Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 19 Aug 1875, p. 3

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~ Ble ODS BR AIT JOURS bap 30D, C Las gout dl GEO. CURRIE, [TA CASH for any quantity of good aL Butter. {i GEO. CURRIE. JF NEW 400DS | NEW 00D ! On hand and arriving daily. 'GEO. CURRIE. Light Dress Muslin, Prints, Grenadines and Siques' Sacrificed WITHOUT REGARD T0 COST. : GEO: CURRIE. New 'Grey Cottons, Cotton Yarns, $enims and Ducks, A+ Reduced Prices. | GEO. CURRIE. . ihe ides! Sool n Town * Are offered | WITHOUT RESERVE, Ad Geo. Currie's.| Black Silks, Black Silks up) to $250 per yard, At Geo. Oiirrie's : iRich Black Lustres and French Merinos, Persian Cords, and Yekahoma Silk Wharps--CHEAP. For 30 days AT COST! » a - oy S § In order to make room for § h now on their xy from Ru atacs prior_to Stock taking we are offering the whole of our IMMENSE STOCK Dry Goods, Ready-Made Clothing, Greceries, a Crockery, Boots & Shoes AT Cost Prices! For Cash or Produce, All our Goods. have been remarked and ticket that all can see 2 Beiées b= THE CHEAPEST, 100.000 Baushels BARLEY | FROM M BUSINESS. WANTED For avhich the highest market price paid, de- GEO. CURRIE. | livered either at Man. Shiivtings, 'Flannels, Linens, ; "Sheedgs, , Towelling, Table! ou : wan ined, ond Lace {BE Ea chester Station or utfaias, Ak Geo. Carries! 3 A dS } To *|GREAT SALE. Whitby Harbor. BRES uy. i Pao. Oils, Pubty, Nils Locks, Hinges, Machine ol i _ Varnish. " Suit Baste 1 Dairy Salt in Bags, is Lime; Water Line GEO. CURRIE b= { Port-Perey, Aug 1, 18%5. »timns ? Port Pere, Aug. 4, 1878, : HIGHEST-PRICE oR ' BUTTER 1 a * BP. 8,--New Eleva- JOR THIRTY DAYS, Ms lor will be ready early Sk 8. H. CHRISTIAN. Maochesier, Aug. 12, 1875, GOODS s CHEAP|. | (CORRIGAN & (CAMPBELL "ARE PAYING FOR Port Perry, Aug. 12, 1875. ARE PAYING 20 CENTS IBBuutierx, AND SELLING GOODS LOWEST CASH PRICES! Splendid Value in Sugars. CORRIGAN & CAMPBELL. Port Perry, Aug. 12, 1875. |. = Is now complete. BREE hr) Gif! : ved RETIRING THE WHOLE STOCK TO BE SOLD At Cost and Under ! LLnL usual ) prige Wo ss TOW selling at 8c PRINTS 10¢ RINTE, Ibe... " 12}c DRESS GQODS reveestrese at from 100 LUSTRE, Black.. . at from 18¢ [STRIPED LAWN... at 3c WLS oiieireereen.. at 82 Fine Heavy Stuff DRESS GOODS .. oR 123¢ COTTON AND LOOMS ....,..ccns. VERY CHEAP LADIES' PRUNELLAS . do HIGH CUT LACE BOOTS. - ees 1 MEN'S STOGAS..ccccevvvreninnreetreciscsstadians $1.90 TEAS AND GROCERIES, - . VERY CHEAP. AT COST AND UNDER11 aa Come wily and secure some of those real Bargains, as an op os tunity like the present seldom, offers when you cap in reality get Go: WHOLESALE PRICES. . FOR CASH OR PRODUCE. Poi Pony, Aug d0, 0B. "D W. ROBERTS. CHEERFUL #PRING BUSY TIMES! BONGHRD & ROBINSON to inforn $heir customers and friends i that their choice New Btock of Groceries! MEATS. Y line, good aiid Cheap. Seeded sstose wees ring THE VERY BEST TEAS. ISH, OANNED FISH. OYSTERS in their season. SWEETS IN ATINDANSB. Customers Toe rely on a constant supply of choice gin the GROCER' JONES BROS' 8 8 gs 15 eile © B 5 : ge So aR IM HE § SeEch IB Eeizf | BE §Efe =] z id g fp By 5 ggg 3 259% 3 par Bg Se siEEL 5 iis | S= Eggs 88 gir ~N = = g 882% 3 Les Ny - 55 s3E 8 HS 38s g 5 g2al3 20 cents per 1b. *Spuopy © 3101108 P[nos | 's104y; sud 205 syuwY) 3s0q Lm Sujuanjey ) ssousnq *g81 '8 1d 'Autog 310g "03 '8000VEOL 'SAAII00 'SVHL ANINI "oonpoid wed gexaewm oy ANSIIM. YOI00S PIO jsouy ayy jo owios 3oojg uj easy I "8d Ag "101108 puea0inq UIIM}SQ 2OULPYULD [BIN PUL d 3ySnoq ou YoyYA 531g SU 31 JO JPOUIQ OY} 0A] IIA Apua ® spI0gY YOIYA 380, JHId O1qUIIOL® PoIN0Gs 0avY I SV i SLIYIdS ANV SUNIM d0 MDO0LS uidooy 03 paINqEIE oq Luo uo (wees Lvw 3) Iv Suneyep, '8880 Ja © 'publg