YF Pa \ . » \ > VOL. XX; -------- J Sennen S---- No. 15% CC "GENERAL ADVERTISER tn, | PORT PERRY, PROVINCE OF ONTARI Er ------ mim Porth Ontaric Olseroer. WEEKLY, POLITICAL, 'AGRICUL a POR iy NEWSPAPER, [ESE a8 PUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY, ONT., BYVERY THURSDAY MORNING, 5 BY «BAIRD & PARSONS. Gla RK "TERMS. --$1 per annum, if paid in ad- vance ; if not $1.50 will be charged. No subscription taken for less than six months; and no paper discontinued until all arrears are paid, . 4 ALPES OF ADVERTISING. For eacly ling, first insertion ...... ..$0 08 Subsequent insertions, por line . 002 "Oneds, mer 6°1ines, por annum | Lottars, containing money, Aress d to this Ofce, pre paid and regestr- "will boat ont risk: i a i m asured bv Nonpareil, and charged according to the space they oe- ied : ; EO rinamnents received fort publication. withont specific instructions, will be insert d antil forbid and charged accordingly. No advertissmont will be taken out undilpmid for. A lib ral di t allowed to nd others who advertise by the year or 'half-year, Job Department. Pamp lets, Hanl Bild, Posters, grammes, Bill Howls, Blank Forms, R Books, Checks, Books, Cirenlars, Bas Cards, Ball Cards, &e., of every style and color, exvented promptly and at lower mites than any othr establishment in the ( onnty er Partios from a distafce gotting hand Bills, &o. printed ean have them dons to take fom + with them. ° J. BAIR. rO- II. PARSONS, AES i Bi C} 3 JONES, \L D, Corewdr. Phusichu. R. Surgeon, &e. ¥ Pert Perry. Rosi lanea--Diee door west of the Preshy garian Chareh WARE, D' Intario, Physician, oucheur, Caoronor for the Surgeon Pr nee Albert. Omesovor Nt tore, corner of een ant Pe Es Office hoor . bP oeeapin MD. MCPS, ta Pod Mal oan ity Ih splint, ENRY GRIST, Patent SoLiCiToR AND Dravenrmay, Ottawa, Canada ransucts business with the Patent Office and other departm nts of the Government Copyrights and the Registration of Trade Marks and Dosigns procured. Drawings, Specifications, and other Documents noces sary to secure Patents of Invention, prepared on receipt of the model of the Invention, MSP Ww Tn ubseribor in returning Ms siveere thanks for the very liberal patronage hes stowed on him in the past would Inform the pubiie generaily that having bought an pro- perty mul moved into the Village of | rine Albert, he will in future give his whole attention to his husiness as Contractor, » now ready to undertake Stone Work. - Loving, Pistering, and every thing connec therewith. which he will execute on the sh est notiee and in the best and most durahte style, and ay the very lowest figire at which a goal job ean Ne one. I ghe best material irst-class workmanship. : die War. BPENCE. Prince Alberi, April), 157 CE, Coxrractor, Buiipen, &c. HARRINGTON, Feacher of Music, Ld TR I RR eH il straments. Residence,on Union Avenue. 183 8. 8. HARRINGTON, Teacher of \ ns Appliditions hy Post or in person A Residence, on Unlon Avenue, Port Businrog Cavs. JOHN 8. M WILLCOZX, MF the Town of Whithy, has Len ap- OFFICIAL / we the county of Ont Any hutiness strasted to his charge will be carcfully at- tended to, W, BURKNITAM, Clerk of + sion Coart. Oftiee in Pori VA Ves hones fF T. C. FARMAR TOR of WEIGHTS § the County of Ontario. Act. re. 5 dniy) contin orrsex is her tofor sat Fort Pry AMER DN & A oy ad id »" Coane, untaric ML CL CAMERON, IL 1. MASI ) A. HURD, { . in Chaneir Port Perey. foaw. and Soll Attorney AN ) the Royal \reade, W. Mauriza Caochrane, TTORNIE 4 licitor in Chan- A cory Notary Pablic, &e., &c Yfice hours punctaptly from 9ain to 5 pum De I a vans at 8 per cent, on all of 200d seonri kind Phe uml 1 would inform th publi | Ahnt ho. now practices his profession of Pptal Suegcon at his resideace, Prince red to attend to all yor patios will b attended at pheir donees if they prefer it My long and thoro knowledge of every department of the prof ssion enable me to warcaft ratisfaction in i ' R. FOS' Prince Albert, Aug. 36, 1876. Albart, where he is pr who eeqiing his 1 0. N. VARS, L. D. 8. ERTH inserted on all the latest princi- ples of the