; ;- AIA 17 qT; wn = LY BHT JOT Want sobnimsiinat a ee "@ntarig ha, wa) dag A wmpx Jost bo FAM LY Newagre 18 TUBLISHND. i! if iil "pomT PERRY, vay THURSDAY, MORNING, Hed) zaih RATES OF ADVERTS h pa first insertion , vasss , 1% containing 0% - dressed: Shi Office, procpaldh v rs ed, willbe at our risk, " and charged according tofsyyios: they ac eupy. Advertisments received for publication, iif accordi ment will be taken out un! Fi Alibejal discount allowed to Merchants and o who advertise by the year of] 'half-y& BE These terms will, in all cases bo Atrictly adhered to. i --mn Job Department.» . Phamplets, Hand Bilis, Posters,' Pro grammes, Bill Heads, Blank 'orms, Receipt Books, Checks, Books, Circulars, Business Cards, Ball Cards, &c., of, every style and (color, executed promptly, and at lower rates £han afiy other establishment in, the County. B@™ Parties from a distance. getting hand bills, &e, printed can haye them done to take | = jome with them. J. BAIRD. #1. PARSONS, Prlotessional Ca as. Covent, Physician, | M. . Eaton, &e. i Port Perry, od Residtineo--Oftice daor West! of the Prosby fterian Church. DS Ww ARE, Coronor for: the Ontario, Physician, Burgeon and Ac- Louchel ry, 1 L5tnee Albert. : H. Zax GST od Ace Ray gi for thé County of Ontario PORT PEBRY. Physigian, Sur- QMce over Nott's Fi Hiniture Store, corner of | Queen apd Perry Str Office hours from § Ze sidence, fa. m. to 12 m. the dwelling recently occupied Mrs.tioo, Paxton. NB MOGILL & UA 1, Phiysclans, Surgeons, MeGULL & R AF, Physcians, Surgeons, D&E} ce, Office anc 4 Residences, King st., Oshawa, JVM. arti, wn. FRANCIS RAE, M,D, M. F. MoBR IRN Ons y's | Hosbita, London, i ho Se Jot R.} Oshawa, ARTIN, M. D. Simcoe St., Tyo doors .'\U, North of the entre Hot tel, Oshawa. E, ELT, LL. B., County Crown any ¥ YL, rio, Biirriste mARorIcY, Solifion and Nota . Omlee lagely oct AQppied b, Cochrane, Esq., roe street, YMAN L. ENGLISII LL.B, $olieltor in Chancery, Attorney, Conveyancer, &c. Oshawa. 0 @se-Fimiece street, opposite the Post Office. G. At- YOUNG SMITH, LL. B.,, Barrister, Fay W, torney-| Ticiton in Chancery, and Insglvenc, iry Publle, &¢. omes=McMiilan's Block, Brock street, Whitby. EEA RE CASI AMER N MACDUNNELI, Barristers ¢ 1 ti County, Sided dee Whitby. ' 3 J. rr x rl 1 P. u, HURD, Ni at AW My ha oN ays sew, Maurice Gochrane, TTORNEY- AT-LAW, Solicitor in Chan- cery, Nof ublic, '&e,, hy Dice hours a , from 28 m. tof P. iBbey Jinds Hos » g Royal ax reads, BY1 ¥ oo ity. Office, Bigelow! 8 Royal Arcade, PORT PERRY. wi ll he ost, 'eeth filled 'with @old_snd Te hi extracted 'yrithont pain by producing' local anwmsth- lod flee ¢ Flows, King iplodky, 'aver p's, Drug fore, Riree ° h Buin. CHAR THORN, VS. a he Ch iA y Me i: on Horse Practice. qf a Fivst Prize. Essay on' Shoeing. radu. | E tod 88 it. 18,1867: ! dial to. ani unce taken resi Ries uH & prepared to - treat iscutein, the ion 2 he has erry, Rely nd ia fom pes ful So oie rt A TRE ey homer THE A Stables fy be fopnd | on Sp. Cossitt's Factory. Hr gw etna ia ie oy, 2 Y a pre ren X vam Town of - Wh pointed 1 n . " n OFFICIAL: J ty of Ontario. Any business 12 A will be carefully at- gods EET I bor er' |W. M, WILLCOX, [i lie, i iE "Village and Lies general public will and Eldon, County of { Marr wage Ficenses An, New Marriage Act. '® cal Hall | tattesion. ; PATENT HSH, Ae of thé Government. Cop) ghis ad, the, Registration ot) Trade "nd Designs rocured. wings, | St 8 cations, and' ther acugonts neces- | . post Seen pa auctions, vt ¢ ublic generally, | for the liberal patron. [age bostowed upon him for the past five a. aving Ee up the business Bailiff] ng intepd, 'in future, to devotd my ie to the business of Avitioner,| Collecting, &c. It will be my endeavor, by prompt and | H careful attention to business, to give full satisfaction to all who may favor me with théir Sales or Collecting. free of charge. Also Bill Stamps