Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 8 Apr 1875, p. 4

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55 § imparts a soft to clining it to remain in any desired position. It gives the Hair.not only a luxuriant growth 'but arrests greyness, Daldness, and other Siltuics of the head and sca; ap. tine ong been held 8 wor ro article for eh Ben highly com. y Sinent Chemists and Physi lo pd ys wid a card board surrounded by a finely engraved wrapper, forming a pal both ornamental and use- fal on ry y's Dressing Table. PRICE 50 Cts PER PACKAGE. PERRY DAVIS &FOK Sole. Proprietors, on lI WILL SHOW THIS WEEK, ONE OF Most A FIRST CLASS GENERAL PURPOSE STALLION FOR SALE. The Subscriber offers FOR SALE that noble General Purpose Stallion YOUNC MOSSTROOPER. He is really a five animal, a sure foal getter and the superior quality of his stock is his best recommendation. "You Mosstrooper" is a beautiful bright bay with black legs, mane and tail; he is 6 years old and stands 16} 'hands high, of great Pont ae in, See, Be deed ho wel hs Boa! Da ierby, i port- ed hy Jom vets mee JAS and Caps, ~ Cadmus, am by cklock. His dam, gr. dam, were "allpore Hnckiost Netherby is a pure clydesdale breed, dapple in color, and was sired by that celebrated harse, Mosstrooper. 'son who ledthe herse last year is now other- 'wise employed, and as I have no one now to Jead him, © will Sell him Chen time will be given for part money. * This cannot fail in proving a profitable in- Jost ent for any one wishiug a really good sTOCKS OF SPRING TWEEDS SPRING TIES AND SCARFS UNDERCLOTHING, &C.. &C, ever shown in Port ry for Cash, or purchase CHEAP FOR CASH! Stallion. Fer partioulere apply to the Subscriber. JOHN JANSON, ° . Greenbank. Call and Examine before purchasing else- Greenbank, March 31, 1875. 4-4w | where. W. TRENBETH, Merchant Tailor. SA ¥ Port Perry, March 18, 1875. ImbportanttoFarmers|_ 1H. Supekior Juoionen -Bred Shoit Horn Wa TATLORIN G e property of R. & F, Dobson, will stand for 9 service at his own as ot #, in the $th con- cession of Reach, during the season of 1875. Ped! Lord Dufferin, Roan, Calved Fo In) 1872, bred by H, C. Marr, Esq,, Mark- Jo by on a m 'ou ny a fae Third, by er So eh rae). nd dam Young Jane, b y Bir radiiiiore, (6547), 4th dam Jane, 9 Bayle w, (620 bth dam Ros, by Sir W Aa (12102). 6th dam Kate, ny Togstone, (i HINT). . 7th dam Catherine, by Emperor, (1974). Terma For Thorough Bred Cows, $8 each; Grades, $1 © R. & F. DOBSON, Epsom, In all its Departments. HE Subscriber is carrying on the Tailor- ing Businessin all its departments at his rooms over Corrigan & Campbell's Store, Port Perry. Newest Styles, First-Class Workmanshin, and a perfect fit guaranteed. Charges moderate. Reach, March 24, 1875. te . IMPROVE YOUR STOCK. HAT well bred Durham Bull, J.ord Charles! 'Will stand for service, this season, 875, at his own stable, lot 8, 5th con, Reach. Agent for the Singer Sewing Machine. The Singer Machine is decidedly the best machine now in usec and also the cheapest PEDIGREE. Loup CHARL Es red and white, | when the quality of the machine is taken ed Dec. 2ird, 1873; bred by John Miller, inte consideration. Parties will do well to Q.y Brougham; the property of Wm. Stovin, | ¢ome and examine the machines, Esa. Renc! nt. Gor by, Otord Dist [191 JOHN PEARCE. Port Perry, Dec. 1, 1874. TAILORING IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS, AT 15) rince of powsan) 49 g dam Flora by Nichol, [497]. 