~ PORT PERRY pn SECURE YOUR | i WINTER Boots & Shoes tra one J. &. MORGAN the Port Perry Boot and Shoe Establish- fakes pleasure in informing the public Btock of Boots and Shoes is now Yomplete in every particular, and would solicit a call from parties wishing us and Shoes or Winter wear.-- ) may rely on being spited whether 8 to style, quality or price. 5 A choice: lot of FELT GOODS just t Band, suitable for all. tte The public are requested to inspect the Btock and compare goods and Prices before purchasing elsewhere, Remember the place, one door west of Messrs Brown & Ross' establishment, Repairing promptly and carefuly attended , © J. G. MORGAN. - [Port Perry, bec 8, 1875 50 Assistant Teacher Wanted, N Assistant Teacher for School Section No &, Utica, Reach, is wanted. Ap- plicants will please forward their applica- tions stating the class certificate they hold and Salary expected to the lersigned on or before the 24th inst. ces to commence at the opening of the School, 1st Jan, 1876. JACOB DAFCE, Trustee. Utica, Dec. 8, 1875. STRAYED IIEIFER. AME into the premiscs of the subscriber, | lot 8, 4th con. Reach, about the 1st of October last, a HEIFER coming two years, color, red and white spotted. If not pre- viously replevied she will be sold as the law Airycts, DONALD CHRISTIE, Reach, Dec. 8, 1875. B0:3w Coley Dog Lost. . YF OST by the subecribor, while in Port Perry, on Friday, ) 26th, a light £0) d Coley Dog. Lie reward will be given to any one retur g hi J such information as will lez his ry. GEO. WILSON. Lot 17, 6th con, Reach, Beach, Dec. 8, 1875. 50:3w = AN EXCELLENT BRICK YARD TO RENT. FP HE Subscriber offers to rent on moderate terms that excellent Brick Yard, about two miles west of Williamsuur CARTIWR CGHT, And on the leading road between Willinms- burg and Port Perry. There is an abundance of choice clay for the manufacture of Red .orWhite \Brick. The brick manufactured from {his clay cannot be beat. There is any. quantity of good fire wood convenient ;and can be bad cheap. The yard is filled up with every thing nec: for the wanu- Jacture of brick, and th a convenient dwelling bouse on the premises, For particulars, apply to the undersigned (at Exchange Hotel. Williamsburg, E. BRYANS. (Cartwright, Dec. 8, 1875. & 50 AR EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY TO SECURE A BPLENDID HOMESTEAD, 150 ACRES, FIRST CLASS LAND Adjoining the Villugo of Prince Albert, and -known as the | Bubscribers Fons eon authorized by 'owner, Dr. Foote, to offer the above property for sale, being composed Jof 'three-quarters of Lot No, 16, in : the 4th concession of the JOWNSEIP OF REACE, : by admeasurement 150 eres of (save and except about three eS to the Port Whitby and Port About 130° Actes Cleared putin id gg in ho Thergare erected. op the premises | A FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, "This chance for securing one of 'the most desirable homesteads in the Province. of Ontario, should deel the Sftention of thoes ' seeking & home in the m one of the mast > ve portions of the Dominion. " orms very liberal. "Title indisputable. For further particulars, apply to Lo INO. & DP. Port Perry, Oct. 1875. J. ADAMS. 