Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 10 Jun 1875, p. 1

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i ; PR L"TS0EN:S. M. WILCOX, PORT "Peay PROVINGE or oN. THURSDAY, pr Gs ies 5 {cn bedi Forty Ontario Obgeruer. i sh ol Fon FAMILY NEWSPAPER, Mali 18 rosusyED Ap ,. PORT PERBY, EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, | = bed : BAIRD & "PARSONS, 4 | TERMS +91 FA annum, if paid in ad- vnee ; if not $1.60 will be charged Noy aul on taken for less than six 'months ; | and uo fager discontin 7" RATES OF ADVERTISING. For each line, first ingertion .. ex 80 i Subsequent' ifsértions, per line ...... Cards, ugder 6 lines, per annum... . 2 o #@F Letters containing money, when ad- dressed to this Office, pre-paid and regester- "ed; will be at our risk. Advertisments measured by Nonpareil, aud cligrged according to the space they ac- 28 . eupy. Advertisments veceived for publicatfbn, without specific instructons, willbe inserted 'until fordid' and charged aiccodingly. No advertisment will be taken out until paid for. " Aliberal discount allowed to Merchants and others who advertise by the year or hsli-year. BEF These terms will in all ceses be strictly adhered to. £ Job Department. Phamplets, Hand Bills, Posters, Fro grammes, Bill Heads, Blank Forms, Receipt _ Books, Checks ' Books, Circulars, "Business "ards, Ball Cindi, &c., of every style and «olor, executed promptly and at lower rates than any other establishipent in the County. G5 Parties from a distance getting hand: Jills, &o. printed can have them done to take 'home with them. J. BAIRD. H. PARSONS. Profesgional Caros. nued until all arrears PATENT wei iD ha, a CANADA, rgd een pegs with the Patent Office grements of the Government | the pod - the Registration of Trade |G} Marks and Designs procured. Drawings, | Specifications, and other Documents neces- a to secure Patents of Invention, prepared od receipt of the model of the Invention. eed " @uctioneers. W. M. WILLCOX, LICENSED T3 r AUCTIONEER, FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO. AND TOWNSHIPS OF MARIPOSA & CARTWRIGHT, EGS to thank his many friends and the public generally, for the libs ral patron- age bestowed 1pop him for the past five years. Having pow given up the business of Bailiff, I intend, in future, to @cyote thy whole time to the business of Auctioneer, Collecting, &c. It will be my endeavor, by prompt and careful attention to business, to give full satisfaction to all who may favor me wi their Sales or Collecting. Bi'ls draughted and Blank Notes furnished free of charge. Also Bill Stamps always on hand. Arrangements can be made for sales &o., at the Opserver Office, and at the Standard Office, Port Perry. W. M. WILLCOX, Princo Albegt, Oat. 25, 1873. Wm. Gordon, Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator, se. OR the Township of Brock, Uxbridge, Scott, Thorah, Rama, Mar, Mariposa and Eldon, BES Parties entrusting their Sales to me may rely on theutmost attention being given JONES, M. D,, Surgeon, &c. Port Perry. Office, over Allison's Drug Store, Queen-st. Residence--One door west of the Presby sterian Church. Coroner, Physician, R. WARE, Coronor for the County of) Ontarfo, Physician, Surgeon snd Ac- gonchoyr, We i Prince Avex. 3 IL. SANGSTER, M. D,, Phystetan, Sur- « Bon and' Acconcheur, Coroner for the County of Ontario PORT PERRY. Office over Nott's Furniture Store, corner of Queen and Perry Streets. Office hours from 9a. m. to 12 m. Residence the dwelliby recently occupied OY MIS. Gy 0 RS. MOGILL & RAE, Physcians, Surgeons, eo. &e, Office and Resldences, King st., * Oshawa, SYM. M'GILL, M.D. FRANCIS RAE, M,D. 