Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 9 Dec 1875, p. 2

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Pa -- 1st inst., were of a lively nature, the gong receipts ol avony Sheriff | will watch with the uimost vigil~ 84} Brovinee for the year: 1871 ance the handling of the Jury ques- and also for 1874 ; but it remained) for Mr. Wygle, member for. Esse, to throw a bombshc1l into the Min- "jsterial camp when. Le moved for "Roturn of all- correspondence bLe- tween the Government and the Clerk of the Peace or other officers of the County of Essex, relating to the county printing and publishing of he list of Convictions for the coun- "Mr. Wygle, in speaking to the motion said that Le had the honor of being Chairman of the Prieting . Committee of the Issex County Council, and on its being agreed that the printing should be tendor, lot Ly "who would give it in that way. Believed that the Clerk of the Pace had communicated the circumstances of the'case to the Att-Gen aud that the reply of the latter was that it '¢éhould be given to the newspaper Thus the people had been compelled to pay for the last two years $1,600 for the work, when they had received a 'supporting the Government. tender tor $420. Mr. Mowatt tried to raise the mud and secure his escape fiom the soft impeachment, but finding it impos- sible he gets Lis Lack up and de- "claves that « to, the victor belong Let lim take that has the power and let him keep who can. Mr. Macdougall took the premier his unhallowed doctrine printing cver which the Governme:it ought to Luve the spoils." to task for his especially regarding no coutrol, as. Counties' Councils alone should control the matter, he fairly hooted any party laying claim to be Reformers and holding such political doctrines. Mr. Incdougs all hit it when he asked, " What right bad the Government to order that county funds should be spent for the benefit of the Government ?" Mr. Deacon added the following to Mr. Wygle's motion :-- * And also Returns of all correspondence bstween the Government or any member other thereof, and Clerks of the Peace in counties of this province, or other municipal officers or otherwise on the subject of county printing since the passing of the Adminis tration of Justice Act of 1874." Of all that was said on this occasion regarding the action of tie Govern ment with regard to the publisling of those famoas Lists of Convictions the halt had not been told. Shortly after Mr. Mowatt got into power so anxious was he to give the spoils to the victors and so infernally greely were the victors to get at those spoils that they howled around him in crowds, prostrated themselves be: fore their new political deity, catcli- ing the skirts of bis garment and re- fusing to let him go unless lie would bless them, even them uiso, with =a certain portivn of Government pap. But of all the humble and abjeet suppliants that sat ot the foot-etool of the throne of Oliver was "Neddy" of the Standard. So tenaciously did Ye hold on and so vehemently did Lie J very much doubt it. That the ac counts are cooked and crooked to taste Sane lie biegssns pp 1 'the ay o gettin } dod go he smiplus hich n be licked it ik " as ass muster. A I On Friday we oh. WO were "istruck and appear well selected. esl If we except the important matter | The procestings of Wednesday, he had wuirderstood that "it had been intimated 10 the Clerk of the Peace that unless the work were giver by him to the newspaper sup- porting the Government some other Clerk of the Peace would be found Ile of trial by jury the proceeding of tion if 1hoy-lot thie--privite they. will got time 19 regret it Ww it is too late. Let" flo' system loosened. Central Prison labor question will Box ernment and the Opposition. Publio Pests. OL all the public pests which in bubit Lamlet, village, town or eity your "Cheap-Jack" swindles and your sellers of Bankrupt Stock notoriety are most 0 be dreaded and should be carefully shunned. There muy be found § in almost all cities and towns a few of this class of gentry too lazy towork and not sharp enough to make a living by square stealing. . These gentry will hire any hole they can get into and there accumulite all the rubbish they can gather and here they estab- lish their den, dignifying it with the title of "Auction Room." This musty; rotten rubbish