Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 9 Dec 1875, p. 3

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| NOTICE, Couxry or Oxranio, I HEREBY given To Wit : } that the Court of Sessions of the Peace, and County - Court in and for the COUNTY OF ONTARIO, will be holden in the Court Hows in the Town of Whitby, TUESDAY, 'DEC: 14th, 1875, at the hour olve o'cli noon, of - which all. eT 'the aod, Coroners, Constables, and all others concerned, will take notice' and govern themselves accord- ingly. : NELSON a REYNOLDS, f's Co. 'o. Sheriffs Oce, v , Whitby, Ber 16,1875. 3 VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE ! By' Tender. The fro for Sale by Tender the' lowing "excellent Property belonging to the Estate of the Late James Page. Of the Township of Reach. The Property consists of two Parcels. PARCEL NO. 1--Contains 79 Acres, more or le of choice land, being the north- on of lot 4 in the 6th Con, of Reach, Co. of Ontario. There are about 70 Acres cleared and ina good state of cultivation ; the remainder is splendid 'Wood land, "Beech and Maple. On the ges are a good Frame Dwelling » Barn, a young Orchard of Choice Fruit Trees and a never failing Spring of good Water. It is situatcin a heal. thy, pleasant and prosperous section of 'country and within easy distanee of some of the best markets in the Prov- ince ; it is about 1 mile from Epsom, 4 from Port Perry, 4 from Manchester, and - 4 from Uxbridge Village. PARCEL NO. 2--Consists of 20 Acres of su- perior land in the South Part of lot 6 in the 11th Con. of Reach ; it is mostly cleared and in a capital state of cultiva- tion, and also convenient to first-class Markets. On the premises there are a Frame Dwelling, Log Stable, and a nev- er failing Spring. B&F" This is a rare opportunity for investing in valuable property. TITLES INDISPUTABLE. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the un- dersigned, Wick Post Office, up till * Wednesday, Dec. 15th, 1875, will be at- wended to. The highest nor any other tender need not necessarily be accepted. THRMS ON PARCEL NO. 1--8$2000 Cash down, and the balance in three equal annual in- stalments, with Interest at 8 per cent per annum on all remaining unpaid at the time of each payment, ON PARCEL NO, 2.--$100 Cash down, and the Lalanee in three equal anual in- stulments with interest at 8 por cent. per annufu on all remaining unpaid at the time of each payment. JOHN STONES, ah JOIN. 8T, JOHN, Reach, Nov. 11th, 1875. N. B.--For further particulars apply to John Stones, lot 11 in the 2nd Con of Brock ; or to John Bt, John, lov 4 in the 4th Con, of Brock. = Abstracts of the Titles may also be seen with hum, 47 J. 0. J. « BALI. OF A Splendid Farm BY TENDER. HE undersigned will receive Tenders up to and inclusive of the Tenth day of December next, . for the purchase cf the North half of Jot No. 16, in the 4th coi, of. - ELD OR, IR THE COUNTY OF VICTORIA, containing 100 acres, less right of way for the Nipissing Railway across one corner, con- taining about one half acre. The above property is situated Letween Eldon and Argyle stations of said railway being about 1 mils fromEldon station and 2} from Argyle, and upon the same there is erccted a good hewed log House and Barn both in good repair, about 90 acres of said farm are clenred and in a good state of cultivation. The soil is not stoney but clay loam, and offers au excellent opportunity to procure a good farm at a reasonable price inan.old well settled portion of the country. TERMS CASH. The highest or any other