nk * Sofleitor, and Notary Public. VOL XVII, NO. 43.1 Firty Ontarig Obstrutr. A WEEKLY POLITIOAL, Gert z AND : FAMILY NEWSPAPER, 18 PUBLISHED AT .PORT PERRY, EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, Aigo & 'PARSONS. MS, --$1 per annum, if paid in ad- aEs if "not $1.50 will be charged. No Aut ription taken for less than six months; r discontinued until all arrears HE RATES OF ADVERTISING. line, first insertion ........$0 08 ions, per line ...... 0 02 perannum,..... 5 00 B&F Letters containing money, when ad- Die, pre-paid and regester- "ad, will be at our tisk Advertisments meosmiod by Nonpareil, 'sud charged deoording to the space they ac- loupe t . Advertisments received fot publication, without specific instructions, will be inserted 'until fordid and charged accordingly. No advertisment will be taken out until paid for. "A liberal discount allowed to Merchants bo Suing shaw who advertise by the year or fy terms will in all cases be .. 8 adhered to, Job Department. . Phamplets, Hand Bills, Posters, DPro- grammbs, Bill Heads, Blank Forms, Receipt Books, Checks, Books, Circulars, nine Cards, 'Ball Cards, &c., of every style anc colar, executed promptly and at lower rates than any other establishment in the County. Parties from a distance getting hand | bills, &e. printed can have them done to take home with them. J. BAIRD. H. PARSONS. Professional Caro; R. JONES, M. D, Coroner, Physiclan, Surgeon, &o. Port Perry. Office, over Allison's Drug Store, Queen-st. Liki pT door west of the Presby terian Chi R. WARE, Coronor for the County of Ontario, Physician, Surgeon and Ac- eoucheur, Prince Albert. H. SANGSTER, M. D,, « Boon and Accoucheur, Coroner for the County of Ontario PORT PERRY. Office over Nott's Furniture Store, corner of Queen and Perry Streets. Office hours from 9a. m. to 12 m, Residence, the id alling recoutly : cecupied by Bis: Geo, Pa. Physician, Sur- Rs. MOGILL & R. &c., &e, Odice und Reside Oshawa, WM. MW GILL, M.D. FRANCIS RAE, M,D. M. F. MOBRIEN, M.D, M. R. © 8., Guy's Hospital, London, Buglai d. The "hy ¢R. wr Oshawa, E. MARTIN, M. D. Simcoe St., Twodoors . North of thé Central 1lotel, Oshawa. E. FAREWELL, LL. B,, County Cro Attorney for Ontario, Barrister, Attorney Office lacely oc- eupied by 8. 11, Cochrane, Esq., Brock street, Whitby. YMAN IL. ENGLISH, LL. B., Solicitor in Chancery, Atwrney, Convey ancer, &c. Oshawa. OMce--Simecoe street, opposite the Post Ofice. YOUNG SMITH, LL. B.,, Barrister, At- G. torney-at-Law, Solicitor iE Chancery, and Insolvency, Notary Pubile, &c. Office--McMiilan's Block, Brock street, 'Whitby. rege temeretietmnrmmmetmremreimeees AMERON & MACDOUNNELL, Barristers and Attorneys ot t Law, Solicitors County Council, Ontario. Offices : Court Ilouse, Whitby. M. C0, CAMERON, H. J. MACDONNELL. P. A. HURD, Attorney at Law, and Solicitor in Chancery. Office in the Royal Arcade, Port Perry. 'W. Maurice Cochrane, TTORNEY- AT-LAW, Solicitor in Chan- 4 Notary Public, "ke. hy Office ours punctually from 9 a.m. to 5 p,m. My 40 Loan at 8 per cent, on all kinds of good security. Qfice, Bigelow" 's Royal Arcade, 3 ' PORT PERRY. a » od ©. N. VARS, L. D. 8. Towa {agerted on all bs laters pine cheap as the cheap- DO id Teeth filled ar God po ond and Silver. Teeth extracted without pain by producing local anmsth- Sia, Rooms--in Cowan's new block, over Atkinson's Drug Store, King Street, wa, THORN, V8, MA EMBER of tho Veterinary Institute, M Ill. Gold Medalist for the . on Horse Practice. Author ho ated Sept. 16, 1867. to announce that he has nce at Port Perry, and is to treat all cases entrusted to now pre, t skillful and scientific a 8 Be orders eft at the Medical Hall TE, will aioory prompt attention. Stables may be found on on on, Cossitt's Factory. Port Parry, Oct, 28, 1873, J 8 M WILLCO ' JOINS. 