of theirs they stock," or seme such title and (hey goto work to Auction it off impos- ing upon those who know no better ; make tlie inexperienced belicve that they are getting goods at soanuch less than the regular merchant can sell them, while the fact is the goods are not worth taking away; the {trash would be d 4r'at dny price and were it not for the combination of fulse- liood and brass in thedisinterested(?) imposter be would tell the: people $0 and not take their money from them under false pretences. Parties who do not wish "to Le duped had better give ull these gentry a wide berth. If parties wish to get value for their money lot them go: to reg- ular responsible dealers and have nothing to do with these Lumbugs who will:palm 'of their rubbish at a low figure; it way be still at double or treble what it is worth. Avoid your sgllers of Bankrupt stocks as you wonldia snake and go to the regular merchants where you will gel valué for'yods money. ---- . Playing with Bdge Tools. The Village of Port Perry nar- rowly escaped a sad calamity on the eveuing of Thursday last. An en- tertainment was being given in the Town 1lall under the auspices of the Church of England. Several Tab- leaux were ndvertised. The Singing, Readings, Rucitations and all other pacts of the programme were filled in a creditable manuer,but the Tableaux came nearly costing dearly, it not throwing the village into the weeds mourning. In order to give'effect to the Tableaux certain ariel lights were indispensable aud the production of those lights necessitate the use of certain'cliemi. cals, safe enough in skilful hands but by no moans to be trusted in the the hands of the ignorant, and unfor- tunately io this instance they fell into the hands of such. Some bungler, it appears, in to- tal ignorance of the properties of the of beimprovid bP Tak not a, , Surew be Fiom present appearances «he Lring on some sparring between the dubb "the remnant of a bankrupt beg that Oliver was obliged, to got to get the lists of Convictious'to pul~ lish natwitlstanding the fact that the same list had already been pub Jished in another paper iu the coun bef ty. Here was an exempliicatiou of | that he knew, nll about the vid of him, to give him au order ; 'Neddy's' ¥ mental economy ; of | the most importunate "suckers." nélude the pulls of Convictions ia ofthe tenders for County printing ung tell i insolent Government, should they 'to mind their own This twice publishing of the same list is a fact and "Neddy" dare not | altempt to deny ite: We hope that | ~ our County Council Avilkbe prepared ot their first scasion {0 Siudieate | thelr cation, ingredients he was "handling, ypre- tended he knew dll about (hem, as- samed control over them to the ex- clusion of parties: present who did 1kuow something of them. The pretender, however, asserted | in asre- * bovesiy and Grit Govern- | dients and would aHow no one to in- bere was. the terfore. Well, the Tableaux scene, County of Ontario being ebeatel out of the sum charged for publishing thi ists of convictiGns simply that might close the mouth of one ia'cille] on and the would-be chemist | rushes to Lis post to prepare the mixtures, aud he certainly did mix things with a. vengeance! for he 'soon was erveloped in flames and rushihg from the scene leaving casting dresses, furniture, aye, snd he a itself to the mercy of the ames, being anxious only for Lis » safety. Others, bowever, ran 10 the rescue aud soon estinguished theflamos." Phueks 16 the efforls of | McBride, W.M. Coc, vane snd John Rolph | was no one burk in 4be rash out of the Hall. The latter two prevented a rush by telling the par- {ties that there vias no danger ; had 8 rush been allowed to go on there | The Monthly Bocisl in conusction with been paid, would "have "been swept away, the cor moss 1d Hie ly conso=| I he promoters of the work ar are worthy of all praise for thei liberality, offre over all is 38x65 fect ; the 5 élis ards of 80 feet from the, 8 © Mr. Jas. McBrien ig contréttor et i undertaken to handle Mason work gud Mr. AMD. kins for the materidls gf the properties of which | Wood Work, oe bi Newas profoundly ignorant. Our village fathers should rpmem- ber that if they font ube 1 thai tq any, 4 Mgnt 5 i Hg School jone witHomrt for bidding them to use Tedomiter that rt night the a |of Friday might