a nan from Don Tes. | g bell Ir low oa to des had been inf cue ot cthr. They oHires Ol os | osama oe the prose murat paying it back. Tn the matter of itor, The returns for 1874 amounted to Isfshof aw Jog oF 3s Shorsto sng Shit Tar Jar Port Rery, e awmoul r bridge as expected, dM dl re 2 1 i Ancor stack of why 3 | thereby, and is liable at any time to serioas| Ar Ewers piv do il Reach a fuditur tira. off 3000 Sd CO injury if it is used for that purpose, Your | certain amount of money more than she the County must bave say | committee recommend 'that the caretaker, | should get she was very thankful for It but | It is recommended that the sheriffin | Joseph Reader, Eaq., be instructed to prohibit Sho ubiy Vay io Soe tht 1 vim 6 00 is 'making out his mileage account for servi any person or persons from fastening any raft | b; ning any money arising to Reach or i$ thie name of the person served | or scow or uything whatever by whish said] f m hér non-resident Inpdp. © (5 eit [oh = dd with the date of each ser- | bridge may be injured, and to prosestt® &y | 31'S; John says that Reach would scom service, The committee find that in all party who may not comply with the regula. anything like epudiation she is willing to 'cases where the county printing is let by | tion. " pay all owen but he sees no way of tender the Government gives control' of the | The report of the Narrows Bridge shows collecting this from the fate payers--the law ; and the ittee | She cost to this county for the present year to! provides how such moneys should be reccommend that t he Lists of conyio- | be $24.68. - ed, viz : off the arising from Jd . , tions be published by tender. Your com- The third clause sets forth that the grant residentlands but it authoriges no mittee would d that a i made to the bridge over the Severn, near | way. : : of three be appointed confer with the | Cameron's mills was too small and recom-| Aftera somewhat lengtliened discussion t uf the whole question of mends an additional grant of $80. the clause was ado] Council then adjourned till the following day. 3 THURSDAY MORNING. The Warden took the chair, previous meeting read and approv al Sram oh ting some ofits members to tum wnnual dril and believes that if the men bad 1little more encouragement in way of pay it would have a beneficial effect ; other counties supplemented the pay of their volunteers and it had had a most satisfactory effect in encouraging the men to turnout. A communication from A. Gordon, M.P. asking the council to grant to Miss McPher- son $100 in part damage sustaived in the _ burning of ¢ the home" Mr. Gordon sop; ed that the calls of business preve Minutes of communicatio! From Lieut. Col. Wallace represent ing that the 34th bat. bas difficulty in get. out for | county On motion $80 was struck off and $50 in- sorted. ; The committee had had before them the The Chairman stated that he and others had in the bridge and find itin a very bad state--not safe for travel, they consider that it IL ru size $1000 to construct a pro- per bridge they recommend that the of Ontario grant $300 for the purpose the county of York paying the other half. M+ Shist says if appears to him that the amount ia far in excess of the amount required, thinks a good bridge could be built for half the amount, Mr Brethour has not one word to offer in objection to the work being gone on with, grant, he considers that the work may be done for much less money than that recom-~ m from appearing before the council and urging the importance of the grant. A communication was read the press to visit the Oshawa Mannfact lishments. © Onmotion of Mr Guy the council signifi their acceptance of Mr Glen's kind invitatio and resolved to goin the afternoon, On motion the council adjourned till 10 a m to-morrow. FRIDAY MORNING. The Wardgn took the chairat11, a. m.-- Minutes of previous meeting read and -ap- Mr Rowland moved that the Warden be instructed to take the necessary steps to col. lect forthwith from the late treasurer, Mr. Paxton, or bis sureties the amount of Mr. Paxtoa's County. The mover said that his motive in moving 'this motion was to urge the «aollection of this indebtedness with - the least possible delay as well as for gain. ing some information as to what had already been done in the matter, Mr. Brown read the motion of the January Session impoweiing & Committee to prose- cute the case, and he did not see any good in appointing two parties with exactly the same dutics, the one motion appears to clash with _the other and is, unless the Committee is dis- missed, out of order The Clerk stated that althongh Solicil from FW, Glen, Esq, inviting the Co. Council and defalcations -- $11027--to this D1 McGill in opposed 40 Tecoi- hii le on net, $1,000 while at the same time are not in pos- session of any data to them as to the prohable expenditure. Mr St John ssid 4s & member of that com- mittee he had weighed the matter carefully and had come to the conclusion that it would $1000 to build a proper bridge-- the haullhg of the dirt alone he considered wolild kost 25c. per rod, The Warden said he had been and seenthe bridge, it is 1n a very bad condition, a new bridge is necessary and thinks the money S0Rkt fw mok much to build a good ge. bi Mr Shier says though a member of the committee he is opposed to so large a grant as he beli it is too h--thinks that $600 is quite sufficient for the whole work. Mr Brethour says while he admitted the necessity sor a new lridge he would oppose the large appropriation sought, five or at most six hundred dollars is sufficient to make a good bridge. / Mr Ewers said as a monfberof the com- and he believed that'it would require $1000 to build a sufficient bridge, but as the 'clause was worded the expenditure was not ex- ceed $509 and if all that was not required it would not be expe Mr Feashy said he wonld move Mr Breth- our get the job at $500. Mr Breth for the County, for some reason or other the prosecution of this case had mot been en- trusted to him, but by the advice of the 'Warden he was observing that the necessary steps were being taken without any unne- cessary delay, aad he can assure the Council that every thing is bing done and all par- ties concerned who car be. got have already been ed--the Reeve of Port Perry is 'aware that such isthe fact. Gillespie said that the prosecution of TF phon i by the Council placed in met this ai imperti- nence with a pretty sharp rebuke. Mr Gillespie said that under the circum. stances he would much prefer if the bridge could be repaired so as to carry it through another year, to have the matter of build but he cannot see the necessity for eo large a | j, The third section approves of the method of audit of the accounts af criminal justice and advises & continuance of the appoints ment, . Mr Gordon's application for a grant of $100 to Mis MsDlicrion Wik Lok secaiaenited..- . Wallace's application Py the vol was fof d waite with the volunteers the rej sympathizing set forth thet it was the duty of the govern ment fo pay the volunteers an equi it for their services. : The expessed much satisfaction the way in which the Treasurer keeps his ac- te and in complisnce with the suggesti of the auditors would recommend an increase of salary to said Treasurer, This created quite a dicussion in which almost every member took part and resulted n. 'On motion the committee avoseand roport- ad the report as amended, . Report received and adopted, -- Cartwright Council. . 'The above Council met as a Court of Re- vision on Monday, 7th inst. Members all present, the Reeve in the chair, but as it happened that there was no appeal made the poetry was taken out of the whole thing, The Council went on, however, and care- fully examined the Assessment roll after which it was moved by Mr that the assesament rol a8 now rovised confirmed and the Clerk eertify to the same as the law { directs. On motion of Mr Hyland the court adjour- ned sine die. The Reeve now organized the Council. The minutes of the past meeting were read and approved, John Whitfield had two sheep worried by dogs one of which he valued at $11. Clip~ ped 11 pounds of wool from the dead. sheep. The wool was valued at 20c per Ib and de- ducted and an order granted for two thirds.af} the balance. Mr Moothead had two gheqp killed dy dogs.and a lamb entirely lost. Values the Am wo sheep at $6 each. Gets 10 Ibk wool off the two at 20 cts per Ib. An onller was granted for $6.66. Mr Jas McLaughlin complained of havi; had six sheep destroyed by dogs and rests the] damage at $30. Camp! dmitted that his sheep were not in ap inclosure wheng they were killed. They had beenin an in- closure and had either strayed or been driven | ost. 4 On motion of Mr. Taylor, Mr Hylands was into: 0 : | By py deferred for another year; the very large amount required for the purposes of the county for the present year was admoriish-the Conneilito practice the utmost Feconomy. Ur Bigolow would recommend that $250 be granted » th dq + the hauds of the Reeve of Whitby, the Reeve | Mr B: moved, in of Oshawa anid himself, and they had eo far | the clause be not adopted but that $500 be done all that was possible in matter. -- struck out and $300 irserted . --Carried, Nr. W. H. Billings had becn engaged as| Tbe i d that the town. Counsel. ships of Thorah and Eildon open their own . Bickell