a VO EXViLNo.22¢ PORT PERRY, PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1875, WHOLE N0. 908 a Pe 1 HENRY GR Is T, Por PERRY HOUSE, ap oT EL WT TICE TOT) ee vou less i : : 3 ds TO "LET. * me that last nocturne you learned : Ob, o i o He "Ane I , you saw it inthe Zéarld?and' 1 ) PORT FERRY, THE CIRC i a" ? It suits me. I hate sky-rocket mu- ch i let. PATENT SOLICITOR END DRCHISUAN, 1s v. momo ~" Miopmreron. I should like to describe my herd ui, but that is a" droning, lary. ar, | Sure ouetsne pisbof houses to fet ? OTTAWA, CANADA, The above House is now most comfort- ' ' as a young and gallant cavalier; of [and I like it. 'To let furnished oo ; Transncts business with the Patent Office |ably furnished, and Guests are cared for in this nineteenth century, with the| 'The idea of you liking anything'| basement,' and a ruther full d 0 : AND . |and other departments of the Government | the Home Style. Good Liguors and Cigars, x > wi [Song ox Jung nid Ms Ridouls Jo : ; om ihe um eh | thr depts of she oonempunt fhe Howe 8s. Gogo ad Gia, ; beauty of Apollo and the wisdom of To i v lazy,' said Mrs Kimber J. | tion of the premises, with tho em- RAL only sr ?| Marks and Desione Drocusad : Drawings, Ationg i been made which maker this a sage, but truth compels mo to ac- ii yes Ween! ove ad phate os foul oi : syn, 118] ED.4P. © | Specifications, and other Documents neces. | the largest and best House in thi i z mi i : Soma to bo sured am wy LIE Spent if ole rin Sa | stand vost | iy is section of Sharpened and Re-set knowledge that Rupert Smithson, in g a.m * When 9 vork.' A : i on receipt of the model of the Invention, hen T wor k, I work,' was the ! EVERY THURSDAY HORNING, i BY HAS JUST BEEN y . A Ri : ) f 'So as to bo sure Iam "at-home yr on T)FisoNs DOMINION HOTEL, spite of his fine, christian appella- reply, bat when I rest, I want tothe young rascal I' said Rupert. -- eh SE Anti ; tion was neither one nor the other. Re is Bers. Boke in Hingest Sniitheon, Tying aside the paper.--, 5 i { is 1 o At the Railway Station nd the Subscri i : His rephew and namesake, who hy Dro pert. id am sorry madam,' he said * that' , BAIRD & PARSONS. Ar ------ TT PORT PERRY. criber 13 Quioringd to CUT all kind of Goods was called in the bosom of his fam- uidenly, * what will you bet I can't | you have had the trouble o calling' rT" WwW M Ww Every attention given to the accommoda- In his line down to a : ily Rupert the Second; said that his "°° B, OR Det Weoit V . upon a useless errand." ci oo TERMS.--$1 per annum, if paid in ad- * s tion 'and comfort of guests, The table and ancle Rupert was a "crusty old azo Cant ap en Tass io my ' Then x is isken I" and the heavy: ; = ¢ bar supplied with the best the Market af bachelor," and I hammer my brains | 23 oy like you 1 ferape veil was lifted to show § avnce ; if not $1.50 will be charged. No i ? pplied t arket a { y y. ns Cy : - 5 asweeb Sakon for Tessithan&ix months; B fords. Choive Liquors and the best brands 1 ; in vain for any more fitting doscri hen you defy me ? matronly face, framed in the sad | and no paper discontinued until all arrears of Cigars. Bxcellent stable and shed ac- N ARGIN ABOVE COST ! Lon. y 8 P=| «Of course I do. Farewarned is] of all Te a widow's cap. desk oy - comnilatioh, ari} Wientive sstins : A crusty old bachelor he undoubt- forearmed. But come, stop chatting { «Well, -1o' said the perplexed ; RATES OF ADVERTISING. 4 Err LO Nt Lioptiety, Lam now receiving my large importation of edly was, moro than fifty years of |! Vans ty mnsis : ;, | bachelor, it is not exactly taken." For each Tine, first insertion L ® ds LICENSED REVERE HOUSE, MANCHESTER, ' : age, with grizzled hair, heavy eye lag Penns t Persians you object to lodgers.f: Subsequent insertions, per line ...... 