Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 16 Dec 1875, p. 1

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" Ra . _euplod by S. 'iy i HENRY GRIST, WHOLE NO. 950 ED -- ria Obserutr, Fy WEEKLY i NEWSPAPER, bit 4 posuismen AT PO BR T PERRY, nig Wo hy oY THURSDA AY MORNING, ¥le isin &. PA "PARSONS. pet anum, if paid in ad- i if gigm 2: 50 will Yo charged. No {ption Ah for less than six months; 0, discontinued until all arrears a7 0 RATES oF. ADVERTISING. Fofeuth Jin, ot insartion hay Bseqtient hsertions, per line Cards, "under 6 lines, oe annum . 'Letters dontaining money, when ad- to this OBi¢s, pre-paid and regester- 1 Be dt out ur risk. pm according = 21 Mr y ac-- up; : pants received for publication, without specific instructions, will be inserte od 4 til fordid and charged accordingly. No advertisment will be taken out until paid for. _Aliberal discdtint allowed to Merchants dnd others who advertise by the year or -year, BE These terms will in all cases be trictly adhered to. T Job Departm ent. "Phamplets, and Bills, Tost "grammes, Bill Heads, Blank Forms Books, Checks, Books, Cirenlars, Cards, Ball Cards, kc, of eve 'olor, executed promptly and at lower rates 'than any other establishment in the.C ounty. Parties from a distance geting hand Mills, &e. printed can have them done to take home with them. JUBAIRD. 11. PARSONS. _Protessiong LEAT, JONES, 3 . Karon, &e. Tort Perey. D,, Coroner, Physician, "Residence--Oftice door west of the Tre by | RR, WARE, Coronor for the County of D Ontario, + Physician, Surgeon and Aec- soucheur, Prince Alb H. SANGSTER, M. D., + geon and' Accouchenr Coroner for the C anty of Ontario FORT PERRY. iture Store, corner of Physician, Sur- fice over Qaeen and tse PATENT SOLIGIOR AND DRADCHTGMAN, OTTAWA, CANADA, © Transacts business with the Patent Office and other d ts of the Gove |THE WALKER fw Y PENNY, it Subscriber der chit his sincere thanks to his Copyrights and the Registration of Trade Marks aud Designs procured. Drawings, Specifications; and other Documents neces. kn patrons for the liberal and con- Tt incrensing patronage which has ih 4 till now sary to secure Patents of Inventi Lon receipt of the model of the Invgation, TT -- Auctioneers. W. M. WILLCOX, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, AND TOWNSHIPS OF MARIPOSA & CARTWRIGHT, EGS to thank his many friends and the public generally, for the liberal patron- age bestowed upon him for the past five years. Having now given up the business of Bailiff, I intend, "in future, to devote my whole time to the business of Auctioneer, Collecting, &c. It will be my endeavor, by prompt and careful attention to business, to give full satisfaction to all who may favor me with their Sales or Collecting. Bi'ls draughted and Blank Notes furnished free of charge Also Bi amps always on hand. Arrangements can be made for sales &e.,! at the Onservir Office, W. M. WILLCOX, 25, 1873. Wm. Licensed Prince Albert, Oct Gor don: Auctioneer, Valuator. &c. Ok the Township of Brock, Usbridge, Scott, Thorah, Rama, Mara, Mariposa and Eldon, iz Parties entrusting their Sales to me yn the utmost attention being given interests, WM. G Stade id 08. H. VALST iD Auctioneer for the Township ok, Thorah, Mara & Rama in ,in the County of Victoria. Residence Anning ton Br Orders left at this office, or at his will be punetnally attended to. Debts col- lected in' Cannington, or otherwise, and prompt remittances mage. Heme mhber-- WALSHE, the Norzh Ontario Auction. eer, i . i Ny { rock, ia "ICE 4 of North Ontario; Mariposa, cte. i Office hou nm. to 12m, Residence, olling recently fy Mrs. Geo, 3 pi Mec] Ts RAL, Phy &e., &e, Tice and Resi yh gis FRANCES RA , MLD. WM, M'GILL, M1, Mei Lay Oshawa, i) . MARTIN, M. I. Simcoe S . Nocth of the Central Hotel, | 'BRIE, ) tal, London, Oxbirwo. BE. ® Vind Attor Aolieitor, an