well be regarded as' any ingredient. which in case of five | School pupils give their Annual" Exlifbition Mr. Currie made an [important a sort of skirmish, Itisto be hop- wonhd «invalidate the policy, they, inthe Town Hall, Port Perry. A rich feast is ' move When he asked for as statement ed that the yeomanry of the country (the, villag re Aathers) ; would haved considerable 'difficulty' in escaping personal liability. maferfals. A. Pleasant ye Party. Mr. E. Foster, of Seugog, . being about to move from that township to the, Western part of the province, a Jarge number of the neighbors testified the high esteem in which he, the worthy partner of his life and his estimab'e family were Leld by giving them a genuine, warm, 'hearty surprise. On the evening of Thursday, Dec. 2rd, the family were onjoying their usual quite when without notice or ceremony 'the house was invaded by a formidable bit happy and pleasant band, some forty or fifty of Scugog's intelligent sons and daughters, the ladies tak. ing posession of the culinary imple- ments while the gents put away their lorses "end made themsclves generally at Tome. As quick as thought a 'sumptuous table was spread aud a gencral invitation giv- en by the lady visitors for all to sit down and make themselves comfort- able which all present 'certainly did without the slightest drawbéck.-- 'Everything was prepared in first class order and a most agrecable time was spent. "Much intarest was manifested by © all . present in the future well-being of Mr Fos- ter aud kis: estimable family; all expressed their regret at tbe idea of parting with the family and all joined in the wish that much pros- perity and happiness may fall to the lot of Mr Foster and his family, in their new home. Having spent a pleasant and profitable evening 1o- gether the visitors took their leave and sought their several homes. Adorning the Walls of Zion. It will be seen by fhe posters that our Manchesfer P. M. friends intend Lo'ding the re-opening geryiees of their now handsome and comfortable' church on' Sabbath dnd Monday the 12th and 13th inst. Services being held on Sabbath at 10:30 a m and 2:30 and 6:30 p, m. On Monday a platform meeting will be held at 2 p m when addresses will be déliver- ed by several talented speakers. be served from 4 to Tea wil 7:30 p.m, and a musical entertainment will be given in the evening. From the careful and thorough prepara. tions made the services throughout on both, days will be of an unusually interesting and pleasant nature and it is hoped that a dis. erning public will show their [appreciation of the efforts pat forth for an especially ex- cellent entertainment. Of all things a dingy, slovenly, dilapidai- ed looking pigee of worelip is the most un. becoming, and our Manchester fricnds have shown their energy, liberality and good taste in the handsome «difice which they Lave thus secured ; they deserve the countenance and support of an intelligent public. (See posters.) A SRC MEE, Christmas Tree. We understand that it is. the intention of the M E Chuich in this place toget up a Christmas Tree for the Seblath School -- Dialbgu:s, Music, &c. will also be given in connection therewith, The Eutertainment is to come off on Christmas Eve, Rr... Lecture asp SBociar --We are pleased to | know that cur Presbyterian friends, Fort | Perry, have succeeded in securing the servi- ces of the Rov Mr Mitchell, of Toronto, late Presbyterian Church, Port Perry, on the ev. ening of Wednosday, 15th inst. The subjics sclected Ly the talented lecturer is © Sir | Walter Scott and his writings." acknowledged ability of the lecturer cannot fail in securing an audience worthy of thé in telligence of the . commuuity. From the well known reputation of the Lecturer and the highly interesting subject hebasgelected Port Perry and vicinity, AN will want to hear him, (See posters.) --- M. E. Church Social. {the M. E. Charch here was Leld in the! Church on the evening of Tuesday, Vb net. The ladies met their friends in the basement and entefisined them to am exeellont fen previousto their sudugulng the tntelivetun) ordeal which followed the wea. y . The hall should {- 4 rented. to po party using such bi of New York, to deliver a lecture in the | The importance of the subject and the 11 Sheve is any Christmas Fair in | a rich treat is in store for the