Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 11 Nov 1875, p. 1

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ig: pve Obst. | HENRY G GRIST, ag wld FAMILY NEWSE APES, "18 PUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY, i EVERY: TBORSDAY MORNING, BAIRD & "PARSONS. 'ERMS.--$1 per. annum, if paid in ad- a if not $1.50 wilk be charged." No subscription taken for less than six months; sud per discontinued until all arrears Babsequent insertions, per fine 'Cards, under 6 lines, per annum 5 00 GF et Conn moni, wien al- (dressed to this Office, pre-paid and regester- 'ed, will be at our risk. Advertisments measuréd by Nonpareil, aad Shaped according to the space they ac- 'eupy. 'Advertisments received for publication. = without specific instructions, will be inserted #8 until fordid and charged accordingly. No advertisment will be taken out until paid for . A liperal discount allowed to Merchants and others who advertise by the year or half-year, B&™ These terms will in all cases be strictly adhered to. Job Department. . Phamplets, Hand Bills, Posters, Pro- grammes, Bill Heads, Blank Forms, Receipt Books, Checks, Books, Circulars, Business (Cards, Ball Cards, &c.,of every style and color, executed promptly and at lower rates than any other establishment in the County. BEF Parties from a distance getting hand bills, &e. printed can have them done to teke. home with them. J. BAIED. H. PARSONS. : Professional & ATYG, JONES, M. Surgeon, &e, D,, Coroner, Physician, R Resi lence--Oflice door west of tac Presby gerian Chureh. Port Perry. R. WARE, Coronor for the Som of takin, Pi hysician, Surgeon couche i { Prinee Albert. J H. SANGSTER, M. D, Physician, Sur- « g20n and Accoushe Coroner for the County of Ontario y PORT PERRY. Office over Nott's Furniture Store, corner of Queen and Perry Streeis. Office hours from a. iy. to 12 m, Residence, the dwelling recently occupied Ay Mrs, Geo, Paxton, HILL & RAR, Phys Gtftee and Res Oshawa, | FRANCIS RAR, MD. 8], Guy's c lye R. McBRIEN, M.D, M. R. (". pital, London, England. 71 Oshawa, --_-- --e €) E. MARTIN, M. D.Simcoe St., Two doors J, North of the Central Hotel, : Oshawa. E. FAREWELL, LL. B., County Crown 5: boner for Ontario, Bak ister, Attorney, Notary Public. Office Inwely oc- Py 4 cy H, Coel EY 125q., Brock street, Whitby. YMAN LL. ENGLISH LL. B., Solicitor in Chancery, Attorney, Conveyancer, &c. Oshawa. OMca--Simecoe street, opposite the Post Office. YOUNG Sui, LL. B., Barrister, At- iy ey Ww, Solicitor in Chancery, "and a Notary Publie, &c. Omce--McMiilan's Block, Brock street, Whitby. Lm IN & MACDONNELI, Barristers ® and Attorneys at Law, Solicitors County Counetl, Ontario. Offices : Court House, Whitby. IL J. MACDONNELL. f, C, CAMERON, P. A. HURD, Attorney at Law, and Solicitor in Chancery. Office inthe Roy: al Arcade, Port Perry. W. Maurice Cochrane, TTORNEY-AT-LAW, Solicitor in Chan- cery Notary Public, &c., &c. <Office hours punctually from dam. tos p.m, Money vo Lo&wu at 8 per cent, on all ,Jsinds of good security. + Office; Bigelow's Royal Arcade, ra PORT PERRY. 2 C. N. VARS, L. D. 8 EETH iosorted on all the latest princi- ples of the art, and as cheap as the cheap- , est, and as good as the Dest. Teeth filled ' with Gold and Silver. Teeth extracted "without pain by producing local anasth- esia, Dentical Rooms™--in Cowan's new block, over Atkinson's id Store, King Street, i W PATENT BOLICITOR AND DRAUGHTSMAN, OTTAWA, CANADA, Transacts business with the Patent Office and other d of the G Copyrights and the Registration of Trade Marks and Designs procured. Drawings, Specifications, and other Documents neces. to secure Patents of I on receipt of the model of the Tnvention. Suctioneers. W. M. WILLCOX, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, | AND TOWNSHIPS OF MARIPOSA & CARTWRIGHT, GS to thank his wan y friends and the B 'public generally, for the liberal patron- age bestowed upon him for the past five years. Having now given up the business of Bailiff, I intend, in future, to devote my whole time to the busmess of Auctioneer, Collecting, &c. It will be wy endeavor, by prompt and careful attention to business, to give full satisfaction to all who may favor me with their Sales or Collecting. Bi'ls draughted and Blank Notes furnished { free af charge. Also Bill Stamps always on hand. Arrangements can be made for sales &c., at the Opserver Office, and at the Standard Office, Port Perry. W. M, WILLCOX, Prince Albert, Oct. 25, 1873. Wm. Gordon, Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator, &e.; OR the Township of Brock, Uxbridge, Scott, Thorah, Rama, Mara, Mariposa | and Eldon, | fo Partics entrusting their Sales to me, may rely on the utmost attention being given to their interests. 