Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 11 Nov 1875, p. 2

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'by the meanest tyrants could always - | take advantage of their little holds | circumstance that Saturday had been | and crowd their dependants right in and make them vote asthe tyrant the 'changed, men may now vote as they please andf nc one will be the wiser forit, none but themselves can know tor whom they vole, Unless a man have wo oot throw), than the municipal elections to rise to! .e surface. Reach dy yubmlog up to the ex- 'numerous aspirants. the unfortunate electors are, 3 Tiago of Port Perry too is 0 move ; already one may te ramblingof the approach- action. ~~ Skirmishers are already thrown out and an open rupture gan- not long be avoided. Who the aspirants for office next year may be we are not prepared to say, but that dohange i in thehead is desirable we think few wll dispute and if we would cut off a limb or two the trunk 'would not suffer much. 'the position wlo may, he will not| find it all plain sailing. This tick legislation is by go means safe, pay ~day must come soouer or later, and the longer it is staved off the diffi-| rculty of the situation will oniy be in-| ~ereased in proportion to the delay. Some fature ratepayers may refuse to pay their share of debentures which according to the by-laws sanctioning them ought to 'be all or| 'partly provided for by sinking fund 'which should have been collected from year to year.' Bat take The affairs of Reach will possess nsiderable interest next year, and | the helm of affairs will require to be steered with a steady hand as | well at the Township Council board 'a8 at tho County Courcil. The $11,000 swindle of the late County Treasurer, Wm Paxton, has got to 'be grappled with and that with a strong hand, and whatever is done the utmost care must be taken to "keep from the Council board each -and every one who obstructed the way and prevented an investigation on purpose that the guilty party might have t'me to abscond. = An- other matter which specially con- corns Reach is these $2,800 non- 'veeident debentures which. are charged against Reach, the payment «of which is demanded, the County | "Council is already clamoring for the | money and threatening to sue. Thi. | - celebrated $2,800 is another -ment of the muddle and fraud in the "Treasurer's office of the days gone by: and had the obstructionists allowed the vigorous prosecution of the in- -vestigation when the Treasurer could bave been secured, a large -amout if not all this £2,800 would have been placed upon proper shonl- «ders and Reach would not bave been held responsible for it, Bot as it is a clique who cared not what hecame of the County or Reach, if they could give their favorite time to clear, .stepped in and prevented the investigation tilt after the guilty party had made good his escape, thus causing the rate-payers of Reach to pay about $6,000 more othan they -ought to pay. Tn the face of ali this some of those very obstruction- «ists, those very men who have been the means of aiding the defaulter in making good his escape may have - the insolence to go before the electors . vot Reach and seek to be returned to 'the Co. Council. The position of Pound-Keeper is too great an honor for them. "The mode of voting at the coming selection will influence the result to # much greater degree than most speople imagine. The voting this time will be by ballot, so that it will be absolutely impossible for any one 46 know how auy one but himself "votes; so that tyrants who in the pe st, obliged all dependii g on them "10 vote 88 they were bid will now be powerless, the one most depending pon them may now go in betore tyrant's face and vote im and he will have no owing anything of how ted. The tyrant or his try to frighten those y suppose know no office is already frag | is fool enough to tell how he voted ots prrliamentary elec- no one but himself can ever know how he 'did vote. 1t matters not how much a man may be bribed or who may carry him to' the poles, he "ean vote against the man he was bribed to support, or against the man who caused him to be carried to the polls as it cannot be known already hunted down by office Ifor whom he voted. -------- The Grits Still Declining. That the Grit cance is helplessly and hopelessly on the decline is now ing. artillery coming forward for mitted even by the most devoted {amongst them. No amount of fib- | bing can any longer conceal their retreat, and the most obdurate of [them are beginning to talk of terms jof surrender;. but the Opposition | will listen to nothing short of un- | conditional surrender. Nothing less | will satisty the opposition than the { surrender ot