Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 11 Mar 1875, p. 1

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£ FAM wal iow "im i % . 4 ; "PORT PERRY, AVERT PHURSDAY NORNING, . 2, WBE Lo i BAIRD & PARSONS. rire ¥ "PERM amum, pad id' ad: TERMS. --$1 perisuuum paid y 9s vanee ;oif? not $1.60 will sul and no' are. ks RATES OF ADVERTISING For edch line, first insertion .. 1$0 08 Subsequent insertions, per line Cards, under 6 lines, per annum ..... 5 00 8&5 Letters containing money, when ad- dressed to this Sie re paid snd regester- ed, will be at our ris : 'Advertisments measured' by Nonpareil, atd charged according tothe space they ac- eupy! Advertisments received for publication. wi fat specific instructons, willbe ingerted antil fordid and cl aiccodingly. No advertisment will be taken out until paid for. 'A liberal discount allowed to Merchants and others who advertise by the year or half-year. BEF™ These terms will in all cases be strictly adhered to. * Job Department. Phamplets, Hand, Bills, Posters, Pro- grammes, Bill Heads, Blank Forms, Receipt Books, Checks, Books, Circulars, Business Cards, Ball Cards, &c., of every style and olor, excented promptly and at lower rates than any other establishment in the County. Parties from a distance gettiug hand bills, &e. printed can have them donc to take home with them. J. BAIRD. H. PARSONS. ---- | and Eldon : : | = Parties entrusting their Sales to me } Frotessionwl Caras. JONES, M. D, Coromer, Physician, , Surgeon, &e. . Port Perry. Office, over Allison's Drug Store, Queen-st. Reosidence--One door west of the Presby terian Church. R. WARE, Ontario, 'Puysician, Surgeon and Ac- £~oucheur, Prince Albert. H. SANGSTER, M. D., Physician, Sur- J « geon and Accoucheur, : PORT PERRY. Office over Nott's Furniture Store, corner of Queen and Perry Streets. Office hours from 9a. m. to 12 m. Residence, the dwelling recently occupied by Mrs. Geo, Paxton. iS, AE, Physcians, Surg=ons, PEER fo ama en, a st., Oshawa, WL M'GILL, MJT FRANCIS RAE, MD. ospital; Londen, England. The kye R. Wk F. MOBRIEN#MP,, M. R. U. 8, Guy's 0, H, L., Oshawa, £. MARTIN, M. D.Stmcoe St., Twodoors C. North of the Central Hotel, Oshawa. E. FAREWELL, LL. B, County Crown + Attorney for Ontario, Barrister, Attorney, Solleitor, and Notary Public. Ofiice lately oc- eupied by 8. H, Cochrane, Esq., Brock street, Whitby. YMAN L. ENGLISH, LL. B., Solicitor in Chancery, Attorney, Conveyancer, &¢. Oshawa. OMee--Simeoe stroet, opposite the Post Office. a IRA TR a Ni ae YOUNG Shard, \ to -at-Law, and HE N otary Public, &e. OfMce--MeMiilan's Block, Brock street, Whitby, AMERON & MACDONNELL, Barristers A Attorneys at Law, 'Solicitors County Council, Ontario. Offices : Court House, Whitby. M. C, CAMERON, H. J. MACDONNELL. 'URD, Attorney at Law, and Solicitor E A ny eG te in the Royal Arcade, Port Perry. W. Maurice Cochrane, TTORNEY-AT-LAW, Solicitor in Chan- A cery 'Notary Public, &c., &o. Office hours punctually from 9 a.m. to 5 p,m. Mone kinds of good secprity. Office, Bigelow's Royal Arcade, PORT PERRY. O.N. VARS, L. D. 8. i or piss: art, and ds cheap as the cheap- est, and as good as fhe best. Teeth filled with Gold and Silver, Teeth extracted without pain by, producing local anmsth- esin. Dentical Rooms--in Cowan's new \block, over Atkinson's Drug Store, King Street, Oshawa, © CHAS. THORN, V.S. "® iva PER, ption taken for less than six months; aper discontinued until all arrears Coronor for the County of | ,f Victoria. prompt remittances made. tles, scription of Marble Work, suitable oteries, 1 Peterhead and Aberdeen Granite. Solicitor in Chancery, | by | Manchester, Nov. 12, 1873. gu all the latest princi- | HENRY GRIST, 'PATENT SOLICITOR. AND' DRAIGRTSMAN, i OTTAWA, CANADA, | Transacts business with the