'WM. GORDON, Sunderland, Brock: THOS. H. WALSHE. ICENSED Auctioneer for the Township of Brock, Thorah, Mara & Rama in North Ontario ; Mariposa, etc., in the County of Victoria. Residence--Cannington, Brock. Orders left at this office, or at his residence will be punctnally attended to. Debts col- lected in Canningtan, or otherwise, and prompt remittances made. i country. Fare $1.00 per Day. TH IR Tov PORT PERRY it + this HE Sub T of returning his sincere thanks to his numerous patrons for the liberal and con- stantly Increasing _ patronage which has of the eo till now THE WALKER HOUSE whether for extent or quality of accommo- dations is equalled by few Hotels in the Province and surpassed by none out of the best cities. Commercial Travelers, the Traveling Public, Farmers and others doing business jn the Village ng the general public will 2 , nd in THE WALKER HOUSE all that can be required in the matter of accommodation and moderation in charges. The Charges are Higher at the 'Walker House at any other Hotel in Town. The House is fitted up throughout in FIRST CLASS STYLE, The Tables and Bar supplied with the choice of the market and the utmost atten ALL GUESTS. An abundance of comfortable Stable and Shed accommodation, and attentive hostlers. t', WALKER, Port Perry, Sept 1, 1875. 36 Pe PERRY ~HOUSE, PORT PRRRY JAS. V. THOMPSON, - PROPRIETOR. The above House is now most comfort. ably furnished, and Guests are cared for in the Home Style. Good Liquors and Cigars, also, first class Stabling and good Ostlers.-- Additions have been made which maker this the largest and best House in this section of J) isons DOMINION HOTEL, At the Railway Station, PORT PERRY. Every attention given to the accommoda- tion and comfort of guests. The table and bar supplied with the best the Market af fords, Choice Liquors and the best brands of Cigars, Excellent stable and shed ac- commodation, and attentive ostlers. D DENISON, Proprietor. w ALS B E, the North Ontario Auctioi- WHITBY STEAHN MARBLE WORKS. J. & R. WOLFENDEN, HOLES ALE and "Retail dealess in Ioreign and American Marble Man- Dundas St , Whitby. | Also, Agent for the Scottish Granite, Also Building Stone cut to order, | JOHN NOTT, i Agent, Port Perry. : 32 tles, Monumen ts, &c., Whitby, July 2, 1874. I.. RICHARDSON, Re-appointed Issuer of Mar ria gc Licenses Under the New Act. 1st con. Brock. Brock, Aug. 5,1874. Office, .1ot 10, in the 33 New Marriage Act. 1 Port - Perry, July Ist, ENRY CHARLES having been re- appointed Marriage License Agent-- (after sixteen years duty) continues to fur- nish Licenses as heretofore--at Port Perty. 1874. L= OF DIVISION COURTS FOR THE County of Ontario, FOR TILE YEAR 1875. | ALPHONSO HINDE, D. CAMPBELL, * . HOUSE, MANCHESTER. By GEO. HOUCK. Having leased the above excellent Hotel it will be my endeavor to "conduct it in every particular so as to merit the appro- bation and patronage of the public, Manchester, Oct. 6, 1875. ROYAL H HOTEL, WHITBY. Perens PROPRIETOR The comfort and convenience of guests car¢ful attended to Excellent accommodation of Commercial Travelers, 'A. H. Whitly, Ave! 12,1875. UEENS HOTEL, Corser of Cameron and Laidlaw Sts. { CANNINGTON, Ox. tion paid to the convenience and comfort of | , |PoRT PERRY LIVERY STABLES, Banh . - ds - Chandeliers, Stand ing, -Box, warn the whole North Call at the Circula furnishings. Oct. 14, 1875. Lamps and Lanterns enough at PARRISH'S] Po light the whole County up, © Also Coqk- Parlor and Coal Stoves enough to Riding up, and cheap enough {o be. within the reach of all. r Yaw for your house W. 1. PARRISH, Port PERRY. C. MK ENZIE, PROPRIETOR. HE