Brown and a few more | of such as prisoners of war to be held fin close confinement, forthe good { faith of the party. Poor Alderman | Tarner has just been offered in rac- {rifice tggatone for the political sins of | the party, and though he suffered | like a martyr the crimes of the par | ty are such that all the Aldermen in { creation could not fully atone for them. The Globe, poor soul, did his best to stave off the evil day and made orto of his "biggest pushes" to 5 the Alderman "down handsome- ly." Theorgan fairly hooted the idea of an Oppositionist carrying | West Toronto. One would have feagooecd from the ravings of the Grit sheets thut the Grit Candidate would get all the votes and that there would not be one left for the Opposition Candidate. However the intelligent electors of West Toronto had something to say in it; they were not to he misled further by the (Globe and its echoes, they did not wish to have the finger of scorn pointed at them as the aiders and and abetters of extravagance and corruption, so they rejected Turner, the . Government Candidate, and elected Robinson, the Opposition candidate by a majority of 343.-- { This signal defeat took the wind completely out of the Government {party. When the | known the Globe man might bave I been seen skulking up Church St. moaning like a harp unstrung and weeping like a child. If anything will teach the Government party-- we mean the combined faetion' of Ottawa and Toronto--a lesson "this signal defeat in West Toronto ought to doit. If asingle linein the Globe is to be relied on, the Government party, in Alderman Turner, had' a man in every respect well fitted by nature and education to represent that constituency, a gentleman in every way qualified for the position Very likely it may be all true that the Globe says of him. On the other hand the Globe most emphatically asserts that Mr. J. B. Robinson, the Opposition Candidate, is perfectly worthless as a representative, that be is utterly unfit for the position, that bis antecedents so far from being in bis favor as a candidate are all dead against him, and that he is simply a tale of the past. Admit. ting that ell that the Globe said re- garding -Mr. Robinson was true what a convincing proof does the election afford ot the utter detostation in which the Government party is held in West Toronto. Here is a Gov- ernment Candidate offered them, in the person of Ald. Turyer who is perfection itself; and here fs an Opposition candidate offered thém | who, if the Globe be true, is perfectly worthless, but so strong is the dis like to the corrupt, extravagant Gov. ernnment that the clectors of 'West Toronto wov't return a candidate 'von if be wero an angel, if 'he be a supporter of the Government, So the Alderman in all his perfection and adaptation and glory because he proposes to support the Government the électors will have nothing to do with bm ; but return Mr. Robinson (who if the Globe is true is good for nothing as a Fopreseuiflivey by a t such "is all humbug, for t a tool the returning the time being, may be willing he might be to "| mises to majority b hid Dro. ent, BE Cy : Distranthising the Jews. Rie istuitns "in the late election for a member of the Commons for Montreal West, the Sa oteraient with their nenal fairness (?) having a . whole- some fedr that the Jews of that con- § would ; Division Court. In days gone! day that there wished. Now however this is afl |be avoided." result became, 4 tobe conveyed to the proper quarter, so that of such aci a) Toe ruse has accomplished the | purpose for which it was designed, the defeat of the Opposition cand- iate, Mr White, and it is all very well to talk of "avoiding it in the| fature." ngain doing they bave tried a similar dodge in West Toronto with a view to secure the veturn of the Grit can- didate for that coustivuency, by ordering the election there too on the Jewish Sabbath and thus pre- venting the Jews from voting. No- thing under heaven but a perfect disgust of Grit rule and an abhor ance of the tricks 'and frauds of the united Ottawa and Toronto factions could have secured the return of the Opposition candidate at this time in West Toronto and neutralize the efforts of the cor- rupters. These are the men that bab. ble over their love of fair play while they ignore the first principles of it. The political rack and gibbet are their instruments of administrating Grit fair play ; their crimes will yet come home to roost ; they will Lave to drink the very dregs of the cup they are mingling ; drink them shall e-------- Facing the Music. The Legislative Assembly of Ontario fis summoned to meet for the dispatch of busi- ness on the 24th inst. The session will doubtlessbea lively one so long as it lasts. The Globe says " that at this moment there is not a crying (whatever that may mean) reform to be grappled with." He will find, how- ever that a good maay "crying reforms" and crying Reformers too, will be grappled with and that fully by the Opp A large number of the so-called ors oe of the present Government are algeady "crying" to be re-reformed. The Globe is begging the [ Opposition to have mercy on the Govern- ment and not to bear down too hard upon them, He has no objection that the Oppo. sition be allowed*to live, but then they must not be allowed to annoy the Government.