Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 4 Feb 1875, p. 2

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_ Picss of business prevented us from start- jug with the County Council when they 'was no difficulty in overtaking them. business of the first day consisted, 1st, Noe stun of a Warden, This duty the ' | Mr Camphell said he did not fell himself St Jobn, Holmen, Guy, Lule, i is a Mr Giliespie would certainly recommend a change of auditors," pwoulqonly be just and ag well in interest of the coun- | kof in ¢, he has noth. | a nally - but > otwithstanding the | the council must see that it is time we had a that there is in E Whitby a value of at change in order to prevent so larze a $160,000 in machinery &c, of which | of money, hundreds of dollars being lost to 'Whitby has nothing ofall this and noaccount | the county in these acounts alone for "years appears to have been taken by the valuators( Mr Gould moved that the late Auditors Canypbel ofall this and hence he considers that a) Messrs J § M Wilk wrong has been done to Whitby in 'conse-| the auditors a apr 5 quence. Mr Gillespie tmoved that Messrs -Bickell OR Totton of Be. Bickel: the elton Vans grr Dis. hated nt Mey. "Bickel were asked to appear before the council. Mr Gould's motion was put and on the Mr Campbell one of the val division there ap d in favor of the mo- called. tion Messrs Gould, Feasby, Parker, y 0! called upon to appear before the council and t he did not consider that he 'was ander any, Against the motion Messrs Gillespie, Council graceful ly d b i '@eo: Smith, Esq, Reeve of Scott, to the hon- orable position by & unanimous voice. appointed by : 200 appointing the following commit- Finance and Assessment--Cowan O'Dono- © wan, Miller, Gillespie, and Bickel, Education--McGill, Brown, Campbell, * Luke and McPherson. Lon and Bridges--Rowland, Shier, veen, St John, Ewers, Platten and Parker. Jounty Property--Bigelow, Guy, Breth- + «our, Harper and Feasby. Printing--Holman, Feasby, Seager, Proc- "tor,and Gould. , ? The business of the 2nd day is easily told. The Reeves of Mara and Thorah present- "ed petitions for having the road in the rear of lot 7.in the 11th con of Thorab, straight- ened and for the building of a bridge over the Talbot River. Mr O'Donovan introduced and carried through a bylaw to appoint a county Audi. tor and confirm the appointment made by ithe Warden. Mr G H Grierson was appointed by the Council ana Mt R H Lawder by the warden. The salary of the Auditors was fixed at $60 each. THIRD DAY. The Warden took the chaiiat 10:30 a m. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. * Mr Kwers presented a petition from cer- tain infinbitants of 8. Section 11 of Reach, praying for an alteration in the boundaries of sections 10 and 11. Mr Holman presented a petition from 8. section 10 against any changes being made in the boundaries of said section. A petition was presented by the Reeve of Mara praying for a grant of $500 to assist in the erection of a bridge over the Severn. A petition from 8 Section no 7 Reach for certain alterations in the boundaries of - said section, "The report of Mr Beader, Commissioner of tthe Scugog bridge, was read showing an ex- penditure of $200 and asking for an appro- fpriation of $100 for the present year, Mr LJ Gould moved for leave to introduce a by-law to appoint two Auditors to Audit the accounts of criminal justice for the county and that the same be now read a first time. On motion of Mr Gould the bylaw was read a second time and the Council resolved itself into committee of the whole thereon Mr Bigelow in she chair. Mr Gould moved that the blanks be filled mp with the names of Messrs J 8 M Willcox and B ¥ Campbell. Me Bickell said that under the circmm-- stances he considered that it would be wise not to press this appointment just now, there is no particular hurry and no interest would suffer by deferring this appointment till the stternoon, There are certain matters con- nected with the accounts of this department in the past which have been bronght to. his .notice the particulars of which he has rot had an opportunity of investigating and he did not wish to make any statement cencerning it until 4nrther inquiry and for these reasons he would move in amendment that the ap- pointment of auditors be deferred till the af- ternoon. Mr Gillespie said he wanld:be glad to sec- ond the amendment of 'Mr (Bickell, there certainly were some -irregularities in. these _aceountswhich ought to be cléared np before precending to appoint auditors. It has been found that large amounts of money connect-- ad with this department have been paid which ought not to have