2 nN : A, TENNYS: brows, a thick grey beard, and a |W! he hing i yes an ou want to take lodgers,' Ka Cards, under 6 lines, per annum..... 5 00 A { I C1 IONEER, The Sabah pricier, the ih grey ' brilliant smile, did not look like a lik Lstters containing money, when ad- best and most comfortab ; rough voice and manner. very promisin int eter. t Sd pins hi a est and most comfortable conntry Hotels | Ci 1 cas 1 re: VEIY romising interpr ol | gentle she looked, ing dressed to this Office; pre-paich and regester-| FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO. Pe river a j5, Situated in a mont con: i i up Dat he wos ZY ¢ dreamy, lazy music, wl once her | she had been long nd wonaseing ed, will be at our risk, AND TOWNSHIPS OF MARIPOSA & CARTWRIGHT, | Stages to and from Uxbridge, Utles aa Ep- B | his nature pls aurtace and had [hands touched the keys of the grand | «Yes, sir : but I would 'be ver Advertisments, measured by Nonpareil, EGS to thank his many friends and the | som, call here daily. us > : : ; oe. : ? ianoforte, the girl's" whole nature ful ab I PBT Sr va , i iberal patron | The Subscriber, since becomir been discovered in the act of com-|P ) 14 A careful about the references. o 3 and 'charged according to the space they ac. »ublie generally, for the liberal paf ther, 0 Ng proprietor, en, 5 s on i # eupy.. ~~ age kes upon him for the past five years. | 15 hid hr ee Foy sar mitting secretly deeds of charity and [Seemed to merge into the sound she | ¢« J Advertismentg received for publication, | ing now given up the business of making the Rev . ji created lave you ever kept lodgers B { making the Revere Howe u comfortable Which. has been bought very low, and I am determined o|kindness, that belied utterly his |created. pale : 3 el v 3 ! 1 - vs A " : . without specific instructons, willbe inserted | pojliff, 1 intend, in future, to devote yt Jr i avelers, and for the re- habitually surly tone and abrupt Merry music made dancing elves ¢ No, sir. Since my husband died antil fordid and charged aiccodingly. No |} ole time to the business of Auctioneer, The table and bar supplied with the best d n S { 7 MAST: other fingers us they flew over the six years ago (he failed in business, advertisment will be taken out until' paid for. | (ioljecting, &e. CUTS Dll C1 T ALL GOODS y ER Twenty yonrs before when the notes. ~~ kof [And brought, on asevere illness by \ A liberal discount allowed to Merchants | 1g wij) be my endeavor, by prompt and "A. TF NVSOR, 'Proprietor. . reamy music drew a mask o ) 3 A. hair was nut-brown, and clustered in mental anxiety) my daughter a and others who advertise by the year or|....ful attention to business, to give full Manchester, Aug. 5, | ) y ghter and 5 . ite [hushed leaity over her face, and rsel av : 3 oF . rich curls over tne broad, white S ce, myself have been sewing, but we half-year. satisfaction to all who may favor me with A TTT eed 7 ng a y . trite brown eves shown | Der reat black eyes would dilateand | hive both been in iil} & 3G Thess. terms will in all cases be [their Salea or Collecting, | TNION HOTE, Parties Building will do well to give me a call. Just received PERsRa an 0g Ir | soem to see faraway beauties as the winter, amd I want a f a iotly adk tor Bi'ls draughied and Blank MANCHESTER. S 2 Qi od | room filled wi v 2 - ine alivi - 5 SHIRE atid to free of charge. : Ti JAMES T. HEARD, Proprietor. Rew, Stock of tmudind Sorat Rupe yay 9 ied wo eiEhy Tw aed Tres {ing joe genanion: 4 Also Bill Stamps always hand, : . < ; , given his whole loyal heart to Katie ie ; . . L use several years, but pip NII Ji LER nl Lh BORING MACHINES, Carroll, noightior and friend, Titulo, Sho would look liko an inspired | have nob capital to furdnp so ors Phamplets, Tan: 1118, Losters, 1TOZ| tthe Onsenver