good folks of | prepared, gd apd parakofof it. | N / 4 Benevolent Concert. opportunity of being present at the Benevo- lent Concert to be given in the Publie Hall Princg Albert, 6n MoriGhy "evetfig, {Decent ber 13th. This will doubtless be ame of the! finest entertainments of "the n, the services of thb™ Lest singing talent in either of the villages has been secur ed, while in the matter of in- strumental music, first class 'performers, professional and amateur, have kindly con- sented to take part. Some choice readings may also be looked for. As the entire pro | ceeds fre tobe devoted to the assistafice of the deserving poor, all who can at all attend will be anxious "to give {heir countefance to so good a cause, Sce posters.) A Choice Musical Entertainment and Bocial. Protection Lodge, No. ¢3, of the United Temperance Order, are preparing a grand treat for the public. It is to be given in the Public Hall, Prince Albert, on Friday evening, December 17th. They have suc- ceeded in securing the services of some of the fines{ amdtour performers 8s fr instrumental dnd vecal® music," 2s, ions, &c. Iwpor| dd will be delivered by the resident ministers, and Tea will be served from 7 ta 8.-- Don't miss the treat but be on hand and take part of it and give them a rousing house. others. (See posters and programmes ) ------ Cutters! ! Cutters ! Parties whe have not seer Mr Eggncy's magnificent display of Cutters at bis Ontario Carringe Works, Port ferry, had better go and see the beauties. Now is the fime to purchase he is selling 'them cheap. As good an opportunity ings never again Dresent itsclf. --eee ete 2S son is jasticularly adapted for ghing giftsand bestowing presents, Mr WT Par- rish has provided cvery faility for purchas. dugisuch presents ng people Fish to givdnid Yacgive. (Rend his new adlycrtisem ong fin this issue.) A New Advertisement. -- " Our readers will find the new adverlige- ment of Laing & Mdhany, Hardware Mer- chants, Port Percy. Their establishment is supplied with everything in their lind, of choice quality and at the lowest possibl - price. Their Carriage and Cutter cloths are beauties, Everything in way of Transfer ornaments. ~ A choice supply eof kron and Steel, ce their advertisement ) el i Roberts & Price. Messrs. Roberts & Price have entered into partnership as general Merchants, Port Perry und would solicit a share of that patronage which it will be their constant endeavor 1. secure Ly their manner of dealing with the public, Their aim will constantly Le the bext Goods and the lowest possible price. -- Sec their Advertisement iu our ext issue. FEL SEVIER W The Australian Horse and Cattle Feed as manufactured by Young, Adams, & Co., Port Perry is worthy of the attention of every one owning Horses or Cat.le, as no ome owning either shold be without it. We haweearefully d the various ingredients of whi'h this Food is composed and can with coufi- | dence recommend the compound as possess. ing all the good lity claimed for it by | the manufacturers. We Lave tried it with the most satisfactory NE and would re. commend our friends fo try it, they will find it all that is claimed for it as a choice foed for Horses and Cattle. Try it! er ---- | The Port Perry ( Chrisimnas Fair. Tue Port Perry December Cattle Fair and Clrigas Show of Fat Cattic, fatted and | dressed Hogs, Turkeys, Goese' Ducks; and { the Butter show and show of Single Priving a Horses take place on Thursday 16¢h inst. -- com: niunity this fair ousht to develop inducement is offered, Sec Postarsw 0 re ---- A -- » A Change of Host. MiTH Mason, the late i of the Royal Exchange Hotel, Willishaibur, baving retired from the hotel Lusnigs, Me E Bryans has succecded to the ing 1%, up- | 4 the pa. The Marry. Chrisimda ges N on.--As the Merry Christmas (8:a- '| what a regular Cattle Fair and Christinas tote Wilkiahsbiigd if: 4 talk haded, he oan in upon Muniaipsl Councils, the present driving shed and hall in connection with his to t48- width ind twenty to the win of the new hall he would have had just such a hall as would be a ordi to him pnd would have: het of ton Citpprt ance to that Whole section of county as fur! nishing suitall e minutes Jb previous meeting and-appioved. 4 5 The'cass of Mr R Tallis which had been laid over from the previous meeting was 3 taken up bi on motion the matter dismissed, granted for $4. On m; John Greer & got an order for $20. 