Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 20 May 1875, p. 4

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Ea act directly as excitants of nutrition, 4 to prostrate anemic women and delidate children. 181 ~The central ea ng Dis- "SPRING. pe blood. Pr Wh 1 Sel pound Tu > = ; of health eeler's raf of Calisaya. pata | Ly 'tone to ver and Puncreas, the great that pt nourishment for bullding fripod wp the organs and tissues of the oy action of this remarkable preparatiol ary in strengthening and vitalizing the constitution, whether impaired by age, by excessess, bad habits, lor rum down by old complaints that have resisted all ordinary methods of treatment. delicious cordial to take, and perfectly under all-circumstances. it ig emi- I WILL SHOW THIS WEEK, ONE OF THE BEST ASSORTED ex- The Imported Draught Horse ! Most Fashionable ! STOCKS OF DUMFRIESSHIRE JOCK ! The Property of Mr. F. Elliott, Epsom. 'Will stand fir Maves, this season, 1875, as follows : MONDAY, May 3rd, will leave his own sta ble, and proceed to Hockridge's Hotel, Epsom, and remain all night. TUESDAY, proceed to Folios Hotel, Ash- 'burn, and remain all night WEDNESDAY proceed by way of the 9th ~~ Qon. to Myrtle, 'thence along the Gravel Roadto T otel, Manch and Tepe all' night. i URSDAY, proceed to Andrich's Hotel Baintficld, and remain till Friany noon, thence to bisown stable and remain till the following Monday morning. JOHN HILL, Groom. in Port Perry, where. W. TRENBETH, Merchant Tailor, The Imported Draught Horse Scottish Chief, lmported in 18735. The property of Mr. Elliott, Epsom, Beach will stand for mates, this' season, 1875, as follows : MONDAY, May 3, he will leave his own stable, Tih] 8th con. Reach, and proceed 's Hotel, Uxbridge at noon; fests N. Dewer's, lot Ish 12th con, Beach; and remain all night | TUESDAY, procecdto Dobic's Hotel, Vic- toria Corners, at noou ; thence to Tucker's Hotel, and remain all night., WEDNESDAY, proceed to Heron's Hotel, Valentyne, at noon ; thence to J. Bag- shaw's, lot 3, 10th Con. Brock, and remain all night a THURSDAY, proceed to James McDougall's, Derryville, at noon ; thence to Campbell' 8 Hotel, Sunderland, and remain all night. FRIDAY, proceed to Andrich's Hotel, Saint- field, and remain all night. SATURDAY, proceed to his own stable and| B&h, Agent for the Singer Se yemain till the following Monday morning, | The Singer Machine is Camp thy best 0 _ | machine now in usc and also the cheapes we es Il baju tat uring | | when the quality of the machine is Mares must come to the stands. No business 10t0 consideration. done on the road. | come and examine the machines, JOHN HOCKINS, Groom, KLIN LEARCR. Port Perry, March 18, 1875. In all its Departments. Port Perry. Newest Styles, { Workmanshin, and a perfect fit guaranteed, Charges moderate, Port Perry, Dec. 1, PHE IMPORTED DRAUGHT HORSE SPRING TWEEDS SPRING TIES AND SCARFS ! Hats and Caps, UNDERCLOTHING, &C.. &C, ever shown CHEAP TOR CASH ! Cafl 'and Examine before purchnsivg olse- TAILORING, HE Subscriber is carrying on the Tailor- ing Businessin all its "departments at his rooms over Corrigan & Campbells Store, First-Class ing Machine. taken Parties will do well to HEARD'S FAR Vo « AND GENERAL BLACE-SMITHING ESTABLISHMENT. HE Subscriber ag much pleasure in stat ing that he has secured the valuable J of MR. ANDREW CAMPBELL One of the best wood-workers in the Pme vince, and is now better fitted than ever to fill all orders for Cutters, Sleighs, Bob-Sleighs, or any description of Carriage with dispatch. All repairs in Wood or Iron executed with neatness and on short notice Customers may rely on getting the best material, latest styles and superior work. 