Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 5 Aug 1875, p. 1

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Tragmate business. With the Patent Office as. v.- ab Mebhsc oly of the Government. he Si Beginttion of Trade porn PERRY HOUSE, -- THE Fr ENT), 'PORT PERRY. "lami A Gow AUCTIONEER. tees co canting money Yh xis POR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO. ih abour tak pg AND TOWNSHIPS OF MARIPOSA & CARTWRIGHT, Advertisments "measured by Nonpareil, sad charged scooting tothe space they ac- cupy. 'Advadigpests specific instructions, wil withaut specific and charged accor Daguhl bd dn > Srocelved for Tilioution, be inserted No advertisment i be taken out until paid for. nt allowed!" fo' Merchants 0; advartise by je year or| These terms will in all cases be war strictly adhered to. . Job hat mio , Bla Books, Checks, Cards, Ball Cards, color, than any ar bills, &o. home with'$hem. - J. BAIRD, other establishment in the County. Pot © Pro- en Short --. Circulars, Business &c., of every style and executed promptly and at lower rates Parties from a distance getting hand printed can have them done to take nu PARSONS. ---- Propane. Caras Office, over Allison's Drug Store, Queen-st. urgeon and v Resldence--One doer west of the Presby terian Chureh. Dita: Prince Albert. FE the County of H. SANGSTER, M. D., Physician, Sur- « geon and Accoucaeur, igre for the County of Ontario PORT PERRY. RH Ofee over Nott's Furnitare Store, corner of Queen and Perry Streets. hours from 9 a.m. to12 m. Resldence, the dwelling recently ocoupl by Mrs, Geo, Paxton. | ed imap a-------------- bea em MeGILL & RAR, Physcians, Surgeons, DR WE, M'GELL, M.D Oshawa, FRANCIS RAE, MW, . &c, Office und Residences, Kingst., D. EGS to thank his many friends and the B public generally, for the liberal patron age bestowed upon him for the past five years. Having now wl Tr as up the, busiiesy > Bailiff, I inte n futore, to devote Bs of Auctioneer, Collecting, = 1t will be my endeavor, by prompt and careful attention to business, to give full satisfaction to all 'who may favor me with uch Salen or Collecting. 1s dravghted and Blank Notesfurnished free of charge. - Algo Bill Stamps always on hand. Arrangements can be made for sales &c., at the Opservea Office, and at the Standard Office, Port Perry. W. M. WILLCOX, Prince luge: Albert; Oct. 25, 1873. W. H. PARK, "= - - ~ Wm. Gordon, &e. R the Township of Brock, bridges! Scott, Thorah, Rama, Mara, and Eldon, Bey Parties entrusting their Sales to me may rely on the utmost attention being given to their interests. WM. GORDON, Sunderland, Brock. THOS. H. WALSHE. I L of Brock, Thorah, North Ontario; Mari] o- | of Victoria. Residence--Cannington, Brock. Orders left at this office, or at his residence will be punctnally attended to. Debts col- | lected in Cannington, % otherwise, eer, CENSED Auctioneer for the Township hs Mara & Rama in yout and mos etc., in the County the Province Fh is situated in a most con- _ Having purchased the and renovated the entire the Sheds, {best Liquors and Cigars Strict attention aid », the comfort of guests, The table and bar well a Prince Albert, June 12, 1875, REveRe HOUSE, MANCHESTER, Revere] House is deck venient position for the t os to and from Uxbrid, 2 som, call here daily. The Subscriber, since becomin, and par had the premises thoroug! freshment of guest The tals and a) supplied with the best WHITBY STEAM MARBLE WORKS. | Us {= J. & R. WOLFENDEN, , &c., Dundas St ; Whitby. M. F. MCBRIEN, Hospital, London, England. The Liye " y 0, H Oshawa, M.D, M. R. ('. 8, Guy's R. C. J Sofleitor, and Notary Public. North of the Central Hote Oshawa. a Lay Ohancers, X Ritormey , Con Oshawa. yancer, E. MARTIN, M. D.Simcoe hi Twodoors E. FAREWELL, LI. LB, County Crown Attorney for Untario, Barrister, Attorney, Oftice Ineely oc- oHfio by 8. H. Cochrane, Esq., Brock strest, ok SA ANBRR PURS Office. TH, 1 otary Roligicy is Git JouNe ty Office--McMillan's Block, ie strect, I Whitby. 