been paid and till some «xplanation has been given it would 'be wrong to the reappointing of the officers and it is certainly not asking too much to have this matter put off till «the af- ternoon Mr Gould said it would be better to pro- ceed with the appointment, that would in no way interfere with the investigation. Mr Gillespie said that there would be an explanation looked for from the auditors and he considered that the degree of satisfaction given hy that explanation would have gome- thingto do with their reappointment, ana certainly the council will not demurat hav- ing the appointments delayed till the after- DOD, The council arose and reported and asked sleave-to git again in the afternoon. On motion of Mr Gonld the clerk-wasin- structed toask for tenders for all niin | ' connected with the council for the present | Year, ) Mr Brown moves that when this council | adjonrns it stands adjourned till the 1st Tues- day in June, There was a squabble over it and Mr Erown | Binatly agreed to accept a non-suit. Mr Brown aneves that the roport of the county valuaters. be adopted aud that said valuation stand-geoed for five years. Mr Brethour- would like to know on what | Dude the valuators had sun toslt vestigations, the process throngh which dhey had arrived atthe conclusions to which | theyhad come; he would like to hear jfrom | © Yhewaluators somethingof the mode they | had adopted'in arriving at the Tesults they brought; he thougt this was due to the | conneil some explanation should accom. Tear more about it before he would give his, sanction to adopt. On motion of Mr Bickell the conncil re- committee of the whole on thegeport, r Brown iu the chuir. | 1 PO y submitted the report as fol- * Equalized Assessment | | Mr:Donovan is pleased that littlawopposition oftered to the ferred to the commitiee of the whole to strike s only rn! | mised the assessment of Oshawa considerably ! of the Conncil refusing 40 give #he.nevessary , information to the members of fhat Council considera i who employ 4 that Brock | has not ow fairly valued as compasad with to state anything regarding the Brethour, Shicr, Dr McGill, Cowan, Rowlap plans they adopted--the valuators had been McPherson, Seager, Miller, Green. 1 by-law and if they did not| fThigmadeita tie. - The division was perform their duties in accordance with the ! again taken when the Reeve of Reach bolted by-law then it lay with the council to deal| and voted this time against the re-appoint- with them. ment of the old anditors, First - he voted Mr Shear then coming forward said that as | for the appointment and when the vote was far a» he was concerncd be did not consider | again taken he voted against the appoint- that there was any necessity for saying any-| ment. His collengues gave a somewhat thing, he considereed that the report convey- | comic look at their late ally when he de- ed all necessary information as to the result | serted them and voted for a change of audi- of their labors, [ tors. One moment before Reach had been an Mr Gillespie asked if ho faveled all | unbroken phalanx voting to int the the concessions of Brock Hy concessions | 0ld auditors and the vote between the old they had traveled while valnating, or did and new was declared a tie, when it was they travel the concessions at all ? proposed to take the yote again and again Mr Shear reptied that he had seen every lot | hperties in favor of renppdiating ho oly in the township but it was not for him to x a answer such questi might - Df army of yeas stretched themselves to their see fit to ask and he would not do it. Ana qa the rest the ; ves h, but what has ha, Me Gillespie said that 4ri"the matter of , e valuation they were the servants of the pened, a moment before they were the three-- fold cord which is said not to be easily bro- council and were pretty well paid and it was certainly a small matter if they would ken, but here one strand of it has welted, only two of the representatives of Reach are refuse to answer questions bearing on their | found npon their fect, the Worthy Reeve duty, is sticking to his seat like a bur and Mr Brethour asked if the valuatois had passed along the 6th or the 5th con. looking away up to his colleagues as they stand and vote for the late auditors. It was ur Shear said that he did not know that he did. amusing to see Mr 8t John peering down from his towering height to see whether or Mr Bickel mid that he had understood Mr | noptiad a Die oly A a Shear to say that he had seen every lot, himself of the fact that their colleague who Committee rose for dinner. but a moment ago hand to hand and foot to Committee resumed, foot had been voting with