'M. F. McBRIEN, M.D, M. R. C. 8,, anys] Cn Roepe; London, England. The' kyeR. Oshawg, MARTIN, M. D. Simcoe 8t., Two doors t/»' North of the Central Hotel, Oshawa. - E. FAREWELL, LL. B,, County Crown . Attorney for Ontario, Barriste r, Attorney, Solicitor, and Notary Public. Office lately oe- eupied by 8, H, Cochrane, Esq., Brock streely Whitby. YMAN L. ENGLISH LL. B, Solicitor in Chancery, Attorney, Conveyancer, &c. Oshawa. Ofice--Simcoe street, opposite the Post Office. [A YOUNG SMITH, LL. B.,, Barrister, At- od. torney-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, and Iusolveney, Notary Public, &e. OmMce--McMiilan's Block, Brock street, Whitby. \ ELL, Barristers : AMERON & MAC and Attorneys at Law, Solicitors County Gounell, Ontario. UMcek: Court House, 2 "7 Whitby. H. J, MACDONNELL. M. €, C4 MERON, Al HURD, Attorney at Law, and Solicitor P, in Chancery. Oflicé in the Royal Arcade, Port Perry. : Ww. Maurice Cochrane, TTORNEY-AT-LAW, Solicitor in Chan, eery Notary Public, xe. &e. _ Office hours punctually from 9 a.m, to 5 p.m. * Money to Loan at 8 per "cent, on all kinds of Ye security. Office, Bigelow's Royal Arcade, PORT PERRY. C. N. VARS, I, D. 8. yi th rt snd the latest princi Dea of the art, sol ind asthe cheap- best. Teeth filled + Teeth extracted ® pain b; ucing local anmsth- 4 Dentical' ling Cowan's new block, over Atkinson's Drug Store, King Srest, Oshawa. @ 'CHAS THORN, V8, EMBER of the Veterinary Institute, M Chicago, Ill. Gold Medalist for the book adamination on Horse Practice. Author rize Essey on Shoeing. Gradu- Login By 16, 1867. Br. Thora begs to nancy fut he Las Neidonce at Port Perry, and is Jakes up his at Pot cain y lo most skillful and scientific Eo All orders left at the' Medical Hall "Mr Allison, will receive prompt attention, The Veterinary Stables may be found +. ar llysirest, opposite Cossitt's Factory. Port Perry, Oct. 38, 1873.. F the Town of Whitby, has been ap- OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE county of Ontario. Any Jrindss for the dio bis charge will be carefully at- ¢ J Tr Offiep hours from pe m, "I . re rs OBN CHRISTIE, \ J TOWNSHSP OLERK, , Jusuer of Marriage 8 Le oRveyancer, p ~, Oee--Muncheio, ~ I eteries, to their interest 5 WM. GORDON, * Sunderland, Brock. THOS. H. WALSHE. ICENSED Auctioneer for the eo Township 4 of Brock, Thogah, Maca' & ma in North Ontario ; Marigosa, etc., beth, County of Victoria. Residence--Cannington, Brock. Orders 1é1t at this office, or at his residence f will be pune tually attended to. Debts col lected in Cannington, or otherwise, and made. LIpee PERRY HOUSE, ORT 2" Ho a8. 7. THOMPSON, The above' irs hod: 94nd iso int Spndy Stabling Ga the Largest.and ror. cdutitry. . Fare $i NISON'S DOMINION HOTEL, At the Railway Station, PORT PERRY. Every at J ren to 'the accommoda- | tion znd of guests, The table and |' salu he best the Market af fords. hoive d_ the best bre . ACs | commodation, Ai htivy tions. DB. DENISON, Proprietor. YEE HOUSE, MANUHESYER, A. TEE Tei, Proprietor, The Reve! louse is decidedly one of t best at moo comfortable country a He Proving and'is situated in a most con- vel position for the traveling public.-- Stage: i and for from, URbridge; Utica and Ep- som, i ere The ely ie becoming proprietor, has had the premises thoroughly patna: and will spare fisitter labor nor BreXDen making vere House & comfortable transient home fon Tavelets, sa i the re- freshment of gues The table and pod supplied with the best | the market supplies. Good Navies and attentive ostlers, NNYSO; A. N, Proprietor. Manchester, Aug. 5, 1874, NION HOTEL; MANCHESTER. JAMES F. HEARD, ProPrizror. i Good accommodations, = Carcful attention to the requircments of travelers and guests. The bar supplied ih the best Tyne: ang Cigars Good Stab, Manchester, July Te 1874, 30 et ie tS wii eeeinniseiens y (37saa HOTEL, GREENBANK. R. MoRAE, PROPRIETOR. The aboye hotel has undergone a thorough | renovation, and has been fitted up with a ew to'the comfort and convenience of the favoring public. Euict' atfeation paid to the {able and, the bar, Comfortable stables 'and an aftentive ostler. Greenbank, March 25,1874. Aree HOUSE, - Rica. } J. DAFOE, PROPRIETOR. Good accommodaiions. Carefu attention to the requirertietrts bf' travelers and guests. | p | The bar supplied the best wines, liquors and cigars. Goo stabling, | prompt WALSHE, the North Ontario Auction- cer. WHITBY (STEAM MARBLE WORKS. J. &R. WOLFENDER, HOLESALE and Retail deaicrs in Foreign and Awericah Marble Man tles, Mopumpepts, &c., Dundas St , Whitby. Also, Agent for the Scottish Granite, Also Building Stone cut to order. JOHN NOTT, Agent, Zire Whitby, July 29, 1874. MARBLE BEALER ! NEWCASTLE, ONT. A ONUMENTS, Fomb<Tables, Head- A Stopes of great variety, with every de- scriptioi of Marble Work, suitable for Cem- supplied at short notice. Also Peterhead and Aberdeen Granite, ' Parties will find it to their advan. tage to withhold their orders until called on ¥ i J C. WILLIAMSON, Satisfaction guaraptced, and all work war- ranted. { danny 10, 1872. 