Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 16 Dec 1875, p. 4

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3 ned § arp! When he was at Torrebonne ; ; did not know Mr Lynch ; he was a stranger ; Messrs Lynch andMurphysup ped by themselves but before the other two gentlemen ; after sup- they went up into the drawing room; hey cut ook cigar they also took a glass of sherry cach ; 1 wasa little time in the room talking i them as I knew Mr, Murphy well ; I'Teft them about 10:45 ; they ordered me to get their horse ready ; about. fifteen minuted afterwards T was in. tho act of going fo tell them that their sleigh was at the door, but before I got on stairs I heard my sen Napoleon calling fire |"'as soon as 1 heard the cry of fire, 1 1an to tell those up stairs, but could only succeed in getling balf way up when I was stopped by the emoke and flames ; [ En cries of partics upstairs for relief ; know how the fire started, but think ht in the gasoline which we were in pried: burning. Iam certain that my my mother-in-law is dead and also certain that the two pri Murphy and Lynch, are also burned to death ; believe that the priest were suffocated before they were burut as the smoke was so very dense, ----e -- ae Doing Evil that Good may come The lottery gotten up at the Catholic charity fair in Tammany Hall, was interupt- edin process of drawing on Wednesnday Iast by the Folice inspector. who notified the gers of its illegality. The drawing was then completed in private, Feith Bo --- Sticking to their church. A meeting of the Synod of those churches which still adhere to the Kirk was held in Montreal on the 1st inst., and amongst other things they petitioned the Goveruor-Geueral in Council for disallowance of the Union Bills passed by the Local Legislature was' ordered to be ingrossed, signed by the) Moderator; and presented by a deputation. -- Memorials and requests for advice from a number of congregations were submitted and referred for consideration and action to the Synodical committee, ZErrs's Cocoa. TEFUL AND COMFORTING. 4 By a thorough knowledge of the natural aws which govern the operations of digestion and miitrition, and by a careful application of the fine propertics of well selectud cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast taidles with a delicately flavored = beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It a thejudicious use of such articles of di that constitution may be gradually built up until strong énongh to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle naladies are floating around us ready to at- tack wherever there is a weak point, We may escape many a fatal shaft by kecping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame."--Civil Service Gazette, ORT WHITRY & PGRT P ERRY EX - SION RAILWAY. THEY TIME TABLE No. 13. Takes eflect on We. ine: ay, Sth Dec, 1875. Trains Going Nortn. Torouto Time. WhithyJunetion. .... Whit Brooklin . Myrtle Port Pe; Prince A only. MONEY 0 LOAN | MORTCACES WANTED. HE Subscribers have large sums of mon- ey placed in their hands for invest ment on lwproved Farms, Village Properties, and otber Securities in this Fr adjoining Counties at the lowest current rates of interest. have faudg on band at all times Borrowers adon id their money with the least Tossible dels w NITED TO PURCHASE, Any number of Mortgages for which th - est figures will be cd, eh fhe high Weare also appraisers or ithe Canada Per- manent Building Society, the cheapest and largest Monetary Institution in Canada. Paid bf Capital 31 500,000. Tnstalments re-payable n from 2 to 20 yea. Lands Bought and Sold. "Several good farms for sale. & 2 dpe for for Several first class Fire Jn Collestion ima gl a general agency jal. fu BOUGHT. "8x { JOE & DAVID J. ADAMS, 'General Agents, Office in Mr. Ross' Ont rio Buildings, . Port Perry. I would respectfully. in- ho jababitants of Port Perry and is now HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR Wy AND . inches each), and form a han _{ ame of 832 pages. + B85" Remember th site J. Wright's hg and Shoe re od : HIGH SCHOOL