3 has Lh 'OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE AR ei 'of Ontario, Any business aye will be carefully at- - rd Divi- J PE ah of jhe B04 Block, ; To vt ology mos hours ---- We. m, to3 p. m. Jonson pd Er CLERK, Pesuer of Toe Licensas:~Conveyanoer, Commissioner &c. : Slice---Manchester. EMO for tie con > Essay on Shoeing. Gradu- |g Tet Perry, March 12, 1874, AND GENERAL ADVERTISER PORT PERRY, PROVINCE OF ONTARIO; THURSDAY ,, OCT. 21, 1875. WHOLE No. 924 wr. (HENRY GRIST, ------ no PATENT SOLICITOR AND DRAUGHTSMAN, OTTAWA, CANADA, Transucts business with the Patent Office and other departments of the Government Copyrights and the Registration of Trade Marks and Designs procured. Drawings, Specifications, and other Documents néces- sary to secure Patents of Invention, prepared on ii of the model of the Invention. Auctioneers, Ww M. WILLCOX, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO. AND TOWNSHIPS OF MARIPOSA & OARTWRIGHT, EGS to thank his many friends and the public generally, for the liberal patron- age bestowed upon him for the past five years, Having now given up the business of Bailiff, I iitend, in future, to devote my whole time to the business' of Auctioneer, Collecting, &c. It will be my endeavor, by prompt and careful attention to business, to give full satisfaction to all who may favor me with their Sales or Collecting. Bi'ls draughted and Blank Notes furnished | free of charge. Also Bill Stamps always on hand. Arrangements can be made for sales &c., at the Osserver Office, and at the Standard Office, Port Perry, W. M. WILLCOX, Prince Albert, Oct. 25, 1873. Wn. Gordon, Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator, &e. er the Township of Brock, Uxbridge, Scott, Thorah, Rama, Mara, Mariposa and Eldon, pe Parties entrusting their Sales to me may rely on the utmost attention being given to their interests, WM. GORDON, Sunderland, Brock. THOS. H. WALSHE ICENSED Auctioneer for the Township of Brock, Thorah, Mara & Rama in North Ontario ; Mariposa, etc., in the County of Victoria. Residence--Cannington, Brock. Orders left at this office, or at-his residence will be punctnally attended to. Debts col- | fected in Ci ngton, or otherwise, and | prompt remittances made. Remembor-- | WALSHE, the North Ontario Auction- eer, 3 phan furnishings. Oct. 14, 1875. FORT PERRY LIVERY STABLES, O. Mf KENZIE, e prepared to furnish first elass LIVERY RICS On Moderate Terms. WHITBY , SPiN MARBLE WORKS. - J. & R. WOLFENDEN, W HOLESALE Foreign and American Marble Man- tles, Monuments, £€ Dundas St , Whitby. Also, Agent for the Scottish Granite, "Also Building Stone cut to order. JOHN NOTT, Agent, Port Perry. Whitby, July 29, 1874. 3 © R. RICFARDSON, Re-appointed Issuer of RT Fiicenses Under the New Act. 1st con. Brock. Brock, Aug. 5,1874, Office, lot 10, in the 33 New Marriage Act. Port Perry, July Ist, HES CHARLES having been re- appointed Marriage License ent-- (after sixteen years duty) continues to far- nish Licenses as herctofore--at Port Perry, 1874. 1= OF DIVISION COURTS FOR THE County of Ontario, FOR THE YEAR 1875. -- = Elz sl 28% le als el < <iE5 1312 [8158 by. 11 af 2a pa 8 2| 8! 2| 2! 3h0 Port Perr, 20|25| 4 8i 51923 Uxbridge 1815, | 8/12] 914 Cannini 1416 9{13110,15 Beaverton. ..... 24 17 i 18 Mara, T, Hal 25 18 1517 GEO, H. DARTNELL, Junior Judge. Whitby, Joi, 1, 1875. - WESTERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y TORONTO. Incorporated... ...1881. Oapital - $400,000. President..... It Vice-President. tary MONEY | MONEY} : ONEY TO LOAN 3 at 8 per cent interest on Real Esta P. AV HURD. C. McKENZIE, Port Perry, / aH and Retail dealers in | i. T PERRY EXTEN: | bid = ORT WHITHY POR STON RAILWAY. TIME TABLE Neo. 11. Tukes eflect on Monday, 12th April, 1875, Trains Going Nortn. Toronto Time, A.M. P, Whitby .. Brooklin 'rele na roan hit w hind . Platfor m Stations--Trrins stop on signa. only. JAMES HOLDEN, Managing Director. JOIN J. ROSS, Assistant Manager. = Daily Line to Rochester+ [Commencing on or about Monday, April 19.] HE STEAMER ORSEMAN," (R, Crawford, Master,) wil make, her regular trips on this route, leaving Cobourg every monping at 7.30 and Port Hope at 9 o'clock far Rochester, connecting: there With the New York Central and Erie Railways for all points Last, West, and South. Returni ing--WHi1 "leave Charlotte (port of Rochester) daily at 9 p. m, exct pt Saturdays, Then A she will lenve at 2 p.m. for Port Hope dire: This is the shortest and quickest route to. Oswego and Watertown via, Lake Ontario Shore Rail from Charlotte, Dealers in Stoc &a, will find this the | cheapest and 'most Aolunas route to Foce; ton, Albany, New "Y For further information;a; apply to R. Crawford Port Hope; orC. F. Gliders leeve, Kagston. : -- €6TNOR THE BLOOD: IS THE "LIFE/-- See Deuteronomy, chap. xir., verse 23. CLARK'S World Famed Blood Mixture. Trade Mark--* Blood Mixture." THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND RESTORER. For cleansing and clearing the blood from el impurities cannot be too highly recommend- or Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin Diseases, and sores of all kinds it is a never-failing and per- manent cure. It Cures old Sores. Cures Ulcerated and Sore Li Cures Blackheads, or ie i the face. Cures Scurvy Sores Cures, Cancerdus Ulcers. Cures Bluod and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandural-Swellin, hee. Clears the Bood from all impure Matter. From whatever cause arising. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex, the Proprietor solicits sufferers to give it a trial to t its value. Thousands of Testimonials from all parts. Sold in bottles 2s 2d nth, and in cases Son taining six times the quantity, hy each--eu cient to effect a permanent cure in the great jority of long standing cases, SoLp BY ALL OHEMSTS AND PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the world. Sole Proprietor, F. J. CLARKE, Chemist, APOTHECARIES' HALL, LINCOLN, ENGLAND, EXPORT AGENTS. yng, B Burbridges and Co., Colman St. Newbury on Sous, 37 Newgate St., London. Barclay and Sunset 3 Farrington St , London. Sanger and Sons, Oxford St, London. And all the London Wholesale Houses. AGENTS IN CANADA. Montreal. Evans i Mercer and Co., Whotesals Ly ig Clare and 0 Tore --tifottant Co. W De Drosghs a i Sb Spier and Dwen, Ntand Lamps and enough at PARRISH'SS To light the whole C ounty up, ing, fox, Parlor and Coal Stoves enough to warn the whole North Riding up, and cheap enough to be within the reach of all. Call at the Circular PROPRIETOR IE Subscriber having now fully equipped } his ensive Livery fables with Cn 1 Horses and Carriages, is LIGHT LP & EAT 1 Lanterns Also Cook- Naw fer your house VW. T PARBISH, Port PERRy, MONEY T0 LOAN | MORTCACES WANTED. FNHE Subscri € rd hers ave large sums of m m Lanes Li Andy tor Investinent on 1%, Pp n times Borrowe i ug their money With, the WANTED 10 PURCHASE, Ans tmie 7 o hich the Ligh- 2 rignages for wh IWed, or- ad Lucu a wpb ey Lands Bought and Sold. | good farms for sale, ts an several first class Fire In nics, and a general agency busts | Far DEBENTURES BOUGHT. -fix | JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, General Ay rents, Office In Mr. Ross' Ontario Buildiy ge, | Port Perry. Port Derry, Oct. 11, 1572, MONEY 10 Livny The und. Soar has any amount o to lend upon Farm and £ Money Town Property, at Unusually Low. Rates of Interest! | Loans can 1 ¢ se repaid in any wanner to suit ' the borrower," Also several Improved Farms, and Wild | Lands for sale, cheap, Investmg nis made in Municipal Deben-- tures, Lank and other marketable Stocks. Apply to JAMES HOLDE N, Official Assignee, Broker, we, OFrIGE--Over