3-yr R. RICHARDSON, Re-appointed Issuer of Mrriage Liceyses Under the New Act. Office, lot 10, in the ist don. Brock. Brock, Aug. 5,1874. 38 {New Marriage Act. Port Perry, July lst. -- Hae CHARLES having been ze- appointed Marriage License Agebt-- (ade: sixteen yeire duty) Sontipyics to fur- nish Licenses as heretofore--at Port Perry, as 1874. EN oli ANON RE] Lb] LRA : > oF DIVISION. GOURTS TB i gy Charges, FOR THE County of Ontario, FOR THE YEAR 1875. Cv | Toba Mec Donald, " z * hokur I WESTERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y TORONTO. Incorporated... ....oouin. +1851, Capital - $8400.000. President..... Vice-President. Secretary .... Hon. John McMurrich. «eeer.G. Magrath, Esq. Bernard Haldan, Esq. JAMES PRINGLE, General dont. THE ONTARIO FARMERS * Mutual Insurande Company. This Company is now fully organized and is prepared to accept risks on Farm Buildings | and their contents, country School Houses "and Churches, Those wighing to insure and thereby support a Home Insurance Company have now an opportunity of doing go, Ligher by applying to the Head Office, or to any of the local Agents of the Company. Our rates will be found as low as those of any respon- sible Mutual Insurance Company in Cgnadg. Head Office--Opposite 'the Royal Hotel, Brock St., Whitby "4, FAIRBANKS, Ja., Secretary MRS. L. M. COOK, Jr DIES' HAIR DRESSER, Switches, Braids, ¥rizzets, Carls, and Comb- ings, and Hair Jewdclry "Manufictared. Rooms, oyer Mr. Nott's Furniture Ware~ rooms, corner Queen and Perry Streets. Port Perry, Nov. 18, 1874. 4m about prices. And the Subleriber is gk in | his Tine, Which has been bought very An early call will convince Port Perry, May 6, 1875, PORT PERRY LIVERY STABLES, C. MK ENZIE, > PROPRI ETOR. HY Subscriber having now fully equi; his new and extensive Livery Stiles hen a SHPBLY of superior Horses and Carri pared to furnish first class ses ls LIVERY RIGS n Moderate Terms. C. MCKENZIE. 2 Port Perry, Aug. 6, 1873, [PRocANaTioN 1 TO THE INHABITANTS OF NORTHERN REACH THE PLACE TO WANTED 1 "0 PURCHASE, Promissory Notes, both | over dve and yet to become due, ac- | counts, Judgments and Mortgages, 3 Apply personally to W. M. COCHRANE, i" in % _ Port Perry, JONES MONEY| ONEY TO LOA™ at at 8 per ceut interest® on Real Estate, Port Perry, March 12, 1874, --t ree [Private Funds,] LYMAN ENGLISH, November, 21, 1866. LUGGAGE D AROUND TOWN. RC The Subscriber is prepared to convey de- : J. COOK. Port Perry Jan. 1st, 1874, 'A. RICHARDSON, »ln ol |e 512 | 2 B81: Else alia FE | Whitby, 2 i a again Port Perry. 29 Jimi) 4 81 5 HEL 12 a HH 18 8 1 10113 Beaverton. . | 17 14! ara, T. 1%) 18| 1617 GEO. H. DARIRELL Whitby, Jan. 1, 1875, LiF Planing adge. . DEALER E DOORS, SASH MD BLINDS, : To prepared fo fl all ordersat his | 'Mills, rrr BAY: wl P. A.HURD. pl | TAKEN Xo AND FROM THE STATION | i} (command on or about Monday, April 19.) Dry Goods, : Groceries, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Tinware, Stationery, Patent Medicines, &ec., IS AT THE Greenbank Store. GEO. FLINT. Greenbank, July 20, 1873. amo aa Sd pap. , In endless variety J ust opened avari select Stock of Ready-made Clothing. hand an immense and attractive stot | $f Go Baaenist fof1 ~ ot ® HE BTEAMER " NORS! J X Crawford, Master) ul i make EMA Tegu ips ion this ving Svery at 73 and J hte: York Central an and fr Erio Rail avs Tok aij East, West, and RE ay 1, te Charlotte 1s, (ort or of m. Ee : Tort Hoy Hi LE ihe' wi ave at 2 p ope hg. Shortest d quickest one is the * Wal iertown, ol a TEs eR = Shore Railroad from We od iy in Es SARE ton, Albany, New Yor! For forthe Sore roliaerh bre Ka a {he iorroyrer. Goods Ti fe Cai noi R sharpen Re-sot- all Miival yil to EUT a all kind of Goods Hao Tone eh 0 tp I am now receiving By eign importation of arddare! adr 