re ge siders. Wouldn' t it look well to] have our modest city cousins after roceiving so largely from the pro- vince and dominion in way of assists Eaitor. |e to maintain their municipality, coming down on us for an annual grant of sixty or seventy thousand dollars in addition to all we give them otherwise, and all this is what they mean when they in their, native modesty demand that Gov-, ernment property shall not be ex- Why should the citizens of Torooto ask that be away with and prove an immense saving to the county and the minor municipalities concerned. This county would get rid of that expen- sive bete noir, the Scugog bridge.-- The municipalities of Brock, Reach and the other municipalities con- cerned will be relieved trom the FE ------ Hoth HntavioBbscrher ONLY ONE DOLLAR 4 YEAR PORT PERRY, NOV. 22, 1817 The Season of Taxation. : . i continual drain, on their funds in bridging and road making over miles of now worthless, unsightly disease creating swamps which con- As theseason for the annual visit of the Assessor murmurs against the unjust exemp- tions become louder and longer, and more resolute efiort and deter- mined action are decided on for the future; nlready set on foot with the view approaches tho ompt from taxation. tribute scarcely anything either in taxes or otherwise while all parties living fn the neighborhood of these worthless slushes are forced to tra- vel hundreds ot miles every year in sides the thousands above thousands of dollars which the rest of the province aud of the dominion pay agitation is of bringing sufficient pressure npon| into the city funds every year that the Government to induce them to so amend the assessment law as to greatly modify if not obliterate the going to market and otherwheres further than they otherwise would do if these swamps wero drained ; an additional tax of sixty orseventy thousand dollars should be annually levied on the ratepayers of the|proper and direct communication province and handed over to the city We electors throughout the province exemption clauses ; some even go- being entirely out of the question so ing™the length, of Toronto. modest Toronto neighbors, of de claring that there should be no ex- especially our bope that the long as these abominable swamps exist. But let these be drained and will not be hoodwinked into giving | that which was only an inconveni- emption whatever. But we judge that but few but the too exacting citizens will go all the length ot demanding their consent to any such amend- ment to the Assessment Act as shall ent costly blot on these otherwise magnificent municipalities, will be- do away with the exemptions on|comeour best lands, fertile, profit- a complete sweep of exemptions.--| Government property and thereby |able and blooming as the rose. The Doubtless the necessary amend |saddle upon the heavily burdened |imaginary danger to the health of ments would have been obtained] taxpayers of the province an addi- | the locality from letting oft the long ere now had it not been for the| tional tax of sixty or seventy thou- | waters of Scugog need be no obsta- clo in the way of the improvement. Let the drawing off commence at the beginning of October and the purify- frost unreasonabledemandsot thetoomuch | sand dollars for the especial and favored citizens who expect all legis- lation to be controlled by them and made to work for their special ad- exclusive benefit of the city of To- ronto, But it isvery different with ing influences of the winter's will do much towards preventing any injury arrising from the expos- ed bottom of the luke. All this is only a matter of time and the sooner Let municipalities regard to church property of what- vantage. That the great major- ity ot the exemptions are both in- ever kind whether church, parson. age, manse or whatever it may be iquitous and unjust will we think, be | styled, all such property belong to admitted by at least nine-tenths of| the parties concerned individually or the taxpayers of the country, but| collectively as the case may be, and [it is accomplished the better. the entirely on the parties concerned ; that anyone out of our cities will the several minor unite their efforts and lot them carry maintenance of such rests consent to abolish all exemptions wo cannot for a moment believe. the matter before their several co- unties councils and the combined in- and why should onedenomination ! There can be no just reason for ex-| or boby be obliged to contribute, it empting from taxation church pro-|may be indirectly but no less truly, fluence of all will soon bring about perty of any kind, whether church, | to the support of any