Subscriber having now fully equi, T his new and extensive Livery Stabjes ir a supply of superior Horses and Carriages, 1s prepared to furnish first class LIVERY RICS On Moderate Terms, C. MCKENZIE. Port Perry, Aug. 6, 1878, -- 3S = 7 isang 2 GET YQUR FURS RENOVATED, CI. oy N- ED, REPAIRED AND SET vp 4 STYLISH AS NEW FURS AT SMALL COST. HE Subscriber would take this oppor- tunity of imforming the ladies of Pout Berry, and surrounding townships that she has again enfcred on her winter business . . Prorrieror This Hotel is now furnished in the best style, and offers every accommodation to | travelers - p@™ First class Sample Rooms. attached, Cenpiogton, Oct Oct. Livery | 2 1875. "A RMSTRONG STRONG H( HOUSE, (LATE ALBION,) . WHITBY, ONTARIO. E. ARMSTRONG, PROPRIETOR. A SSe-AERIOAN HOTEL, PRINGE ALBERT. W. H. PARK, RROFRIETQR. Havirg purchased the above pleasantly situated Hotel, 1 have thoroughly repaired and renovated the entire premises even to the Sheds. The Hotel has been furnished in First-Class Style and Stocked witli. the best Liquors and Cigars! tig attention paid to the comfort of guest The table and bar well supplied. W. H. PARK. Prince Albert, June 12, 1875. NION HOTEL, MANCHESTER. JAMES T. HEARD, PROPRIETOR. Good accommodations, Careful attention to the requirements of travelers and guests. The bar supplied with the best Liquors and 'Cigars. Good Stabling. # Manchester, July 15, 1874, 30 CHAS. THORN, VS. LM eR on of a 14 ater ,. best og, JI on Soa Yoh Author "of a First Prize Essay on Shoeing. Gradu- Uxbrid ated. Sept. 16, 1867. \! Dr. Thora to ammounce that ho "has \ gaken up his residence at Port Perry, and is DOW prepar: od trap ell cases entrusted to pis care in the most skillful and scientific "manner, All ordersleft at the Medical Hall "of Mr Allison, will receive prompt attention, = The. Veterinary. Stables may be found ov Lilly streot, of opposite Cossitt's Factory. Port Perry, Oct. 28, 1873, J0EN 8. M. WILLCOX, 0 the Town of Whitby, hes been ap- pointed OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE of Ontario. Any business 8 charge will be carefully at- Li fhe Thi las ois Thi ioe, f OHN CHR STE, ~~ TOWNSHSP CLERK, ] fusuer of Marringo sr Oco--Mascbenr. Sc 3 om Tals HE 2181813 far E Ele 1 af 1f 1h 111 EE 20 5 4| | 31 511028 1 2" it 15, | 8[12] 9/14 12/28) |1s|161 | 9[18|10{15 Be a | mr 1} 6 Mara, T, Hail | 18 15 17 "GEO. H. DARTNELL, Junior Judge. Whitby, Jan. 1, 1875. WESTERN ASSUBANCE COMP'Y TORDIEO, : 8400, 000. Incorporated... . ho Capital - NOKEY | HOY FONEY TO LOA 738 pu cont nares AFOE HOUSE, | all ord | Pepairin in the Fur line at her residence one door west of the brick cottage, Union Avenue, | Port Perry, and 15 now prepared to exe all way of Cleaging, Renovating, and altering in the best style all Furs entrusted to her care, gf With many thanks for the liberal pat- | ronage bestowed upon me in the past widter | a renewal of that patronage is solicited. MES, E. DRINKWATER. A number of Ladies' Fur Caps just mado up an 1 ready for sale, ai] 2g and Dyein, and in the best styles. done on short notice MRS. E. D. Port Perry, Nov. 2, 1875. 45 ¢¢I0R THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE -- See Deuteronomy, chap. xi1., verse 23. Ch A REE' World .F Famed Blood Tatu Trade Mark-- Blood Mixture." THB GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND BESTORER. For cleansing and ¢learing the blood trom all impurities cannot be too highly recommend- ed For Serofula, Scurvy, Skin Di . and sores of all kinds it tise Yever-fafling "and per- _magent cure. I Qures old Sores. Cures Ulcerated and Sore Legs. Cures Blackheads, or Ly on the face. Cures Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancerous Ulcers. Ciires Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures, Glandural Swellings. Clears the Bodd from all impure Matter. From whatever cause arising. Ag this mixture is pleasant. » The taste, and warranted free from hing Jn urious t6 the most. delicate constitution of eit the Proprietor solicits sufferers to give ft a triak to test its value, ¥ ro Fries Thousands of Testimonials from all parts. - 3 2 Sold in bottles 28 2d each, and in cases