art, and as cheap as the cheap- sat, and as good as the best. Teeth filleg with Gobi: and Sil Teeth extravtid without pain by producing local anmsth- asin, Dontical Rooms--in Cowan's new block, oger Atkinson's Drug Store, King Sreeet, Oshawa. HAS. HORN, V =. EMBER of the Veterinary Tnstitnte, "Oi ago, TL Gold Me alist for the best examination on Horse Practice. Author of a First Priz: Esiy on shoving. Gradu- ated Sept. 16, 1867. "Dr Thora begs to annoance that he has tak nap his resid nee at Port Perex, nud is now prepara to treat all cases entrasted to his care in the most skillful ani scientific mann-r. All ord es Left at the Medical Hall of Mr Allison, will receive promt attention, Ih Veterinary Stables may b+ fonnd «on Lilly street, opne it: Cossitt's Eactory. Port Purry, Oct. 28, 1873 @cchitects, Kc. ~ W CUDLIPP, Arommser, &o. Having had considerable practical ex. 4 posience in France, the United States ani Canada, and holding Certifientes from Hee Majesty's P ivy Council in Building Construction, Iam prepared to furnish : IGNS, PLANS, DETAILS, LSTI DESIGNS, Litres, fo. For Ruiidings, ut a low figure, CLAM anders addressed to me, Port Porry | Post Office, will receive immediate ate «NBs Lam prepared to erect Bullditigy of any digé or kind. Jeo their interests. FOWNSUS sar of Marrivg: Licensos Commissioher & sR ER LORS PEPLRP TR {3 sRYsnee f cmp iny. mpany ix now fully org land is ed to accept risks on Farm Buildings and their contents, conntry School Houses amd Cleneehes Those wishing to ic iure and thereby su, pot a Hon have no hy npply Lor to any of the loeal Agents of the Company. 0 will he fonud as low as those of Wi <ible Mintan! Tnsnmnee Comer nada, ad OfMce--Opposite the Royal Hotel Jrock St, Whithy AIRBANKS, Jr. S erotary, HITRY : { * a MARBLD WORKS WOLPENDEN, ALE and Retail dealers in noand Amer Building Stone cut to ords Also geting JOHN NOTT, Agent, Pott Parry. Whithy, Jaty 20, 1871, | F pointed | THE WALKER EOUSE PORT PERRY . E Subscriber having leased the above ] botel, it will be his endoavor to conduct it in every particular so 2s to merit the {pretation and patronage of the public, | THE WALKER HOUSE whether for extent or quality of accommo- dations is cqualled by faw Hotels in the I and surpassed by none out of the N Ss best cit Commercial Travdlers, the Traveiing Public, Famers and othors doing business Jin the Village and the gencad public will i find in THE WALKER HOUSE all that can be required in the matter of accommodation and moderation in charges The Charges are No Higher at the | Walker House than at any ! other Hotel in Town. The House is fitted up throughout in | | FIAST CLASS STYLE, The Tables and Bar supphed with the chivice of the market and the utmost niten-- tion paid to the convenience and comfort of ALL GUEST An abundance 'of comfortable Stable and Shi dfiecommodation, and att ntive hostiérs, : W. B. McGAW, § Port Pos, April 20,1878, PERRY, aN. -. PROPRIETOR ove Honse is now aly furnish, and Guests ar. the Hom = Style also, Add the la country. HOM most comfort. arcd fur in GL quors rst class Stabl i have ben nd good" Ostlers-- | de which make: this | Fare $1.00 per Lay. pron HCUSE, PORT PERRY, rein this'section of | | safe company, Honesty is novan insurance pol- icy. " The young man's first razor--His father's boot. March came in like ayes. Will it go ont like Tilden ? Don't get 'short' if you want to get along. . The blue glass cure may be regard ed nzure curve, A man with a night key may be said to be a stylish fellow, for he is generulky the "latest thing out." "Time works wonders," as the woman said when slic got marriel alter a thirteen years's courtship. "What did you get?" she 8! as he returned from a two day hunt. "Got buck," was, the cool reply. d, deer Lester Wallack is playing « All for Her." That may do tor New York, but the law allows ber only one-third out hero. "Shovel off your roof I'" sil a policeman to a citizen J esterday. -- "I shan't do it. I shall keop my root on and shovel off the snow." Ah, parson, © wish I eould carry my gold with me," said a dying min Wo hix pastor, "It