always on hand. at the OpsErvER Office, and at the Standard Office, Port Perry? W. M. WILLOOX, Prince Albert, Oct. 25, 1873. Wm. Gordon, d A y de, R the 'Fownship of Brock, Uxbridge, Scott, Thorah, Rama, Mara, Mariposa p@¥" Paities entrusting their Sales to me may rely on the utmost attention being given 19 their 'interests. WM. GORDON, Sunderland, Brock. THOS. H. WALSHE. ICENSED Auctioneer for the Township | 4 of Brock, 'Thorak, Mara & Rama in North Ontario; Mariposa, etc. ,4n the County of Victoria. Residence-- Cannington, Brock. (Orders left at this office, or at his residence will be pune tually attended to. Debts col-- lected in Cannington, or otherwise, and WADA: Office x A ia whether for extent or . quality. of. | THE . tho matter of FOR THE COUNTY OF Sn Tre et ij axp. TOWNSHIRA oF MamPOSA & CARTWRIGHT, Advertisments measured by Somat; ryss to, thank-his many friends and the Bills draughted and Blank Notes furnished {: Arrangements can be "made for. sales" &¢., ! "FORT PERRY, PROVINCE OF ONTARIO Por wd wage by few Hotéls in the surpassed by hong out ol the Travelers, the" Tyrell a others doing business WALKER HOUSE The C t PN alke gars Ne Heper at at the other Hotel ona The Honge is fitted up throughout in FIRST wl: RTVLE, oi The "Pables | hboe if 8 eh imo ey convenibnee and comfort of ALL, GUESTS, An abundance of; lo Stable and Shed accommodation, and attentive hosters. 3 /T, WALKER; Bort Perry, Sept. 1, 1615. 36 po PERRY HOUSE, PORT PERRY. JAS. V. THOMPSON, - PROPRIETOR. The above House is now most comfort- ably furnished, and Guests are cared for in . the Home Style. Good Liquors and Cigars, @lso, first class Stabling an good Ostlers.-- Additions fiave been mgde which maker this the largest and best House in this section of country. Fare $1,00 per Day. ENISON'S DOMINION HOTEL, At the Railway Station, PORT PERRY. Every attention given to the accommoda- tion and comfort of guests. 'The table and bar supplied with the best the Market af fords. Choice Liquors and the best brands of Cigars. Excellent stable and shed ac- corpmodation, and attentive ostlers, D. B. DENISON, Proprietor. prompt it! made. WALSHE, the NorthOptario Ayction- eer, WHITBY YEVERE HOUSE, vu MANCHESTER. By GEO. HOUCK. Having leased the above excellent Hotel STEAM MARBLE WORKS. J. & R. WOLFENDEN, YV HOLESALE and Retpil dealers in Foreign and American Mabie Man- les, Monuments, &c., Dundas St , Whitby. Also, Agent for the Jeottish Granite. | Also Building Stone cut.to order. | : JOHN NOTT, | Whitby, July 29, 1874. R. RICHARDSON, Re-appointed Issuer of Mnder.éhe New Act. 1st «on. Brock. Brock, Aug. 5,1874. Office, lot 10, in the 33 |. port Perry, July 1st, 1874. bE CHARLES having been re- appointed Marriage License Agent-- | (after sixteen years duty) continues to fur- nish Licenses as heretofore--at, Port Perry. | Fall OF (DAVISION COURTS . he. of edi = on rp County of Ontario, | FOR 'THE YEAR 1875. June cars | July ®t Sept EEG em Agent, Port er JF {+ Manches it will be. my endeavor to conduet it in every particular so as to merit the appro bation and patronage of the public. Manche: ster Oct. 6, 1875. ROYAL HOTEL, WHITBY. ALPHONSO HINDE, PROPRIETOR. The comfort and convenience of guests carcful attended to. Excellent accommodation of Commercial Travelers. . H, "Whitby, Aug, 12,1875. UEENS HOTEL, Coruer of Cameron and Laidlaw Sts. CANNINGTON, Our. D. CAMPBELL, . PropPriETOR This Hatel is nqw furnished in the best Btyle, and offers every pccommodation to 'travelers' sar | First class Bample Rooms. Livery attached. Cannington, Oct. 20, 1875. 43 BIRD CAGES, all kinds, Round and og . Arig - All of a useful character. Port Perry, Dec. 6th, 1876. 1 --. ron Xmas Holidays ! Square. and very Cheap, Nichol and Silver Plated KNIVES, FORKS, and SPOONS: Cruits, Buiter Bogle, Toast Racks, Goblets, Cake Baskets, and everything FOR PRESENTS | Ba A Call Solicited. <gg , ADVER i Pn . W. T. PARRISH. PORT PERRY LIVERY STABLES, 3 CAailes C. MK ENZIE, PROPRIETOR. 