the Dominion Bauk, McMil- lan's Block, Brock st., Whitby, Wiithg, April 10, 1873. : BAKERY! AND (Confectionery. vr and Coufectionery business r Ul hy their branches carried on in my 'Port Pefry and Prince Albert establishments, { Plain agd F@hcy Dreads of Every variety. ®rders fillpd with the shortest notice, Bridell another Cakes made to order, Socials and other entertainments supplied on moderate terms, CON FECTIONS ! in every variety and of the best quality, Children's Toys in abundance, CALL AT MY BAKERY Port Perry or Prince Albert, -- CHAS, HISCOCKS. Port Perry, March 10, 1875, WM. SPENCE, CONTRACTOR & BUILDER. RICK-LAYING ,STONE-WORK, PLAS- TERING, &C., in all their departments, executed in the best style. Having secured the services of a compe- tent party to manage and conduct the farm, I will, in future, devote my whole attention tomy business as CONTRACTOR. Contracts taken in Stone work, Brick work, Plastering, &c., &c. Contracts completed with dispatch, the BEST MATERIAL AND FIRST CLASS WORKMANSHIP. Tica, April 1 14,1875. 16 At hore, male or female fot i 0 R K Ro. Oi pits Yond Sei ALL athe 2 uel 13 Rofo Avery, Brown aad Cou: Tego. a too Seen With A te "land * | the valloy, here and there, gleamed STORY OF A a on] Ho lay prone to the top of a low hill an expression of absolute repose in his huge, prostrate form, in his brawny, outstrotched limbs. His broad chest was left bare where the coarse shirt was unbuttoned and thrown back ; his face, that scarred rugged face that most men thought so evil, was upturned ; bis head uncovered as 1f he woed the sweet influence of the Bight and the stars. prehension, -} caught a faint sound from the hill above. 'Perhaps father is doming. Oy you had Better go, Henry. Good wight.' "Good A night, then, sweetest, if we must part--good. night." . And he clasped her to his heart in one quick, passionate embrace, then let her go looking after the figure 4s it- glided forth'intothé Moonlight, and, as it disappeared, gliding away down the road in the opposite direction. Black Dave let him pass ona few paces until a clump of trees hid him from view, and then, seizing his stick, cautiously arose and followed. The young man, unsuspicious of danger, walked on rapidly whistling a merry air, holding his head high as if he enjoyed the charming beau- ties ot the scene around him.-- x : Across his way played only the cite 1a ome Beighboring Dasiire, flickering shaddws cast by the burh- the twitter of a little bird disturbed es and shrubs along the fonees while 2 Heinen. pinged pills the low overhead from the great cloudless sigh of the night wind as it bent the avchiof the heavens) fall | thel adi ) os tall dry gras: ii i ry ar . on the ons . {ange of the pure moonbeams. But he man lay quiet and inert, as if pisently the path sloped down- In the oe hung a gent round moon, shedding a flood of pure lustre from the unmeasurable space of the blue heavens. Far off against the horizon lay black masses of forest and the outlines of distant hills, In the lights of scattered farm houses ; nearer, rolled away in gentle undu- lations, a field of yellow grain. It was very still, only the faint chirp of the. cricket and the tread of The sweet face. grew rosy with blushes, again, and;then pale in ap- ¢ What is thet ® she asked, as she asssailant for he called out : sport ? 'Let her go, T tell you," replied the robber, wards the woods. your tune and help us; I tell you it's a cused risky business, anyhow. She squalled when we first grabbed her, and 1 guess they heard it at the house, yonder, and some of em after us a'ready.' 'None o' that, Tom,' robber, with a hard oath. 