Patent Office and other departments of the Government Copyrights and the Registration of Trade sary to secure Patents of Invention, prepared on receipt of the model of the I oe Bs Auctioneers. LICENSED AUCTIONEER, FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTA 0. AND TOWNSHIPS OF MARIPOSA & CARTWI 9 B® to thank his many friends and the age bestowed upon him for the past five years. Having now given up the business of whole time to the business of Apyctioneer, Collecting, &c. It will be wy endeavor, by prompt and satisfaction to all who may fayor me with their Sales or Collecting. . Bi 1s dfaughted and Blank Notes furnished free of charge. Alsq Bill Stamps always on hand. Arrangements can be made for sales &c., at the Opsgrver Office, and at the Standard Office, Port Perry. W. M. WILLCOX, Prince Albert, Oct. 25, 1873. Wm. Gordons Licensed Auctioneer, OR the Township of Brock, Uxbridgg, 1 Scott, Thorah, Rama, Mara, may rely on the utmost attention being given to their t WM. GORDON, Sunderland, Brock. THOS. H. WALSHE. ICENSED Auctioneer for the Township of Brock, Thorah, Mara & Rama in North, Ontario; Mariposa, etc., in the County t Residence--Cannington, Brock. Orders left at this office, or at his residence J will be pun-tnally attended to. Debts col- lected in Cannington, or otherwise, and Remember-- WALSHE, tke North Ontario Auction- eer. WHITBY STEAM MARBLE WORKS. J. & R. WQ©.Z IDEN, HOLESALE aul 1 tail lers in Foreign andl American Marble Man-- , &c., Dundas St , Whitby. Also, Agent for the Scottish Granite. Also Building Stone cut to order, Agent, Port Perry. Whitby, July 29, 1874. 32 John Mec Donhld,] Gi T)AFor HovsE, MARBLE DEALER ! NEWCASTLE; ONT. \ J ONUMENTS, 4 Stones of great variety, with every de- supplied at short notice. Also = Parties will find it to their advan- LL. B., Barrister, At- | tage to withhold their orders until called on J. C. WILLIAMSON, AGENT. Satisfaction teed, and all work war- ranted. January 10, 1872. MONEY! 3-yr MONEY! The Subscriber would intorm all in want of Money that he js prepared to negotiate Loans with the Trust and Loan Society of Toronto, for any amount of money from $400 AND UPWARDS, v to Loan at 8 per cent,onall| on Mortgage Security on Town or Farm Property. The intervst is only 8 per cent. 4 No Commission charged, and Loans pro- cured without delay. JOHN TAYLOR. a WM. SPENCE, CONTRACTOR & BUILDER. reniNG, &c., in all their departments, executed in the best style, Utica. July 15,1878. Marks and Designs procured." Drawings, Specifications, and other Documents neces- LEVI AND PORT PERRY, PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 11, POET PERRY HOUSE, "pont rEmmy. i JAS. V.- THOMPSON, - PROPRIETOR. The aboye House is now most comfort- ably furnished, and Guests ate cared for in the Home dee, Rossi Liuory and Cigars, also, class ng good Ostlers.-- Additions Have been made which makes this the largest and best House in this section of country. "Fare $1.00° per Day. t Psrs DOMINION HOTEL, At the Railway Station, PORTPERRY. _ Every attontion given to the accommoda- tioh and comfort of guests, The table and bar supplied with the best the Market af fords. Choice Liquors and the best brands of Cigars. Excellent stable and shed ac- commodation, and attentive ostlers, ** D.B. DENISON, Proprietor. Us HOTEL, PORT PERRY. JAMES DEWART, - PROPRIETOR. public generally, for the liberal patron- Bailiff, I intend, in future, to devote my! Liquors and Cigars in the Bar, the. Yard and careful attention to business, to give full! "A Noto axERicAN HOTEL, to. Cigars, | Good Stabling and attentive Ostlers. Valuator, &c. | Mariposa | | venient position for the traveling public.-- I ebeldgey Jt | som, call here daily. {the market supplies |to the requirements of travelers and guests. Tomb-Tables, Head- | for Cem- Ahe comfort and convenience of the traveling MORE MONEY !