Office, and at the Standar He TA Telit en aA = A reetheart from childhood an of Arc when grand chords rol-| wane if possible to secure a hohse J os, Bill Heads, Blank Forms, Receipt she (npr ' "he bar suppliec with the best Liquors and 8 . i sweetheart fr . on led out under her ds § hicstl 2 ny 4 I'e a house gone Bl Boats, Girealors, Business | Office, Port Pury, Wot WILLCOX, | CIE. Good Stabling. ne Of Superior make, Urged by love as well as ambition po ag up li Te like this one' : Cards, Ball Cards, &c., of every style and ed " 30 he had left his home in a small town rma) far he g N A Quite unconscious of the reason, 3 color, excented promptly and at lower rates | Princo Albert, Oct. 25, 1873. -- and gone to London to win a fortune oF oe her beauty into something Rupert Smithson, was finding it very a H or establishment in the County. 3 . . v 4 Friis saintly." sits c : DL An arly call will convince all that there is wo. deception] i tis is i the ronwont cae wa cova, D300 tle oh gonto in 18 3 ard thor sto take / * AREENBANK. about prices. The fortune and fame as 3 suc- |St. Cecilia became pretty Fann ns, Ens... { Vills, &e. printed can have them done to take Rickie ctioneer, Valuator, &e. | : hi b ot. 4 pretty annie spoke, was wondering if it would ; . , ..McRAE, P aT 2 URIs pout z i home with them, i Tabridn R. McRAE, PROPRIETOR. . cessful merchant, came to him, but) Kimberly again. not make an agreeable variety in hie { H; PARSONS JOR the Township of. Hirer, Usbrides, 5 vhen he returned to Katie, he found [mp : ; agreeable variety in his L J. BAIRD. . RE - Biss Pho Mara, Mariposa | The aboye hotel has undergone a thorough | Pert Perry, May 6, 1875. : when he re Tr ; There were few influences that lonely life, t peri i tego ¥ Bont, Thorah, Rama, ) DO reorntiorl al hasten 2 orn] y, May 6, W.T PARIIISE. she had left home also and besome a {could soften the outer crust of man-- ¥ life, to make her experiment i i y --_-- ri oh a oo of keeping a lolging house on the pi eae Hig W ol, i : ies to me | View to the comfort and convenience of the | = Ss = by cssional Cavs. pay Parties entrusting their 54 0.5 Hh n an Pn] 9 { Oe mont ction being ven | vl pubic." Sui sunton 11 1+ BURT PERRY LIVERY STABLES, 7g bride. ner in Rupert Smithson, but he would = premises, Nobody told Rupert of treachery | hide his face away when Fanny ! Seei ; ga : aly 4 i SA § € anny eeing his hesita i Phaeton their interests. Bos nd Comfortable stables MONEY TO LO to the pretty Katie, ot letters sup- played, ashamed himself of teurs earnest itation, she said raiela 3 , Slo a Ci ' : R JONES Blan, Coroner, Phy 3 wy, on ch Greenbank, March 25, 1874, 63 vim 'C.) en pressed, of slandera circulated, and | {hut started or smiles that Lovered | I think you will be satisfied with | " Port Perry. BniConauty | eit dn tata ory : MORTCACES WANTED parential a to its|on his lips, as the music Pierced] coop hes TOU TIE NS en a ih { 4 - tein a rtp eres mame OF ar Tr . st in favor he wealthy suit--- v ni at w. Fino Sd * Office, over Allison's Drug Store, Queen-st. SHE DA OE HOUSE, C ME K Is N 7 I E - : dade, utmost in favor of the wealthy down, down into that warm, lov ing one house, and worked for one firm cidence--One door west of the Prexby THOS. H. WALSHE. | . 4 £4 A 174g |MPVIE Subscribers have large sums of mon- | 0 heart he had tried to conceal with | hh Church. : 2D Auctioneer for the Township TTICA. n r, Ife had no record of the slow de- spair that ereptover the loving heart ey placed in their hand mproved Farms, Villy other Secur Sin this at the lowest enrrent ra PROPRIETOR. for six years, and it y ire i 44 to ; 2 { > 8, 1 you require it Is cynical words and looks. IT can obtain letters from i huss So, when the final cords of they, Thorah, Mara & Rama in TR. WARE, Corénor for the County of | North Ontario; Mariposa, ete, in the County (iki Physician, Surgeon and "Acs | eve da Resid J. DAFOE, PROPRIETOR? 