might melt," id the consoling raply. | A man in a big heavy muller with a: uid neck, had the tips of his cars frozen yesterday morning while looking at his horse lieing Clipped, ulster, 'onnd A Londondy, seeing an pdvertire- ment headed "American Steam Sufe that he was lad American® had made steam Company." remarked Women are so handy in crae of ad i mort. able nnd co © neither Thor nor ex; mo fort wid Coton abies | wild always b est to Tie | had an they i Cre Eat the IB Side and 8 armodation prope att nd dito wo Pogo 'CHAS I TARO HOTEL WHITBY, { Pro RIETOR. | dic well card for, nud feel ut ints ' all Guestg | | | Whithy, Nov 9il, 1876. SNS HOTEL , | Corner of Cameron and Laidlaw Sts, | CANNINGTON, Ost. D CAMPBELL, This Hotel is riow furnished style, and offers every traveicrs | . . . Prornierar in the best accounmodation to B&D First class Sample Rooms, Livery ! attached, | Cannington, Oc A ¥oLo-AY i PRINCE ALRERT W. H. PARK, - . ig PROPRIETOR ! Havi g porchas d the Jab sittatod Hotel, 1 hav 3 . and renovated the 0 tigh premises oven to the Sheds The Howl his be no fornished in First-Class Style gia Stocked with the best Liguors and Cizars ! Strict attention jaid to the comfort of nests, The table and bar well snppli. d, W H. PARK. | Prince Albert, June 12, 1875. @uctiene vs. | \7 M.WILLCOX, . i} LICENSED AUCTIONEER, FOR THE CO OF ONTARI AND TOWNSHIPS OF MAR! POSA & CARTWRIGHT, Bes to thank his many trends cad th public generally, for the liboral natren-, age bestowed upon himforthe past five years. Miving now given np the bnsiness af Bailiff. I intend, in future, to devote my whole time to the business of Auctivheer, | Coll. cting, ec. 1 It will b: my endeavor, by prempt and car ful attention te business, to give full sat'sfaction to all who may favor me with their tal: « or Collecting, : Bi I. dr inghted and Blank Notes furnished free of charge. 3 Also Bill Stamps alwavs on hand, i Areang ments ean be made for sales &e., fit the Opsgeven Office, and at the Standard ce, Port Perry. Slee Port Pa wi! WILLCOX; 'ort Perry, Oct. 25, 1873 ~~ WM. GORDON, onsed Auctioneer, ¥aluator. &e. R the Township of Broek, Uxbridge, Scott, Thorah, Rama, Mara, Mariposa nd Eldon, : 4 a Parties 'entrusting their Sales to fhe may rely on the utmost attention being given WM GORDON Sunderland, Brock. T. H. WALSHE, - JGENSED Auctioneer for the Township E of Brock, Thorah, Mara & Ruma 'in North, Ontario; Mariposa, etc. in the County. "fa supply of su | _A BusTRORG HOUSE, | (LATE & LBION,) WHITBY, ONTARF, E ARMSTRONG, PROPRIETOR: The Ouly First Clnss House in Town. ENSON (10USE, late Jowett House, Kent Street, Lind ay. Bara, $1.50 per day. E. BENSON, Proprietor. HOTEL, CARTWRIGHT. Pioprieior, riber havine snecceded Mr Mason UIE and commo lous Hotel has ne 'e-iithy The Bar class of Liquors and rs, The choice of the market provided for the Lables. lxccllent stabling and atteutive Ustlers, BE. BRYANS Williamsburg, Dee. 6, 1:75, JEOTAL EXCIHA WILLIAM: BU TL. BRY ANS, The Sub; in ehis ple: spured nett! and renovating the en Spplied WIth i superio he best hrands of Cig: = PORT PERKY LIVEAY STABLES, C. M°' KENZIE, : . BL Subscriber having nay fully lipped his new and extensive Livery Stab none 2 with perior Horsesand Carriages, is prepared to furnish first clnse did of Vi . R Brock, oli office, or at hix residence' will bs punetnally attended to. Debts col-- lected in Cannington, 'or otherwise, and prompt , Fags Perry, Tbs, 1877. i 0. WALSHE, the North Ontario Auction. ; ox : 3 5. Every person traveling upon any highway in this municipality with Soy iL i ¥ & 0 Y Rr i C S > 5% Elune] aSlvigh, Sion, Curios Cutter drawn by hors» or mule, shall have at least ; oy Sin LeeilsmNe . 5 ER) £ 2.8 two bells attached to the same, (Seo By-law 625) h-; it ity of 1 Black Haresplondia 3 os Pn Moderato Terms, 5 £422 SE 8. Any person contravening or violating either of the preceding sec inode en the vec of very gentle, can Cr i C. MCKENZIE. 