other denom-|the accomplishment of this desir parsonage, manre or glebe, but|ination whose doctrines it may able object. there can be no reasonable plea ad-| dislike, and whether it dislikes them The Counterfeit Bills on the Ontar- vanced why Government property io Bank. ornot it has no right to be called to sould be assessed. Take Toronto] support it. This is a feature and a sis Counterteit ten , dollar bills on the very objectionableone, of church and Ontario Bank have been detected in Montreal and may be detected by all on whom they may beattempted to be passed. On careful comparison it is found that the genuine bills are for 1mstance with its Colleges, Uni- versity, ® Law, Normal School, As=| state connection as far as iL goes. -- sy'um and other provincial or Do-| The principle of exempting any minion Government buildings of | property, except government pro- which there are altogether nearly four million dollars perty, is vicious and unjust. worth within Let the Water Flow. That the letting off the waters of about a quarter of an inch longer than the counterfeits. The paper of the genuine bills is considerably thicker than that of the counterfeit; the corporation which if it were tax- ed according to the present rato of tax. ation of that city would bring in anly Scugog or rather Scugog dam annual revende from that tax alone 'of about $60,000; but who would have to pay this tax? payers throughout {--foritisonly a dam--is a public|}6 numbering letter on tho gen- improvement the accomplishment of wine is larger than that of the be de- thousard the - 2 tax. which cannot much longer layed, One hundred acres of choice lands impatiently counterfeit; the name of the en- the Domini : h ominion graver of the plate is on the back of and province in proportion as the the genuine bills, but the engraver's An expert may by careful examination detect the fraud by the appearance of the bill, the engraving, the tint and so on but only experts can do property so taxed is the property of : ia Prof y é i x party await the benign influencesof the sun | name is not on the counterfeit. the dominion or provincial govern: . o i . | and atmosphere being let in npon ment. But why should the people i i h ted 4 them. A world of otherwise pro- roughout the dominion or provivce § id ! ductive and profitable land cannot as the case may be, be compelled to pay taxes for tho benefit of Toronto? Toronto is much longer be lost at the bottom of a pond such as Scugog or remain unproductive, except of mishief., as this. Inexperienced parties, how- neither asked to erect ! ever, may easily detect the fraud by the entire eost of their erection and nor maintain those building I oe ki that of the great Nonquon swamp. Bat the effectual drainage of that great swamp cannot be accomplished measurement, the genuine §10 bill : : i uarter of an inch maintenance is born by all the tax- being about a quar (and the efiects of an | neither fraud not blunder in the transaction, The Tuesday's market was still in & health. ful condition, fall wheat realized from $1.23 to $1.20 ; Spring brought - $1.05 to $1.12 ; Barley was from 60 to 72 cents; oats brought 36 cts ; potatoes hung fire at 30 to 35 cts. : The Hastern War. Tlie Eastern war goes on with unabated vigot the combatants are falling by thous- ands daily whether by sickness or the sword and each day secs the Russian bear get a fresh hold of the doomed Turkey. The Turks, however, are fighting with a valfr and despiration unsurpassed by that of any nation in ancient or modern times, there ha: been as splendid fighting during this war a: has been in any war on record, some * mag- nificent charges and hand to hand fights (in war parlance) as could be imagined; the assult and capture of Kars the other day was an exhibition of valor in both the attacking and attacked worthy of the bravest nations on the carth. The fate of the well.defended but now lost Kars is soon told. A Veran-Keleh despatch of the 10th says: -- Mechanics' Institute. The entertainment committee of the Mechanics' Institute, Port Perry, have pre- pared a grand entertainment of an interrest- ing and highly intellectual character in securing the services of that talented lectur. erRev. W. H. Poole, of Toronto, for the evening of Tuesday 27th inst. when he will lecture in the Town Hall and a highly pro- fitable and pleasant time may be relied on, -- All who can possibly go will doubtless avail themselves of this rare opportunity of hear. ing so accomplished a lecturer give oue of | _The fortress and city of Kars with three his bust lectures Lt would be a di to | hundred , stores, ition, cash, the intelligence of