'More of thio "Soe Along; John y BEL emRy i will bo how vehemently: the two "Come Along, Johns," Hay and Sibeen and the whole Grit rank and file the statement that Hay and Gibson had, on the strength of Mowatt's i tions prom "te ma Mot County > Wowig Forest the County town of the | The' following front the Guelph Herald will sef to vest and prove the' Copy of printed statement. "Phe words used by D. D. Hay, M. P, P. for North Perth, Gibson, M, P. P. for East Huren, at & meeting in Mount Forest on the evening of Friday, Sept 24th, were as follows :--Mr. Hay, after complimeuting the Mount Forest people «m their public spiritin erecting such a fine town hall and other evi- dences of material prosperity, said that be, as well as the Listowell people, were in ac. the county town question the Province, and when ) the riding he was also request- ted to Mount by a lare num- ber of political friends, and he would now ,- toll them that if they supported the Government i eandidate théy , and that he would retnain until next day' to meet a number of friends and arrange matters so as to accom plish the desired result. 4 Mr. Gibson stated that if they supported the Government candidate they would not only have his support and vote for their county scheme, but he would promise the " su] d votes of all the members for Huron and Bruce in the Lotal House, and mind you they count five. If the electors did not support bis friend, Mr. Garbutt, they could pob' lave his support and that of his County of Wellington to Wit: We, the undersigned, residents of the vill- age of Mount Forest, in the County of Wel- lington, and neighborhood, do solemnly de-/ clare that we were. each personally present at the meeting above referred to, held in the Town Ha l in said village, at the time above stated sud heard Messicures D. D. Hay, and @ibson address the electors assembled there- at, when they most distinctly made the pectively batadto. tho on the above printed paper in sich a man- ner as to convey to the audience that thcy were respectively authorized to make such statements by the Hon. Oliver Mowat and members for Huron and Bruce, and farther when a gentleman present went nro platform and challenged them with ha made such statements and repeated the words uttered by them they remained per- fectly silent and did not in any way attempt ny that they had uttered them. And we make this solemn declaration conscien- fiously believing the same to be true and by virtue of the act in the 27th year of Her Majesty's n intituled an act for the Qoppression of voluntary and extra judicial ths, Boutin Sumnwoop, H. B. Kerr, Bais Mowery, Joy Siursow, Troma Gox, Jorn McLazex, RoperT CLARKE, Jorn Jacos, Ey as to Hay's statement. MAR N, as to Hay's statement. 'W. C. Peunv, as to Hay's statement. Taken and sworn before me, this 30th day of Gotober, a. p., 1875, atthe Village of Mount Forest in the County of Wellington. Fon THOMAS SWAN, One of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace in y and fordhe County of Wellington. \ a - E-- Zrra's C000A.--GRATEFUL AND COMFORTING. ¢ By a thorough knowledge of the nataral aws which govern the operatious of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills, It is.by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a itution muy be graduall built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to at- tack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping oursives well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame." --Civil Service Qazstte. CHRISTMAS FAIR: The Port Perry Monthly Cattle Fair and | Chyistrans Show will be held on Thursday, 16th Déc,, 1875. Prize List :-- Best Fat Ox or Steer, $200 81 00 Fat Cow or Heifer, 2 00 1 00 Fatted and Dressed Hog, 200 2 00 Tatted and Dressed Sheep, 100 0 50 Pair Fatted Turkeys, 75 50 Pair Fatted Geese, % . 