Whitby. - YMAN A ENGLISH LT 1 Chancery, Attorney, Ca Oshaw Ghoo--Simaoe strevt, opposi Barines County Jou House. AMERY & ¢/)- 21.1 Attorpeys o fount, Ontario. Whitby. IL J. MACDONNELL. BM. C, CAMERON, A. HURD, Attorney at Law, and Soticifor + in Chancery. Office inthe Ray al Arcade, Port Ierry. NV. Maurice Cochrane, A' TTORNEY-AT-LAW, kh in Chan- cety, Notary Public, ke, C. hours punctually from 3 4 m. tos pm. Lani to Loan at 8 per cent, on alk kinds of good security. , Office, Bigelow's Royal Arcade, PORT PERRY. ARS, L.D. S. Sidon: d on all the fntost princis ple andas clitap as the cheap- | thes, VIHITBY "gry EAM MARBLE WORKS. { J. & R. WOLF. DEN, LE and des THOT N Fore and American Marble 3 Monuments, &c., Dundas St, Whithy i Also, Agent for the Scottish it Also Building Stone cut to order, JOHN NOTT, Agent, Port Perry. f R. RICEARDSON, c-appointed Issuer of BE arri 1 ee » Fiiconses 3 Under the New Act. 1st eon. Brock. Brock, Aug. 5,1874. Office, lot 10, in toc 33 Wew Marriage July 1st, 1 ENRY CHARLES having been re- appointed Marrioge License Agent-- (after sixten years: duty) continues to far- nish Licenses us heretofore--at Port Perry. Act. Port Perry, IST OF DIVISION COURTS est, and as good as fic best Toth Hild L i Good accommodations. Careful attention itn Gold and ¥ pd Se FOR THE th the requirements of travelers and guests. bi bi ic Cowan's new v} nt £ Ontario 'The bar supplied with the best Liquors and 3 0 oun Cigars. Good Stabling. block, 0 Rinses Prog Store, Ring ¥ ms = y yl ? Stanchester, July 15, 1874. 30 Straet, O Hy { FOR TIE YEAR 1875. wy AFOE HOUSE, GHA S THORN, VS. ihllsklkil | D FEHR vrica. ER of the Veterinary | Institute, 1] br Ford lm Ti J. DAFOE, PROPRIETOR. Whithy.. 11 1} 211 11 cago, Ll. Sod Medniieh for th | Bro chan) oh) A 3 3 2 ha | Good actommodmions, Careful attention on on' Pea oid bart Perry azz aha! tH 9,14 | to the requirements of travelers and' gfidk(s. irs Prizo Essay on g. | Canning alas] |14|16 Hil 110{15 | The bar supplied with the best wines; fiquors 16, 1867. Beaverton Hy | Hl |is and cigars, Good stabling. Dr. Thorn begs to announce that Tho has | Mara, T Hail. Ld ano taken up hjs residence at Port Perry, and is GEO. H. DARTNELL, OYAL EXCHANGE HOTEL, now prepared to treat all cases entrusted to Junior Judge. WILLTAMSBURG, CARTWRIGHT, in the most skillful and scientific hiv! 'All orders left at the Medical Hall 5 and at the St Rrpdidly a Office, Tort Perry. : | travelers attached, me WALKER HOUSE whether for extent or quality of aciommos dations is equalled by few Hotels in the Frovines and surpassed by none out of the best cities, Commercial Travelers, the Traveling Public, Farmers and others doing business in the Village and the general public wil} find in - THE WALKER HOUSE all that can be required in the matter of accommodation and moderation in charges. The Charges are No Higher at the Walker House than at any other Hotel in Town. The House is fitted up throughout in FIRST CLASS STYLE. The Tables and Bar supplied with the choice ot.the market and the utmost atten- tion paid to the convenience and comfort of ALL GUESTS. An abundance of comfortable Stable and Shed accommodation, and attentive hostlers, I, WALKER. 36 Port Terry, Sept. 1, lens pow PEI R RY HOU SK, ORT PERRY JAS. V. THOMPSON. - PROP RIETOR. The above House is now muiost comfort. ably furnished, and Guests are cared for in the Home Style. Good Liquors and Cigars, algo, first class Stabling and good Ostle Additions have been made which maker this the largest and best House in this section. of country. Fare $1.00 per Day, ENISON'S @BOMINION HO At the Railway Station, PORT PERRY Every attention given to the accommoda- | ticn and comfort of guests. The table and | bar supplied with the best the Market af | fords. Choice Liquors and the best brands ExccMent stable and shed ac- ¢ tao ion, hi