3 viaisil als Aions of this By-law shinll be linble to a fine of not more than Ten 0.8 iy aii ns J (1 set of Single, Harness with. Yar Port Perry, Avg, 6, 1878 CE a 3 Dollars and costs fof every such offence, to he recovered in the some winner B i Eight per cent. No Com 'and collar a aime, & Bs, eo i 8) aaron |g as other fines are recoverable before Justices of the Ponce, and paid over ag fae of interest Eight per cer x 7 dng from 6 10 7 quarts pet d A i gl! i MAJOR, Eo THE TH SRR in wauher provided in Sc 17 of By.law No. 540, (See By-law €25) ° +f isslop, &| Easy forms of pavmedt. 3, J ICENSED AUCTIONEER. AN pact | B [ig te | "Passed Februacy 16, 1877, «3 < Jeanted do pwelase good Wotigages "| Box further. particahira apply SEN. LF wishing hx services' can call ut the 0. B, DARNELL, JOHN CHRISTIE, ABLE W,EWERS, a Promissory Nous. fn, | ofthe Plow, Port fh "Observer" Office, Port Perry, and arrange for fii ad nenip Clerk, a8) vv Reeve, Money always on band for any good Laan, | ¢ ™ dagn of Sates, | Wise Junior Judge. i W. MAURICE COCHRANE. Glen Major, Oct. 10, 1875. Whitby, Dec 27,1876. © : March 1, 1887, x Port Perry % ° : mem a - TE - v G ! wv > : ph Lqrestion, throw ont salvable hints and sng- | wostions to farmers--something after | this fashion ; ' : i ire. Que in Dartford, recently, | threw ow plate of raw liver out of tio! win sto save il, and then ran tor | leaving all her clothes aud | i behind, ] Sta + ta show that man my i profession, vicht fon ten yenrs, awl en it will be that, Lea muking a thictof fe wil hav earned any guiet=working i | Adittle fone year old boy who had een tanchit his ietters al home, and his tapaiance, on going to | onl wasseal ed up by the teacher, | whoa hed : yourend, my boy?' | The litte fel ow stood amazed fora rtinence of the excinimed r= voment at the impe and Lion "Haint you got chek I Fdwa veiting rid of tramps is ingenious, Ie proposes that some fine morning the officers of every city und town' in Massachusetts shall swoop down d Everett ales patent for and rapture every vagrant that can be found. But the ingenious and philanthropic genileman doesn't tell whut is 10 ba done with the 2,000 tramps when they urs scooped up. About milwinter city editors "Now is the time to peabrash and perform indoor Whitewash Now look after your next seasons bean poles, and trim off all superfluous sprouts, Oil your garden rakes betore spring 80 sin. Bury your grindstone in te velar to prevent its freezing," &e. Farmers can save mors than fifty dollars by not following this advivo, print youn other work. your snow shovels now, A boy came down Spruce street | on a rush a few nights since, and, in an excited manner xaid there were a lot of lights in the jewish burial ground, Half a dozer keientific men four loafers and a dog started off to see them. Tre graveywrd wan as dark as such plates nsnally are.-- "Whera ave the lights 2" asked a big! man of the boy. 'The youngster backed off to un safe distance and yelled out: "Under the ground, they are Ismnelites 1" He ran for his life | EB Tuer 4 4 I 1ST OF DIVISION COURTS hs FOR THE County of Ontario, For the year i877. Lid putting Lim oon the road to -- ---- BY-LAW NO. 540. A By-Law for preventing Cruelty to Animals, and for other purposes therein mentioned, in pursuance ot Sub-Seetions 10, 11, 117, 31, 23, 32, 33, 37, 38 Aud 39, of Section 379, of the Act intituled, "An Act respecting Municipal Institutions in the Province of Ontario." The Municipal Council of the Tt ownship of Reach enacts as follows : 1. That, after the passing of this By-law, if any person shall wantonly, crielly. or unnecessarily by at, bind, ill-treat, abese, or torture any Horse, Ma Gelding, Ball, Ux, Cow, Hei r, Steer, Calf, Mule, Ass, Sheep, Lamb, Piz or other Cattle, or any Dog, or other Domestic Animal, or Bird, or i any po ttle, or other Animal, by negligence ox ill usage in the driving thereof, be the menns whereby any mischief, . age or injury is done to any snch cattle or other Animal ; every such fender being convicted of any or cither of the said offences before any Justice of the Peace in the County of Ontario, shall for every such effence . forfeit and pay (over and above the amount of the damage or injury, ifany Le