-- The Opposition will most likely ask the Globe what measures they ought to oppose aud how they may oppose them; we shall see. A Matter of Veracity. Some three weeks ago in giving expression to the satisfaction felt by this community at receiving a visit from Dr. G. W. Jones, whom we bad not seen since he left the village some six years ago, it appears that our phraseology did not meet the approbation of Dr. Brathwaite. It appears now--though we did not know it before we committed the sacrilegious act-that the tenor of our remarks ran foul of Dr. Brathwaite, We stated that Dr Geo. had been telegraphed for as the condition of the health of his brother Dr. R Jones was in a precarious state, and that we were glad to learn that the latter's health was much improved since the arrival of his brother. On the following week Dr Brathwaite attacked us, doubtles with all the mildness of which he was capable under the circnmstances, charging us with writing with a spirit of malignity towards him, though we don't know why we should have any malignity towards a man whose very ex- istence neyer enters our mind. We dared on the following week fo tell the Dr. thatthere was not a word of trudi in his charges against us of malignity aod such rubbish, but this appears to have made matters worse, for the last week we had a'trio at us all try-- ing who could howl the loudert, Dr. Brath- waite, his patient, and the immortal " Neddy." We felt somewhat annoyed at first when the trio aitacked us; but we found since that they &re not 50 much to blame after all; partics suffering from ? | epizootic cannot expect to be luciousiy sweet, in their tempers. The Dr's nag died of epizootic that week and the disease is both contageous and infectious, and Neddy and his Plug are both laid up with it, so the effects of the dis ase on their otherwise naturally swéet tempers. We assert Low ever, that the whole pack of thes know that there is not a word of truth in the charge of Dr. 'Brathwaite, that we wrote our first notice from a spirit of malignity against him, and the trio had better restrain their righteous indigpation, and cwb their scribbling, propensities till they recover their Senses. ° Cheap Thunder. THE UXBRIDGE THUNDERER HATH UTTERED HIS VOICE. LET THE EARTil TREMBLE. The Uxbribge Guardian has been prostitut- ing its rpace in misrdpresenting the Opser '| VER. A journal that sclis for a dollar a yeap, with a two dollar chromo thrown in ought to be more careful of its" valuable space" than prostitute it in iember of which we knew Vober we were otherwise aye, and they | hou that some allowance ought to be made for | cognged. Tho Standard Neddy, being 8 mem-| oo {ber of the board was notified of ssid a a tre, the locality is too. well supplied ke : r| meeting and was prese 'ut; but'at the ose of | the meeting, eit we should get the minutes, i Wh marke fair is too well establi i y to let | first class buvers never fail to patronize it, | his Nedd: begged the | him, Lave the dratt and Sting pe them away on Friday vg permitted took | "inst, for a sight of the n inutes when he in- formed us that Neddy bad taken them away from the meeting on Friday last, but be (the Bec.) would get them for morning. When came however, the tly wa. jo bed and the | minutes hid away ; at noon on Wednesday | the Secretary made another attempt to recov- | er his minutes, but the re and the min- utes were both under could not be got, N toes under 'the bed away in his inex, theiden | that iE e read his rag would know ing of the proocedings of a body it not important at least costly enongh to the But expected the {Tag slitas eattle fairs are hits %0 the M: won supply, Semin, ake but under hiro did > satisfactory all round. were a considerable number of, How the Granny Works Manchester Fair. LEU ee es egy TO ege ng, { -_-- z The was held An important ing of fhe on' Wi Manchester Novemter Poe for the polling. I have vind intimation | took place on the evening of the 8t thof ov-| As might be Te ltr. i evening last. Rev. Mr Bell, agent of the T T lectured at = audience, Mr Joba Christie, s, of circ hod fair ever cattle, the