con- J. DAFOE, PROPRIETOR. tatiting six times the quantisy, hy gn asi tention | cient 10 efféct a permanent care 8 grea Good Careful of long standing e SOLDBY ALL to the requirements of travelers and guests. CHEMSTS AND © PA' MEDICINE RS The bar supplied with joe best wines, liquors throughout the world. and Good stab) Sole Zeonnisten FP. = J SRARKE, Chemist, ALL, LINCOLN, BNGLAND: THE ONTARID FARMERY -------- This Company 5 now fully organized and prepared poy io risks on Farm ulin and their contents, country and Churches. Those, ups and thereby support a Home so, ehh have now an opportunity of doing 80, e local Agents of the Company. Our rates will be found as low as. those of any respon- sible Mutual Insurance Company in Canada. 4. FAIRBANKS, Jz. Secretary. MONEY [Private Epnds,] LYMAN ENGLISH, . 'Byam, &o on Real Estate. Yi Pe A BURD. port Perey Watch 13, 1874. 1 November, 21, 1866. Mutual Insurance Company. Bon > applying to the Head Office, or to any of | Head Office--Opposite the Royal Hotel, Esq. |Brock St, Whitby w To Loan on good Farms, at 8 per cent ip- EXPORT bi Buiigigss and d Co, Colman St. Now snd Sons a B, A Sangerand the 2 oa lon Ho 3 a ah C. ig Montreal. e=Brant, 1 Nero ma One Wholesale Torgpto iit and Gor Reso Drugeits iy apter and Oy n. > Hamilton--Winer and Co. ~~ Brown apd LUGGAGE .| country T. 5. FORMAN, Inspectoraf Weights & Measures For the County of Ontario. Port Perry, Nov ly 1875. 45:f | HONEY 70 LEAD! The undérgigned has any amount of Money | to lend upon ¥arm and Town Property, at Unusually Low Rates of Interest! Loans cdn be repaid in any manner to suit the borrower. Also several Improved Farms, and Wild Lands for sale, cheap. Inyestments made in Municipal Deben- tures, Pank'and other marketable Stocks. Apply to JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee, Broker, &e. Ozp1ge--Over the Dominion Bank, McMil- lan's Block, Brock st., Whitby. Whitby, April 10, 1873, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS | pee Subscribers having < been engaged ae J AGENTS JOSEPH HALL Manufacturing Company ! Would i. this opportunity of informing the Farming community of this section of they are prepared to furnish guy Ashen inal Machine manufactured at the ee, Hall Manufacturing Company's , Works, Oshawa, on the shorifes Notige and the Jost +» Favorable Terms. The Champion SQUBINED. REAPER and MOWER. | THE GRAMPION SINGLE MOWER, THE CHAMPION SINGLE REAPER. 2 "4ST SOWERS and SPOUT nds SULKEY HORSE-RAKE. ¢ MACHINES, &C. 147 "highest Prize Medals -4 and Diplomas Ane the Champion in Europe tor 1873. ping Victory i in the old world 11 * ppd Triumph in the New!!! Flaropeand America join hand in Crowning the Champion RK 3 King of the Rb va Fiel Fh 4 WALKER, H. 8, JOHNSON, 52 fg Port Perry, Dee. 3, 1874. 2D. CARMICHAEL i "Agent at Sunderland, y JssuEn oF Marsioge Licenses. of tho Walker Hous, rv Streets. Port Perry Jan. " ish | can hear tlie horse now,' feigning to listen 4 A LONE BE CABIN. the Sextons for the likes o'him.' 'The woman sort a and then I heard Wolf go and pind re pare 1 at tire eorner of the 'cabin, and finally go Sway ik Shs setnark; i 'He ain't far off ; he couldn't to that bind critter when he began ter ck What shall Ido? what ghall I do? gasp- od the woman. They will be back in twenty minutes, for I believe that your horse is in sight mot more than three-quarters of a mile off, and my husband may come in at any moment,' . jut. with him inside the house we mij ¢ With him !' ghe Snpliasised it in despair- "ling g Lory bes Bill Wolf's brother' eath for yor 'way,' he moaned, | + for I hear. ie Dior he leads! SL dons tog ili the rain-barell) n desperation, 'they've tried that once they may not again.' And before you would be able to speak a sentence, the water was dashed out of the cask and stealing down the acid soil, and I was in the barrel, and the woman dropping atub half filled with water in at the top as a cover, She had barely time to enter the house, thedoor of which, fortunately, opened on the side away from the meon, when a rattling vehicle drew up ut the door, and I heard a hoarse voice raving and ' gwearing at the woman for something done or undone, and then from the bunghole, the