50 Pair Fatted Ducks, 50 2 Pair Fatted Chichens, 50 25 'Tub Butter, 2 00 1 00 Roll Butter, 10 lbs, 2 00 100 SPECIAL PRIZES : By Geo, Currie, Esq.,-- Tub Butter, $200 $100 Roll Butter, 10 Ibs, 200 100 By T. Walker, Esq, Walker House, for Best Bingle Driving Horse, a 1st prise of 3, By and D. Ireland, Esq, Queen's Hotel, a 2nd prize of $2 J. J. BHAW, Sec'y. Port Perry, Dec. 1, 1875. FRE Chdensigued would respectfully in- a form the Tull tents 8 of pot Perry and public gemerally now prepared 10 exeontoall kinds of REPAIRING AND MANUFACTURING | WATCHES, CLOCKS, AND aii JEWELRY, Having had a number of years' practical ex- perience with first-class workmen in City and Town, also and Tools used in this using 'he will be of the able first-class on p by strict attention to this EE Es dm | @@F~ Remeniber the place--ncarly oppe- ito J. Wright's Boot and Shoe Store and y adjoining J, Rolph's Harness Shop and D ; "Agricultural MANCHESTER) a My Christian's Column, ; 0 : MORTCACES WANTED. Subscribers have lai sums of mon- ey placed In their hands for investment on mproved Farms, Village Properties, and other Securities in this and Jijolsing Counties e lowest current rates of interest. As wo jve funds on hand at all times Borrowers stting their money with the elay. FHE WANTED TO PURCHASE, - Any number of Mortgages for which the high. est Ay het be phi eh e dep nd on teast possible raisers for the Canada Per- t_and a. Paid to 20 years. Lands Bought and Sold: Several good farms for sale. nts for several first class Fire In- surance Com panies, Collections made and a general agency busi- ness transacted. #3 DEBENTURES BOUGHT."&X JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, General Agents, Office in Mr. Ross' Ontario Buildings, Port Perry. Port Perry, Oct. 11, DAVIS & SONS' STEAM Casver Factory! PORT PERRY. HIGHEST PRICE TT Subscribers always keep on hand (and are constantly manufabturing more) a large Stock of just such FURNITURE ! As the community requires ; suitable for all classes of purchasers. All of cnoice Ma- rERIAL, the Best Workmansure, and at svcH 2nions as cannot fail to suit. PAID ror UNDERTAKING In all its departments promptly ded to and charges moderat: COFFINS of all sizes kept con-- stantly on hand. | SHROUDS of all sizes and newest styles. CASKET OR BURIAL CASE procured on short notice. i | The American Style of | Hearse. Also an ordinary style of Hearse. ? J. W. DAVIS & BONS. Port Perry, Nov. 26, 1873 49-1y J. NOTT & SON, Cabinet Makers, Undertakers and Upholsterers. Take pl in informiug their cust and the public generally that they have on hand in their Warerooms a good and well assorted Stock of Furniture consisting of Extension, Centre, Drawing and Kitchen Tables; Wood, Cane and Stuffed Bottom Chairs ; Couches in Reps, Cretonne, Damasks and Hair-Cloth, Sofas, Bureaus, Sideboards, Cupboards, Writing Desks, Bedsteads, What- Nots, Stands, Mirrors in Walnut, Gilt and Rose and Gilt, Straw, Wool, Moss, Seagrass, Minod and Hair Mattresses, Bedroom Setts, Parlor Suites, Hall Furniture, Dunk's and Whiteside's Spring Beds, &c, which will be sold as cheap as at any House in the trade. PICTURE FRAMING. Keeping a large Stock of Walnut, @ilt and Rose and Gilt, Mouldings, Chromos and Lithographs we feel eonfident we ean give {satisfaction in this branch of our business as we make a specialty of it. 4 UNDERTAKING Wewould respectfully call attention to our) Undertaking Department where everything Clothing! FALL & WINTER, 18%5. © A full Stock of Fall and Winter Goods to hand, including 4 Overcoatings,. Worsted