r while the officers who niin it give it that K, bth inst-- amount of attention necessary to success -- | Perry Branch of the Upper Canada Bible So- But what do we tind them | | We applied to the Scc'y on Tuesday, 9th' The fair of Wednesday last was, all things | ciety was held in the M. E. Church on | Tuesday, 9th inst, The mecting was opened = by Rev Mr Abbs. Rev C C es was called to the Chair, and Douglas gave short addresses when the, Rev W W Ross took the stand and delivered | an eloquent, instructive and pleasing address T Ministers presenti--Rev'ds Ross, Fein son, Philp, sr, Philp, jr, Dhestiy, Pi Galloway, Douglas aud Jones, and Subscriptions amounted to aetie considered, a capital fair. There were many good cattle on hand, . though not to call beef, and prices were most encouraging ly for soda Castle: Pri ces hovered from $1.50 to $5 mongst other buyers present we noticed Messrs Gould, Sr, Stone, Bongard, Crandell and Holland: There were at least 50 head of fair cattle left the field at prices "The next will be the Christmas Fair ® @eeral competition will be opened for Cattle, Hogs, Turkeys, Geese, &c, &c, and a rousing Show may be expected. er ee Then Confed ' Life A 1 the Neddy supposed he was doing a big thing by trying to keep § the majority of the yn i in io in was done = 1] of Toronto. - Me. J. A. Smaw, the General Agent of this the minutes, -- a -- Comedy and 4 Sensation. H Don't fail to be at he Town Hall, Port | Perry, to-night aud to-morrow night, 11th | and 12th inst. Austin's famous Comedy and Sensation Troupe will be there on both nights. They will doubtless' have crowded word 4 * jak es. We understand that our village | fathers have been served at the in- | stance of Mr B CrandeH, et al, sum- moning them to appeur before | the next court of competent jurisdic: | tion and show cause why they should | not bé held indi idual the sum of $40 being "the amésht said fo have been spent in watering | the streets ot part of the village | contrary to the statutes in that ease! | made and provided. Which is the Court of competent jurisdiction ? et ~~ ----e Port Per:y Presbyterian Sunday School Social their countenance and support the . Presby- terian Sunday School in this place.' Church. 'Pea will be served from 7 to 8' after which a grand time will be held with | the children. The Schodl is in want of | funds and while a little keeps it running it | must have that little or its usefulness will be curtailed, The lambs must be fed. 10 cts for children. Don't miss the treat. -------- Pursuant to dire the committee appointed to make 8 pre- liminary survey of the route and | probable cost of the proposed bridge | or roadway between the townships to make their report. Most of 'the leading men of the village were present. Mr. Wm. AM. Jones as called to the ehair and having open- ed proceedings called od Mr. Yar- nold who presented an excellent map of the locality referred to, showing the several lines that he bad survey- ed with the amount of work and probable cost of each ronte and went on to explain in a distances, vantages of the several routes and the practicability of ail of them. Mr Yarnold showed that the cost of the work would be under $6000 and there were respon sible parties present who would undertake to | complete the work, giving ample security for its satisfactory completi This was regarded as a decisive guarantee that the work weiilld be pushed, and speech making became the order of the day ; much enthusiasm wak manifested by all present. The work is regarded as of much import- ance to a large section of country. Port Perry, a portion of Scugog and a considerable partion of Cartwright aad Manvers, The utility of the work is sclfievident, and now that its practicability is assured the scetrirg of the work can be no manuer of doubt, while the trifling cost compared to the great advantages it will confer on all surrounding | however temptsome the hait may be. In his last' (it may-not be absolutely so) week's js- sue he says i "The Observer man has evidently get Mara and Rama on the brain, He blames the Catholics for this great misfortune." Does the thing mean to say that the "Opsgr- ver man" blames the Catholics for his having Mara and Rama on the brain? Would the magnanimous Guardian man have the good- ness to tell us whether he found the word Catholic "inthe article 'to which' Le referes or whether this- tirade of his may not be the outcome ofhis manly nature in mean- ly seeking to' run the Osseryer up against a oreed jn the clearest of all clear Grit fashions. 