Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 8 Apr 1875, p. 3

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> s. E. ALLISON \ EEE Now Opening at WW. ROBERTS A. The Latest Novelties in Dress Goods! Every line complete, and offered very CHEAP for : fo CASH or PRODUCE. Black and Colored Lustres, Grenadines, Cottons, Cobourgs, : White Dress Goods, Looms, Bajmorat Crape, Silk Warp, Table and P Cord, Kid Gloves, other Linens, . Bussél: Cord, Cotton Gloves, Gents' ¥nderclothing, Coating, Lisle Gloves, Umbrellas, Al Rghai Men's, Women's and Childrens' Hosiery, { rilllants, - Silks, &c An immense lot of HATS and SUNSHADES, at unheard of prices. Another lot of those famous BOOTS. in and CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. , "READY MADE CLOTHING ; po b April §, 1875. AW. ROBERTS. ° » . "100K OUT FOR il NEW ADVERTISEMENT NEXT WEEK. v Camphell & Black. PORT PERRY, April 8, 1875. 4 "BEECHER vs. TILTON. BEECHER ACQUITTED !! We TDejevoesr of the world wide Excitament, 7a) Has' mide an extensive purchase of NEW and USEFUL GOODS! suitable for his fast increasing trade. Feeling the mcoes-ity of keeping pace ra gh with the rapidly increasing demands of his numerous customers, he has spared no pains m order t6 fully mect their wants. Just received 2000 Rolls Roora Paper and Bord- ering of every shade, quality and price to suit every class of customers. One ot the . Largest Stocks'of PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, PAINT BRUSHES, §c. A full and complete Stock of FANCY TOILET ARTICLES, so that none will be at a loss to get just what they want in that line, and as T feel the necessity of keeping at all times a large Btock of Pure Unadulterated Drugs, I beg fo state that the utm: stcare and prompti. tude 'are used'in order to make my place.of business the most reliable of the kind in the County. Prescriptions carefully compounded. As my past success has been more than my fondest anticipations, I am determined to so conduct my business that everything «ill be satisfactory to my customers and myself. T will sell for CASH, and at prices that will suit all classes. Stock--full, complete and genuine. . No second price, All served alike. Post Berry April 7, 1675, S. E. ALLISON. I : i rio Carriage Works! "PORT PERRY. E> i ARRIVALS! MIN 3 Be *g81 'g 1ady 'Auieg jog | STEM (LXEN = I £ Fis Sx . » ~ 0 = » «~ INTNIASILYIAAY \ Tur BROWN & PAT WUFACTCRING CONPAN ACEACTURING COMPAL WHITBY. 0-- Farmers of North Ontario and vicinity, that they still keep on hand in PORT PERRY, A full supply of their various Manufactures, and having secured the services of | Mr. R. D. ROBBINS department, the public may rely on having their wants well attended fo. We ave still making lie JomNston {EAPER A SPECIALTY. Believing ag we do that it is decidedly the Best Reaper in the World. We have mever yet been Defeated To attend to that particular Whitby, 1871 ; Millbrook, 1871; Ottawa, other places, East and West, during the past four seasons, all unite in crowniag it And should tally satisfy the most skeptical, For the season 1875, we are making every effort to produce the best machine on the Continent. . What we say of the JOHSTON is equally applicable to our other Machines. Our . Cayuga Chief Mower Is now too well known to need recommendation. The YOUNG CANADA, inch sections--frent cut--has a wabbling motion to adapted to newer and rougher sections, and has few 5 " 15% the cutter Is a new Mower with 2} equals as bar--very light draft, well a Mower. Prince Albert. by the late Mr. John Moggridge, will be On Tuesday, May 4th, 1875, Prince Albert, March 23, 1875, H REMOVAL TERSON | | | All Goods warranted as represented to be. Port Ferry, Jan. 27, 1875. | |" AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS ! | | + JAUCTIONSALE, VILLAGE 10T 1 '|AND OUTBUILDINGS. = B= leave to say, that he has Removed NEW PREMISES, {Between Bigelow's Royal Ar- | cade and the Walker House, {And takes this opportunity to thank his | many friends