Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 25 Nov 1875, p. 3

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© ward bd ay A pam HOMESTEAD, _ CONTAINING ABOUT 150 'ACRES, Re CLASS LAND <- hg $iage of Friacs AThest, end DB, T00TH FAR Subscribers ave b have been authorized by owner, Dr. Foote, to offer the a E25 for sale, posed Tike South torn quto of Lot No. 16, in "the 4th concession of the o TOWNSHIP OF REACH, Sing: BY admeAsmremeny t 1% id of i save except about three Bs the Port Whitby and Port Perry Railway Company. There are 3 - About 130. Agres Cleared And in a good state of cultivation ; the bal- ance is covered with hardwe oad' timber. -- Thereare erected on the premises A FRAME BWELLING HOUSE, Jorge an commotion Barns, Stables and This chance for securing ge of the most| . n desirable homesteads i Provinces of Ontario, should draw the attention of those Seaking 4, some in the midst of one of the most progressive portions of the Dominion. Terms very liberal. Title indisputable. For, further particulars, apply to JNO. & D. J. ADAMS, Port Perry, Oct. 8, 1875. 43: A. CHOICE FARMFOR SALE T= undersigned offers for sale that ex- cellent Farm being composed of the part of Lot 11 in the 11th Con- cession of Township of Reach, And 11 Acres on the West corner of the South half of Lot 12 in the 11th Concession of said Township ; in all 71 acres of First Clags Land, nearly all cleared, wel fenced, and in a high state of cultivation. There are good and sufficient buildings on the premises, with an abundance of excellent water; a vigorous young orchard of suparior fruit and an excellent grapery. The situation is all that could be desired for health; comfort and convewrience, and within a short distance of the best markets of the province, Terms easy, ] % For particulars apply to the proprietor, NEIL McARTHUR, 3 Port Perry. Or fo; PA. HRD Perry. Also for Sale, 140,000 good sound Brick at my Yard, Port Perry. Sold in lots to suit purchasers, but would prefer selling them in one lot. Apply a= above. . N. MecARTHUR, Port Perry, July 8, 1875, Teacher Wanted. ANTED for Soho School Section No. 8, Cartwright, a Female Teacher. Duties to begin at the commencement of ir, Apply to JAS. BAILEY, E. BRYANS, . GEO. WILSON, If by letter prepaid to the Cartwright P.O. Kov. 10, 1815 10, 1815, yay 'Note Lost. HIS is to forbid all pa all parties purchasing or otherwise ucgotiaing a certain Note of hand, made by John Martin in favor of Mal- colm" 'McTaggart or bearer for the sum of Trustecs. $500 with interest at 8 per cent, and dated at Myrtle on the 1st day of April 1874 and payable on the 1st day of April 1875. Payment of the same has been stopped. MALCOLM McTAGGART. Myrtle Nov 8, 1875. STRAYED SHEEP. TRATED into the pgpmises of the Sub- scribers, Jot 13, in the 6th Con of Brock, about the beginning of Ovtober, a Ewe and Lamb--the Ewe is marked. The owner is 3w:i6 requested to pay expenses and take them Bwar, otherwise they will be sold as the rects, law di HILL & FALLOWDOWN. Brock, Nov. 13, 1875. 4 Strayed Sheep. TRAYED from the premises of the Sub- scriber, lot 14, in the 5th con. of Reach (near Manchester,) on the 15th of October, 4 EWES and 2 LAMBS. The. letter M marked in tar was on the left side of each of Parties giving such information as will lead te their: recovery will be suitably re. and d Juries retaining them in Their thie nofive #te liable to pro- THOMAS MARTIN. Manchester, Nov. 4,.1875. a5 dw HIGH SCHOOL NOTICE, g poe Sxandibation of Candidates for PORT PERRY. HIGH Schoo! wa take Liaks aceon Wein Breeton gy aed --- day, : an Pupils desirous first "By order of th COUNTY INSPEOTOR, Nov. 1, 1875." N oTI c E. RTE 3 ip THB HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR AND AT CHRISTIANS, £3 MANCHESTER Sore Sue con. All acoounts not sant in by the 1st of Dec. will not be paid. TAINE B. DIESFELD. Port Perry, +1, 1815. m7 45 Notice of Partnership have this day telah ito Susinogs with me, Sp which will be under the style or @irm of Die & Doll. gi ement of my husband jon will call and settle at onee;and all Nw H. CHRISTIAN. oT Mr ian ee BROWN & Ross CLOTHING PARTHENT - Ulster Hudson Bay and Beaver,Overcoats. Pca Jackets, Stylish Suits, Under Coats, Pants, ¥ ests, &c,' CLOTHING, Of every description, made on the Shortest Notice and Cut in the Latest Styles, GENTS WOOLEN A very large assortment. The newest novelties in COLLARS, SCARFS and CUFFS, i A call will convince sll as to Quality and i \ # 3ROVE & hos. _ PORT PERRY. Manchester, Nov. 10, 1875. J Port Perry, Oct. 4, 1875. INDER- CLOTHING == i The Superiority of their Styles and t Port Perry, Nov. 17, 1875. NOW CUTTERS and SLEIGHS! Grand Attraction! AT JONES BROTHERS ! Ti PORT ECE GORGEOUS 22% Ey In Millinery!! = Hats and Bonnets, adapted to every taste, age and Complexion, i iv endless variety, | be deserved popularity of their supply the demand. MISS McKENZIE And her Competent Assistants