| "WESTERN ASSURANCE COM:'Y PBrcELa, STONE-WORK, PLAS- A eee 'EMBER. of the Veterinary Institute MS bs Ti. Gold Medalist for the best 'examination on Horse Practice. Author "of a First Prize Essay on Shoeing. Gradu- ated Sept. 18, 186%. , oo Dr. Thorn begs to 'ahrioutice that he taken up his residence at Port Perry, and is Port Perry, July 1st, 1874. a. All D " rE es % penal Metre) MEARE FOR WINTER J on Lilly stree 0 Gousit a? . a Port Perry, Oct. 28, 1873. {i Mrs. PORT PERRY, = oo Ul IAL ASSIGNEE, _ for the county of Ontario. Any business: entrusted to ie charge will be carefully at- gutrisied fo} : to. : Cited, Hench yo eal > Third Divic | styles. Parties bri r J. TEE Ga Eh, Phd td A Apomec i J on . Reeidenco--Unidn Wvenfigr (117 Towner, of Marsingo: Liioseuer MES. I. DRINKWATER. office=fa che pit Port Perey, Oct 800 4 HAE eat : : 5 New Marriage Act. A a | will be found as low as' those of any respon- ENRY CHARLES having been re- ; erry, ih HS oe La Agent---- i- a eq er lo uty) 'continues r- Es Llane Lines Tea Port Perry. 2g atthe Medical 5, Bai | Wonngaens ne : L) At her sesilénce! AN kad of ars . The subscriber having had muck experi: | ence in the 'business, 'guarantées 'complete' The Subscriber having leased this excel- lent Hotel and fitted it up with a view to the comfort of guests and the accommoda- tion of the general public, will Ye glad to welcome old friends and new to take part in the hogpitality of the Queen's. The Table carefully supplied, Choice Stables punctually attended to. The Queen's is conveniently situated a few rods west of the Post Office, Z JAMES DEWART. Port Perry, Nov. 11; 1873. PRINCE ALBERT, ONT. By EZRA BATES, The comfort of guests carefully attended The Table and Bar well supplied. Choice Liquors and the best brands of ZRA BATES, E Anglo-American Hotel, Proprictor. July 15, 1874. } i 1) EVERE HOUSE, MANCHESTER, A. TENNYSON, Proprietor, The Revere House Is decidedly one of the best and most comfortable country Hotels In the Province and is situated in a most con- Stages to aud from ica and Ep. - The Subseriber, sfnce becoming proprietor, has had the premises thoroughly repaired and will spare neither labor nor expense in making the Revere House a comfortable transient home for travelers, and for the re- freshment of gue The table and bar supplied with the best N. Good stables and a A. 'ntive ostlers, NNYSON, Proprietor. Manchester, A 1 NION HOTEL, MANCHESTER. JAMES T. HEARD, Proprietor. Good acfommodations. Careful attention "The bar supplied with the best Liquors and Cigars. Good Stabling. Manchester, July 15, 1874. 30 ((oFraex HOTEL, GREENBANE. R. McRAE, PROPRIETOR. - The above hotel has undergone a thorough view to the comfort and convenience of the | traveling public. Suict attention paid to | the table and the bar. Comfortable stables and an attentive ostler. Greenbank, March 23, 1874. UTICA. J. DAFOE, PROPRIETOR. Good accommodasions. Careful attention | to the requirements of travelers and guests. | The bar supplied with the best wines, liquors | and cigars. Good stabling. | | oA BION HOTEL, WHITBY. A. MASON, - PROPRIETOR. This Hotel has undergone a thorough re- novation and been fitted up with a view to public. Every attention paid to the table and bar, while obliging and attentive Ostlers will have charge of the stables. Whitby, June 20, 1870. TORONTO. Incorporated.. Capital = $400.000. Hon. John MeMurrich. «es..U. Magrath, Esq. . Haldan, Esq. JAMES PRINGLE, General President. Vice-President. ere emma Str to THE ONTARIO FARMER? Mutual Insurance Company. This Company is now £ally Sigitio ud is pared to acce, shs on Farm Buildin Ra their atents, country Fool hereb; a Home Insurance Company ws Bi of doing so, either have, an opportuni by pine fo the\Head Office, or to any of the local Agents of the Company. Our rates gible Mutual Insurance Company in Canada. "Head Office--Opposite the Royal Hotel, Brock St., Whithy ~~ - L, FAIRBANKS, Jr, ; Secretary. MRS. L. M. COOK, I oe HAIR DRESSER, Swi Braids, Frizzets, Curls, and Comb . ee Bale Jowetey Mantfewied, x | Rooms, over Mr. Nott's Furniture Ware ae Port Perry, Nov. 18, 1874. 