the locality mot to give | etc fell into the Russians' hands. The Turkish him a rousing House; while at the same |10%8 185,000 killed und wounded, 10,000 it would be but a poor recompense to the prisoners, and many fags, The Russian i loss tsabout 2,700, The Russian soldiers Institute for their efforts in securing so gift: [ 1 dc put trifling booty and spared the peaceful citizens, women and children. -- General Louis Melikoff directed the battle during the day. The Grand Duke Michael was present also, The former entered the city at eleven o'clock ou Sunday morning. The next objective point in Asia is Erze- ed a lecturer. ing 27th inst, r-- Requisites for Business. Don't forget Tuesday even- In order to success in business the indi. vidual must possess the y requisits to d when it falls and fall it must at an success, aud as a general rule the degree of | early day then Turkey's power of resistence success is in the direct ratio to the extent | in Asia will have passed away and Asiatic Turkey will be at the feet of Russia. After the fall of Erzeroum all eyes will be turned and quality of the requisites so possessed. -- Capital sufficient for the undertaking is necessary, some talent and considerable tact le, but a th I bi on Plevna, the closing battle ground, are Turkey willd seck a the St. Andrew's society was held in Thomp St. Andrew's Society. The annual meeting of the members of son's hotel on Tuesday evening 20th inst. the president in the chair. The minutes of the annual meeting of last year were read and approved. The report of the treasurer was read and being found satisfactory was doped. Notwithstanding the light times und the amount paid for assisting indigent Scotchmen, which we were glad to find was light, the balance on hand is » highly atis- factory, The admission of members was now pro- ceeded with, when several new members were admitted, having first paid their fee, The election of officers wus now proceed- ed with and resulted as foilows :--President Mr. Wm, Kyle, reelected, 1st Vice Presi- dent J Malise, 2nd V Pres, W B McGaw Teas J V Thompson ,Sec'y Jas Baird, members of committee P. Christie, C. McKenzie, J H Shepherd' Wm, McGregor, Wm. McGill, D. McKay, Donald McGill, R. McKnight, J. McDonald, J. Swan, R. McRae, W. Kennedy' Alex. Munro, E. Boe, J. Milne, S. McKen~ nell; D. Carmichael, J. Christie, Alex Black, Duncan Christie. It was agreed to celebrate the festival of St. Andrew by a supper in the Walker House on the evening of Friday 30th inst. Take Care of Your Traps. A party named O'Grenier, a barber of Montreal, was indebted to that city for the amount of his fee or due for carying on ation of unflinching honor and integrity is a sine qua non to complete success. But while all business undertakings demand these, all | do not demand them in an equal degree to ere the final Pleynaian struggle and "shou'd she fail in this all valor and power will be concentrated there, her enegenuity, daring and;when Russia takes it as she undoubtedly ensure success. If there be one department | will, it will bo at an immense sacrifice of The extent of the dis. aster at Plevna will doubtlesg determine of business more than another which de- | men and material. mands unflinching honor and integrity in Turkey's future course ; their greatest perfection it is the department ita respectable re-- of land and money Broking, the temptations | treat can be accomplished, if the Turks can here to an opposite course are do strong | save the greater number of their men, mat- opposite course | erials and stores a prolonged and obstinate so digastrous to the client that when men in | resistence will be the result ; on the other that line of business have proved them- |hand a disastrousdefeat ; the thorough de- selves to be at all times governed by these | moralization of the army here would vir- tuly close the war and bring Turkey to the feet of the Russia will have a dangerous game to play, noble principles their success is a certainity; for ail knowing them and baving any busi- conguorers, But even then ness in theic line will place such business Hitherto surrounding nations bave stood in their hands. Of course honor and in- around with thelr hands in their pockets in but tegrity alone won't secure success, but no real success can be secured without these -- |appearant indifferance as to results, These with some experience, a little talent | when Russia begins to collect the spoils and and a fair share of tact will place their | dictate terms other powers will begin to possessor on the straight road to success step around and if at all possible have a In the matter of Mortgages, the