4 Subscriber having now fully e: uipped his new and extensive Livery Stables with a supply of superior Horses and Carriages, is prepared to furnish first class LIVERY RICS On Moderate Terms. C. MCKENZIE. Part Perry; Aug. 6, 1878, a & an GET YOUR FURS geroraren, CLEAN: ED, REPAIRED AND i STYLISH AS NED "ois AT SMALL OST. TE Subseriber would take this oppor- unity of imforming the ladies of Port Fo and 'surrounding townships that she has again entered on: her winter business in the Fur line at her residence qne door west of the brick cottage, Union Avenue, Port Perry, and 18 new prepared to execute all orders in way qf Clegning, Rengvating, Repairing, and altering in the best styleall Furs entrusted to her care, With many thanks for the liberal pat- on Ti A RusTRONG HOUSE, (LATE ALB: WHITBY, ep) E. ARMSTRONG, PROPRIETOR. A LO-AMERICAN HOTEL, PRINCE ALBERT. W. H. PARK, PROPRIETOR. Having pprohased the abqve pleasantly sitpated Hatel, 1 have thoroughly repaired and renovated the entire premises even to the Sheds. The Hotel has been: furnished in First-Class Style and Stocked with the best Liquors and Cigars! Strict attention paid to the comfort of Ee table and bar well WOH. Pa [Prince Albert, June 12, 1875. WION HOTEL, MANCHESTER. JAMES T, HEARD, ety oad pommolatonr. Car ro pr Je ort PERE July wre, 2 i Good accommodations. The bar lied with the. best. wipes, quors cigars, Good tabling. Hs attention fo the requirements of travelers and guests. majoxi ronage k d upon me in the past winter a renewal of that patronage is solicited, MRS. E. DRINKWATER. A number of Ladies' Fur Caps just made 1p and repdy Or sale. Tanning done on short notice and in the best style. MRS. E. D. Port Perry, Nov. 3, 1875, 45 "F , OLARKE"S ; World Famed Blood Mixture. Trade Mark--* Blood Mixture." THE BLOOD, IS. THE LIFE."-- Deutezonomy, chap. xi, vérse 23. T. C. FORMAN, Inspector of Weights & Measures For the County of Ontario. Port Perry, Nov 1, 1876. 45:46 HONEY 10 LEAD! The undersigned has any amount of Money to lend upon Farm and Town Property, at Unusually Low Rates of Interest! Loans can be repaid in any manner to suit the borrower. Algo sdveral Improved Farms, and Wild Lands for sale, cheap: Investments made in tures, Bank and other marketable Stocks. Apply to JAMES HOLDEN; Official Assignee, Broker, &e. Orrice--Over the Dominion Bank, McMil- lan's Block, Brock st., Whitby Whitby, April 10, 1872, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS ! TT Subscribers having been engaged a8 : AGENTS FOR THE JOSEPH HALL Manufacturing Company | OSHAWA, Would take this opportunity of informing the Farming community of this section of om that they are preparéa to furnish THB GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND For cleansing and clearin as , cannot be too e "For a, Sonryy, Skin Diseases, and sore of ip ils ib 1a 3 0 ng and per- 'manent ute. Hs; eri It Cures old Sores. Cures erated and Legs, Cures Blackheads, or pimples on the face. iCuires cucvy Sores Ourés carons Vides ures Blood and Soy Sk Skin ily ures Glandu Clears the i ure Matter. RD yhatever cause wid ta and xtul 8 leasant et d free Som anptin Bh spies Hho 0st delicate constitu tn, ths se i A" OE HOUSE, ET Proprietor solicits sufferers to give ita UrIoA. of Tea! ovials fro) J. DAFOE, PROPRIETOR. Sq in' Hay als ih aos Ses fos con Careful ited EEE tin Aron t the'w Si opis RIE SRE Bu bard nt A {au SE fr Hp iF ireelle lipo oth 1h PRRANS. wo ' EE gar {hr Sole Pi i onan APOTHEC rat i EXPORT, a Burgoyne, F Burbridges aod 0o., Colman St. Sons. 37 Newgate St. London. ih NY " rs ERAT " [Prigate Fangs, To Loan oti §66d Farens, at 8 SO Yoest ; LYMAN ENGLISH, A Machine fi at the, Joseph Hall Manufacturing Company's iH goed fom Works, Oshawa, on the 52, i . An Ast] : Ar o vomuAN, TO x0 THON FROM THE staTION Port Perry. Shortest Notice and the Most|. Zayorable Terms. * . : » T he C hampion COMBINED. REAPER a and HO] WER. THE CHAMPION SINGLE MO, VEE, THE CHAMPION SINGLE REAPER. ZROADS BILLS. SOWERS and SPOUT minis SULEEY HORSE-RAKE, LESHING MACHINES, &0. 