Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 4 Feb 1875, p. 4

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tack wherever there 1s 8 weak point. may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and « properly nourished frame." --Civil Service Erea's Cocoa. --GrareruL AND Courornz- 1xa.--The agreeable character of this prepar- ation has rendered it a general favorite. { Li i Made simply with boiling water and milk. -- : - Sales a « TRENBETH'S Chemists, 48, Threadneedle street, and 170, Piccadilly. Works for Dietetic Preparations, Euston.road and Camde Each packet is labelled Jauss Eres & Homeopathic 'Town, London. and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well selected cocoa, i : Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tableg : + with a delicately flavored. beverage which 'May save Us mavy heavy doctors' bills, It 1s by the judicious use of such articles of dist that a constitution muy be gradually 'built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle sualadies are floating around us ready to at- "Glothi ng, If you want Cheap CALL AT AND SECURE BARGAINS FOR - Indispensable.--Therc arc some simple remedies indispensable in cvery family, -- Among these the experience of years assures us, should be recorded Perry Davis's Pain ON K MONTH Killer. For both internal and external ap- : plication we Lave found it of great value; especially can we recommend it for colds, rheumatism, or fresh wounds and bruises:-- awn ____ | [or Cash Onl Y- R WHEELER'S COMPOUND ELIXIR of Phosphates and Calisaya. . Prescott, June 20, 1872. W. TRENBETH, « My wife for a number of years has been Merchant Tailor. suffering from Asthma and diseases of the Heart, Her breathing was short and quick, | Tort Perry, Jan. 26, 1875. at times causing great distress and apprel sion of impending death and she was greatly prostrate with general debility, At night AGRICULTURAL rhe was constantly subjéct to attacks of great difficulty of breathing, the sarfacc of the body becoming cold and she was appearently Iife- 1 less, being restored only by great exertion on the part of attendant. She began taking your medicine about a year ago, and she has 5 : not had an attack since, and is in the enjoy- HE Subscribers having been engaged ment of very comfortable health. 1 have as great reason to be thankful for Ler extraor- Et rat AGENTS 'W. ARMSTRONG, Landing Waiter." FOR THE -------- ---- ------ oy - \ PAIN -KILLER [JOSEPH HALL After thirty-five years trial it is till re- ' | ceiving the most unqualified testimonials to M f i ( its virtues from persons of the highest char- dnu ac urn om dn ' acter and responsibility, 1hysicians of the : first respectability reccommend it as a most OSHAWA, effectual preparation for the extinction of | : . ' pain. It is not only the best remedy ever Would take this oppurtunity of informing known for Bruises, Cuts, Burns, &c, but for the Farming community of this section of Dysentry and Cholera, or any sort of Bowel ' country that they are prepared to furnish Complaint, it isa remedy unsurpassed for any Agricultural Machine manufactured at efficiency, and rapidity of action. In the great the Joseph Hall Manufacturing Company's cities of India, and the other lot climates, Works, Oshawa, on the jt has become the standard medicine for all such complaints as well as for Dyspepsia, Shortest Notice and the Most Liver complaints and all kindred disorders. T"avorable Terms. For Coughs and Colds, Canker, Asthma, and . Rheumatic difficultics, it has been proved by Th Ch the most abundant and convincing testi- e ampion mony to be an invaluable medicine. COMBINED REAPER and MOWER. a a: TUE CHAMPION SINGLE MOWER, Perry Davis & Son ole Topricint THE CHAMPION SINGLE REAPER. : BROAD-CAST SOWERS and SPOUT 7 DRILLS. WISNER'S SULKEY HORSE-RAKE. THRESHING MACHINES, &C. 14 highest Prize Medals and Diplomas Sh : ' Awarded the Champion in Europe tor 1873, » A Sweeping Victory in the old world 11 Lands 8 Farms coms mini te Nev! 7] Europe and America join hand in Crow! FOR SALE. pownt Amerioagole yan ning Erma. King of the Harvest West 4 Lot 14, In th 6h con., 100 acres, --80 Field. acres cleared. North § Lot 13, in the 7th con. 100 " acrese Sores elcid. ee re whan E. WALKER. two es from Brechin, % Also, Lot 12, in the 11th con,, 200 acres, H. 8, JOHNSON, Lot 12, in the 12th con. 2) acres. Port Perry, Dec. 23, 1874. 