said he was pleased that the Ti Poker: 038 bad been put, ns wns anxious| By-law 370 of the ship of P 'that it should be pressed, this world be a test as to whether the Committee hud the confidence of the Council er not, if the Cor. mittee hud not the confidence of the Council it is time they were removed. He would $ike some explanation from the Clerk as to his reference to the Reeve of Port Perry. The Clerk replied that the Reeve of Port Perry knew that the sureties had been served Mr. Bigelow said that all be knew about it was that the parties had been served; he certainly though that if any thing is to be .done no further delay ought to be made, otherwise the defendant will apply to have the case set aside, Paxton is mot going to let the matter hang from July to eternity. -- Tt is the duty of the Committee to asscrtain first whether the County held any sureties for Mr. Paxton, late Treasurer, and if not what is the good of going on and wasting money if the sureties cafinot be held. In bis Mr Bigelow's own business if be has a diffi- fore going to law over it, he first ascertams + whether there is reasonable hope for success, if there. is he goes ahead and if not he does not wast on'it ; the Cc ought 10 state to this Council how matters stand. where they rest there expectations for suc- snd the Council would then know whether further procecdings should be taken. Mr. Bickell said as one of 'the Con. mittee, .he had no intention to put the Reeve of "Port Perry in possession of the information the Committee had on this subject. It is all very well for parties who wonld cover over or screen the system of public robbery to which this Council has been Ailjecte for years , to seek to prevent farther investi- Jo pt the Reeve of Port Perry wiil perhaps find that the C ittee hasa little ~rore information than would be wise to give at this time. They belicve that they can «establish the fact that the proper Bond did for of Port Perry or any other member of this Council to complain the necessary-information as to the line of proof enlty with a bond er similar document be- county. to | the further Pp the premises as to the fence and report 'to th council at its next session, till which tim d of the coi was deferred. id Rr. W. #clanghlin had one sheep killed and sets the rat $5 arder was granted for Froey 4 Mr. Crozier complains -of having had 8, sheep killed by dogs and sets the damage at $6 each, He saved 6 Ibs of wool. $3.20 is ordered to be paid. ! The account of Mr. John Grabam of $i for window shutters on town hall, i inting was ordered to be was ordered to be 4 On motion the committee atose and re- the report as amendeil. + Report received and adopted. Mr Gould, Chairman ef the Committee on printing, brought in their report. The council went into committee of the whole, Mr Guy in the chair. The first clause set forth that tenders for the county, printing had been received from the, Gazette, $250 ; a tendernot signed, $219 ; Chronicle, $195 ;- Opsgrver, $185; Reformer $169, and. that the tender. had been given to the latter. The following amounts 'were ordered to be paid--Standard, $25.40 ; Ossxnven, $20.14 ; Vindicator, $117.10 ; Journal, $15.60. On motion the committee arose and re- ported the report without amendment, The report was received and adopted. Mr Feasby, Chairman of committee oun andJait b h in their report. M'he Council went into Cemhiise of the whole Mr Holman fin the cl r, The first clause set out: in theusnal .ster- eotype fashion, i the of "Mr. Smith complained of the insecurity of a portion of the road in his beat. The Council advised him to emplpy his road - work. in making the necessary repairs. Mr. Parr presented the petition of W. L. Mason and 8 others, praying for a grant on the 9th con. opposite lots 20 and 31. On motion, the matter was submitted to the Recve as commissioner .by a .& appointment, Mr T L Mason complained of having sheep worth 88 killed by dogs. On motion an order was granted for two thirds of the amount, On motion. of Mr. Parr, Mr Taylor was in- Lstuucted to order. four road scrapers for the corperatien. Mr T Whitfield applied for a grant to ,ze- pair the crossway in the line between the 3rd and 4th concessions opposite lot 17. On motion of Mr Parr a grant of $20 was made and Teas. Whitefield appointed, a com-- missioner to expend the same. Aun order was granted. for. $4 to ene Mrs Scoleg, an, indigent party. ; Mr Eddiller complained of the bridge on the Jail and Court. House. The second clause ordered the payment of certain items of account. Between Jan'y 1stand May 31st of the present year the number of prisoners who had been in prison for a longer or sherter period was 137 males and 9 females--5 of the females were insane--and on the 31st of May there were 16 remaining in Jail. The aggregate number otdays in which prisoners bad been in Jail during the past 5 months was 1985 abe cont of-5208.42 or 10} cents each per day's victuals. 