done thereby, which damage shall and may be ascertained and dvters mined by such Justice) such sur of money uot exceeding Ten Dollars, nor less than One Dollar, with Costs, as to sukch wah seems meet, 2. That the off 'nder shall, in default of payment, be committed to the comin not e: n gaol for the County of Ontario, there to » ceding fourteen davs, 3 That from and after the passing of this by-law if shall not be lawful for the owner of ariy Dox or Bitch to allow or permit such Dog or Bitch to Tan at barge in this township, nor to ran follow and bark after Any person, horse or horses, whether the. sai 1 horse or horses be ridden or driven along any of the strects or highways within this Pownship, under a peanlty of Two Dollars and costs for the first offence, und Six Doltars ani «0 $: tor snr subsequent offence, to be recovered as hereinbefore set forth mn this by-law, > mprisoned for a term 4. hat the offender shall in default of payment of snch penalty and coats be chmmittea to the common gaol of the County of Ontario, there to be imprisoned for any time not exceeding fourteen days, 5. It shall not be lawful foreny person to set fire to or burn any stumps, wood, logs, trees, brash, straw shavings, or refute ot any kind in the open air, patil he shall have given all persons adjeing his premises, at least One Day's notice of his HSE: Mi to set ont such five, nor if the wind ix high or blowing stiffly or shifting arom d into different quarters, nor shall it he awful to set fire ont for any of 1) purposes atoresaid if the weather is tempestnons or windy not until every person Las been daly notified in wiiting ax nfor nor shall it be lawful to set ont any such; fires between the fifteenth day of July and the first duy of September in nny year, 6. And every person setting out sneh fire shall nse « very precaution to prevent such fire from sproading--and must use due diligence in aiding to Rupp stish ity should it spread or have a tendency to spread, and fir YE EVERY person, setting fires out for any of the purposes nforesaid, must and shall supply and furnish ims 18 with proper and suit. Able pails oF buckets for the carryive of water 3 nnd teams, wagons and bureels for the diawing of water if 1 pired gndiiny pathmaster or con= ne for thit purposs, and any person neglecting to furnish his team, wagon and barrels (if he has required, shall be liable to w penalty of Five Dollars for the ce and Dollars for cach subsequent offence, to be recovered 8 before any Justice of the Peace for the County of Ontario, 7. That it shall not be lawful for any prrson or persons to destroy any trees or shrubs planted or preserved for shade or ornament, nor to detace 8ny private or other property by printed or other notices, ander a penalty of not less than Four Dollars and costs for every such offence, to be recov ered us hereinbefore provided in this By-law, 8 and mand and rofnive the refusing or with cost ll uot be lawtal for any person or persons to puil down, troy, any sign- board, or printed, or written notices, lawfully affixed, within this monicipality under a penalty of not less than Five Dotlnrs and costs, nud not morc than Ten Dollies tnd costs for every sub- 8 quontofienee, d ax hereinbeforg provided in this By-law, 1 for any p r¥on'or" persons to post up any Wes, nor to write any indecent words + or drawings on any walls or finces in 3 © places within this muncipality, under a pennls Piss than Five Dollacs and costs for the first offence and not more 'nh Dollars and cots for every sabeegnon offence, to be recovered inh. fore provided for other penalties underghis By-law, 9 Tint it shall dnd cont plac or using profane, obscens, blare ¢, er other immorality and indecency place within this wanicipality, shall be ible toa penalty of Five Dollars anil costs for the fist off mee, and not more than Eizht Dollars for ench subsequent offence, to be recovered Let re any Justice of the Peace in the County of Ontario, 11. That the od snd shuld he comnltted to exceeding twenty days 12 That it shodl not be lawful for any person of persons to engage in any