plug having been dislodged iu the upsetting of the cask, I saw the furious return of the three rene. gades, There was a good deal of loud talking, and explanations and oaths, and stirring up of hot nectar, and rough remarks about the oysters in the corner ; Tut both Dick and the woman seemed sore about the matter, and the woman refused to join the hunt becuse of the coffin, * Well, youre going our way a piece,' said Wolf, ¢ likey enough you'll have the fun of (From Peterson's Journal.) I had ridden hard and fast and was aston- ished to find myself coming into a straggling settlement. On the course which I should have taken there was nothing of the sort.-- Somewhere I had crossed the right trail and taken the wrong one. Almost ¢ any traveller in the border sections would have been glad to thus stumble upon a place for food and refreshments, Not so with myself. In the breast pocket of my coat I carried 5,393 United States money, I had received this amount from Major-Gen, T, M. Lacy, and it was to be carried through to Fort L----, an plaged in the hands of Col, Asa F. Souf to defray the necessary army expenses, ¢ Get through at. your best gait, Carnes,' said the Major, * the money fis lon y over-due,. and Southard's rather faihsy temper must have been tried to the utmost. You know how the soldiers get to growling if we are at all delinquent in paying up.-- I don't think any one dreams of the arrival of this money--save, of coJrse, the mail agent and the clerk who delivered me the packages, I was directed over an unfamiliar section hence my losing of the route. I considered it my safest plan, so long as IT had blunder. ed upon the verge of the settlement, to bold- ly enter and rest as an ordinary tra' eler would do. Should I push hurriedly on 1 might by that act excite suspicion. There were only two men in the barroom when I entered, the landlord and the hos- tler, Under tuis familiar cordiality the landlord furtively eyed me in a manner that made me wish I was well done with my job; but I reassured myself with the thought that it was the consciousness of the re sponsibility reposing upon me that caused his glance to disturb me. Before I bad finished my sup- per two more travellers rode up, called out for the hostler, and ordered drinks, or rather, one of them came in*with the orders, and the other threw himself down on the bench out-- side and began loading a huge pipe, Stroll. { seeing us wing the turkey. ing carelessly around the room, 1 fuanaged| The conversation was distressingly per- fo glance out of the window, My heart | sonal, 'made acutely so by Dick asking-- leaped into my throat, for in the man outside I recognized--from the description of him-- Bill Wolf, one of the most desperate charac. 'tera that ever figured in the annals of border ruffianism. There was the huge rough moustache, the thick, hairy throat, and the shoulders hunched we 'round his head, sug- gesting the shapé of a mammonth" clam-- aud the voice with a deep down intonation like the plop, plop, plop'of water hurriedly leaving a jug. If the description of the no- torious renegade is inelegant, it has the mer- it of truthfulness, aad must, therefore, be excused, T went through with my supper in form, but whatever appetite I might have felt on my entrance into the inn had vanished with my discovery. After a time the other fellow [came in, uy vig Baw) out, he said to look after th nals, and the) y also ordered sup-- | per. Now was my rl to leave which I | did in a careless manner passing fome comi- | monplace remarks with the two men as 1 wo oe So smoky barroom. As they ke no notice of me whatever, 1 [fet De ® i rise with hope that I should wake a safe travsit, It was quite duskish outside, but the hostler was fitting abou the stable with his lantcin, which omitted | but a little more effulgent jig ht than a white bean would have done, but he graciously brought out. my steed at the door, and mounting, I tankfiMly trotted away. The moon--a little past full--would make her debut in a little more than an hour alter sun set, and I pushed along at a smart trot so as to fret well out upon the plains and into tie | right trail before that time. 