4 iil TAKEN TO AND FROM THE STATION |". AND AROUND TOWN. The Subscriber is prepared to convey sin of Luggage R04, Yr e Railway Orders. prompily, attended to. 5 00 donde Bialiiad "LUGGAGE town; ad Charges;| EN ¥ ne £ nw hod I now take great pleasure in thankin, liberal support they have accorded Silver Plat: ed Goods. Tea Setts,' Cruits, Cake Baskets, Butter Coolers, Mugs, Gongs, Napkin Rings, Tea Spoons, Table Spoons, Tea Knives, Dinner Knives, Tea and Dinner Forks, Butter Knives, Pickle Forks, Toast Racks, &e., &c, &ec., Again wishing you the best compliments of the season. I remain; Very truly yours, W.T. PARNISH. Pert Perry, Dee. 24, 1875. +L ; my patrons and friends for the very @ in the past, and hope by closely attending to their wants to merita sontin pas pe : "much pleasure in showin, i . : | bab sms STO ALLY |... th P. It was not otir own sister--Josie's and mine---for qur father had mar- ried twice, and Sue was the only child of his first wife, and was thir teen yeiirs when he married our mother, who also died when I wus twa years old and Jane a month old nce of the same. Ihavenow y new Stock of y. She was seventeen by that time, and when our mother sorrowed as only mothers can, at leaving her two baby girls, the little step-thild prom. ised to be a mother to us white she lived. Nobly she kept her promise. Motherless as we were, we uever missed a mother's love or care, Even in the brief, "happy time when our Sue was a promised wife, she stipulated for keeping a super- vision over Josie and me ; and later when her heart sorrow came, she never failed in her self-imposed duty to us, : While she was yet young our fath- or also died, leaving our share of the property under the control of our step-sister until we should marry ot come of age. We lived a happy, quiet lite at Roee Cottage, a pretty house on the outskirts ot M , overshadowed a little by the grandeur of the gieat house of the town, where the house- | si cighs. Skates, ll Bells, Toys, * Stand Lamp. Dil 0 Side Brackets, Hall Pendants 1,2, 3 and 4 light Chanda. liers, keeper was queen in the abse.ce of the owner, who had gone on a wed- Largersizesgot [ding tour when we were chilaren, and remained for ten years. to order, Jarvis Willmott was a hero in the eyes of the M---. girls, owning, as he did, the bandsomest house, most extensive grounds, and largest income, for many a mile round. We notified--Jogie and [--that Sue was always very silent when Jarvis Willmott was under discussion, but PHOTOGRAPHS FOR ALL, AND PERFECT PICTURES SECURED AT M°KENZIE & 8COTT'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERIES! O; posit Foy's Hotel, Port Perry. WwW ITH the view of supplying the great demand for their much admired Photographs, the Subscribers have--regard. less of expense--so fitted up their Galleries and introduced such Instruments as w all times secure PERFECT PICTURES Their thorough knowledge of ever de-- , y JOHN NOTT; ~ renovation, and has been fitted up with a | partment of the Art, acquired in some of the best Galleries on this continent, together with their excellentGalleries and superior in- struments, give them facilities enjoyed by few for producing those beautiful graphs admired by all who sce them, By skilfully retouching the negatives the most handsome photographs are produced in every instance, Their Galleries are stocked with a choice less variety. A cordial welcome is extended to all to visit our Galleries and inspect our Stock. McKENZIE & SCOTT. Port Perry, Dec. 10, 1873. 