2 The report set forth that the Registry office is drawing to completion and that the a made will be sufficient to - pleteit. EN the line the 7th and 8th cons. Laid over till next meeting. On motion of Mr Parr the Reeve and .D. Reeve were appointed a committee to get a stone foundation put under the town hall and to-have done whatever other repairs are necessary. On metion the Council adjourned till the first Mouday in A: 3 Spelling Match. Another highly interesting Spelling Match, off at aVill , Cari ant Nu a committee with Mr.\Morris as Chaisman ing and T ifthe i i E b ¢ ling. us are marshal nw; Rls their skillawith a vim #1 | Here we have the clanging ham | ment contains an | second prise was divided between the' two young ladies, . fodrolnid od do hes competitors. 3 . Thus closed the proceedings of an evening gio thn ndimey ntaen aud ¢ fpcuro a larg f the attentialiof this ef lishfiiént dnd from th& almost unis ited number of Ch n one u vi 8 i astening to rs oho ges terdlly IF the higher Touma v on a ano 0) was Joss bs ple By to. pi all the Dominion if not the continent ers. On Poot we Tenrnedithat they Foot Fntario Ghsrbn ure twenty-five hundred of them 'this year. One peculiar and highly important feature in the con- baving kindly favited the County Council, the press apd 8 fow other friends to visit the Joseph Hall Port | Works and other of the Manufactar ing establishments of Qabaws, the invitation 'was aceepted sith plogs- ure and Thursday afternoon the sims set. At1:30 p.m. the ¢ ar rived from Oshawa, when tho fem- bers of Council, several of the Coun- ty officers and representatives of the pread sek of for hat town, making te of # spread $s th Soil meng) "Ton dete ron | Whitby to Oshawa is a tal one, especially at this the yéar when neturé wears her richest garb and presents her gayest attrac. tions. } Arrived ip Gohawe ~ the Biruiog. ham of Candda--the healthful, uni- varea] bisa of busy tife in this human beehive of activity and industry a peared to communicate its invigor- ating influences to the whole party and , rv propare them for: Be. ciating the manifestations of activity ingenuity and enterprise which they were about to witness, At the Jos-- ent of the Champion Reaper and Mower oon sug > Even after a somewhat grotracted visit and careful inspection, there is 80 much to he saen--and we mayadd hewrd--that anything like a descrip "| tion of the operations is altoguther | out of the gues tion. Here you are in the mmidst.af an intelli hive.of the busiest of all .haees where the clang ofthe hammer, the hum of the forest of lying belts, the bir.af innu- merable wheels of every shape doing duty in ewery possible way, the scraping of an endless variety of] lathes moving with every variety of . aud executing their aevemel el with a p ion beyond the possibility of error, Wo talk of the ious metals, gold, silver, platina, v whoever es through this magnificent establishment without coining to the conélusion that iron is the most important of all the met- als must have spent his time to little Fie, Here the rough, unsight- y bar figs is thrown into the huge smelting furnace angio a shart time it pours forth ia a Naming Hi quid stream, ready to take such form as the moulder pleases--eome useful implement or part of a machine de- signed for some important purpose. In the foundry department all is ac- tivity ; the hosts ofintelligent look- i arian inregu'ar erdgr and all gaes smoothly on, each in some degrae contributing to bring out the metalic forms designed.-- The sights in this department are grand--proclaiming, as they do, the power and ingenuity of man in con- verting one of nature's most unsight- ly products into the most essential implements of civilized life. When theGreecian sage warned the wealthy Croesus 1hat the nation which pos- sessed the most iron would soon be owner of all his gold he. ht on. ly of the formation. ofwalike jmple- 'ments;; bad his, veflections been "gl- lowed to nenge down tp these times when thismetal is made to fll its grandest design, whan Jiterglly -the sword is being beat into the most valuable impl ts of husbandry, with how much more admiration would he have regarded this king of | metals. : We next directed ourcourse to the eph Hall works the WAS Te- ceived by the President of ¢he Com coo , and My. Lee, the Superintend- forging shop and here ju opexy di} snd work well. Having carefully examined the