1 SE onml Jmported uisa, hy Baron of Kids- a {dom dam Ji gggg dam EE 11987). ma by Sir Wiliam, (i. g g dam by Strathmore, (6547). EE BEEE dam by Emperor, (1974). TERMS--For grades $2; Wega | SQUI RE S ] | Roach, Jan. 18, 1675. Epsom, Ont. | FARMERS! IMPROVE YOUR STOCK Tar, Firat Glass" Thorough-Bred, Short- '" CITIZEN,' JAMES SQUIRE. The property of E. Blow, wit stand for service Port Perry, Oct. $0,11873. at his own stable, lot 17, in the Tth sonsession Tore 'of Reach, during the season of 1875, Pepioren--* Citizen," white, calved 1 vu! Ast, 1874. Bred by Joseph Moffatt, of Ontario. The property of Mr. ey Se | Co. of Ontario. Got by. Statesman [2317,] (32801.) Sawn Dollie, by Duke of Marlboro, 8581 OE dam Mercy, by Ethelbert, [134,] 1516. gr g dam Florence, Hero, [343.] 574. TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT OVFR ROSS' STORE PORT PERRY. FIRST CLASS TAILORING. [1286,] | pms Tailoring in all its depart- aT HUGOE'S, PRINCE ALBERT, Work made up on the shortest notice in Terms --For - E.BLOW. the latest styles and at moderate rates. A 'Reach, March 30, 1875. 14 good fit guaranteed. ber the place, opposite Cook's Hotel. BEST BOAR! . i April 2,1874. Zr 15 In the Province or Ontario. Ain HE Subscriberhavi repantiy urchased from Ja a Ly of Forafalcar, County of Hal lion? Imported Suffolk Roar, under one yentcalle He took thy first prize at the Proviricial Exhibition at Toronto, Iast fall ; 1st at Lendon, 2nd at Hamilton, and 2nd at Guelphb--keeps him now for Service at his place, Lot No. 18, 4th con. .of Brock. Service only one dollar at service, HENRY PRITCHARD. Pinedale, Jan. 32,1875. 2-tf Aaad' ire gy on Ww. H, M CAW, The only reliable Ne istaitsin vi in tHe "HAS ! , 860,000 99 IN VALUABLE 'GIFTS | | . to bedistributedic I. D. SINE' Ss 172nd REGULAR MONTHLY |GIFP ENTERPRISE! To be drawn Monday, May 3rd, 1875, AO; GR INP CARITALS -OF S|S5, 000 1 Baen in Cash! Five Prizes $1,000 (ES! RHEE CB | i Haree ar and Teg with Silver Mounted Har- | Tost as ever been offered to the Public oe Fime-toned Rose-wood Plano worth $550 2 which will be sold af h 15 Ten Family Se ng Machines worth $100 ¢ LOW PRICES |. SHE oo kt Shaip Bilver- They are fiom the most bot dr GILKBON. Tigheld wp angad. Tlekets, we a wits a i to) oi as i EE in Auld Join 4 will Ibe Sent 1o.any one Kil 1eriors must be Mal OE han se ps --_-- APPROPRIATIONS 2 Pens, eee and as 21 es, > er) 13 17 11 Nit JUST Rrcilven: One 'bF the Largest and' Finest { Soto AND SiLvER.| THE BESY ASSORTED Fashionable 11500 Cords r | ments to apt ore, Wl Twelve, des Fox os WRIGHT'S BOOT & SHOE [EMPORIUM ! PORT [ PERRY. oR H em- lock Bark, 3000 Sheepskius, And any quantity of Hides and Tallow for which the HIGHEST PRICE IN CASH ! Will be paid by the Subscriber. J. WRIGHT. Port Perry, Oct. 1, 1874, FIRST CLASS BOOTS & SHOES Material, Wolinionsuls, Style HE Subsgriber would return his sincere thanks forthe very extensiveand rapidly increasing patronage bestowed on him since opening business in PO RW PERRY; And would erffigce this opportunity of as- suring his custbifiers and the public'gener-- ally that as in past so in the fature will he strictly to using only the best auaterial, employing none but good work- men and selling at prices--when the quality of the Goods is cousidered--which cannot fail to please purchasers. Constantly on hand lots of Boots and Shoes of my, jmanufacture. (all and ingpect my Stock, say First bloek west of the Post Ofice . RICHARD WARRINER. Port Perry, Nov. 12, 1873, T. COURTICE'S PREMIUM SADDLERY WAREHOUSE Removed wn TO HIS NEW BUILDING, Opposite J. W. Davis' Cabinet Factory, QUEEN STREET, PORT - JrnY, TA PUBLIC CAUTION. Try Hollomars Pillsian@ Ointment' are nolhee manufactured nor sold in any part of the Unit- ed States, although they may be obtained in, the B.N. American Provinces. Each Potand Box bears the British Gov- ernment Stamp, with the words "Holloway's Fills and Qintment, London," engraved there-| Olas become necessary to make