Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 3 Jun 1875, p. 4

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| © ao w 4 eddy * 'Tgmsoay, Proceed fo Manilla, and remain all A Rauarxaste Hoo Story --A St, Thomas paper gafs =-- Tho most remarkable hog story we have ever heard of comes this week from our Waterford contributer, who learned the fact from Mr. Peter Bauslaugh, a farmer liying two miles from that village, "ond a | man wl veracity: cannot bo que: th ed. Mr. B. bad's very fat hog which ed to Bave beem stolen. This spring, upon removing some straw and snow he found the hog cntombed in a pile of straw 'and snow, over which he bad driven all winter. It was with difficulty that he got the hog out of his burrow, as the upimal was very poor and unable to walk; but it is elive and doing well now. Itis supposed the hog crawled into the straw during one of those severe Ww {ptorms of last winter, and was #0 covered up that it could not get out. In $aisstate it had to subsist for several months after the manner of the bear--upon its own fat." Spain. Mapmp, May 23.--An important pol.tical "eet beer Told hers. It was attends six 'hundred gentlemen who have held scat in the Cortes either na sene- tors or deputies. A resolution was unsui. mously adopted that on the opening of the next Cortes a constitution shall be submitted formed on the basis of a compromise of all {hie menarchial aad liberal parties. A A -- Erde Cocoa --=GratesoL asp Cowrorr- mo.--The agreeable character of this prepar- ation has rendered it a general favorite, Made simply with boiling water and milk.-- Each packet is labelled Jauss Errs & Co, Homceopathic Chemists, 48, Threadneedle- street, and 170, Piccadilly, Works for Dietetic Preparations, Euston.road and Camden Town, London, --_-- Constitntion broken down with fatty de- generation of the heart, liver and kidneys, "from the use of alcohol : exhaustion of the vital forces, from the use of Tobacco ita- bility and restlessness of the nervous system from the effects ot strychuine : impaired nu trition and loss Jfenoicy, from the use of opium ; and ner¥ous and physical protration, fromintemperance of any kind--can be ve. stored by the use of Dr. Wheeler's Comp Elixir of Phosphates and Calis: a purely Pp iysiological remedy --perflctiy harmless to wdult or iufant--tliat builds up n!i the organs and tissues of the Lody in a rad. al and per. manent marfer, Court of Revision. J OTICE is hereby given that the Court! of Revision to revisd the Assess Roll for the Tov aship of mW Pp i is CARTWRIGHT, For the present year (1875) will sit at the Towa Hall, Williamsburg, ON MONDAY, 7th. JUNE, At 10 o'clock a.m. of which all per 4 t terested are hereby re and govern themsclve WM. LU Cartwright, May 3, 1875. ent DIM The Pro-~7t¥ of dir, F. Efliott, Epsom. will 2d for Mares, this scason, 1875, as! follows : «ONDAY, May 3rd. will leave Lis own stam ble, and proceed to Hoc kridge's Hotel, Epsom, and remain all n . TUESDAY, procecd to Foiton's Hotel, Ash- burn, and remain all niglt WEDNESDAY, proceed by way of the oth Con. to Myrtle, th. > along the Gravel Road to Teun Hotel, Manchester, and remain all ni:ht, THURSDAY, proceed to Ancrich's Hotel Baintficld, and remain till Friany noon, thence to hisown stable and remain till the following Monday merning, JOHN INILL, Groom, ------ The Imported Draught Horse Scottish Chief, Imperted in 1875. Phe property of Mr. Efiintt, Epson, Reach, will stand for mares, (his season, 1875, as follows : MONDAY, May 3, he will leave his own stable, lot 8, 8th con. Reach, and proceed to Plank's Hotel, Uxbridge, at noon ; thence to N. Dewer's, lot 1st, 12th con Reach, and remain all night. TUESDAY, proceed to Doble's Hotel, Vic- toria Corners, at noon ; thence to Tucker's Hotel, and remain all night. WEDNESDAY, procecd to Heron's Hotel, Valentyne, at noon ; thence to J. Bug. shaw's, lot 3, 10th Cen. Brock, and remain all night. THURSDAY, proceed to James McDougall's, Derryville, at noon ; thence to Campbell's rafoa; Sunderland, and remain all night. AY, proceed to Andrich's Hotel, Saint ipl phn all night, ! SATURDAY, proceed to his own stable and remain till the following Monday morning The above routes will be'continned daring Sie, season, health and weather permitting. 