and customers for the kind patronage bestowed upon him during the past and solicits a continuance of their kind | favors, tJ OSEPH HALL - Manufacturing Company ! Would take this opportunity of informing the Farming community of this section of At a single trial, and the laurels won at Paris, Ont, in 1871 ; on the Tweedie Farm, near country that they are preparca to furnish 1873 ; and at Chatham, in 1874, and at different any Agricultural Machine manufactured at the Joseph Hall Manufacturing - Company's Shortest Notice and the Most King of the Harvest! The Champion TILE CIIAMPION SINGLE MOWER, THE CHAMPION SINGLE REAPER. BROAD-CAST SOWERS and SPOUT WISNER'S SULKEY HORSE-RAKE. THRESHING MACHINES, &C. 14 highest Prize Medals Awarded the Champion in Europe tor 1873. EE hn TAVERN, In the Village of, HAT old established and well known Tavern formerly owned and occupied sold by Public Auction, At 2 o'clock p. m. Terms made known on the day of sale, For particulars, apply to : Executrix, Shuter-St, Toronto. Executor, Cannington. Executor, Port Perry. 13:td MRS. JOHN MOGGRIDGE, } A. SINCLAIR, } T. C. FORMAN, } NEE. John Diesfeld, PRACTICAL &e. Watchmaker, Watches, Jewelry and Clocks. Elgin Watches, &c. pen. All work warranted. JOHN DIESFELD, Practical Watchmaker. YHE Subscribers having been engaged us AGENTS FOR THE OSHAWA, Works, Oshawa, on the Favorable Terms. COMBINED REAPER and MOWER. DRILLS. A Sweeping Victory in the old world | | » La A : A Crowning Triumph i i <8 x g. phin the New!!! { > T= Subscriber takes this opportunity ¢f thanking his numerous customers for the THE T RIUMPH, Europe and America join hand in Crowning | liberal and constantly increasing patrondge bestowed upon him during the many years the Champion in which he has been in busi I ig busi having rendered an extension| A Combined Machine, using the Johnston Self-Rake, we are fully prepared to warrant . : | . eal . of premises nedessary, I have to be as good a Combined Machine as is made in Canada. And while unscrupulous King of the Harvest | a Agents are endeavoring to sell inferior Coie Marhings a a higher price, Jt Lo Fiel r Y ad rd in Canada, We would simply ask you compare Machines an . MOVE D T 0 P RT P ERRY en, olin Tally satisfied as to the result. All our Machines are fully warranted, and E. WALKER. i : tact & » bound ve satisfaction. Repairs of all kinds constantly on hand. x 2 Largely exteuded my premises and recured tly increased facilities for business and am we are * H. 8, JOHNSON, mow prepared more promptly to meet the jincreasing demsnds of customers and Everything Sold at Foundry Prices. Port Perry, Dec. 23, 1874. 52 to fill-orders on the shortest notice. Send on your orders at once, to the D. CARMICHAEL, CARRIAGES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, Brown & Patterson Manufacturing Company, Whitby. ; Ageut at Sunderland. CUTTERS, SLEIGHS Or to B.D. ROBBINS, Foxx Pamsx. | ATG ABLE ck og 3 BUGGIES, WAGONS, built of the best material fn the best style and by first class workmen. hester: Mr. ALLAN SMITH ! dat i a Carri ired with bed P.8. Mr. WM, JAMIESON, of Manchester; Mr. CH, nT ee ei fray at reasonable sakes, | of Colmbus ; 8. GHOTHERS, Epon nd H. HARPER, Port Perry, ato duly authorized Farm for Sale. pen. Come and inspect our Works, JAMES EMANEY gents, to whol: ottsfe 18), B. & P. M'ra Co. Port Berry, Dec. 34, 1873. nl + | Whitby, April1, 1875. = 14 0 SAL, 1% No. 14, in the 12th con- a T-- AT: ; Em 3 EEE ] : : GOOD NEWS| | IMMENSE LR TOWNSHIP OF REACH Sr i SE i i fg 5 ® 4 Containing TN hog a a wy '-140 A ORES. b. 8 ' v . eo There are 120 acres clear and in the best oN 1 * . OF state of cultivation, the balance being hard- ; : wood. On the premises there are two barns i} yi li 4 5 with stables underneath; a good thrifty 4 Of fo, Seo A orchard, a first class frame dwelling house, have much Bleasite in 3 Pn TT TT TT two well and a cistern, and a never failing ana vicinity that i a he pre y it > : : ing go ig Ere pir rn : ) A EON % cs ery comvenience in sl of out SACS wake Js roeived an apenc so 3 Cases Latest Styles Felt Hats, houses, bo. biit a drge and well selected Stock of the : : pS : » "4. TERMS LIBERAL, i Jatest styles in Hi 3 pd \ AAP A Apply on the premises. > rE pn mi | Case Silk and Cloth €Caps;' ' AARON paGsEAW, i . Sf 0h . : LJ ALIS : ' nf ,0. ! Dry Go ods! [IA ¥F- : : Baintfield; March 10, 1876. - e n i Ae bias? ' ) ' z 1 'oe oy! 