1f this Guardian angel 'had had any brain we would have charged him with a lack of honor on the brain in seeking to play the Grit dodge, but ae the seat of ho n- cannot. be. i twaddle please to state how Merphid is selling hat profit there is teaffic ; 4 ~Raliways. Wie subject of "additional "railway accommodation is again coming to the surface, and fhe patrons of the iron horse are looking out for new municipalities will be a so of satistaction to all to knew that a work of so much im- plishment. .In the mean time a company -will be formed with a board ot provisional directors, the members of said bogrd being drawn from the several municipalities concerned. The duties of said board will be to arrange the Becesenfy) pioliminarisy and set the work afioat, The following, resolution proves that thi is not to be a wind bridge but a good, practi cal, usefdl work proving highly beneficial to fin its i ---------- Hh | President ; Going Back on the Village Dad- fee President, and J. K. Macdonald, Esq., diable in |i® | Mouday, 15 The friends of Sunday Schools will be | glad of another opportunity of aiding by! They intend furnishing an interesting Social for | all on Friday evening next, 12th inst, in the | The charge is only 20 cts for adslts. and | : The Cartwright Bridgs. la of Seugog and Cartwright met at the | Town Hall here on Tuesday evening | distinet and lucid manner the ad-|v n for 85.600 -- | portance is 50 comparatively easy of accom- | llent Caxapias Issveasce Cowpaxy, is at present engaged in canvassing Port Perry and is g with sid | able enconragement. We 'have pleasure in commending its Board of Management, its remarkably low rates, its financial security, | and wondertnl success to the consideration of intending insurers. The Hon. W. P. Howland, CB, is its the Hon. Wm. McMaster, its its Managing Director. Last year it stood third, out of thirty-five life companies doing business in Canada, J.& D. J. Adams, Agents, Port Perry. 895 Admission to High 'School: -- | Pablic school pupils desirous of entering our | High School will find from an advertisement im this issne that the necessary examination for admission will take place on the i and | 9th days of Dec. next. (See the ad --_-------- gay" Collect your Prize Money.-- | Prizes taken at the late Show of the | | Reach and Scugog Agricultural Society, held { {at Port Perry, on the 21st ahd 22nd Sept. | | will Le paid by the Treasurer of the Sockty. | | 8 H Clsistan, Esa. ., Manchester, on and after The Fifth of November. The Celebration of the fifth of November : share of attention at Port r Supper in the Walker ¢ under the auspices of the Orange ren and an Assembly in the T auspices of the Orange g on at the same time. -- 3 ig and the streets were Fk -d with fer who filied the outside | part of the programme to the very letter. The spread at the Walker House, was | magnificent ; testifying to both the liberality | and skill of the woithy host and hostess. Bro. *. Cook, W. M..in the Chair, and Bro. | Wm. Kenuedy, the Vice Chair. The tables | were surrounded by a numerous and highly | respectable company as well of Orangemen not belonging to the Order. The ties were well repre- ariposa, Cartwright, Reach, ed the Port Perry Brethren on. After enj ! tables we { duced th [neat and ving an excellent Supper the c drwn and the Chairman intro. | oud part of the programme in a is speech, dweliing on the aims and «bjects of the celebration and wel- « the numerous company of guests to pate in the celebration, The lo wal and patriotic toasts were all the chair in capital style and dved with no less enthusiasm. Ihe tonst of the Army and Navy brought ont Capt Walker for the Navy, and Mr. Cran- deli for the Volunteers. ve the "led, White and Blne." | hairman gave the 1ifth ot Nov- ember, speuking to it at some length avd called on Mr. Wm. Jones for a reply. Mr. Jones' reply was in good taste and elicited much applause. The, Editor of the Ossgavse also spoke to the toast. he Agricultural Interests given from the sir were replied to by Mr. Shaw, The Vice. {hen proposed the Manufacturing interests voupling the name of Mr. Nott with the toast, Mr. Nott made a capital reply to that and j other topics. The Vice | thanks of hi to the guests who ha tion and added to the inter rion. Mr. Shaw proposed the Mercantile inter- ests of Canada Mr. Prinec sanz another fine song. Mr. Porteous gave a good song. The rditor of the Opserver gave the Vil- lage Council. i This brought Mr. Shaw and Mr. Jones to their feet, bath touching the subject lightly, irinan now gave an uxcellent¥ong. i Chairman proposed the Educa- tional interests of Canada. | com "hairman now returned the If 1 the Orange Brethren «din the celebra-- est of the occa- Mr. Jones in a few excellent and well | timed remarks proposed the health of the Ladies, and spoke to the toast at considera- | ble length Wr. Tooley, Cartwright, replied