'es must come to the stands. No business done on the rozd. "JOHN HOCKINS, Groom. -- 'THE IMPORTED DRAUGHT HORSE Marquis of Lorne! ILL stand for Mares, this season, 1875, as follows : Sang a Sy coe ie oon sti 's enverion, *- toCannington, aud remain all night, re WenuSDAY. proceed to the R al Oak Hotel, at'moon; thence to pr iy Hotel, Lite p and remain all night, THURSDAY, proceed to Banks' Hotel, Oak: 'and remiss all night. + > Dakwose, to Argyle, at noon; there id aud remain til the follow- bed doe we s0n3 in- *¢ into consi 1815. SPRING. 1875. | WILL SHOW THIS WEEK, ONE OF THE BEST ASSORTED Most Fashionable ! STOCKS OF SPRING TWEEDS SPRING TIES AND SCARFS ! Hats and Caps, UNDERCLOTHIXG, &C.. &C, ever shown in Port Perry, CHEAP FOR CASH ! Call and Examine before purchasing else- where, W. TRENBETH, Merchant Tailor. Port Perry, March 18, 1875. TAILORING, In all its Departments. HE Subscriber is carrying on the Tailor- ing Businessin ull its departments at his rooms over Corrigan & Campbell's Store, T Newest Styles, First Class manshin, aud a perfect fit guaranteed, Charges moderate. bn Agent for the Singer Sewing Machine | The Singer Machine is decidedly the best machine now in use and also the cheapest when th of the machine is taken iation. Tarties will do well to ne and examine the machines. JOHN PEARCE. Port Perry, Dec. 1, 1874. 49 a TAILORING. } IRST class Tailoring in all its depart- yd } ments, AT Wess Work made up on the shortest notice in w-satest styles and at moderate rates. A good fit guaranteed, Remember the place, opposite Cook's Hotel. | R. HUGOE. Prince Albert, April 2, 1874, 4A NINVL Oummwees, "por THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE.'-- See Deuteronomy, chap. xir., verse 23. CLARKER'S World Famed Blood Mixture. Trade Mark--* Blood Mixture." THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND RESTORER. For cleansing and clearing the blood from | all impurities cannot be too highly recommend For Scrofula, Senrvy, Skin Diseases, and sores of all kinds it is a never-failing and per- manent cure. It Cures old Sores. Cures Uleerated and Sore Lega. Cures Blackheads, or pimples on the face. Cures Scurvy Sores. ures Cancerous Uleers, Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandura! Swelling. Clears the Bood from all impure Matter. From whatever cause arising. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted free from anything i ious to the most delicate constitution of either sex, the Proprietor solicits sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. Thousands of Testimonials from all parts. Sold in bottles 2s 2d each, and in cases con- taining six times the quantity, 11s each--suffi- cient to effect a permanent cure in the great majority of long standing cases, SoLb BY ALL CHEMSTS AND PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the world. Sole Proprietor, F. J. CLARKE, Chemist, APOTHECARIES' HALL, LINCOLN, ENGLAND. EXPORT AGENTS. ih Burgoyne, Burbridges and Co., Colman St. on. Newbury and Sons, 37 Newgate St., London. Barclay and Sons, 95 Farrington St, London. Sanzer and Sons, Oxford St, London. And all the London Wholesale Houses. AGENTS IN CANADA. Alontreal.--Fvans, Mercer and Co., Wholesale Drugists. 4s Lymans, Clare and Co. Toronto.--I Nliottand Co., Wholesale Druggists " hapter and Owen. Tamilton.--Winer and Co, Halifax. -- Avery, Brown and Co. Important t®Farmers IAT superior Thorough-B; S| T Bult PeLORD DUFFERIN Horn The [ioperty of R. & F, Dobson, will stand for service at his own stable, lot 9, in the 9th con. cession of Reach, during the season of 1875. | Pedigree--Lurd Dufferin, Roan, Calved Nov, Ist, 1872, bred by H, C. os . Int 2, y Marr, Esq,, Mark. Got by Clifion Duke 2nd, 7711. 