Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 24 Jun 1875, p. 1

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110) tasingA £83 soc viol dn - wy yee ) VOL. 3 ER a pp a HENRY GRIST, Boh. Ontaii Dee "1M VisPuBtISHED AT PORT PERRY, VERY THURSDAY MORNING, » © BAIRD K Pa PARSONS. TERMS.--$1 per annum, it aid in ad- Avance ; if Dot'$1.50 will be ged. No al tion tajeen for less thanditm months; are a Tile OF ADVERTISING. For each line, first insertion . .$0 08 Subsequent insertions, per line . " . 1002 (Cards, under 6 lines, per annum 5 00 = Letters containing money, when ad- dressed to this Office, pre-paid and regester- ed, will be at our risk. Advertisments measured by Nonpareil; aad charged according to the space they ac-- cupy. - Advertisments received for publication. without specific instructons, willbe inserted pntil fordid and charged aiccodingly. No advertisment will be taken out until paid for. A liberal discount allowed to Merchants and others who advertise by tie year or half-year. FT strictly adhered to. Job Department. Phamplets, Hand Bills, Posters, Pro- mes, Bill Heads, Blank Forms, Receipt Books, Checks, ks, Circulars, Business Cards, Ball Cards, &c., of every :style and "olor, exceited promptly and at lower rates than a et establishment i in'the County. adistancé getting hand and no paper diseontifiued until all arrears | satisfaction to all who may favor me with se terms will in all cases be AND GENERAL ADVERTISER PORT PERRY, PROVINCE OF mo -- JUNE 24, 1875, WHOLE NO. 907 RRL SOLICITOR AND DRAUGHTSMAN, OTTAWA, CANADA, Transacts business with the Patent Office and other departments of the Government Copyrights and the Registration of Trade Marks and Designs procured. Drawings, Specifications, 'and other Dociments neces- eary to secure Patents of Inventien, propa on receipt of the model of the Inven Auctioneers. WwW: M. WILLCOX, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, AND TOWNSHIPS OF MARIPOSA & CARTWRIGHT, EGS to thank his many friends and the public generally, for the liberal patron- age bestowed upon him for the past five years. Having now given up | the business of] Bailiff, I intend, in future, to devote my whole time te the business of Auctioneer, Collecting, &c. It will be my endeavor, by prompt and careful attention to business, to give full has their Sales or Collecting. Bi'ls draughted and Blank Notes furnished free of charge. Also Bill Stamps always on hand. Arrangements can be made for sales &c., at the Opserver Office, and at the Standard Office, Port Perry. W. M. WILLCOX, Prince Albert, Oct. 25, 1873. Wm. Gordon, the Home Style. fords. of Cigars. commodation, and attentiye-ostiers, Stages to aud from som, call here dally. The Subscriber, since becoming proprietor, e premises thoroughly repaired and will Spars neither labor nor expense in e Revere House a comfortable rt home for travelers, and for the re- freshment of guests, The table and bar supplied with the best the market supplies, Good stables and attentive aun A. TENNY! Manchester, Aug: 5, 1874, Good accommodations, to the requirements of travelers and guests. The bar supplied with the best Liquors and Cigars. Manchester, July 15, 1874, Taking (orrace HOTEL, Port PERRY OUSHE, PORT PERRY. ENISON'S DOMINION HOTEL, At the Railway Station, PORT PERRY. Excellent 'stable and shed JAS. V. THOMPSON, - PROPRIETOR. The above House is now most comfort ably furnished, and Guests are cared for in Good Liquors and Cigars, also, first class Stabling and good Ostlers.-- Additions have been made which maker, this the largest and best House in this section of country. Fare $1.00 per Day. Every attention given to the accommoda- tion and comfort of guests. The table and bar supplied with the best the Market af Choice Liquors and the best brands ac- D. B. DENISON, Proprictor. Revere HOUSE, MANCHESTER, A. TENNYSON, Proprietor. 0St C had the i priet NION HOTEL, MANCHESTER. JAMES T. HEARD, PropRIETOR. Goed Stabling. The Revere House Is decidedly one of the best and most comfortable $ohtry Hotels in the Province and is' situated con. venient position for the he public.