them but had now Mr Gould moved that the committec arise mes his guns SAs) em, Mr i Sohn and report the report of the valuators with. 2 a odes ot he -- hy 1 nye oui amendment. P! Rl £0) ave : got ick 4 down to him, but the Reeve only spread his Wiki il) iy ths Jeport cannon yo) legs further under the table, kept his scat and of further information on the subject he erred up at Jus olleagues andl asked them would like again to ask Mr Shear how he ar- rived at the relative valuations; he (Bickel) had understood him to say to the Reeve of if it was cold upthere ; byt when the yeas Brock that they (the valuators) had examin. were asked for the new auditors Mr Ewers was on his feet like a cork in water and was as ed every lot but it would be difficult to exam- ine every lot and yet never pass along the good as two men to the new auditors for his sudden desertion to the enemy's ranks took away one vote from the old and added one concessions. Mr Brethour asked Mr Shear how many concessions he had found open in Brock ? to the yew auditors and this carried in. the new men, On motion the Council adjourned. FOURTH DAY Here Mr Shear abruptly left the committee 2 and in the selection of his adjectives he ap- The Warden took the chair at 10:30. peared to prefer the superlative degiee. Mr Brethour said he was not satisfied with the result of the valuation and does not be- Minutes read and approved. Mr McPherson was granted leave to pre- lieve that Brock has had fair play inasmuch as that municipality has been placed at a sent the petition of the Reeves of Mara and figure which it would not bring were it to be Rama for a departmental survey of the boundary line between those townships. sold to-morrow, and he thinks with Mr Gill. espie that it is a little too much for the val- Mr Gillespie chairran of the special com- committee appointed last sessions with power to institute legal proceedings against uators to feel annoyed when asked for some | the late County Treas, Wm Paxton, Esq, and explanation of the mode by which they | his sureties, read their report as follows :-- reached the result. _ 1st, That after onr appointment we met Mr Bigelow does not regard this matter as | Thos Paxton, Esq. by appointment, in the coming within the power of the council, the | town of Whitby when Mr Paxton arranged council cannot tamper with this report they | (o meet us again in the town of Whitby in baving passed a :bydaw appointing | two weeks from that day, promising that these yalugtors;itis not in the pawer of the {| Jag Dryden and himself would enter into council bat receive it and he regards.all the time spent in discussion as so uch time wasted forthe report cannot be disturbed ; bonds with us binding themselves to pay much of the opposition appears to him like whatever sum was found to be due to the county by Wm Paxton, the late Treasurer,on condition that we would appoint 8 C Wood Esq, as arbitrator between his brother Wm Paxton, the late county Treasurer, and the county. 2nd Your committee and Wm Billings Esq, the attorney assisting us in the matter met Mr Paxton againin Whitby according to appointment. Mr Paxton then appeared more anxious to gain time than to carry out bis old agre¢ment with, us. ; 3rd Your committee then proceeded to Toronto to consult M C Cameran, Esq, Q_CJ He advised-us to sue the late Treas Mt Wim: Paxton aud, thus establish our claim and also to sue him on a ¢riminal charge ; and then after the claim has bec established, in the event of his not paying or his not having sufficient property to pay the claim tp proceed ageivst the sureties, 'On that advice your committee then acted at once putting the matter in 'suit and by consent 8 C Wood Esq, was appointed arbi. trator by the Court, The arbitztor at once entered on his du- ties and found the gaid:Mr Wm Paxton to be indebted to this county in the sum of $11,- 0771. 4th Your committee then instructed Mr Billings to get the award * made a rule of court and to place the judgement in the hands of the sheriff for collection all of which was accordingly done, but the sheriff has not yet made any.retnrn. Your committee in conclusion recommend that in the event of the sheriff not being able to collect the said amount with costs pro- dings be taken against the sureties with as little delay as possible as ordered by the council in June last. M. GILLESPIE, Chairman of Com. The Council went into committee of the whsle on the report and went through a series of feats of ground and lofty tumbling, some henarable members doing their best to talk at the subject butufew appearing to care much about talking entit, However noon came and let all loose. for