Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 27 May 1875, p. 3

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av RE Lat a . dni : . = ~~ + JONES BROTHERS, Mr. R. Jones having retired from the same--Mr. W. M. Jones becoming his successor, . © Our ents for the present scason's trade having been completed, we take this opportunity of advising you that our prepara- tions in the various branches are much more complete than usual, y > / t extended to our us to conti P ave have been actively engaged for some time in making extensive alterations in our premises. changed and an. addi fo roceries and Crockery occupying the rear, awe are not too sanguine in anticipating a healthy and prosperous future. Wi the stringent condition of the money market, have admonished all classes to retre the method of doing business. - Fully comprehending the situation, we mean to mee | Gustamer shall rdceive the best possible value in every article purchased at our counters, ia the ligited apace this circular affords, it is quite impossible to refer even to the more prominent features of our Stock, yet we feel that we should be perpetrating an injustice, were we to omit reference to our MILLINERY DEPARTMENT, Which offers attractions of no ordinary description to those who. appreciate genuine merit. combined with the superior taste and skill of MISS McKENZIE, We have also secured the services of Miss Dyer, late of Oshawa, who has charge BROAD-CAST SOWERS and SPOUT Places this department beyond successful rivalry. of the Dress-Making Department, and is prepared to exccute orders promptly and satisfactorily. Chi ly putation as First Class Cutter. y magnificent, and offers inducements to those desiring fashien- by city establishments. All the other dupartments have, in like manner, had the most careful been purchased under the most favorable circumstances, at the best possible sources, we arc! retaining the services of Mr. James Isaaus, who has established his rej _Qur Assortment of Cloths, Coatings and Fancy Vestings, is reall 'able Syits, which cannot be surpassed attention, and the entire stock haviug in a position to offer our customers advantages which cannot be surpassed. Having évery confidence in your good judgment, we particularly sel feeling satisfied it will establish our reputation for COOD AND UNIFORMLY CHEAP COODS. to you a fruitful one, and assuring you at: all times of our very best services, Hoping the coming season may prove Port Perry, May 1, 1875. . N. B: Notwithstanding the unprofitable results of last scason, we intend to make a specialty of the BUTTER TRADE. prices are ruling low, as soon as the accumulations of old butter have been disposed of, we look for a change. In J. B. | Although at present p 'the meantime, customers are assured t mT oe 'TILTON vs. BEECHER. BEECHER ACQUITTED 1 "J NDEPENDENT of the world wide 1 Excitement, 8S. E Has. made an extensive purchase of fj NEW and USEFUL GOODS! suitable for his fast increasing trade. -- Feeling the neces ity of keeping pace .with-the rapidly increaging demands of his numerous customers, he has spared no pains 1n order to fully meet their wants. Just received 2000 Rolls Room Paper and Bord- ering ot every shade, quality and price to suit every class of customers. Onc of the Largest Stocks of PAINTS, UILS, VARNISHES, PAINT BRL SHES, Ac. A full and complete Stock of FANCY TOILET ARTICLES, so none will Le ata Joss to get just what they want in that line, and as I feel the necessity of keepingat all times a large 'Stock of Pure Un dulterated T rugs, I bug to state that the utm. steare and prompti tude are used in order to mpke my place of business the most relinble of the kind County. Prescriptions carcfully