-- xbridge, Utica and Ep- or. Careful attention 30 GREENBANK. bil 8, hy in can have them done to take Licensed Auctioneer, Selustor. &e. R. MeRAE, PROPRIETOR. Zp™Y a a OR the Township of Brock, Uxbridge, > PARSaNS; Scott, Thora, "Rama, Mari, Maripos The above hotel has undergone a thorough si rere and' Eldon i renovation; and has been fitted up with a ) pay Partics entrusting their, Sales to me | view to the comfort and convenience of the Professional cares. - may rely on the utmost attention being given | traveling public. Suict attention paid to mg to their i the table and the bar, Comfortable stables 1 an attentive ostler. LD, © er, Physician, WM. GORDON, And : iowms wt. D. grin Sunderland, Brock, Breen, March 25,1874. Port Perry. ha ee tT i ¢ AYOE HOUSE, Offs, over Allison's Drug Store, Quecn-st. THOS. H. WALSHE. ? hone font Was, of, tho. Preshy ICENSED Auctioneer for the Township UTICA. jan C! , ARE, .Cofonor for the Lib 'Physician, Surgeon an Souckieur, Erince Albert. County of H, SANGSTER, M. D., Phiysiclan, Sur- J: geor and Accoucheur, Coronet for the (oun " PORT PER Dee over Nott's Furniture Store, corner of Qwoen nd Rerry Streeds. Office hours from 4 a. 1a. idence, th bt reo Paxtol Ontario of by Mrs. Geo, RS. MOGHIR ERK Physcinis, Burgoons, &c., &e, OMce and Residentes, King si. Oshawa, FRANCIS RAE, ¥.1 WM. M'GILL, M,D, M. F, NCBRIEN, ALI), J Tipit, Londou, Eng! Anh Q@shawa, --_---- E. MA IN, M. D. Sime AL. North thet Central Hotel, "Oshawa. FAREWELL, Shh Jos tity) Solleitor, and Notary ~auplodl by 3. H, Cochrane Whitby YMAN L. ENGLISH, LL. B. Chancery, Attorney, Conye Oshawa. Oftce--Sinicoo st rect, opposite the Past Office. olicitor in er, &c. rrister, At- Yous SMITH LLB, Huron Av "and I IneCiveneys Notary Public, &e. ' Omce--DoMillan's Block, Brock street, Whig ) MA ONNELL, Batristers A Ts at Law, Solicitors County " Coanal, Ontario. Offices : Court House, Whitby. H. J. MACDONNELL. M. C, CAMERON, Solici tor 3] Laz, and a t he ftoy Arcade, ~A. HURD, Attorney P in Chencery. Office Port . W. Maurice Cochrane, TTORNEY-AT-LAW, folicitor in Chans cery, Notary Public, ke. &e. fice hours punctually from 9am. to'6 px. Money to Loan at 8 per ¢nt, on all kinds of good security. Office, Bigelow's Royal Arcade, PORT PERRY. C. N. VARS, L. D. 8. EETH inserted. on all -the latest princi- ples of the art,and as cheap as the cheap- 'est, and.as good as the best. Tecth filled with Gold and Silver. Teeth extracted local angsth- a First SmI har: chi RR he has up his rei BoE the trent all cases entrus Ac- | of Victoria. 84 of Brock, Thorah, Mara & Rama in North Ontario; Mari 3 Reside e--Cannington, Brock. Orders left at this office, or at his residence will be punetnally attended fo. Debts col- lected in Cannington, or otherwise, and prompt remittances made. Remember-- w ALSHE, the North Onta wrio Auction- WHITBY 'STEAT{ MARBLE WORKS. | tes, Monuments, &c., Durdas £t , Whitby. | J. & R. WOLFENDEN, 7 HOLESALE and Retail dealers in vy Foreign ard American Marble Man-- AY Also, Agent for the Scottish Granite, Also Building Stone cut to order, <OHN NOTT, Agent, Port Parry. 32 Whitby, Yi 29, 1874. Goofl accommodadions. , to the requirements of travelers and guests. | The bar supplied with the best wines, liquors and cigars, Secretary J. DAFOE, PROPRIETOR. Careful atten Good stabling. TORONTO. Incorporated...........c.oo.l 1851. ice- Bresidontl «.U. Magrath, I Be JAMES PRINGLE, General of dgent. ' THE ONTARID FARMERS ---------- Mutual Insurance Company. Ore Jo Ta n M cDonald ' This Company i is now fully or; ganized an tion rr LIVERY RIGS WESTERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y Capital - $400,000. President. . . Hon. John McMurrich. 1. ard Haldan, Esq. d is ce at Port Perry, and is | | Peter! by rantes |. Port Perry, July 1st. MARBLE ONUMENTS, DEALER NEWCASTLE, ONT. Tomb: Stones of great varie scription of Marble Work, suitable for Cem- cteries, supplied at short notice, head and Aberdeen Granite, B&F Parties will find it to their advan. tage to witbhold their orders until called on J. C. WILLIAMSON, AGENT. Satisfaction guaranteed, and all work war. | d. January 10, 1872, R. RICHARDSON, Re-appointed Issuer of Marriage diicenses Licenses as' herctofore--at | Port. Perry, 1 sit Head- Also 3-yr 1874. y prepared to accept risks on Farm Buildings and their contents, country School Houses and Churches, Those wishing to insure and thereby support a Home Insurance Company have now an opportunity of doing so, either "by applying to the Head Office, or to any &f the local Agents of the Company. 