'Cannington, Brock. n Ml 0 ) ands friends. Perhaps you know miions. Careful attention | A enter iu eavinped linve fandy on hand at 'all times owers | When the pleading js ya p nocturne melted softly into silence, | im. John Murray, -- "Street? coucheur, Orders left at this off or at his reside nts of travelers and guests. | a supply of superior Hors y % ih nse dom peiling their money with the | answered, of the dull apathy that | (0 old bachelor left the house bid- | 5 : Prince Albert. with the best wines, liquops | Prepared to furnish first class : | will be punetnally attended to, 1 \ yielded at last, and gave away the ding no one farewell, end in Cannington, or othery and cigars, ul stabling. ' ; r WANTED TO hand of the young girl, when ber! hey were accustomed to hissing J I. RANGSTER, M. D., Physician, sur prompt remittances made, _ Remember-- ------ AL L i Vv E R Y R i C S T PURCHASE, 1 sr, y Ss f ¢ John Murray!" ' Rupert Smithson looked search ingly into the pale sal face that so ' ' = -- ee ARE ; : : heart seemed broken: ular ways, so no one followed him ; | leadingly rais TS 2 i n and Accoucheup, the North Thtario Auction- y On Moderato T oot Hee nT orn es for which the high a cv ar lover A hr Cha anit Pleadingly raised to his gaze. ¥ aT ohn WALSHE, WESTERN ASSURANCE COMF Y n Moderate Terms. SL fiires will he allowed, All that the young ardent Over but MrsKimberley sighed as she said | here Were the rosy cheeks tho } PORT PERRY. kd or or 2) knew, was that the girl that heloved si = Port Perry, Aug. 6, 1873, niture Stare, corner of | TT # WHITBY TORONTO. re ECO NORA 1 51%: C. Mc KENZIE. 'Rupert gets odder and crustier Office over Nott' Mutton in 1 faithfully ard fondly was false to her dancing eyes, the laughing lips pe = ) : 7 : ] . every year. had pictured as belonging - 3 Quest and Fang far i in from 2 a rte ; | promise, the wife Epub : * But he isso good," Fannie said, Di wife? ging to. Joly 3 Office hours from $a. m. to 12 m. 3 He spoke no word of itternes, yat Teno het piano seith a sls) Tint Murray's ? . vellipg recently occipied Fal { Lands Boug . "1 : AvInGASr Ri a Ati Kuowing now the tru 1 he ,r r. A CE bi STEAM MARBLE WURKS.| mcorvoraca. ! a good fury gt and Sold: |, upned to the homerhe had fitted up | opt it whirling around giddily. nised the face be before Fie ; one ' Tn Ds for sale, for his bride, the business, he had Why dont he get married," said enh Aim a : ns NOL RA ane Ga, Sz BR. WOLFENDEN, |Capital = nee Comp foped was his stepping-stone to {Rapert, 'tis a downright shame by ay and suffering, A ae > 1:04 ESALE and. Retail dealers. in ---- naolestions ma happiness and a hfe of loneliness. [to have that splendid house shut up "you have children 7 he said after AVM. M'GILY, M.D. FRANCTS RAT, M.D. Vi ri and American: Marble Mane President Hon. John MeMurrich | 28 DEBENTURES BOUGHT. a ® len ye iter, when his sister | yoqr exec pt justa few rooms that long silence. rei tles, Monuments, &e., Dundas St , Whitby. Viee-1 YWOCLAMATION Seerclary p= CLAMATION {| A M. F. McBRIEN, M.D, with her son and danghter came to | cle Rupert and Mrs. James oc. JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, 5 Un p 1 Jum Hospital, London, ing i ive i for educational |p? . Also, Agent for the Scottish Granite, live in London fo : cupy. 'Oply one living, a daughter ; i Sail . yo... Seventeen yearsold. I havo buried 70 THE TSHARIANTS OF Gene advan %, Rupert w cc uinly 1 mean to ask him, said Fanuie, Lolli oe Lu Also Building Stone cut to order, : J diab Offies 2 Mr, Ross Ontortn ! J what his sancy nephew called him, a fin yisivelv: ) ig 1 3 ; pulsive JOIN NOTT, = re ; { "Iwill let you hav icons: "No, nol "said Mrs Kimberley, one. comiiions? 