5 in part ent of a oo tue 2 Ist Con, ; Joa T compl had & $8 killed. Ho! Si ea little out ot the wool. On motion an order was granted for $3.50. On motion of Mr Parr the sum of $4 was ordered to be paid to Mr Hyland to be by "Mr SH reparted, agredaile to instruc- | him expended for the benefit of Mrs Lough- tion ata late meeting of council, that he had | head, an indigen examined the 10nd and let the job ou the boundary «line of Manvers opposite the 2nd concession of f Cartwright and t the job liad been com pldted at a cost of 88. "Of motion an order was granted for the amount, a large hall was necessary, The front wid . The entire community will be glad of an dows in the hall might have bee® an orna=| jroent to the building, as it is they creep far too much up See the eaves, aceomuiodation ¥ t hutng : tional uth a he at t the Borat Bxchas 3 % A Pitched Battle' : Simpson vs. Wilkinson. On Friday last Mr K Mackenzie applied to tho court of Queen's Bendh for & Rule Nisi calling on the Editor of the West Durham News to show cause why information should not "be exhibited against him for libeling the Hon. John Simpson, All parties will be satisfied thero| will bea stand up fight and this is what the News man most anxiously desired and in fact every lover of fair play will be satisfied that tho matter is about to be placed beyond all doubt and the country will stand patiently by until the end is reached assured that justice will be done. Who Shall Fill the Vacant Places. Now, that Ly the conditions of tho Act bear- mbents must all leave their seats some with honor and some with shame and ever= lasting contempt. Some will doubtless be found worthy of a remcwal of confidence and be returned, others will wish to be re~ turned but "will miss it, while others will relinquish the 'honors. The Reeve of Port Perry we understand will not seek re-election and here is an im: portant position to be filled and the selection should not be gone into haphazard Let an active intelligent successor be looked for: We have heard several names put prom. inent'y forward in this direction, especially that of Mr. W. M. Jones, of Jones Bros. We hope to be ina position next issue to give a full list. In Reach men are declaring themsclues on the right hand and on the left--there are e several good new men couiag forw ard, Manchester Fair The Manchester December Fair and Christmas Show of Fat Cattle, Fatted and Dressed Hogs, Turkeys, Geese, &e, &e, was held on Wednesday, Dec. 8th. This was certainly one of the best Fairs ever held in this township, whether we regard the num- ber and quality of the Caitle shown, the number of buyers present or the prices real ized. There were 59 or 60 of the choice Cattle of the township fhown and the number and quality of lhe buyers were all that could be desired. Amongst others we noticed W Deens, from Montreal, J Holland fiom To- ronto, Williams from Bowmanville, Gould, Stone, Knox, Blair and Apderson from Whitby, and Messrs Bongard, Stone, Cran- dell and Prince from Port Perry. The number was not so much as the gual. ity of the cattle on the grounds, and the sales were such as could not fail to meet the wishes of all concerned who Lad any idea ot Show should be. The prices varied from $3.50 to $1.50 live weight. Messrs J R Gilroy and L Steer each showed a fine animal--one weighed 1,380 and the other came close to it--both we be lieve sold at $5 per 100 Ibs. The Show of of Single Diivers was a grand success ; there were some cleven or twelve of as fine driving Horses as the County can afford shown on this occasion and the judges liad their hands full in placing the prizes. However, Ly the unanimous consent of all present the 1st prize was awarded to ir Wm White's brown mare ; the 2nd to Mr Wm Jamieson's black colt. The number of people present was highly encouraging and showéd how wuch the people of the locality and sur- roundings regard the Manchester Fair. The presence of our respected friend, Mr B Plank, was in keeping with the occasion, all hiked so see him giving his conn- terance to the fair. Not a little depends upon the energy and enterprize of the worthy Sceretary, Mr 'Christie, who. is always on hagd to aid the fairs. PRIZES. Fat Cattle--1st L Stecr, 2nd J R' Gilroy. Fatted and Dressed Hogs--1st Wm