and comparision of prices invited. ' G.H. GOODFELLOW: Prince Albert, Oct 3, 1877. EXAMINATION OF CANDIDATES HE Examivation of Candidates fof Public School Teachers' Second-class Certificates Will be heldin the Town of WHITBY, HITB MONDAY, the 17th DECEMBER, At 1.30 p,m. It is indispensable that Candidates should notify the Co. Inspector not later than the 10th November of their intention to presen! 1% themselves for examination, JAMES M¢BRIEN, Ins. P. 8. Co. Ont! Myrtle, Oct 2, 1877. Valuable Vilage Property! FOR SALE | HE undersigned offcrs for Sale the fols lowing valuable Village Property situate in the Village of Greenbank, viz :-- A HOUSE AND 2 LOTS. The House is in first class condition being only lately built, commodious and comfort able and in a healthy, pleasant location there is a good well of water on the premises, An excellent building for carrying on CARRIAGE BUILDING. The Bui'ding contains a Blacksmith Shep; a Carriage Shop aud a Paint Shop, being located in a prosperous loeality a large business may be done by any enterprising party. pe Terms liberal. WM. MANNING, Epsom P, '0. August 1, 1877. A VALUABLE Farm for Sale. HE undersigned ofiers for sale that Pine' Farm, containing 100 acres of choice land, being the North half of lot 16 in thé' 2nd con- of REACH. There are on the premises two Good Comfortable Dwelling Houser, a convenfen Driving house and suitable Barn and Stable' accommodation. There isa fine young orchard of 160 choice fruit trees on the premises. There are 94 acres cleared and 6 bl hard wood land: The location is pleasant and bealthy, the land in a good state of cultivation aud ges veniently sitaated for the best grain Port Perry and Manchester, being little oves' two miles from either. Terms easy and title indisputable, For further Virfioaluy apply to the pros | | prietor on the premises. JAMES E. VERNON. Reach Nov, 71877, A Comfortable Residence fof Sale or to Real, tins "s . HE undersigned offers to Sell or Ren that excellent brick Residence premises . situate on King street, eel, FRINC ALBEBT, aud o the Major Forman, The Dwelling 1s of brick, pleasantly - Jocated and in ii way comfortable, 'There are a barn, and other convenient. sutouiiding p orchard produces an we fru An excellent well of spring Ro at fins & - water cistern, A fine assortment of trees around the premises. A! residence. is a most desirable Fomine immediately, ; thn od gn apply fi es i sed Rebs! 7 E. WARE, 3 0, I Port Perry, Sept 4, 1877. i mim