NOTICE. THE WEEELY | GLOBE--1876. Subscribe Now On Friday, 7th January, Io the Weekly Globe is to appear in a new It will be made up in 16 pa by i 4 hy. 20 ome yearly vol- _The paper used will be of extra quality. cast from a new font of Phe and covsequently will retain a clear and beautiful impression throughout the year. Tt will be printed on two ncw cylinder presses speciaily built for the purpose. Tt will be folded carefully by machinery and dispatched by the earliest mails on Friday morning. The Etter contained in the Weekly Globe will not be taken as heretofore from the Dail Globe as it appeared in that edition--but shall be reset and Sonjensed or eutirely rewritten specially for the Week Special attention will be paid to the Agri- cultural Department, and the Market Reports. Several interesting tales by authors of celeb- rity will be publishes during the year, and re- views of new books. A special department for the Ladies, devoted to family topics, fashions, 3 useful recipes, &c., will be a new feature of 1 Chess, Cricket, Tr Boating, Fishing, Hunting, and other manly sports, will receive Jjudieious attention. A regular department of answers to_corres- pondents, on every subject propounded will be another new feature of As a whole, the publishers will try to make --and expect to succeed in making--the Week- v Globe as a Miscellany of News and interest- current topicsof the day,a good way in adiance of anything yet accomplished in ed in Ca 'an. ada. = - The Snbscription price of the Weelly Globe shall remain as heretofore Two Dollars per an- num--rith this difference over past years that it shall hereafter be delivered free of postage to the Subscribers. Heretofore the subscriber paid the postage of 20 cents Per annum--here- after the publishers will pay it. The Daily Globe is sent to subscribers in any part of the Dominion or the United States at the rate of $6.00 per annum free of postage. The Canada Farmer is sent to subscribers in any part of the Dominion or United States for $1.00 per annum--free of postage" IF All parties ordering the Daily or Weekly Globe or Canada Farmer between (his date aud the 1st of January coming, shall receive the paper till the end of 1876 for one year's subscription. Senddn your orders at onee to the GLOBE PRINTING COMPANY. {DAVIS & SONS' STEAM Caper Factory! PORT PERRY. HE Subscribers always keep on hand (and are constantly manufabturing more) a large Stock of just such FURNITURE As the community requires ; suitable for all classes of purchasers, All of cnoice Ma- TERIAL, the Best WorgmANsuip, and at sven 2aices as cannot fail to suit, In all its departments promptly attended to and charges moderate, | . |i COFFINS of all sizes kept con-- | stantly on hand. | UNDERTAKING | SHROUDS of all sizes and | newest styles. 1 CASKET OR BURIAL procured on short notice. CASE The American Style of] Hearse. Also an ordinary style of Hearse, J. W. DAVIS & SONS. Tort Perry, Nov, 26, 1873 49-1y J NOTT & SON, Cakinet Makers, Undertakers and Upholster ers. Take pleasu informiag their customers and the pub enewlly that they have on mi in their Warerooms a good and we}! assorted Stock of Furniture consisting of | Extension, Centre, Drawing and Kitchen Wood, Cane and Stufied Bottom ouches in Jeps, C tonne, Damasks Cloth, Sofas, :boards, Cupboards, W riting De > ; Nots, Stands, Mirrors in Walnut, Rose and Gilt, Straw, Wool, Moss, Seagrass, Aiined and Hair Mattre: :SSes, Bedroom Setts, Parlor Suites, Hall Furniture, Dunk's and Whiteside's Spring Beds, &c, which will be sold as cheap as at any House in the trade, PICTURE FRAMINC. Keeping a large Stock of Walnut, Gilt and! Rose and Giit, Mouldings, Chromos and | satisfaction in this branch of our business as we make a specialty of it. UNDERTAKING We would respectfully call attention: to our Undertaking Department where everything necessary for the proper performance of the last rites due the deceased can be farnished onthe shortest natice, we keap on hand at all times a good selection of Wa alnut, Elta, Bat- ternut, Rosewood D. T. and 0. G, Coffins, Walnut