43it Messrs Brown & Ross' Colu BOOT & SHOE STORE. Bargains PN i mc. a : a = Attra AT Grand The Greatest ction!! JONES TSROTHERS ! The Superiority of their Styles and the deserved popularity of their go supply the demand. MISS McKEN DESIRALE GOODS And her Competent Assistants are now Port Perry, Nov. 17, 1875. EVER OFFERED C= GORGEOUS 2H Display in Millinery! ! Hats and Bonnet, adapted to every taste, age and Complexion, in endless var ety. J ods render it almost impossible to Z1IE busily engaged in preparing stock and executing orders. To secure a handsome Hat or Bonnet and save yourself a great disappointment, Call early at JONES BROS. © ORRIN & CUNPBELL LTA ATTRAC STOR Fall¢Winter Tweeds, CHAMBER Work Coatings, Fancy Vestings, Black Broads and Doesking | Also. PORT PERRY. a fine variety of Over-Coatings in i new Shades. | --_-- | Gentlemen requiring Winter Glothing will find it decidedly leave their orders as they gnarantee at prices which cannot fail to IY TF Qf SET 8S, to their advantage to superior Cut and Workmanship, satisfy the closest buyer. Feat Tea do. RETIRING Special attention paid to Gent's Furnishings. | rm---- CORRIGAN & CAMPBELL. A full Stock of Seasonable Goods in all the other Depart- ER@DBERTON INVIVAD. CHINA DO, | | Port Perry, Noy. 11, 1875. rlassware ments. = Terms - Cash or Produce. Ee i | ALL GOODS AT COST FORMAN'S Tort Perry, Dee 2, 1875. IN GREAT VARIETY. CUTTERS and © SLEIGHS!! er = mre JUST THE THING FOR The Largest N umber, the Greatest Variety, ters and Sleighs ever shown in the county are now on Show and for Sale at the Ontario Carringe Works, Port Perry. Come ; and inspect the stock and .| tron. PRESENTS TERS vill go Cheap, JAMES EMANEY, "= | port Perry, Nov 23, 1875. Xmas the Best Qualigy, and the Cheapest CUt=- make your selec- MONEY is wanted and the CUT- WL GO 0 Fo Nee 3 PORT | | | FOR | Choice, Valuable, and Cheap WALGER, BW LBHE AND Faney Goods! PLAIN AND FANCY 60 630 RY IUD 20m BEATIOWERY AND General Supplies for Schools, CHEAP AND COOD. W. H, McCAW. Port Perry, May 6, 1874. "ITE NORMAL DEPARTMENT OF THE FORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL SPECIAL CLA nz First and Second Cla Teachers will he forme mencement of the Winter Term Of the &bove School, January 7th, 1876. S5ES Public School at the com- Practice in Teaching will be had, wurder | the supervision of Trained Instructors, in a large graded School and under the same management as the High School. Board from $2.50 to $3 per week. Tuition in the High School, Free. CHARLES MARSH; Chairman of the Board of Education, Port Perry. [Port Perry, Nov. 21, 1875. 48 LECTURES ON EDUCATION. At the urgent solicitations of a large number of Teachers.and others, DR. SANGSTER Has kindly consented to delivera Course of Lectures, Extending over six months, on thd Science and Art of School Teaching. Teachers in Training,at the Port Perry High School will have ap opportunity of attending these Icctuers. Certificates will be given to all who attend the full course, and Special Certifi- cates will be given to those who evince aptitude in teaching. From Dr. Sangster's long experience and unquestioned pre-eminence in training Teachers it is believed that those certificates will be of great value in obtaining situations, and thaéthe thorough theoreiical and prac tical wledge thus acquired will be eminéntly calculated to make successful Teachers, . WANTED. ANTED to Borrow $3,000 on Church ¥ property in Port Perry. Address Teacher W anted. ANTED for School Section No. 8, Cartwright, a Female Teacher. Ladies call apd ex- amine for yourselves as we wake these goods a specialty. BROWN & ROSS, Lam PRACTIC AL NEAR THE TOWN HALL BROCK STREET, WHITBY. --O PORT PERRY. : pairing Port Perry; Dec. 1, 1875. 