uy 'yevgy 105 paseroind sv SU 0I0M 'SIONIBIY O[USA[OT A OY} TOI. PoRIN3al If SUH. avoud _SHNVI WATERBY, AND BLAIN AND FANCY STATIONERY BOOKS CHEAP ANP COOD. AW. H. McCAW. Port Perry, May 6, 1874, Containing' W140 ACRES CONPRILL & BLACK of a | 2 WI HAN \ from 10 cents a yard upwards, Blas, x ES 5 A |B BT 'Aydad Choice, Valuable, .and Cheap JBWI3AT Faney Goods ! {HARDWARE STORE General Supls for Schools, VALUABLE Farm for Sale. For Sale lot No., T4, int in the 12th Con. of the TOWNSHIP OF REACH, lod thrifty orl. x Are daily receiving sdditional Stock, which at present consisis of the Hilowiag com Groceries, Provisions WINES and LIQUORS, | Of the very best kinds, which they offer to the public st a | Small Advance on Cost ? A large quantity of SUGAR =sztaair 11, 12, 0B 1318S. FORSL GOOD BUTTER. Soa wtlue 1 PEAS.:Biank, ; (Green, sad Japan--as Cheap as the Chespest and as good as the FRUIT of all kinds at the lowest fates. Very fine COFFEES, and a Stock of pure SPICES. Splendid value in TOBACCOS. BEF" Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Crasked Wheat, Flour, Bou, Sorta; Qas, and all kinds of Provision kept constantly for sale. TERMS --Strictly Cash or Produce.' SNE Ye diremey to any part of the corporation, or to Prince Albert, free Of Bort Hotty aly 30,1905, Campbell & Black. | DOMINION DRUG STORE, DYE STUFFY Good aid Eliaile.. The Subscriber having purchased a Large stock of Dye Stuffs from Reliable Manufactur- hs lie WAIL will be able to supply those who require such goods with a Good article at a rea- sonable price i and examine before purchasing elsewhere and you will be satisfied as to prices and quality. : A Full Stock always kept of PURE DRUGS, HEMICALS; PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES; PERFUMERY, FANCY GOODS, LAMPS, &e., &e., White Lead, Colors, Raw and Boiled Linsved Oil, Machine Oil, as Chesp ds duy in the County. Call and compare the Price and Quality before purchasing elsewhere. Thanking my Patrons for past favors, I would solicit a continuance of your patronage: §. E. ALLISON: Port Perry, July 20, 1875. REMOVALS! The Stibscribor has now Removed his business into that splendid NEW STORE next to the famed ¢ Walker House" Hotel, where he will be most happy to mect all his old customers and friends, and show them his LARGE and CoMPLETE STOCK OF GOODS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. Dress Goods in every variety and quality| Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Nails, Hinges, lass, Oils, Paints, Turpentine, "Varnish; The best Stock of really fine Prints 1n Town, Ladies' beautiful Umbrellas and Parasols, Ladies' Sleeveless Cashmere Jackets. With everything else in the Bry Goods Tine. An immense Stock of Boots and Shoes, at all prices? Ladies') Beautiful Prunelia Bogts at 65 cents a pair--even better thin last year-- hich were acknowledged the Cheapest Boots ever offered. Gentlemen's Summer Clothing in great "aid. Reddg-mad made le, atid GROCERIES of all kinds. Orange Lawaoas, Cocoa Nuts, &c., always All of which will be Sold Cheap fop Cash. T. C. FORMAN: Port Perty, June 9, 1875. [RON, STEEL, HORSE NAILS, AND RASPS. The Subscriber has petted a well assorted Stock of MEAT SEL HARDIE | Mochoalep olga Duldiag Etats; : a Pe SPORTIN 4 ' PR A co Suaree Ha U RIN a a GE Lowest Prioss. Aoiwimiiioiod. Famteae LD Port Ruy, June 9, isis. 8 HE Sn WANTED Lamps Chimneys for AIL: , Mixch 31, 1875; Pott Perey & ROBINSON. plea at the Walker : MRS. T, WALKER, (Argust 5, 1875. bro ep Strayed Horse. os YED xd a ro.| Cuma nko he promibes of the Subscriber; ign rmisofth Soi rd 10 1675." og, ENE B= | CR SRR ¥ erey, a Raunisost, and a Chamber: Reach, July 28th, 1875 ahr

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