and Rosewood Caskets. Shrouds in all styles. Face cloths and Caps. Gloves and bands furnished free of charge. A first class HEARSE. All kinds of good lumber taken in ex-| change for Work, The Subscribers are the only authorized agents in the locality for the | Whitby Marble oy y Having increased our facilities we hope by ying bid ign to Joes and fair to merit a share of public airotge. e. place--nearly adjoining J. Rolph's Harness Shop and D. Urqubart's Agricultural sale rooms. N.B Night calls promptly attended to by one of the firm, 4& SON." Port Parry, id 1st, fr Norr EE st next examination of Candidates for PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL! |x i Liake on Y Wednesday and 'Thursda; oi and December, beginning, each os a.m, Pupils desirous ox Sanding d the. first half of 187i AE otify te so D, Mii, It willbe printed from Stereotype plates| Lithographs we feel confident 'we can give! FASHIONABLE, Clothing! FALL & WINTER, 1875. A full Stock of Fall and Winter Goods to hand, including Overco atings, Worsted Coatings, English, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds. . Underclothing, Hats, Caps, & Gent's Furnishings, A GREAT VARIETY, R W. TRENBETH, Merchant Tailor, Queen Btreet, PORT PERRY. Part Perry, | Sept. % 1875. TAILORING, In gll its Departments. HE Subscriber is earrying on the Tailor- ing Businessin all its departments at his rooms over Corrigan & Campbell's Store Fort Perry. Newest Styles, First Clas Workmanshin, and a perfect fit Chai Charges moderate, hae is FUE in usé and also the che aching is k will do well to hines, t come and.cxamine the muc JOIN PEARCE, Port Percy, Dee. 1, 1874 49 First Class Tailoring Establishment BEHIND MR. CURRIE'S STORE, | PERRY, { FPVHE Subscriber wonld eml, portunity of returning tha numerous customers Do their li still incren of y Perry, aa Ci now. state that moved into the new premises bchin Currie's Store, his accommodatio business are much enlarged, and his in facilities for carrying on the Tailoring Lt ness in all its departments are such as enable him. io fill orders with still greater dispatch, i Superior workmanship, the Newest Styles and perfect fits warranted, Customers will find me at my roows le- hind Mr, Currie's Store, J. RIGGS. Port Perry, ort Perry, Sept. 22 18 8 TAILORING IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS, AT SQUIRE'S TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT OVER BIGELOW'S STORE PORT PERRY. JAMES SQUIRE. Port Perry, May 6, 1875, FIRST CLASS TAILORING. IRST class Tailoring in all its depart ments, AT HUGOE'S, PRINCE -ALBERT, 'Work made up on the shortest notice in the latest Styles ai and at moderate rates, A|M good fit guaranteed. Remember the place, opposite Cook's Hotel, R. HUGOE. 'Prince Albert, April 3, 1874, 1 THE ONTARIO FARMERS Mutual Insurance Company. This Company is now fully organized and is Prepared to accept risks on Farm Buildings|_ eir contents, country School Houses and Churghes. Those wishing to insure and thereby suppors a Home Insurance Company have now an -of«doing so, either by BY appizing tod fo.the Office, or to.eny ofl will bo fond ao of i our im} wi as low as. any ble Mutual Insurance Company in Canada, pg Office--Opposite the Ro; al Hotel, Brock St.;, Whitby. Bpon 7 I. FAIRBANKS, Is, i Becretary. mh J REG Bane | ap M, vest SESH & re arg [3000 Sheepskins, WRICHT'S BOOT & SHOE EMPORIUM PORT PERRY. WANTED. 500 Cords of Hem- lock Bark, And any quantity of Hides and Tallow for which the HIGHEST PRICE IN CASH | Will be paid by the Subscriber. J. WRIGHT. Port Perry, Oct. 1, 187: FIRST CLASS BOTS SOF Material, Wor mansiig, Style and Fit | ---- | fe | PORT | settle at once as we for past favors we would soli¢it Port Perry, Oct. 27, 1875 Al persons Wh to us either by note or book account are respectfully requested to call and Books and adopt the CasH SysTEM. business: in: the future will be warried on onstrietly" Casn PriNgiPLES. : T.ook Out for CHEAP GROCERIES ! Now.: Our Motto is Cheap for Cash. - Taking this opportunity of thanking var numerous customers We arg respectfully