'I'he animal | went along at an a. uring gait, and © was | feeling infinitely relieved at my providential escape from contact with the desperate char- acters whom I had left at "the settlement, when my acute, trained, ever alert ears de- | tected the sound of s riding. In which direction 2 Fiom behind me, as the mildly! floating breeze blew from that quarter. The | | face of the prairie in this ion was a little rolling, but not so is to afford any shelter, oo not a shrub or brush dotted the exps anse for miles, I drew up my horse one moment to listen + 18 tho Te water enough in there, drink my horse 2' {I'll see," she returned, moving slow ly over the door sill, and then leading to the cask she lifted out the tub, and then, tipped my prison over a little, so that 1 could spring out. Iwas behind the cask when Dick came to the door, and chirruped his beast up to drink, «I'll go with you as far as the forks,' the said, as two of them came out with the coffin and slid it into the body of the wagon. -- They then stepped back, probably to call the others. At that moment a wild and desperate plan entered my brain, but feeling for my knife, I found that it wus missing along with' the belt to which it was attached. In the sud- den jostle which the falling steed had given me, the girdle had been snapped and lost without my knowledge. The horses of the fthree renegades--my own, which had been returned by the hostler at the in, among them--were hitched on the farther side of of the door, where the moonlight, striking by the end of the cabin, rested fully upon them, It was suicide to attempt to seize one of them ; but as the woman with some purpose in her mind safg out to the men to come back and get the last dipperful of lig- uer which she had mixed, 1 sgized the old [alternative ; 1s prang lightly into the wag- on, lifted the oy lid, and again crawled into the long, narrow prison. [TO BE CONTINUED.] Jen, to A Whistling Compositor. | He came into the office about three menths ago (says an American paper), and his mouth puckered up, and the 'Mulligan Guards' is- | $uing therefrom. It was not a loud, shrill whistle; it was not tlt lively cheerful whistle that betokens the heart easy and the mind free from care. On the conuary, he sawed up and down_ the staves like a burr saw ripping through a pine log, and verse followed verse without the least variation, He looked around the office complacently, No chance travellers ever rode like that, It | never losing a note, and finally stopped jess pursuit, whistling for an instant to enquire, ¢ How's : rork.' re my steed a galling lash, and she | WOrs. we, into & convulsive gait, hove her body | But before the reply could be given he had up with one or two convulsive plunges, picked up that whistle right where he left stumbled, going down from her knees to her it off, and was rolling it out-- nose, and pitched me literally heels over | Marching in the Mulligan Guards! head, Foran instant I 1s paralyzed with | with his mouth puckered but his ears wide astonishment, the next seized the bit to feteh | open. Well, that fellow was put to work up the fallen animal, which had in the brief | and he w histled around for a stick and rule, mishap undergoue a 'strange metamorphosis. | whistled up to the copy hook, whistled over She had lost her white fuce in the grass, and | fo his case again, and picking' up an em quad, passing my hands between her eyes, I found 2 wa fresh breath, and he whistled all the hait was wet. Inan instant 1 was ex--| through the 'take' ill he whistled over amining the white legs--my horse had been | the galley to empty it. particularly marked with white legs and face But it was the same old whistle, the 'AMul- --and I found these sticky with whitewash, | lizan Guards," over and over again. What then 2 Simply my trappings had "The thing at first wasa novelty, and been transferred to another animal, gotten | amused tthe boys,' but finally it became up to exactly represent my avimal in the | monotonous, gnd as the water continually dusk. This discovery brought an appalling dsopping on arock will wear away its sur- interpretation of the incoming horsemen, I | face, so did this