10 on hgh Yet into hat disappointed |, ly; never speak of that to your trompline a little as h y spk £ heart Katie's desertion had so wound- " " ¢ 1 e spoke. x ! uncle, 'annie--never! | She did nc Wap. 1 1! | ed, the bachelor uncle took with 'But why not 2' Nn i or looking down . ) 3 } ] ed eyes k ¢ | il m love and great indulgence, his | op paver told you before, but your J Sng ' Agni, voter. | ng oNTARID PARNER NORTHERN REACH [rr rer Whitly, July 20, 1874, { Mutual Insurance Company. il) | | John Me Donald, ru: company is now fully a MARBLE DEALIE § Propucdtoaccept risks on and their contents, cquntry School Houses zed and is | rm Buildin THE PLACE TO i } into her own, in the voice suddenly phew and neice, bright handsomo le was encaced vears avo and. ! ; I. nephew and 5 juncle was engaged years 0, andy modulated to a tender SY oetlL ess, children of ten and twelve, who, | (}a10 w s some trouble. I ne | 1 ] . got | 4 i (some memory was awakened, and" NEWCASTLE, ONT. andlChurchus se wishing to insure and | childlike, imposing upon his good | qepstood ex ctly, for I was married, she only listened with a boat ¥ i ' i Rn oad thereby support a Home Insurance Company B U Y Y 0 U R | [ls ne A hasany amount of Moneg | pyure, rioted over his quiet, orderly 1nd jeri the samo year that Rupert oo a : vith bated breath YMAN I. H LL. rin A ONUM Tomb-Tables, Head- }4vu now an opportunity of doing so, either to lend upon Farm and Town Property, at ill his staid housekeeper de : ig ¢ CHRP LLLLG Thitheery, Abt v, (0 er, &c. : Tete Tors do } Bg 2% 5 wouse, tll his staid housekeeper de- came to London. ~ Bat this I do ' _oondith at iy L ARS SY RTIRN Caer hh AVL Stones of great variety, with every de. py applying to the Head Office, or to any of | Unusually Low Rates of Interest! clared they were worse than a pair |), tho Yad after wailing three On one condition, Katie,' he eaid Oshawa. scription of Marble Work, suitable for Cem- th. Joel Agents of the Company. Our rates | ARS 5 > ne Sadly atten RAIL Ng { that Fou come to it as my wifgyand Ofice--Simeoo strect, opposite the Pest Office. | qeries, supplied at short notice. Also will be found as low as those of any respon- Dry Goods, | Loans can be repaid in any manner to suit? of monkeys, carressec LIS J {or four years, married, and, Rupert its mistress. I have waited for you 3 -------------------------- Peterhead and: Abcrdven Granite, = '#ible Mutual Insurance Company in Canada, 2 . | the borrower, one moment, and poutetl over SOME | ag never been the same man since.' twenty years, Kati!' 0 + . . 5 ip ri 5 . \ | al n ou . of aly 1 0 . . . . hy) 3, § » G IT L. B. pasion An Bas" Parties will find it to is Spy Head Office--Opposite the Royal Hotel, Grocerics, | Alsoxeveral Improved Farms, and Wild | yefasalfor a monstrous a [ am quite sure that Le was ve 3 Th nb hand £6 ¥oiiove, oven en. ° and Theoivoney, Notary Public, & i tens to withhold theirones until ealled ion. Brook su, Whithy Clothi | Lands for sale, cheap. next, and treated him generally > | much attached to her, and that yon though the title whiow let him. cor d Inscivanoy; Ni) ] by I, FA NES othing, Investments made in Municipal Deben-| bachelor uncles must.oxpect to be | : im if you jested ab "3 co--MeMiilan's Block, Bro > ON . FAIRBANKS, Jz. ' nts made in Municipa n- | bachelor uncles mu I would wound him if you jested about i ik - os Foweiois } msm, sn J. C. WILLIAMSON, A hin, g ) he Bank and other marketille Stocks. | (ronted by their sister's children, | mone WOU youj ess ber, aud sobbed on her breast, 1 pa ro a hd i Boots and Shoes, | Apply to There was some talk when Mrs. But 1 don't mean to jest at all.