8. § 16, in the 12th con. 100 acres. All first-class Lots with small clearings. as PREPARE Lot 16, in the 3rd con, 200 acres. Lot 15, in the 4th con, 2 acres. . £.4 16, in the 4th con. 100 acres. FOR THE Well timbered, and convenient to Rama Sta- tion on the Northern Rallway. As Apply to J. HAM PERRY, H 0 L I D A Y S WHITBY. 'Whitby, Jau. 13, 1575. 32m -- 4 eu _ 3 _ |Every Delicacy of the Season in abundance Farm for Sale. of the best quality and at the lowest possible price, at J HE Subscriber offers for Sale that Excel- » lent Farm being South half of lot 17 in the 11th concession of Reach containing 100 acres of choice land, upwards of 90 acres cleared, the remainder is splendidly wooded. PORT PERRY. The land is in a capital state of cultivation, There are on the premises a good bearing| Go to BROAD'S for Choice Meats of every orchard of superior fruit and a complete sup- | description. ply of water. There is every convenience in - way of buildings, a substantial frame Dwell-| At Broad's you will get pure and genuine ng House 25x35 with 14 fect posts aud well finished throughout. 3 . There are a fine well and cistern. Liquor 8, Drandies, a There are two Barns, one 3 ix14 4, the other 21x31 including the stable with a good shed GIN, 21x50 and ail other necessary out-buildings. Ths land is clearof stumps. * The location is capital, one mil: east of Greenbank and tour miles from the of "* Port Perry, and five from Manchester. Terms easy, to suit purchaser. For particulars apply to the Subscriber at Manchester. EDWARD BURTON. Manchester, Dec. 17,1875 "FARM FOR SALE. The Subscribers offers to Sell by Private excellent Farm being composed of * 'Bale that ion ef Perry, containing 60 acres, more or less. of the best Brands. Oysters ! Oysters!' BROAD'S, 5) Port Perry, Dec. 16, 1874. SnAg snd se Now for the Holidays Terms easy. . For particulars apply to the subscriber on 'E. 0. RICHARDSON. the premises. Beach, Dec. 8; 1874. N the Gravel Road. The House is | Bad Detieu. _- _W ~~ FOR BAEE CR 10 RENT EE Sulbaceibet would inform his and the WINES & WHISKYS! Every variety of Groceries Good and Cheap n Can and bulk--Fresh and Cheap at JAMES BROAD. Rt triends 50 rE. Aud ig in everything pertaining to Holiday Dainties ! : ton irs, ow: sili MY TAVERN STAND |Ererything ) new "and he has mot forgotten his Colt pvety convene ; the. Garden. 1 | umn fi A CHAS. PAYNE i NE HOUSE] Villags Lots for Sale ee AND ee NGLES ! ----AND-- BILL LUMBER ee QF en ALL DESCRIPTIONS CONSTANTLY ON HAND ---- AND -- ee AT eee MILLS, \ Is now is full running order. latest and most popular wares of the day, LOW IN PRICE. Comparisons invited. Their Wholesale Prices. will be found to compare favorably with any other house Tee Subscriber is carrying on the Tailor- in the trade, they most respectfully solicit an examination of their Stock in all their De- "THE UXBRIDGE Cabinet Organ Embodies the Latest and best results of Inventive Genius and Experionice--hetice their CONCEDED SUPERIORITY ! It is the intention of the Company not only to make the Best Instruments, but to' And any quantity of Hides Sell them the Cheapest yur pip (gh | QUALITY AND VALUE CONSIDERED. Tuc Furniture Dip arTMENT Port Perry, Oct. 1, 1874. . IN THE There Warerooms are furnished with a large and upon examination, will be found : Ee < 2: we A Rn lay da Nai ten Proctananos TO THE INHABITANTS OF THE PLACE TO Stationery, PORT PERRY. Patent Medicines, &c., WANTED. Sn 500 Cords of Hem- lock Bark, Greenbagk, July 20, 1873. | NORTHERN REACH BUY YOUR MANUFACTURING COMPANY. p00 8 SHOE % Dry Goods, WRIGHT'S: Groceries, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, : Y r Hard > EMPORIUM ! -- Greenbank