'Our rates will be found as low as these of any respon- sible Mutual Insurance Company in Canada. Head Office--Opposite the Royal Hotel, Brock £t.,, Whitby L, FAIRBANKS, Jr, Secretary. MRS. L. :M. COOK, 1m HAIR DRESSER, Switches, Braids, Frizzels, Curls, and Comb-~ ings, aud Hair Jewelry Manufactured, Rooms, over Mr. Nott's Furniture Ware- rooms, corner Queen and Perry Streets. Port Perry, Nov. 18, 1874. WANTED ! T° PURCHASE, Promissory Notes, both over due and yet to become due, ac- counts, Judgments and Moatisass, Apply personal W. M. 47 HRANE, Under the New Act. ~Office, lot 10, in the | 44 Port Perry. 1st con. Brock. Brock, Aug, 5,1874, 33 MONEY ! MONEY ONEY TO LOA at 8 per 'cont interest on Real Esta ; A. HURD.. a "on ! Port Perry, March 13, 0 12 Itew Marriage Act. MONEY [Private Funds} To Loan ob good ¥arms, at 8 per cent in- 'terest. arn' ENGLISH, (ENRY CH LES having been re- 'BarmisTEE, &c., appoin! ' . License Agent-- . Oshawa, | Sieh Licwmes years' duty) continues to fur- November, a1, i. RP aa |B in his line about prices. Port Perry, May 6, 1875. ; An early call will convince all that there is THE CIRCULAR SAW| HAS JUST BEEN Sharpened and Re-set And the Subscriber is detetuiiied to CUT all kind of Goods down to a SMALL MARGIN ABOVE COST ! I am now receiving my large importation of Hardware! Which has been bought very low, and I am determined to Cut all Goods Very. Fine. Parties Building will do well to give me a call. a new Stock of BORING MACHINES, Of Superior make. Just received no deception W. TN PARRISH. mee PORT FERRY uvEss STABLES, Cc. MK 2 NZIE, Im PROPRINTOR. HE Subscriber having now fully equipped his new and extensive Livery Stables with a supply of superior Horses and C. 'arrlages, Is prepared to furnish first class On Moderate Terms. C. MCKENZIE. Port Perry, Aug. 6, 1873, fF [Rhos 1 TO THE INHABITANTS OF NORTHERN REACH" THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR Dry Goods, ! Groceries, Clothing, Boots and Shoe Hardware, l, | "J Tinware, Stationery, Patent Medicines, &ec., IS AT THE Greenbank Store. GEO. FLINT. Greenbank, July 20, 1873. pe WHITBY & PORT PERRY, EXTEN- STON RAILWA TIME aE No. 11. Takes effect on Monday, 12th April, 1875. Trains Going Nortn. WIAKEN TO ANI FROM TPR. mu sit "A504 STADE, lip 130 gos wl fonts or Ja. "prepared, to convey |, and penn ™ prs tou ot Hi J: gion Court. Office in Blaeions Blodk; Perry, TOWNSHSP OLERE, BT By opens lvwod Narrfieg 2084 eh &e. " ffctWanchester. * pashbiEeeT hi e Third Diet] [Ew 3010 1S a iin Be sae _ DEALER JN E * 4,20 ester a ' . * epiatio x orarica 5 {rps amma ; en : 0 ax, : Ea -- Daily: Line to Rochester | Central and Frie Rai i always for SA a| #98b Wess and South. 2 hy leave. wheniie sieraly at hn: at 9p. im. ie the o Shorten. and qu uickest Jue to Sh aiioad fron om Charlotte, oe Danlers in Stock, '&o., will find tate ned it and, ton ex] d}tious youte to Bos- | P| bany, New Yor. ror further a yto R. OF ope; or 0. F. Gilqe; N ' fr CA gn, ' MONEY T0 LOAN | MORTCACES WANTED. 14 plan Subscribe I Farms, Villag ve ce Varas sums of mon- hands 51 investment on ze Properties, and MAUDS "REVENGE. You see, he said, ¢ this may be our last afternoon together.' Hearing this, she looked up into his face with her beautiful blue eyes. ¢ What do you mean ?' she said. 'I'm going away,' he answered, 'and you know how it is in this world. 'People just meet as they do in a stage coach, like each other, part, and go by different ways to different places: Propably we shall never meet again.' She made no answer. Something that did not seem to be her heart, it was 50 cold and heavy, beat against '| her breast and choked her. The man had been making love to her for three months, an ae in the life of a girl ot sixteen. She had every rea- aon to believe that he desired her for bis wife. Jo had taught her to love him, and now he was cooly making his adieu; but what could she do? Nothing but stifle evry appearance of emotion, and bear thé blow in silence as best she might. In love woman has no rights that can be as- serted. We all know that well J enough. She may have her own purse perhaps some day her right to vote; but in those matters that touch her most deeply, she is, by the law of custom, the veriest slave. "And so,' said he, 'I thought we might see our pretty river bank once again,' And she got bac Lon voice. "YT hope it is not so damp as it was yesterday,' she said. «Thanks; I'll not take your arm: J must lift my dress and hold my prasa), you know.' 