briefly. The Host and Hostess given by the Vice. Chair met a rousing reception, the entire company endorsing the highly. compliment- tary remarks of the proposer of the toast. God Save the Queen was sung and follow- ed by three Cheers for the Queen closed the proeding of the 5th just as the Slock truck ! out the day. The Assembly of the O. Y. Seitomqrored ighly successfal ; they had a pleasant and recable time and carried it through in the most creditable manner, the entire surroundings. On mo tion, Mr Cochrane, the Belicitor of the corporation, was instructed to fuser a notice in the Bort Perry ard, and The. B Fado a ad: ap- plication would be made to the Leyulstive Assembly a we t a Charter empaweringithe y to con- a brbpadiel ibd by a Ge ere the work commences. * A Dreadful Disaster at Sea. The side-wheol wooden stedimer, KPacific® about 1090. tons, sailed from morning of the 4th ist, with & cargd of hops pastures for him. The persevering bv Vetoris on the | The Municipal Council of Port Perry. The above Council met in the Town Hall, D the -- make a ! this locality of Mr, L. B. Harrington and his The Editer of the Ce-ruven replied. | 22 TD intel owt 5. Di, y made an excellent speech subject pe ibition, _ he Rev Mr ore tn $@~ The Annual Meeting of the * Port The. Rev'ds Chesney The following officers were duly elected: -- President, A Gordon, Esq., M. P; Vice Prests, J Nott, J Rolph and E Mundy ; Secretary, Wm Brock, jr; Treasurer, J J Shaw ; Dopos- itary, 8 E Allixon. Committee, H L Ebbtes, Dr. Jones, H Gordon, 1) Leddingham and J; H Brown, Coilectors, Mrs H McDonald, Miss White, Mrs Luxton and Miss Gordon, St. Andrew's Society. The Annual Meeting ¢ of the N. O. :St. An- | drew's Society was held at Thompson's | repgir, about 90 acres of are cleared Hotel, Port Perry, on Wednesday 'evening, sud in a good state of cul 3 forms "he soil 10th inst, when the followfng Officers were | is not ocr but clay 10am, and offers an elected for the ensuing yeéar :--J J Shaw, Pres; Wm Kyle, 1st Vice-Pres ;J Swan, 2nd Vice-Pres; J V Thompson, Treas ; J Baird, Sec; Messrs Wilson, McRae, McGill, and T. Duff, J. Christie 'and Adam Sommerville, It was Ived to cele- brate St. Andrew's Day by a Supper jn Thompson's Hotel, Port Perry. 0 wants to Invest ina holes L Yovtuges of the evening] : its and - doubtless | Mu o. Port Perry, Oct. 21, on. ® osm, SALE OF A *~ Splendid Farm BY TENDER. HE anlenigued will receive Tenders up to and inclusive of the Tenth day of December next, | Bea half of lot No. | 16, in IN THE COUNTY OF io containing 100 acres, less right of way for the | Nipissing Railway across one corner, con- taining about. one half acre. The above is Eldon and Argyle stations of said rmilway being about 1 mile fromEldon station and 2} from Argyle, and upon the same there is erected a good hewed log House and Dara b both in good excellent opportunity to procure a good tarm at a reasonablé price inan old well settled portion of the country. TERMS CASH. The highest or any other tender not neces- sarly i. For further p ap- ply to W. MAURICE CQCHRANE, Jicitor, Port TEACHER WAN1E 5 ; WANTED fo 5 Ni ht, FT Cr EEE Su E mencement. inp y Teachernet Apply to, , % oh, en a eter Propsa os, ua $0 HOTEL BUSINESS FOR_SALE, "Mile itontigned «Tig for Salo. the unex: pired term of re of the Hotel known as the 66g : ' '99 Dafoe House,' Port Perry, with all the Furniture; Fix. tures and Stock therein contained, The house is well furnished, and is one of the best stands in the flourishing liageet ort Perry. Pt given i required. = A. BONGA JOHN AED: 'JACOB DAFOE, Port Periy, Oct 20, 1876. 433w Port Perry, Nov. 10, 1875. Farm ?--Parties wiching to comfortable Farm will find such mansion as will pleage them 1n ouradyertising columns of to day. Bl Bring in vour Pork and Grain ?| 1 --~Christian's Elevator, Manchester is in full blast, receiving and discharging Grain with out stint. Tt wiil be seen by his advertise-- | ment of to-day that he wants all the Grain and Pork he can get. (See his Adv.) BaF Attractive Stock of #all add Winter Goods, Gents's Outfits, are carefully attended 1 to at Corrigan & Campbell's, (tee Adv.) - - Read S. E. Allison's new advertisement in this issue everything in his line good and cheap. re -- ee Music the Universal Charmer. We are instructed wo state that an effort 1is being put forth io secure theservices in accomplished daughter to give instruction in a view to furthering this object will be held at the residence of the Rev. Mr, Al bs, Port Perry, on Satnrday evening, at 7:30. Tt is to be hoped that there will be a good mect. ing, the object is a desirable one. oo -- Bardly Orthodox. The Rey D. J. McDonnell, it appears, has got himeelt into trouble