everlasting refrain of thé | gave the horse the whip as soon as hig 'un- | 'Mulligan Guards® grate and lacerate the stable legs were under him, and sent him a | sensitiveness of his brother compositors, scouring on ahead, while I ran bff to the| Low, angry murmers betokened the rising right, making for a little hollow near a shal- | storm, and broad hints, uncomplimentary to low, dry ravine. Here, to my profound | his musical abilities were thrown out. But astonishment, I discovered a lone cabin, or | he paid no attention to them, but just kept hut, about the dimensions of an ordinary | right along whistling and setting type. country log house, and impulsively dashing| Finally human nature could endure no up to this, 1 cave a rapid succession of | more. Loud cries of-- [sknocks. A shrinking, pale und cowering | 'Give usa rest! woman opened it. *Oh, let up!' ¢ What is it ?' was her first question, notic-| 'Hire aball ¢ ing my breathless haste, 'Go East I' Had I stopped for a momenten's reflec. | 'Cheese it!' tion upon the strangely isolated position of| 'Cork up yr the cabin, I should not have pushed in by | 'Take a spin around the block I' her with the explanation. 'Won't you tumble!' ¢ Is there any chance to hide? My horse| ¢ Shoot him I' : has thrown me, and I belicve a party of | --mingled with groans, cat-calls and hisses desperadoes are close up with me.' filled the office and made the composing «No, mo; thereisno place, she gasped oon) resemble a large and thriving lunatic her quick ear now chi e sound | #ssylum. of oy coming 0 Sune pa ound But it was no use. The fellow never let the room thero is, and there's either |") p, but just want:right abent with:his little celler nor attic.' old Wale, Dub never Missed 8 Fg i ' "Texel when he came to a han copy, hier Je unm fishing for & dark when he would dwell on the last note until 'Its a coffin, washer quick response, he found out what it was, and then go ahead ' again, a no are Wer "Heo took the storm of old shoes, slippers I bad mearly time to place myself in and boots that ws Siovered ie Him with this receptacle for the dead, when a hoarse | the utmost Jani fruld, on he eve voice one I knew by description of it, called actually intend Applause, out : At last the hands in the office hit upon a « Here you, Dick." plan to stop hie sverliting Whistle; One night when he was asleep, they went up to ano Wid her apron over her head Je aud clapped a Mons Ss SE ry then ret anking 0 ur Tons Hot come back yet,' returned the 8bje uniesnee was ore abated, 'The next morning that young So 9 By bo dip ; jen, Dev JE burly hoss man went over to a carpent A Yes, only a little wifile ago only a little | ® Bimi¢t, ored a bole through the plaster, | « little while ago--a small man ? and waltzed into the office, where he hori. made his bed, 50 let him lay~<buzzards are' 'my skelp ! ih You the pos ore n- quired a dilapidated old man, as Shiered the station house, and ad-. ressing a serjeant, Ho was ous such was the case' when he continued : "Well, I'm clean uckiared oti: It's that wife of mite , fooler n blasted fool, sir! ok she's twenty. She gu > y I want to stop at home, and if I say a word, it's the tea-pot, club, flatiron or whatever comes andy. I and scolded, and coaxed, and fit, bere I am. Look, at that 'ere cut ok at this ble I over, mister po " force! Oncel was happy; now Fm busted! She wants to go to pic-nie, and excursion, and festival, and dance, and it's kiliing me inches. Then she wants a new dress to-day, a bonne! to-morrow, a bustle next day, and I've got to 'em or have a fight. I've stood it all along, but I'm broken down, now. Sce that 'ere arm--see Where she put'her teoth in there this morning when I wouldn't let her have money to bay a pair of high-heeled shoes.-- Just lay yor eyes on that 'ere scar, mister police force.' "Iu't pretty tough," geant, as Le looked. "Tough! Great heavens! 