- | grail. Implete Suol i NAMERON & MACDON 4 Barristers Saticfaction guaranteed, and all work war | -- oor -- | ig oe ro i es or lame > 7 JF : ome so unlike the Rupert sho and Attorneys at Law, Solicitors County | 0 | Ss. L. M Hardware | JAMES HOLDEN, Kimberly first came, of making One iT think he would be ever so much bad believed false. Couneil, Ontario, Ofces : Court House. ! ¥ : y MRS. . . COOK, 2 { © wuschold of the family. but the idea | puynier it he had some Tovar a I, or : SY avr household, 3 happier it he had some one to love, | "jac fter: th oY % hax & Whithy. JABUAL10,]8Y2, kd I ADIES' HAIR DRESSER, Tinware lo v lank, MeMil-| was abandoned and the wealthy | 4;0'somo one to love him in return. |, oro, fer the whole past ha SAC, CAMERON, H. J. MACWONNELT. | . ~~ Cn rt Re ' y 1 FEICE-- Over the Dominion Bank, McMil-| was ab > JY land some one rn. 3 .*| been discussed, and Rupert knew | Jan's Bloek, Brock st., Whitby widow selected a residence three|y must be dreadfully loneseme in || i! i ; ne . ow he had been wronged, but not Stationery, | Whitby, April 10, 1873, | I SE oatntiy 4 Swi tale. Fel ; A. HURD, Attorney at Law, and Solicitor Switches, Braids, Friz Curls, and Comb- . in Chancery. Office inthe Royal Arcade, ra off in the same road. at lare se wi 0 ani Ch 3 1 ings, and Hair Jewelry Manufactured. T a _ ns doors 0 he Ts oi fhiat Lugs bones with wo mp | Katie, it was hard to believe thera > - 'P Med & EE Rupe : S¢ but Mrs James, i5 ong ¢4 I might be years of happiness still in 2 POLL Torey. Rooms, over Mr. Nott's Fursiture Ware-| Patent Medicines, &e., bachelor ways," she said, ¢ that it years old I am certain.' store for them, ii ¥ Toth a hii ne ari IS AT THE Y Fould be positits erushiy io divinely ought to marry her! said } Rupert Smithson, did not 'put in i W. Maurice Cochrane, Siren oe o | him. 2 Rupert; 'she always calls him |, appearance' at his countinghouse" 7 SEY W, Solicitor in Chan- ! : Greenbank Store. : Probably young Rupert and Fan-|qearie," : ] all dy. and Ramer the Serend ness. : TN AT i oe WANTED ! 0 BT.IN AND {nie did not consider their bright ¢ Don't, children jest about it any home to his dinner in rather an aa. ae to 5 p.m. =. RICHARDRON, . 0 PURCHASE, Promissory Notes, both | . GLY. FEIN. young faces disturbers of their un-imore,' said their mother, 'and be easy frame of mind regarding thet 2 Money 5 Loan at 8 per cent, on all Re-appointed Issuer of over due and yet to become dus, ac- | Greenbank, July 20, 1873. Cc fo ti cle's tranquility, bat itis quite cer-(gyre you never mention the subject Ari ool tre ot hin 5 kinds of good security. = counts, Judgments and Mortgages, { oniec onerv. tain that out of school hours their, ¢q your uncle.' } N * B Set ais dein ood so it I have Office, Bigelow's Royal Arcade, JMarria oe Licenses Apply personally to uncle's residence Say ther quite ns The first of April was a clear, offended beyond all hope of pardon,' 5 W. M. COCHRANE, . frequently as where their mother re- | rather cold day, the air was bright d y ¥ PORT PERRY. 4 Ton Pury HE Bakery and Confectionery business | {T€Q y as rather cold day, A - was al] | Pesaid as he rose from the table. .. . ~ { Under the New Act. Office, lot 10, in the : RR in all their branches carried on in my sided. : iG 4 r aud snapping, and the sky was a But a groff voice behind hftn ar- N. VARS, L. D. S. git cou pk, Port Perry and Prince Albert establishments, With the intuitive perception of | treacherous smiles as became the rested hrs stopss So iam C. N. 1 ths Intet. princi]. Brocky Avg. 5,1874, 33 . MONEY | MONEY | ==} | Plain and Fancy Breads of Every variety. | children, they understood that the |coquetish month of sunshine and £86 you have advertised my house uss BETH inserted on a po D pap- --_-- ' ' ; v.