Sel. lars, 20d T Clarkson, Pair Turkeys--1st Walter Thomas. Lingle Drivers--1st Wm White, 2nd Wm, wmicson, JUDGES, Messrs. C Payne, T Love and H Vernon. After the judging of the horses the rush cooled "down and the din of businesy was somewhat lulled. The whole locality 'was well rupresented and no better mrster of buy. Ee SRL I "Thos Ney complained of "having ed a gE wanted for $2.66. + An order was granted to R Henry for $I. 2 for repairing a read scraper. The .sum.of $35 was ordered to be - paid Joba Poelin, compensation for a certain p.cce of land given, by him for a road on lot 24 in the fhe con, aud also "for 'making said 2plens Le rs 'motionan order for$6 wasgranted i favor of Mr W, E. Yarnold for running the quarter lime between lots 18 and 19 iu'the 6th con. John Williams complained of having a sheep worth $6 killed by dogs. He said 'he had saved wool worth 60 cts. On motion an order was granted for $3. 3 Council adjourned for Dinner, Council Resumed. On motion an order was granted in favor ofg John Ford for $4.50 for supplies furnish to an indigent party. Mr E Ginn's account of $4 for 96 loads of gravel 'furnished to the corporation was ordered to be paid. Mr Jag Ginh 'complained that he" had been assessed for a dog while had none he could: not appeal as there was no dog warked on his slip. On motion the doliar was refunded to the applicant. Mr Beacock complained of having had two lambs destroyed by dogs and set the damage at $1 each. He had saved some wool and an order was granted for $1.25, Mr R Bryans complained of having had two ewes destroyed by dogs aud valued them at §6 each. On motion an order was fanied for $7.50. One'of the Trustee of Schiool Section No: 1 gota order for $336.24, less $2.17 paid 2 section No 2 the same' being tax on res which should have been- assessed tq Nors 2. 8 Section No 2 got an ; order for $327.40. 8 Section No 5 got an order for $364. 8 Scction No 9 got an order for $260.76. Mr Goggin reported that in conformity with the instruction of Council he had sold the timber on the north half of the middle line of the 3rd Con, for the sum of $9 which amount he was now prepared to hand over to the Treasurer, Baird & Parsons' account for Printing was presented and ordered to be paid. A deputation consisting of Dr Phair andMr Jas Bryans apyeared before the Council in bebialf of the erection of Public * Wi cigh Scales in the Village, They presented a subseription list on which was entered over £60. This sum they offered to the Couneil if the Cor prt. ---- Instalation of Officers. At the regular meeting of the L. 0. L. No. 223 held at their Lodge Boom, Port Perry, on | 1st the Pollowing led by W.' Bro. Toon Go WM, Bi6 William Kennedy, DM, "Bro Wm M J Chap, Bro John Kirstin, Bro Jos Cook, pro tem., 'Treas, Bro John Phillipo. Dir. of Cer, Bro P Ensign, Com,--1st Bro Austin Platten, 2nd, Bro Wm Maines. 3rd, Bro A Porteous, 4th, Bro Thos Cook. 6th, Bro Thos Wilson, --_---- - Officers Installed. . At the regular meeting of the 0. Y, B, Lodge No. 87 held at Port Perry on Friday Dec 3, the following officers were duly in- +talled by W. Bro. R. Vansicler, P. M,, viz: Guardian, Bro R Vansickler, P. M. WM, Bro'L H Hurd. DM, "Bro John Graham, Chap, Bro A E Grabam, See, Bro 8 H Graham, Treas, Bro Wm Hiscocks. Dir. of Cer, Bro G J Morrish, Bro James Calvert, Com,--1st, A Vansickler, aR EI P.M, vine Sec, rtant 1 Marshal, ones, ath, Wm Wilson, 5th, James Welsh. ---- Election of Officers. At the regylar meeting of the T. B. Lodge No. 30, held atwPort Perry on Thursday Dec 2nd the following officers were duly lected and for the ensuing year, viz: Guardian, Bro John Sand 'Peas . SEE rites and' [expectal ed to the on or before the 24th inst. Services commence at the opening of the School, 1st Jan, 1876. ) Trustee. Jason DAFOE, Utica, Dec, 8, 1875, RT WHITBY & PORT PERRY EXTEN- PRE ERAS TIME TABLE Ne. 13. Takes cflect on Wednesday, Stl: Dee, 1875 Trains Going Norte. Wz Brosiin Myrtle . Summit Manchester Prince Albel Artive oo Plattorm Stations-- Trains ob on signal TAMES SE, ' onl y Reva, EXCHANGE HOTELw Wi ILITAMSBURG, CARTWER! E. BRYANS, Proprietor, The Subscriber having Succeeded 'Mn in this pleasant and commodious an , P.M. W. M, Bro G J Morrish, D. M, Bro Chap, BroJ Mitchell, See, Bro N Sinclair, Treas, Bro F Dennison, Dir. of Cer, Bro J Kyle, Marshal, Bro Isnce Wylie. Cow, --1st, Bro T Mitchell, ' 2nd, Bro N Griffin. 