sale aad pur- | finger in the pie, and Russia though sore, chase of Real Estate and such likeit is a crippled and bleeding, being flushed with matter of the greatest moment that the party | Success will not be in the best mood to svb- through whom one transacts such business | mit to the interferance of outsiders and thoroughly understands what he is about, complcations may arise which may end in a is prompt in the transaction of business conflagration compared to which the present fully understands all the requirements, | War has only been a spark. knows at once if everything is right and One of Scugog's Fine Farms -- That splendid 100 acre farm the property of A. Smith, Esq, on lot 2 in the 7th con. of if not right knows how to put them right, one in fact, in whom the client can rely with the utmost confidence that there will be Sengop is for sale for $5 500. See posters. er" House ind Lot for Sale.--Mr. Robt McKinlay is offering to sell by private bar- The very extensive and successful land and money Brokerage business done by the firm of John & D. J. Adams, the p of the necessary req 1s attributable to | gain his comfortable new Dwelling House and lot in Prince Albert. lent opportunity to secure a fine, comfortable isites in Thig is an excel- a large degree. Parties wishing to purchase or wishing to | residence in one of the most healthy pleas. ant locations in that handsome village, -- Apply to John & D. J. Adams. (See Bills and adv.) sell village or farm property find it to their advantage to transact the business through that firm and the result is that a large por. tion of the real property bought or sold in - Extending their Premises. this and the neighboring countics pass through this firm. We are pleased to notice that the rapidly = increasing businesss ot Messrs Laing & payers of the dominion or province as the property belongs to the dom inion or the province, and sueh pro. perty in place of being a burden on till the waters of Scugog have been let off; but this is of comparatively easy accomplishment, remove the embankment at Lindsay and a clear, the city is a bighly source of revenue. important the presence of such buildings in the city adds considerably to ibe value of all the real property within the city limits. These buildings re- quire to be kept in repair, notat the healthful little creek will be all that Tu the frst place is lett of the overgrown dam, which submerges and renders useless so many thousands of acres of excell- ent land all of which will be redeem- ed when the sluggish waters of cost ot the citizens but at the cost of Scugoy shall have been let off.-- Those lands which now scrve no longer than the counterfeit, this of itself counterfeit ; examine the back of the bill and if the engraver's name be omitted the bill is a counterfeit; the paper of the bogus bill is perceptibly thinner than that of the genuine. The counterfeits are all of the denom- ination of $10 bills. A little sharp- ness on the part of the public will soon crush out the counterfeit. -- is sufficient to detect the but in addition to this Gathering In. The large and continuous influx of just such inhabitants as any town Mcharry. the enterprising Hardware Mer- chants, Port Perry, has forced them to put wpa large addition to their premises. This| with the farther repairs about to be made may feel pioud as are from week ! quartered here. Should Couchon attempt to to week within the corporation of Port Perry locating: is highly encouraging to all having the kest interest of that village at heart, pointing as it does in the most unmistakable mannner to the ex themselves aswell as adding largelv to the accommoda. tion will make that one of the most conven- ient hardware establishments anywhere to be found. Choice goods and moderate prices have secured for this firm a large and rap- | idly evtending business. no Farm to Sell or Rent.--Partier wish- | the country and all the labor and good purpose will then boeome of The Markets. istence of a large and important | ing to purchase or rent a good 90 acre farm town here in the not far distant will find such informstion as they require by | turning to our advertising columns and find future. material necessary to maintain these repairs must be procured in the city and consequently the city is a direct profiter from all the outlay in keep- ing these buildings in repair, and more so in their construction. is mot all neither is it the most important, in all these public much profit to their proprietors, to the municipalities of which they form a part aud to the counties of which these municipatities in which the lands so situated, form a