tender not neces- sarly 'accepted, . For further paticulars ap- ply to W. MAURICE COCHRANE, Solicitor, Port Pe ry Port Port Perry, Nov: 10, 18 10, 180 5 TO SECURE A-SPIENDID HOMESTEAD, CONTAINING ABOUT 150 ACRES, FIRST CLASS LAND Bijaleing the Yiiiage of PHuch Albert, and well-known as thi DR. FOOT FAR PvE Saber bers have boen authorized by Ts: Foote, to offer the above valuable for sale, being composed of the South Ee of Lot No. 16, in the 4th concession of the OF REACH, Containing bY Semeasureiment 150 Sates of choice land, (save and except t three acres sold to the Port Whitby Perry Railway Company. There are About 130 Aske Cleared The Greatest Bargains| IN DESIRALE G00DS EVER OFFERED AT JONES ISROTHERS ! : rand "Attraction !! SAT rgiede'd ola niYaisad'h pif Hats and Bonnet, adapted to every taste, age and C omplexion, in endless ve The Superiority of their Styles and the deserved popularity of their goods reader supply the demand. . MISS McKENZIE And her Competent Assistants are now busily engaged in preparing stock handsome Hat or Boanst and suve yourself a great disappointment, Call early at Port Perry, Nov, 17, 1875. A (ORRIN ARE BELL SHOW ING PORT PERRY. | Fall Winter Tweeds, tot CHAMBER SETS, Wheat Tea do. CHINA DO, | | Crlassware | AND WP GOODS IN GREAT VARIETY, JUST THE THING FOR Xmas timber " Dnwaar sce th mises Aud ins Hate of of ¢ tvnion the Lal- HILL & FALLOWDOWN, | Booth, Nov. 13, 1873, ar, | "PRESENTS. Ladies call and ¢ ex- amin. for' yourselv 5 las we make these]. : Frame a specialty. 7 Sow, ' hss. ¥ port very, Dec, 1, 1875, - {county are now on Show and (or Sale atthe | PRACTIOAL CARBIAGE RE, Asie A IER TTA IV STOCK Word Coatings, Fancy Vestings, Black Broads: and Dueling rarely of Over-Coatings 'new Shades. Alo, a fine y in! a Yentlemen requiring Winter Glothing will find it decidedly to their advantage to leave their orders as they guarantee) fro superior Cut and Sy orkmanship, at prices which ¢ annot fail 10135 2 £5 4 satisty the closest buyer. A full Stock of Seasonu meuts., - ble Goods in all the other Depart: A TR CR IR ERIP ENG Ri 8288 a + 5 Terms | & CAMPBEL Port Perry, Noy. 11, 1875. RETIRING FROM ALL GOO BUIRESS! | / | ( [OST Al Tort Perry, Dec 2, 1873. NOW FOR CUTTERS and "The Largest Number, the Greatest Vari ety, the Best Quality, and the Cheapest Cut- ters aud Sleighs ever shown in the Ontario Corringe Works, Port Perry. Come WE GORGEOUS =; | Jy in Millinery! ! \ 6G ( " | Special attention paid fo Gent's Furnishings. } | | f ny ow' ariety. it almost impossible to aud executing orders. "To secure a JONES BROS. Go To ror Valuable, and Cheap WAL SE $8 Ey gJW ZBI AND NFancy Goods! PLAIN AND FANCY BOOKS . AND General Supe for Schools CHEAP AND GOOD. W. II. McCAW. iy 6, 1874. Tit hRMAL HET 1 ropr rE RT Ll 11 3 Qi YH! HIGH Sf 1 00} SPECIAL CLASSES Te First and Sccond Class Public School Teachers will be formed at the com- mencement of the Winter Of the abu. Shool, x Port Perry Ma i Term January 7th, 1876. Practice in Lear hig will be had, under the supervision of Tuined Instructors, ina large graded School and unde v the same management as the Hig] d Board from $2.50 to £3 per week ° 7 Tuition in the Nigh School, Tree, CHARLES MARSH, Clairman of the Bourd of Education, Port Perry Port Perry, Nov. 21, 1875, 48 LECTURES ON EDUCATION. At the urgent Molicitations of a large number of Teachers and others, DR. SANGSTER "Has kindly consented to dlivera Course of Lectures, Extending over six months, on the Science and Art of School Teaching. Teachers in Training at