with the Preshyter- ians of Toronto, and a special meeting of the Synod has been called to deal with him. There are two counts to which the Rev gentleman will have to plead, 'The charge made to do duty on the fore. ground is a rap given to' the confession of Faith by the Rev. gentleman in his remarks at the opening of Knox College, Toronto some time aco. But the chief charge is thought ta be founded on a sermon lately preached by him in his own Church (St. Andrew's Church, Toronto) on the subject of the futnre punishment of the wicked: From the drift of the gentleman's arguments (and the sermon was allowed to be one of the fin. est ever preached in the city) his hearers came to the conclusion that future pnnish, ment will not be eternal. The Rev. gentle. man is amongst the best, if not the best, the- ologeon in the Presbyterian body. The matter will be walched with interest. rg Sr WE-ve O_o mm Roots in the Field. Mr J Sharrard. nine. of Roots in the field in connection with the N 0. E- D. Agricul- fural Society awarded the prizes as follows For the best couple of acres of turnips : | 1st Mr. Thomas Brand, Glen Major, £6 : 2nd Mr Andrew Ross, Greenbank, $1; 3rd Mr. Thos Coats, Sherley, $3. ~ The. following ore th ms of expefditure for Adam Crdoks' election in South Oxford : Hon. Adam Crooks' election expenses mn South Oxford were :--Printing, £579.08 ; liv. ery and horse hire, $134.50 ; rent of halls, $ 8: telographing, £3630; stationery, 5 : posting bills, $7 ; postage, $48.35. , £841.68. re ------ A pies Beware of the Bwindling Tribe. Tot: A wire clothes line agent called on a well- to-do farmer in Beverly, and tried to sell him a wire clothes live. The farmer declined, and the stranger made an offer to give him one if he (the farmer) would give his name, to-uso.as a reference in the vicinity, He gave his name on a slip 8f paper presented by the stranger, and which was apparently carelessly folded, and in two weeks from that | time received an invoice for wire amounting | 8 to $100 as per order. The carclessly folded paper proved to be an order nade to a third party, and the hest he could do in settlement was to pay $30 to be released from the order or take the wire and pay the bill This is another victim to his own simpli- oity. : ; BIRTH. At Sonya, on Saturday, Oct 23rd, thegrife of Mr. John Carmichael of a daughyer. SS , -K-cEPE "MARRIED. ya 2nd Con. Reach, on Thursday, 4th by the Rev. J. Douglas, Mr. pel third son of Mr Geo. Kilpatrick, to Miss Lizzie, Sldust danghler gf Mr. Robert Brown, all of Both parties were. deservedly for their many good qualities when' their ph bn and we doubt not Lut in Sheil sid ied sutethey will mature Oth inst, by thé Rev- . Marray, of Toronto, other purposes connected therewith, Port Ferry, Nov, 10, 1875, J x the year. Music during the present winter. They are * Apply to allowed to stand at the head of their pro- JAS. BAILEY, . fession as music teachers. A meeting with E. BRYANS, Trustees. ; Lhaving claims agninst the estate are requests | Port Perry, N Notice of Application to Parlia- ment. t IMPORTANT Supe SALE. HE 'nheasik 3 A to sell by Public Auction, st | CHESTER, on SATURDAY, 18th ov, N72 is hereby given that licati \ will be made to the Legislature of the Province of Ontario, at its next Session, for an Act to enable a Company to erect a Bridge, Embankment or Road from some point in the Township of 8cugog, in the County of Ontario, to. some point in the township of Cartwright in the county of Dur- ham, and to enable said Townships and the Village of Port Perry, or portions of the said and other M or ora thereot, to grant aid by way of Bonus or otherwise to assist in the construction of the said Bridge, Embankment or Road and for W. MAURICE COCHRANE, Solicitor for Applicants. Teacher V Wanted. Vy Arp for Schoc School Section No, 8, Cartwright, 2 Female Teacher. Duties to begin at the commencement of GEO. WILSON, If by letter prepaid to the Cartwright i 2 Nov, 10, 1875. HIGH SCHOOL NOTICE, HE next examination of Candidates for admission to the PORT PERTY HIGH SCHOCL! Will take place on Wednesday and Thursday 8th and 9th D~ccmber, beginning, cach day, at aan. Pupils desirous of attending during the first half of 1878 are requested to potifss the Head Master of the School, I. Mc Bride, Port Perry, By order of the COUNTY INSPECTOR. 46:.w 1875. Note Lost. "pas is to forbid all parties purchasing or otherwise uegotining a certain Note of hand, wade by John Martin in favor of-Mal- colin McTaggart or bearer for the smn of $500 with interest at 8 per cent, and dated at Myrtle on the 1st day of April 1874 and payable on the 1st day of April 1875. Payment of the same has been stopped. MALCOLM. Mc l'AGGART. Myrtle Nov 8, 1875. 