several processes by hie), these Hagen ave vanced stage if stage from eo n bar and mmsigh ig iron up to the comploth nl dx ed bet acting almost like 8 thing of life, we pasa on to the square outside tho uilding 'when several Champions single and combined were brought out and horses being attached the several machines were put throsgh a pretty severe drill. ; Fhe mer bers ofthe County Council Jing composed chiefly of our more intel igen-agriculturiste had now an excellent opportuni ng ac curately iH the bg : ee machines and all expressed their un- qualified 4 ppointion of the several With this closed the visig to the J h Hall Works, all went away highly satisfied with what they had ond g in the highest J --_-- with Champion Mowers and Reap- | the others must of necessity be good and 5 30 Ohampio Mowets and. Reapers. i 3 Sxl ve Cup om nis) were the! rs back to. Band discoursed charm bade'their ¥isil night in thi vey by. The music and the crow ors a hearty rousing cheers. e-- County Town. A We are pleased to see that our county town is still moving in the right tion though 'by nom 80 "a8 wé would like to see it, but while the progress has nothin, struction of these machines ..is that |of the rush ofa torrent-about. it, it is. not ONLY ONB DOLLAR A BAR| 'he: frame is made entirely of dufsd sow, os, Cie Mv wines Seri Do -- Ba form dpe br fore cbr | direction it Sqwa ifit ows st all. he vast . mp, Efiton, | rym Be n hotel dation is an inca mn A TR Wo we oh og er | rts porn tnt i =the old 4 an ture eir cons tion' is | Commerciak has - 80 Amg- PORT PERRY, JUNK 10, 1875. | that thoy aso all mado sxactly alice proved tat the consdér thi a 'mew name is necessary and they have named A Visit to Osbaws. boing all fitted on the samo mode] | Th HOVE AM : LL - . |so that they must be exactly alike. | "me Albion Hotel hae been so altered and - F. W. Glen, Rig; Peesiient of the | Hence in material thoy are preisely | improved that it might almost 'be regarded Joseph Hall v pliny Shtlne'and ideation Ia 'vio 26 thi} Jay sels Do ot thy hi one being good and working we ) i v to be found anywhere, The halls and pass- ages have been 50 changed as to render them more convenient and the rooms more com. re enioot catio soper rom its con' § . accommodation and its obliging and at. 'tentivo host--Mr E Armstrong--cannot fail in becoming a general favorite thioughout the QOupty. The Sa cent building lately erected theOddfe]lows is 8 opedit to their liberality and il "» t to the Mit ee He There few towns'in the Antly situated as the town rrm---- We take no Néte of Time. Ina village like Port Perry where the jur- ry and bustle of business so steals our time that we are apt to miscalculate and crowd the work of one hour into another, would it not be advisable for the convenience of all thata town clock was which would strike Province so pleas. of Whitby: nd their mo the hours and thus admonish all not only of je {nate active superrintendentof | the flight of time bk of the Juporiancs vob © Champion department took the|P nd ' p-| chief part in exhibiting them at red og pi I hn work and app d to take pl © | down like dummy through its in testing the eat strength of the'leather pect i oa the Rosgora b ' ey i i a e e i they axe compos- lacks Op dor & ef And gy thousand dollars will Plade & suitable One A four dial cluck and bell'in-the tower. Ene -- An Important Addition. Our readers will be to leary that a new Har Fatabli ent is being open. terms in praise of the Champ Within these svalls are suployel some four hundred of nature's noble- men, the intelligent sons of indws-] "The panty now proceeded - 40 dhe Cabinet Factory but want of space prevents us proceeding further at this time, Whos the ehief works and faetor- ies bail been visited, Mr Glen, our generons entertainer, treated the company 10 a lunch in the Lockhart House. The lunch though gotup on short notice, was bighly .credit- able to the enterprise and gaod taste of Mine host. Scott and his lady whose activity and specess in pro-]| viding tor the convenionce:and.com-, to themselves and -an honar to the town. Everything .was gotup in eapital taste. The Reeve of Oshawa occupied the chair, the Warden of the County on his right; the Pres. of the Joseph Hall Mannufacturin Co'y occupied the Vice chair wit Mr Colthard on his right. Nearly all the :membars of tho Connty Council were presant.while the press of the couiity was largely represonted.-- One bat seldom takes part in so agreeable an entertainment, and if the boisterous and meaningless pbrase, 'hip! hip! hurrah! was conspicuous only by its entire ab- sence the entertainment did not suff- &r on that account. 