3a} low; and} an determined to CUT ALL GOODS VERY FINE. Parties Building will do well 0 give | me a call. A new Stock | of . BORING MAC HINES, Of Superior make, Just received < all. that there is no deception W. T. PARRISH. MONEY 0 LOAN | MORTCACES 'ES WANTED. slat Subscritory faved las ey pl n their hands for inve mproved Farms, Village ra msub . other Securitiosiin this and ayoinig Counties at the lowest current rates of Interest. have funds en hand at all times Borrowers candep nd on gattia p! east Possible delay 5 TEST fuoricy with be WANTED TO PURBHASE, Any bo tags Mortiages for which the high. ry go ih Sei for de opanads, Por foam tation ee 1s on tpl 1, 0) ur foo ta SY Bt os SL oh 00; Tostatmenis Te-payable Lands Bought and Sold. Several at farins for sale. sowveral first class Fire In- © sums of mon- Jar sutunée in ren iit 31 #2 ena sgn but 7%" DEBENTURES BOUGHT.-8x, JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, General Agents, Office in Mr, Hoss Ontario Buildings, Port Perry. ort Perry, Oct. n, 2. NONEY T0 LEND! The undersigne has any amount of Money B U -Y Y 0 U R to lend apog: Farm' and Town Froperty, at Unusually Low Rates of Interest! Loars can be rej repaid in any manner to suit Also several Improved Farms, and Wild Lands for sale, cheap. Investments made eben- tires, Bank and al un Apply to JAMES HOLDEN, : , Official Assignee, Broker, &e, Orrigu--Over the Domi - lan's Block, Brock 2 Whitby. Ti eset Whitby, April 10, 1£73. BAKERY! AND : Confecti ctionerv. ry and Confectionery business cir b) hes carried on in my aa Albert establishments, Plain 'Fancy Breads of Every variety. Orders filled with the shortest nofice. Bridl and other Cakes made to order. a hid and othe other entertainments ® pplied pid $5 ¢ Ff CANPEEL (3 NTR ECTIONS I Mea 28 or Perry, April 16, 1875. MONEY ferent Se A © Lo tia North j itr Tol Ton on good Farms, at 8 per cent t ~ " |n every variety and of the best quality. Children's Toys id Hpgeice, CALL AT MY BARERY| Port remy or JFrince Albert. © cms, HISCOCKS. Port Perry, March 1, 1875. M. : SPENCE, | CONTRACTOR 4 BUILDER. RICKLAYING EO PLAS- TERING, &c. their departm a ae te, Having secured the pe a compe- to manage and conduct the farm CONTRACTOR. Ca tracts taken in Stone work, Brick Tsering, bo: i Congracts com; with dispatch, the Lyn Xi eli CLASS Utica, April 14,1875. 16 BEST Mazi At home, male or fomale ; 833 Ee w beg event oS th yf eent_ return stamp, M, vi 123 Greenwich St, N. Y. s i FE Sri : The Death 0 Death of Dhssat. de " "By 53 Focron. ; The Right was come, and the moon looked h the Es clouds op the sleeping Jv Ei me poly oing pulses fe Sh The a eon a was soa the kiss, ped Pomel the Hs of i cioelng air ves t bell uj In$ha belfre ° 3 tower gO © t Aud fainter and fain Salnter the 0s A h Droned out his cuckoo ery, Al s well." yond the alle in RS te alls In tedee fortet glia] Fp Little he an of feats ol The . | Feriiertami SASEVAL ae hin' 6" ight For he fatise ofhis God and his country's 1] 'And he felt his heart within him: burn As he yoonpie the names *"Blairie" and '"Au- vergne," A volce in his ear, and a nervous hand, Plucks from his grasp the half-drayn 'brand, | 4 Silence ! a motion, a word, a bri oath 1 1s'the pertain signal of instant death I" Round hiss from under the Loony poss Cluster the foemen like swarm! ing And the moonbeams Shiv er awhile eh they rest. On the blue-blackbay onets potsed 'al his breast Loud and clear as bugle' 8 blare, Sang out th' alarm on the startled alr, "Ho sentinel on the Rmpan, Ho! Arm, arm Auvergne | "tis the foe, the foe I" Tramp of men, and the trumpet's call, And the watcli-fires blazing along the wall, And] be, rlec-mouthed: cannon spoke out, 8 wel Avro is ready,"--so D'Assat fell. | =From New Dominion Monthly for Aprij, ------------ Bis ity pever did any man the lemst %o man 18 richer, or happier or wiser gio it. It commends pone to sooiety ; it is disgusting to the refined, and abominable to the good. A quarrelsome couple was discussing the | subject of epitaphs on tombstones, and the husband said :--¢ My dear what kind of stone do yousuppose they will give mewhen I die?' ¢ Brimstone, my love,' was the