8wii6 Strayed Sheep. TRAYED fram the premises of the Sub- }.) scriber, lot 14, in the 5th con, of Reach { (ue ar Manchester, ) on the 156th of October iS and 2 LAMBS, The letter I ay in tar was on the left side of each of them, Parties giving such information as will lead to their recovery will be suitably re- warded, and parties retaining them in their possession after this notice are liable to pro- sccution. Nov. 11, THOMAS MARTIN, Manchester, Nov. 4, 1875. iw TRAY ICD! seven ifead of YoungCattle C AME into the premises of the subscriber J lot 14 in the 6th Con. of Reach, some time about the beginning of October, seven head of Young Caitle, Steers and Heifers -- The owne.s are requested to pay expenses and take them pway, M. G. ROBSON. Prince Albert, Oct. 25, 1875. 45:4w "NOTICE. Ax parties having apy claim against the undersigned or Mr. J. Diesfeld, will please forward the same immediately. as no more time must be lost in acknowledging accounts pro and con. All accounts not sent in by the 1st of Dec. will not be paid. =~ CHRISTAINE B, DIBRERLD: Port Perry, Nov. 1, 1875: 1875, the follow proj perty g to MR. JAMES PARKIN, vig :--3 Single Buggies, 3 two-seated Democrat Ba Lumber Wagon, I one-horse Lumber 1 two-seated Democrat Buggy with springs, 1 Set Bob-Sleighs, with steel Foci 1 Democrat Cutter, 2 Single Cutters, 1 Hay. Rack,'l. Gang Plow, phy Tate & wake, 1 Horse, three years uid 4 Mitch ood two with calf, 1 Sow Pig, 1 Set Single Har- ness, I Cutting Box, and a quantity of Oats in the straw, Sale to commence at 13 o'clock, sharp, 'T'grys.--All sums of $7, and under, cash ; over that amount 12 months' credit will be given by parties furnishing approved joing notes ; interest from date if not paid when due, The Pig and Oats in the straw will be sold for cash, 'W. M. WILLCOX, Manchester, Nov, 2, 1876. Auctioneey MONEY TO LOAN ! MORTCACES WANTED. THE Subscribers ve i Jarge sums of mon- oy placed in their yards for Fnves ment on. Tiiprow ed Farms, V] and ther Securities in this 1 iotting Countios ut the lowest current Fages.of In forest. Ww we have funds on hand at all times Boi candep nd on Joing tLelr money a id east possible delay. WANTED | RCHASE, Any number of r wh est figures will Bie the high, BY t i onclury tation : n Canali Pak 1 X st Bp Capital 8) an: ) ustalments re-payable y Lands Bought and Scld. Several good farms for sale. Agents for several first class Fire Ins surance Companios, Collections made and a general = ness transacted. Feel agency ie £4 DEBENTURES BOUGHT.-SR JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, General Agents, Office in Mr. Ross' Ontario Buildings, Port Perry, Port Perry, Oct. 11, 1872, . BAKERY! Confectionery, J Bakery and Confectiol 'business in all their branches carried dn in my Port Perry aud Prince Albert cstablichments, Plain and Fancy Breads of 'Every variety, Orders filled with the shortest notice, Bridal and other Cakes made to order. Socials and other entertqinments suppliog ou moderate terms, CONFECTIONS! in every variety and of the best quality. Children's Toys in abundance, CALL AT MY BARERY Port Perry or Prince Albert. CHAS. HISCOCKS. Port Perry, March 10, 1875. WM. SPENCE, CONTRACTOR & BUILDER. RICK-LAYING, STO? ,STONE:WORK, | PLAS. TERING, &c., in all their departments, executed in the best style, 4 Having secured the services of a compe- tent party to manage and conduct the farm, I will, in fa ure, devote whole attention to my business as my i CO NTRACTOR. i otice Partiorits HIS isto inform' the inbabitants ef Port -Persy and the public generally that I have this day taken into business with me, as partner, my eldest son Frank L, Doll who will in future manage the business and fizm of Diesfeld & Doll. Parties who became indebted during the management of my husband John Diesfuld will please call and settle at once;and all ed to send in their claims immediately. CHRISTIANE B. DIESFELD. Port Perry, Oct 13, 18175. wuitics whoa | DISSOLUTION OF OF PARTNERSHIP. PITY hitherto B. N. NICKERSO JAS. BUNKER. +3187. which will be conducted under the style or. ts taken in Stone ork, Brick work, Patong, =, Le Contract ts completed with dispatch, the BEST MATERIAL AND FIRST crass WORKMAN! (ANSHIP. Dtice. April 14,1875. 18 ; aan = nume and Style of Bunker & 'Nick | 108, County Y nines of oF classes for erson for carrying on the business of Wind rh es ier Eee a etvetly Mill Manufacturers, in the village. of Port Hons cqutin_ | SStcemed. ni on ein been dissolved by mutual consent industry, day, Tuesday, November 2nd, 1875, by the late firm, "The Subscriber A all deta sound i must a, pe to dion, the 1 nd bh Pe all * Administrators.' --- fe a papi--

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