3rd, Bro Geo Drinkwater, 4th, Bro Jno McKenzie, 8th, Bro T Hardell, Welcome to Town. All will be glad to learn that another im- would assume the work, build the scales and them, ing a moderate tariff of oa for the pay 'ment of the paty taking charg@of the scales and for intercst on the iuvestment.; The Reve said he regarded the estublish- ment of such scales as of much importance to all partics having loads to weigh were it hay, grain, pork, or any other commodity requiring the use of such scales; but while he would regard the erection of such scales as of some importance to quite a number of rate-payers he did not consider that the Council as such could do anything in it ; he believed that if ths Council could ussist the parties it was all they could do--he had serious doubts,whether the Council could do anything in it, still the scheme had his ap- proval and he considered that it would be of importance to many were it even 10 run a load of grain on the scales while passing to market, Mr Goggin said that whatever might be done in way of the Council giving a small sum to aid in the work, he felt certain that the corporation could not legally--even if it were desivable--assume control of the scales, Mr Taylor said it never would do for the corporation to take in hand anything of the sort, even if it could be legally done-- which he is convinced that it could net be-- the further corporations keep themselves from such things the better, Mr Hyland said the thing was a perfect humbug, he felt certain that not twenty-five wen in the township would cver use the scaiss and if they were up tere would never Le enough made from them to pay the party for attending chem hewonld not consent to give anything under the circumst would be of no pulilic benefit secing would only be of advantage toa few in this corner of the township sud they had had their share of the good things Wready. The Reeve said he had nothing to say as to granting avyibing towards the weigh scales, but it did not come well frum Mr, Hyland to raise the objection of local ex- penditure as the bulk of the expenditure for the past three years had been in his section of the township which a reference to the audits will easily verify. After a little far- ther sparring between the Reve and Mr Hy. land the matter dropped. which to put his Agricultural Tm he stated that he would pay rent, shed iu order, and Ve ready tomove his Im lements ; cultural shows. appear that even locks ke di 1en he would be willing to give? would be put in the lease, On motion of Mr Pare it was agreed to the use of the Drill Bhed © year col y 1st 1876, ements D Reeve and land were appointed : waiton: dle 'Natrass lately surveyed between and 23 in the 10th con, ime oF fv for their FRE i - more, ee Wo Diy' No 'and be Spo lang ling as PP 1--Town Hall, Williamsburg, Sis No 2, Tem; Hall, lot 17, " Tl Sess O32 midst, this season, Tuesday 7th Drivers--they one, "incapacity" whil le an cstablishment J -- Saintfield Fair. inst. have The Saintficld December Fair was held on The fair was well attend- ed and many fine cattle were brought in und sales were good, Mr A Bongard alone bought ucar load of handsome cattle and other buyers were not idle: prevented us from attending and our infor- mant had to leave before show of Driving Horses took place ; but our Saintficld friends are always equal to atirst class show of Single plenty of such, We are pleased 2 learn that the fair was a lively | 7 -- To the Editor cf the OBSERVER. SIR,--I noticed a communication in the Standard, a few wecks since, signed "Fair Play," imputing dishonesty in the ap- pointment of Deputy Returning Officers, and in those appointed. Play" mentions two cases in Loth of which, he says, the appointments were taken from Reformers and given to Conservatives. Sir, in both of the cases referred to the same men were appointed and acted who had done 80 at soveral of the previous elections, which fastens a direct falsehood on "Fair Play. "-- 3 'Is a man not fit to perform th. duties of | Cartwright, Dec: 8, 1875. 