51 C. MK ENZIE, PROPRIETOR. prepared to furnish first class ILIVERY RIGS On Moderate Terms. C. MCKENZIE. rocsanaTion 1 TO THE INHABITANTS OF THE PLACE TO Dry Goods, Groceries, Cl othi ng, Hardware, Tinware, Stationery, Patent Medicines, &c., 18 AT THE Greenbank Store. a tot TING Greéfibnk, July 30, 1873. ¢: habiy Sun _-- HONEY TO LOAN ! MORTGAGES WANTED. HE Subscribers have large sums of mon- ey placed in their hands fir investment on Improved Farms, other Seearities in this and adjoining Counties at the lowest current rates of interest. have funds on hand at all times Borrowers dep hd on ge'ting their money with the st possible delay. WANTED TO PURCHASE, Any numbor of Mortgages for which the high- est figures will be allowed. Wearealso appraisers for tha Canada Per- ma in from 2 t Lands Bought and Sold. Several good farms for sale, surance (om panies. Collectiond made and a general ageney busi- ness tuansacted. 79 DEBENTURES BOUGHT.~GX Pert Perry, Cet, 11, 18 HONEY 70 LE The undersigned has any amount of Maney to lend upon Farm and Town Property, at | assortment of First Class Albums, Picture |; Frames, Stereoscopic Instruments, the Finest Chromos, and specimen Photographs in end. PORT PERRY LIVERY STABLES, Orrice--Over the Dominion Bank, MeMil- Jan's Block, Brock st., Whitby. Whitby, April 10, 1873, HE Subscriber having now fully equipped his new and extensive Livery Stables with | /g~ 0 PURCHASE, Promissory Notes, both a supply of superior Horses and Carriages, is 2 counts, Judgments and Mortgages, . \ Port Perry, Aug. 6, 1873. ™M Port Perry, March 12, 1874. To Loan on good Farms, at 8 per cent in- terest. NORTHERN REACH and Churches, Those wishing to insuréand'| November, 2], 1866. [=r DIVISION COURTS BUY YOURE we were great girls of eighteen and Sue was an acknowledged old maid, before we knew the reason. It was in September, one of those warm, gorgeous days, when winter seems too far away to realize, that Granny Cox, the universal washer- woman for those who hired "days washings," came to Rose Cottage tull of news. ¢ Well,' said she, rubbing over the board, while Josie starched fine things, and I made pies, Sue and our only girl being engaged in upstairs work. 'Well," said Granny Cox, at Bilding Society, tho Shea pest and | 'I'm free to confoss that I don't see APIA a Tatar fe-payable | NO 8uch white clothes in Ne as YERTs, | you have here, and a power of them, | too for old hands to wash." "That is one economy Sue won't Agents for several fist class Fire In-| practice,' said Josie, 'saving in wush- fin Village Properties, and As we g. ¢She's the dainty lady she always vas," said granny, ' ard wears white clothes fit for a queen. Mrs. Will- mott herse]t ha'n't no finer ruffling than this!' And granny held up a shirt, Took ing to sec how we took this first shot. 1 | We took it with a breathless cry i of: ) ' 'Mrs. Willmott!" in chorus. Mrs Willmott said the old woman shaking out the shirt after a vigor- ous wringing. 'She's come home at last. She sent tor me last night JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, General Agents, Office in Mr, Ross' Ontario Buildings, Port Perry, 70, -- Unusually Low Rates of Interest! | to take a washing as big as ever I Z ! S q ' Q Q Loans can be repaid in any manner to suit | Put through the suds, 'cause shes the borrower. Also several Improved Farms, and Wild Lands for sale, cheap. Investments made in Municipal Deben- tures, Bank and other marketable Stocks. been travelling.' 'But Granny, has she come home to stay ?' we asked, full of excite ment, for the oceupancy of the great house by the great family was an event of vast importance in a little village like M . 