Coatings, English, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds. Underclothing, Hats, Caps, & Gent's Furnishings, A GREAT VARIETY. W. TRENBETH, Merchant Tailor, Queen Breet, PORT PERRY. Port Perry, Sept. 2, 1875. TAILORING, In all its Departments. HE Subscriber is carrying on the Tailor- ing Busi in all its dep at his rooms over Corrigan & Campbell's Store, Port Perry. Newest Styles, First-Class Workmanshin, and a perfect fit guaranteed. Charges moderate. Agent tor the Singer Sewing Machine. The Singer Machine is. decidedly the best machine now in use and also the cheapest) when the quality of the machine is taken into consideration. Parties will do well to come and examine the machines, JOHN PEARCE. Port Perry, Doc. 1, 1874. 49 First Class Tailoring Establishment | | BEHIND MR. CURRIES STORE, PORT PERRY. 4 Bnd would embrace this op- portunity of returning thanks to his numerous customers for their liberal and still increasing patronage during the number of years which he has done business in Port Perry, and would now state that having moved into the new premises behind Mr. necessary for the proper performance of they Currie's Store, his accommodations for, last rites due the di d can be ished on the shortest notice, we keep on hand at all times a good selection of Walnut, Elm, But ternut, Rosewood D. T. and 0. G. Coffins, Walnut and Rosewood Caskets. Shrouds in 'alll styles. Face cloths and Caps. Gloves snd 'bands furnished free of charge. A first class B. All kinds of good Tumber taken in ex- change for Work. The Subscribers are the only authorized agents in fhe docality for the Whitby Marble Works. Having increased our facilities we hopeby paying strict attention to business and fair] dealing to/mevit a share of public patronage. Urqubat's sale rooms. N.B Night calls promptly attended to by one of the rm, : J. NOTT.& BON. Port Perry, July 1st, 1875. THE OSHAWA CABINET CO'Y NilLpay foo highest price, in Cash, for LUMBER Deliverod-at their yard in Oshawa. [Square Edge Preferretl]) Oak or Ash, 1 in, 1}, 2 in. any willth. Butternut, 1 in, any width, Water Elm, 1 in,, any width. War St, 11 in., 13, 114, 117, 11§, 20 car Basswood, 1 in,, any wiitith. iI} in,, 118,114, 17, 118,220 cor AL iin, § in, iin, 1} ln, Whiin,, ! are much enlarged, and his i d facilities for carrying on tho Tailoring busi- ness in all its departments are such as enable him to fill orders with still greater sip, Superior workmanship, the Newest Styles and perfect fits warranted. Customers will find me at my rooms be-, hind Mr. Currie's Store, All.orders promptly and carefully af to, / J. RIGGS. Port Perry, Sept. 22, 1875. 39) TAILORING IW ADL ITS DEPARTMENTS, A SQUIRE'S ITMLORING ESTABLISHERT] OVER IBIGELOW!S STORE PORT PERRY. JAWS : BOUIRE. Port Perry, Way 8, 1875. FIRST. CLASS TAILORI! Wok mealle upon tthe sihottedt motice in | thellttedt styles anil timeblondte rates, A fittguarariteet] » y WRIGHT'S BOOT & SHOE EMPORIUM ! PORT PERRY. TR S---- WANTED. 500 Cords of Hem- lock Bark, 3000 Sheepskins, And any quantity of Hides and Tallow for which the HIGHEST PRICE IN CASH ! Will be paid by the Subscriber. J. WRIGHT. Port Perry, Oct. 1, 1874. FIRST CLASS BOTS HOF Material, Worsmanalp, Style and ¥ HE Subscriber would return his sincere thanks for the very extensive and rapidly increasing patronage bestowed on him since opening business in PORT PERRY; And wonld embrace this opportunity ot as- suring his customers and the public gener- ally that as in the past so in the future will he strictly adhere to using only the best material, employing none but good work- men and selling at prices--when the quality of the Goods is considered--which cannot fail