3 yy highest Prize Medals ang Diplomas Awarded the Champion in Europe tor 1873. A Sweeping Victory in the old world 11 'A Crowping Triumph in the New!!! Faropeand. America join hand in Crowning + hile on {Hing of the Harvest Field. E. WALKER. on H. 8, JOHNSON, Wholestle) pvt Perry, Deo. 3, 1874. ; | field.' | the woman, Sesiing him. oh unfcipal" Deben- | | | puokages at ten cents each, or three TISER it THURSDAY, DEC. 23, 1875, er ------------------ Determined 5 be Honest. The qther day a1 2 man with a guont look halted before an eating stand 'I am a poor man, but I'll; est if I bye to be buried i ¢ What's the matter now 7' ssked: b 5. 'suspicion. ui "A 20 Be up up she face, ¢I suppose," he 'continued, Some one passing along bere cogld have dropped such: a bill, but it seems more reasonable to suppose that the mongy might have * been 19st by you? 'Don't talk quite 80 Youd; she said as she leaned over the spgnd.-- ' You are an * honest man and ri have your name put in - the papers 80 that all may know it. I'mahard working widow, and if you hadn't brought. back that money it would have gone hard with my poor little children.' ¢ If I pick up movey by a stand 1 always give it up,' he said as he sat down on one of the stools. ¢ That's right--that's honest,' she whispered,' ¢ draw right up here and have some breakfast.' * Ho needed no second invitation. The way he got outside of cold ham, fried sausage, biscuit and coffee was terrific to the woman, ¢ Yes--I--uym--try--to--he--hon~ est,' he remarked between bites. 'That's right. If* I found any money belonging to you I'd give it up, you bet. Have another cup of coffee ?' Even courtships have an 'ending. The old chap fin: lly began to br cathe | like a foundered Borsc, and pretty soon after that he rose trom the table. You are agood man to bring my lost money back,' said the woman as she crushed away the crumbs. 'Oh, I'm honest, he replied ; when Lfind any lost money I al- ways give it up.' ¢ Well, I'll take it now, please,' she said as he began to button his overcoat. 2 'Take what ?' he asked. ¢ That lost money you found.' fIdidn't find any | Tl be honest |* with you, however, if.ever I do find any around here.' 'Youolu liar! Didn't you say yeu found a $20 bill here ?' ¢ No ma'am. [I said that no one saw me pick up such a bill here.' | 'Pay me for them pervishuns!' she yelled, clutching at his throat. "I'll be honest with you--I havn't a cent, he replied as he held her off." She tried to tip him over into a barrel of. charcoal, but he broke loose, and before she recovered from ber amazement, he was a block away galloping like a stage horse. tt --eee. How he Roped them in. An initerant vendor of corn plas- ter was holding forth ip yoluble terms on Sunday last toa crowd on the merits of a sovereign remedy for corns, although he didn't war- rant it asan antidote against "corn- juice," He had 8 good command | of language, 'which though florid and desoriptive; 'Gould not 'be 4H by fhig standard of, Lond of furray.-- He was interviewed on Monday evening by. a gentleman who' bap- pened to meet him. at, one of the] stores, and he informed | 'him that [bis | celebrated salve was simply bits of hard soap, two bars of which he purchased at a store, and these he cut up into small shares und dispos- ed of at ten conts each, including the paperswrapper. Hoe sold about $2.50 worth of it at a net profit of $2, {that ~ work. He stated, however, that corn-plastcr wis not his forte. -- Tooth-powder was his staudard.