'mauship. Special attention given to HORSE SHOEING and the work done so as to secure the ease and comfort of the horse in traveling. p&5™ All Charges Moderate and all work Warranted. : WRIGHT'S BOGT & SHOE EMPORIUM ! PORT PERRY. WANTED. 500 Cords of Hem- lock Bark, 3000 Sheepskins, And any quantity of Hides and Tallow for which the MAIN STREET, HIGHEST PRICE I Cash. ||U XBRID GE Will be paid by the Subscriber. J. WRIGHT. Port Perry, Oct. 1, 1874. po 'W. C, HEARD. Manchester, Dee. 17th 1874. 51 D. CONBOY, Carriage & Sleigh MAKER, ENDERS his sincere thanks for the hearty and generous patronage he has recived from the public since commencing busines in Uxbridge. . A practical know- ledge of the business in all its details, super- ior Workmanship, First-Class Mrterial, Ele, gance, in'Style and Finish, and a determina- tion to make his work equal i in every respect to his rep ions, isan expl of the very large and i increasing demand for his work, Mr. Conboy, the Inventor and Pat- enteeof the turndown seat has made a very greatimprovement as applied to Buggies.and is nov making a specialty of Carriages with this seat, The great demand for Cutters with this seat fully confirms its superiority and excellence. Asa Single Buggy it is light and stylish, it is almost impossible to detect the fact that it was ever designed for two seats, yetin a moment it can be changed toan elegant family Carriage capable of car- rying four persons, A shifting Top Carriage with this improv- ed seat is capable of being changed to Eight different forms and so perfect in every feature FIRST CLASS BOOTS & SHOES Workman Style Material, gp HE Subscriber would return his sincere thanks for the very extensive and rapidly increasing patronage bestowed on bim since opening business in PORT PERRY; And would embrace this opportunity of as- rt suring his customers and the public gener- as to call forth the admiration of all. . ally that as in the past so in the future will | Parties about purchasing Buggies will find he' strictly adhere to using only the best it decidedly to their advantage to exemine material, employing none but good work- | | these Carriages before purchasing elsewhere, men and sclling at prices--when the quality | The Turn-down Seat is exempt from every t of the Goods is considered--which cannot useless adjustment and possessing in an em. fail to please purchasers, | inent age Utility, Beauty, Stre ength, Ca 3 pacity, , Per Whi i Footshand Neatnes and Cheapness, 'as the Turn-down yi 5 Seat with its adjustable contrivance costs but Call and inspect my Stock, 82.50 extra, pes First block west of the Post Office Uxbridge, Jan. 20, 1875. - 4 FIRST CLASS TAILORING. Marquis of Lorne ! WL a stand for Mares, this scason, 1813, | as follows : Monpay, May 3, he will leave his own stable McKinnon's Hotel, Beaverton, and sie to Cannington, and remain all night. | \ ments, Tome, proceed to Manilla, and remain all | AT HUGOE'S, PRINCE ALBERT, 'WEDNESDAY. proceed to the Royal Oak Hotel, I at noon; thence to Jackson's Hotel, Little the latest styles and at moderate rates. Britain, and remain all night. i good fit guaranteed. 