to please purchasers. Constantly on hand lots of Boots asd Shoes of my own manufacture. Call and inspect my Stock, gay First block west of the Post Office RICHARD WARRINER. Port Pemy, Xow. 12, 1873, BEWARE OF COUNTERFETTS. BE --_-- For the protection of the pallic of British North America, I deem iit my duty to state that my Pills and Ointment are neither memw- future nor sold in amy part of the United! tates. Each Pot and Box hears tthe Brifich Gou- ernment Stamp, with the werds "Hell lowmy's Pills and Qintmeil, Dalen engraved tihene- account are respectful settle at once as we for past favors we would solicit Port Perry, Oct. 21, 1875. TAKE NOTICE. hb --" - All persons indebted to us either by note or book ly requested to call and intend to close up our Books and adopt the Casm SysTEM. Our business 'in the future will be carried on onstrictly Casa PRINCIPLES. T.ook Out for CHEAP GROCERIES | Now. Our Motto is Cheap for Cash. Taking this opportunity of thanking var numerons customers a continuance of the same, We are respectfully yours, * » BONGARD & ROBINSON. PUMPS! At J. Patent Swing Common Log ia oe ---- Having theUniied S favor him with a call. Allordersfor any of theabove, whether by m 8 t.29,1870. PUMPS! -- () C---- You can get the best and cheapest Pump in the Province IRVIN'S PATENT : PUMP FACTORY, PORT PERRY. nn 0 SEE THE PRICES. Force Puxp--A complete Pump and Fire Engine with Hose and Coupling complete for $25. Lift Pumps at 50 cents per foot. Pumps at 40 cents per foot. Common turned suction Pumps at 35 cents per foot. Cistern Pumps, a complete Pump, from $3 up to $8. Also every other deseription of Pump, at EQUALLY LOW RATES! . ad lonz experienc' in Pump-making in the largest factories in Canada and (ates, the subscriber feels confident thai he can perfectly satizly all that will ailorotherwise promptly attended to. JOHN IRVIN, Port Perry. Brick! Brick! Brick! HE Subscriber has on hand a large quantity of really FIRST CLASS BRICK And still manufacturing more at his BRICK FIELD, NONQUON, 12ra CON. OF REACH. The quality of the Clay is such as to se- cure pertect Brick both in quality and eolor: Orders for either Red or White Brick filled on the shortest notice. The Brick are warranted to give entire tisfaction and their Cheay cannot fail in being an additional recommendation. In quality and appearance they cannot be surpassed and good Brick eannot be got cheaper anywhere. Remember the place, Nonquon Brick Field 12th Con. Beaeh. HENRY WEBB, Reach, Sept. 1, 1875, Proprietor Agricultural Implements, Agents Wanted in every Township in Ontario to sell ths famous Prize Medal Organ Manufactured by the Smith American Organ Co., and George Steck & Co's Pianos. Special inducements will be given to first class agents and clubs of three or four wishing to purchase. y numberof testimonials in favor of those first-class organs can be furnished but as they are so widely known--great numbers having been sold Yirohghedt the Dominion and hav- ing given satisfaction in every instance--no testimonial, however flattering, can add to their reputation. The Steck Piano Co., received the only gold medal awarded toany exhibitor of musica instruments at the Vienna Exposition in.1873. Churches requiring Organs will be liberally dealt with tyle 32, Smith American, we would eall attention to as being especially adapted for churches and halls, its proportions are graceful and its musical qualities are un- surpassed. The grand organ stop gives ihe player facilities for various and splendid efiec:s, this stop can be used so as to slowly increase the volume of tone from a whisper or suddenly bring forth all the power of the instrument in a burst of harmoay. v Pianos and Organs furnished Wholesale and Retail from any of the first-class American manufacturers. Circulars and price lists sent free on appli- eation. 