are now busily engaged in preparing stock handsome Hat or Bonnet and save yourself a gr FOR The Largest Numbe ters and Slei county are now on Sh 'and inspect the stock tion. MONEY is wanted and the CUT- TERS will go Chea JAME Port Perry, Nov 23, 1875, the Best Quality, and the Cheapest Cuit- Ontario Carriage Works, Port Perry. Come r, the Greatest Variety, ever shown in the ow and [or Sale at the and make your selec- S EMANEY. Ly C. Forman IS NOW RECEIVING Hd VIB? JABAT ROB FALL WINTER GOODS WHICH WILL BE FOUND UP TO TH In Quality Port Perry, Sept 9, 1875. Remember the place--one door West of the Walker Iouso. E TIMES ! and Price. T. C. FORMAN. MONEY TO LOAN! MORTCACES WANTED. HE Subscribers have la ey placed in their hands 'ar: Vil sums of mon- many on Sandep 'nd 9.0 feting their money with the ieast possible WANTED T0 PURCHASE, Any Ee Mkorigmges for which the high- pana Bod praisers for the Canada Per- aig Fhe it aed ER] Lands Bought ad i Several good farms for sale. Collections made and a general agoney bual- Bess transacted. 2% DEBENTURES BOUGHT."@R , General Agents, Office In Mr. Koss' Ontario Buildings, Port Perry. Port Perry, Oct. 1, 1872, Notice of Application PS Parlia- 3 ment. Solicitor for Applicants, | Port Ferry, Now, 10, 1875, wo FO At home, male or female; S85 Ener 'with tel Jura RM, YOUNG, 123 Greenwich St, N. Y. (Z=- Agents for several firet alass Fire In- py; JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, , '|e pene. Agents Wanted = every Township in Ontario to sell the famous Prize Medal Organ Manulactured by the Smith | American Organ Co.,and George Steck & Co's Pianos. Special inducements will be given to first class agents and clubs of three or four wishing to purchase. Any numberof testimonials in favor of those first-class organs can be furaishell but ga they are 50 widel own--great rs havin, been sold i hout the Dominion and har: ing given satisfuction in every goods render it almost impossible to eat disappointment, Call early at FOR Choice, Valuable, and Cheap WaAReRBY. Fancy Goods! PLAIN AND FANCY STATIONERY, A) BOOKS General Supplies for Schools CHEAP AND COOD. W. H. MoCAW. Port Perry, May 6, 1874. and Sgenating orders. To securea JONES. BROS. (ORRIGAY & CANPBELL ARE SHOWIN A VERT ATTRACTIVE STOCK Falls Winter Tweeds Worsted Coatings, Fancy Vestings, Black Broads and Doeskins, Also, a fine variety of Over-Coatings in 'new Shades. - Gentlemen requiring Winter Clothing will find it decidedly to their advantage to leave their orders as they guarantee superior Cut and Workmanship, at prices which cannot fail to satisfy the closest buyer. Special attention paid to Gent's Furnishings. A full Stock of Seasonable Goods in all the other Depart- ments. INV2BIVION_ IN7AVBD. =" Terms - Cash or Produce. 2 a SDBRIGAN & CAMPBELL. NOTICE VX. WIGHTMAN &C0. PRINCE ALBERT, ARE GIVING 25 cts per lb. GOOD BUTTER. testimonial, however flattering, can add To their reputation. The Steck Piano Co., received the uy 8 gol) medal awarded to any hibitor of mi neni at the Vienna Exposition in 1613. Org will be 8 [erally dour with es re ie 32 ith Amer} can, we would 'call attention to as bei adapted for FASHIONABLE MILLINERY ! A SPECIALTY. od rind ph pa Oe litem fot aio and sple 4] d effets ('this stop can be used so as to f hil hte the volume hal the vero bisperof sudan aly t 8 tam ap furnished Wholesale and Retail fram any)of the first-class American { manufacturers. Siveulars dud prion lists sent free on appli- A.M. DARLEY. .Church-st., pliant Agent, N. BAR instroments warranted for five years. JOHN JURY, Agent for Not On Nov.1, 1875. 45-4 r TOLBL. lately occupied HE House and promis Te by er, ed Albert. -- ediatel ANTED 40 Borrow jorrow $8,000 on Church WwW Frome in Port Perry. "ristees Methodist Church, Always on hand, a full assortment of DRY GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES, A CHOICE STOCK OF GROCERIES. zWines and Liquors! OF THE BEST BRANDS. Oct. 21, 1875. PRINCE ALBERT. Port Perry. u IBWISAT, | - CROCKERY & GLASSWARE. W. M. Wightman & Ce., | 2YELTBA. times for Rolls or Tob Batter, and No Charge for tuba. GEO. CURRIE" CASE CASE, CASH for any quantity of good Batter. GEO. CURRIE. ?\NEW 00DS ! On hand and arriving daily. GEO. CURRIE. Light Dress Muslin, Prints, Grenadines and Siques Sacrificed WITHOUT REGARD TO COST. GEO. CURRIE. New Grey Cottons, Cotton Yarns, Denims and Ducks, At Redueed Prices. GEO. CURRIE. The Cheapest Goods in Town Are offered WITHOUT RESERVE, At Geo. Ourrie's. Black Silks, Black Silks up to $2.50 per yard, At Geo. Ourrie's. EE ---- Rich Black Lustres and French Merinos, Persian Cords, and Yokahoma Silk Wharps--CiBiP. GEO. CURRIE. Shirtings, Flannels, Linens, Sheetings, Towelling, Table Linen, Damask, sad Lace Curtains, At Gen. Currie's. HARDWARE, r Locks, Hinges, Machine i. Varnish, The highest privé paid at all" ri ola Tu Molt

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