-- He manufagtured this from pure: whiting, Which, he sold in small or twenty-five | gents, which gave, him a margin of 'about ten dollars on invpsting a few cents. Ho was| Marriage Licenses. One Sou wt. of the Walker « House ru, 4 rr HES gol soomots socham Barre Furniture We and Parry Strats, © - t00,. and: could | play on ay instrament, especially on the credulity of the "public. When last seen he was engaged in th hs of a fife Sh ish « oy we wit ie ear iercing Aion prior to) raw Ln thelr now il foars ho was a will bave to. malkback... ots © most ont opp i espe ;ort Perey, How, .18, 1874, 0 fier at the central market and. after a | Says the long survey of the viands he said to Bote mont the womap : 1g Bee put win a oe bringing a bland smile on her which whs uot' bad 'for ah 'hour's |: home. Mr, Henry, who'is ss ingenious ag] he is fond of sport, declared that he would rattle the rats out of his friend's cellar in a little less than no time, fo use his own expression, Ha said he possessed something that was as far ahead of traps, poison, ferrets, and a} other diseases which the rat flesh is heir to, asa Martini-Henry rifle is ahead ofa matchlock, The next day the fwo gentlemen got into a buggy and drove to the gentleman's house (we are requested to sup- press his name) in Dumfries, Mr Henry took with him a common quarter-gross match-box, piejoed with a tew holes, which he placed carefully in fhe seat of the buggy. The Dumfries gentleman, feeling that his friend was going to give him a surprise, probably with some improvement on a ferret asked no questions, the better to enjoy the surprise when jt did come. Arrived at the house they had dinner, and, after the ladies had retired and the table was cleared off, Mr Henry placed his box very carefully under the stove, and commenced a lively discus- gion on the virtues of deep ploughing, by way of keeping his friend cool. He, how- ever, became impatient that tke fyn should commence, , and hinted as much to Mr. Henry, who. placed the box on the table rapidly and removed the lid. In an instant | from the box leaped a full grown garter snake, measuring three feet and half in length. The reptile, which was highly ex- cited with the heat, reared itself almost on | game of seven-up. for him 'v, | réed,' said the old man. ie ho would bortven. out of house sn| BIT at. take him, but they were out of sion. ey, aud couldn't buy. : The old'man' Pines | "id bo hated to go on to town With!" | ; only one chich, and puzzled about it. Alt Jast one soldiers said, 'Old tian, Tl play played 8 long apd spirit i last the soldier won. eT wrung the rooster'simeck and tome e. soldier's feet, and mounted . his swabtail. pony sod started for bome. | After ge getting: some two hundred yards he sudden~ ly stopped, turned aroupd and rode. back and said : ¢ You played a fair game and won the rooster farly, buf I'd like to know 'what you put up against that rooster,' rT tt Ett Nothing is so well calculated to confirm our suspicions ilat things are not proportioned Just right in this world, as fifteen prisoners en--~ deavoring to hit one spittoon, whilp the reporters and lawyers have one apiece to fire at. Tho members of the new Legisla- ture of Samoa are so averse to wear- ing a respectable amount ofclothing that it has been found necessary to adopt a rule imposing a fine of $100 upon any of them who enter the hall in a complete or partial state of nudity, Sem -- Half. Way Honesty.--The other day a crowd in attendance ata horse sale were greatly astonished to hear the auctioncer say; 'Gentlemen, I the extremity of its tail and glided about to the table with remarkable rapidity, licking its ghastly jaws with its forked and nimble tongue, The Dumfries gentleman almost shrieked with fear, and shrank back into the corner almost petrified with horror.