3.18 J RON & Attorneys at Law, Offices : Court House, Whitby. IL. J. MACDONNELL. Aftorney at Law and Solicitor Pi ye Oise in tho Royal Arcade, ny . Port Perry. Ids 5 2 Barrister, At- i Chancery, MACDONNELL, Barristers Solicitors County W. Maurice Cochrane, TRAE hor in Gh in Chait: ly from 9am. hy p.m. at 8 per cent, on all HiT PORTS PERRY. Office hours punctual, to Loan princi Ll OF DIVISION COURTS OHN CHRISTIE, Dol YES BF) OURRE, 0 i 1847885 205 Is AR : ®t oa Office-- Manchester. rode BIBIAACM FL : oslh wig d SR tt ERE A funder the suj : a Lan Agent for the Scottish Granite. Also Belting Stone cut to order. JOHN NOTT, Agent, Port Perry. 3 Whitby, July 29, 1874. R. RICHARDSON, Re-appointed Issuer of JMarriage Licenses] Under the New Act. 'Office, 1st con. Brock. Brock, Aug. 5,1874. 33 |New Marriage Act. Port Perry, July 1st, 1874. ENRY CHARLES having been re. appointed * Marriage License (after Li years duty) continues to fur- nish Licenses as herctofore--at Port Perry. "i POR THE" County of Ontario, FOR THE YEAR 1875. SEE lalls 2 ALOR iE i 'is 17 TN. = . ago, B Dah] Ay : Whitby, Jan, 1, 1875. {Brick Yamato usilse west of "Wile be TEE ht anywhere. Haring been the first ini his soctioti of fa le ht mani. wt on taceasein Examine my Ts -- learn the hice ere 'purctiusing else 2 : E. BRYANS, thigh) a uy 5, ad 1 It HOLESALE and Retail dealers in! Good accommodations. Careful attention | Forel and American Marble Man- to the requirements of travelers and guests. the mark Sod aios and, Juentive ost.ers, NNYSON, Proprietor. a 7 HOTEL,, Manchester, Ton. ION " JAMES T. HEARD, The bar supplied with the Cigars. Good Stabling. Manchester, July 15, 187 (ora E HOTEL, GREENBANK. R. McRAE, PROPRIETOR. The above hotel has undergone a thorough renovation, and has been | view to the comfort and convenience of the Strict attention paid to "the table and the bar, Comfortable stables | traveling public, (and an attentive ostler. Greenbank, March 25, 1874. DH OE HOUSE, UTICA. J. DAFOE, PROPRIETOR. . Good accommodasions, the requirements of travelers and lot 10, in the The barsupplied with the best A Zsthone HOUSE, (LATE ALBION,) WHITBY, ONTARIO. E ARMSTRONG, PROPRIETOR. 3 SOLO HERICAN HOTEL, PRINCE ALBERT. d Hotel, 1 have thoroughly repaired The Hotel has been furnished Mariposa. in First-Class Style ang Stocked with the A. TENNYSON, Proprietor. comfortable country Hotels in MANCHESTER. PROPRIETOR. above pleasantly premises %even to | COMpetent workmen. Aug. 5, 1876. PAINTS & OILS STILL ON iE DECLINE. Also, all other Goods inthe HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE =: #@~ TIN 'WORK iin all its Branches done on the shortest notice and by All articles warranted. Sign of the Circular Saw, sos emnat I woossthba tr ; cle Coleman put down his ' pushed ig Sveciasies up on iy fore , and " hoo? to marry Luey Fotheringham ? You ks I" was the cool 4 dori FS but w js Wn ten mutual love--' I row she gona 103 to Saratoga, and if you can spare me I will 'And tho Dusiness at Hartford / I shou'd advise you to attend to all matters belonging Ito Jour apn s estate, a OE, Fp nk.' 17 said Sab ¥ eep me in Hartford a month,' sai Frank, disconsolately. Coleman Burke hed with pitying affec- Yara at i 1870108 Bape, sucha if yet in things, thought he had reached man's tA month may settle your whole fortune,' , men do not fall heir to Hs thousand dollars more than once in a Supposed must 1 must ! Tt 5 Besides, ' added Uncle Coleman a 'it will bea good test of your 1ad; loves Cs her forgetting me,' said W. T. PARRISH, Prank | Lonily. *| 'Are 2700 actually PARK. |pORT PERRY EIVERY STABLES, Hau C. WKENZIE,, raveling publie.