'Mm. 0. DONOVAN, | CARRIAGE MAKER, ) ) GOOD Assortment of Buggies constantly on hand made from the best Material. -- A Work mado to order with neatness and despatoh. Particular attention paid to re=g bt, a or Second Class in at the com- Teacher.holding a First Duties to Certificate, mencement of the year. None but a good Teacher needapply. Apply to JISEPH DAVIES, J. JOBB, Trustees. W. HOOIE, ; j 16 by letter prepaid to the Cartwright P. Duties to begin at the commencement of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY AND oD SILVERWARE. Diesfeld & Doll Have just received one of the Finest Stocks of the above named Goods in North Ontario, comprising Fine Watches in all' grades, Jewelry of every description, a fine assortment of Silver Ware, and an cndless variety ot Clocks, all suitable for = HOLIDAY PRESENTS, 5% Whick they are prepared to sell at prices which defy competition. Inspection respectfully solicited. DIESFELD & DOLL. Port Perry, Dec 15, 1875. 51¢f -- TI a Te 3 CARRIAGE AND CUTTER CTLOTHEHS! OF VARIOUS PATTERNS. Transfer Ornaments, Masury's Colors, American Varnishes ! IRON AND STEEL, Lie & Munger HARDWARE STORE, PORT PERRY. Part Perry, Dec. 9, 1875. | Will appear next week. ROBERTS & PRICE. Port Perry, Dec. 8, 1875. 4 i | { { rE rr DYE STUFFS, Now is your time, as S. E. ALLISON than ever. Also, a full Stock of LaMPs AND Lave GrLAsses. No. 1 Goal Oil by the barrel or gallon. Give him a call, as he is bound to sell Cheaper than any other person. Port Perty, Nov. 10, 1875. CAMPBELL & BLACK Are daily receiving additional Stock, which at present consists of the following com--- modities : Groceries, Provisions WINES and LIQUORS, Of the very best kinds, which they offer to the public at & | Small Advance on Cost? A large quantity of the year, o on hand, which is pure, 1 12 OR 13 LBS FOR $1 JAS. BAILEY, SUGAR good 4nd Cheap. y Aly 1 » : E, BRYANS, rs - = if by otter ei or SN wright £.0.| Good value in TEAS--Black, Green, and Japan--as Cheap as the Cheapest and as good ¥ pre 5.4¢| a8 the best. : y ov Ad id 46:tf| 18 CULT of all kinds at the lowest rates. Very fine COFFEES, and a Stodk of pure SPICES. TEACHER WAN1ED. Splendid value in TOBACCOS. WANTED for 8. 8. No 2, Cartwrigl Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Cracked Wheat, Flour, (Bran, Shorts, Oats, and all kinds of Provision kept constantly for sale. TERMS--Strictly Cash or Produce. E85 Parcels delivered to any part of the corporation, or to Prince Albert; free of Chsias Campbell & Black." Port Perry July 28, 1875, NEW GOODS ! OUR ADVERTISEMENT New Grey Coton, r GEO. CURRIE. | If you want to get First Class Tv Has got a full Stock of ail kinds and is selling them C heaper| BUTTER, BYITBBe The highest price paid at all. times for Rolls or Tub Butter, and No Charge for tubs: GEO. CURRIE, CASH. CASH. CASH for any quantity of good Batter. GEO. CURRIE: NEW 600DS ! On hand and arriving daily. CEO. CURRIE. ee Light Dress Muslin, Prints; Grenadines and Siques i Sacrificed WITHOUT REGARD TO COST. GEO. CURRIE. i | | | {Cotton Yarns, Denims and Ducks, At Reduced Prices. The Cheapest Goods in Town | Are offered NOTICE 70 THE PUBLIC. WITHOUT RESERVE, | At Geo. Currie's. Black Silks, Black Silks up to $2.50 per yard, At Geo. Currie's. Rich Black Lustres and French Merinos, Persian Cords, and Yokahoma Silk Wharps--CHEAP. | GEO. CURRIE. | - ~ remit Shirtings, Flannels, Linens, Sheetings, Towelling, Table Linen, Damask, and Lace Curtains, At Geo. Curries. Ee o HARDWARE, Paints, Oils; Puity, Nails, Locks, Hinges, Machine Oil, Varnish. Salt in Barrels, Dairy Salt in Bags, Water Lime, Water