'The chairman iu rising to pro- the first toast made a brief but | pointed address on the great valuo to the farmer and importance "to "the country of a supply of agricultural ymplements of the right sort. His allusion to the .excellence of the manufactures of the town of Oshawa was well put and we'l received. Xe clored his remarks by proposing in complimentary terms the health of Geo. Smith, Exq., the Warden of the county. fhe Warden mado a neat reply Land, closed by proposing the health of the President of the Joseph Hall Manufacturing Co'y, speaking in the highest praise of the Snopes: enter-- prise and public spirit of that gen- tleman. Mr Glea closed his 1 ro- ping the health of the 7% il rection the, nuble sams of valogn were obs ets portabt. While the Sly how hd fA J Se whic ' all inl 4 theso form the ments of peace and prosper varying in wei from one to di ty 'hammer in t smith to the of nderous trip thund es. This. de ntering the Finish; ; the divarnficd and composted machines tell in thrilling ton the al moss unlimitable _inver | 3 Gillaanis, Fag. was the fre {] nd | al vas vas rm our and |! Mr Bickell to reply: i o lied dwelling on Mr-Bigkell rep " ng 2 'The Pross was poxt given and res- Po ion Jwas next The Medial gira and . MoGill. esirs, Campbell and Tee res The manufacture of the Cham- He be speakers all in terms of Te of what t, com fol folks of Oshawa on their enterpris and thrift and expressed their bigh- pion Mowers and Reapers Appears, est satisfaction and confidence in the fort of their . guests 'are creditable || with the name of' The Dr. made a befitting reply, { The health®f the ladies was neatly | a pro | the; seen during | plimonted the good. ed in Port Perry. ¥r J B Laing, sn experi has oo; the premises lately occupied Mr. Forman aud is getting in an i. stock of heavy and shelf Hardware, in fact every- Ships {n the HAnjware lin of the TOY best iption. He offers superior inducements bya Tools, Builders' Hardware of all kinds apd Fa by rneisd He sup- plies. , Olls,--in daat everything to be ina First-class Hardwpze Establish- ment. (See his ad! Ses ett ee New Advertisement. Brown & Ross' New Advertisement will be found in this issue, The special attention of the ladies is called to matters: specially interesting to them. (See adv.) Bring slong your Wool. Seed advo at in thi fisspe. They inky the Jo son ielgd and qffer the highest price for it. (Sec adv.) J a Ghange of Base pf Operations Our readers will find Mr. Forman"s New, Advertisement in another column ip $his, issue. He has moved into his pay premises, got a splendid new stock gf .goods amguged and is now prepared with Jargely increased facilities to attepd tp.all who give him a call. (Roadihis Advertisement. ER : Prepare for the Grand Hx . uum BS +4sions, appear to bp that interest mani- | fested ju the proceedings which was fwon't to characterize our June ses- the ussessment yolls of 'the munici- tra8tion of the June session, and nb other part of the business of our Co. Council, in fact all the year's busin- ess of the -countil/tuften' together was tame and insipid when compar- od with the life and energy poured into the matter of equilization; the contained wus generally engaged in the equalization gontest and fair stand up fighting bad not always as much todo with the result as 'it i) ought to have had ; rings and eabals 'on many occassions shaped the re. sults. However this. has all been changed for a time at least, and the annual equalization tournament is now dispohsed withj-the matter 1s now all plain prose, the percentage being mranged by the genoral val- uation. This arrangement might stand for other three years or more but it is not likely that it will stand more than one year more. The div- .ision made by the valuators is that of every $100 required for general connty purposes Pickering must pay $18.98; Brock $13.42; Reach $12.29; Scott? 86.41; Uxbridge township $5.68; Scugog $1.32; Port Peiry $2.18; Uxbridge Village $1.84 and 80 on with other municipalities. For the present year the amount required for general county purpos- os is $25,000. Pickering must pay 18.98 pdr cent of that amount; Brock 13.42 per cent of it; Reach 12. 29 por cent of it and soon, Or in other words Pickering will have to pay 84745; Brock will have to pay $3356; Reach will have to pay 3172. 50; Scott $1602.50 ; Uxbridge town. ship 1420; Scugog $330 ; Port Porry $545; Uxbridge Village $460. The amounts. to be paid to the county for educational purposes are as follows, Brock $763; Reach $734; Scott $409; Uxbridge township $494 ; Scugog $130. Se that Brock will have to pay the county $4118; Reach $3906.50 ; Scott $2011.50; Uxbridge township $1914. en---- Canadian Agricultural 'Progress. The Champion Reaper and Mower a IMMENSE SUCCESS. 