-- PROPRIETOR. ge, Utica and Ep- roprietor, IE Sula iter having now fully equ Rhy Topaired © Jul! hho 0 2 Ho S his 2 Jew and extensive Siavles w! ea d will spare ne r r nor expense in on of superior Horses an Jar pges, is prompt remittances made. Remember Sinking the Revere House a comfortable | propared to furnish frst class ' WALSHE, the Noi Ontarks Auction. transient home fof Jraxelers, and for the re- LIVERY RIGS On Moderate Terms. C. MCKENZIE. 3 Port Perry, Aug. 6, 1873, PROPRIETOR. best Liquors and 4. 30 proceaMation 1" TO THE INHABITANTS OF NORTHERN REACH THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR Dry Goods, - Groceries, Clothing, fitted up with a Careful attention a and cigars. Good stabling. Boots and Shoes, TL PPR Hardware, WESTERN ASSUBANCE COMP'Y ir TARONT Ox: wo Stationgry, sepa Patent Medicines, &ec., Incorporated..........ce0iee.. 1881. , en . IS AT THE Capital - $400.000.| Greenbank Store. President. ...... - GEO. FLINT. ue Greenbank, July 20, 1873. 2 THE ONTARIO FARMERS Mutual Insurance Company. A those of any respon- & PORT PERRY EXTEN- WH I SION RAILWAY. ets Compaty. de Maw TOY, organized and is TIME TABLE Ne. 11. repared to accept risks on Farm Buildings 2nd their contents, country School Hotisea a Ape; 12%, Churches, wishing to insure and thereby support a Home Insurance Love now an opportunity of doing so, plying to 10 She Head Office, ok to any of | 3, tho Tent ts of the Company. Our rates | boa his | rooms, porner Queén-and Perry Streets. Port Perry, Nov. 18, 1874, ¥ To Loan on good Farms, at 8 Der. cent terest. ~ November, 21, 1866. MONEY | MOREY LYMAN ENGLISH, arr eo S| I LEE Shy q [ r_her acceptance. ck ae, WA CALL AT MY BAKERY |': i Te Bo, Caf SY y ciitRi 200 | Port id or Prince Albert. van ome. Hope {bars so bad me 1} : {i : Seti ob CHAS. HISCOCKS. L Lusiajna Ee gh Saw the ous 1 previ- kB ae et aud muttered oii Heesing soos: Altos 'March 10, 1875. ho d d his mot expuiit i bie AD! BAIR HBSAR; : most dazzling necktie, tened a fps. ee WM. - SPENCE, |ast tuotaat Switches, I rissets, Curls, he A 8 +Bless my soul, Uncle Colman, what a ng, sul cov Xu a HEN, JOHN J, : ht Manager. Al IR & BUILDER. me then oui wis in the room, and the Toots, over Mr. Now's "Fiirniture Ware- ; hy Dally Line to Rochester! | + 4% | (Commencing on orjabout; Monday; April 19.) Oryice--Over th fan's Block, Brook T | CONFECTIONS! engaged 2! Port PERRY. * Cel wlainly; I'bou ht a diamond nL ----'s yesterday, and put it on her taj "Hem 1 Well, the fool killer hasn't ind here latel thang suital, There, be off and let me MONEY . T0 LOAN HE fe WY Japerin peace. You will go to Harlf ord ne Er his nephew left him, Coleman Burke let the paper' le idle on bis lap, while he fell into a fit of musing, often interrupted by apatient ejaculations. e was a man, as he said, of past sixty and bad been a childless widower for thirty years, while four little graves beside that of his wife Soforie] ued fig heats uistory of his life. 4 lived a lonely mourner for a hon ho years, his brother and wife died, leaving Frank, a curly headed boy, to the care of Uncle Coleman. All the long seated foun- tains of love in the desolated heart opened to pour out their affection on the child. He was the sunlight of the old man's exist- Ehos, 81 and though his manner had been cynical his heart had been wrung by the announce- ment of his engagement, but not from any jealousy or mercenary motive, Had frank loved a true woman, were she a beggar his uncle would have given her a fiath- nd welcome. But he the misery in store for his nephew if he married Lucia Frothingham--a flirt extravagant and selfish. How to save him was costing the old man tor- turing thought. Opposition would only strengthen what was now an infatuation. Suddenly a light broke over Coleman's face and he rose from his chairand went to a long mirror in the roem. The reflection was not calculated to awaken any vanity, yet the old man smiled well pleased. *IfI can carry it out it will be proof, he thought. Short, fat, nearly bald, with spectacles and a ne Coleman Burke was certainly a strong NONE TO LE