his an- fiouncement because the New York hemjcal Company (who pay nobody) finding at last that their name has been eo exposed, lave as sumed the title of ** Holloway & Co, ;" s{0ven now, no one will buy their title direct from them, so they have made range: "the thar of Mes: Hen ih the "Hol i 3 presumed tl bt from Bo wk connexion Henry and Co. have in the British finaly and elsewhere, the publicis very likely to be imposed upon by unscrupulous vendors and others unless they exercise great caution to prevent their being misled, by find- -{ing these Wedicines bearing a_stamp with the name of ** Holloway ny Qo., New York," printed thereon. Many respectable firms in the British Pro- ances, w who obtain my medicines direct from \ve very p Property suggested that I Ss benefit of LE d th tt tn génul th The following 2 alist of HE firms alluded to;and I ularly recommend those who desire t 3 pa a medicines to apply to some of the Houses Tamer rs. Avery, Brown & Co., Halifax, N.S. Metars. Forsyth & Co., Halifax, N.S. Mode srs. T. B. Barker & Sons, St. John, N.B. Des Brisay, Charlotte Town, P, E. I. Joke: 2 Bren i Co., Vietoria, B. U. essrs. Moore & €o., Victor, C. son Pallen, Chatham, LC, nnro & Co., Montreal. ner 20 Co. Hamitton, Ont. ay a. Citys Smith, St, John, N.B. John Bo oderich, O 0, H Fred Yuile, i hg aro sold at the lowest pi prices, in antes 0 of not es" ee don tunes of Bills or or bots. aot Ologment for remittances must ists and he \ung of Hollomsy's e Fills avd Jintment may hove their Please apply here-- , . Ord basil pias ue HOLLOWAY. London, aren 3 fie J. is wis "Messrs, W. & D. a bias, 1015. me Take will in NOTICE, Zanied on Shit = CHOICE BRK "hitherto existing under the ny oe ane style of Watson & ae for cn Non on the busines of Blacksmithing' bn all its departments In the Village of Port erry, has been dissolved by mutual consent day, Saturday, September 19th, 1874: As Emaney will pay ail debts incurred by the firm and collect all debts due to the firm: JAMES EMANEY. ALEX. WATSON. - by the Subscriber with' energy and promptitude, HORSE GHOEING 'Will always be a Specialty! - At this establishment: An establishment} where Horse Shoeing on fhoroughly & scientific principles is made a specialty, an whet : the extent of the establishment is eq! the extensive and increasing demand, has been long and anxipusly desired by the num- erous owners of horses in this prosperous section of country, The Subscriber is happy to state that he has fully met this demand by employing a full staff of the To be found in the Province Parties sending their Horses to my Horse- Shoeing Establishment may rely on having them shod on such principles as will develop the foot, counteract deformities occasioned ! by impes 'fect, i shoeing or otherwise and secure the greatest 'possible ease and comfort to the horse in traveling. In all its departments executed with neat ness and dispatch see AND == JAMES EMANEY. pe Remember the place. The shop lately occupied by Mr. G. U. White. Port Perry, Sept. 23, 1874 J. E MANCHESTER. + IHEARD'S CARRIAGE IORKS) GENERAL BLACK SMITEING BSTABLIBHMENT, . pn HE Subscriber has much pleasure in stat ing that he has secured the valuable services of MR. ANDREW CAMPBELL One of the best wood-workers in the Pro- vince, and is now beter fitted than ever to fill all orders for Cutters, Sleighs, Bob-Sleighs, or any description of Carriage with dispatch, All repairs in Wood or Iron executed with neatness and on short notice Customers may rely on getting the best material, latest styles and superior work. manship. Special attention given to HORSE SHOEING and the work done so as to secure the ease and comfort of the horse in traveling. BES™ All Charges Moderate and all