Store. GEO. FLINT. tnis opportuni, suring his customers and the ji ln ally that as in thy in the future wilk entail pueda odie material, empl none worke Se oi fail to please purchasers. - Shoes of my hi ang lok of. i , Call and inspect my Stock, sa Hirst block west of the Post Office' ' RICHARD W. » Pork Perey, Nov. 13,1813, A DAVIS & SONS' Eavetroughs, CUT TO ORDER MOY UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT ! Everything is also complete. A good selection of Walnut, Elm, Butteruut, Oak, Rose wood, Velvet and Cloth-covered COFFINS always on band. We have also two FIRST- CLASS IEARSES with the necessary appendages, Uxbridge Cabinet and Organ Manufacturing Co'y, "A. T. BUTTON, y "THE SUBSCRIBER Has now on hand a splendid assortment of B TVW Iw Cistern Pumps, LEAD PIPES, &C. Which will compare favorably with any in the County both as to price and quality. pe. Job Work attended to with our usuai dispatch. A. BE. McCAW. Port Perry, May 13, 1874. Another Priumph FOR Tae Jomwston [iEAPER | simi A miimt The following is the Secretary's Official Report of the Kent County Agricultural Society's Reaping match, held at Chatham, July 15th, 1874. CHATHAM, Oxr., Jury 1678, 1874. i Combined and Single Reapi Machines, which took place near this town, on wo ae under the auspices oF the Kent County Agriculwural Society, the fol- lowing named Machines competed for prizes, with the results hed thereto, resp ely, viz: COMBINED MACHINES, inion Harvester, manufactured by Messrs. Forsythe & Co., of Dundas, took the Faas a Silver Medal. Cut 5 feet 1 inch, Draught, 350 Ibs when raking, 300 1bs when not. he Kirby Machine, manufac ured by Messrs. A. Harris, Son & Co., of Brantford, took the Second Prize. a Diploma. Cut 4 feet 6 inches. Draught, 320 1bs when rae 275, when not. The Dodge & Stephenson Machine, manu'actured by Messrs. Eastwood & Co., of Ingersoll, took the Third Prize, a Diploma. Cat, 5 feet. Draught, 375 Ibs when raking, 3201bs when not. Single Machines. ton Machine, manufactered by the Brown & Patterson Manufacturing Co., of a ok the First Prize, a Silver Medal. Cut, 4 feet 10 inches. Draught, when raking, 325 lbs, when not, 300 Ibs. : The Burdick Machine, manufactured by A. Harris, Son & Co., of Brantford, took the Second Prize, a Diploma. Cat 4 feet 11 in, Draught, when raking, 3121bs, when not 2751bs. The Meadow Lark Machiue, manufactured by John Elliott, of London, took the Third Prize, a Diploma. Cut, 4ft.2 in. Draught, when raking, 3101bs, when not, 2801bs. i ed Combiued Machines competed bat were not awarded vis: Ave Clipper, manifactured by Mr Jol Watson, of Ayr. Cut 4 feet 7 inches. Draught, i 251 en not 2751bs. The Ohio Es 3 mAnwtactured by Messrs John Stewart Co, of London. Cut, 5 feet 1 inch. Draught, when rakin 3501bs, when pot, 3001bs. The Buckeye, manufactured by Mr. John Elliott, of London. Cut 4 feet 8inches. Draught, when raking, 3251bs, when not, 290 Ibs. New Baltimore, manufactured by A. Harris, Son & Co., of Brantford. Cat, 4 ft. ¥0 in-- Draught, when gaking, 310) g Nyeq not isle. certified as corree! : AlFowhiglyiis bersby SHIN TISSMAY, Sec'y Kent Agricultural Society. 'This is snother Triumph for the Johnston Reaper, as manufactured by the Brown & Patterson Manufacturing Company, Whitby. is unnecessery when it is a well known fact, that in all the trials in which the Comment toh has competed it has neder failed in taking the Firat Prize over all ot 1 What more can Farmers ask? July 22ud, 1874. PUMPS! PUMPS! You cun get the best and cheapest Pump in the Province At J. IRVIN'S PUMP FACTORY, PORT PERRY. SEE THE PRICES. au : n a ioe Li Pumps at 50 cents per foot. Pumps at 40 cents per foot. Te . Common ed suc ps at 35 per foot. _ Oistern Pymps, a complete Pump, from $3 up to $8. Also every other desariptio on of Pushp, ap' ' EQUALLY LOW RATES! pasts te he'can portectly sais al. the CHOICE Foros pin come fo Pump and Fire 'Bogine with Hose ' Ln a 53 ei emp making in the largest factories a thar wil rs herby mri Fr. The Singer Machine is decidedly the best x» machine