'THURSDAY, proceed to Banks' Hotel, Oakwood, and remainell night. bi proceed to Woodville, and 1emain all | Prince Albert, April 2, 1874. BATURDAY, proceed to Argyle, at noon; ther. ce. to his own stable and remain till the follow- ing Monday morning | above route will be continued during the season, health and weather permitting. A.O.STEVENS, JOHN THOMPSON, Groom. Proprietor. VALUABLE Important to Farmers a superior ioe Bred Short Horn LORY DUE ERIN. ess! opr R. WHE will stand for ih own Lal lot §, in the 8th con- Sf Roan during the season of 1875. ~rd Dufferin, Roan, Calved 75, bred by HC. Mars Esq, Mark- got Bre Clifton Duke 2nd, 77. ane Fourth, by (i ior, 51 20a Jane Third, by Sir John 753), cession of the TOWNSHIP OF REACH, Containing IRST class Tailoring in all its depart- Work made up on the shortest notice in Re emember the place, opposite Cook's Hotel, R. HUGOE. . 15 Farm for Sale. OR SALE, lot No. 14, in the 12th con- wr 140 ACRES. RICHARD WARRINER. Port Perry, Nov. 12, 1873, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT SHOW ROOMS ! HE Subscribers have apened Show Rooms on Perry 8t., North of Mr, Curries Store, where Sample Machines of the Manufacture of the Joseph Hall Manu- | facturing Company, Oshawa, will be kept for inspection. : *Bupred '0 The farming community are respectfully invited to call and inspect our machines, E. WALKER. H. 8. JOHNSON, Port Perry, Dec. 30, 1874 1 IT.OTS OR CHOICE BRICK FOR SALE. HE Subscriber has for sale at his yard '133418 Moousd "TVR NMOL WHI uVaN ., "ASLIHM 'There are 120 acres clear and in the best Port Perry, any quantity of First class i dam Young Jane, by Strathmore, (6547), Sam June by Playfellow, (6297). Sir William, (12102), ne, (5187). state of cultivation, the balance being hard- wood. On the premises there are two barns Brick which he is selling cheap. No better Brick can be got. Come and ; WII stand for sesvics, this sshson, 1875, at his FEE Kore, y Togsto ck LA A by Emperor, (1974). "Ferms--For Tho! h Bred Cows, $8 each; 1 rougl ws, $8 each; - R. & F. DOBSON, Fl A E br t. Seach, March 4, 1575. Po IMPROVE YOUR STOCK. paar well bred Durham Bull, J.ord Charles! PEDIGREE. --Lomp Coan Seep ved Dec. 23rd, 1873; bred by ig Miler, ; the property of Wm. Stov i, Oxford Dulce, [1915.} the 2nd, by Frince of Bourbon Flora by Nichol, [ Siem jmported Loui: an. Baron of Kids- € € dam Jane, hy, Remus, (11987). £& dam b; %s ot Sir Williaa, (12102), 1 g dam by Strathmore, (6317). EEE Ear by Emperor, (1974), * TERMS-For grades $2; thorough-breds, $5 > Wii, STOVIN, Seach, Jan. 13, 187. Epsom, Ont. FARMERS! IMPROVE YOUR STOCK" IAT First-Class Thorough-Bred, Short. Bull 18! res or "' CITIZEN,' with stables underneath; a 'good thrifty | see them. orchard, a first class frame dwelling house, two well and a ¢éistern, and a never failing streama of water runs through the farm. -- Every convenience in the shape of out houses, &c. NEIL McARTHUR, Port Perry, Dec. 17, 1874. TAILORINC. n VERY Department of the 'Tailoring business, the Latest Styles and warrant. ed satisfaction TERMS LIBERAL. Apply on the premises. AARON BAGSHAW, : Saintfield P.O, A ° Saintfield, March 10, 1875. % At RIGGS' ~ Tailoring Establishment over Curries Store, ¢YNOR THE BLOOD 1S THE LIFE, |FortPerry. See Deuteronomy, chap. xis, verse 23. OLARK E I'S GOOD NEWS World Famed Blood Mixture, |. Trade Mark--* Blood Mixture." E PS 1} \} 8 THE GREAT BLOOD PURIVIER AND RESTORER. TE undersigned have much pleasure in | For cleansing and clearing the blood from ;) impurities cannot be too highly recommend- announcing to the inhabitants of Epsom ana vicinity that they have leased the pre~ ii mises lately occupied by J. C. Huckins, Esq. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin Diseases, sores of all kinds it is'a never-failing and manent cure. It. Cures old Sores. DRY GOODS! Choice Fresh GROCERIES, Cures Glandural Swellings. Clears the Bood from all i Jmptire Matter, B. Blow, will stand for service ie in the is cob h of 1875, 'n," white, calved March db oe Toseps Mtl tt, Esq., Co.. On ig ki fl Lt Mr: Ezekiel Blow, Delt by bike o/ ore) [1286.7 cause aris «As this mixture is: warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate covstitution of either sex, the Proprietor solicits sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. Thousands of Testimonials from all parts, Sold in bottles 2s 2d each, and in cases con- taining six times the Susniity, ls gacl---sufi, Sient 19 A eA perio a PermARenLY tours if great ment of HARDWARE, and capital CROCK-, ERY. A full assortment of ROOM PAPER. A large supply of the best PATENT MEDICINES Our Stock having been purchased princi- , 10 markets we are prepared to sell as cheap as me. SQUIRE'S oS EE anv ESTABLISHMENT ~ | OFER BIGEVOW'S gTORE | PORT PERRY, JAMES SQUIRE. Port Perry, May 6, 1675. « | likely to be imposed othe taste nd Superior BOOTS and SHOES, a fine assort- g pally for cash and at the best and cheapest of 'NVAONOA =x 0} pred wonusye IvMOne] 'Yiedsap PuUe §8OUIBOU YIM IAPIO 03 PUT IOAN --'[BLIAB]{ 389q oY} WO1j opvwr puwy uo Auwisucd saifdng Jo JuemI0SSY OOD 'IMVIL AHVIGIVO TVOILLOVAd A PUBLIC CAUTION. Holloway's Pills and Ointment are neither manufactured nor sold in any part of the Unit- ed States, although they may be obtained in the B.N. American Provinces. Each Potand Box bears the British Gov- ernment Stamp, with the words "Holloway's pile and Ointment, London," engraved there- "Fi bas become necessary to make this an- nouncement because the New York Chemical Company {who Day nobody) finding at last that their name been go exposed, have as- sumed the title of ** Holloway & Co, ;" but, even now, no one will buy their medicines direct from them, so they bave made arrange- ments to supply exclusively the firm of Messrs. Henry & Co., Sa New York, with their so-called lls and Itis pened that from the large connexion { Messrs. Henry and Co. have in the British Provinces and elsewhere, the public is very upon by unscrupulous vendors and others unless they exercise grea Cures Ulcerated and Sore Leg and that they have just received and opened , caution to pryvent their eins misled, by ind find- Cures Blackheads, or pimples on the f A re medi 5 ith the Gres Scurvy ans Pip won e face. | out a large ang well eslosixt Stock of the he es i Holloway ht Shag Yorks cevous Ulcers, yles./n printed thereon. ore Blood and Skin Sars. Many rei véspectsbis firms in the British Pro. bere. mre obtain my medicine eines Gus ot fom n ave Very proj fof the ath Nponseeste 2 {be public, insert their names in the 1t may be Boats thes hat my 5 bad genuine from The follow! isa Tist of the Some alluded to;and I recommend those who desire to ge cines to apply en Soe the Houses Messrs, Avery, neds & Co, Halifax, N.S. at yen ap Shani So Fa 145] otver Somes va the conan. Mears FD Barker 4 rd Jobn, N.B TS = VESDORS| Try our fine flavored Young Hyson Tea at Messrs. ~ John 3 ut the we soc. per Ih 11 Ibs beautiful Sugar for $1; a ie 2 Des Brisay, Ghariotis Town, FE. 1. Sole Proprietar, F. J. OLARKE; Chemist, | Ibs Boe tor $1 ; 10 Tbe good Cooking Raisins eid iy 4 AT APOTHECARIES' HALL, LINGOLY, ENGLAXD. | 10r 81 +13 Ibs new currants oe Su All pr John Pallen, Chatham, B.C. EXPORT AGENTS. other Goods equally cheap. highest, Mears. Munro & Co., Mon oo eidges and Co., Colman Bt. price paid for Butter, Eggsand D. produce, Messrs, sas. J