compounded. As my past success has been mor my fondest anticipations, I am determined to so condnet my business that ev will be satisfactory to my enstomers and myself, Twill sell for CASH, and at prices that will suit all classes. Stock--fuli, compléte i No second price. All served S. E. ALLISON. g nuioe, . alike, : Port Perry, April 7, 1875. ARCHIE §. CAMPBELL % HUGH A. BLACK Having bought out.the -business of MR. E. WORTHINGTON, and hav- {ing purchased Stock suitable to the wants of their trade,( are now - SPRING CIRCULAR. - In accordance with previous arrangements a change has taken place in the composition of the firm of : The get d ! in the steps of progress marked out by them, and endeavor by legitimate and honorable effort to still further promote the reputation of the House. ARicipating a continuance of that confidence and support which rendered the business so eminently successful during the past 4 years, J 0 S E P H H A LL , nal counter added to each side, making the entire depth of eighty feet available for actual business. led ue to effect & decided improvement in our Millinery Show Room, increasing the size and rendering it much moro convenicot attractive, The Grocery store has also undergone considerable alterations, having been extended some forty feet in the rear, and NOW the dime depth as the Dry Goods store, affords ample accommodation for the Boot & Shoe Department, which will be inthe front--G By these alterations our premises have been greatly improved, and are now thoroughly adapted to the requirements of a rapidly increasing trade, enabling us more successfully to expand and perfect all its various departments. With greatly improved facilities and a Stock of Goods unrivaled for extent, variety, and cheapness, we trust| . © i : = ~ ¢ are well aware that the low prices realized for produce, and | Would take this opportunity of informing nch expense, but we believe the outgrowth will be a the Farming community of this section of more careful discrimination of valu, a keener competition for Cash and Ready-Pay Customers, and a general improvement in country that they are prepared to furnish y tit, by offering our Goods at such prices that every (any Agricultural Machine manufactured at licit a caceful examination and comparison of Goods and Prices | hat we shall at all times pay the very highest price offered in this or surrounding towns. prepared to offer the public a Splendid Bran New Steck of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Wines and Liquors, FIELD & GARDEN SEEDS, &C. : All of which wé shall offer at low figures. Trusting that the patronage so liberally ex-- tended to Mr. E. Worthiagton.will be continued to us, and in return we shall to our | utmost, endeavor to supply parties with fisst class goods at the lowest possible rates. A car load of Western Corn expected soon, : . charge. TERMS-- Strictly Cash or Produce. PORT PERRY, April 15, 1875. CAMPBELL & BLACK. ~~ ym. B&F" Delivering done to any part of this.Corporation or Prince Albert, free of | a Saat IMMENSE SPRING ARRIVALS 4. W ROBERTS The' Latest Novelties in - Dress Goods! 3 ete, and offered very CHEAP for Every line comp Si or PRODUCE. oa Oo % Sian Bath mas : ie White Dress Goods, os, Balmoral Crape, Silk Warp, Table and * Persiun Cord, Kid Gloves, other Linens, . Russel z Cotton Gloves, Gents' Underclothing, . Lisle Glo ce re > 4 anal Men's, Womes's wd Childreis' Hosiery, 2 od Delliante ao. Au immense lot of and SURE ES, at unheard of prices, Anette Jot S8¢ CLOTHING snd CLOTHING NADE TO ORDER, {Port Percy, April 8, 1876, % A. W. ROBERTS, Ld : --% ee 1 TAT | | Whitby, April1, 1875: sh - sc aint Senin 181, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS | A AGENTS FOR