now in use ind also the cheapest J. W. DAVIS & SONS. when the quality of the machine is taken 1874 SPRING 1874 Port Perry, Nov. 26, 1873 49-13" ht consideration. Parties will do well to 1 1 | come and examine the machines, ° JOHN PEARCE, Port Perry, Dee. 1, 1874. MANCHESTER. HEARD'S CARBIAGE ORAS GENERAL BLACK-SMITHING ESTABLISHMENT. HE Subscriber has much pleasure in stat ing that he has secured the valuable services of MR. ANDREW CAMPBELL One of the best wood-workers in the Pro- vince, and is now better fitted than ever to fill all orders for Cutters, Sleighs, Bob-Sleighs, or any description of Carriage with dispatch. Everything is complete. I keep on hand a All repairs in Wood or Iron exccuted with good selection of Walnut, Oak, Elm, Butter- fore Horse and Bugsy, with Stiver Mounted neatness and on short notice Customers may rely on getting the best material, latest styles and superior work- manship. Special attention given to HORSE SHOEING and the work done so as to secure the ease and comfort of the horse in travelng. §&5~ All Charges Moderate and all work exchange for work. The subscriber 'is the |: Warranted. W. C. HEARD. Manchester, Dec. 17th 1874. LOTS FOR SALE. HE Subscriber has for sale at his yard Port Perry, any quantity of First class Brick which he is selling cheap. No better Brick can be got. see them, NEIL McARTHUR. Port Perry, Dec. 17th, 1874. CASH POE LUMBER LUMBER Square Edge Preferred.] Oak or Ash, 1 in., 1}, 2 in,, any width, Butteruut, 1 in., any width, Rock Elm, 1} in., 1} in, any width. Common Water Elm, 1 in,, any width, Basswood, 1 in; any width, 1} in,, 5, 8, 10 or 16 in,, wide. 1} in, 12, 14, 17, 18, 20, or 21, patent will' be dealt with according to law. in, wide. Pine, vei 21in,, 12, 14 or 16 feet long. | w . , Maple, Beech, and Birch : § in, 1} in, 1} In,, 14 in, i} in, 4 in, 8§ in., 5in., Plank. Osea, Fel. 5 1873, R. RICHARDSON, Marriage Licenses Bider the Now Act. Office, lob 10, in the | TT Subscriber takes pleasure in inform- 49 1 Port Perry, May 13, 1874. 2 B Ri b K Whak 1s the use of paying Thirty Dollars Come and 3000 Sheepskins, i i : EE auesl '13 £8 |Capover Factory! | and Tallow for which the § a : EE = PORT PERRY. sg HE HE Subscribers always hand' ys ki on : 0 £8 oS Q (and are constantly Hegulebtaring nore)' Will be paid by the Subscriber. 2 2 3 U- . a large Stock of just such J. WRIGHT. Eg eo FURNITURE ! B® i ga A 3 o As the community requires ; suitable for all Ee & ° classes of purchasers. All of caoios Ma- g8 4 B® rERIAL, the Best WorkmaNsuip, and at suos. @ 4 i 1 variety of the TAILORIN G EE| 8 > Yaiens as cannoli) to wuib 2 ih ? Elum w 6 very In all its Departments. gs m 3 = see eerieeseeeiihoenee rr 'HEE 2 UNDERTAKING © EE|" gh : : ing Businessin ull its departments dt Fe E 5 : Inall its departments promptly © his rooms over Corrigan & Campbell's Store, $ 3 Qo : attended to and charges moderate. : Port Perry. Newest Styles, First-Class FE I Q 1 : Workmanshin, and a perfect fit guaranteed. ge. a or 2 JSOPRINg of al) sizes kept con- © Charges moderate. Em + stantly on hand, : Ef ow g { : $0: ! SHROUDS of all si : ge * = > : newest styles, Sizes wn : £8 : ; : £ CASKET OR BURIAL CASE : = § > : procured on short notice. : Ex = 2 The American Style of oF = Hearse, Also an ordinary style ; = sg - : of Hearse, ~ : Agent tor the Singer Sewing Machine, § 1 = : : ng his customers and the 'public gen- erally, that he has on haud a good and well assorted selection of FURNITURE Such, as Extension, Centre, Dining and | Kitchen Tables; Wood, Cane, and Hair- | Cloth Chairs ; Couches in Repsand Damask ; Sofas, Burcaus, Sideboards, Bedsf nots, Stands, Mirrors. Straw, y | Mixed, and Spring Mattrasses, &c., which ! will be sold as low as at any House in the | a All goods delivered free of charge. Particuldr attention paid to Picture Fram- ing. $76,000 00 IN VALUABLE GIFTS! to be distributed ic L. D.SINE'S 1718T REGULAR MNNTHLY I a ~ GIFP ENTERPRISE! To be drawn Monday, February 22nd, 1875, TWO GRAND CAPITALS OF $6,000 Bach in CASH! One Prize $1,000) = 