| Orders filled with the shortest notice. abrupt, often harsh voice, the surly showers. Tot." sald Bi To rs nia al 23 ples of the art, and as cheap as the cheap RT WHITBY & PORT PERRY EXTEN 7 'ishowers a, ' to let," said his uncle. ; cst, and as good as tho best. Teeth filled -- SION RAILWAY. Bridal and other Cakes mado to order. | words, and the undemonstrative™ {Uncle Rupert finishing bis lonely | "pot spitg of his eftorts he failed &™" with Gold and Silver. Teeth oxtracted ) rs MN ONEY TO LOA? at8 per cent interest TIME TABLE No. 11. 'Socials and other entertainments sypplied | manner covered a heart that would breakfast, thought to himself-- ar a S He A SE by_prodicing ool anesth- on Real Estate. 5a Sows Takes aon Monday, 1h Ave) 8%. | 0 moderate terms. have made oy Jaerifice ul Yoekr i ¢T must be on the Ion jada "How Toans old maid sand widows ia, Dentical Ewin Lowans now : rape 2 § that loved them with as 'true upert's promised trick! 5 { Hay aH eS block, over Atkinson's Drug Store, King ; Port Perry, March 12, 1874, 12 Tanto Time. | CONFECTIONS! sakes) ow i bi Oper 2 ais tS rains te rlied ¥ ingaeid the daring young " Street, Oshawa, 2 Ee A TT MO NN | Wnithy lin every variety and of the best quality. have given them. Yer fool his old uncle. Who's there?' Scapegrace. Edt aly TOT New Marriage Act. MONEY Whitby g Wildpobd. peice + WI "I don't know. After the, fivst. ---- x Children's Toys in abundance. As they outgrew c 1 00d, evi The last two words in answer to : lication, Mrs Jomes fold the ¢ the CHAS. THORN, VS, ' . [Private Funds, 2 Myre, ences of affection ceased to take alg somewhat timid knock upon the x the Sons vs rakem. « I ® x V EMBER" of thio iA Ingituts, Port Perry, July 1st, 1874. To Loan on Farms, at 8 per cent in- Bnei ole ( ALL AT MY B AKERY fry afdulls ii dims, and pre door CAREY note ain ls Taken by 5 Com i Chicago, Ill. Gold st for the a _ rt Perry . veil, ; up s boug H 5 "} 'Yes; Ihave fet it mpon a life 'ext Es ol Horse Practice. Author SEV. CHARLES hivids bass. Be LYMAN ENGLISH, saddle hors, and various other de-|ish Rupert Smithson, but his eye: lease totes he open a, Aan 'of a First Prize Essay on Shocing. Gradu: Hero ARLES ogle bun 16 Burnpren, £0, [ros ery 1.40 Port Perry or Prince Albert. lightful and acceptable shapes, until | opened with 8 most unmistakable wy wife! rs ad Ladcw ated Sept. 16,1867. Ta yoMS, des omy Fa Oshawa, | 3 hehester i CHAS. HISCOCKS. | Rupert came of age, when he was}exprossion of amazement, as the doos Very shy, blushing, and timid 'my. \ Dr. Thora begs to announce that he has | nigh Licenses as herctofore--at Port Perry, | November, 21, 1866. 18 [um mits 221] port Pepry, March 10, 1875 taken from college into his un-lopened to admit a tall, siender figure wife' Tooked- in her and fimic myo taken up his residence at Po , and is ATE Brockli £6) Fore ¥emy, iw cle's counting-house, and a closer in- |i deop monrning, and a low sweet an her's © now prepared to treat all cases 1 to ; - KE Whitby Junction ie TE 3 - id aun 2 8 de P So ng, : dress ad bonnet, 5h her threchotrs! old 3 p if : ~ | i ( GG A G thYveveasssnsenen . g he y eq -- husban er in, : Lab be orders eit the. Medical Hall > ip atorm Sidons=trans stop on signee) Wr NET QDREN (I, | Peteen the young life and the one | "fy this the landlord a a horlil 4 ore Allisonwill receive prompt attention, > TAKEN TO AND FROM THE STARION only, JAMES HOLDEN. Te 4 o | treading the downward path to old| «The--the--what? Ed Kimbo oo er : por o Vétorinnry Stables may be found AND AROUND TOWN. ~~ \ Managing Director, LDER age. : «Called about the house, sir. 'It 1s Katie Carroll IF +. old sooust "on Lilly étroet, opposite Cossit's aE ee | 70HN J. ROSS, Assistant Manager. CONTRACTOR & BUI . There had been a family gather-| «What house? Take a seat,' sud | "1 Ghie aid tn ree Perry, Oct. 28,1873. | p 1] fhe, Buberiibor js prepared uf SIARy | uxt hm * ing at Mrs, Kimberley' one evening | denly recalling his politeness. groom with immense dj "and i Port Perry, Oct, 28, 1873. 