1st dam Jane Fourth, by Nichol, 3 "nd dum Jame Third, srd dam Young June, by dthdam Jane, by Play fellow, (6207). 5th dam Ros', by Sir William, (12102), 0th dam Kate, by Togstone, (HINT), 7th dam Catherine, by Emperor, (1974), Torme-For Thorough Bred Cows, $8 cach; Grades, $i eac R. & F. DOBSON, Epsom, Ont. Sir J Bo C17). . r John (1374 by Siruthmoro, (6547), 'Reach, March 24, 1575. re --------_---- FARMERS! IMPROVE YOUR STG CK' | ""CITIZEN,"' The property of E. Blow, will stand fc { ath own stable, fot 17, in the 7th me) of Reach, during the season of 1875. Peptanke---* Citizen," white, cal } Ist, 1374. Bred by 1oseph Motatt: pea soul of Untario. The property of Mr. Ezekiel Blow, Co. of Ontario. Got by Statesman [2317, 32607. aa Dollie, by Duke 2 ar, ni] > 2 dam Mercy, by Ethelbert, [134, 3 gr g dam Florence, Hero, te ] Lig? 5 , Ibs Rice for $1 ; 10 Ibs good Cooking Raisins for $1 ;13 lbs new currants for $1, 18-tm . other Goods equally cheap, price paid for Butter, Eggs and other produce TH . turns," A liberal share of public patronage THT, First-Class Thorouzh-Bred, Short. is respectfully solicited. Epsom, March 31st, 1875. 14 TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT of service, ods, PORT PERRY. - E. BLOW. JAMES SQUIRE. 14 Port Perry, May 6, 1875. WRICHT'S BOUT & SHOE EMPORIUM ! PORT PERRY. nat () eee. WANTED. 500 Cords of Hem- lock Bark, : 3000 Sheepskins, And any quantity of Hides and Tallow for which the HIGHEST PRICE IN CASH | Will be paid by the Subscriber. . J. WRIGHT. Port Perry, Oct. 1, 1874. Material, Workmanship, Style and Fit HE Subscriber would return his sincere thanks for the very extensive and rapidly increasing patronage bestowed on him since opening business in PORT PERRY; Aud would embrace this opportunity ot as- suring his custom: d the public gener< HEARD'S ORBAGE OR GENERAL BLACK-SMITHING ESTABLISHMENT. T= Subseriber uh pleasure in stat ing that he has asar et the valuable of MR. ANDREW CAMPBELL One of the best wood-workers in the - Pre fill all for Cutters, Sloighs, Bob-Sleighs, or any description of Carriage with dispatch. All repairs in Wood or Iron exectted with neatness and on short notice Customs )} the best Ey ns it pout ip. Special attention given to HORSE SHORING and the work done soas to secure the ease and comfort of the horse in traveling. §&™ All Charges Moderate and all work Warranted, W. C. HEARD. Manchester, Dec. 17th 1874. 51 D. CONBOY, Carriage & Sleigh MAKER, MAIN STREET, UXBRIDGE ! ENDERS his sincere thanks for the hearty and generous patronage he has recived from the public since commencing busines in Uxbridge. A practical know= ledge of the business in all its details, super~ ior Workmanship, First-Class Mrterial, Ele- gance, in Style and Finish, and a determina- tion to make his work equal in every respect to his representations, isan explanation of the very large and increasing demand for his work. Mr. Conboy, the Inventor and Pat- entee of the turndown seat has made a very great improvement as applied to Buggies. and is new making a specialty of Carriages with this seat, The great demand for Cutters with this reat fully confirms its superiority and excellence. Asa Single Buggy it is light and stylish, it is almost impossible to detect the fact that it was ever designed for two seats, yetin a moment it can be changed toan ant family Carringe capable of car- rying four persons, Top Carriage with this improv- pable of being changed to Eight different forms and so perfect in every feature as to call forth the admiration of all, ally that as in the 0 in the future w he' strictly adhere to using enly the material, employing none but good wor men and selling at pri {of the Goods i | fail to please purchasciz, Constantly on hang lots of Boots and Shoes of my own manufacture, Call and inspect my Stock, d--which cannot RICHARD WARRINER. yp. Nov. 12, 1873, Port Pers AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT SHOW ROOMS ! FP HE