3 Two Prizes $00 SE S Five Prizes $100) 5" CA The only reliable Gift Distribution in the' country. AN THE UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT ! nut, Rosewood, Velvet and Cloth-covered | Harness, worth Coffins. One Fine-toned Rose-wood Plano worth $550. Shrouds in all styles and sizes. Napkins, Thiel dole Warehe? an Chains worth $3 Gloves 44) Hat-bunds, furnished free when'| 3 Gold American Hunting Watches worth §125 required. + A FIRST CLASS HEARSE. JOHN NOTT. N.B. All kinds of good Lumber taken in each, 10 Jalisco Hunting Watches worth $100 each. 1000 Gold and Silver Lever Hunting Watches (in all) worth from $0 to $300 each ! Gold Chains, Silver-ware, Jewelry. &c, only authorized Agent in this locality for the a per of Gifts, 7,5. Tickets limited to Whitby Marble Works. JN, 'g@~ Agents wanted to sell Tickets, to whom liberal Premiums will be paid. Single Tickets, $1; Six Tickets $5; Tickets, $1); Twenty-five $2. Circulars containing a full list of prizes, ® description of the manner of drawing, and other information In reference to the Distri- o | bution, will be sent to any one ordering them ressed to extn meme Twelve IMPORTANT TO All letters must be add: Main Office L. D.SINE, Box 100 W. fifa st Cinemnatl, 0. 3 A PUBLIC CAUTION: -- te Holloway's Pills and Ointment are neither ' manufactured nor sold in any part of the Unit ed States, although they may obtained im the B.N. American Provinces. Each Potand Box bears the British Gov- ernment Stamp, with the words "Holloway's Pills and Ointment, London," éngraved there- for a Root Cutter when you can get the on. It has become necessary to make this an< nouncement because the New York Chemical i Company (Who nobody) finding at last that their name been so exposed, have as- sumed the title of * Holloway & Co, ;" but, oven now, no one will buy their medicines direct from them, so they have made arrange- ments to supply exclusively the fitni of rs. Henry & Co., of New York, with their ed "Holloway's Pills and Ointment." .. It is presumed that from the large connexion essrs. Henry and Co. have the British Provinces and elsewhere, the very THE OSHAWA CABINET CO'Y Sr He ai Will pay the highest price, in Cash, for the diss La guston tn prevent dele being misled, by find- following of Empire Root Cutter hes of ines bonsing Ce How Yorks printed thereon, FOR SIX DOLLARS. Meny respectable firms in the British Pro- Delivered at their yard in Oshawa. It will cut at least as fast as any other, |vinces, who obtain my medicines direct from quired; 16 will cut from tied . io may be own tat my medi, us or ried off the a PRL the x The following isa lst of the rhe ded and County Exhibitions, compe nst, toiand 1 partion recommend those who, 3) machi herever sho | desire to get my medicines to apply to some Bon heh Smashing hus a Mekaillo ion of the Houses named :-- ring the name of THOMAS FU! as | Messrs. Avery, Brown & Co., Halifax, N.S. PATENTEE; any one found infringing on the \ Megsrs, Forsyth & Co., Halifax, N.S. Messrs, T. B. Barker & Sons, St. John, N.B. om on a ition; this season, ie an sf r. T. Des Brisay, Charlotte Town, PE. I. arranted tion or no sale. y ogo sausiusti it 8 + Lwil bo glad. to send & Mach to any Ne i responsi any. . Dominion. hire our Vo ay in in ame He ro & 0., Montreal. w nship jehere agenia have not aiready been i 3 er 4 & Co, Hamilton, Ont. '33x23, Square Scantling SPP AFO Me: A: Gnomon Suxith, st, Job : ? a it NB, en W. H. GIBBS, MN Are Yr Joho Bond, rich, € on." Provident.) ZEPHYR, ONT. | He Chaloner NB 3 ns Yd ashy 'a i el Den fm, 0 om ie 8 A TIL . W. H. r Grace, Wl. TAILORING BR are sold a 1d SQUIRE'S a eh un) tsa af ot he 18% con, Brock. dozen boxes of Pills or pots ptmer Aug. 5,1874. \ nd vag TE TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT Chemists ana in ; ay's re a female; $35 OVFR ROSS' STORE geuine Pils $y: a eT, Save Shek i y PORT PEERY [He amply ers NAS HOLLOWAY: ne Site | Pov Perry, Oct, 30, Wg sii po, Opt set 1 1814. :

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