dinner. electioneering capital, Mr Cowan says he isin no way surprised at the wesalt of the valuation he didnot ex- pect that the manner in which it wasto be vonducted could accomplish the end sought, the means provided was not sufficient for the purpose contemplated. He would liked had the valuators been before the commitiee, fo ask somequestions as to whether the vahmat- ors had taken into account the mapid increase future in the value of those timber lands an the nerth ; lands in the south be ex- pected to rise in value in any proportion; with those timber lands in the north. He the money spent in this valuation as Jittle better than wasted . Mr Ewers says that there has beep very little change made. Mr Gillespie says the scveral numbers of acres in the townships have all been copied from the journal except Mara and that has got quite an increase, -but there is mo infor. wsation-as to where the -addition has come from. 'He is aware that Brock is proportion- al,y higher than most other townships he certainly does not think much of the valua- tion ; and.as for the inginuation of the Rueve of Port Perry it-does not go far with the members from Brock for they can get elected without having recourse to tricks. Messrs Rowland, St John, Foley, Fearby and Holman all approved of the valuation and would be willing that it should stand for five years, «Dr McGill considers this as one of those esti n which every her should ex- press himsedf, for his part he would not. let the opportunity pass without stating what he thinks on a question-of such importance, it is a question that he would not Jike to go home without having something to say en'dt. In the first place the two gentlemen employed Ly the Council are at least as good as could be got in the county and he considers that they have done their work well. They had and he was glad that they had done so, for in this they had only corroborated what ev- Srione anid that Delian is i ng AFTERNOON SESSION. : ly, there is no doubt of it and long % fore these five years have passed Oshawa wil] | The Council resumed committee of the whole on the report of the special committee Mr Breshour is surprised at the action of some members on this matter it appeared as if they would rather prevent than assist in bringing the ease to a termination, he for one would urge the following up of the case till it is brought to an issue, With regard is being said bond than to this bond of which so much that was the one now before the Council, he remem- bers hearing the bond read and is confident 'that it was all right and would recommend that no time be unnecessarily lost in pro- | ceeding to collect this very large sum of havesfar outstripped her present value. He is surpgised-to hear people complain, he re. gards it as faira.valpption as could be given Lof this county. Mr: McPherson is gladthat the valuators have raised bis township fordig has felt as- hamed in the past-at the misesable Jow malu- ation which bad been put upon it, Mr hier is astonished at the position -as- sumed by the valuators, men in the empley them the other townships and when the parties pon ol Sr gS Pp be that no information can be given, = He ru: gards the money spent on the valuation as completely lost. 3 there is so Mr Donovan moves that the report be adopted and resoaingn force-for$ years. Mr Gillespietmoves, in amendment, that the report be not adopted but that it be re- i | Cowan. Mr Donovan's motion was 'then put and i 1 be of faithtulness in office prevailed, and the Ewers, ad van, matter to its legitimate conclusion ; but cer- tainly there is not a member st who considering his "duty %o the ipublic would attempt to prevent 'or fru the BE | AD emma Soe dk ovine Seite i: m matter and prevent any further hole , the lovers of honorable dealing andl upright report of the adopted. { A On motion, the Committee arose and re- ported the report without amendment. On motion the Report was received and hold over a large portion of the ngs of the Co. Council till next We Dome Port; Perry Council' The municipal council of the corporation of Port Perry met at the office of the clerk on Tuesday evening 2nd inst, members all present the Reeve in the chair, Bd The minutes of the previous meeting read and approved. 