horse race in any street, Lighway or rond allowance xithin this Towns ship, apd that horse recs of any kine y Whether for mone hereby prohibited npon any highway within this municipality, 1%, OF grossly in any street, highway definlt of payment of such penalty and zosts v common gual of the County for any term not 13 That any and every person who contravenes, or violntes vither of the Lauies of the next pre ins section of t By-law, xliall be liable to a Fuealty of not loss than Fre Doll the first offence and nat more than Ven Dellees aod costs for every subsequent offence, to be recov. ered in the swine manner as provided for other penultics under this By- Inw, 14. That every vagy c ut and mendicant and every person found drank or disorderly in street, highway orpublic place within this municipality shill be sub; to a fine of not more than Eight Dollars and costs for very ofteuce, and in d fault of payment of such fine and costs, on conviction thercot before any Justice of the Peace in the Connty of Ontario, snch of. fender shall be committed to the common gaol of the County for a tern not exceeding twenty days, unless the fine and costs, and the costs of cone veying him to the gaol are sooner paid, 15. That every person who shell publi person or shall make other indecent exhi alties impos:d by thy make iedecent exposnre of his ons shall be linble to the pen- ding section of this By-law, 19. That the works "vagrant or "mendicant" mentioned in Section 14 of 4hix By-law, shall mean persons who wander about without any visible menns of support, or are | ing from door to door, er are fonnd soliciting charity from the publi, or are found loitering about the streets, highways or public places, or wandering ron the lands and remiss of others, or who can give nc tof particular place of abode, aad anyone coming within the b: deemed a Cvagmnt,! ora altics imposed on such. part, or trespassi e there, ng of the above numed claus 5 shall sm nlicin® and shall be subj-ct to the pens + by the Fourteenth section of this By-law. * 17. That one halt of every fine collected nnd. r this ly-law shall be paid to the informer and the other half to the Tronsupe and shail be appiicd to the general purposes thereot: Passed Fobra, 16, i877, JOHN CHRISTIE, Township Clerk. rof this corporation (See By-law 225) ABEL W. EWERS, (L. 8] Reeve, BY-LAW NO. 54l A By-Law for Regplating the Driving nnd Riding of Horses and other Cattle, &e. i Wagngas, it ix nucessary and expedient to pes A By-law in compliance with the rognirements of Sub Soction 6. of Section 372, of the Act respecte ing Municipal Institutions in the Provine: of Ontario -- The Municipal Conncil of the Corporation minder and by virtue of the Act respecting as (ollows; f the Township of Reach, Municipal Institutions, cnacts 1. Any person driving or riding anv hors» ap horas, or other animals or cattle, alonz any road, street highway, or bride: within this Tosnshi must and shail, on meeting an; othe person di w riding, us afor. nid, give one-half of the towveled aud beaten track of such road, sticet, kighway or Lridge, by tmning out to his right band and eliowing such other person to pass by him, ' 2. Ta ease any person driving or ridine any horse orhorses or cattle as afor-said, along any hizhwi y in tis Township te overtaken hy any other person, riding or driving at a gr ater speed, the person so overtaken shall quictly turn out to the right, sud allow the person so riding or driving to pass, . 8. 1n ease of one person driving a vehicle being met or overtaken Ly another, it by reason ot the extreme weight of the lond en cither of the vehicles so meting or on the one so avertuken, the driver find it impracti- "cable to turn: nt as'a'or said, he shall immediately stop, and. if nee. ssa. for the safuty of (he other vehicle and if required so to do, he shall as:ist the other person in charge thereof to pass without damage, . 