'She don't mind it so weed as I thought she would,' he said to him- ities in' this and adjoining Counties | self. at the lowest gurrent rates of interest. As we ' 1 have funds on Rand at all times Borrowers | If I wore only dead,' she muttered candep nd on g thelr money with tae r ieast possible delay, inwardly. WANTED TO PURGHASE, Any number of So ages for which the h est figures will be nl Id KE: hie Wearcalso appraisers for the Canada Pe; mane - uilding up Capital $l, Fl, 0 infrom 2 to" 20 ye Lands Bought and Sold. good farins for sale, Agents for Tostalmentgire-payable J Cu | ness tran: Z®~ DEBENTURES BOUGHT.~%% JUHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, General Agents, Office in Mr, Ross' Ontario Buildings, Yort Perry. Port Perry, Oct. 11, 1 MONEY T0 LEAD! The undersigne Ann has any amount of Money to lend upon Farm and Town Propel ty, at Unusually Low Rates of Interest! Loans can be repaid in any manner to suit er. the borro Also several Improved Farms, and Wild | Lands for sale, cheap. Investments m ade in Municipal Deben- tures, Pank and o!her marketable Stocks. Apply to JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee, Broker, &c. Ozp1cE--Over the Dominion Bank, McMil- lan's Block, Brock st., Whitby. Whitby, Apel 10, 1973 1873, BAKERY! tonteot] ioneryv. IT Bakery and Confectionery business "in all their branches carried on in my Port Perry and Prince Albert estdblishments, | Plain and Fancy Breads of Every variety, , Orders filled with the shortest notice. Bridal and other Cakes made to order. Socials on] mode! terms, CONFECTIONS 1 in every variety and of the best quality, Children's Ros in in abundance, CALL AT MY BAKERY Port, Perxy or Prince Albert. CHAS, HISGOCKS. Port Perry, March 10, 1875. ., og elif odT * GONTRAGTD a Jupen, LATING, i Sn pate PLAS in all B: in tho host Having secured "a ie > a oove- 2 party to manage and conduct bevy in fare, devote my Whole nl ' bustneds as oY to my Mies AL SHE 4 T- Society, the cheapest and Mone! tary "Institution in Canada. Paid veral first class' Fire In- whe and a general ageney busi- Es otber entertainments supplied acknowledged le. She ie fer "power an gh 'A a MP sh me ir o Wwodlt *hinib! wibled bdr; 56 SKE Favh Aud then they took their walk, and chatted, and he escorted ber to her cottage door, howd to the old aunt at the window, shook hands and hastened away. Paul Redlaw had gone out of Maud Herman's life. Well for her it would have been had he gone out of her heart ; also but she had loved him so much,--trusted him so well ; the blow was more than she could bear. The next day she wasvery ill, and for a long time she lingered at death's door. Bat youth is power-- ful. with her recovery great good for- tune fell upon her. Some far-off relative, dying, made her his heiress, and the poor young creature, who had much ado to find herself in simple muslins and neat delaines, was now able to wearroyal velvet and diamonds if she chosa. Her health was still delicate and travel was recommended. The old aunt was sufficient protection and the the two crossed the channel, lingering long on the continent, and returned, after a five years' absence, to establish themselves ih London, where a circle of fashionable friends soon sprang up about them. Money makes a mighty difference in people's lives. Probably Maud would never have known she was beautiful if she had remained poor ; but she knew it now. The lips of flatterers told her of her charms.