Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 2 Dec 1875, p. 4

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Another Mutton Bul. SpE ve e in i Jusivess oi the Sholuale, Xe = fiom Galt Reporter, at at tl of North "Du Council aL was paid out for Shan killed and by dogsduring the last menth, in the that all ar persons live in the same local- ity and that there is a strong - suspicion that the whiclessle teh was done by one and Mr A S Elliott was visit- od twice, the fret visit resulting in the kill ing of sheep valued at $50. After this visit Mr Ellott kept as careful a watch as he could upon his flock, and on the occasion of the second visit, but 'after the evil work was done, he saw and shot at, apparently injur- severly, a large yellow colored dog, which was traced as belonging to a resident of South Dumfiies. ------ + ------------ ell, notorious bad charac- y IT reign, died a prison- he desired by will to have i at her funeral, for which r WAS tb live £10; but upon this a. tg ho say nothing but £ goog ig Tuahwds 1 ofher. i Aftor a sermon 'on | Low bigot of morality, the preacher hi ith the will of a deceased sister, it is e soted 5 I should mention her, and = B thing but what was well of her, All-that I shall, say of her therefore'ie this: She was torn well, she live well, od she died well ; for she was born with the name of Cresswell, she lived in Clerkenwell, and she died in Bridewell.' re A Epps's Coc0A.--GRATEFUL AND CoMFPORT we, ~The agreeable character of this prepar- it a general favorite iling water an@ ilk. = emists, 48, Tra street, and 170, Piccadilly. Works for Dietétic Preparations, Euston.road and Camden Town, London. ° ------------ ---- Power of Speaking Restored. Nawisi, Mr. Fellows.--Sir, Some two months ago my son lost his voice: I'became anxious about him. None of the physicians could do * him any good. Having heard of your Com. pound Syrup of Hypophosphites, i obtained a bottle, Strange to say, my son's voice was restored abont two hours after taking the second dose. You are at liberty to publish this for the benefit of other sufferers. JONAS FOTHERINGILL. TEACHER WANTED. WANTED for 8. 8. No No_ 2, Cartwright, a "Teacher holding a First -or * Second Class Certificate. Duties to. begin at the com- mencement of the year. None but a good Rey eit A 49 oli HOOIE, If by lettér prepaid to the Cartwright P.O Trustees. Noti¢e of Partnership HIS is to inform the inhabitants of Port Perry and the public generally that I have this' day taken into business with me, a8 partner, eldest son Frank L. Doll who will in futlive manage the business and which will be conducted under the style or firm of f@iesfeld & Doll: i Parti -eame "indebted "during thie man: £ my] myhoshand John Diesfeld will please call and settle at once;and all having claims against the estate fro" request- ed to sendin their claims immediately. CHRISTIANE B. DIESFELD Port Perry, Qct 13, 1875. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP HE Partnership hitherto existing under the nume and Style of Bunker & Nick- «180 for carrying on the business of Wind Mill Manufacturers, in the village of Port Perry, has been dissolved by mutual consent on this day, Tuesday, November 2nd, 1875 : B. N. NICKERSON. JAS. BUNKER. Port Perry, Nov, 2, 1875. The Subscriber will pay all debts incurred by the late firm, and all debts dye to the said ' firm must be ee to das. BUNEER. WM. SPENCE, CONTRACTOR & BUILDER. RICK- LAYING, STONE-WORK, PLAS- TERING, &C., im all their departments, exeouted in the best style. Having secured the services of a compe- tent party to manage and conduct the farm, 1 will, infyture, devote my whole attention to my business as CONTRACTOR. Pastore Sion nk ge dispatch, the. ALL AND FIRST CLASK SHAT. BEST MA 16 BAKERY! = AND Confectionery. tlod¥e Utica, Api! 14, 1875. TS. Biker & ne "Coalec tionery business ied on, in my rt establish Jaues Erps ik Cog. Okra ato, D. C. March 30, 1870. § IMMENSE "NEW FAL (FASHIONABLE | ARRIVAL L GOODS OF BEST VALUE IN THE COUNTY INSPECTION INVITED TO Port Perry, Qct. 21, 1875. MY NEW WINCEYS, New Dress Goods, New Tweeds Furs, Hats (laps, Boots; Shoes, Groceries, &c A. W. ROBERTS. Which will compare favorably with any in aen._ Job 'Work attended to with our usual Port Perry, May 13, 1871. THE SUBSCRIB ER Has now on hand a splendid assortment of Eavetroughs, Cistern Pumps, LEAD PIPES, &C. the County both as to price and quality. dispatch. A. B. McCAW. M. 0. DO NOVAN dP PRACTICAL CARRIAGE MAKER, NEAR THE TOWN HALL, BROCK STREET, WHITBY. 