work Warranted, er AN Dre BILL LUMBER <, ii Manchester, Dee. 17th --. D. CONBOY, Carriage & Sleigh MAKER, MAIN STREET, UXBRIDGE reef mee ENDERS his sincere thanks for the hearty and generous patronage he has recived from the public since commencing busines in Uxbridge. A practical know- ledge of the business in all its details, super- ior Workmanship, First-Class Mrterial, Ele- gance, in Style and Finish, and a determina- tion to make his work equal in every respect to his representations, isan explanation of the very large and increasing demand for his work. Mr. Conboy,the Inventor and Pat- entee of the turndown seat has made a very great improvement as applied to Buggies. and is now making a specialty of Carriages with this seat, The great demand for Cutters with this seat fully confirms its superiority and excellence, Asa Single Buggy it is light and stylish, it is almost impossible to detect the fact that it was ever designed for two seats, yetin a moment it can be changed toan elegant family Carriage capable of car- fe tying four persons. A shifting Top Carriage with this improv ed seat i is capable of being changed to Eight forms and so perfect in every feature as to cpll forth the admiration of all. Parties about purchasing Buggies will find it decidedly to their advantage' to exemine these Carriages before purchasing elsewhere, The Turn-down Seat is exempt from every useless adjustment and possessing in an em. inent degree Utility, Beauty, Strength, Ca- pacity; Convenience, Simplicity, Permapence Neatnes and,Cheapness, as the Turn-down Seat. with its.adjustable contrivance costs but $2.50 extra. 'Uxbridge, Jan. 20, 1875. CONSTANTLY ON HAND -- AND --- 4 --AT v "Bupred pibd WORULHY Ivo | "Rojudsep PUY 859UIOU Tafa 20PI0 0) SPU OL "ISHS 3990 oT} Wes} OPI PUVY UD Ajuw¥ti0d 50 'J0 JuomI0ssY 100D "ASLIHM '133u1s Mooua 0 i ~ 'NvAONOd 'GEAVI FOVINEVD TVOILLOVEd ot of LOTS OF FOR 8. SALE..." ree ES at his. Fp: of foto ote BCE GNE be gt Come and } see them, wit ; ay i i ¥ NEIL NM ¢ Head - A hey Ho rel. 17th, 1874. Port Perry, Sept 34, 1873, + BUSY T st BONGARD& ROBINSON customers and friends New Stock of Groceries! ' MANUFACTURING COMPANY, | |ALL DESCRIPTIONS OUT T0 ORDER PUMP FACTORY, Brick which he is selling cheap. on EEE 0 ae spl hy Beg to inform ¢ Customers may rely on a constant supply of choice FRESH MBATS. Everything inthe GROCERY line, good and Cheap. Special attention given in securing THE VERY BEST TEAS. FISH, CANNED FISH. OYSTERS in their season. SWIBLE IN LAYITNDANGB. - Lamps Chimneys for All Port Perry, March 31, 1875. BONGARD & ROBINSON. UXBRIDGE ' et -- eee THE UXBRIDGE Cabinet Organ Embodjes the Latest and best results of Inventive Genius and Experience--hence their CONCEDED SUPERIORITY Tt is the intention of the Company not pnly to make the Best Instruments, but to Sell them the Cheapest! QUALITY AND VALUE CONSIDERED. Tus 1s now is full running order. There Warcrooms are furnished with a large variety of the latest and most populat wares of the'day, and upon examination, will be found to be very LOW IN PRICE. Comparisons invited. Furnitore DepartamnT Fheir Wholesale Prices will be found to compare favorably with any other house in the trade, they most respectfully solicit an examination of their Stock in all their De- partments. ° IN THE UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT selection of Walnut, Elm; Butternut, Oak, Rose 1so complete. A good Ereryfsing iz ale D : We have also two FIRST- wood, Velvet and Cloth-covered COFFINS always on hand. CLASS HEARSES with the necessary appendages, Uxbridge Cabinet and Organ Manufacturing Coy, A. T. BUTTON, Uxbridge, July 22, 1874. CABINET AND ORGAN aa : ACN Cf YY ZY ¥7/\NJ YN XD UNDERTAKING