-- Lovers were at her feet,--she could marry whom she would, but she had no heart to give any one. Lovedied within her heart in thay long illness haunted by visions of Paul Redlaw. Her face had only changed for the better ; her manner was more charm. ing tan it bad ever been, but withip ber soul shie elt a strange and ter- "| rible change, She who had loved | derness left. All those soft "tender feelitrgs perished, 'the man she had loved she positively hatederhinking {of him ber soul was lashed intoa fury and she longed ipassionatly for re- venge. is Bowes in serowded partons music filled the tain; 'ab R0EANG; 0fisoviety They - had .meb :.Qncoy; mare: - A strange thrill swept. through her 15, frame dor a moment--sheremomber- ed, her old fogling for, him; be. w gore. sho knew ho w achelor StI eg oir wi Tooed Sy fade 'atid sald +=" - An dtiw saaaied ob (87 FP 1(4s at age bine 'We met. Do PVeld:| you remember the garddh' find tire ver'bank; and all the pretty places; how did you know me ?' The girl grew well again, and | {so fondly and tendérly had no ten- 'Ig it possible~--Miss Herman? .4 49 | was singing. Misadiouman. turned fintg ity: nr 'head. and.saw Bemk-Redlaw,-~ d i rt crosed the threshold, of 'One expects a beautiful bud to become a beautiful rose,' he answer- ed. He took her down to-a per that night and saw her to Ler arriage, and called in a day or two, as she had asked him to do. Lr The man who bad }so cooly set aside the tenderness of that fresh young heart that loved him so, pined for it now as a weary trav- eller pines for the cool spring and the shadowed resting place. - Yet she bad not given him that "yes" that meunt she loved him. He put by his doubts and looked forward longingly for the weeding day. And Maud, what was in het heart? Why did she laugh to her- self when she was alone? Why did she recall over and over again the cruel parting at the cottage door ?-- Remembering that then she' was poor and now she wus rich? Were these memories to carry to the altar? The day was set. The church at an early hour was carmmed from one end to the other. It took two clergymen to manage the affair. They were there. What a bustle-- what a crush! And now tney are coming! No; only the bridegroom and his party--not the bride vot. She must be here in a few moments, The Indies grew more restless. Ten minutes passed--twenty -- thirty. "The hair dresser," said one. "That's the delay." "No, the gloves. They are always tight," whispered another. An hour, There must have béen an accident. She must bedead or at least dying, otherwise she would come. People are on their feet now. They look at the door. Some one is coming. It is only a footman, bat | hs wears Miss Herman's livery. Ho advances to the bridegroom und hands him a little note. He tears it open, This is what he reads, as the eyes of the great throng turned upon him: "Poor fool! do you forget that thére is no demon like a woman scorned 7 When you jilted me long ago you turned my love to hate. When you courted me again because I whs an heiress you made me burn | for revenge. ILknow you love we now, and I know you are a proud man. Tam sure you will suffer very much, for I shull not meet you at | the church, or ever again I hope. 1 leave te-lay for the Continent." Maud bad written this sitting in her room, in the bride's dress she had allowed Ler maid todress her i = that there might ba no suspicion of be plot, and she had called ber foot: | man and sent him to the church with this note in its whiteenvelops. And now revenge was satisfied ; she had punished Lim; she was triumphant ; | she had avenged the wrong done to | the other self who loved him so. She stood 2t the window looking down the street, 'watching the foot- man as he passed away, when sud denly a dusty tramp, a kerchief on ber head, stepped out into the mid- Ie of tho street, and began to sing an old tune Maud knew well, an old love song that she had never heard before : " 1 strove to tear thee from my heart, The effort was in vain ; The spell was ever on my life, And ¥ am here again Oh ! I have ranged in countries strange, And vowed no more to meet, But power was in thy parting glance, To bring me to thy feet. 'We cannot go against Love's will 'When he has bound us fast ; Forgive the thought that did the wrong, And be my own at last, Maude listened; the tears stood in her e RA Suddenly by beart oft hed. What years had not done this song had 2886 piiehed in'a fow moments, She Wasa girl 'agafn.-- She loved Paul Redlaw once' more. All this fiendisd, longing for revenge was gone. Yes, she loved, him.-- she would bé his wife, She could overtake the "messénger yet. Hor peariage' stood "at "thé door. She rushed down thie stirs ahd burried wdcanT bal wo 50 <3 AT Toru he apr. [ ° Thuis, bo has 30s ot have back. 