1h | We are gompelled for want of space. to] terests On Sabbath last _ |n that village--a "| mon ; and tho Mr Kellett in and pugh | filled out actual ed the perfect still- u by-1aw do sppojul'e for the High | ness and undi atteution of the large 100] ment i 3 d ii t congregation proved ke In committee of the whole on the by-law | tio abnity of the speaker and the ipter pi Mr Jones in the chair, the blank was filled | nature of the subject. Great numbers oc ith 2 mame of Pr Jones thus reappointing | not gain admittance at all into the shud Mr Shaw moved for leave to introd & in the I Tone Sollege ty the board | ya; re mattemor hile there oe is being a Ww! ir material they are not unmindtul of their er in. ; while their commercial indus. trial marts are being raised and entendedthe walls of Zion are not neglected. <= ~~ h last the New English church 'handsome brick structure --Was to the worship of God.-- Services were held at 10:30 8 m, 'and 2:30 and 6:30 pm. After the reading of the morning services by the incumbent, Rev G 1 Taylor, M A, Rt. Bev A N Bethune, D D, Jord Bishop of the Diocese of Toronto preached a highly eloquent, impressive ser- h the church was not only inhabitants of that village and surroundini country township. a Lylaw to appoint an assessor. Mr Kellett said on the introduction of this by-law it would be well whether or not it might not be to appoint two assessors, of course the expense would 'be a little more for two Mut a better assesement could' pot two one inasmuch as they could consult together and be likely to give a better assesstient. On motion of Mr Shaw the by-Rw was read a 1st and 2nd time and the council went into committee of the whole Mr Kel- lett in the chair. Mr. Jones says he is in favor of appointing two awsessors, the very inequal assessment of Inst year is a sufficient reason for going in for some radical change and be done to secure a fair, equitable assessment it is time it was 'done, and he would be willing to give his support $0 the appoint. ment of two good men aad 'paying them a fair salary. It is admitted on all that the position of Assessor is ope of the most important6ffices connected With the corpor- ation and it requires more desire do right on the part of that @fficer, he must know when he is doing 1 this Coun- cil ought to sce to it that man is ep- pointed to this position unlas he is thor- oughly qualified to performithe duties, The Council is not backward ih mmRing liberal appropriations for repairs agd this is allright; but of all the appropriations there is none of #0 much imporiance or likely to produce more satisfactory results than the appropris- tions made for securing a fair and equitable assessment, Mr Carrie said that he perfoctly agreed with the remarks of Mr Jones as tothe im- portance vfa just and cortect assessment, and he admitted that it was a matter of con- siderable difficulty gud required an intimate knowledge of the relative values of the sever. al real properties in the village as well as the personal ; but he considers that one good man would do as well as two could if not be appcinted. Mr Shaw canmot sec why: one good man could not do the work satisfactorily ; he is prepared to admit the necessity for some change from the manner in which the as- sessment was made last year, if an equitable and correct asscesment was nade one year it might be a guide to futnre assessors. Mr Jones says as it appeags to be the opin- ion of the Council that one asscigor is all that is necessary he would 'move that the blank be filled with the name of James Jew - ett and no better man couldbe got for the po sition. ? Mr Shaw, seconded by Mr that the blank be filled wi H Burnham. Mr Shaw's motion was put and declared ed. Mr Shaw moved ihn the blank for salary be filled up with $567" ° ds Mr Bigelow paved thagdbis-ITINK for ail: ary be filled up with $15. Mr Bigelows motion was declared carried. On motion of Mr Bigejow the committee arpse and reported the bylaw as amended, 'Report received and adopted and the bylaw read a third time signed and sealed. Mr Kellett introduced and carried through | a by-Jpw appointing a License Inspector. In committoe of the whole the blapk was filled up with the name of A J Harrington, and the blank for salary was filled up with 7. igelow, moves the name of Mr Brown complained of an amount of $10 which had beea held "back from his contract on the school buildings innk. The matter was laid over. Mt Davis came before the counci! regard. ing afreduction of twenty percent from his'as sessment that of last yea being altogether out of proportion with other property in the cor- poration, his property was then assessed, for $+.300. Mr Currie said it was rather singular pro. ceedure to ask this council to ratify the as- sessment of last year, a something which doen not concern this council at all it is .a matter which the Jste council should have dealt with. It was shown that the property east of Mc Davis' had been assessed for only $800, and Messrs. Worthington.and Nott being assessed at $400 each while all, tho, upper