yours, ' } BONGARD & ROBINSON. intend to close up our a continuance of the same, PUMPS! You can get the best and che At 7, Pr and Coupling ¢ aT -- favor him with a call, 8 t.29,1870. BK IRVIN' Ss 5 PATENT PUMP FACTORY, Fonror Pusp--A complete Pamp and Fire Engine with Hose Patent Swing Lift Pumps at 50 eI er foot. Common Log Pumps at 40 cents Common turned suction Pumps at 35 oo per foot. Cisterp Fumps, a complete Pump, from $3 up to $8. Also every other description of Pump, at Having had long experienc" in Pump-making in the largest factories in Canada and (|r States, the subscriber feels confident that he can perfectly satisfy all that will Allordersforany of theabove, whether by mailorotherwise TORN attended to. PUMPS! apest Pymp in the Province ORT PERRY. 0 SEE THE PRICES, omplete for $25. EQUALLY LOW RATES! IRVIN, Port Perry. Brick! Brick! T= Subscriber has on hand a lage quantity of really FIRST CLASS BRICK And still manufacturing more at his BRICK FIELD, NONQUON, 12a CON. OF REACH, The quality of the Clay is such as to se- cure pertect Brick both in quality and color: Orders for either Red or White Brick filled Brick! x Hs IIT Subscriber would return his sincere thanks for the very extensive and rapidly {increasing patro: 'bestowed on him since opening business in PORT PERRY; | And won emBrace >e tunis opportunity ot as- d the public gener-' s0 in the future will | ¢ to using only the be st | al, employing none but good work-| men and selling at prices--when the quality of the Goods is cou xl--which cannot fuil to please purct Constantly on hand lots of Boots and | Shoes of my own manufacture. Call and ins gas First blo my Stock, t of the Post Office; RICHARD WARRINER. Port Perry, Nov. 12, 1873, BEWAEYE OF CO ERFEITS. -- tection of flit h For the pre An Si United any part or th 1 Box bears the Britis ch OV; ecome necessary, in ease. pririous imitati "Hol- nd Ointment," being Auli un Lane, ) ork, by parties styl- beinseives 31d Holloway & with an assumed trade wark thus :-- & Unprincipied vendors can obtain this trash at a very low price, and so deceive you by selling the same for my genuine Holip Pil lls and Ointment, which are ma A ouly at 533, Oxford Street, London. Persons-who may be so deceived will be pleased to communicate with me. Mahy respectable firms in the British Pro- vinees, who obtain my medicines direct from bere, hare very properly suggested that [ shouldfor the benefit of themselves and the public, insert their names in the papers, that it may be known that my medicines can be bad genuine from them, The following is a list of the firme alluded to; and I! particulerly recommend those who desire to get my medicines to apply to spme of the Houses named; Evans, Mercer & Co., Montreal. Messrs. Avery, Brown & Co., ITali Messrs. Forsyth & Co., Hali fax, N. =X Meesrs. T. B. Barker & Sous, St. John, N. B. Apothecaries' Hall Co., Charlotte Town. Yssws. Langley & Co., Victoria, B. ©, sss. Moore & Co. Victoria, B.C. Dr. John Pallen, Chatham, B.C. sere AV & Co., Montreal, Messrs. J, incr & Co, Hamilton, Ont. Toronto. ir AL Sg Frill, 3 John, NB, r. John odes ree | Messrs. Elio! We Co., Ti Horan Mr. J, Chinloner, St. N. B. » Messrs, Haniyzfon Brothers, St. John, N.B. lie RP. P. Prid dy, Windgor, Ont. Me Sn e'C. Hunt, Ye Fredericton, N.B. Mr. W. Wh Tomy, Harbor. Grace, NEL. He I redericton, N.B. ro & eS Yuile, Montreal. . Chas I. Davies, Fredericton, .B. The. lowest whole- sale net p "not légh than £20 ios Ta 6d., 22s., a dozen boxes of its or os "or Inte which remittances must be sent in adva, 1) 4; 533, Oxford Stree! as HOLLOWAY. London, a ) 31st, WaT +A, RICHARDSON, 5 Hons ss wn BS, Is prepared to fill all orders at his or a if EE 1 PORT PERRY. : eR Ray, May 12, 1875, + " per! to for | ham, on, the shortest notice. The Brick are warranted to, give entire Mt and their Cheapness cannot fail in being an additional recommendation, In quality and appearance they cannot be | surpassed and good Brick cannot be got cheaper anywhere. Remember the place, Nonquon Brick 12th Con. Reach, HENRY WEBB, Reach, Sept. 1, 1875, Proprietor | Myrutual Implements, FAYHE unddrsigned world take this oppor- tunity of informing the inbabitants of Cartwright and the surrounding townships that he is about to establish at Williamsburg convenient rooms for the show and sale of Agricultural Implements of the best descrip- tion from the most reliable manufactures All Linds of Agricultural Implements and Repairs constantly on hand. Also a general assort nent of Stoves &c, &e, as good as the best and cheap as tho cheapest. AMES BRYANS, | Cartwright, Oct 20, 1 A CHOICE FARMYORSALE | | HE undersigned offers for sale that ex~ cellent Farm being composed of the Southeast part ot Lot 11 in the 11th Con- cession of Township of Reach, s And 11° Acres on the West corner of the | South half of Lot 12 in the 11th Concéssion of said Township ; in all 71 acres of First Class Land, nearly all cleared, well fenced, and in a high state of cultivation. There are good and sufficient buildings on the premises, with an abubdance of excellent water; a vigorous young orchard of superior fruit and an excellent grapery. The situation is all that could be desired for health, comfort and convesience, and within a short distance of fhe. Rest markets of the province, Terms easy. For particulars apply to the proprietor, NEIL McARTHUR, Port Perry. Or to P. A. HURD, Port Perry. Also for Sale, 140,000 good sound Brick at mye'ard, Port Perry. Sold jn lots to suit purchasers, but would prefer' Selling them in one lot. Apply as above. : ha N.:McARTHUR, Port Perry, uly. 8, 'ats. + Nemes is hereby given that applitation will be made to the Legislati ure of the Province of Ontario, at its next Sedsion, for fn ack to susble, & Co ny to erect a , Embankment or Hom | point in 'the Township of re an County Bf Ontario, to some Btn | re! whnshi| Village of Port Perry, or portions of Municipalities and other ate or portions thereot, to grant aid by way of Bonus | or otherwise to assist in | ction of the | said Bridge, Empankment of Road and for other purposes connected therewith. w. Havuics COCHRANE, for A pplicants.| Basouood; Port Ferry, Nov. 10, oe. jar ? STRAYED SHEEP. | TRAYED into The pr 'premises. of the Sub ot] Jy tie Bion of B tober, a Ewe e ir is E 9F Octe oft over is | requested to pay expenses and take them | Gy, away, othr the will be sold as the law directs. HILL & PALLOWDOWS. Brock, Nov: 13, 1876. ut of Cartwright in th ty of Dur-4 hip of Carpight Tovaships sud EO beers at titel yard in Oshawa, : 4 in, 12,018, 17, , 20.0821 Agents Wanted in every Township in Ontario to sell the famous Prize Medal Organ Manufactured by the Smith American Organ Co., and George Steck & Co's Lianos. Special Jnjncenenty will be given to first class' agents and clubs of three or four wishing to purchase. Any numberof testimonials in favor of those first-class organs can be furnished bnt as they are 80 widely known--great numbers having been sold throughout the Dominion and hav- ing given satisfaction in. every instance--no testimonial, however flattering, can 'add to 'their reputation, The Steck Piano Co., received the only gold medal awarded to any exhibitor of musica instruments at the Vienna Exposition in 1873. Churches requiring Orgens will be liberally dealt with style 32, Smith American, we would call attention ib as being especially adapted for churches and halls, i are graceful and' its musical qu The grand organ sto player lities for various and splendid effects, this stop can be used £0 as to slowly increase the volume of tone from a whisper or suddenly forth al! the power of the instrument in st gf Lurmoay. gives the red Wholesale and class American manufacturers, eation. A.M. DARLEY. General Agent, Church-st., Bowmanville, Ont. N. B.