5 A.M. DARLEY. General Agent, Church-gt., Bowmanville, Ont. N. B.--All instruments warranted for five years, Also a general assotument of Stoves &c, foc, m6 good asthe bast amd cheap as the cheapest, JAMES BRYANS, Carbwaightt, Oct 20, LETS. A CHOICE on. On the lab is the address, BER, Oxford Street London. This nofice has besome meoesseny, iim conse- quence of vile:und gpurious imitates «f "Hal low ay's Pills:and ment," lhdimg fahricated at 78, Maiden Lene, New Wank, iby parties styk ing themadives "illdloway & | Co.," with an mmaumad H mack hosi--~ i wenfims can @btdin this teodh Depsiagpiel miles, mud so deadive mou Thy same far my :genvine [Hdilwdey's dzadie| Southeast part ot Lot 11 in the 11th Con- FARMFORSALE mmdardigned offers for sale that ex~ wdllant Farm being composed of the, \ cession of Township of Reach, And 01 Acres on the West corner of the South halfof Lot 12 in the 11th Concession Laf said Township ; in all 71 ackes .of First sdli Bills 'and @igtment, wiliich .axe manufndiured ody at 588, Gufinrd Bueet, Lonllan. (lass Land, nearly all cleared, well fenced, and in a high state of cultivation. There are good and sufficient buildings on the i with an d of excellent "Persons wilm may be so Hacdivall will be pleasad to ommunieate with me. 'Many mempadtdile firms fin die Biitish Pro- vinges, who Wbtain my metiidines (direct from here, Ihave wery pugpenly suggested that I sboulh, forthe 'bandit «ff Whemsclves and the public, jinsertithéir names iin ithe papers, that tty the 'known ithat my di can be { he Tdllowingiisa ligt of the firme alluded jo mtd Jnstdiaily yocrmitend those who ire:to:gat my mastlicines to apply to some of the (Houses mame: Beans, Mexear& (Co,, Montreal. Mess. wony, [Brown .& Co., Halifax, N.S. Mess. Roreyth.& Co., Halifax, N.S. Mesa. T0.1B. Barker & Sons, St.John, N.B. patiecaties' Hdll Co., Charlotte Town. fen ley .& Co., Victoria, B. C. \ Masses. Moore &'Uo., Victoria, B.C Pr. Jidhn Pallen, Chatham, B.C. , Munro & Co., Montreal. § Al, Winer & Co., Hamition, Ont. || 'water ; a vigorous young orchard of suparior fruit and an excellent grapery. The situation is all that could be desired for health, comfort and converience, and within a shot distance of the beat markets of the province, Terms easy. For particulars apply to the prope NEIL Men THOR Port Perry. ©Or to P. A. HURD, J Port Rawmy. Also for Sale, 14Q000 good sound Brick at my Yard, Port Perry, Sold in lots to suit purchasers, .but would prefer selling them in one lot. Apply as above. N. MoARTHUR, Port Perry, July 8, 1875, . Mr. H.4I, Rose, Toronto, Mr, A. Chipman Swith, St.John, N.B. Mr. John Bond, Goderich, Ont, Messrs, Elliot & Co,, Taronte. Mr. J. Chaloner, St. W. 8. Messrs, 'Hanin Brothers, 'St. John, N.B. Mie ® P. Priddy, Windsor, Out. i en re. , N.S. Mr. Gouge C. Hunt, Jun., Fredericton, N.B. Me. W.H. T) pao owes Grace, N.F.L. Mr. J. M. Wiley, Fredericton, N.B. fo A Notice of Application to' Parlia- J 'ment. "| Province of Ontario, at its next Session, for "orice is "heréby given that application will be made to the Legislature of the an Act to enable a Company to erect a point a the Townshi "or Song, "he nt in 'ow! p in the County of Ontario, to some point 'in the township of Cartwright.in the county of Dur- he to enable said Jowhaling Ra Be 1tlage Perry, , or portions e sores t, to grant way us| or otherwise to assist in the conshacrion ofthe] Brick Yard about two miles west of Wil- liamsburg, Cartwright, The material is of the best description and goed workmen are employed and all