flat includ ing Neddy's "den" -iypesvand all appeared to have been over looked. Mr Currie eopsidurs-that Mr:Davis' prop- erty has not been assessed -80 much over some other property-in the vi'lage as is as. Lsorted and he would. suggest that no further Laction, be taken in, the. matter at this time. The Reeve said that the late council had promised Mr Davis a reduction, ' Mr Jones says that any such promises on the part of the Council of last year were not binding on the council of the present year and he did not see how this council could legally forego any portion of the assessment of the present.yeat, On motion of Mr Shaw $ir Davis' matter was laid over till next meeting of Council. Mr B Crandell asks for Sxemplion from certain better and he would recommend that omlyone | Sa! Ni him, however, abso} oe de whondidmot earedo'have {whether for extent or 'the and with the most pleasing results. The Cannington choir supplied the music, morning, afternoon and evening. 'This reals ly excullent choir added very much to the interest and attractions of the day. The mem v8 of this choir Almont excelled then selves on this ocossion, "fully sustain their well merited reputation as one of the best church choirs in the province. The collections ofthe day amounted to to $95, . This fine brick church is an omament to the county aud a creditto those to whose liberality and enterprise it owes its construc. tion. Tne architect has reason to feel of the strii¢tiire while the workmanship re- flects credit on the skill and ability of the McAlpin of ot] did the carpenter work, Mr 's: work does him the highest ho roves him to bea work- man of ve [or ability. Neither nor Poetry. moet with scraps which Ms to truth but the writer off with the assurance fe poetry than truth in them, At othé nes the most wretchedly com- posed trash will be sent forth With the re- commendation of having more truth than poetry in it; but the following taken from the ryGentleman ean take hold of neither horn of the dilemma for it is entirely desti- tate of either truth or poetry, and we very much incline to dispute the claim to the title « Gentleman" eitker " Country" or city of any one who can be so easily imposed upon and who publishes to the world the ravings of every dissppoiuted or spiteful scribbler who dvishes air his nonsense, The writer in the Country Gentleman says: «TEs MAYFIELD SALE, JAN. T14.--At this le t lance was gi and the cattle in nice condition, and everything looked well for a successful t almost at the start it was, spoiled by by-bidding and withdrawing ani mals when fairly under w. put such ay, which a damper on the crowd that all the eloquence of J. age was in vain to draw the bids, and nearly one half of the animals brought in were out again without a bid." Wherever Mr. Thompson is known 'the only refutation necessary of the nonsense of this Country Gentleman's scribbler is to point %o Mr. Thompson, one of our most upright land successful Btockbreeders, a gentleman who understands his business too well to in. jure his sales either by indiscretion or tricks, and certainly he does not require this dis appointed scribbler to warn him of the dan ger of + by-bidding." All who pretend to any knowledge of Mr. Thompson's manner of conducting his sales | know that no attempt is ever made at * by- bidding" or any other injudicious or unfair "ite evempion ont iv; Thompaon is hot only one of our and most successful Stockbreeders, but he is one of our most honorable and reliable deal- ers whether in buying or selling. | The superior quality and condition of Mr. Thompson's stock on the day of sale pre-) sented an appearance which is seldom met with, Of the eight or nine thousand dollars | worth of Cattle sold on that cccasion we find Mr. Moffatt, of Reach, purchasing the fine cow. © Missle" at $500 ;and Mr. Grabam, of Reach, bought 2 handsome heifer + Beauty"! for $135. ae ev t-- A Pleasing Surprise. seeing to their comfort and afterwards look- ing after their own comfort by walking into the house gad making things fly around.-- The. Jady. friends made themselves useful in preparing a generous 1epast while the gents with-all the coolness of proprietors ,made themselves at home. After a pleasant time the object of 'the visit ifested : itself by Rev. Mr Kinley presenting Miss Bambury, in thename of the Prince Albert Bible Christian Con; ion--a me Work Box, Writing Desk and Butter Cooler as a : token ofthe high respect in which , thie yong lady" is held by the SORgIagutioh and as aglight n presiding at the organ ia the church. ---- Neddy in his 'Elemént. gather easily riled ;it is true be 8 penchant' for grinning bat he is in no-way dangerous, his grins like bis ether qualifies are ouly lake believes. -Mr Miller, of Miller's Hotel, Port Perry, has roused Neddy's right to the t: When eous Neddy nad Hotel Keepers telling them he had got a fine thing | be was about to issue an almanacand if they would only give him their advertise- ments to put in his Almanac their jortune was safe, This did very well, some beheved 'eddy andl caught the bait ; those whokney 'was one of those | ! his advertisement figuring in an old: Patent-Medicine. Almanac ad what has bucnsthy result Yo tedy gone crazy with rage r er.