affectionate reply. Jerrold and Laman Blanchard were stroll |, ing together about London, discussing pas- sionately a plan for joining Byron in Greece- Jetrold, telling the story many years after said, ¢ But a shower of rain came on, and washed all the Greece, out -of us,' " ' Westérn papers spepk of &f opesa bouffe singer with 8 mouth so large that two den- time without in any way hindering the work of another tooth contractor who was putting an a staging to do a little job on the upper - may know an old bachelor by the fact thot he always speaks of baby as 'it.' A Jazy fellow once declared in 'a public foes that he could not find bread for his ¢ Nor I' replied an industrous man, gt am obliged to work for it.' A little girl who was asked by her mother about suspicious little bites in the sides of a dozen ckoice apples, answered ; ¢Perlmps, Bn they have been frost bitten, it was 80 cold last night.' . on The Chinese tzilors of San Ba Pranciary have struck, and" haye posted hieroglyphic bills ajiout the city offering $400 reward for the killing of any tailor . who will work for less than the strikers.require. These are great inducements to adopt the strikers figures. During the tourist season, a traveler walked up to the bar of a hotel in the Eng= lish lake district, and, with a consideralle flourish signed the visitors' book and exclaim- od, ¢ I'm Lieutenant Governor of- ¢ That doesn't make any difterence,' said the landlord ; ¢ you'll be treated as ell as the rest.' In Wi , every woman. of the age of twenty-one years and upward may be elected 0 the office of director, treasurer and clerk of school districts ; director and socrefary of town boards, under the township system of school government ; member of a Board of Education in-cities, aid" tounty superinten- derit of schools ¢ Now don't be rough,' remarked a person, rho had becn arrested for thievery, the other night. ¢ Pray don't say Ia a thief, Be polite and call me a canal coutractor.' A boy, who will yell likea Tarter if 'a drop of water' gets on his shirt band when his neck is being washed, can crawl through a sewer after a ball and think nothing of it. A small boy in New Haven maden a sens- ation for a short time by quietly transfering a card bearing the words ¢ take one,' from a lot of handbills in front of a store to a basket proceeded to connt them, She took him to the bee-hive, kicked it over, and invited him to count the bees.. A rustic youngster, being asked out to tea with a frien, was admonished to praise eatables, Presently the butter was passed to him, when he 1emarked :--"Very nice batter what there is of iftand observing a smile he added, 'And plenty of--such as it is.' Paper'is very successfully used for making buggy boxes, baskets, belting for maghinery, boots, clothing, household utensils, &c. For buggy boxes its utility is highly appreciated #8 there is no danger of it shrinking cracking, while it is almost impossible for a horse to kick it and make any impression on jts surface. Talk about puzzles, here is the toughest yet heard of :--T'wo rhen, & and B bought 100 acres of land at $100" per acre. Each 000. A took his share off the north side at $110 per atte, while B took his share off the south side, at $90 per acre. ofow much land did each get ? An old lady died recently in China, Me., leaving hidden about i $300 in gold, which she had accumulated previous to the war. Had she put the money at interest when gold was at its highest, its highest, it Pwould have amounted at thig time to $1300. A Connecticut gir pa patiently Hstened to a long declaration of , pathetic and pro. ong from a foung ma man, apd then knocked 1 out of him by saying, " N w jhe Ly 'about your business affairs.' 