0 GOND Assortment of Buggies constantly on hand made from the best Material. -- Work made to order with ncatness and despatch. Particular attention paid to re- HE Subscribers always keep on hand (and are constant ly manufabturing more) 2 large Stock of jubt such FURNITURE ! | As the community re quire 5 ; suitable for all "classes of purchz of cnoick Ma- TERIAL, the Besr ORKMANSHIP, and at such Caices as cannot fail to suit. | UNDERTAKING *] Inall its departments pro mptly | attended to and charges mode; rate. | COEFINS of all sizes kept con-- | stant!y on hand. I SHROUDS | of all sizes and | "newest Sty1g8. & i | CASKEX OR BURIAL.CASE(f procured on short notice. The American Style of | Hearse. Also an ordinary style of Hearse. Brick ! Brick! £0 ny Tr Fancy Breads of Every variety. Orders filled with the shortest notice, Bridal mage, {6° Bocials men fa on moderate terms, CONFECTIONS! fn every variety and of the best quality. Children's Toys in abundance. Ca my Bakery, "Port Perry Albert. CHAS. HISCOCKS. a) iber has on hand a large q abt oF ally' 1% THEY FIRST CI. TASS BRICK] And still manufacturing more af his BRICK FIELD, 71 BOBS lagbrites due thie } onhe shortest notice, _| only authaziged nge by one of the firm pairing. "DAVIS &SONS'|J, NOTT & SON, Cabinet Makers, Undertakers and STE AM Upholsterers. ! Take in informing their cust and = publie generally that they have on | hand in their Warerooms a good and well i « |assorted Stock of Furniture consisting of PORT PERRY. Extension, Centre, Drawing and Kitchen -- Tables ; Wood, Cane and Stuffed Bottom Chairs ; Couches i in Reps, Cretonne, Damasks and Hair-Cloth, Sofas, Bureaus, Sideboards, @upboards, Writ: ng Desks, Bedsteads, What. Nots, Stands, Mirrors in W: alnut, Gilt and Rose and Gilt, Steaw, Wool, Moss, Seagrass, Mined and Hair Mattresses, "Bedroom Setts, Parlor Suites, Hall Furniture, Dunk's and| Whiteside' Spring Beds, &c, which will be sold as cheap as at any House in the trade. PICTURE FRAMINC. Keeping a large Stock of Walnut, Gilt and Rose and Gilt, Mouldings, Chromos and Lithographs we feel confident we can give satisfaction in this branch of our business as we make a specialty of it. UN DELTA KING We would respectfully call attention te our | Undertaking Departinent where everything ry for the Proper pecformance of the Clothing! FALL & WINTER, .18.%.5; A full Stock of Fall and Winter Goods to _hand, including Overcoatings, Worsted Coatin g8, English, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds. Underelothing, Hats, Caps, & Gent's Furnishings, A GREAT VARIETY. W. TRENBETH, Merchant Tailor, Queen Street, PORT PERRY. Port Perry, Sept. 2, 1875. TAILORING, In all its Departments. To: Subscriber is earrying on the Tailor- ing Businessin all its departments at his rooms over Corrigan & Campbell's Store, Port Perry. Newest Styles, First Workmanshin, and a perfect fit guaran Charges moderate, =a |PORT. PERRY. - | increasing patronage bestowed on him since 'WRIGHT'S BOOT & SHOE EMPORIUM ! Se (pr-- WANTED. 500 Cords of Hem: lock Bark, 3000 8 And aiiy quantity of Hi tos and Tallow for which t HIGHEST PRICE IN CASH Will be paid by the Subseriber. ". J. WRIGHT, heepskins, Port Perry, Oct. 1, 1874. FIRST CLASS BOOTS & SHOE Material, Workmanship, Btyle and Fit HE Subseriber woulit return his sincere thanks for the very extensive and rapidly opening business in PORT PERRY; Are daily receiving additional Stock, which at present consists of the following com~- modi wawine Ta #3 Gh PR ™M hanics' Tools, Bu i i Parmers Hard uilding a PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PUTTY, CULLEY PLATED WARE, GUNS, p SPORTING sd am FISHING TACKLE and every other article kept in a first class Hardware Store. determined to Sell at the LOWEST PRICES. A Call respectfully solicited, $&5~ REMEMBER THE PLACE, ~ rome ge Ren Port Percy, June 9, 1876. = if NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. i rioh ait boa Hiss £ DYE ST © . Now is your time, as . S. 