Winer & Co., Hamilton, Ont. Our motto--"Small Profits and quick re- Toronto 'Newb: nd Sous, 37 N te St., London , A. Chipman Smi Bt, J NB. rs Song, 95 a ro London, | turns." A liberal share vie sn suis v |02 John Bond, Sade oho, and Sons, Oxford St, London. {8 respectfully y-. Messrs. Elliot Torin. and all the London Wholesale Houses, & Mr.J. 3s 3 Clones FN St. John, N.B. AGENTS IN CANADA. ROWNE & BRO, imines St. mn, Monta ercer and Co., Wholesale Epsom, March 31st, 181s. Cu pees iT Lymans, Clare and Co. d Mr. W. Thompse Harbor Grace, N.F.L: ~iteiasi oo; Wide vrvgsnn TAT Le OR ENG: ici h 3 Messrs. W. & D. Yuile, Montreal, IN ALD ITS DEPARTMENTS, AT sold a LUMBER! LATH! == AND ~---- SHINGLES ! ----AND---- v= BILL LUMBER RH) | J. ALL DESCRIPTIONS CONSTANTLY ON HAND ---- AND ---- CUT TO ORDER re AT ee ASIN MILLS, |PORT PERRY. BUSY TIMES! ase - "RFUL SPRING ror Ft "CHEE | BONGARD & ROBINSON Bog io, inf juforn fle culomers 2nd fiends Groceries ! Is now complete. FRESH, SEASONABLE, FIRST CLASS IN QUALITY AND CHFAP! CHEAP! Customers may rely on a constant supply of choice FRESH MEATS. Everything in the GROCERY line, good and Cheap. Special attention given in securing THE VERY BEST TEAS. FISH, CANNED FISH. OYSTERS in their season. gWIBLE IN ATINDANGB. Lamps Chimneys for All Port Perry, March 31,1878. BONGARD & ROBINSON. Works ! Ontario Carriage PORT PERRY. thi his te for the pd a : d upon him during a dip years in which he has been in having of premises necessary 1 have MOVED TO PORT PERRY, Largely exteuded my premises and secured greatly increased | 1c] ilities for business and now prepared more promptly to meet the of to fill orders on the shortest notice, CARRIAGES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, CUTTERS, SLEIGHS, BUGGIES, WAGONS, built of the! best Jualosis} in He Lg style and by first class workmen. Orders for Black d with and dispatch. Wood-work ironed and sili Win h for the trade at reasonable rates. ne. Come and inspect our Works; . Port Perry, Dec. 24, 1873, UXBRIDGE CABINET AND ORGAN am and JAMES EMANEY, MANUFACTURING COMPANY. ' THE UXBRIDGE Cabinet Organ Embodies the Latest and best results of Inventive Genius and Experience--hence their CONCEDED SUPERIORITY 1t is the intention of the Company not only to make the Best Instruments, but to Sell them the Cheapest! QUALITY AND VALUE CONSIDERED. Tue Fornirure DepartvenT Is now is full running order. There Warerooms are furnished with a large variety of the latest and most popular wares of the day, and upon examination, will be found to be very Low IN PRICE. Comparisons invited. Their Wholesale Prices will be found to compare favorably w ith any "other house in the trade, they most tfully solicit an of their Stock in all their De- partments, IN THE UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT { | Company, 1} Everything is also complete. A good selection of Walnut, Elm, Butternut, Oak, Rose wood, Velvet and Cloth-covered COFFINS always on hand. 'We have also' two FIRST= CLASS HEARSES with the necessary appendages. Uxbridge Cabinet and Organ Manufacturing Co'y, A. T. BUTTON, Uxbridge, July 22, 1874. 31 <q THE 101 Eavetroughs, 'Has now on hand a splendid assortment of LEAD PIPES, &C. SUBSCRIBER WARE, Cistern Pumps, 'Which will compare favorably with any in the County both as to price and guality. pe. Job Work attended to with our usual dispatch. Port Perry, May 13, 1874. A. B. McOAW. PUMPS! RA HI ------------ PUMPS! You can get the best and cheapest Pump i in the Province hasta 1 orders for any above, whether by mailorotherwise SRA TRV 0 to. 8 4.39,1870.