'An old riverman said Mark Twain had no fa old with but if he could have Ee ith steamboats when learning have cleared the river of snags ; Bushes be never bi one. On a recent trial in Wales to test the val- to be sent to 8 i he mentioned. oung bridb Deen Juehionahly ae was asked pd eet attend to the ordering of the dinner, as he ofglgn't have time to go to market. Itisa | fact that she blandly requested the butcher to send home a "leg of , seventeem pounds eof steak, and two halibut,' young with a foo in Indianapolis, other day, and what a policy on : Fr street, a short time © 480, W sts worked on lier lower teeth atthe same [iron ! | egg lady fair, 'the accepted them. of rapes. An gasesgor asked a woman how many chickens she had, and, doubting her word, [* es oe os Asiorting ta © the Bostot Advertiser, as an horse car was co ") ot br fey condition of the 'the ascent stfeet rendered extremely difficult, a gentleman hailed the conductor fiom the sidewalk; requesting him to stop tho car. This th 6 sondrctor refus- ed to do until the wd 'had reached the summit. The gentleman, out of Bréath and temper also, got on the car and addressed the conductor as follows : 'Sir, I The June Bession of the County Council commenced on Tuesday, 2nd inst, at 3:30 p. m, by G. Smith, Esq. the esteemed Wasden of the County taking the chair, and calling members to order. The War- den's bifef But well timed remarks of wel- come to the members on their return apd this of the youd 'was run for the di public.' your life,' replied the conductor, 'It's run to fill the stockholders' pockets. 'Indeed, docd,' said the now irate passenger, *I thought all the conductors on this road were gentlemen." 'Worse than before, said the conductor, 'Do you suppose I would run a horse car if I was a gentlernan 7 M. de In Bastie having madé glass clastic and melleable by plunging it when heated into an oil bath, two Silesian experimenters have carried ingenuity to the opposite ex-- treme, and have recently discovered a meth- od of making glass so hard and unyielding that it can neither be bent or broken, and may be plunged red hot into cold water without injury. Indestructible lamp chim- neys and window panes that defy snowballs, are among the least of the advantages ex-' pected from this invention, i" In the late Georgia cyclone, a little child was blown into a «cupboard, and of" all the furniture in the house that was the only piece not broken into kindling wood, the house itself being demolished. A gine-house wheel, weighing four hundred pounds, was carried half a'mile. The houss of a Mrs, Watson, in McDuffle County, was in the di- rect centre of the cyclone's track, and the storm approached within one hundred yards, destroying every. tree in its wake, and then it jumped over the house, and came again to the earth sixty-five fect the other side, and recommenced its work of demolition. A medical journal published in Belgium gives an inst ince of lead poisoning caused by bair Drepurations, A man about fifty years of agé was under medical treatment for muscular rheumatism, having lost the use of both arms, - The: remedies used pro- duced great relief. Buta month afterward 'the patient's fingers were paralyzed and he suflered from severe colic, The physicians made many researches, and at length discov- ered that for fifteen years the man had been in the habit of using on his hair a prepara. tion of sugar of lead and sulphur. The phy- sician directed him to cease entirely the use of this mixture, and after a course of medical tment the on wholly recovered, 0 mmr AS A chatty correspondent of the Lousville Courier-Journal says: At noon we stopped at the Junction of the Port Royal road, and calculating on the rate of progress already made that my possible denisty was to be a pilgrim for life on that train, I looked for refreshment. I interviewed the proprietor y for chicken, rolls, and hard 'boiled eggs ; took them into the cars with me and spread the festive board, On looking out of the wind- 'ow I became aware of the presence of Mr, | Swiveller's ¢ Marchioness,' done up in ebony. | It was'a Senegambian' about three feet, of cunning wisdom in her eyes, Mar- chioness,' said TI, ¢ will you dine' "with me 7 She stood upon the platform and peered up at me through the open window. 