part. bi Convert even fifty thousand acres of water.covered or swamp-covered land, utterly worthless and only Our markets, especially our grain markets, aro almost as sensative as the magnetic needle, for a long time past the state of the markets have been by no means encouraging their sluggish condition was from being to the d pecially fotos who were forced to sell at prices which were not remunerative: throw- ing away their barley at prices hovering Mr. Thos. Bedford, ot Reach, has just purchased a residence here and is about to move into it. Mrs. Craig of Columbus has also purchased a residerce and is moving here. Mr McClarren has also purchas Mr. J Dafoe's advertisement. - -- { Hard to Please. | The Peterboro Examiner is terribly exer: cised over the Ashburnbamites because, for- sooth, they dare take one step in the direc. tion of the Dunkid Act without first obtain- ingthe sanction of the Examiner, the self: styled patron of the measure. A number of | enttle and flocks of sheep have been swept | that vicinity have be come disgusted and | Connel, who recently applied to the "local institutions there are numerous high paid officials and these must have residences; they must eat, drink and 3 wear and their house holds must be kept ap, all this is adireet andgreat monetary advantage to Toronto, -- And whopays all these salaries? around 45 cents per bushel--those we say | who were forced to sell at such prices must bave done so with the greatest reluctance ; sending forth its injurious miasmat- ic influences into blooming, fruitful fields salutary in their influences, profitable to the community and ad- vantageous to their owners and you that at a time when good "prices were more needed, than formany years past. Wheat confer an everlasting benefit on 80 | ¢,; pointed downward and from week to ciety, you add largely to the wealth | week sought a lower level until it too touch- Not the, people of Toronto but thei of the community and reduce the | bottom at $1. per bushel; but after a long taxpayers: She ughout the provinée| ¢gxes of the ratepayers in direct pro. season of depression the course appears to f} portion to the value ot the land you bo changing, tho tendency is upward and | 1 reclaim. The enormous benefits which | peveeptibly better. During the past week if the letting off the waters of Seugog prices did not nse much they exhibited a would eonferr on all the manicipal- | prunes wisicl ghioWerl that (ey must. goon | assume a better form, The Monday's mar- ities concerned can scarcely be over- | sot $s Totouta showed Be Henan Seve rated. The municipalities of Port than they had for quite & time past, fall Perry, Cartwright, Seugog, Reach, wheat was quoted at $1.27, spring wheat Brock apd Mariposa and the counties [went as high as $1, 10; the bottom and top the | of which these form apart will all igure for barley were 68 and 72 cents, oats bo gainers to a great extent by the bovered round 3¢ cents and peas touched ay of of the of Sengog.-- the indirect benefits: which will to the taxpayers of the country "for poly BY si 5 r| will bo important, o extensive and iin of tho markets and grain buyers whose eri 'that everlasting bridge, prospects looked gloomy up till lately will bridging over t the Seugog and other have saved themselves with a fair margin and swamps would be done for profit, si 4 Ww % | { it was ulmost giving away their produce and | - | ed in Port Perry and is moving in with his family. One of tue best farmers in the sast of the towns! ip of Reach is about to buy and move the good folks of that village have applied to Bhve tho Duwhkin -bydaw - submitted - > a vote of the villagers, but because they dared to take a step without consulting his magnificence of the Framer he dubbs them | : 3 Anti-Dunkinites. Listen to how he phrases | An Important Opportunity. « |jt; a \ It will be noticed on our advertising "The Anti-Dunkinites of Ashburnham columns that Mr. N. G. Briggs is about to Bae plac the Rebuy oy bo the open classes in Port Perry for giviug in-| gu) migsion of the Dunkin Act. This is struction in the indispensable and highly | gtraugely inconsistent, but some people ' important art of writing--not the art alone, {go in for anything to win, The strangest in fact, but the sciencetoo. 