are Seugog, onc of the most experienced and best brick makers in the province. The brick ' may be relied on as beng of the very best quality and as cheap as such brick can be bought anywhere. country to engage in this important man- ufacture the subscriber would expect that encouragement from this and adjoining townships which home manufactures ought to receive from all who would encourage an increase in our manufactures. Examine my brick and leam the price ere purchasing elsewhere, E. BRYANS, Cartwright, July 5, 1875. y BAKERY! Confectionery. in all their branches carried-on in my Port Perry and Prince Albert establishments, Plain and Fancy Breads of Every variety. Orders filled with the shortest notice, Bridal and other Cakes made.to order. on moderate terms, 4 CONFECTIONS! in every variety and of the best quality. Children's Toys in abundance, Call at, my Bakery, Port Perey of Prince Albert. | CHAS. HISCOCKS. Port Perry, March 10, 1875, WM. SPENCE, GUNFRAETOR 3 oe exeonted in the best style, Having secured the services of a com; anid Bridge, Embankment or Road and for other puryioses con therewith. Solicitor for Applicants. Port Ferry, Nov. 10, 1875, idiot TO LET, HE House and premises dately occupied Ri EAE There is both hard and soft water, and a choice lot Of tule trees, together with half Contracts tajen tent y to manage to my busidgssis 4) CONTRACTOR. under the superintendance of Mr. Aldred, of Having Been the first in this section of VHE Bakery and Confectionery business Socials and other entertainments supplied BUILDER. RIGK-LAYING,STONE-WORK, PLAS: TeRING, &c., in all their departments, JUST, RECEIVED T. COURTICE'S PREMIUM SADDLERY WAREHOUSE PORT PERRY, A choice lot of CHILDREN'S Cariages and Perambulators | Alco a full Stock of PBYNBG. And Traveling Bags. The, largest and best stock of WHIPS in Town. HARNESS ! In great variety. most COMPETE STOCK in the trade. Port Perry, May 6, 1875. MANCHESTER. HEARD' CARRILGE HORE ESTABLISHMENT. T=: Subscriber has much pleasure in stat ing that he has secured the valuable services of . MR ANDREW CAMPBELL One.of tne best wood-worgers in the Pro- vince, and is now better fitted than ever to fill all orders for Cutters, Sleighs, Bob-Sleighs, or any description of Carriage with dispatch. All répairsin Wood or Iron executed with neatness and on short notice material, latest styles and superior work. manship. Special attention given to HORSE SHOEING and the work done soas to secure the ease and comfort of the horse in traveling. B&F" All Charges Moderate and all work Warranted, \ Ww. Manchester, Dec. 17th 1874. D. CONBOY, Carriage and Sleigh BUILDER, MAIN STREET, UXBRIDGE 'ENDERS his sincere thanks to the publie for the hearty and generous patronage bestowed upon him, A practical knowledge of the business in all its branches, experience and skill in al} the minute details of its construction, super-- ior workmanship and material, elegance in Style and finish, and a determination to make his work first class in every respect, is an explanation of the very large and in~ creasing demand for his work. Parties buying Carriages will find it de~ cidedly to their advantage to EXAMINE his STYLE and PRICES before purchasing else- C. HEARD. 51 3 5 --_-- JOHN JURY, where, Every C: age sold is Warranted to undersigned wo ould take this oppor- Prince Albert, be of the Best Material andy Workmanship I tunity of informing the imhabitants of Agent for North Ontario. | and is teed to give faction to the Cartwright amd the surmounding townships | Nov.1, 1875. 45-13 | puyer, that he is about to establish at Williamsburg convenient noems for the show and sale of L mt rm nents tte ven imorin. | BRICK, BRICK: !