'holes Fresh GROCERIES) | os I Case Black Hats, TAILORING. Bogie Bout asd § SHOES. » fue, Masork: i ee 3 Pk oa y TF oN J ERY, Depuetment ot, the Tulrins ap p 3 J : "ry a , ¥ usiness, test and wareant- bs Pa mms o BOOM PAPEL (CORRIGAN & C BELL 1 Case Straw ats. DE a a A supply e P % ay Tet. 0 0 : : a Bes At RIGGS' A - Ou HE boon purchased od princic HA. Just Opes di hee! She largest T h ese G oods are all the: = LY; "Failoring Establishment Se ie. Store, pally for asl § the best and cheapest | Boots and Shoes, ever offered in Oniario,| et . = Port Perry. : mark o prepared fo sell as 'cheap 08 | combining both style in finish, and superior. : : ane 4 ey 2 A any other House in the county. quality ; ot Tmaleria) in al fie different Na vig x Fo ois a Pa U 2 k our fine flavored Young Hyson Tea at classes they hold.. They have decided, on x: 8 T Yi 5 4 Xd: nt le fod per Thy 11 108 Sesutical Suga for $1 5 21 | makib & Specialty of this Department, ; Ahold O.-8 LE: ! fi Y y Pp Tbs i. 10 Ibs good Cooking Raising have marked the entire Stock at such' prices . 3, er de 3 3 {3 for $1 ;13'168 bw cuvrints' 'for $i, Ail {as must please the closest: buyer. . here a iii mt it pares lotic 10 35s dud Whige! se. i y b. The 'h : 1 Tpgtens pay i - \ ' 3 | counts are o wi ter, Sep. oer pues | 1 NSPection" Invited. pt Tons waa Tihs, Tare La Our motto--Small Profs andquick re. | TERMS: CASH OR PRODDOB.|,, aan {i [hi contanel molest cause cose 0 he a of publi parsungs | _ y= A Choi lt of Spring Goods com: The Best Quality ahd Cheapest in Town. nino tho fan wile hel own as ll uch fs respectfully solicited. Ei ng: forward. wo Wham ' teat an } £5 a accounts y lected if costs be incurred § i ~TA3 1 BROWNE & BRO. | [ORRIGAN & CAMPBELL. - 2 opp inthe collection. i v Bipeom, March 31st, 1875. . .. I4 Port Perry, March 31, 1875. RA a a IL tk I. { Cc. F ORMA.N. oo post pei, MAE 40, Japs EMANEY. y : y aaa y i 2 3 4 ' 3 . fprieis-- TPT RTE TRS -- id mbivandii WET ¥ 5 T Mr. --_--------e-------------- Grey Christian's Column wz S009 ONTHIS AN MmoFsv) x) suorjejaodwmy jooII( ° AIPSIYIUDY® PUD SPLENDID VALUES IN Black Lusters, PRINTS ! 8. H. CHRISTIAN. Manchester, March 3, 1876. ------------ Cottons. SPRING GOODS, JUST RECEIVED SELLING OFF! SELLING OFF. Fine Black Lustres at from 25¢ to The. Black Gashmere, Black French Merinos, Black Barsthea, Black Crape Cloth, Black Cobourg, Black Silk, At Geo. Currie's' White Shirtings, Roll'd Linings, all colors, Jeans and Wiggans, {Check Ginghams, Fancy Shirtings, At Geo. Ourrie's. ------------------------ Canadian Cottons, Canadian Cotton Bags, Linen Bags, Canadian Cotton Yarn, Canadian Cotton Ducks, At Geo. Currie's. . ----------TTSSSTITEEITEE New Prints, New Hollands, New Table Linens, New Towels and Towelling, At GEO. CURRIE'S. ------------------------------ Felt Hats in thenew Spring Styles, AT GEO. CURRIE'S, ----------sepie--------r-- (G=Further arrivals of New Goods will be received as the season advances, and will be sold Cheap! Cheap ! Cheup ! | for Cash! rrr Salt, Plaster, Water Lime. Clover Seed: GEO. CURRIE: Port Perry, March, 1875. We are daily receiving and opening up a Choice selection of NEW Sung RY (oops ! to which we direct the Atten- tion of the Public as we offer them at very LOW PRICES ! A Full and Large Stock of GROCERIES, HARDWARE AND SEEDS, Kept constantly on hand: Smoked Haws, Spice Roll Bacon; Cumberland and Canada Bacon, and Lard, very cheap; (Wholesale or Retail ) Land Plaster AND By the TON, to arrive whicli fo ; will be sold Wery Low:

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