-- Those given Neddy their \advertisements (b e will likely sake 1t-out .in drinks) are styled 'Housa snd the "best quors and cigars" are gaid to b in thei; but Mr Miller's Hotel, which business jou x A ) 'oy the WPT Em ly 8 ¥ ng to cong tions at least oqual te that of the morning World | fortable Hall and for the kindness inanifest- Fall Wheat $0 50 to $1 00 The residence of Mr Bambury, alittle south | Spring Wheat . 085te 085 of Prince Albert, expezienced, on Thursday Barley ... 10046 100 evening lst, one of $hose invasions which, | Oats... 037t0 040 though unexpected fre not to be dresded.-- | Peas 065to 0170 Somewhat early in the evening the inmates | Pork, T700t0 726 were a little surprised at the unusually large | Butter 020to 020 numberof conveyances seen coming up the' Eggs .. 014to 015 avenue and. taking possession of the premises | Potatoes . 040to 050 the parties putting , out their horses ANd [-APpIe8 o0vuee corepeeeonnes 080to 075 1, :| af the Township of Whitby, in the County of ueated to - © [file in their claims before ;me reithio ane Neddy's naturally sweet (?) teraper is fwouth. A Highly /Bucceastul : ment.' gay Ho -- Gf or iow . The entoftaltment in connéction w in every wa; 1as well in BE ee a8 the entertainment given, risk nothing in writing succEss over every partment of this entertainment. A large, cerful and intelligent audiénce and a nu- erous and efficient staff of capital perform-- 'ers whether in the department of music, Bible Christian friends are providing for this entire community in the Prince Albert Public Hall on the evening of Wednesday, February 10th, a social Tes, an abundant supply of choice, well selected music and one of the finest lectures of the times--tThe Dreamer and his Dreams" =-delivered by one of our best lecturers, Rev J Kenner. 'We bespeak such a turpout as will fest the capacity of that fine hall.--(See Bills.) ------ By all Means go and Hear Them We would remind our readers that the Be wae Jhonsion ros. &Co, give one of their pop! ariety Concergs in the Town Hall Port Perry this~Tharaday evening, # 2 Mrs Crawford the celebrated vocalist will be on the boards, J D Fleaman the great several Amateur Singers their forces in affording 8 rich treat, (Bee Bills.) ® remot pt reepre GREENBANK MONTHLY FATR,--TheGreenbank Febraaty Fair will be held on Tuesday 9th, inst. It only requires that the farmers take a sufficient interest in these fairs to bring out good of 'éattle success is sure i, od waiply olf fivat class buyers will soon their way to where the number find the and g Fieity p-- + Annual Meeting. --- 2 The Annual County meeting of the Loyal Orange Order was held in the Hall of the Orange Young Britons, on Tuesday,2nd inst, The attendance was good, all the Lodges being well represented After the transac- tion of the usual business the following offi- wmian inducement. Bro R 8 Webster, Co Master. Bro Wm Shier, D Co Master. Bro Wm Spence, Chaplain. Bro M McPhaden, Co Secretary. Bro 8 Pangman, Co Treasurer Bro Geo Shier, Co D of C. Bro Wm Harrison, Co Lec. The following resolution was carried unane imously ;-- © That the Brethren of this Lodge learn with indignation and regret of the persistent and malicious slanders hurled against the Orange Institution by Mr Adam Gordon, the repro ve of North Ontario in the Do- minion Parliament. That Mr Gordon's course towards our order betrays a malici and vindictive disposition as contemptible as itis mean. That by his venomous and unwarrantable attacks on an institution of the principles of which he appears to be as profoundly ignorant as be is incapable of appreciating the value of the services 1t has rendered and js now rendering to the cause of Protestantism throughout the world, Mr. Gordon evinces a corruptness of mind dis- graceful to any man, and particularly so to ome dishonoring the otherwise honorable position of representative of this county. -- That the Biathren regret that one holding the position of M P should so far degrade himself by descending to utter untruthful and malicious #landers against an instiution second to no other