'E. ALLISON Has got a full Stock of all kinds and is selling them Cheaper than ever. Also, a full Stock of Lamps AND Lamp Grasses. No. I Goal Oil by' the barrel or gallon. 'Give him a call, as he is bound to sell Cheaper than any other person. Port Perty, Nov. 10, 1875. : gr CAMPBE ties ; Groceries, Provisions WINES and LIQUORS, Of the very best kinds, which they offer to the public at a And wonld embrace this opportunity ot as- Agent tor the Singer Sewing Machine The Singer Machine is de cidedly the west machine now in use and also the cheapest! when the quality of the machine is taken into consideration. Parties will do well to come and examine the machines, JOHN PEARCE, 1874. 49 Port Perry, Dec. 1, First Class Tailoring Establishment | | BEHIND ME. CURRIES STORE, PORT PERRY, pe Subscriber would embrace this op- |. portunity of returning thauks to his numerous customers for their liberal and still increasing patronage during the number of years which he Las done business in Port | Perry, and would now state that having moved into the new premises behind Mr, Currie's Store, his accommodations for business are much enlarged, and his increasetl facilities for carrying on the Tailoring busi- mess in all its departments are such as enable [him to weil orders with still greater dispatch, can be 1 vig keep on hand at all | of Walnut, Elm, But-- a. Coffins, times a good selection ternut, Rosewood D. T.and 0, Walnut and Rosewood Caskets. Shrouds in all styles. Face cloths and Caps. Gloves and bands furnished free of charge. A first class HEARSE. All kinds of good lumber taken in ex- chatge fof "Work. Phe Subgeribers are the in {the Hocktiy for | the Whitby Marble Works. -ased ourfdcilities we Lopéby! "Having, dealing to¥merit a share of public patrot REF Remember the place--nearly op sito J. Wright's Boot and Shoe Store and adj J. Rol Ghar Achoulal oio at $51 . B ight calls Promptly attend wl J. NOTT & SON. paying strict attention to business and oy Doct Perry, July 1st, 1875. NONQUON, 12a CON. OF REACH. The qualigy of the Clay is such as to se- cure perfect Brick both in quality and color: Orders for either Red or White Brick filled on the shortest notice." The Brick are Rarated to give entire Port Perry, March 19, 1875. 1 not fail | in being on Aout hoop ltton In quality. and ce they canaok be surpassed and gos Brick cannot be got cheaper an; Tap 4 Nonquon Brick Field '12th Con. Reach. HENRY WEBB, Reach, Sept, 1, 1m. |ASH FOR LENBED THE OSHAWA CABINET COUY| Will pay the highest price, in Cash, for the ollowing sizes of LUMBER | the Newest Styles and poriect fits warranted, Customers will find me at my rooms te- hind Mr. Curric's Store, . Ail orders promptly and carefully attended 0, J. RIGGS. Port Perry, Sept. 22, 1875. 39 TAILORING CA Mm oALLus DEPARTMENTS, AT SQUIRE'S TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT OVER RIGELOW'S STORE +", PORT PERRY. EF, 3 JAMES BQUIRE. Port Perry, May 6, 1875. FIRST CLASS : TAILORING. men dass Ta Tailoring in all its depart- ments, AT HUGOE'S, PRINCE ALBERT, Work made up on the shortest notice in the latest stylesand at moderate mates. A good fit guaranteed. ber the place, opp: sit 'Cook's Hotel, R. HUGOE. Prince Albert, April 2, 1874. 