'This is an in. | Part eh is a. a id Save Sigua ir A uisition are w valuatle opportunity for all either wishing ata eee or avon te to learn how to write, or' to improve their Clerk can arrange the pecessary notices." hand writing and any one neglecting this A Se pri avorable opportunity may have cause to rec A Lot Muff. gret their doing so. Mr. Briggs is thorougly | An attempt was made at a late mecting of conversant with all the principles and has the art to perféction'. the members of the Ottawa St, Andrew's 1t has been asserted that a bad bow has usual p of walking in p on high as 70 ; potatoes ranged from 30 to a, cents per bus, Thus the markets are on the that as it may, it cannot be denied that bad. meeting went as far as to pass a resolution on' 'the; Ontario. Government' to ascuriain from lettin off wate upwardgrade and ere the month of February "hand writing has ruined the future pros- to that effect; buts meeting on the 15th set what aid might be expected trom them toward i & these, 8, is out farmers will have no cause to com- pects of thousands and | every day as the car aside this paundenng resolution, After the reconstruction of the railway as a broad society to get the members to forego their. ruined the future prospects of many, but be ' St, Andrew's day and those present at' the of:advancement presses onward inferior hand. several warm speeches had been made by writing becomes a, greater barrier to pros: _ prominent members the motion was rescind- perity. Bee the adv., remember the time ed and arrangements were made for the pro- , and don't fail to improve the opportunity, cession ag usual, ¢ py | ville and of Owen Sound and the Warden | the county of Grey. b He rented a room from one Archambault, and not within the city lirits. having sufficient furniture of his own to equip the apartment his landlord, Archam- bault, lent him the necessary articles. A bailiff undér authority of the city seized everything in Grenier's room for the amount which he owed the city for his business dues or tax, tised to be sold but the landlord forbade the sale of those things found in the room, The chattels were regularly adver-- which did not belong to Grenier, but which he the landlord had lent him, and in order to test the matter the landlord put in a seiznre of revendication, that is, he claimed the goods which were his which he had left in' the barber's room, as they did not be. long to the barber, and consequently could not be™ sold for his debts. The matter came before the Circuit Court on the 14th, and Judge Dorion held that a revendication could not be held against the claim of the city, so that all the things found in the room where liable to be sold no matter whose they were. This is a somewhat im- portant decision and in view of it parties will better be careful where they leave their goods. -------- The New York Herald's, Pembina corre- spondent is responsible for the following :-- Peamiva, D.T., Nov, 14 --Further devel- opments in the Manitoba-Cauchon matter confirm the previous reports that a regular plan exists to keep Licutenant-Govenor Cauchon out of the Province, A formal written protest has been prepared and will be presented to Cauchon here on his arrival. This protest will be presented to the newly appointed official by a delegation of Winni- Should Govenor Cauchon discard the protest, phy- sical force will be used to prevent his trans. pegers representing the province. portation through, His effigy will be burned at Emerson, near the boundary line, and other acts of disapproval committed. Itap- pears the disaffected people of Manitoba are backed up by the Hudson Bay Company's officials, because Donald A. Smith, of the Hudson Bay Company, was not appointed. Several strangers have taken up quarters at Emerson, and are in constant communication with suspicious avoid crossing at this point his movements will be reported by spies stationed here and his track follow ed, so that he will be resisted no matter where the attempt to cross is] made, Go West Young Man! Go West! It appears that the New Brunswickers are being driven from their homes by bears. In some parts of Northumberland county bears have been so numerous that whole beards of | off by them, this state of things is so dis- couraging that about forty young men of, gone west. The character of the place has d d hat by John , been authorities ot Northumberland County for his eghiteenth bear bounty this season. The Union Advocate sys be trapped sixteen and shot two: One carcass weig bed 600 pounds; the others Syerayed 300 pounds cach. Widen the Gauge | the Tofouto, Grey & Bruce Railway pass are agitating for the immediate widening of the | gauge of that road, removing the iron rails and laying down steel. -- has rr) gigantic swil covered in the where, , the of Kansas, by the i - been' the theatre of some were first dis- Title deeds were forged, and thousands of unfortunate persons cheated out of their money. Among those implicated were a banking house in Austin, Texas, two Chi- |, cago bankers, and prominent real estate} |dealers in St. Louis, Cincinnati and else~ It is said that 13 court houses were burned during the | ast year to destroy evi- dence that could have been brought against the swindlers. 