3 5 ee * | Chests, Trunks, Boxes and Syory other dss Daily Line to Rochester | RICK-LAYING,STONE-WORK, PLAS- |] ,(¢ in the month of March, and a} «Jgnot x Place rn 3 Do hor Wanee oO | ll -- x ie | scription of Luggage fore So the Raj way [Commeneing on or about Monday, April 19.] TERING, &C., in all their departments,| .onversation had arisen upon the| « Certainly it is.' he A neF . JOHN 8 M. WILLCOX, = OF DIVISION COURTS is Siation roy oy to, Charges F ; exccuted in the best style. '| traditional customs and tricks of the| «I have been looking out for protty SW answered to 67 "eal: ad - F the Town of Whitby, hes Todh dp . = le : ! : HA Having secured the services of a compe-| gt of April. yi; sometime for a furnished Bouse, sir. but warmer welcome was yi oc 0 he To A y FOR THR . J. CODE. LY tent party to manage and conduct the farm, ¢ Senacless, absurd tricks,' Rupert and: if 1 find this one' suits: me avd mel bi OFFICE GNEE c ty of o t Port Perry Jan. 1st, 1874, het } ares devote my whole SUERKOR | gmithson had calle] them in his ab- {the rent is not too high--' » OFF] of Ohtarin. Any business| 2 OURTY ntario, wig : HE STEAMER. *NORSEMAN,? ay : ruptrough way ; 'fitonly to amuse| «Bat ----' interrupted the aston- % for the 'county J 0. y i 31 5 T Crawford, Master,) will make her 1egular CONTRACTOR ild idiots. "1: bachel entrusted to his charge will be carefully at- . FOR THE (YEAR 1875. trips en this route, leaving Cobourg every + |ehildren or idiots." ished bache or. © tended to.. Yo 19048 HAY x oxlk - As RICH ARDSON, Inoming at 7.90 und Port, Hope at o'oloci for Contracts taken in Stone work, Brick work,| - « Oh prhaw. Uncle Rupert ao ¢ Oh, I hope it is not taken. The 3 Elz], le ale "DEALER IN York Gontral and EHERAl ways for all polat | Plastering, &c., &c. Contracts completed Fannie said eaueily ; 'you played [advertisement said to call between : w. A lear ie Tied uct HE | z 3leig] Sr Amol ok - t, West, and South. With dispatch, the April fool tricks too, when yeu were eight an1 nine, and struck eight as § J: won wire Oiler Fu-bigsiow's Block, | R215 S18 SI 18 Pg tH 0 BLINDS Returning Wil lave Charlotte (port of | BEST MATERIAL AND FIRST CLASS) (RU > 2 thas + IT stood upon the doorstep." 3 ey 3pm. 0 | oe 3} 8) 313 8b 3b DOORS, SA 1 I} = DLV) |e aber il Soave av 4b. x. tor Tors Hops WoORERLNHL. 16], 'Never! [Never could seeanygense| 'Oh, the advertisement! So, so. 3 omee hours fom Ya. m: to3 p. m. 31 510/23 At wow sett mo ganar ow 00 1) iret Dtica, April 14, 1876. in them. 'And what's more, Miss|Mas'er Rupert! This is your doings 8 Xs wr ip --. nla? 15, 1812] 9ivaf 15 Cg} Ang is This is the shortest and Joickest route to] ---- ee e-- bbs yop ¥ sit ? will let me the adver- : % 1%! 1 i ol No prepared to 1 all ordersat h Oswego "Watertown via Lake Ontario 7. At home, male or female; gas] Fannie, I never was caught. by any [sit ? will you let me see © d OHN CHRISTIE," ~~ = ¢ i fot f 7| + ol lem Ce a Shore Rallroad {rom Charlolte, WO RE ra va ot the shallow deceifs.' tisement madsm ? 4 "rowxsise CLERK, ~~ Nal 3B) 18 17 P Mills, ales. in Jr espeigion To the FO ALL Xs capita e etl} Jol: Never made an April fool 2' You have the Hearld in your Issuer of Marriago_ Licenses--Conveyancer, = 1.0GEO; BL DE ie po PERRY viet #0 Hon, Ribany, New York, &c, Cio tl Au eA To oT rs 2¢ Never, and never will bé I" was | hand sir,' she said, timidly, <I did Ofice- Meer he LS Whitby, Jan. 1, 1875 = port Porry, May 12, 1815, 200 ore orG. F. Gllderalast a KRGetons P.M. Youwo, 128 Greenwich St Noam | the reply. 'There, child, go play not cut it out. J i e8yer. . $i . 4. Whitby, - by oe RE ¢ : :