15 Delivered at their yard in Osh [Square Bdge' Preferred.) | Oak or Ash, 1 in., 1§, 2 in, any width. formed as to the quantities , 1 in, any width, Water Elm, 1 in, any width. fait} dn./13, 14; 17,18, 20 oc 21 Jor 1 in, any width. iy in, 12, 14,17, 18, 2. or orn, of each rize re- quired on at the office of the &c, | Company, } Wo : W.H. GIBBS. : : oo Dresiden Osha», Feb. 25, 1875, : | Administrator Notice, LL persons having claims the A estate of the late Wim. J. Dafoe, Hotel Besper,| Port 1 nple Boeh, ai Bireh + 101 said estate, iin, 1}in, 1} In, 13 in, Andall Pits $a he 2] x 24, Square Scantling. ist id 5 dy ot BEF" Parties having logs fo out will be in- | November next oot day of Messrs. Moo! Dr. John Patter, Shad, B.C. | Messrs. & suring his customers and the public gener-- | ally that as in the past so in the future will he strictly adhere to using only the best material, employing none but good work- | men and selling at prices--when the quality of the Goods is considercd--which caunot fail to please purchasers. Comstantly on hand lots of Boots and Shoes of my own manufacture. Call and inspect my Stock, pas Iirst block west of the Post Office RICHARD WARRINER. Port Perry, Nov. 12, 1875, BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. 0 For the protection of the public of British Nosh America, I deem it my duty to state that my Pills and Ointment are neither manu- factured nor sold in apy part of the United States. Each Pot and Box bears the British Gov- ernment Stamp, with the words "Holloway's Pills and Ointment, Loudon," engraved there- on, On the label is the address, 533, Oxford | Street London. This notice has become necessary, in conse quenee of vile and spurious imitations of "Hol- | loway's Pills and Ointment," being fahricated at 78, Maiden Lane, New Z ork, by parties styl- ing themselves "Holloway & Co.," with ) assumed trade mark thusz--~ an Unprincipled vendors can obtain this trash at a very low price, and so deceive you by line the same. for my genuine Holloway's Pills t, which ave only - pro Oxford Street, London. Persons who may be so deceived will be pleased to communicate with me. Many respectable firms in the British Pro- / vinces, who obtain my medicines direct from here, have very properly suggested that i should, for the benefit of themselves and the publie, insert their names in the papers, that it may be known fhat my medicines can be had genuine from them The following is a list of the firms alluded to;and I particularly recommend those who desire to get my m of the Houses named: Evans, Mercer & Co., Mi Montreal. Messrs. Avery, Brown & Co., Hein, NB. Messrs. Forsyth & Co., Hal fax, Messrs. T. B. Barker & Sons, St. Non N.8. Apothecaries' Hall Co., Charlotte Town. Messrs. Langle ria, B, C o., Victoria, B. C. icines to apply fo.sume Messrs. . Winer & Co., Hamilton, Out. Ae: Slam, 8t. John, N.B. ry A. pan tl ol dr. John Bo erich, On Hi Messrs. Bitter & Gos Font. Mr. J. Chaloner, St.. N. B. Messrs. Hanington Brothers, St. dobn, NB. Mr R. P. Priddy, Windsor, Ont. Mrs. Orpen, Morden, N.8. Mr. George! C. Hoot, Jon, TF iy W. H. Thompson, Harbor Mr. J. Mi Wile Messrs, W. Chas I. Davi The medic icton, N.B. race, N.F.L. , Fredericton, N.B. = Yuile, Montreal, Fredericton, N.B. s are sold at the lowest whole- ties of not | dozen ons of Pills or Pots 'or Gintment,for which remittances must be sent in advi THO! 533, Oxford Street ah LY MAS HOLLOWAY. London, March 81st, 1874. : sPUMREILTORY, Small Advance on Cost! A large quantity of SUGAR 11, 12, OR 13 LBS, FOR $1. Good value in TEAS--Black, Green, and Japan--as Cheap as the Cheapest and as good as the best. FRUIT of all kinds at the lowest rates. Very fine COFFEFS, and a Stock of pute SPICES, Splendid value in TOBACCOS. B&5™ Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Cracked Wheat, Flour, Bran, Shorts, Oats, and all kinds of Provision kept constantly tor sale. TERMS--Strictly Cash or Produce, BEF Parcels delivered to any part of the corporation, or to Prince Albert, free of Shares Coan & ack on hand, which is pure, good and Cheap. Port Perry July 28, 1875. All persons Tndebted 1 to us either by note or haok account are respectfully requested to call and settle at once as we intend to close up our Books and adopt the Casu System. Our business in the. future will be carried on onstrictly Casa PriycipLES. J.ook Out for C HEAP GROCERIES | ; Now. Our Motto is Cheap for Cash. Ey for past favors we would solicit a continuance of the same, We are respectfully yours, BONGARD .