18th inst., years and 18 days, was much she was careful and exemplary in her walk and conversation and passed away likea sweet flower cut off in early bloom. The mourning friends have the sympathy of all. bs THE LAST Reach, | DIED, At Cartwright Mills, Cartwright, on the Miss Elisa Jane May, aged 22 Deceased was a gentle, amiable young lady d by all her At Prince Albert, on the 21st inst., George, second son of Mr, W, H. Park, aged 21 years and 4 months. Th funcral will leave his father's resi- dence atone o'clock p.m., on Friday, 23rd inst., and proceed to the Pine Grove Cemo- tery. Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend, oe Deceased was A promising young men, healthy and cheerful, kindly and obliging in his manner, was a deserved favorite amongst Lis acquaintances and by hig affable, ous nature gained the respect of all who be- |} came acquainted with him, gener The mourning ones have the sympathy of all in this their sad bereavement, ee eee The Markets. Osserrver Opricx Nov. 22, 1877 Fall Wheat, .... ..... ... $1 11t0 115 Spring Wheat, ........... 00 tc $104 Barley ........ sreesss 043% 056 Oats ... seesveess 0:320C 033 Peas 060 to 062 Clover Seed "600to 700 Hay per ton 14 00 to 15 00 Butter .. 018to 018 Eggs 011i to 000 Cheese. esa 011to 011 Potatoes. ... seese. 030to 035 500to 550 028to 029 650to 675 NOTICE. All parties indebted to the undersigned must settle said indebtedness not later than the 1st day of December now nexy as after that data all unsettled accounts will be plac- vd 1n other hands for collection, JAMES EMANEY. Port Perry, Nov 19th 1877. in the Charge, $1. A Superior Well-bred Bull HE undersigned would inform the farming community and §§ others that he has for service at his st ble-on lot 24, con. of Reach, a superior well-bred Bull, 14th JOSEPH WILSON. Nov, 20, 1877. ---- A TIRST-CLASS BERKSHIRE For Bevvice on lot 24, in the 14th con. of Reach, Charge, $1. BOAR JOSEPH WILSON. Reach, Nov. 20, 1877. A RARE CHANCE TO URCH v Sh A CHEAP HOUSE AND LOT IN Prince stone cellar, with Albert! We bave been instructed by the owner, Mr Robt. McKinlay, to sell by Private Sale the House and Lot on which he now The Lot contains half an acre of land more or less, on which are erected a Comfort table House one and a half story high 18x24, kitchen resides, -- attached temporary persons 16x20, also a frame building which has been used as a Work Shop, 18x28 and could ve easily conver ted into a dwelling house, there is an excellent well and a nice lot of Fruit trees on the premises, As dwelling housesin Prince Albert rent at good rates the purchaser can get the property at such a figure that it will provea good paying in- vestment., Title Indisputable, For further particulars, apply to JNO, & D J ADAMS, Brokers, Port Perry. Port Perry Nov 21, 1877. CAUTION. LL parties are hereby cautioned against LA negotiating a Note made by John 1d Tatimate. to all Ey join vis Wii Classes in. the -- colt, behind the School Bulluings hh Perry, "that sa'd Classes will Wednesday 28th inst., at 7:30 p.m. harge is only $2 for the entire course Parties intending to join will find it great- to their advantage to enter on the open- beth the classes at the commencement of ned in the same place as above on Satmre y, Dec. lstat 9.30 a.m. ~~ 7 YoliFony, Nov. 21st. 1971, WHEY, TORT PERRY & LINDSAY § TIME TABLE No. a 2 Taking eflect Wednesday, Nov 1d, 1857, TORONTO! TIME. Trains Going North. No.2 MAIL. No.4 EX. "ART. DEPART. Toronto, via G. T, R. 7h02a.m, Whith untiona: TR. 1a Ev nh [¥] Soe Ts rine Bigk £22 io = =m BES 4 . 3 MAIL. FEED 3 1Seagra 4 4 fPort Perry Prince Albert SREEZIaES s5 R. AL via G. i R. arr. Pix ki " *Flag stattons--Trains stop on signal only. {Tekgraph stations. APPLICATION T0 PATLIAMENT. PPLICATION will will be made to tho Parliament of Outario at its next Ses sion, for an Act, vesting in Daniel McCarthy Dafoe, Barrister-at-law, and Peter Anderson Scott, both of the city ot Toronto, a part or portion of Lake Scugog, being land and land covered with water, comprising about five thousand acres of land and land covered with water, in the Townships of Scugog, Reach and Cartwright, and situated between the Villages of Port Perry and Cwesarea, with powers to drain the said lands by any prac--- tical means, and to acquire any land adjacent that may be necessary tog effect the same, at a valuation. Dated at Toronto this 8th day of Novem- ber, 1877 D. M DAFOE. PETER A. SCOTT. URSUANT to a decree of the Court of Chancery made in the cause of CORSON AGAINST CORSON, The creditors of Alvin T. Corson, late of Reach, In the County of Ontario, who died in or about the month of Septe mbe. r, 1836, are, on or before the 1st day of December, 1577, to send by post (pre-paid) to P. A. Hurd EXQ. of the Village of Port Perry, the Solicitor of Lydia E, Corson, the widow "of the deceased, their christian and surnames, addresses and description, the full particulars of their claims, a statememt of their accounts and the nature of the securities (it any) held by them, or in default thereof they will be peremptorily ex- ym the benefit of the said decree.