by bad won Lucia for his promised bride, yet said aloud : "I'll cut him out' A week later al the fashionables at the C=-- hotel, Saratoga, knew gE Coleman Burke intended to marry, What bi ird first bore the news upon the air, no lack of formation about the bridegroom in prospective. Everyone knew that Coleman Burke had re- tired from business worth half a million and had made fortunate investments since. Very soon after he came, another fact was patent to all observers--that he was very at- tentive to Miss Lucia Frothingham. Mrs. Frbinghan hoped that Lucia would notbe a fool, and would remember how far ket bool d his neph- on ; also Rock an old man's darling was far more apt to have very whim gratified than a Jeotims, the 's slave. Having delivered this the widow alata upon the expenses of the Saratoga trip, and was rather hot emphasis pon a Speedy subjugation of her And Miss Lucia Sr her shoulders a fie over them a cloud of lace and descended porch where Mr. Burke wa.ted to escort lod Roun Or a drive, , Whitby. © His uhyde of rof oon Was more business | © Tul than se s foguent over the cle dilated upon Wiichy, pet 10, 1873. the suitability ot diamonds for brunette envy 1c 'When Frank quoted poetry descriptive ol de ct tho i y Co nfecti ctionerys... © | slender llowy figure, his uncle for aight Tove was the most becoming wear desasptio MORTCACES WANTED. HE Subgeribers five } 0 la ey placed in thelr Janda Gr Investment on mproved Farms, lage Properties, and other Securities in' tps und adiolfing Con Conntice gt the lowest éurren! 8 of Trerase 2 we dgve funds on oe po Cal ari ecaundeop nd on on geliing tLeir Hm with tho east possib! Any number {I Mortgaaes for which the or, est figures will be wlio Weare also a Sppea po the Canada Per- manent Bullding Society, the cheapest and lurgest Monetary Institution in Canada. Paid ap Canal 31,5M,000. Instalments re-payable n from 2 to #) yeurs, Lands Bought and Sold. , Several good farms for sale. za Agents for sev eral first class Fire In" surance Com punies. Collections made and a general agency busi- ness transacted. Z%~ DEBENTURES BOUGHT."&X JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, General Agents, Office In Mr. Ross' Ontario Buildings, Port Perry. le sums of mon- Port Perry, Oct. 11, 1872 The undersigned has any amount of Money to lend upon Farm and Town Property, at Unusually Low Rates of Interest! Loars can be repaid in any tanner to suit the borrower. Also several Improved Farms, and Wild Lands for sale, cheap. Investments made in Municipal Deben- tures, Bank and other Stocks. Apply to JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee, Broker, &e. minion Bank, Meil- grown el es: the fat old gentleman pete} the horses, also obtained ption of the most suitable carriage for a HE Bakery, and | Confectionery 'business As they dn > in all their branches carried on ih my | d Port Porry and Prince Albert establishments, lady's exclusive uge. Likewise expressed Plain and F Fancy Breads of Every varicty. couiowpt for fu Antise Zn! fo folded x ded upon 2 Orders filled with the shortest notice, he would purchase to deck a lady's Yo aly Bridal and other Cakes made to order. Socials and otber 1 on moderate terms, As a rule he was simply devoted ina con- stant flowers in the morning, followed by ya ally a drive in the afternoon; a walk in the evening, or an offer of escort iy at a ball, daily routine. But became the usual he was an energetic and persistent Hoon, and even Lucia, vain of her conquest 'bewildered by the rapidity of the courting. PP in every variety and of the best quality. | Children's Toys in abundance. two exchanged cordial greetings* ¢ And Lucia, Frank questioned, ¢ is she BriceLaTG, 3 STONE WORK, PLAS- well 7' TERING, &0., in all their departments, executed in the best style. ONEY TOLOAT as pof tutictarest = n Heal Estate. i T Craw mL. i gy March 19; 1874. x Hoaheeter, con ov oy ; RD: a Se Eo i LT AE SEER | fT cured the services of a cempe- | I took her for a drive.' tent tgmanage and conduct the farm,| ¢ You?' 1 will, in fufure, devote my whole attention have ld 1 ii Yott do not Suppose that I to my ess 48 have failed in attetition to my future niece, | certain CONTRACTOR. do you!' TRS Bet beter a you di con- 'Contracts taken FE Stone work, Brick work, pleadingly. k,' the old man said, sud- oa the glass to face his Siplicu staves within an Hour 1 n to make ibe With you; prove Laura: false, ise to you 0 ir and a traitor Ie you EO | wit im lot wi w my RT 2ssome mu. sol: male a harsh words, and el give her all the 1 pores eee, Svoning-- | 1 always hoped to give your wife. a lowe Capital" "we send X «But bow can you find out? Said the _Uticn, Api 11875; 7 Sry opi 1875: im Dealers in Stock, this £he BARRISTER, &0., [chen 2) most Root espodniotn Foie to . Oshawa, | ton, Albany, New Yor 1459 For further information, a) R. Crawford rt Hope; orG, F' Gilde Kmgston. B A ETP EA spend Ya >= FOR, RR bEES YANG, EERSTE, Jouss an 4 man anosiahed at his uncle's enor- mutual aativk terru Gace, z al re Sepuphid ty later, Miss Frotbingham, all and 2, et he do does not | smiles and white mug lin, sailed into the east ree. . But drawing-room to greet het elderly admirer. y ness sake, ba Wi ,or two | With an air Sf deepest devotion he raised orn on suidle a with 8 wife. her hand to his lips, and groeted he with a 'fam "Now, flowery compliment. 1 « 8he was pertoctly well last evening when ¢1t is you who are to find out, Iam al. ready satisfied. You are to go to the centre window of the small dra on the het Porth, Ad Haak to the conversation I am to have tment with bi by appoin Miss ¢ Eavesdropping.' ¢ Never mind that grand air of contempt. I'am to have my way for just an hour, and Jol can ke Fours afierwanis for a Lifetiuie. Wil Jous go? . 0. *T presume,' he said, in a low, tender tone} ¢ you are not at a loss to gusss why I have ventured to summon you here. You must * My dear Nr Burke, do not speak of that.-- To me there is a dignity and and tity about a man who his passed ife that can nev- er be attained without a Aa ifs thet of years. Believe me, your having a slight advantage of me in age will but increase fention 'You are only too, kind. 'hen I may tell Frank that you---" * Why talk of Frank? Surely you may choose a wife without yoar nephew's interfer ence. '1 choose a wife? My dear young lady, what are Sou tulking yt I have no in- tention of seeking a wil ¢ No--intention--of ig a wife? Have you not just made me an offer of marriage ?' 'Not all ' was the cool reply. 'I was under the impression that you were engaged to my nephew. As Frank is my uearest relative and my heir, [ was anxious to win the affection of his promised wife. But since thereis no en- gagement between you---"' Oh, Mr. Barge, Jos must have misunder- stood me. My only fear was lest you should not sanction our ore Dear Frank has often i to me of your fatherly love to him.-- ou will not repeat to Frank the conversation we have had? [--m ny confusion--you will The blinds parted as Frank spoke, Serenling the white face and anger lighted eyes. iss Frothingham screamed, and unele Coleman said A sulser , 'Are you convinced ? . The a Miss Frothin, for showing bim the in the love of a coquette. * You have given me a sharp lesson, Uncle Coleman ; but [ thank you that my life has not | been blighted by a woman's treachery.' The pale face vanished. Uncle Coleman, with a ceremenious bow, took his departure, aja, thanks you ly of trusting in -- 1 oe a rose by my en bower, rarely 1 said as I watched it hour Py hour, A) Piisive him a rosebud early !