Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 24 Jun 1875, p. 3

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DL A CSS A MESES = BARGAIN Silk Ribbons worth 20cts for 10c. Beautiful Muslins worth 80c, for 12c. Beautiful Dress Goods worth 2 25¢. for 12:c. CASH FOR WOOL a sirens] "CASH FOR Wheat, Oats, Peas, &e, - . . Cash for BUTTER ! 'For ide. per tb. - ®. If. CHRISTIAN. " Manchester, Juge 16, 1875, BARGAINS. BROWN&ROSS HAVE JUST RECEIVED AN Immense Stock of Gents' Furnishings Which will be cleared out at remarkably LOW PRICES ! Comprising of the following : # Gents' White and Col- ored Shirts. Linen Collars, . Linen Cuffs, Bows and Ties, 1 Braces, | Undershirts and Drawers, | White Vests, Coal Summer Hats. Straw and Felt Hats. | The Largest Stock in Town. | he Best Assorted Stock in Town. ! The Gheapest Goods in Town. BROWN & ROSS. PORT PERRY. Port Perry, June 16, 1875. MS King of the Haryest 1 & gir ior Cp Said mmm a aw ET Tr "| JONES BROS PRODIGIONY PRAIA FOX Pout Perry, June 10, 1875. Highest Price . " sis. nos Mechanics' Tools, Farmers' A Call respectfully solicited, Port Perry, June 9, 1875. IRON, STEEL, HORSE NAILS, AND RASPS. HARDWARE STORE The Subscriber will open in a few days with a well assorted Sod of ' HEARTY UELE HARDWARE, : a ey =x3 Building Hardware,| x J . n = y Hardware, 8.0. PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PUTTY, CULLEY PLATED WARE, GUNS, SPORTING and FISHING TACKLE and every other article kept in a first class determined to Bell at the Hardware Store, gE Lowest Prices. Bp" REMEMBER THE PLACE,-- FORMAN'S OLD STAND. J. B. LAING, Queen Street. | MARCH, 1875. SPRING a XX. . ] TILTON vs. BEECHER. BEECHER = ACQUITTED !! NDEPENDENT of ihe world wide Excitement, S. E. ALLISON Has made an extensive purchase of J order to fully meet their wants. Just received 2000 Rolls Room Paper and Bord- ering of every shade, quality and price to sui every class of ¢hstomers, Largest Stocks of PAINTS, OILS, VARNISUES, PAINT BRUSHES, §:. A full and complete Stock of FANCY TOIL} TICLES, so that none will be ata loss to get just what they want in that line, and as I feel the necessity of keepin ul times a large | Btock of Pure Unadulterated Drugs, 1 beg to state that the utm: st care and prompti. | tude are used in order to make my place of business the most reliable of the kind in the | County. Prescriptions carefully compounded. As my past success has been more than my fondest anticipations, I am determined to so conduct my business that cv ything will be satisfactory to my customers and myself. Twill sell for CASI, at prices that vill suit all classes. Stock--fuli, complete and genuine, re, All served alike. Port Perry, April 7, 1875. No second STE. ALLISON. PUBLIC SCHOCL. TEACHERS. | County Examination GRANTING CERTIFICATES po f------ a IV Ho WHITBY. 0O-- Beg to thank their numerous customers for past favors, and to notify the Farmers of North Ontario and vicinity, that they still keep-on hand in PORT PERRY, A full supply of their various Manufactures, and having secured the services of Mr. R. D. ROBBINS To attend to that particular department, the public may rely on having their wants well attended to, We are still making Tie Jomnston [{EAPER | A SPECIALTY. Believing as we do that it is decidedly the Best Reaper in the World. We have never wet been Defeated At a single trial, and the laurels won at Paris, Ont, in 1871; on the Tweedie Farm, near Whitby, 1871 ; Millbrook, 1871 ; Ottawa, 1873; and af Chatham, in 1874, and at different other places, East and West, during the past four seasons, all unite in crowniag it And should fully satisfy the most skeptical, For the season 1875, we are making every «effort: to produce the best machine on the Continent. What .we say of the JOHSTON is equally applicable to our other Machi Our "Cayuga Chief 'Mower Is now too well known to need xctomt YOUNG CANADA, Is a new Mower.with 3 nch sections-front cut--has a wabbling motion to the cuttor bar--very light draft, ) to newer and rougher sections, and has few qquals as *™ THE TRIUMPH, n Self-Rake, we are fully prepared to warran 16 be as good a Combined Machine as is made in Canada. And while unscrupulous Agents are endeavoring to sell inferior Combined Muchines at a higher price, that have nevet made a record in Canada, We would simply ask you to compare Machines and 'W and USEFUL GOODS! {i Pose suitable for his fust increasing trade --"¢ [3 Feeling the necessity of keuping pace 2 fg with the rapidly increasing demands of his numerous customers, he has spared no pains in > Oncot the, Spring Goods ! Dress Goods in every variety and quality from 10 cents a yard upwards. The best Stock of really fine Prints 1 Town, 2% 'S00IV "aonpoxd wed Jexvw oy AXSIYAA OJOS PIO IS | Ladies' beautiful Umbrellas and Parasols, | 1 Ladies' Sleeveless Cashmere Jackets. Line. GROCERIES of all Kinds. Oranges, Lemons, Cocoa Nuts, &c., always | on hand. | All of which will be {Saupe otf) OALISA() Port Perry, June 9, 1875. sup 105 poseyoind suy oy'2100M 'S)oU JUSIOA OY) wIolf pou jsnf sey . gvoddg SANVCL | AGIA ZUCL 