--Al instruments warranted for jee years, JOHN JURY, Prince Alb | Agent for North On Nov.1, 1875. BAKERY! AND Confectionery. rN HE Bak ry and Contee i onery business ried on in rity : Abo rt establish ments, | Plain and Fancy Breads of Livery variety, | Orders filled with the shortest notice, Bridal and other Cakes made to order, Socials and other entertainments supplied on moderate terms, CONFECTIQNS!, in every variety and of the best quality. : Children's Toys in abundance, Call at my Bakery, Port Perry or Prince Albert, CHAS. Seer Port Perry, March 0, 1875. SPENCE, CONTRACTOR & BUILDER. Bae -LAYING ,STONE-WORK, kK LAS- TERING, &c., in all their departments, exeouted in the best style. Having secured the services of a compe- tent party to manage and condict the farm, I will, in future, devote my whole gttention to my "business as CONTRACTOR. Contracts taken in Stone work, Brick work Plastering, &o., .&c, Contracts comple with dispatch, the BEST MATERIAL AND fTRer. CLASS WORKMANSHIP. Utica, LA hie a The OSHAWA C "CABINET C0%Y i Will pay the ighest price, in Cash, for the ollowing sizes of . LUMBER [Square Edge Preferred.} Qak or Ash, 1 in,, 1§, 2 in, , any width, Butternut, 1 in., any width, | Water Elm, 1 fo: any width. . BT) ea] 1, 18; i oral in, hie Buch and Birek s ¢ #in, gin, 13 In, 1} in, 22 x 24, Sqhare Sean as to "each qi uo ea on th. ole of he < W. H. GIBBS. Presiden .Onr | | Jirculars and price lists sent free on appli- |. A 38 Purien gaving ng logs to cut will be in-| Also a ful Stock of 2008 CBINRBY. And Traveling argent best stock ne Bogs le Je any : HARNESS | iE In great variety. Please most COMPETE STOCK | Port Perry, May 6, 1875. MANCHE : HEAR (ARG GENERAL BLACKS ESTABLISHMENT. xis oF © TEE Subscriber bas nth pleas arth ing that he has secured the vi services of od MR ANDREW CAMPBELL One of the best wood-workers in * the Pro- vince, and is now better fitted than 'ever 'to fill all orders fot 3 Cutters, Bloighs, Bob-Sleighs, or any description of Carriage with dispatch, - All repairs in Wood or Iron executed with neatness and on short notice Customers may rely on getting the besi 'material, latest styles and. superior: work hi Special givetito * HORSE SHOEING and the work donggoas to secure the 'caso and comfort of the Lorse in traveling. BG" All Charges Moderate and all oils Warranted. Ww. co; AR Manchester; Dee. 17th 1874. ~ D. CONBOY, Carriage and Sleigh BUILDER, MAIN STREET, UXBRIDGE A Ri his sincere thanks to the public for the hearty and generous patronago bestowed upon him, A practical knowledge of the business in all its branches, experience and skill, in the minute details of its construction, T= workmanship and material, elegarice in Style andfinish, and a' determination v make his work first cluss in every 'respect, 1s an explanation of the very large and in- creasing demand for his work. Partics buying Carriages will find it To: cidedly to their advantage to EXAMINE his STYLE and PRICES before purchasing else~ where, Every Carriage sold is Warranted to be of the Best Material and Workmanship ; {and is guaranteed to give satisfaction to the buyer, HIS PATENT SEAT | For Changing Single Buggies and Ontiors into Double Rigs is the Cheapest and Moff Complete, Simple, Effective and Cativenient Contrivance for Converting one description of Vehicle to another «=: That has yet been introduced, and is just the rig for thos? who desire: oonYanitnce, utility and comfort at a moderate outlay, © Single and Balke Mi i a o Posh irriages nt 3 Always on hand ear oe the Road.) y Repuiring and Painting ? "| Cheaplyt Neatly and Promptly _Exequted, Uxbridge, Scpt. 7, 1875. in GOOD NEWS EPSOMY T= undersigned have much pleasure in announcing to the inhabitants Limon ana vicinity that they have least mises lately occupied by J. C. Huckins, and that they have just receiv out a large and well select . ww, lotest styles PRY GOODS "00 Choige Eresh GRO! on Soe TS and SH: afi HARDWARE, pi ERY, A full assortment of ROOM PAPER, A large supply of He best PATENT MEDICINES. i Our Stock having ech phrchased } I pally for cash and at the best and ¢] x markets we are prepared to sell ag SER 6 any other House in the Yoong a i, fine favor for Wool. BROW. Epson, March 3st, 1875." (YE Box or CLARKE'S B4; Is warranted to cure 3) Urinary 0 3, Jiselinreds constiwntional Sold in Boxes, Patent Medicine Sl rs a mai on h. Toronto --Eijg ottand i ue _ Oshawa, Feb, 25, 1875,

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