00k at me a said the ser= It's . that way!" continued the old man. "But he énd has come. I'm goin® Canada, Tam--goin' "right now. got relations over there that won't see mo abused, an' she's wel- come to what's in the house. Ifany one comes round here saying I've committed suicide or disappeared, jest tell them how it is, mister po- lice torce--tell 'em I've suffered and suffered, until I had to leave her &r die. Tell everybody to beware of ber. She looks nice, but she's sav- age, a hipercrit--a regular yallep fox behind currant bushes! The sergeant promised, and the old man rolled down his sleeves and pursued his journey towards the fers vy : eet Al --re ee A correspondent to the Rochester Democrat, writting from Clyde, Wynne County, says :-- On Wednesday of last week. one of those horrible accidents that happen only once in hundreds of years, and by which a human being was unex- pectedly, in the twinkling of an eye, harried into eternity, occurred om the farm of widow Kettles, in the town of Janius, a few miles from here. Parties were engaged in threshing grain. and at the time of the accident were threshing loose oats, and Theodore Bodine was feed- ing the machine." In some unex- plained way a coil of fence wire had been brought in with the grain un= seen by the pitcher, and was pitched upon the platform, and shov- od into the machine with the oats.-- One end of the coil was caught by the revolving eylinder, and the other end in a very mysterious way wound around Mr Bodine's neck, and ina shorter space of time than it is pos-- sible to conceive, the untortunate man's head was drawn into the ma-- chine, torn into atoms, and earried out with the stuaw, while portions of the brain passed through the seper- ator, and came outin the spout be- low with the grain. It was some time before the other workmen real- ized the nature of the dreaded acei- dent, Mr. Bodine was seen leaning er the platform in front of him, but his position being somewhat el- evated it was not discovered that his head sas in the machine, and it was only when blood and brains was seen coming out of the spout: with the threshed grain that the man attend- ing to that part of the work, called the attention of others to the fact that something awful had taken place. , Boots in Water. x A correspondent of the Indiana Farmer writes: --' I have stood in mud and water two or three inchés deep, for ten hours a day for a week without feeling any dampnes or hav- ing any diffi ulty in getting them hs off. If you would be ;equally successful, belore wearing them give the bottoms a good coating of tallow and tar and dry it in then oll the uppers with castor oil about ene teaspoonful will he sufficient. the weather should be rainy, or you compellsd to work in water all d wash your boots clean at night, hold them by the fire until quite and oil them while 8 you vill bave no troubl boots getting hard and sh up so that you cannot get them if the leather should become give a coat of ordinary shoe-b! ing before oiling. The effect of castor oil is to soften the leather, while it fills the pores and Preven thewater from er from entering. * An irreverent corresponds na the Westifiold (Mass.) went to the great wo) Hint show,says he never was so impressed with a sense of ' the eternal, Rimes t of things' rm 8 ) Mr. Smith, Ottis, fied the establishment by the same old & tune in a new dress. So he still does nothing but suck sou through the hole and blow the " Mul Guards" out of it. _ Three of the .compositors have already gone -to Stockton, and, unless some one murders the whistler, this office will soon. be whistled out of existence, mimgoesmiieeve rotamer The New York Times thinks, in leaded brevier, that despite woman's 'her per sonal beauty fpr rts about -up. A | into Hi quarter of a row of pins will personal beauty ¢ Yes ; driving like the devil.' +1 guess,' she said, and then paused, ¢ you But Bill Wolf must have been of a sus- nature. I heard him leap and strike with a jarring lunge Syoa the sod." A. on the & one' hearth, 1 could imagine Bills atti had 8 hand on each door casing, his brutul | head was thrust inside the room ; he WAS about the apartment. - £ What in h-1l is at phe qustioned and my huts ill for I knew he spoke of| retreat. ~ 4 It's Stauffex's coffin; Dick in going to carry it over to-night.' Stuff I ejaculated the desperado. ¢ As he Re awful, perfectly wwful, to bite mo ugly

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