° The spring Sut 9 Narmed. to Summer peat And flow: ere burst ng & arly ¢ When 1 Beard Theo rams atm night beat, the ranks were foi: early. Of days that passed, I Sonied fo four, pre. a solemn sun shonc Till a horse man b) it tomy Taher door A withered @ AY. 1 asked not not why the Joetha comes, But Tknew a mid The clover blooms And one with & rosebud eaf! His sisters mourn in weeds of woo her loved so dearly ;-- 1 muy Rok tell what none must kno Icherish that rosebud ye Wy, her, and I tell you, ber ai have understood the meaning my ttenti : upon Aunt ARETE "million Ho Tl on bo ee Cn Become | 2 TPES He cas Desks so cicacty rs yw, Holy, tome,' v i § you have | For its light went heat its way felly 3 2 bes 'I never thought of it, mach eo, y inspired ? I Puxx Grove, Out. From New Riera. 'W. . ; suppose you ever did. Ha: al-| ¢ Youare so kind,' she murmured, \ ray for July, 1875. 'Post Ponty, June 28, 1875; 'And other Geods in proportion. A good long pair of ways had an inepeidont fortune, I don't think | 1 am contemplating a speédy return to er Meter etry, 25, : . F008 toe soun man's shoes.-- | the city, and I wish to arrange for the wedd- J)FIsoNS Downvion Hove, DOMINION HOTEL, ne Li rd ed ; belo satel wis esate) in Je ing, if I can obtain any expression of your His Looks Deotsives ne, : : 'a ma ' xT dibs aban the bras lor which otis Ad re Pid Jom ohiest Soan wily ay. a,| He didnt look like a joker. One to sit At the Railway Station, : ; 1 . A for-- well say ten years. She was Bi Badal ly est,' she said, | ang study his face would have said that his PORT PERRY. ! . Ri PEE were done playing with y wife! Bless my iy wy nephew told | Soul was so lost in fnslunchioty that he didn't 5 " - x marbles." me--' care two cents whether the sun went down Every attention given to the accommoda- wi "Miacle, ou are speaking of my affiauced wife | "0, Mr. Burke, you do not imagine Ihave | at noon or stayed up till seven o'clock. Hel tion and comfort of The table'agd a - i! 'Hem I encouraged that boy r with an accent of most | entered the Indies' sitting-room at the Cen. bar supplied with fhe best the Market af. Y " Years aro of 10 consequence where there is | magnificent scorn o is aiananly young | tral Depot, walked up to a woman whos» Ro i Lioters and he bat brands "| low, Tar boon Kodo Hl ilove husband bad left the room abeut ten mine M5 ER wid PER PAIR. 'And Jive: Lindy: Wiothitgharet wud she posterous' fetter est pos viously « Wi ally hae bre? : 'comm D. B. DE a itor, loves re the disparity of years--' fndam, your husband went out to cee the river, didn'the 2 ¢ Yes--w! Ly ? she asked, furning pale i. an instant, ¢ He was a tall man wasn't he 2' « Ho was,' she replied, rising up and turn ing still paler. 'Had red hair ?' "tHe had--Oh, what Las happened ?' ¢ Weighed about one hundred and cighty pounds ?' ¢ Yes--yes--where is he--where husbaud ?' she exclaimed. ¢ Couldn't swim, could he ?' ¢He's drowned, my husband ® drowned !' she wailed. . ¢ Had a silver watch ¢hain ?' continued the stranger. ¢ Where is my husband--w here the body 1 she gasped. 'Don't get excited, madam. husband have ou a grey suit ?' ¢ Yes--oh, my Thowas | my Thomas 3 « And stoga boots ?' ¢ Let me sce him--lct me see him ?' cried, « Come this way, madam, but don't get excited. There, is that your husband across the street at the' peanut stand ?' ¢ Why, yes, that's him | that's my hus- band I' she exclaimed joyfully. 'I thought you said he was drowned. ¢ No, madam, I did not. Isaw him buying peanuts and thought it was my duty to say is wy Did yout sho while Lucia Froshinchant went into genuine hysterics on the sofa. Mr. Burke joined Frank on the porch, and linking his arm in his nephew's said kindly : * Forgive me the pain I cause for the love I | bear you, ¢I thank you,' was the reply. * You have iF saved a life of misery by showing me a mer- cenary woman's treachery. | shall never feel any emotion but gratitude that you have proved your words. er Se "About Ice Cream. From the Detroit Free Press. He slipped intd an ice creatn saloon very softly, and when the girl asked him what he waniid he replied : "0 beef, fr! tod potatoes, pickles and