the Port Lerry Tigh School will have an opportunity of attending these fectuers, Certificates swill be given to all who attend the full cowrse, and Special Ceetifi- cates will be given to those who evinco inptitude in teaching. From Dr, Sangster's long experience and unquestioned pre-eminence in training Teachers it is believed that those certificates will be of great value in obtaining situations, and that the thorough theorv.ical and prac. tical knowledge thus acquired will be emiaently, calculated to meke successful Tenchors, HIGH SCHOOL NOTICE. HE uext exhainatios of Candidates and inspect the stock and make your selec rset enuin tion, MONEY is wanted and the CUT PORT PERRY i Seon | | TERS will go Che is ey gy J EMANBY. hr Ror ory, Non 35,15 Sie] 1 A ML Oe DONOVAN, 3 prin Ha Joli ih Be 1 pid 34 shan Mal NEAR THE TOWN BR K STREET, WH! ag ET, wary... Buggies consiantly.on 49 THOS Ir agending dai Ale EE i ade fiom the - best Materials |. Particular stiention paid to re-| person. Port Peniy, Nov. 10,1875, & { & -| Arc daily receiving additional Stock, which at present consists of the following com- modities : CARRIAGE AND CUTTER crnoTHs or -- PATTERNS, Transfer Ornaments, ARAL STEEL, {NG & NEE HARDWARE STORE, PORT PERRY. American IRON AND Port Perry, Dec. 9,71875 OUR ADVERTISEMENT Will a rppear next week." BUTTER, YTTBWe The highest price paid at all times for Rolls or Tub Butter, and IN'o Charge for tubs. GEO. CURRIE. CASH. CASH. CASH for any quantity of good Batter. GEO. CURRIE. NEW GOODS ! NEW 600D§ ! On hand and arriving daily. CEO. CURRIE. 7 Light Dress. Muslin, Prints, ROBERTS & PRICE. Port Perry, Doc. 8, 1870. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. x3 | { | | It you want to get Pirst Class DYE STUFFS, Now is qd ° Ss, E. ALLISON ot a full Stock of all nds wud is sellgng than ever. EE Sd Also, a fall Stock of Layps AND LAME GLassus: i ® No. 1 Coal Oil by the barrel or gallon. Give him a call, as he is bound to sell Cheaper than any other 3 your time, as | | | i i Has g r them Cheaper we ) Groceries, Provisions Small Ed cance ' - + A large quantity of | SUGAR 2:25 1, 12, OR 1318S. FOR SL. Good value in a TE AS--DBlack, Grob a of 2 Hs Cheap ns the Cheapest and as 4 as the best. {12 1{{' 17} FRUIT of all kinds at the lowest rates. Very fine COFFEES, and a Stogk of pure SPICES. Splendid value in TOBACCOS, EGF Oatmeal, Carne aul, Cracked Wheat, Flour, Bran, Shorts, Oats, and all kinds of Provision kept Constantly for sale. TLHEMS--Strictly Cash or Produce. ge Parcels delivered to any part of the corporatic m, or to Prince Albert, Toes of char; se Ca i & Black, Port Perry July 28, 1875. . i TRE " SUBSCRIBER " Has now ou hand a spleadid assortment of on Grenadines and Siques : Sacrificed WITHOUT REGARD TO COST. GEO. CURRIE. New Grey Cottons, | r Cotton Yarns, Denims and Ducks, At Reduced Prices. GEO. CURRIE. The Cea Tulsi in Town Are offered WITHOUT RESERVE, At Geo. Oysrie's. ogee | Black, Silks, Black Silks up to $2.50 per yard, At Geo. Ourrie's. Rich Black Lustres il French Merinos, Persian Cords, and Yokahoma Silk Wharps--CHEAP. GEO. CURRIE. Shirtings Flannels, Linens, Sheetings, Towclling, Table Linen, Damask, aud Lacé Curlainsy . At Geo. Currie's. ~ Vioith, LIA: PIP IS, &G: 7 Whi 'will cotnpate favorably with any iff the County both asta price and fuaid | me {Job Work attended to with our usual dispatch. If by letter prapaid. is the Curtright 1 ro v, 10, 1878, Port Persw, May 13,1874, NF otronghe, Cistern ngs, , | 3

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