attentive ostl ). B. DENISON, Proprietor, Rn IVERE HOUSE, 0. HOUCK. of the |" All of a useful character. Port Perry, Dec. Gth, 1875: THE FOLLOWING USEPUL ARTICLES FOR Xmas Holidays oP BIRD CAGES, all kinds, Round and Square, and sery Cheap. Nichol and Silver Plated KNIVES, FORKS, and SPOONS, Cruits, Butter Bowls, Toast Racks, Goblets, Cake Baskets, and everything FOR PRESENTS ! pay A Call Solicited. ~@a W. T. PARRISH. TAN INSUBORDINATE WIFB. Mrs. Giles stood i in tho front yard, hanging up her Monday's wash ; the fast piece bad found its place upon the line. ¢ Done at last, said Mrs. Giles, speaking to herselt, a habitin which | she frequently indulged. 'Now if dinner was out of tho way I might have timo to finish Ticonard'a suit this afternoon : I've had it around so long If I only had a sewing machine how. much I could accomplish ;' and pick- ing up her basket she went into the house. The prospect within was not very cheering ; the wash tub to clear away, and the dinner to place upon the tabla. Just as she began to lay tho table, Mr, Giles appeared at the door and said : ' Put on an cxtra plate, that man will take dinner with us.' Dinner was soon ready, and as soon dispatched, for ceremony was ono of the unknown things in the Giles Family. Mr. Giles and the stranger retired to the sitting-room to discuss the merits of a new reap- | er and mower, while Mrs Giles re- | mained and cleared away the dinner ftable. When she had finished and made herself ready for the afternoon she went into the sitting-rcom. Mr | Giles was saying: ¢If youn have anything new and better, anything that will make work easier and do more of it, I'm your man! I'm in avor of all machinery that will lighten work for man. Why, bless | you, just look around my farm ; it's run mostly by machinery.' ¢ Profitable ? Certainly,' PORT PERRY LIVERY STABLES, Rb NZIE, rT. C. "FORMAN, Inspector of Weights & Measures For the County of Ontario. Port Perry, Nov 1, 1875. 45:tf PROPRIETOR. «having now fully equipped tonsive Livory Stables with a supp! rior Horses and Carriages, is pre 4) BS Tarai ni clos LIVERY RIGS NTT Subs a above excellent Hotel vr to conduct it in to merit the appro of the public. jester, Oct, 6, 1876, a AL HOTEL, « BY. ALPHONSO HINDE, - PROPRIETOR The comfort and convenience of guests attended to. ent accommodation of Commercial Whithy, A Whitby, July 20, 1871. 59) LENE nl a (YUEENS HOTEL, | 4, Corner of Cameron and Laidlaw Sts, : CANNINGTON, Ost. DN. CAMPBELL, st §<5™ First class Sample Rooms, Livery Cannington, Oct, 20, 1875. A PASTRO NG ort = (LATE ALBION.) WHITBY, ONTARIO. | E. ARMSTRONG, PROPRIETOR. A NGLO-AME RICAN HOTEL, % PRINCE ALBERT. |W. H. PALE, - - - PROPRIETOR Having purchased the above pleasantly | situated Hotel, 1 have thoronghly repaired | and renovated the entire premises even to | the Sb ¢ hotel has been furnished | in I Style and Stocked with the best Liquors and Cigars! Strict attention paid to the comfort of t gue The table and bar well a d. . H. PARK. Prince Albert, June 12, ooh 4 | NION HOTEL, | MANCHESTER. JAMES T, HEARD, PROPRIETOR. Whithy, Jan. 1, 1875. of pu .Allison, will receive prompt p@ The Veterinary Stables may be found of, Dpposito Cossity's Factory, ¢ 5 1 173. 8 SLL | JEN SM. WILLGOX, iC Sffows of Whitby, thas i BRT iz HE ASSIGNEE . : ) tario; © Any business ds fit ---- i be carefully at- = hivd Divi: J: ght Clarke of th ho Thied Pict . Por] akg Gt os Gm 89 2 to3 p. m. TOWNSHEP' cunnE, Capital 8400, 000. ging : Secretly «viv, orebid "Bernard Halden, Esq. Jaws PRINGLE, General Agen. MONEY | MONEY I Jom CHRISTIE, f Marup Licenses--Conveyancer, Huser . issioner &e. oice--Munchoste, ONEY TO LOAM at ats per cent interest | WESTERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y |} TORONTO. r has | I been moved to the "second Com Sat Bathing FE. BRYANS, Proprietor, Subscriber having succeeded Mr. Mason, lily plersant and commodious Hotel bas spared neliber Inher nor expense in renting 22 2 = 3 3 TY 2 3 E 3 Zz ° £ 2 SR Liq tors and The cholo of th he Tab es, Excellent fis BRYANS. aE Dee. 6, 1875. A (VUEEN'S REN'S HOTEL, RT PERRY, D. YRETAND, Proprietor. The Queen's as DOW arranged is onsurpassed for comfort and convenience, on Moderate Terms. to C. MCKENZIE, Port Perry, jh -w | - a {-- .