- At J. PUMP FACTORY, PORT PERRY. Crop ech foals IRyInN- SH i A i Conpiog o somplete for $25. "rytant sn tse Lin Pompe at 50 cents p 4 10 ge cents per Gomaon no boy suction Pum) tern Pumps, a complete Pum] SEE THE PRICES. A complete Pamp and Fire Engine with Hose foot. at35 ts foot. Pom », from $3 ip 109s. Also every other description of Pump, at EQUALLY LOW RATES! ' fog in_the fictories in Qanad, Pomp skin i fo Jyet Tistorion In Savads ind Perry. I 78 ET] Te Toi Subscriber fakes pl ribo takes in inform- erally, for api has on assorted sel FURN Such as Extension, Centre, D and Kitchen Tables; Wood, ing dod nots, Jute, Banda, Mirrors. Straw, Seagrass, and Spring Mattrasses, 'whi will wil Boecld es Tow as af any i All goods delivered free of charge. i Fuvioular aisutich juli to Bistae Frame UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT | Everything is complete. 1 keep' on baud a ) |gocd selection of Walnut; Oak; Elm; But nut, Rosewood, Velvet and ' Cloth-cov Coffins; Shrotds in all styles.and sizes. Napkins, furnished Gloves and Hat-bands, free when required. A FIRST CLASS HEARSE, JOHN NOTT. exchange for work. The subscriber is the only authorized Agent in this locality for the Whitby Marble Works. J. LH Port Perry, May 13, 1874, DAVIS & SONS . STEAM Casiver Factory! PORT PERRY. HE Subscribers always keep on hand (and are constantly manufabturing more) a large Stock of just such FURNI Tr URE! As the ; suitable for all classes of pi y¥d "of CHOICE Ma- rERIAL, the Best Workmansuip, and at sues -'aices as cannot fail to suit. DE EE EP PPT Sr PRP TP : UNDERTAKING : Inall its departments promptly : + attended to and charges moderate. COFFINS of all sizes kept con stantly on hand. SHROUDS of all sizes and : : newest styles, CASKET OR BURIAL CASE : procured on short notice, The American Style o : Hearse. Also an ordinary styl : of Hearse. J. W. DAVIS AO Port Perry, Nov. 26, 1873 (1S FOR LEADER THE OSHAWA C CABINET CO'Y Will pay the highest price, in Cash, for the following sizes of LUMBER Delivered at their yard in Oshawa. [Square Edge Preferred.) Oak or Ash, 1 in, 1§, 2 in., any width, Butternut, 1 in., any width, _| Water Eim, 1 in,, any width. Water Elm, 1} in., 12, 14, 17, 18, 20 or 21 in. wide, + Basswood, 1 in., any width. 3 1j in,, 12, 14, 17, 18, 20 or 21 in, wide, Maple, Beech, and Birch : § in, 1 in, 1 In, 1} in,, 2% x 2%, Square Scantling, BEF" Parties having logs to cut will be in- | formed as to the quantities of each size re- quired on application at the office of the W. H, GIBBS. President Oshawa, Feb. 25, 1875. LUMBER & WOOD FOR SALE. nes Subscriber has a large quantity of Seasoned Lumber and Wood, At his Mill, at Utica, which he will sell Shean, as ho wishes to clear the Yard this winter, A. B. CAMPBELL, Utica, Feb. 3, 1875. 6 The ouly reliable Gift Distribution in the $60,000 000 00 IN VALUABLE GIFTS|, be distributed io 2 L. Dow STN B Ss 78rd REGULAR MONTHL' ?|GIFP ENTERPRISE] To be drawn Monthy, June 7th, 1875, TWO GRAND CAPITALS OF 85,000 Each in Cash | Lian CASH With Silver Mounted Mars One Fine-toned Rose-wood Plano worth $550 Ten Family Sewing Machi, 80 Gold is 8il ein Tm (in all), worthi from $20 to $300 each | Gold 'Chains, Silverware, Jewelry, dc, - ooo DOF Of Gifts,6,500. Tickets, limited to NE ube paige to ets, $10; Twenty. d vill be sent to at be addressed ts All bem. . Mi Omer Pe DANE, nex ay Seth Chats, {Cid Stalls N.B. All kinds of good Lumber taken in - pig 4

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