THE The stairs in the Dry Goods store have been This has Manufacturing - Company | * OSHAWA, the Joseph Hall Manufacturing Company's Works, Oshawa, on the Shortest Notice and the Most IPavorable Terms. The Champion COMBINED REAPER and MOWER. THE CHAMPION SINGLE MOWER, THE CHAMPION SINGLE REAPER. A stock emiuently fresh and attractive, We have to congratulate ourselves oa | DRILLS. WISNER'S SULKEY HORSE-RAKE. | THRESAING MACHINES, &C. {14 bighest Prize Medals and Diplomas . Awarded the Champion iu Europe tor 1873. A Sweeping Victory in the old world 11° A Crowning Triumph in the New!!! Europe and America join hand in Crowning the Champion JONES BROS, | King of the Harvest . Field. | E. WALKER. | 1. S, JOHNSON, Port Perry, Dec. 23, 1874. 52! D. CARMICHAEL | Agent at inderland, | NEW ARRIVALS! ROOM PAPER, The Largest, Prettiest, and Cheapest Stock fn Town, ~ : SEEDS. (Garden and Field Seeds--I'RESH and CHEAP. Ladies' Collars, Silk Scarfs, Silk [lankerchiefs. , Every one see them At FORMAN'S. Port Perry, April 28, 1875. Tz BROWN & PATTERSON A WHITBY. 0 Beg to thank their numerous customers for past favors, and to notify the Farmers of North Ontario and vicinity, that they still keep on hand in PORT PERRY, A full supply of their various Manufactures, and having secured the services of Mr. R. D. ROBBINS To attend to that paticular department, the public may rely on having their wants well attended to. We avo still making (|e jomnston [earen | Al SPECIALTY. | Believing as we do that it is decidedly the Best Reaper in the World. We. dave never wel been Defeated At a single trial, and the laurels won at Paris, Ont., in 1871; on the Tweedie Farm, near Whitby, 1871 ; Millbrook, 1871 ; Ottawa, 1873 ; and at Chatham, in 1874, and at different other places, East and West, during the past four seasons, all unite in crowniag it King of the Harvest! And should fully satisfy the most skeptical, For the season 1875, we are making every effort to produce the best machine on the Continent. > - What we say of the JOHSTON is equally applicable to our other Machines, Our Cayuga Chief Mower Is now too well known to need recommenda n. "The - A YOUNG CANADA, Is a new Mower with 2} inch pections--front cut--has a wabbling motion to the cutter bar--very light draft, well adapted to newer and rougner sections, and has few equals as "™ THE TRIUMPH, A Combined Machine, using the Johnston Self-Rake, we are fully prepared to warran to be as good a Combined Machine as is made in Canada. And while unscrupulous Agents are endeavoring to sell inferior Combined Machines at a higher price, that have never made a record in Canada, We-wotld simply ask you to compare Machines and prices, feeling fully satisfied as to the result. All our Le sare fully Warranted, tna we are bound to give satisfaction. Repairs of all kinds con: natly on' hand. 24 Everything Sold at Foundry Prices. . Bend on your orders at once, to the Brown & Patterson Manufacturing Company, Whitby. Ie 2 Or to BR. D. ROBBINS, Porr Perry. PS. Mr. WM. JAMIESON, of Manchester; Mr. ALLAN SMITH, of Columbus ; G. CROTHERS, Epsom; and H, HARPER, Port Perry, are duly authorized Agents, ta whom orders may be given, : B. & Pi M'ra,Co. 1 A 25 ILC mn== Subscribers having been engaged [ as rergl 'g dy ung jog ~--&0 To NF i PORT TERRY, FOR Choice, Valuable, and Cheap WATSBBe IIWIBBR Ts AND Fancy Goods! PLAIN AND FANCY STATIONERY, BOOKS AND General Supplies for Schools CHEAP AND COOD. q W. H. McCAW. Port Perry, May 6, 1874. REMOVAL John Diesfeld, PRACTICAL Watchmaker, &ec. "JD EGS leave to say, that he has Removed NEW PREMISES, Petween Bigelow's Royal Ar- cade and the Walker House, And takes this opportunity to thank his many friends and customers for the