-- or holding any security is to pro- me before me at my Chambers wn of Whitby, in the County of 1 « at th Ontario on the 3rd day of T ten o'clock in the forenoon, hei appointed 10 adjudieation on the or a Dated this 10th day of November, 1877. GEO. H. DARTNELL, . Master. NOTICE S HEREBY that all parties ine debled to the 1te of tie late James McConnell, of Prince Albert, deceased, are requested to call and settle the same with the undersigned without further notice. All claims not paid or arranged on or before the first day of Deeem ber next will be put in suit for collection. GIV P HURD, Attorney for the Estate ole Perry, Nov 15, 1577. i | \ ' FRENTE 61 RECEIVED DAILY A L. M*LEAN'S Nexu door to Mr. J. V. Thompson's Hotel PORT PERRY. pe 1 will keep a supply on hand, fresh trom the Packing House, daring the season L. McLEAN. Sept 25, 1877. BOOTS & SHOES Ee elon 40 "juveniles will be N./G./BRIGGS. | | Pi | Johnston, of the township of Cartwright, for | the sum of $45, in favor of T. ceived value for the same, dated November 16, 1877, S. Booth, as I have not re- JOHN JOHNSTON. Cartwright, Nov. 19, 1877. A GOOD FARM FO. SALE OR TO ReNT, HE undersigned offers for sale or to Rent T that conveniently located farm, beng North nalf of Jot 14, in the 7th concession of UXBRIDGE, containing 90 Acres, about 80 of which are cleaied, There are erected on the premises a com- fortable Dwelling House, a good Frame Barn with a suitable stable Ninh Re There are other convenient out buildings.-- There is a small orchard on the premises. 2 gro | The farm is pleasaptly situated in a The several municipalities through which | healthy, pleasant location pA within easy distance of the best grain markets in the Province. Tuims easy. For particulars, apply to thy proprietor at Utica; or if by letter post-pai pointed by the nd j J. DAFOE, oie 8h | gow, Nov. 19,1810, wait on the Directors of the road with a view > « ' 3 re ¥ of forwarding the desived object. The del- egation consited of the Reeves of twenty-five separate municipalites the Mayors of Oranges The meoting was hdd in the Company's office on Diuriday 8th | iost. Resolutions approving of the sub- palities to the extent of £600,000 were pass- ed. and a deputation was appointed to wait gauge lige. The meeting was very entbus- 'iastic, and arrangements were made for holding a series of public meetings in sup port of the scheme in the various municipal. ties interested, County of Ontario, [rn HEREBY given io, hat the Court of General Sessions of the Peace and County mission of by laws by the various miuici- | Court, in and for the County of Dataip, will TO WIT: Le held in the Court House, in TOWN OF W ----ON---- Tuesday, bles, and others MITBY,| 1 December. 11th, 1877, tere At the hour of Twelve o'clock, noon, of which all Justices of the Peace, Coroners, will take Cones 'and § govern themselves accordil ngly. ELSON G. REFNOLDR Sherifl's oftice, "Whitby, Nov. 1th, 1877, Sheriff Co. Ou FOR THE FALL TRADE. Seventy-five Cases of Boots and Shoes now opened at J h dF LIS Shoe Store. Withou doubt the Lourgest ! and Best Assorted Stock of BOOTS and SHOES in NORTH ONTARIO. And these goods will be sold at close Cash, Prices, Note these prices : Men's Long Boots for $1.75 per. pair. Bars Long Kip hick gd Women's Leather Balmorals for Men's Leather Gaiters for $1. pi The Cheapest Bootwin the County: pairs Men's Home-made Ki t ed to give sat on. ng ph gten + vb 10) to) 3q Port Perry, Oct 16, 1817 Ty Refing fy ! et ob i yissiguet would bis mn Ton heir ir genious pal 80 man oy' years pa now store db in 0 AE pg od TTT Bi i ing hea'th | am competed ve up ties of wy profession fora i if Parties indebted to me by note or aceol require to settle the same on or before 1 inst. otherwise Aliese debts will be, iid a. ? other hands Tor dolce on CLINTON a 0 Me "| Seinteld, 0st 3, 1811, ! © hoapest J. G. MORGAN. ibe "Port Penny! Boot and 8hoé Shoe Store, yea ox 8 SPR J Aa | Lagad withe iH SA TE 2