'dS QOL | 104 01 WOREPUAWTWOI sspp js © 1 | "avoua samvr | | CORRIGAN & CAMPBELL RE showing, this week, a very large A and ! ! ae Splendid Bran GROCERIES, ATTRACTIVE STOCK Of Canadian, Scotch, and English TWEEDS, Also, a choice selection of Worsted Ooatings, Fancy Vestings, Blk Broad Oloths, |e TERMS-- Strictly Cash or Produce. Black Does, Te i PORT PERRY, April 15, 1875. All of which we shall offer at low figures. A car load of Western Corn expected soon. Summer Over Coatings, &¢. With everything else in the Dry, Goods) REMOVAL! ---- SELLING OFF | lendid NEW on rn no rcpeyy 2B - y poifii=s | 2 Eg The Subscribor has now Removed his business into that sp § = Se STORE next to the famed « Walker House" Hotel, ies £3 most happy to meet all his old customers' and friends, and show go = thom his LARGE and COMPLETE a #5 gS RE STOCK OF GOODS & EE 52 < z ; 2 IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Nails, Hinges, Glass, Oils, Paints, Turpentine, Varnish, &c. An immense Stock of Boots and Shoes, at all prices. Ladies' Beautiful Prunella Boots at 65 cents a pair--cven better 'than Jast year-- acknowledged the Cheapest which Boots ever offered. Gentlemen's Summer . Clothing in variety. order. Sold Cheap for Cash. TT C. FORMAN. ARCHIE 8. CAMPBELL & HUGH A. BLACK Having bought out the business of MR, E. WORTHINGTON, and<hav- ing purchased Stock suitable to the wants of their trade, are now prepared to offer the public a New Stock of PROVISIONS, Wines and Liquors, FIELD & GARDEN SEEDS, &C. Trusting that the patronage so liberally ex-}r . . tended to Mr. E. Worthington will be continued to us, and in return we shall to our Linén Bags, utmost, endeavor to supply parties with first class goods at the lowest possible rates. 3&5- Delivoring done to any part of this Corporation or Prince Albert, free of CAMPBELL & BLACK. where he will be great Ready-made, and made to SELLING OFF. Fine Black Lustres at fron 25¢ to The. Black Gashmere, Black French Merinos, Black BRarathea, Black Crape Cloth, Black Cobourg, Black Silk, At Geo. Ourrie's. White Shirtings, Roll'd Linings, all colors, Jeans and Wiggans, Check Ginghams, Fancy Shirtings, At Geo. Ourrie's. et Catiadian Cttous; Cemadian Cotton Bags, Canadian Cottoti Yarn, Canadian Cotton Ducks, At Geo. Currie's: 'Their Tailoring Department is under the su- perintendence of arcally FirstClassCutter,and they can safely guarantee every satisfacuion. Their Gents Furnishings Department in. cludes the latest Styles of English and Amarican Hats in Silk, Fur, Felt and Straw}; Silk and Cloth Caps, White and Col'd Shirts, Underclothing, Silk Umbrellas, Ties, Scarfs, Braces, Collars and Cuffs in paper and linen, in endless variety Just opened a varied and select Stock of Ready-made Clothing. To hand an immensc Sd attractive stock of wv Full Stock of Boots, Shoes, Groceri Crockery, &c. ! ? me Terms --Cash or Produce. CORRIGAN §& CAMPBELL. Port Perry, April 15, 1875. 14 t AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT SHOW ROOMS | Subscribers have opened Show Rooms on Perry St, North of Mr, Currie's Store, where Sample Machines of the Manufacture of the Joseph Hall Manu- facturing Company, Oshawp, will be kept for inspection. ; . . The farming community are respectfully inyited tp call and inspect our machines. ne Everything Sold at Foundry Prices. Send on your orders at once, to the : .. Brown & Patterson Manufacturing Company, Whitby. Ee " Or to R. D. ROBBINS, Porr Perry, PS. Mr. WM. JAMIESON, :@f Manchester ; Mr. ALLAN SMITH, of Columbus ; G. CROTHERS, Epso . HARPER, Port Perry, are duly authorized Agents, to whom orders may be given, \ ricel fully satisfied as to the result. All our 'chines are fully 7 , and mn wll to are satisfaction, Repairs of all ee egmtanl} on hand: " An iyimense lot of HATS and SUNS! _B. & P. M'ra Lo. Whitby, April 1, 1875. un At RIGGS? Another lot of those famous BOO' ello Hetubligumutt over Currlo's Store, {py poryy, Aprits, 1875, IMMENSE SPRING ARRIVALS Now Opening at 4. W. ROBERTS The Latest Novelties in Dress Goods! ' E. WALKER. : H.8. JOHNSON. |Every line complete, and offered very CHEAP for Salt Port Perdy, Dec. 30, 1874 Sled CASH or PRODUCE. al, 8 Black and Colored Lustres, Grenadi Cottons, Y TAILORING ony White Bross Goods, Loom, Plaster; ' ia Balmoral Crape, Silk Warp, * Table and : Se . ! Persiun Cord, Kid Gloves, other Linens, v Fox VERY tment of the Taklor Russel Cord, Cotton Gloves, Gents' Underclothingy ater Lime E KE' Xi Department' of she ering Alpacea Coating, Lisle Gloves, Utnbrellas, or " businiess; the Latest Styles and warrant. Mohair, ! Men's, Women's and Childrens' Hosiery, ob Satisfaction Driltiants, Silks, ' ' : 3 3 &o. HADES, at unheard of prices, READY MADE CLOTHING and CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER, | A. W. ROBERTS.' Néw# Prints, New Hollandi; New Table Linens; New Towels and Towélling, At GEO. CURRIE'S. a at s . : 3 (Further afrivals of New Godds will be retéived ds the {season advances; and Ai bo f sold Cheap ! Cheap { Cheap for Cash ! 4 +. Lich

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