« ROBINSON. Port Perry, Oct. 37, 1875 i PuRAPE TAS You can get the best and cheapest Pui pi the Province" At J. ITRVT] PATENT PORT PERRY. ar Ones 5 RICHARDSON, DEALER IN = i SISH MD BLINDS, Ta puedo i of aveeat Bo a PO RT PE RRY . with eosss. NGARD, JO iPS JACOBDAFOE, | - Administrators, | Port Perry, Oct 20, 1875, 43:3w Port Perry, May 13, 1875. SEE THE PRICES. / i and Ci lete fs SO EE e150 cent > foot. 40 counts per Sirteray turned suction BLY con at 35 et perdfoot. YET, tern Bumps, , 8 complete Pump, fram $3 up to $8. Als . Lage Hio¥ SRR very other description of Pump, at MN 3) ALLY LOW RATES! nfident tl | sy | for ba eal tise abgve, whether by mailorotherwise TORR attended to. RYVIN, Port Perry. S. t.20,1870, T. COURTIGE'S' * Taking this opportunity. of thanking unr numerous customers | Ps » oa Nampa Lamp and Fire Engine with Hose ing in_the largest factories in' Canada and pak Bat he can perfeptly satisfy all that wil Toranto PREMIUM SADDLERY WAREHGO8E a PORT PERRY, The Sebuatior bg opeeed 4 well tssorted Stock of toi 1 of a [| a and rani i id « Also, a wil Stash of , wiv on COMPETE 8POCK in' a er Port Perry, May 6, 1875. MR ANDREW came One ot tne best wood- vince, dnd pow Bett THT n"3 "Ti EB £8) Cutters, : Yr Bob-Sleighs, or any description of Carriage with dispatch, All repairs in Wood or Iron executed with neatness and on short notice ° Customers may rely on getting the best material, latest styles ahd superior work. 'manship, Special attention given to | HORSH SHOEING and the work done soas to secure the ease and comfort of the horse in traveling. EE All Charger Moderate and all work Warranted C. C. HEARD. Manchester, Dec. 17th -- Carriage and Sleigh BUILDER, MAIN STREET, UXBRIDGE Teas his sincere thanks to the public for the hearty and generous patronage bestowed upon him. © A practical knowledge of the business in all its branches, experience and skill in' al} the minute details of its construction, super= io kmanship and material, eleganee in make his work first class in every respect, is an explanation of the very large and in- creasing demand for his work. Parties buying Carriages will find it des cidedly to their advantage to EXAMINE hig STYLE end PRICES before purchasing else- where, Every Carriage sold is. Warranted to be of the Best Material and Workmanship and is g 1 to give satisfaction to the buyer. HIS PATENT SEAT ! For Changing Single Buggies and Cutters into Double Rigs is the Cheapest and Mont Complete, Simple, Effective and Convenient Contrivance for Converting one description of Vehicle to another That has yet been introduced, and is just the rig for thos> who desire convenience, utility and comfort at a moderate outlay. Single and Double Carriages and _ Cutters » Always on hand (Ready for the Road.) Repairing and - Painting? Cheaply* Neatly and Prouipfly Executed. Uxbridge, Sept, 7, 1875. GOOD NEWS EPSOM! HE undersigned have much pleasure in announcing to the inhabitants of iin ana vicinity that they have Tenge pre= mises lately ocefipied by J. C. Huakinn Boal and that they ave just reccived and opened out a large and well selected Stock oh Ye latest styles in DRY GOODS « Superis ment of HARDWARE, and capital | on RY. A full assortment of ROOM P, A large supply of the best £4 MEDICIN Our oe he Ben. urchased pn ~ y for cash and at the best markets we are pre; to sellas | any other House in the county. Try our fine flavored Young H; Tea 50e. per 1b; 11 lbs bert Sogn for 31 4 1bs Rice for $1 ; 10 Ibs good Cooking Raisins tor $1 ; 13 1bs new currants for $1. other, ually: cheap. for' , Eggs and ot ro ea) Gis as rns." public js espectiully Woo oo ox 'Box'or CLARKE'S B 41." PILLY: I ti g h rt fe conics tonn Grave land vate oh 0 Medteine. Vendors. 4 os Proprietor, F. J. OLARER, Avormmoanres' HALL, 'nawcory, BNGLAND. Montreal. =Evans, Nos Mercer and Co., Wh DE Clare and Co. mip Elliott and Co, * Wholesale Drug, it Homiton _Shavierapd Owen. Halifex -- Avery, Brown and be py he highess. 2 lok and finish, and a determination to BOOTS. and SHOES, a fine ior. ede + dg Epsom, March a1, rn M hs HR 'EXPORT AGENTS; ef yr Ail eau Oen¢ Cismns St, ewberry a) ng, OT, ewgzate Sto London. Barcla) Borelay oat Sons, efor Seep sons i n. Yosdon. ¥ And all the London Wholesale ses, AGENTS IN CANADA WY

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