'I never raised my band agin a woman, yet, nor Iwen't no, so let her go or itll be the worst for ye.' cried the The men paused, startled by this] unexpected attack. The trees were very thick, and in the obscurity one of them appeared to recognize their 'Black Dave! by jinks! What the duce do you want to spoil our - 'The other man, who had hot spok- )|en, only wound his arms more tightly round the trembling girl, and seeing that she was'about to'cry out again, twisted the shawl suddenly about her head, and at the same time endeavoring to hurry her to- 'You're a pretty fellow to try to Btop a cove,' sneered his companion. 'Cowie, old pal, you'd better change The young man recovéring from the blow that had been dealt. him, had heard the last wild cry that Lucy hud uttered, und had come with such Laste as he could make to aid her. A few brief words explain. ed to him the scene, and he also bent down beside the fallen man. 'Do you think he is dead?' the girl asked, trembling, as the two hastilly examined the swooning robber. 'No, be breathes,' said the farmer; and, indeed, as Le spoke & convul< sive sigh shook Black Dave's mighty frame, a spasm of agony conuwucted bis face, and heopened Lis eyes with' a wild stare, 'So,' Legasped, ¢ my old pal's done for me at last ?' ythen glancing at the three faces that here bending over Lim, ¢ But I suved the girl' with a gleam of satisfaction showing even at this supreme moment. 'Yes, yes, poor map Lucy. sobbed 'You risked your life to' Ob, Low can I thank you?' aud she got one of Lis great rough bands in her two little white save Ie. ones and pressed it to Lex lips ten- derly. TLe robber looked ut Ler, and & toil, his relaxed hand only h sping a heavy oaken stick. enjoying the rest after some 3 ard, and Le passed out of the protecting light into the shade of 'We'll see about that,' replied the ]344ng® ist clouded his eyes. ML AR had a Oy ' man called Tom, trying to intefpose Ldon't deserve ro thanks,' he | | 8 summer night like this ? Istarted from his recumbent position | and was listening intently. } the forest ; and now the threatening He was Black Dave, the robber; Black Dave, murderer it was whispered ; figure following relentlessly,crept up the incendiary--tha|{ his track. what could such a nacure as his know of the beauties of that scene, the tender charm of mystery that broods over The robber, his face set now in an evil frown, crept closer to his vie- tim, treading lightly on the spongy soil, and so drawing nearer, until with a sudden rush he sprung upon him, deuling him with the heavy stick, a swilt, IIe had come only recently from a [reckless deed of daring and crime ; [some of Lis wild companions were even now not far off, yet he had left them and Lad climbed to this lonely spol the side of the head. 'With a mufiled groan the young man staggered and fell to the earth. The work was Oia sudden a new sound floated {upward from the valley, borne gent- iy ou the breeze--the light laughter of a girl--a were ripple of merri- ment --but in an instant Black Dave for when the. robber bent over his prey, he lay utterly senseless, his white face staring upward out of the darkness. Black Dave rifled Henry's pockets of the precious store of bills, trans- Anether moment and the murmur | | ferring the package to some myster- yo voices was audible, and presently ious hiding place in his own gar- ments ; them without one backward glance at his victim, he turned and went rapidly up the dell. Calm and peaceful no longer |-- The wind moaned through the trees two figures came into view, strolling | sons the path at the foot of the hill. They were youth and maiden, lov" ers, surely, for the walked hand in band, with lingering step. Just at (the turn cf the hill they paused, the with a sort of. moaning cry, the . moonlight falling lightly on the bushes tiftedlthelarms inti rmenace [girl's fair upturned face and the and the robber came out | young man's tall and stalwart figure while them Biack Dave crawling