'Like ns not she will. I s'pose they'll think folks has forgot the old story, thongh I'li always stick to it that Jarvis Willmott stayed ten years WAIT R out of M 'cause he and his fine ANI ED 1 lady wife were ashamed to show their faces there. Beg pardon, Miss Sue; I didn't hear you come in.' 'What were you saying ?' Sue asked, in hereven low voice, with yet a'sound in it that made me look ap. «I was telling the young ladies that Mr Jarvis Willmottand his wite came home last night from foreign parts,' said the old woman, in a strangely humble tone, and recom- 2 menced her rubbing, muttering =o that I only heard hor-- ¢ My tongue is always wagging in the wrong place.' i I glanced again at Sue. Surely I was not mistaken in thinking her sweet face paler than 1 had ever remembered seeing it, and Apply to JAMES HOLDEN, OfEcial Assignee, Broker, &. over dve and yet to become due, ac. Apply personally to W. M. COCHRANE, } Fort Perry. MONEY | MOREY ! ONEY TO LOA™ at 8 per cent interest on Real Estate, P. A. HURD. 1 ; MONEY (Private Funds,) LYMAN ENGLISH, Barrister, &0., hawa, [14 table were trembling like a leat. She did not speak for a- moment, 5 for THE but when she did it was to give me 3! ) some trifling directions about my Co unt y of o nt ario, | culinary labors, and leave again. gEOF TUE, YEAR 197%, «God bless her sweet face,' said Boots and Shoes, - AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT SHOW ] % Subsaibers have pened Show Currie's Store, w the Manufacture of the Joseph Hall Manu- facturing Company, Oshawa, will be kept in. ROOMS Ii: whan § engaged ten years ago ?' 'Never,' said Josie. Rooms on St, North of Mr. Store, 5 Th 'Machines of news. Joy inspection: : died. She was as pretty as a| ¢Youh ar horse,' Sua stiid] acta pink y wf quietly: "Go ns quickly as possible at 3Bsid a es. She's a8 pretty 88 a pink ow," I{tor a physician; ewill care for, Irs. ond yore Nepean ~f| fair soft skin, sneh Jovely cause. Ju the little white hands resting on the 1875. eyes, or such a lot of brown hair as Sue. And see what » trim, pretty figure she has, just plump enough to be graceful. 'Nobody would think she was thirty even to look at her.' ¢ Just so,' eaid Granny Cox ; but in these days she wore bright, protty dresses, ard ribbons, like other young girls, and all that splendid bair she brushes up in close plaits now was tossing over her shoulders in long curls. ; 'She rode the prettiest horse in those days, and in her white hat and feather und long blue gown, she was the handsomest critter I ever put eyes on. ¢ Deary me, well as T was saying, he sparked her faithful, till his cou- =in came down from New York to visit his mother. The old lady digd next year, but she was living then. 'Miss Constance Willmott, the cousin, was tall and large, with great Line eyes and Jong yellow curls. ¢ Folks raved about her beauty, but to me she never could touch Miss Sue. But as I was telling you she came down a visiting, ard her cou- ~in was tagging after her cverlust- ingly. ¢ Miss Sue was getting ready to be murried too, I knew, tor I had the doing up of her fine things--pretty enough to eat they were, too, with her nice little tucks and ruffles. 