'Bes! sar, was her ready answer. I passed her | dinner out at a window. ¢ Chicken, Mar- chioness--roll, your ladyship--try a boiled As a bore- polisher she srrpassed any thing I ever saw. She ved magnificeht tec i and appetite that would command a fancy price in the = be if such things could be trans- ferred. The banquet over the train moved on. he Marchioness waved an adye to me and I left her, like Lord Ullin, lementing ! why I did not offer her a cigar. When she becomes a grandmother she will tell awful | lies about this chance banquet, and perhaps | make a ballad on it and sing it to a wild paniment, ---------- Erra's Cocoa. --GRATEFUL AND COMFORTING, ¢ By a thorough knowledge of the natural aws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application | of the fine properties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast table with a delicately flavored beverage - which | may save us many heavy doctors' bills... It is by the judicious use of "such articles of | lict that a constitution muy Le gradually | built wp until strong cnough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds eof subtle maladics are floating around us ready to at- tack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame."--Civil Serviee Gazette. a R&S" Dr. Wheeler's Compound Elixir of Phosphates and Calisaya--a Chendical Food and Nutritive Tonic: This ele, ing of fhgreeable reparation combines ye. Sherry Wine in the form of a delicious cor- dial, the reliable agents known for improv- ing 'appetite, facilitating digestion, and assi- milation of food and the formation of healthy bloed. Tt is remarable for its efficacy in all forms of Dyspepsia, in all cases of Scrofulous and Consumptive diseases in adults or children, in Neryous Prostration and General Debility: from over exertion of mind and body, dissipation and bad: habits, in diseases peculiar to women, angd in poorly-developed \ delicate children. Sold at $1, -- me A Swell Taken Down. A few "swelle" had of late been n the habit of showing off during divine service in St. George's church, Guelph, and becoming in- tolerable as all such swells are, one of the members of the congregation wont and reproved them during the time of service. This so enraged thé hoad swell or leader of the sim- letons that he went to the man next be and demanded an apology for : having insulted him by reproving him in ehurch. When the man re- fused any apology ihe swell bet came somewhat demonstrative when the man very properly gave his swellship She portunity of securing an apol fore the Police magiss re poe! wagistrate and the swell did not oi to think alike » this matter he = it the other on and fined his swellship in , sit and costs, and serve] hj right. Folly ke every- { more mean and ponptemptib another it is your 8 oh 7 off in ¥ | pretence of géin the congregation, of a peanut stand with a fried chicken branch |; Negril bod fall and plaintive melody with banjo accom- | bas its d Be else but if gree I is ayibing prayer |.' ors, waki SOF Y bie the to « | aim is only to show off an distoh 'hisexp ions of g the continited «You never were more mistaken in | and increased prosperity of the County were highly aoceptable. A Communication was read from the County Cobficil of Victoria setting fogth that Victoria had granted $100 towards building a bridge over Head river between 'Dalton and Mara and the Warden of Victoria had been appointed commissioner on the part of that county; the council of tho County of Ontario is requesfed te make a similar grant and appoint a coldiissione: to act for Ontario. This appeared to be all that was done tho first day. On' the second day the Warden took . the chair at 10 8. m. The minutes of the previ. ous meeeting were read and approved. " The several. communications were read. -- The celebrated Narrows Bridge wad amongst them. Mr Proctor presented a petition for the opening of the town line between Thora and Eldon, Mr Rowland prescuted a memorial setting forth the dangerous condition of the bridge over the West branch of the Black river and praying to have a new bridge constructed. Mt Proctor presented the petition of certain rate payers of Thora and Mara calling the attention of the council to the condition of the bridge over the Talbot near Cameron's Mill. On motion the xeveral documents werg ordered to be placed in the hands of the vari- ous committies to which they belong. Mr. Bickell, the persistent, unwearied, in- defatigable advocate of a County