4 Itshell not be lawful for any person to race or ran horses whether riding or diiving them on any rond,' stredt, highway or bridge within this Township, nor shall it be lawful to drive faster thin a walk on or upoa any bridge in this township more than thirty feet long. Or mere sport is WHOLE NO, 1007 BY-LAW NO. 670. ' To define the Duties of certain Officers of. this Townsbip, and for other purposes therein mentioned. a The Corporation of the Township of Reach enacts as follows : = That from the passing of this by-law it shall be the duty of the Town. ship Clerk to notify all offi:ers inted by this Corpor requiring them to appear before him within twenty days from receiving such notice, and take the necessary onths or declarations ux required by 36 Vic, cap' 48, Bee's 211 & 212, previous to catering upon the duties of said office, and who refuses or neglects to accept such office--anless good cause be shown therefor--or to take the declaration of office within the time above set forth shall forfeit and pay a sum of not less than one ner more than twenty dollars, or afterwards neglects the duties thereof ; and for the Liroach of any of the by luws of thw corporation thereof, said flue and costs may be ro ov. ered hy distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the offunter; and in 4 fawit of sufficient distress he or they may be committed to the common gol of this Casaty for any period not exceeding twenty-one days, See see. 372, kab-sec. 11, of the above Act referred to. And upon detrult of any of te above nam-d parties of carrying into effect any of the conditions herein set forth, the Clerk shall lodge « complaint on behalf of the corpor. ation to any Justice of tne Pence having jurisdiction in this county, and the Clerk shall, at the time of 8 reing said notice, deliver one copy of this By: Inw to such officer so appointed unl shall fil: said oaths ana declar at ons in his office for faturs reference, See secs. 216 and 220 of said Act, Passed 16th Feb, 1877. JOHN CHRISTIE, Towuship Clerk, . EWERS, ABEL W. EWERS; 5) BY-LAW NO. 622. Be 21 Exactp by the corporation of the Township of Reach (36 ric., ch, 48, see. 220), tint it shall be the Gaiy of the Clerk of this corporation upon receiving notices or appeals to the Court of Revision or to the County Judge against sand Conrt or the Connty Judge against the Assessment Holl concerning the Voters' List; in the event of the Clerk not In ingable to serve the said notic.s with respect to any comp wint ny in 32 vic , ch 36, gee Go sub 8 and 9, he shall employ parties £0 kerr suid noti cay, ut a reasonable amonnt § Inbor, to be pu by poration nnd uot otherwise, 13. And tl Passed 1611 JOHN CHR! E, { "Towuship Clerk. 5 BY-LAW NO. 579. ; As Amended by By-Laws Nos. 610, C23, and 625. To define the Boundariés of the several Electoral Divisions in this Town- ship. : © The Corporation of the Township of Re-el: enacts as follows ; That for Manicipul and Parlinmentary tions this Township shall be and the same is hereby divid od into Six Elector) Divisions, { ivisicn No. 1 shall consist of lots Nos, 1 to 9 inclusive, com. irst Concession aod extending north €0f the centre of the =the ciection shall be held at Uti a, on No. 2 shall convist of lots Nos. 1 to 9 inclnsive, commene. tre of the 6th Con ion thenee north including the Seventh i cinding lots Nos, 1 10 7, north to the Election shall be hela at Epsom. me ncing at tl Sixth Cone and Eighth C town line of Brock--the That Division No & shall consist of lots No. 8 to 18unclusive in the 9th. 10th, 11th, und 12th concessions, and lots 8 to 18 inclusive in the 13th und 14th conces jons--the eluetion shall be held at Greenbank. That Division No 1 shall consist of lots Nos. 17 to 24 inclusive in the 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th concessions, and lots Nos 17 to 24 #ficlusive in the 15th and Lith Concessionesthe election shutl be held ut the villuge of Sonya, = i That Electoral Division No. 5 shall consist of lots Nos. 16 to ths East- ern boundary of the Township inclusive, commencing at the front of the First concession, thance north including the Fifth concession--the lace tion to be held at the village of Prince Albert: That Electoral Division No. 6 shall consist of lots No& 10 to 15 Inclusive