'Lean't tell you how it was, only Jarvis Willmott he was always with his cousin, and Miss Sue never was the one to run after any man who was shighting her : and the long and short of it was, one day the cousins went to York together, and next we knew they were murried and oft abroad, and M neverseen sight of them since till last night. Never was a pie-crust kneaded or rolled with such vicious energy as mine, during the progress of this narrative. T only regrettedithat it was not the faithless lover's head 1 was punching and pounding so spiteful iy. Our Sue! Our gentle, patient, lov- ing sister, who was to us, who passed our lives with-her something abso- iutely angelic, in her pure, loving life. Our Sue, so charitable so winsome, to have been thrown oft, insulted and slighted by any man, for the sake of u prettier face perhaps, for any It made me hot all over with fur- ious anger, to think of it, and I saw Josie snapping collars and beating starch, with the same overflow of activity that wed tingling in my veins, 'Was his cousin rich ?' Josie asked. 'ldon"t know. She was a lady, always dressed to kill, with ry enough for a show case.-- She sang and played, and all the voung men were raving about her. There, 1've got a tub full; I guess I'll go and hang 'em out.' + Josie," 1 said as Granny "Cox van- ished, 'I'd like to wring his neck.' "He must have been an idiot,' said Josie with malignant scorn to prefer any woman that ever lived to our Sue!" The lady in question entering the kitchen at that instant put a stop to turther confidence', and we could only vent our feelings on pies and such. Bat we could and did exchange glances of sympathy, as we noted how very pale our sister looked, and what a faraway piteous expression there was in her mild, soft eyes. There was the usuxl routine of Mon- day duty to keep us busy, but late in the afternoon, when everything in the house was in order, and Granny Cox had departed, Josie proposed tuking our sewing out in the front porch. 'The warm days will soon be over' she said. And we admitted tho fact by agreeing to her proposal. Though we did not speak of it, Josie and I stole glances now and again at the Willmott house, wonder- ing a little what changes the arriva' city us. Sue looked down the road that led folks and their visitors. of deadly fear. of its inmates would make zmungst past our Jonttage to the jriver, a 4 favorite ride and walk' with M--- Suddenly we heard her givea ery WHOLE NO. 892: " mmm pe ¥ EE -------- , {, ithout other answer than a laiv: $ bless you !" Jarvis Willmotl, obeyed her, leaving his wife jo our care: yaw Tenderly Sue undressed het frying every sim le restoratiye in our tech' calming Josie and me by her promipd' decisive movements, and makiigonnr: strong young arms useful to litt apd , move the sotferer, asshe tried to find the seat of injury. It seemed hou:s before tho great' blue eyes of the stranger wer. opens! ed. and in that Jong insenwibiliny 1° ceased to wonder at any man's in- consistency, if that face was the one to lead his heart away trom its silo legence. Such perfect beauty of foaturs I have never seen. Even in its deadly pallor tho fico' was marvellonsly lovely, and the wealth of golden hair, tossed and - disordered, surrounded. it like a halo. She opened a pair of large vinlot eyes as Sue bent anxiously over har and looked long and earnestly i our sistér's tace before she +p * Sue,' she said at last, * isit indend you.' 'Tt is,' sad sue simply. 'Can you tell me where ycu are hurt Your horse threw you at our gate.' she said' answering aquestivi- ing look. 'I am not hurt, Ah, yrs, Tam, she cried, sinking back afte torise. Where is my hus! ¢ He is coming now wit} tor,' said Josie from her the window, and a mon they entered the room. We were all sent out ex2cnt and even my indignant bear piticd the pale man who walked siler L and down our little parlor, v to know the physicans decree, I saw how hesuffered. I saw to that this handsome men looked old and sworn, compaicd! our sistor and wondered it been happy in his falsehood. The doctor's fiat made u: and sllent though our guest stranger. Z There were {fatal internal i: Lite might linger for a few even weeks with tender nur care but the end must be denth Any movement now wot ably hasten the dresd v Sue told