2,600 tobe Manufactured this Year (From the Farmers' "Advocate, June, 1875.) In every branch of business where money is to be ¢, men of cnergy, spirit and ability strive hard to obtain it. Capitalists will advance money whenever they sce a good prospect of making good interest for money invested, Iramense sums are annually expended on the importation and feeding of stock. Some have made money by it, others have lost.-- We have the names of the successtul ones before us ; the losers drop down and are heard of no more. A great deal has been made by manufacturers of all the wares we use, but in every 'business there have been those who gain and those who lose. (Great profits increase competition, until some are sure to lose. A meetin \ anes h gog SAgricn i s ay 2nd Reap n Tuesday. > pot I of g_ away Sed nd Mesars T the annual gladifapal display of {and J Bryant. 4 | equalizing the rolls. there did not palities was certainly the chief 'at--~ best legislative talent the county' hE of dirgotors of the gid a Man burl a sent--THe President, Treasurer, Contes The Vice President took the chair when general disc n took p on matters cone nected with the interests of the society. A communication was read from Professor The Professer's comm _set forth & ow iness of wl meeting ng that the b had been left in an unfinished and state and that the meeting Wed bosh adjourn, de sine die ; and that his (the reply to fhe sommatetion bad Boe 10th. lock that it would be necessary under the circum- stances, to reorganize the society, But since receiving thé 's communication with Ai hig g society s all correct, the on its prosperity and bids them go ogi. | On motion the communication was ordered to be Hed. Je ig + Tt was moved ded Graham, 2d | br MrJ t, thas the Freaguper be ond Lb, . demand ' fiom the late Treasurer. of this society, all moneys, Sor of ae si now a i haul pel of this ety, now yas should he refuse to deli up forthwith that the do on bew haif of this society téke the necessary jogh proceedings to enforce the delivery - of property--Carried. § oa On motion the board to' meet at adjourned the town hall Manchester on: Saturday July 3rd. hs WARRIED. At Thompsop's Hotel, Pot Perry, Monday, 7th Tks fhe ari d ed Mr. Edward Lucas, to Miss Maxis Paynes, both of Eldon. . ---------- The Markets. Opsenever Orrice, June 10, 1875, 5a Wheat, $0 95 to $0 9§ pring Wheat . [] ne 091 Barley 090 te. 100 Oats 03Yt0 040 Peas 070to 0g 700t0 ¥59 Butte 018 to 5 ze 013te 3 In the matter of John Bentley AN INSOLVENT. A DIVIDEND SHEET has been pee: pared, open to objection, until Fwenty-iifth dey of June, 187§, aftee which a Dividend will be paid. 2 JOHN §. M. WILLOOX, Assignee, Whitby, June 4, 18765. A farang HOUSE, > (LATE ALBION,) WHITBY, ONTARIO. \ I. ARMSTRONG, PROPRIETOR. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS | ee Subscribers having dbeqp engaged as AGENTS FOR THE JOSEPH HALL Our readers will find by the posters that a Grand Treat in way of an excursion to-Lind- say and return is being prepare dir ail who. relish a pleasant apd, invigoratipg eail amidst .theibeautiful scenery of the Scugog Lake. -- The .comfortable steamer Ogemab, Capt. Dawes, has been chartered for a pleasure ex-- cursion, on Friday, to-morrow, 11th Inst. In the matter of music preparations on a 'large scale have beep made, the Cartwright :Brass Band and-Mupro's Quadrille: Band are "both secured for the .qccasion apd every pre] ion. inway of scows and other neoes- es for the comfort and convenience of the guests have been prepared and a pleasant time may be relied on. ber that the Agricul Tmplement o have been porhaps as successful as any.-- Farmers have paid Ligh prices for many of itheir implements and probably do now for some. Large manufacturers must be men of business and ability, they can command mon- ey as long as 'they can show te the Lankers and capitalists that more than common ih- terest can be made. The reaping and ow- ing machine busiaess has been very profitable to mavufacturers ; se establis} have been built up in the various parts of America for their construction, We presume that Mr, W. N, Whiteley, of Springfield, Ohio, stands foremost at, the present time as an inventor, patentee, and steamer will leave the Port Perry wharf at 5 o'clock to-morrow. morning, sharp. ---------- Sunday School Anniversary. "The Epsom Methodist Sabhath-School will hold (their Anniversary services at their Church, Epsom, on Wednesday 10th inst, when an interesting apd profitable, time, may .be expected. The ehair will be taken at 1 o'clock, p. m, when Music, Addresscs, Reci- tations, Dialogues, &c, &c, will