'Zhe voashman Hin he| drove, her as bride was' never [driven yet. But tho footman's feet the Thurch cro they had neared it, I" "She Stepped frof ths cayinge us a £ | witness. S---- m----r-- 'Let me pass, let me pass,' she pleaded. 'What is it--what has hap- pened ? Then some one said, "the bride," and they all looked that way; but instead of making room they tried to bar her advance and then some- how the clergyman had made his way to her and took her by thearm, aod the voice of an hysterical wom- an rent the air. "The doetor says he isdead." Maud knew no more. .' . There is an old, half-crazed woman wandering from place to*plage with a maid and a courier. They call her old Miss Herman, and tell how the bridegroom died in church 'on his wedding-morning, but they do not know all. Mo one uever guessed the contents of the little note that was swept away next day when tho church was swept, or guessed oy Paul Rediaw died. tei Ottawa Unanimous. Some of the would-be knowing ones in the city of Ottawa, suppos- ing they had a sure thing it got ths Council to submit a by-law to the vote of the citizens fora grant of $100,000 to the Canada Central to gecure an extension of that line.-- The vote was taken last week when there were in all 1081 votes polled, and ten voted againt the by-law for every one that voted for it. At the close of the polls the vote stood, for the by-law 98; against it 983, or a mujority of 885 against it, 'or an almost unanimous No ! A correspondent ot a Western paper Laving described the Qbio - as a 'sickly stream,' tiie editor append. ed the remark : 'That's so--it is con- fined to its bed.' Graham bread is said to bo excel- {lent food for children on account of its superior bone giving qualities.-- You can feed a child on that bread until Le is all bones. An Indiana paper complains that the young men ot South bend are tust and disugreeably wicked. They should take a different bend in life. A'boy who is not strong enough to spade up a small oaion bed be. tween now and the fourth of July, will dig over a ten acre lot before Lreaktust looking for beit. * Time softens all things,' except young mun whe parts kis hair in the midule, and whistles on the street cars. Nothing 4 can my ake Lim softer than be is, The Rochester Democrat says that Mille. Piuster, u young Freuch act- ress, is coming over Lext season.-- We presume all young fellows will be inclined to court plasger. A lady who gazed « approvingly at the the nearly tivished dome on the new court house remarked to a friend : Won't it be splendid, when | they get a new Justice of the Peace up there?" During a trtal the Judge called a No one answered, an elderly man arose and solemuly said 'He's gone! ¢ Where hus he gone?' asked the Judge in r.o tender tone.-- 'Tdon't know; but he is doad,' fwas the gaurded answer. Holmes remarks on the wonderful provisions of nature. Ile suys there isnot even left a narrow crevice under a flat rock without a thin black bug prepared by Providence to fill it. It isthe same way when vacances occur in official positions. A physician in a country town in Ma sachusoatts, who bad been annoy- ed by numerous questions concern- ing the condition of a patient, was stopped while on his buisy rounds by aman with the old question, ¢ How's M----2" Sick,' replied: thé physican. Does ho keep his bed ?" + Of course he does you don't mp pe he's fool unough to sell his bed cause he's sick, do you?" We, the, undersigned, clergymen of the Methodist Church in Nova, Scotia, baving used the preparation known as. Fellows Compound Syrup of HyPophisphites, pre- pared by Mr, James I. Pellows, Clisdiist, St. John, N. B,, or having known, ¢ wherein its effeets wits beneficial, believe it to be a reliable remedy for the diseases for which it is egommepigh. - BETA James G embigar, Br prs Joli' MeMama$, Ex-Pres. ea A Moshi®, mn ire i Yi w. ke Stephen' F, - Huestis; Degriak |e; ee. Jost, Bowland Beocher . roi oat with a little PEA ed oops stonmoly Bu Sia hes, ERE Ti iE Ahgjdccomplish. who mukes a sm hy quad tbat pooh ahd thin) To bride has seldom te FPR nut iend od; he bad fogstes: Goss Mh ions:® ; He Sik ie es ¥ te engine pidtactad, mentakand! Front Wwpoty te ie pi

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