the hushand that not think ot disturbing the sulic 'I have not deserved sn ness of your hands,' hie said trol but she only said, in her low, voice--- ¢ You may trust her to me, returned again to the bedside For three long weeks, Mis mott lingered, suffering trig and Sue nursed her like a If she had been the derre:t of her heart, our sister coulc have given more deveted carve, night and day. The end eame in the night I was sharing Sue's watch, r patient sister was almost worn out with weary care. Jarvis Willmott sitting wifes pillow, watched t breath, while Sue on the other gave a stimulant at stated inter- vales. Suddenly the large blue eyes open- ed and the dying wowao spoice. « Jarvis, have I been a good wife to you ?' + Always da ling,' be answored. 'Then will you fory though you never loved me as you loved Sue.' 'Constance he said tenderely ¢ Never,' she repeated, ' bu: yon will forgive me? 1 cannot dic with- out telling you. 1 wrote thut lot- ter. nto = to he' hud The man tarned as white as the dying woman before him. '1 wrote it, she repeato!, * the bitter," cruel letter yon thought came from Sue, reproaching you, breaking off your engagen.ent. «Oh, Jarvis,' she said as he cover od his face, forgive mo. I am dying, and I loved youso! I loved you always, Jacvis from a little giri, and I could not lose you.' There was a deep silence. . Again the dying woman spoke. ¢ Sue, will you also refuse to for- give me? 'I forgive you freely,' Sue eaid and Jarvis does too." + Tt grieves him to hear you talk We all started to our feet to seo tearirg along thb road towards us, a runaway horse, with & woman clinging tor life to its neck, and another following with a mid= dle pged man, with white-set face, evidently in pursuit of the runaway. of parting,' she said in her low, ten der voice. * Jarvis raised his head then and bent to kiss his wife. Sue drew me gentley from the room and in the sitting-room broke ou the rights of it. You look out ies 3 osie, Miss Sue don't catch me You never heard, maybe, that she and Jarvis Willmott were ¢ Well, I want yon to know. Own folks always is the last to hear the He courted her before your said ; 'there is nota 'giel in Me down into piteous weeping. 3 plz Biz) # .|=| | granny looking after her; 'I would |" A moment which seemed an hour| When we returned, an nour later 5.53 Elz fs Eizi2 £ | not make her look like: that for u|wasgiven us.to phatograph the scene | Constance. Wilimott lay dead in ber &2| 121512 @19% 2 | kingdom. I never heard her com- upon our memories, and the fore-| husband's arms 2 Fred wii 1 i | 35: 3a ling, most horse rushed like a whivieind Thins all just two ye =e : [25 4| | 81 810!23 ' : tour gate, throwing his burden Jo0king up from my paper.) see. lg" het | ai mic) But granny," asked: Jesie, 'what | FN 0% GT e'sped along: Reson obi k of oie a a il is lis 'Somebody'll be sure to tell you| We sll ran forward to reach the and. ¥ibory De finery Wo fv8. Ti... GEO.H.DARTNELL, now he's got back, said granny, and spot whero the nsensible woman luiy | thie orth dar: aw + officiated inten a © Junior Judge. | seeing he's a big man here, they'll |just as the horseman threw himself Col Fine of Jarei Willmo ids, "atthe Whithy, Jan. 1, 1875. tell his side,, like as not ; so I'll tell | beside her. > ghee ¢ Bring her in here! said Sue, as Sisrea Suz he lifted her from the ground, 'itis Win te mami nearer than your own house.' ' h Juaz - pthc vi Ho was a tall, powerful man to| AIF 1008 Cry anc 1 whom she spoke, and never answer- off and jis falling opt. ~ Fon ing her, he followed us into the house, and into Sue's own room, where he put the seemingly dead figure into our sister's snowy aor Sit Fae UNE Tou wife as tenderly a8 yon

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