\HIS PATENT SEAT ! tion fingmn tive most reliable maemmfactures -- All Kinde of Agricwitnzal Tasplements and | The undersigned is now prepared to fur-| por Changing Single Buggios and Cutte Bepuins constantly an liad. nigh any quantity of First-Class Brick ut his re Sen Rigs is the ey lh "Mont Complete, Simple, Eftective and Convenient Contrivance for Converting one description of s Vehicle to another "Chat has yet been introduced, and is just the rig for those who desire convenience, utility and comfort at & moderate outlay, Single and Double Carriages and Cutters Always on hand (Ready for the Road.) Repairing and Painting! Cheaply* Neatly and Promptly Exceuted, Uxbridge, Sept, 7, 1875. GOOD NEWS EPSOM! FYHE undersi d have muck pl the inhabi of Epso! ana vicinity that they have jeased the and ha they have just received and opened out a large and well gelected' Sthak of the latest styles in ou of DRY GOODS! Choice Fresh GROCERIES, Superior BOOTS and SHOES, a fine assorty ment of HARDWARE, and capital CR ERY. A full assortment of ROOM AT A large supply of the best PAPENTP MEDICINES : pally for cash and at the best and cheapest markets we are prepared to sell as cheap #8 any other House in the county. | = Try our fine flavored Young Hyson Tea af 50c. per Jb; 11 1bs beautiful Sugar for $1 ; 21 1bs Rice tor $1 ; 10 1bs good Cooking Raisins for $1 ;18 lbs new currants for '$1. Al} otherGoods equally cheap. "The highest price paid for Butter, Eggs and other produce . Our motto) Profits ick 'res urns. share of public nage is respectfully solicited, r Py) od Cash for Wool. "BROWNE & ), Epsom, March 31st, 1875, R50 14 U6 aid OLARKE'S B Is rartanted to cure all discharges, ary Organs, in either sex,, acq . part, and conduct the rig i Soustitutionl Gravel and Paige in the ri I will, in fuure, devote my whole attention bh Box 8d 48 all Chemis 4 Patent Medicine $i sach byail J ots ana Sole Proprietor, F. J. CLARKE, | APOTHEOARIES' HALL, LINCOLN, ENGLAND. EXPORT AGENTS, Py , &e., go. | + with dis; BEST MATERIAL A WORKMANSHIP. Utica, April 14,1876: +... © 1 , the Stone work, Brick york, FIRST OLASS Newberry and-Sons, 37, y ; on. 7 and Bons, 1, Newkate St. London. Sanger and Sops, Oxford i on. © §°f And all the London Wholesale Honséd, = 7 WANTED, property in Port Perry. Address f iy i . ' Messrs. W. & D. Yuile, M W Blass, dyypdite Cook's Hotel, Gig I. Davies, Fredericton, N. i. - BR. HUGOE. The medicines aresold at thé lowest shole- 12,1F874. '15 sale nat prices, in quantities of not less than " £30 worth--viz : 6d., 22s., and 34s. per dozen boxes.of Pills or Jou of Ointment, for "won 4 i i Noti 08 which remittanees must oo in Marae Ahi ) : ) 535, Oxford Street, WO. BOLLOWAY: 0 ha London, March 31st, 1874. cottdte of-thelate ta" 'Perry, are A, RICHARDSON notified to send in their : : : dip one PALER INO f. I il be » - . i fa or pets ext RC SASH AND BLINDS, Auell any Tngehtef fo the) : i hp Estate are indebtedness is not settled by the 6th day of] Is prepared todillall ordersat his Notember payment will be i aa : ' i costs. 1 xb tl A. BONGA : Planing Mills OHN N ol nd pi 9 JACOB DAJQE, PORT "PERRY. 4 | 43:3w| Port Perry, May 12, 1875. 20 | an acre For further particulars, to way REV, J. GALLOWAY. Oct. 20, 1875, 1, TRE 43:46 AGENTS IN GANADA. q mans, Clare and Co. iin eras vB COT es re CL Please call aud see the - GENERAL BLACK-SMITHING Customers may rely on getting the? best Q mises lately occupied by J, C. Huckins, Ct . Owe Steck having been purchased § the Burguyne-Burbridges and, Oo,, Coleman 8¢., n St., Londoa, Montreal -- : or any} Meron and Co., Wholesaje Jy ANrED to Borrow $3,000 on Church " NC hw : , | Toronto ren and Co., Wholesale Drug. stn, -