a little nearer, watched them with dark and brooding brow. ' You had better not come any further, Henry,' said the young girl, 'father won't like to see you alone with me.' light, and the moor looked down Bhiee with a pale and frightened glare: Heedless or reckless of any re- proach that nature might whisper, Black Dave walked on rapidly to- wards the hill, and bad nearly reach. ed it when the sound of a woman's scream, long-drawn, wild, terrified, II a er companion made a gesture of out the air sharply. on pationse. The robber paused a momert, 1is- tened attemtively ; then, as the sound was repeated, but more faintly, with a muttered oath and an. angry frown he changed his course and went swiftly in dhe direction of that ap- pealing org "I hate these Sonseulments) Lucy, even now.' 'But it is only for a night or two longer, Ilenry, dear.' ¢ Yes, darling, Thursday will be hera soon ;.our weedding day, Lucy, and after that not even particular On the path leading from the farm papa can object to my being with 'house to the his was a copse, and you. Areyou glad of that sweet |, the shadow of this place came heart ?' aud he cauglt her in his the shriek he had heard. arms, It trembled out once more after a {indeed yes, Tony,' but these moment, but half stifled, and then a words were 60 softly spoken that the great hopeless silence fell over the listener scar cely beard them. vigh ¢ '1 have the money for our journey Bluck Dave hurried on now, run- with'me,' the young man went od ; ning fast, his broad chest heaving 'Tdrew it out of the bank Way. ,ip qo niokly drawn breath, bie three hundred dollars.' teeth set tightly. The robber, listening keenly,| , cou in moments and he had crept atittle nearer, with a BLrange | oo ted the copse, and caught, just light in his eyes at these words. within its shade, the flutter of 2 'Lsbould think that would last &|hite dress. With a bound he done, there need be no second stroke, | into the | between Black Dave and the girl, but with a dextereus spring the rob- ber passed him and threw himself upon the man who was dragging hel away. There was a fierce, wild fight for a few moments ; the calm beauty ot | !sounds sunk in silence, and curses, horrible and stifled cries filled the air. tossed faces, or writhing, struggling forms, and at last the cruel flash of | steel. The girl whom the men had been g With a quick, dexterous motion faq to release in the heat of the contest, had fallen to the ground and at first lay as if uncon cious, but after a moment, recovering somewhat, she raised herself up, and freeing herself trom the folds of the shawl, once more cried for help. It was at hand. were distant shouts, the sound of hurrying feet, and then three men dashed into the copse from the direction of the farm house. Just In moment it would have been too late. into time. |The girl's strange preserver, over- come by the odds against him, had (been striken down, and the com- rades i in crime might have siezed her again bad not this succor cams. But as the furmer and his compan. ions appeared the ruffins fled, ani were presently lost in the thies | darkness of the wood, whether they ware followed by two serving men | child. the farmer remaining alone with his has happened ?' Le asked. The girl was kneeling down by He saved me !' she cried. them to let me go, and when they spoke. man, poor man! He saved me and now he is dying.' her noble preserver. the night was all destroyed by the {desperate contest ; the sweet summer murderous blow on | and oaths imprecations The flecks of moonlight that fell through the trees glistened on white passion- Presently there another ¢ What is it my daughter ? What the prostrate form of the robber.