-- Mr Henry showed how silly this, was taking the snake upon his arm and, handling it much asa hack driver would his whip lash. His fears were finally over- come, and when he had composed himself heled 1 isfriend to the cellar where the snuke had discovered a hole into which it glided | with the greatest ease. An interested ter- rier stood at their heels, and both gentlemen held a handfull of clubs, which were trumps ' just about then, The Snake had not dis~ appeared over a minute before half a dozen rats bounced out of the hole and met a ter- rible fate at the hands of their enimies out_ side. But the' spake was not satisfed ; it discovered every rat hole in the cellar id glided out and in among the rocks where even a cat could not Rave gone. It was finally taken up and plaCed ina box after twenty rats and alinost as many mice had been killed or taken prisoners. The Dume fries gentleman said he never saw his tarrier enjoy himselfso much before and as for him- selthe hasn't had as much fan since he ran for councilman, ; The snake belongs to a black garter family and are really the best friend the farmer has got. They live exclusively on field mice, worms, flies and other vermin, and if they occasionally swallow a forg or dine on a couple of young birds, or accidentally glide into the pathway of a human being, their lives should be preserved, as their good qualities counter-balance these defects .-- "The one posessed by Mr Henry was captured by him last summer in pea a field, and since he has had it no rats are seen or heard of in the neighborhood of the house. The rep- tile is kept in a box as before stated, and is fed on liver, ------l SOs. What flower would finish a draw. ing room best? Ans.--Rose would. A weak fomale will berate a man car, and she will then dance from ten o'clock till two. that dancing is better than standing was set at liberty, The reptile immediately | '|darted for the wall and the next moment | for letting her stand up in a horse This shows cant't lie 'about the horse--he is | blind in oneeye." The horse was joss down to acitizen who had been i greatly struck by the auctioneer's { honesty, and after paying for the Ihorse he said; You were 'Honest | enough totell me that this animal | was blind in one eye. Is there any {other defect?" ¢ Yes, sir, there is.-- {He is also blind in the other eyel' was the prompt reply. ---- A noble fellow that tramp was {who returned a five dollar bill he 'said he had found in an old vest a | Norwich gentlemen had given him. His honesiy was rewarded with a one dollar bill, and the next day the five turned out to be a counterfeit. A certain colored deacon, on occa- sions of missionary collections, was wont to shut his eyes and sing, 'Fly abroad, thou mighty Gospel,' with such earnestness and unetion that he would quite forget to see the plate as it came around. 'Oh yes!" sald the plate bearer, 'but just Rive something to make it fiy.' E---- Sample of Ballot Paper filled up, Election of Members for the Municipal Council of the Township of ------, in the County of , on Monday, the Third day of January, 1876. FOR REEVE. STYLES. James Styles, farmer. TOWNSEND, Peter Townsend, merchant. FOR FIBST DEPUTY REEVE. slamen r----------e-- A wild goose flow into Oregon, 1 COLFAX. A py George Colfax, farmer. Xx A little Boy i in a Scotch school - - wag asked if he did not wish to be 2 FOX. . born again. 'Born again ? said Donald Fox, merchant. Tommy; 'no, I wadna.' 'You wouldn't ?' cried the teacher sadly ; DERTY 3 'whynot? ¢For fear [ should be FOR SBCOND born a lassie,' said Tommy. 1 JOY. Charles Joy, lawyer. pocketa| ¢ always fis and its erop being 'opened 'revealed a new, kind of grain, from the seed forty bushels bave been raised, and the Oregon farmers gre sitting on the fences with their elbows on their knees, wondering what they shall call ew kind of whisk they soll the it. 5 I M-- is It is estimated that about two. thirds of the surface of the globe is covered, with. water. Although millions. of living creatures slake their thirst daily, the amount | of water bas not been ma ly diminished for 'centuries, at a Aoarriens spare rib.or twoabout him. bestow