-- , CLEAN- or AS S NLW FURS AP SMALL COST. Ww 3 Subscriber would take this oppor- | i i dics of Por ips that she | on her winter business her residence on door | cot , and 1s now y n way of Clea and altering in the best styleall | 7 has k8 for the liberal pa ft ae A number of L up and ready for sale, 2 done on short notice and in the best sty lc, s' Fur Caps just made - MRS. E. D Dorit Yerry, Nov, 2, 1875. 4 $YOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." See Deuteronomy, chap. Xi, verse 13. CLARKE'S [World Famed Blood Mixture. Trade Mark--* Blood Mixture." C0 Tik GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND RESTORER. |&F ug and clearing the blood from cannot be too highly recommend- all irapu | ed. sores of all Kinds it is a never-failing and per- | | manent cure. _It Cares old Sores. Guest] leerated and Sore loga. Cures Blackheads, or pimples-on | {he face: Cures Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancerous Ulcers. ! Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. ' Cures Glandural Swellin pas. - Clears the Bood from all fmpure Matter. | From whatever cause arising. As this mixture is pleasant to Tho taste, and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitugion of either sex, the Proprietor solicits sufferers to give it a trial ta test its value. Thousands of Testimonials from all parts, Sold in bottles 2s 2d each, and in cases con- taining six times the quantity, 118 each--suffi- cleat to effect a permanent cure in the great majority of long standing eases, Soup By ALL CHEMSTS AND PATENT vic VENDORS thronghout the world. Sole Proprietor, F. J. CLARKE, Chemist, APOTHECARIES' HALL; , ENGLAND, EXPORT AGENTS. Bargayas, B Burbridges and Co., Colman St. Newbury ed Sons, 3 Newgate St., London, Barclay and Sons. 35 "arrington St St , London. Sanger, au d Sons Oxford St, London. . And all the Lopdon holeshle Houses, sb. , "m= ABENTS IN CANADA. Montreal. ss Mercer and Co,, Wholesale Un BRO. WISNER'S SULKEY HORSE-RAKE. THRESHING MACHINES, &C. 14 highest Prize Medals MONEY T0 LEND: The undersi lend upon F ¢ borrower. s for sale, cheap, Yvelu nts made i Mun cipal' De Apply to JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee, Whitby. hitby, April 10, 1872, AGR cu LIU AL - IMPLEMENTS ! pe Subscriters having been engaged | as AGENTS FOR THE JOSEPH HALL Manufacturing Company | OSHAWA, Wonld take this opportunity of informing the Fayning community of this section of ny y dcyltural Machine manufactured at the Joseph Tall Manufacturing Company's Works, Oshawa, on the For Serofula, Scurvy, Skin Diseases. and | Shortest Notice and the Most Yavorabie Serms. : * The Champion COMBINED REAPER and MOWER. THE Guanrion SINGLE MOWER, THE CII: AMPION SINGLE REAPER. 04ST $0 WERS ard SPOUT ILLS. and Diplomas Awarded the Champion in Europe tor 1873. A 4 Shsering Victory in the old world I | Crowning Triumph in' the New!!! Hirgna Adis jae in Crowning | Xi of the Harvest 5. i arves BE. WALKER. : : H. 8, JOHNSON, Port Perry, Dee. 3, 1874. fo ned has any amount of Mone; arm and Town Property, ally Low Rates of Interest! Loans can be repaid in any manner to suit Alsgrvers! Improved Farms, and Wild hen- Je | tures, Bank and other marketable Stocks. droker, &e. Orrieg--Over the Dominion Bank, McMil- lan's Block, Brock st., ung that they arc preparca to furnish replied he to an interrogation from the stranger. 