in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th. «nd 5th Concessions, lots Nos 10 to the enstora boundury of the Township in the 6th and 7th concessions, and lats Nos. 10 to 16 inclusive in the 8th concessions--the election shall bebeld in the village of Manchester, That all By-laws or parts of By-laws at variance with this by law shall be and are hereby repented. See 32 vie, cap 21, see 25, amended Ly 33 i v1, and see 36 vic, cap. 48, sde. 379, sub sec, 1. , 1877. CHRISTIE, ABEL W. EWERS, Township Clerk, Ree (L.S1 ve, BY-LAW XO. 530. To eettle the Me Duties of Fen ht and Description of Lawful Fences, and Define the Viewers and to repeal By-law 190, pass. d by this Core poration the day of March, 18:9 1. Be it therefore enacted by the Corpomtion of the Township of Rench, and it is herehy cpacted by the authority of the same that By.law No. 190 is her by repealed 2. And, that fram and after the passing of this by law, all mil fonces within this corporntion, shall be nt Toast four fect and on -lindf high includ, ng the riders, and wll worm or crooked rail fences shall be staked and ridered or caryer locked, und the rails two feet from the ground shail not avernze morethan four inches apart, 2 And gil howd fences to be lawful shall not be less than four fect and ous-lialt high nnd there shall be no space between the boards more than Aonr inches wide, nt, least within two feet frow the ground, and none were thyn ten inches in the entire fence . 4. See 38 vie, ch. 26, which provides for Water Courses, Ditches, Xe, and 37 vic, ch 25, which providestor Line Fonces. 6 And it shall be the duty of the Fence Viewers application to them or either of them from tion to view apd deternpine if required by the applicant, the law fines of the fence or otherwise, as set focth uy this by-lav, and af requir d by either purty they shall hear ovidence on oath or affirmation as in' conrts of law, and uny one of them my administer the said oath, and they shall award damages if any ? 6 And the Fence Viewers are entitled to receive two Dollar each for every day's work, or ut that rats in proportion ts the time occupied by them concerning Line Fences snd Pounds ; and witnesses are entitled to the ~ sme cong ton ax if they were Subpaenind in any Division Court, i i case of di florence g in rospect t muting or maintaining any + - line fenee, the Fonce Viewers and others ¢ rovd xhall he governed ny set forth dn 37 vie | ch, 25, and ino ¢ Jones arising with vegned to imponnding animals, the Face Viewers shall pn tit case govern them. Selves wy xt furth in by-law No 515, passd by this corpomt on the 20th . day of May, 1872, And in r wd to differences arisingayith regard to drains nnd wat r coneses, the parties Soneaned shall gover themselves as set forth in 8 ction four of this by law. 8. Any Fence Viower neglecting or refising to perform his duty ns ro, quired by this by-law without making a rosonable cxense for o doing. shall forteit and pay the sum of two dollars header costs, to be recover by summary procecdings betare any Justice of the Peace, upon a complaint of the party agericred, and in d fiait of payment the sam f may be recovest ered by distr 8s and sale of th: o 1's goods end chit 1x, and one mo, | ety hexidogoosts shall be paid to the comphunant sud the ncher moiety to the Prepsurer and acconuted for by him as other moneys coming into his heads ; and in default of distress the party many be igorisoncd 24 days'; 2 And that the clerk of this cor wmtion shall furnish one copy of this Ly-mw to each fence viewer hereafter nppainted, and one eopy rar vic., ch. 25, aboge ret red to concerning line fences, and one copy of by-law ° No 515; and also one copy of this Ly law 10 ench of the Poundkeepers berouftor appointed by- this torporation, together with one copy of byw 615, passed by this corpuration the oth day of May, 1872, aud that sii Ly laws iu contizdiotion to this bya'aw arc hereby repealed. Passed 16h Feb, 1877, \ ; : JOHN CHRISTIE, i Township Clerk, .s1 so appointed upon ny ratepayer in this Corpora- E = 0 of ABEL W. E gong re Lending Vor