Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 1 Mar 1877, p. 3

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CAMPBELLS CORRIGAN & Have just opened an immence Stock of Gents' Hats and 'Caps, In Silk, Fur and Felt, of the latest ss in English and rican manufacture, showing over fifty different Ame Linds to select from, including the following ' Colors, viz:--Black, Brown, Grey, Stone, Pearl, Bronze and Dark Blue, which for Quantity, Quality and cheapness cannot be surpassed. is . : 4 Stock well assorted in the other Departments. T 07 Trryus--Cash or Produce. 1s large, CORRIGAN & CAMPBELL, & -- EE ! iB Port Perry, March, 1877. Dusirous of exchangidfool for Twee J - ja 2 RES Y \ I N T E R G O oO D S Not having the Cash on hafifishing to avi I purchases of twenty-five d and over, COM ATR1 Port Perry, Feb 15, 1 Tie undersigned hold Re number of | 'Litle Papers, left Lyfllate Willinm | Towson, Lisq., very mate tng the title of lands situated in HED ock, Ux- bridge, Scott, Whitby, M@, and other townships. Parties whollinay concern will please call at puce ag@ithe sauce, ! R. HAM, AT CO ST Money tdoan. TD} *S Mortgages Boughlipd Sole - 2 EARCE'S Mulgages Boughlipd Sold £38 filo tng Potab ishment, NOTES DE~ENTED I 300 ACRESH SALE In Mariposa--about 2 cleaved and | jn a high state of i, Lenutifally situated, could be dividy ree furs if »- i / | ht | i desired. | | & A Tavern for sale at ¢ CEES | i \ b 3 sip ahiHouses for sale ferry. ¢ iE "All will be sold on rds terms, ' 4a 9 0 For further partic ly to | . R. HAM, { Dart Pary, eb 12, SPECIALTIES p ns 35 Tuesday. ih jomen here be tween the nto and Ux- 0 Village, ih ng train, or in . . ° the Village of Uxbrid oe KET hous, ' y ) utaining about Fortf@Doliars in Bills At Prices to suit the Times | cui voghion iii: able papers. Any perf@#ing injormation to James Lund, Yix@or to 2 Lund, ', spectingme will be suit- { XTRA value in AH Wool Factory Fian- ; To Perry, =o pee ing nels. Splendid Patterns at 3), 40 aud ' 1 I. LUND. 43 conte. Port Perry, Feb 14, 18 UNDAS Groy Cottons, bought ata job, ta 0 fo | \ 1 ®t extremely low prices, e 0use dil or 3 ti NT rue Snderdgnad for Sale at a J ines In Gent's. Long Wool Shirts | reasonable pricefie Lots Numbers us fin at £5 ii 46,47 and 48, on Nofeet ia the Village : Yort Perry. The Lai well fenced and a commodious Hous@teon crected. . Terms of paymenffirther particulars i : d c iad nt 3 > QT Ecla Lines in Winceys, 30 inches <P Lig sy ERE }D wide, at 12 cta, . As port Perry, Feb § DISCOUNT at 10 cents on fhe Boling z Nl on WinterDress Goods, Shawl, Ladics 7: on mE . y # ur Sets, Gent's Caps, Blankets, &c. J illag C or date . LARGE Stock of Millinery Goods a te A made up in the Latest Styles, nein Pr 0 R RR R Y . ing a splendid selection of Crape Goods, of | low prices, HE undegi@ffers or sale Village Lot No. i a cornt lot, the fourth 2 lot west of tl Hous, Quetn Spock ¥ st and best RESS MAKING done on the premises Port Perry. Jone of ne bes d by experienced hands, in the latest Paris located loti Sorpotajon and will be and New York Styles. a sold at a mo . Tor furthefulars apjly to OBT, 3RYANS, Jr. : : Gent! ight P.O : TL f Tweeds for Gept'savear. tartwright P.O. A FELL topo) ee Cartwright, 41876. hy { UITS made to oider, on the premises, by ie an experienced Tailor, All work guar- anteud to fit, ROCERIES, Boots and Shoes, Crockery, Fish, &e., in abundance, ut bottom prices. A Call Solicited. J. H. BROWN, Currie's O14, Gita i * * ~ Pasty, Dec. 29) we, ~ JMPAOVE YOUR STOCK A First Class Boar posite fe Lagier.) ~:Uharge, $1. ¥ Reach, Nov, 28,1876, 'GEO. wi SON, x a Beach, Nov. 15, 1878, C1 DAR RAILS. Posts and Stakes. Pho Subscribers of.cv amy ir Sale, in quanti _ | to suit Juve: Pirst Cl an immense number ¢ lass Cedar They are atSaintficld and of casy access. Apply to R.HARTRY & BROS. Saintfield F.0. A T---- Grand Success! Po JONES BROTHRS THE PEOPLE TANKS. N wetirinf the Losiness of Btore- I keepingl8 to tender to my cus- tomers andiblic generally my thanks for the wears patronage 1 have enjoyed, arfthat the same confidence and patroey be continued to my successor, pn H. Brcwn, who will continue t)ess in the same premises. 