'Money in the bank,' he added, never omitting an occasion of: mentioning a small deposit he had at the city bank. The stranger was gone at last, and Mrs Giles sat with weary limbs = and aching shoulder to finish a suit of clothes she was making for her eldest son, a lad of fifteen.-- Slowly and wearily the needle went in and out ; stitch after stitch was taken, but to littie purpose ; it did seem as if she would never come to the last, But if stiches progressed slowly, ~ her thoughts flew fast cnough. The last words of her hus band lingered in her mind, andagain | they recurred to her. «Yes, men can' have their burdens lightened, but poor wonien may drudge. Every year Giles adds something new to his farming im- down .| Harris had gone, Mrs Gilos sat for just going to icok for » ---- ing around, his nyes fell upon Fi washing machine w-th a wringer attached. Taking hold of the crank and giving a turn or two, he said : 'A sewing machine, by thunder Bat how in the 'flame of io. sense they can sew ypon { 1) than Ican tell.' UT Placing the candle on a table he came in contact with a Japs churn,'" : What ! another blasted concern! Polly ! Polly I he screamed, seizing the candle, and burying back in tho sleeping room." ~~ In his haste his foot caught in the framework of a sewing machine, and he fell fall length. in the middle of the floor, while tho candlé found a resting place on the opposite side of the room. Mrs Giles suddenly aroused from a sound sleop, started upin a be= wildered way, saying: ¢ What is it® Philp? What's thé matter ?' Mrs Giles sprang from the bed and assumed an air of dignity. ¢ Matter enough,' growled hs; picking up and rescuing the' 'candle from its proximity to the bed cloths: 'Who has filled up the house with" all that trumpery? and, who do | you think is going to pay for it ?-- If you think I am you are mistaken." which Mr Giles declared he would| 'Philip Giles,' said she, 'I have never be able to collect. ¢The always faithfully endeavored to do poor wretch,' he insisted 'will never | MY duty as a wifs and mother. 1L be able to save enough to pay his| have patiently 'borne my privations honest debts while his wife spends thinking them necessary to husband all his earnings on such foolish [OUT means, while you have used things as washing machines,' money, without stint, to purchase Mrs Giles informed Mr. Harris of | Machinery to lighien your . work.-- her husband's absence, but said she Now, I have resolved on a change- would attend to the business. When | What modren improvements therg all was satisfactorily settled and Mr | are to facilitate woman's work I in intend to have. Nay, donot inter-- some time looking at the roll of | Upt me,' she continued as Mr Giles money in her hand. - made an effort to speak. ¢ These At length a new thought came in [things are paid for with the her mind. Carefully placing the | MODEY dear old arandfather left me bills in her pocket, she went into the | {by his will. © You loared it to Mr kitchen and hurriedly finished the | Harris doing me neither the honor morning's work, and then dressing 20 justice to have the note drawnin herself, went to the siation which | ®y name. Yesterday ho paid it. I was but a quarter of amile distant, Went to the city and made those She wae jastin time for the morning !puachases; they cost less than the train tothe city, ten miles away. -| mower you bave just bought. The It was nearly 4 o'clock in the af- | restof the money I have placed ia ternoon when sha returned home.