pleasantly occupy the time till 5 p. m, when Tea will be served from that till 7. This will be fol- towed by the evening's entertainment, a fine concert consisting of a libeyal supply of choice music supplied by the ghoir .with ad- , recitations, &c. The ittee are their best to make the anniversary a success. They have selected a strong staff of Shigice speakers, Our Epsom friends never fail in getting uj choice anniversary services and those who have been at any of their entertainments in the past will be glad of haying angther opportunity of being with om, » * "Fire at Sunderland. *| standing and lodged turer of reaping and mowing ma- He invented the Champion reaper It is claimed that ¢vis machine work better than any other ip nin, that it is of light. er draft, more ducable, less liatle to get out of order, and is the most per harvester and mower in the world, Thirty-two thou- sand of these machines are beigg made in the States this year. The Champion reapers are also constructed in Oshawa by the Joseph Hall Manufactur- jng Company. Mr. F. W. Glen, the present manager of the company, took us through. this large establishinent, which we consider the king of Canadian Agricultural} Imple- ment manufactories Four hundred men chines. and mow! will do i The great work now in progress is the con struction of the champion mowers and reap- making of the wrouglit iron frames to the finishing touches of the painters. The hands as we passed through were not only fitting, but in two places had the work pat in run- nipg order to be sure of their being right, -- At the Lust place the nachine was fitted and nun-by steam power at double speed to: have it fairly tested in all its parts; - Bven the wood was imported from Ohio 88 they conld not procure it here ot sufficient strength to suit them. The greatest care appears to be b d on their it ial used, ese Z BO- 'without be tolerat- Oe ersoneeny they oad mo bt spriod hon tidy do i st aight, by going to the they will doubtless meet Bil f | i i : po. Cet i ! gE This pany is now constructing from 25 to 30 machines per day. At the time we were there--May 12th--600 had been shipp- ed, and orders were in for 700. more, his pany intends fi Zz 2.500 this year; they only manufactured 250 last they gave ensures their sale this season.-- They intend making 41000 next;year, and de voting their whole force and energies on these machines'; they are already making their preparations." Frit whole attention to a specialty. but| They have disposed of their hay rake, seed' drill and broadcast seeder tai at inter- iE oBwasav, Fancy Goods! ory for its works, v secured are now employed in this establishment, -- | ers. We were shown the process from the | and on tho! year, but the reports of the greak satisfaction | We approve of specialties and believe that |. : better implements can be got up at cheaper! ¢ ates when a person or firm devote their Mr Glen bas fortunately good | will and aid of Mr 'Whiteley, the inventor] of the Champion and the owner of the most | Manufactuting fompany ! OSHAWA, Would take this opportunity of informing the Farming community of this section of country that they are prepared to furnish any Agricultural Machine manufactured at the Joseph Hall Mapyfacturing Company's Works, Oshawa, on the Shortest Notice and® the Most Favorable Terms. > The Champion COMBINED REAPER and MOWER, THE CHAMPION SINGLE MOWER, TIE CHAMPION SINGLE REAPRR. BROAD-CAST SOWERS and SPOUP DRILLS. : WISNER'S SULKEY HORSE-RAKE. THRESHING MACHINES, &6, 14 highest Prize Medals and Diplomas Awarded the Champion iu Europe faor,1873. A Sweeping Victory in the old world 1 | A Crowning Triumph in the New!!! Earope and America join hand in Crowning 5 the Ghampion King of the Harvest "© Ficla, E. WALKER. at 1H..8, JOHNSON, Port, Perry, Dec. 23, 1874. D. CARMICHAEL, Agent at Sunderland. iw 'PORT ' PERRY, FOR war ories. Other | established at this place. ing time as they come from the various fact- works arc also to be valuabi hw and mower patents in the PLAIN AND FANCY ; y ,) "Ei - ® ite eds TEER FS Las p » x prof Rk Er ie » logs ; among owmen--minns fim' MSU ATT hi . He has al: red th 1 i . A LM SEA X IONERY, manufacturer, - Thus he feels doubly safe in| = oe on ou Ea . bis great undertaking. 1 BOOKS - - We must late the iphat of! TRE ia vy | Oshawa onthe acquisition gained in secur AND Mr Whiteley's aid and capital ; thisjwill tend to make Oshawa the Sheffi¢ld of Canada, and CHEAP AND COOP. |W. H, MoCAW. Port Perry, May 6, 1894. : Buckland in reply to a communication ; The annul . equilization of { the Board. Bop 19 » SomBuBIeNton Sion) Ger Spl or cho, ' --------------------------