kind gationage bestowed upon him during the past and solicits a continuance of their kind favors. Watches, Jewelry and Clocks. Elgin Watches, &c. All Goods warranted a8 represented to be. Ben All work warranted. | JOLIN DIESFELD, Practical Watchmaker, Port Lerry, Jan, 27, 1875, 5 d0 MDOIS | 2% '800IVaoT 858] 381y © 'puog ur yse)) 10] paseraund sey of VIIA 'S)IBIY I[VSI[OYA\ OU} WoX pawinjal ysnf se *oonpoxd ued jespeut oy) ASITAM YO3008 PIQesauy oy) jo TAA T avouyd STINNVeL <S ne = ed 2 on 2 # © 8 2 2 : 3 g &y B I 1 EIT He a 3 | 3 E 8g if 1 = 52 Fie nw! IS g2a : 88 pRerT N aB2E = 0 BET : Sa ge et 50 §=8 -- - Te Bal ' 28 Ep Zi:T0 ~ ga3 ---- r -- ov Box or CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS 1s warranted to cure all discharges from the Urinary us, in ejther sex, acquired or constitutional Gravel and Pains in the Back, Sold in Boxes, 4s 6d each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors. ! Sole Proprictor, F. J. CLARKE, APOTHECARIES' HALL, LINCOLN, ENGLAND. : EXPORT AGENTS, Burgoyne-Burbridges and _Co,, Coleman St., { London. i! 'Newberry and Sons, 37, Newgate St., London. Rarclay anf Sous, 95 Farrington St., London. Sanger and Sops, Oxford St., London. And all the London Wholesale Houses. | "AGENTS IN CANADA. Montreal ~Evans, Mercer and Co., Wholesale Druggists. 4 Ly mavs, Clare and Co. Z'oronto =F ottand Co, Wholesale Drug- sts. . Eeiptotand Owen. Hamilton --Winer & Co. | Halifax --Avery, Brown amd Co. High Sho Moe! - | HE next examination of Candidates for a@mission to: the PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL Will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday, 8th arfiStiaguie) Deginaiag, IAT Pupils. 5 of attending . gt] AST HAL. 1815, A A a Me Reed Jo McBride, Port Pérry. GOODS ! CHEAPER THAN EVER - 2 We solicit an examinaticn of our Stock of : ' SPRING Ml if GOODS, A AT CHRISTIAN'S MANCHESTER. Splendid Prints, 12§c. Heavy Grey Cottons, 10c. Beautiful Dress Goods from 12c. BCOTS AND SHOES! Ladies' Prunecllas 62§c per pai. Ladies' Prunellas $1 extra quality. Ladies Leather boots 90c. Men's Stogas $2. Men's Felt and Straw Hats very cheap. Ready-Made Clothing in great variety. Carpets and Lace Curtains. A large Stock and splendid Assortment. Corsely's Tapesty at S0c. per yard. Lace Curtains 90c per pair, Hardware, &e. Nails, Glass, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, &c. Nails $3.50 per Keg. Salt by the Ton, Barrel or Bag. ------------------------ Having purcliased that splendid shop lately erected by Adam Gordon, Esq, I intend paying special attention to the Butter trade and will give the very highest price for good Butter. 8. H. CHRISTIAN. order of the 3 3 By order ot Sry INSPEOTOR. April 21, 1875. 1Tw Manchester, Maroh 3, 1875. suse RecEvED | BORDERING, AXD 3 SELLING OFF i rm ------------ . SELLING OFF. Fine Black Lustres at from] 25¢ to Toc. Black Gashmere, Black French Merinos, Black Barathea, Black Crape Cloth, ! Black Cobourg, Black Silk, At Geo. Currie's, AND White Shirtings, Roll'd Linings, all colois, Jeansand Wiggans, Check Ginghams, Fancy Shirtings, At Geo. Curric's. HOUSE FURNISHING Canadian Cottons, Canadian Cotton Bags, Linen Bags, Canadian Cotton Yarn, Canadian Cotton Ducks, At Geo. Curries. GENERALLY: New Prints, New Hollands, New Table Linens, - New Towels and T'owelling, Our Stock At GEO. CURRIE'S EL _] Felt Hats in the new Spring Styles, AT GEO. CURRIE'S, IS LARGE AND PRICES (3 Further arrivals of New "| Goods will be received as the WiNPERTD] ges season advances, and will be 2 ar 538 E sold Cheap! Cheap ! Cheap !! for Cash! : --_------------------m Salt, Plaster; Water Lime Clover Seed: : Port Perry, Miron, 1875:

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