-- ¢ And, would not he fought them. Ob, it was horrible" trembling as she ¢* Now he is dying--oh, poor ¢ Poor fellow !' echoed the farmer as he bent with his daughter beside The huge frame lay quite motion- less, the powerful arms relaxed, muttered. 'Ob, yes, you do, and we will take care of you and nurse you until you get quite weil,' the girl said eagerly. The man caught Lis breath as a fresh convulsion swept over his frame. 'No no use he murmered; 'Tom's done for me. with Black Dave. I'm glud I done one goud thing though. It's all over Then pain- tully turning Lis head a little to= ward _the.other sile where Harry knel t, ' You'll find it in the pocket of my coat.' As the young man looked at bim in utter astonishment, he went ou slowly: Yes I knucked you down, L didn't care then whether you ever came to or vot ; but I'm glad you did now,' then Lack to the girl who Lad Leld his hand ull the time : took your money,' lie 8 aid turning ¢Tain't no use to nurse me --I'm going fast, and it ain't no use to cry over me, neitber--I ain't it. though. 1 worth Im glad I saved you had a sister like you , with lon gasps-- she's dead this many a your. Mebhe I'll see her Anyway I'm glad to save you, and once'--speaking faintly again. -- you uever let go my hand even when you knew I had robbed your sweetheart. I'm obliged to you for that. Iold it tighter now, plsuse for the mists of death are coming.' Through the trees faint fleeks of moonlight stole in and lit up the scene, and a fow stars sent a ray o trembling radiance to the face of the Jdying moan. colder and Le murmured, presently 'The night grows darker,' then slowly opening Lis eyes, * Lut there's light above, and a'good God over all. A long, shuldering sigh shook the strong frame, he clasped tighter the little hand he held in his, then oh, father, I think he's dying. He |his hold relaxed, and the spirit of : came hero just as those men were Black Dave had solved the mystery dragging me away. He ordered |of eternity. A bashful and not over-educated fellow went to see his girl the other night, and' as he started away he put his arm around Ler and whisper- ed in her ear, 'dearest I love; and she responded sweetly, 'ditto,' mean- ing, of course a reciprocation of his tender passion. The young m:n could not find 'ditto, in his vocab. alary, and asked his father thé next day as they were hoeing dabbage,= long time," said the girl. he replied, with a laugh. 'Bat i held it up in' the moonlight. money, Henry ?* ¢ All that 8 money, our money the poney for our bridal trip.' ¢ Not very long, Lucy, I'm afraid, will take us as far as we care to tra. vel. I daresay it looks quite a sum to you'though," amt he took fout of his pocket a package of bills, and 'What a big bundle'; {is all that rushed towards it and saw again the same girl, who had but lately parted t|so happily with her lover. led downward into a thick wood. sprang upon them, cowardly brates let her go.' & = Pale, agonized, balf fainting, sheé{ was struggling in the grasp ot two low browed ruffians, who were drag- ing her away toward a by-path that With a wild curse. Black Dave i] Tethegol! he cried fiercely, 'you while on the broad chest appeared a black and awful wound; the dark face bleched white with loss of blood waa solemnly calm, and a stiange nobleness seemed to shine out through the rugged features. what it meant. The old gent rested" a moment on his hoe, and pointed to the cabbage iu front of him with the remark: 'You gee that cabbage? 'Yes; responded the youth. 'And you sen the next one there? Yes! 'Well that is ¢He is mortally woundéd feur,' |oviled 'ditto. Damn her I' exclaimed the ¥ said the farmer. 'We must carry |y 0 Smpst ue Youth sie lines bugs : 'him to the bouse when be can be| moved. IfI only had a little help et : « Now, then, eho wid a nih sohcol-misir »s Showing children off an At this moment another figure n Wholoves 'all 'man 1 -- mens, wee the unexpected reply.