1 shall p to purchase Grain, and | am prep PA CASH hy quantity of ARLLY, EAS. fied of its genuineness and are promptly availing themselves of its advantages, ARMERS 533 00S CHDAPAR THAN ER 4 To HE STOCK attractive and thoroughly assorted in every department, | :ds and Flanncls can secure the same at COST now, and turn in the Wool next June, PONSIBLE PARTIES ail themselves of the advantyges of tRig Sule, can do so by special arrangement on all wi : ; JY, and Secure Genuine Bargains at (Aone? BROS', _ pie AF ee Roberts & Price's, WILLIAMSBURG. I'he balance of Winter Goods will be Cleared off nt Cost to make room for Spring Goods. GENTLEMEN We worfld say, that we have cuzaged MR. ARCIT'D M:LEAN, Fashionable Tailor, and we are now enabled to furnish Fashionable Outfits ou the shortest notice perfect fit, snd in the latest style. One trial will convince zny ogy that he can do better with us in this line than elsewhere. Mr. McLean lately had charge of one of the largest fash- jonable tailoring establishments in New York. » HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR BUTTER, EGGS, §C. Williamsburg, Feb. 15,1817, ROB ERTS & PRICE TUGROTGHLY SEASONED N0.1,1&1N [IUBBS. SPOKES, RIMS And Shafts, all Sizes. +12 Cases Men's Felt and Silk Hats, latest styles and immensely v8 | On and after this date, the subscriber will allow the following ; _ ? TTT | ) | wi TRENENDOLS BARGAINS! | he would aflectionately thank those many . In Every Department, at FORMAN'S NO BLOWING ! ! WE MEAN IT! JUST RECEIVED 1000 yards Embroidered Edgings and Insertions offered at about half their value. Lace Curtains--a large lot bought at a sacrifice and sold accoydingly. Cheap. T. C. FORMAN. N. B.~--Winter Goods sold regardless-of Cost. Port Perry, Feb. 20, 1877. LARGE RECEIPTS -- OF ee & DISIRABLE G00 To hand this Week, suitable for the SEASON. | DISCOUNTS FOR CASH! $1 and up to $10 On all purchases over 5 per cen off. On all purchases over $10, ten per cent o ff | portant that a settlement of accounts should take place at as early a day as possible. it to be distinctly understood, that although desirous of giving ull reasonable accommor dation, I shall expect and require all accounts paid this fall and those standing unpaid since lasf year will be putin Court for Collection after 1Cth October next, Sept 20, 1876. Tailoring Establishment | | OVER MR. BROWN'S (LATE ME. CUR- would inform his customers and the gen rai public that he bas got thoroughly arrange 4 in Lis new premises over Mr. Brown's Stcre with iucreased accommodations for caring on every department of his business orders promptly filled The NewestFaslicas | regularly received. Part Perry, Feb 22, 117. ATTENTION ¢' pO WHY DID "GURNEY'S STOVES Take FIRST PRIZES at the Provincial Exhjlition ? Because they ure the Lest in Market, For a comparison with other makes, see the Specimens now on Exhibition it BROWN'S STOVE DEPOT roRT FERRY Lvery Stove Warranted. THOS. BROWN, Port Perry, Oct 12,1876." NOTICE. EAVETROUGI += UT up in good style on short notice as Cheap as the Cheapest. Al} kinds of tepairing promptly attended, E. C. STEPHENS. Prince Albert Es A 28, "R76 NOTICE. BEG to say to my fiicnds who have favored me with their custom that now having retired from the Business it is im- All accounts not otherwise arranged fot are due on the Ist October n xt, and interes. will be charged from that date, but 1 wish GEO. CURRIE. Cedar Rails and POSTS FOR SALLE. JJOR BALE, any quantity Cedar Rails and Posts, of first-class on lots 14, 15, and cast-half of 15, in the Oth con, Reach, Apply to . ¥. E. LAWRENCE, Greenbank IQ Greenbank, Dec. 14, 1876. RIES) STORE. PORT IPLREY. HANKF UL for many years of liberal and increasing patronage the subsciilor All The Latest Style | & WANTED. 5000 Dressed Hogs. 50,000 bus. Wheat, S. 1I, CHRISTIAN Manchester, Dec. 6, 1876. perior Workmanship, and perfect fits waz ranted, TAILORING TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT Port Ra; May 6, 1875. JAMES RIGGS. Port Perry, Oc Oct 5.13, ye IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS, AT SQUIRES OVER RIGELOW'S STORE. PORT PERRY. JAMES SQUIRE. Axles, Springs, Fifth Wheels, and Skeins, Dash Leather, Enamelled Duck and Drill. CARRIAGE CLOTHS. A lo¥ of Varnish in Gal Cans. IRON & STEEL. A FULL STOCK OF VERY |CHEAPE {in the Market, come and buy CORN, If you want the EST FEED !| TAILORING. F y AT HUGOE'S, PRINCE ALBELT, the latest styles and at moderate rates. A good fit guaranteed. Remember the place, opposite Cook's Hotel. Prince Albert, April 2, 1874. Kirby Rog ; MACHINE FOR R BALE FOR $100. FIRST CLASS RST class Tailoring in all its depart. ments, Work made up on the shortest notice in R. HUGOE. 18 Rare Chance for Kirby ion before it is all Sold. Rails, Posts and Stakes, | Cheap, eat on casy terms of payment. Pp ORK, BUR. [| i +] Port 1 Lan. 1876, 20,48 OATS, GEO. CURRIE, LLIEDING HARDIAR, 'Laing & Meharry, Sign of the Golden Anvil. CHEAP. Port Perry, Feb, 8, 1877, WORTHINGTON, Poul Perry, Feb. 1, 1877, East of the Walker House, nearly opposite {he Onfario Bank, Port Perry, hi 13! offers fi ton Bea ER » New | price at manufactory, is oe Tee Time will be given for usual rate of interest, Address, Su 1lerl J 1 ay

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