PATENT | ! Everythi is complete. I on hand ot of Walnut, uk Bi Ber nut, Rosewood, Velvet and Coffins. Slot spree Shrouds in all styles and sizes. Jopsins, Gloves and Hat-bands, when A FIRST CLASS HEARSE. JOHN NOTT. N.B. All kinds of good Lumber taken in exchange for work, The subscriber is th only authorized Agent in this locality for the A DAVIS & SONS' STEAM CABINET Fy! PORT PERRY. ne Subscribers always keep on hand (and are constantly manufabturing more) o a large Stock of just such FURNITURE ! As 'the community requires ; suitable for all classes of purchasers. All of croc Ma- rerIAL, the Best WorkmaNsuip, and at such . 'aces as cannot fail to suit. UNDERTAKING | Inall its departments promptly : attended to and charges moderate. : COFFINS of al] sizes kept con * : stantly on hand. : SHROUDS of all sizes and : newest styles. CASKET OR 'BURIAL CASE | + procured on short notice. The American Style of: : Hearse. Also an ordinary style : : of Hearse, J. W. DAVIS & SONS. Port Perry, Nov. 26, 1873 49:1¥ PORT PERRY DOOR, SASH & WINDOW BLIND Factory, PLANING MJLL, &C.. T= Subscriber having become sole" pro.' prietor of the above works has neither expense nor labor ir fatroducing the most approved description of machinery ang ~ perfecting the several foie of the work, and has now much pleasgre jn inform ing the > public that he is pre; on the THE SUBSCRIBER OVE hl, las now on hand & splendid assortment of Svs athe Cistern Pumps, LEAD PIPES, &C. Which will compare favorably with any in the County Loth as fo price and quality. pen, Job Work attended to with our usual dispateh, A. B. McCAW. [Port Perry, May 13, 1874, - : PUMRS! Ami (1 PUMPS! You can get the best and cheapest Pump in the Province AVI IRY INS PATENT PORT PERRY. I SER THR PRICES, now Bour<A complete Sump and Fire Engine with Hose d Goup)ing oo compjete for $25. Patent S Pumps at 50 cents rho foot. Common Log imps at 40 cents oot, Gommon turned suction Pumps at per foot. Cistern Pumps, a complete Painp, from up to $8. Also every other description of Pump, at A EQUALLY LOW RATES! Havin had long ex siene" in Pu aking in the 1 t faotorfes in Canada and United States, ies ls content that ho OE vay Hingis > or AL of ob ove, whether by mailor pein Prompt iN a Hie | | ay lo Si t ore,' jn Dy i J She I the present o EEE and bas now much pleasure hi tid fo Fn ci S t.129, # win ith the pire --. oe tego, Tie tr of cote oderation in ys be aimed at. AD od Ad | hed Ro Nov. 11, 1878, JOHN TAYLOR The Newest Styles of Dry Goods, &ec.| constantly supplied and sold at such prices as' t notice, to fill all orders for Doors, Sash, Yintew | Blinds* Mould'ngsa ngte of gyerd style, all of the best guality of mate: ang workmanship, pb "Purping, &c, &c, done to order, Charges maderate, On hand a larze number of Doors, Sash Window Blinds, Mouldings, &c, &e, ot the best quality, cheap. A. RICHARDSON. Port Perry, Jan'y 25, 1875. THE OSHAWA CABINET CO'Y Will pay the highest price, in Cash, for the following sizes of ¥ LUMBER Delivered at their yard in Oshawa. [Square Edge Preferredd . Oak or Ash, 1 in., 1}, § in, any width, : Butternut, 1 in., any width, Water Elm, 1 in,, any width, Water Elm, 1} in. 12, 14, 17, 18, 20 or 21 in. wide. Basswood, | in,, any width. # Hin, 5, 14, 17, 18, 20 og 2)' ig. Ne mt §in, 1}in, 1} In), 13 fn, 4. dana 24 x 23, Bquére iy Parties having 1 is A as to the St be a quired on Application: at | Company. rw W.H. GIBBS, Oshawa, Feb. 25, os LIMBA & FOR SALE. «bin br a of At his Mill, at Utica, which, he ood, Shenp, aa he wishes to clear the Yard ad 0 | wtton, Feb, 3, 1075, an olin ; | AGRICULTURAL HPLERENT : EHOW _Booms E i (ASH FOR LUMBER, UH Seasoned TR i 2

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