Poor Houge, found this a fitting opportunity to air his eloquence on the Poor House scheme. We can only attribute this continued trotting 'out, in season aud out of season, by Mr Bickell, of his now famous hobby to the nat- ural g and g ity of his nature ; he js aware that "the poor we shall always have with us," and doubtless passing along the streets of his own village he may see tho agedaod infirm po mot apparently iu as com- fortable circumstances as he would like to see them and he runs away with the idea that a poor house would be a penacea for all the suffer: and privations to which our poor are exposed and supposes that they fous be better incarcerated--thou:h not guilty--in a poor house, poor enough, dear | knows ! Mr. Bickell's anxiety for the suf- fering ones and his eagerness to find them a high dark as a total eclipse, and with a wor. ms] place wherein to rest appears to render him oblivions to all the mischicf that such an institution would work on the community, "the largely increased expense it would cause, | the great terror and annoyance it would be | to the poor and the continual trouble it would be to the county. Perhaps ninety-nine out of every hundred of those who receive public | charity would as soon be confined in any | other prison as a poor house, Here is a poor man who has lived long in a certain locality. in certain seasons of the year he cam, by per- forming light labor, maintain Himself, at other seasons if he cannot do all towards his | maintenance he can zo far towards it and a small sum from the municipality will enable him to get alopg. Here he is at liberty, passing round among friends enjoying - their countenance and friendship, Or here is a | woman left to struggle with three . or four ! children, the c! igren are not yet old enough | to be "put out." She can maintain herself | and take care of her children and a little help from the municipality will assist in maintaining her children and training them up to habits of industry and thrift. Bat let | the mother be sentenced to the Poor House and of course her charge must go - with her | and what is the resnlt--the poor woman i3 imprisoned though charged with no ether crime than poverty, if that be oue, and the unfortunate little ones receive a stamp which will never be defaced and the cost to the pubiie is ten times as much as it would have been had the mother and children not been} confined in the poor hquse (but al- lowed to struggle nobly in the race of life aided and supported by the countenance and assiztgnce of tl ose who wish them well, sympathize with their misfortunes and re. Ioice to mitigate their sufferings; but there is no good in multiplying instances, Mr Bick- ell's lgpdable anxiety for the comfort of 'the +u¥ering ones confines his mind in one groove on this subject,be can oly look (0 one side of the picture. He builds his castle (in the air) and collects the destitute ones and rubs his hand with very ccstasy at the idea of having placed them all within the pearly (perily) gates of his new Elysium. But he has péver pecped within nor seen the pect imprisoned ones pining for freedom, and home. He has never heard the everlasting cant of the fifth or sixth rate official as he orders aroand the trembling and subdued children of want ; neither has he got a glimpse of the strutting matron surrounded by her cloud of waiters, nor has he been permitted to gase on the apgust governor as he sits in state sending forth Bis mandidateg by the hards of his trusty but awe-stricken staff. And lastly, but not least, our friend Bickell has not yet sat in his place at the Coupgjl board and listened to the semi § amu. al message" 'of the Governor of the prison for the poor in which he promulgates and demands his supplies, ten or twelve thousand dollars--more or less, Mr Bickell, however, was not the only one who advocated this scheme, the Reeye. of Reach plunged right into themeaktirome and would, if he been allowed, have had ev~ ery man, woman and child who have the misfortune to require public iy So collared at once and dragged limbo, this prison for pnd poor ol

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