80 Deputy Returning Officer because he is a cd ! Reformer ?" he asks, I answer by asking : Is it necessary to cast men aside who have acted po! has been ad. ded to our pretty liberal supply in Port Perry. The phrase : "There is nothing like Leather" Las Lecome familiar to all. but we would like to know what leather is worth till it is made up. Mr J G Morgan has op- ened a Bork go] Shoe establishment in our an of this kind is always of importance it is of particular importance at this season of the year when first class Fo its and Shoes are riot only cssentia' to comfort but to health. Morgan is offering just what js wanted at (See Lis Adv.) Mr Hurry of business " Fair Now YANS, 'Williamsburg, Dec. 6, 1876, org id UEEN'S HOTEL, PONT PERRY, D. IRELAND, Proprietor. The Queen's us now arra for py and Sonvanonte. TR OT Se as been moved to the seco) venience of sucsty has been Som undone: The Table and Bar supplied with the choice of ae Marke he Stables carefully alte ARISE STRAYED 11 EIFER. AME into the premises of the sbi, lot B, 4th con. Reach, about the'l p October lust, a HEIFER abo WO Y color, red and white not pre viously replevied she will be' sold as the law directs, DONALD CHRISTIE: Reach, Dec. 8, 1875. 0:3% Coley Dog Lost. i Ly, the subscriber, while fn Port Perry, on Friday, Now. 26th, a light colored Coley Deg. A suitable Jovand will be given to any one returning bi m-or-giving such information as will lead to Kis recovery, GEO. WHLSON, Lot 11, 3rd con, Reach. Reach, Dec. s 1873, 50:3w AN EXCELL ENT BRICK YARD TO RENT. HE Subscriber offers to rent on modefat® terms that excellent Brick Yard, about two wiles west of Williamsburg, CARTWRIGHT, And on the leading road between hai burg and Port Perry. There is an abundancs of choice clay for the manufacture of Red or White Brick. The brick manufactured from {his clay cannot be beat, = There any quantity of good fire wood conveniént and can be had cheap. The yard fs filled up with every thing necessary for the manu. facture of brick, and there #4 a convenient dwelling house on the es For particulars, apply to the ndriguel E. BRYANS, at the Royal ary Hotel Mr Jas Bryans made abplidating "to the Council for theuse of the Drill Shed in |is. 'keep the plements out of the way whenever the shed should be required for the purpose of Agri- Mr Goggin said it was time that the shed, was looked after, as it is now it does not eep parties out of it, by means of keys or otherwise parties do get Jo snd leave the place in the greatest The Trews asked Mr, Bryans how much M- Bryans said he considered $108 year enough, "The Reeve said he would consider $1 a - | month as none teo much r Bryans sald he wou'd give that 1} amount, Mr Purr said the conditions 'could all be give Mr Bryans--under Catiala restiictious-- that tian; the rent for tho yout due B12. oa The late to, Ww up the necessary lease and see the same executed. At the tate ory of Uoungil the Rotves at all the late elections, who are qualified to do so, and who are not so utterly devoid of comm n honexrty as " Fair Play" evidently He says : "tricksters who would cause the Artful Dodger to blush at his own incapacity." I have no doubt « Fair Play" isan ardent - | admirer of such characters, but the Artful Dodger would never need to blush on" a comparison with him, for he lacks evidently the little decency and cunning of that peson. age. Who is this "Fair Play" that whines for that "position of responsibility" which seems to be the pinnicale of his ambition ¥-- Bide your time "Mr Fair Play," if you cAn~ not attain a "position of responsibility" at once, work up from your level--which by the way must be very low--by -- Get into somebody's' company who has a little more common sense than you have, if you are permitted ; and if peel, improve Jour pesvattal fallin. v 3 otirs, 0 i JEFF. Leaskdale, Doc 18t 1875. r---------- i Fearfal Colliery Explosion. Loxvox, Deg. 6.--An awful explosion ex- plosion occurred to-day at Bwith Main col- liery, near Bamnaley, in Yorkshire, If is feared that more than two hundred lives are lost. » * The latest accounts from the Bwith col- liery indicate that the total number of lives lost is 150. The explosion was caused by a | careless blasting operations, Another disas- of the ek £ fet = ou calm je "| ter of a similar character is reported to-day FALTER Ard 3 D injured, 24 [4 i and] AUCTION SALES. Auction Sales of Far: 11 offer excellent o) hc Stock, mplenente, 6) rah iE quire in wa, bi il en pn hans and ipl ncnl A

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