Subscribers have Rooms on Perry St, Curries Store, where Sq North of Mr, ) facturing Company, Oshawa, for inspection, invited to call and inspect our machines, E. WALKER. H. 8. JOHNSON, Port Perry, Dec. 30, 1874 LOTS OF CHOICE BRICK FOR SALE. TE Subscriber has forsale at his yard Port Perry, any quantity of First class Brick which he is selling cheap. No better Brick can be got. see them, Come and NEIL McARTHUR. Port Perry, Dec. 17, 1874, TAILORINC. er Department of the Tailoring business, the Latest Styles and warrant. ed satisfaction At RIGGS' Tailoring Establishment over Curries Store, Port Perry. GOOD NEWS EPSOM! FJ HE undersigned have mnch pl. in I announcing to the inhabitants of Epsom ana vicinity that they have lcased the pre- mises lately occupied by J. C. Huckins, Esq. and that they have just reccived and opened out a large and well selected Stock of the latest styles in DRY GOODS! Choice Fresh GROCERIES, Superior BOOTS and SHOES, a fine assort: ment of HARDWARE, and capital CROCK- large . supply of the best PATENT MEDICINES Our Stock having been purchased princi- pally for cash and at the best and cheapest markets we are prepared to sellas cheap as any other House in the county. Try our fine flavored Young Hyson Tea at B0c. per 1b; 11 Ibs beautiful Sugar for $1 ; 21 All The highest Our motto--"Small Profits and quick re- BROWNE & BRO. TAILORING) IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS, AT ~ SQUIRE'S OVER BIGELOW'S 8TORE when the quality | Bs ist block west of the Post Ofice opened arid ple Machines of the Manufacture of the Joseph Hall Manu- will be kept The farming community are respectfully 1-tf 4 < about purchasing Buggies will find idedly to their advantage to ekemine 'arriages before purchasing els¢where, "urn-down Seat is exempt from every useless adjustment and possessing in am em. !inent degree Utility, Beauty, Strength, Ca- y, Vi Simplicity, Permanence rtnes and Cheapness, as the Turndown t with its adjustable contrivance costs but 50 extra. Uxbridge, Jan, 20, 1875. 4 3 by V "TAL '0 ng JO JUIWRESY O00 "ASLIMM '133u1s ioousa 'YAMVIL AOVINIVD TVIOILIOVId 'NVAONOG =01 0} pied uopuoe IeINOpES "qojRdsSp PUR SSOUITOU IIA IIPIO 0) DUM 10 --IUHUJY 389q 9Y} Wo} 9prWr puwy uo L[Huusuood SIS! A PUBLIC CAUTION. me Qs. Holloway's Pills and Ointment are neither manufactured nor sold in any port of the Unit- ed States, although they may obtained in the B.N. American Provinces. Each Potand Box bears the British Goo- ernment Stamp, with the words "Holloway's ! Pills and Ointment, London," engraved there- on. Tt has become necessary to make this an- nouncement because the New York Chemical Company (who pay nobody) finding at last that their name bas been so exposed, have as- sumed the title of ** Holloway Co, ;" but, even now, no one will buy their medicines direct from them, so they have made arrange- ments to supply exclusively the firm of Messrs. nry & Co., of New York, with their so-called "Holloway's Pills and Ointmdht." Itis d that from the large connexion Messrs. Henry and To. have in the British Provinces and elsewhere, the public is very likely to be imposed upon by unscrupulous : vendors and others unless they exercise great caution to prevent their being misled, by find- ing these medicines bearing a_ stamp with the name of *'Holloway and Co., New York," printed thereon. Many respectable firms in the British Pro- Yinees, whe obtain my disk ig Te, ve very prope suggested tha should, for the benefit of ey and the public, insert their names in the papers, that ERY. A full assortment of ROOM PAPER. | 1t may be known that my medicines can be A had genuine from them. The following'is a list of the firms alluded to; and I particularly recommend those who desire to get my medicines 10 apply to some of the Houses named: : Messrs. Avery, Brown & Co., Halifax, N.S. Messrs. Forsyth & Co., Halifax, N.S, Messrs. T. B. Barker & Sous, St. John, N.B. Mr. T, Des Brisay, Charlope Town. E. I. Messrs. Langle; & Co., Vietoria, B. C. Messrs. Moore & Co., Victoria, B, Dr. John Pallen, Chatham, B.C. Messrs. Munro & Co., Montreal, Messrs. J. Winer & Co., Hamilton, Ofit. - Mr. IT. J. Rose, Toronto. .e Mr, A. Chipman Smith, St.John, NB. Mr. John Bond, Goderich, Ont. Messrs, Elliot & Co., Toronto. Mr. J. Chaloner, St., N. B. Messrs. Hanington Brothers, St. John, N.B. Mr R.P. Priddy, Windsor, Ont. Mrs. Orpen, Morden, N.S. Mr. George C. Hunt, Jun., Fredericton, N.B. r. W. H. Thompson, Harbor Grace, N.F.L. r. J. M. Wiley, Fredericton, N.B, Messrs. W. & D. Yuile, Montreal, The medicines are sold at the lowest whole- sale net prices; in quantities of not less than £20 worth--viz: 8s. 6d., 22s., and 34s. dozen boxes of Pills or pots of Ointment, for which remittances must be sent in advance. Chemists and other vendors of Holloway's genuine Pills'and Ointment may have their names inserted in the local papers if will Please apply here-- Shey app! My THOMAS HOLLOWAY. 533, Oxford Street, W. O London, March 31st, 1874, & vince, and is now better fitted than ever to|. orders R. | MR. SEXTON'S COLUMN. IT ESS LUMBER! LATH! we AND en : SHINGLES ! ----AND-- BILL LUMBER rem OF ere ALL DESCRIPTIONS CONSTANTLY ON HAND ---- AND -- CUT TO ORDER --AT -- AMATIN MILLS, PORT PERRY. Port Perey, Bept 34, 1873, ~~ BUSY TIMES! 4 ) : sims "CHEERFUL SPRING |_ [Wh Vili Wh E Subscriber takes : » - {i his customers and the ule gen erally, that he has 6n hand a good and well assorted selection of BONGARD & ROBINSON Beg to inforn their customers and Friends that their choice New Stock of n Groceries! Is now complete. TN QUALITY AN Chir ais CHEAP!! Customers may rely on a constant supply of choice FRESH MEATS. Everything in the GROCERY line, good sad Cheap. Special attention given in securing THE VERY BEST TEAS. FISH, CANNED FISH. OYSTERS in their season. SWEBTS IN ATBITNDANGT Lamps Chimneys for All . Port Perry, March 31, 1875. BONGARD & ROBINSON. Ontario Carriage Works! PORT YESEB. PERRY. HE Subscriber takes this opp ity of thanking his « for the liberal and constantly increasing patronage bestowed upon him during the many years in which he has been in busi I ing busi ha; dered an of premises necessary 1 have MOVED TO PORT PERRY, Largely extended my premises and secured greatly increased mcilities for business and am now opened --r promptly to meet the increasing demands of customers and to fill orders on the shortest notice. CARRIAGES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, CUTTERS. SLEIGHS, BUGGIES, WAGONS, built of the best material in the bist style and by first class workmen. Orders for Blacksmithing carefully attendedto. Old Carriages repaired with neataess and dispatch. Wood-work ironed and Carriages timmed for the trade at reasonable rates. Come and inspect our Works, : 5 Port Perry, Dec. 24, 1873. ' 2s JAM UXBRIDG CABINET AND ORGAN MANUFACTURING COMPANY. THE UXBRIDGRE Cabinet Organ Embodies the Latest and best results of Inventive Genius and Experience--hence their CONCEDED SUPERIORITY ! 1t is the intention of the Company not only to make the Best Instruments, but to Sell them the Cheapest! QUALITY AND VALUE CONSIDERED. Tuc Furnitore Dir armyenT Is now is full running order. There Warerooms are furnished with a large variety of the most popular wares of the day, and upon e: ination, will be found to be very Low IN PRICE. Comparisons invited. . Their Wholesale Prices, will be found to compare favorably with any other house in the trade, they most respectfully solicit an examination of their Stock in all their De- Pr IN THE INDERTAKING DEPARTMENT ! Everything is also complete. A good selection of Walnut, Elm, Butternut, Oak, Rose wood, Velvet and Cloth-covered COFFINS always on hand. We have also two FIRST- CLASS HEARSES with the necessary appendages, . Uxbridge Cabinet and Organ Manufacturing Co'y, A. T. BUTTON, Uxbridge, July 22, 1874. THE SUBSCRIBER = Has now on hand a splendid assortment of TOES, 2508 TW Eavetroughs, Cistern Pumps, LEAD PIPES, &O. Which