mee Bie, » "This is not RTentaurant, this is an ice cream papion® she sal hen Why di ou ask me what I wanted for 7 Ww hy a ¥ you bring on your ice ream g She went in after it, and as shereturned he continued : "You see my dear girl, Jou must infer--you must reason. It Isn't likely that 1 would come into an ice cream parlor to 'buy a grindstone, { i8it? You Slum unk 1 came in} here to ask if you had any bal Lay, did you She looked at altos In great Fao i and he | went on "If I ownod a hardware store and you came in, I would infer that yon came in for some- thing in my line. I wouldn't step out and ask you if you wanted to buv a mule, would i She went away highly indiguant. An lady was devouring u dish of cream at the | next table, and the Sunnysr ales watching | her for a moment, called out "My dear woman, hav e you found any hairs | orl buttons in your dish ? " Mercy ! no!" she Cxclaimed as shew hecled | round i dropped het 8po0 m glad of it! ey continued. self you sy hI just let a know." he looked at him for a minute, picked up the spoon, laid it down again, and then rose up and left the room. e must have said something to the proprietor, for he came ruu- ing in and exclaim: "Did you tell that woman that there were Ha buttonein. sy cream?" "You didn't? "No, sir, Idid not; I or in I Sasa ne found any such i fostod d ber, i Well, sir, that was a mean trick." My dear sir; said the stranger smiling pony, +did you expect me to ask the woman f she haa found a crowbar ora sledge-ham- io in her cream ? It is impossible, sir for such articles to be hidden away in such small dishes! The proprietor went away growling, and as the stranger ¥ Siietly supped away at his cream two young ladies came sat down near him and ordered cream and cakes. He waited un- ul they had eaten a ttle and then remarked pardon but do you taste a hing piculiar in the taste of this ice en » They smacked their lips, und were not dh * Does it toyouas if a Plug of tobacco jad fallen Jose the freezer ?' hx hah kah I' they excited, aroppise smelt SPOONS AI A try it up Ww y h spoon od used ou Sut and 3 wasn't long before ti = 'See here, what are vo you ive about I" he manded. * What do y! ou mean by plug to- baceo in the freezer? ¢ My kind Sriend, I asked the ladies if this cream tasted of plug tobaceo. 1 don't detect any such taste, a dont belleve you used a bit of tobacco (n yy you ont want to talk that way ud hore rv uunoed the proprietor. ¢ My ice the man who says it 180°C tolls tells x bold Wola antruth He Went BWAY again: and a woman with a long neck fuce sat down and said o the giv] that she would take a small dish of lemon It was bronght and she had tnken about two mouthfuls Ren the stranger ing ¢ Excuse me madam, but do iy know ow this cream © was made--have g Ju an, that noy vy grated turnip and chalk wit! igen cream She didn't roply. She slowly rose np, wheel- Re made for 5% > "The le loor. stranger dy after, and b; Erettfood | k his coat, tails cleared the doors aatant too soon to be Struck hy af a Sve pound 5 hurled by the indi it proprieto: e reached the curb 8 i halted, h oolced at the door pf the parlor and soliloquized and times hon thay shan ih. sion ote, 8 n' uy had ask at wi th ht Be ed th up & a (re the OD have hashed felt a circular saw golng down her Rey. casty. Sy duel Smith says hers sliould be " a dmourit of shyness when a kiss is pro- posed, xi it she od Job be too Jon Lat shyness, not the when the give a) ht tl soul = on 0 She Cn our ie 1 not to slobber a kiss but aL humming bird rans. ill into a honeysu --delicate." Just 80. Aud if of any rdi Sith in ay accord to e380! we cau them the address of a su practice on--a young man who is will make great sacrifices in the adieuce; And his terms are g to tarest of Social idiculously low, They attempted to give out an eighty-one wot syllable at one of the Ride ian] iii, by bisig Ren room enough for it in the Stafe, ! that