-- | the savings bank.' Mr Giles was stili absent ; Leonard, 'In your name, I suppose 7 said the eldest son, stood in the yard Mr. Giles. with tho team. ¢ Yes, in my name,' continued Mrs Giles, ¢ that I may have the use of it when I wish- This farm we pur- With this ultimatum he loft the | table, and taking his hat, mounted his horse and rode away to look at the new reaper which he contem- plated buying. One by one the members of the family finished their breakfast and passed out, leaving Mrs Giles alone. She sat with her head resting upon her hand, hér thoughts wandering back to the days when, in the fresh ness of her youth, she gave her heart's deepest and best affections to Philip Giles. Blinded by her great love for him she saw not the ex- trome selfishness nor coarsenes of bis nature. She implicitly believed all his promises, and heeded not the warning of her friends. It seemed a long time sinco then, so many shadows had darkened their pathway , darker yet seemed to grow life's rugged journey. She saw her six sons growing up around her, amid rough and evil influences, | without the ability io counteract them. Mrs Gilé$ femained a long time bowed over the breakfast table praying tvith a sense of helplessness and a feeling of need, such as she had never botore experienced. A loud rap at the door startled her.-- On opening the it she found Mr. Harris had called to pay off a note, which had long been due, a note ¢ITeigho, mother,' said he, ¢ 1 was you. I thought plements, whils T have to pledalong with hardly sufficient utensils to cook a decent dinner ; an old stove without a boilotg or decent riddle, | and a cracked door. No wonder 1 can't bake a loaf of bread decently. bave to sit and stitch for a weels on this suit when two hours on a machine would compl { here T it. all of Mrs words sat stitching the hours away. consciousness of her It is needless Giles' thoughts and to recor as she A dim wrongs and a faint determination hereafter to as- sert her rights were entering her | mind. . Sho had so long given up her opinions, set aside her needs and fostered the selfishness of her hus. band, that it was hard to break ibrough the meshes of a habit which his stern will had woven around her The afternoon wore away and Mrs Giles gar ment, to prepare the evening real ol Tho next morning at breakfast she remarked to her husband that nl agent for sewing machines had cal-| led the day previous and wished her to try one of his machines. = ¢I told him,' she said, he might leave one when he came next week.' Mr Giles laid down his knite and fork and sat with utter amazement depicted on his cotintenand: ¢ A sowing machine !' he gasped when he had recovered himself. 'He needn't leave any of his new fangled humbugs here; I have no use for them.' «But I have.' 'You!' interru ad he; * don't see what use you pan ra-machine.-- You could never learn to use it; or if you did, what have you to sew ? laid aside an unfinished chased with a part of that® legacy, {and hereafter I intend to see that my rights are respected, and legal | claims rightly adjusted. And so she did. Why tse nin te man in a the Atlantic it was too bad for have to walk.' ¢ Well, my son,' she replied, ¢ you | would not have found me. [ have heen to the city. 'The city! Gee whittaker!" and Leonard gavo a prolonged whistle. you always to balloon like Because a creal able? ¢ Yes,' said Mrs Giles, getting in !swell is rolling above him. wagon. 'And now I wish you to go| S-------- rp ¥ --- How a woman can keep on talk- to the station with me and bring my ing while she t purchases.' Leonard mounted beside her, say- ing: 'And ths old man did shell out | _ for once in his lifo, and gave you al CL, little money, did he ?' An Irishman was once asked if he Mrs Giles reproved Leanord for | had ever seen a red blackberry. 'To speaking thus of his father, but he I be sure 1 have, syd Pat; ail black eatinned : berries are red when they aro green. "Well, T can't help it. 1 think it) * John) 1 wisi youd elose the door a shame. He never gives you aisaid an irritable father to his son.