will compare favorably with any in the County both as to price and quality. ¥en, Job Work attended to with our usuai dispatch. A. E. McCAW. = Port Perry, May 13, 1874. PUMPS! PUMPS! You can get the best and cheapest Pump in the Province At J. ITRVIN'S PATENT PUMP FACTORY, PORT PERRY. ----C---- SEE THE PRICES. Force Puur--A complete Pamp and Fire Engine with Hose and Coupling complete for $25. Patent Swing Lift Pumps at 50 cents per foot. Common Log Pumps at 40 ceuts per of Common turned suction Pumps at 35 cents per foot. Cistern Pumps, a complete Pamp, from $3 up to $8. Also every other description of Pump, at EQUALLY LOW RATES! Having had long experienc" in Pump-making in the I t factories in Canada and theUnfied States, the subscriber feels confaent that be gars ergecici rican Garada and od, drs ; Buren 8, Si nots, tands, Mirrors. 7 Mixed, and Spring Mattrasses, &q,, which will be sold as low as at any House in the' TRADE. 4 All goods delivered free of charge. _ Particular attention paid to Picture Frame ing. UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT ! Everything is complete. I keep on hand a ae in Td of Walnut, Oak, Elm, Butter- nut, Rosewood, Velvet and Cloth-covered Coffins, Shrouds in all styles and sizes. Napkins, Gloves and Hat-bands, furnished free when qu FIRST GLASS A OTT. N.B. All kinds of got Sa aber taken in exchange for work. oa stbseri is the only authorized Agent in this 1 for the Whitby Marble Works, J. eN: Port Perry, May 13, 1874. 12 DAVIS & SONS' 'STEAM Caper Facrory! PORT PERRY. en HE Subscribers always keep on hand (and are constantly manufabturing more) a large Stock of just such T1I2 AR > > PURNITURE ! As the community requires ; suitable for alt sses of purchasers. All of cnoice Ma- reriAL, the Best Worksmavsuie, and at sven aces as cannot fail to suit, UNDERTAKING In all its departments prompt! attended to and charges moderate COFFINS of all sizes kept con stantly on hand. SHROUDS of all sizes and : newest styles. CASKET OR BURIAL CASE procured on short notice. The American Style of : Hearse. Also an ordinary style + of Hearse. J. W. DAVIS & SONS. Port Perry, Nov. 26, 1873 . 49-1y \SH FOR LLNBER THE OSHAWA CABINET CO'Y Will pay the 1 following s of LUMBER Delivered at their yard in Oshawa. [Square Edge Preferred.) Oak or Ash, 1 in, 1%, 2 in, any width. Butternut, 1 in., any width. Water Elm, 1 in, any width, Water Elm, 1} in, 12, 14, 1%, 18, 20 or 21 in. wide, Basswood, 1 in., any width. © " 1%in, 12, 14, 17, 18, 20 or 21 in, wide. Maple, Beech, and Birch : ,¥in, 1% in, 1} In, 1} in, 2% x 2, Square Scantling, BEF" Parties having logs to ent will be in- formed as to the quantities of each size re-- ired on application at the office of tho Company . W. I. GIBDS. Dresident' est price, in Cash, for tho LUNBER & WOOD I'OR SALE. ae Subscriber has a large quantity of .. Seasoned Lumber and Wood, At bis Mill, at Utiea, which he will sell cheap, as he wishes to clear the Yard this winter. : A.B. CAMPBELL. Utica, Feb. 3, 1875. 8 INES GIFP ENTERPRISE! To be drawn Monday, June 7th, 1875, TWO GRAND CAPITALS oF 85.000 Each in Cash! A ve "rizes $1,000 ) x 1 wis nist CAST 1 Hors and Buzes with Silver Mounted Har. One Fine-toned Rose-wood Piano worth $30 enc Ten Family Sewing Machines worth 2100 Gold and Silver Lover Nintag Wrens ; (in all) worth from $20 Lo $300 each | Gold Chains, Silver-ware, Jewelry, &e, er of Gifts, 6,600, Tickets limited to Ns, FA Azents wanted to sell | lpr remiums will be Pies to ets, 81; Six Tick i; 9 Tickets, $1; Twenty-five or > 3 Twelve Circulars ¢o) 2 a full list of description Ta. ful of ara ane eer information in reference to the Distri- Hon Se iil be s od any one ordering them L. D.SINE, Box 432, ace aay okie above, wither by wallorotheswiss pemmnlly. atiepied any of the g w! r by mailorotherwise prom nded to. $ 29,1870 ™ J; PionN RVIN, Port Perry. , . - dressed to. Main Office, 101 W. Figtn st, Cincinnati, 0, a '

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