the car be long exercised to famil ---------------- by 0 of nis Ne ark 6 CAIs dir oe | girl with hee handborohief i at g matches the other night, but found | si toyou that peanuts arc not healthy at this season of the year.' He slid softly out, and she stood thers chewing her parasol and stared after hima: if he were a matngerie on wheels. ee ee Symtoms of Hydropholia. N. Bouley, a" French veterinary surgect gives three precautions and hints for detection of hydrophobia in dogs: Beware of a dog which begins to be sick. All sick dogs, as a priuciple must be pected. Beware especially of one which is sod, morose, snd seeks for golitude ; which do. not know where to rest ; which goes wii comes, rambless about, snaps and barks without reason ; whose looks are dull and gloom ; and whose bright expression is los: Beware of one which is suddenly too attec tionate, asking for your caresses by his pli. ful and repeated cravings, And thus you will protect yourselves f: dangers te which you may be exposed your homes by dogs kept as family pets. The bark of the mad dog is thoroug characteristic ; so much so, indeed, that one familiar with 1t can decide with c ty the présence of arabid dog wh barking is heard. It is not necessary the i with the sound, to "obtain this certainty diaguosis, Instead of the normal and : | cessive barks it is hoarse, lower in ton. prolonged and not so strong, After the bark made at full strength, a series of i.0, six, seven or eight others immediately su. ceed, lowered in strength and thrown o. from the throat. ee ------------ Excentricity of-a-Minnesota Tornado. A pine stick two inches square was J: into an elm tree with such force thing fairly bedded in the living wood. A wo Mrs Putrick Tuily, was curried a dist 2 in another. verely from the inju cut and bruised A farmer nawed Edward Parean, living miles south of Mendota, owned a litte fic fifteen sheep when the storm struck hiv | and of this number cleven were missh: Subsequently, eight of then were found ree fully one mile from his house. L'vic them were found pinned together by a be Vaal had been driven through the bod: or animals and then tanto the groun fact that will be considered as su, w mode lor "stringing" mutton. 1y Is still suffe es, having bedi ggesilve oi a "The fencing of Mr. Pareau's farm was b' from the gronnd, postsand all. Mr. {i Gage, living six miles south-west on Mong» ten ueres of oak Sune on his they were swept clean by the Wiad n army of choppers had passed hrous tract on a tour of malicious destractic Some lurge trees, roots and all, were curs distanve of oue and a hall miles. John Berke, a farmer living four niles? nn Mendota, had his house lifted bodil foundations and torn to pletes whi 4 in the atr, and crushing against the oth t bris of the storm. rr Mien She tried to sit down in a street ctr, was pinned back so tight she ®ouldn't. lady pecped over her specs and her, * How long have you been afflicted tn The Yourg Judy Mnshed and made 'a Le sitting wn ways; And knees tdfether so tight that she Yas she bad on a ono-legged pair of breech: 01d lady noticed her sitting in this side cramped position and whispered, Bile. 8'pose ; 1 have had 'em thar myseif."' RET PTI «Well, Mr. Miller, said Yau! proudly toa traveling Scott, as they ivi g Falls of Niugara, ¢ 1s it not wonderful ? In your country you never saw anything lilo ay 1 unt 1 that! ¢ Like that I" said the Scot'; "ther a far mair wonderfu' concern no twa miles ri whar I was born.) ¢ Tdeed I & ned Jonathan, with an air of supercilious slkepi- | cian, and what kind oy Soncern RY, ii , man,' wney, 'it's ® | a peacock with a wooden ess place As had seen her lover seat scat of a car, but while she was tears, she did not echt te ed, and a different car stood in but Bresettly ssle sweet swile a astonished and bashful tting there, in fellow should have beep.

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