-- cent to spend, but sends you to the cists up her back nouth fnil of haip 1s, is a mystery not yet explain- 'Your mother must be scolding store at the corner with tho same |some body at the other end of the old order: 'Please let the bearer! ql there's such a draught from have what sho neasds" I would {pag quarter. make it convenient to need a great many things if I were you.' ---- 'A place for everything, and ev- erything in its place' as the old woman said when she stowed away the spittoon, bellows, three balls of yarn, two babies, a curricomb, three cats and a gridiron into an old oven, It was late when Mr Giles re- turned. He hastily dismounted and gave his horse to one of the boys. Entering the house he called for his supper in no gentle tones. Fortun- ately supper was just ready, Hav- ing satisfied his ravenous appetite, he rose from the table, saying ¢ «Come oys, its time you were in bed. .I'll want you at day break in the morning,' and, setting the example, Mr Giles, went to bed and was 8000 asleep. About 11 o'clock, Mrs Giles hav- ing finished her work and made preparations for breakfast retired to The devotion of a young wife to her newly married husbind if very touching. In her eyes, at that blissful early period, he dogs moi look foolish in Pret slippers, Hix snoring may be a more, sap prise than she would choose to ad- mit ; but she refrains from mention- ing {t=for a day or two. and C tion, LETTER FROM DR. CRANE. Only my clothes and the boys.'-- Women now-a-days "are getting mighty independent, wanting ma- chines to do their work ; too lazy to © sts has hoon' and Bar Jib eu the choice of tho are The Stables argu iftended gor rotor. s 3 MONEY . [Private Funds,] To Loan on good Farms, at 8 per cent in- terest. | 1 LYMAN ENGLISH, Darrister, &o., shawa YL on Real Estato. A. HURD: Port Perry, March 12, 1874, 12 November, 21, 1866. 14 i. TAKEN TO AND FROM THE rw styrion e go 2480 "AROU: iN " Drusiste: | 2 do it themselves. Suppose they Toronto. --aiotians Oo RIERA D. CARMICHAEL, want to gad about and gossip about Ey Fond fv Co. ib ~ Afolta Suvderland. thoir neighbors ?' pi ifaz.-- Avery, Brown and Co.. ¥ v 0.70 =. «Why, i wm FORMA 185UER OF ¢ Woman's work is aeskings on § 3 x hd i tl L [ IGGAGE | rriag 5 "Tice tinued Mr. Giles, not heeding the dor vst of the W: ad interruption, ¢ My mother had not as many conveniengies for doing her moderate. J COOK. Port Percy Jan, 1gh, J8T4, - 0 Co lke Rooms, over Mr. Nott's Furnitare Ware- Tous, corner Queen and Perry Streets. rot erry, Now. 18, 18744 = Nouns, « . work "as you have, yet she always The § abscribor Ia prepared 8 convey uns. bong 'cook. 'had her Ys regular and Chests, Triinks, Bozes and every 'other do- | Fie l HAIR DRESSER: cooked and that is more than 1 oripking 52 Logsgeto or from ie Rail J All Switches, Frizzets, Curls, and Comb- | CAD Say of you. "No, Idon't want Orders 'promptly attended to, 5 Charges ings, aud Halt Jewelry Manufactured, | any sowing machines about my house. God made as good's: sling, 3. rest. Being much fatigued by the - day's excitement she soon slept James 1 Fellows, a i Naa heavily. ledge of the prominent ingredients of your After the first nap, Mr Giles was |c d Syrup of Hypophosphites fema=. restless and uneasy. He and |ed such a pini a as to be dy turned from side to side but no more | to d it to my pa sleep for him. So he concluded to get up. Having dressed himself, ho took the candleand' 'proceeded to the kitchen. The slender tallow dip threw a lurid light around the apartment. Things seemed to have changed since morning. Raising the light above his head, gazed long prtice, and earnestly around'the apartment. There stood "a new stove, with} its = black or polished face smiling upon him; a row of bright a tions of the Hypophosphifes. For seferni years I have continued to prescribe it, in women. « sewing , | machine as T want ho he made and shining tinware was neatly ar- nged on a shelf behind it. Turn

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