secular ingtitution in existence. Be it therefore resolved that wo the mem- bers of this Jodge do indigantty hurl back in the face of Mr Gordon those foul aspersions which he appears to take 80 mueh pleasure in casting upon our beloved order. On motiolt # hearty and unanimous vote of thanks was tendered to the Port Perry Brethren for the use of their neat and com- ed to the brethren from a distance, The sum of $10 was placed in the hands of Bro Joseph Cook to be given tothe widow of our deceased Bro Traves. On motion it was agreed that the next Annual Meeting be held at Sunderland. -- Com. The Markets. . Osserever OFricE, Feb. 4, 1875. DIED. At Manchester, onthe 14th ult., Miss Mary E Wilds aged, 20,yrs. Mr John Wilson aged 40. ygs. INSOLVENT ACT OF 1669, An the, matter of JOHN BENFLY, 3 An Insolvent, he d, John 8, M. Willcox, Ontario, have been appointed assignec in this matter. Creditors are JOHN 8. M. WIELCOX, ee. 'Whitby, Feb,2 1875. 6 2w GENUINE ' ONE MONTH ONLY Winter Goods? ax cost CORRIGAN & CAMPBELL'S ri (ysis - = Reading, Recitation or Dialogue, A n th REEL ale 4 oJ, + fh Nir * There is no hall in this section of country Jol Rs 2 1 i a 3 2 i 3 : whiers one can speak or sing 0 48 good ad 21] ami a | 3a vantage as he can in the Prince All Hall. 13 14 1 | 5lsl0l15, iis --_-- Gannington.....| | 8 | | li Social and Intellectual Entertain-| 2 Hail 1.1 2 ist liz ment. | : GEO. H. DARTNELE," . Our readers will please remember the |' Junior Judge. cers were duly glected for the ensuing year, | = In Gartwright, on; Feb: let, Eliza. wile of - TARANDR SHE THE, bicribers bog to 1ntimte to their | Ro: Dec.9, 1874. the p that ins to his Hotel aio oh - deat ' | last, A Odunty of Ontario, FOR THE YEAR 1875. Whitby, Jan, 1, 1815, WANTED MMEDIATELY, » Gil for gonersl house Inquire at J, Diesfeld's Watchniaking establishment. : Port Perry, Feb, 3,1875. gaw FOR SALE. Subscriber has & large quantity of Seasoned Lumber and Wood, At his Mill, at Utica, which he will sell cheap, as he wishes to clear the .Yard this A. B. CAMPBELL. Utics, Feb. 3, 1675. ; "AUCTION SALE oF CUTTERS, BUCGCIES, SLEICHS, CARRIAGES, &C. AT 0'Donovan's Camiage Factory, WHITBY, ON SATURDAY, FEB. 6, 1875. TERMS. --Eight month credit by farnish- ing approved notes. Whitby, Jan. 27, 1875. FARMERS & DEALERS SEEDING MACHINES! YOUR attention is drawn to SYLVESTER'S NEW IMPROVED . Spring Toe Seeder. Ruicut applied for in Canada and the United ag RAW Parties who see it will buy no.other. It is the best out. Manufactured by RICH'D SYLVESTER & BRO., Enniskillen, Ont. $@~ Circulars sent free on application. Enuiskillen, Jan. 27, 1875. Butf] IMPROVE YOUR STOCK. HAT well bred Dusham Bull,' J.ord Charles! 'Will stand for serviee, this season, '875, 4t His own stable, lot 3, 8th eon, Reach. - 5 bred by Joh ober, 3 'ohn a or or VL. Sl dam Flora the 2nd, by 'of bon wos, Flora by Nichol, Ketan ni iad Losin, By Baton of Kids: i J Remus, (1 , Heamnmoinn 0, | KEELE dap by Strathmore, (6547). EE88BER by Emperor, (1974). TERMB-For.grades $2; thorough-breds, $5° BEST BOAR! In the Province of Ontario. Ea eg ensmes Conny of Hlioy is import Sul Ro, the Provincial bition hast fall ; 1st. at Loudon, 2nd at Toronto, THE BEST BOAR IN THE COUNTY. PE Submober koops for service at bi place, lot 24, 14th con. Reach, a find peek mak gon nounced shy competent judges, the BOAR in ithe County. } : Seryiceonly $1. ---- ee STRAY 'HEIFER. LUMBER & WOUD keeps bim for Sects a pao, Bo. 16, ava. | ° PLANING MILL, &C. ' Subscriber having becomaols pro= of the above works iit Holi HAS © - | JUST RECEIVED. | One of the Largest and Finest Stocks of , COLD AND SILVER. WATCHES! That has ever been offered to the pubtio which will be sold af LOW PRICES! During Holidays, They are from the most reliable Manufacturers of England and the' United States, such as the ENGLISH LEVER WATCHES, RAYMOND, RUSSEL, &c, &c, WALTHAM, ELGIN, MARIAN. Ne Plus Ultra or, United States Watch Co: Fine English Colored Gold Bets in Cases, Fine Gold Opera Chains, Bright Gold Ladies' Chains, Bright Gold Albert Chains, Bracelets, Lockets, Crosses, Pencils, Pens, Keys. Charms, &e, &c. 5 Wedding Rings, Ladies' Fancy Rings, Seal Rings of various kinds. Silver Plated Ware of the Latest Designs in Dipner and Tea Sets, Cruits, Caké/ Bas. kets, Card Baskets, Card Cases, Fruit Knives, Toast Racks, Table, Desert and Tea Spoons Dinner and Tea Forks and Knives, &c; &c. Bronze and Fancy Clocks, Fancy Gdods Toilet Sets, Vases, Writing Desks, &c, &e. i W. H. McCAW. Port Perry, Noy. 25, 1874. 48 PORT PERRY MPL, WINTER MEETING on the Ice of Scugog Lake will take place on WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, 17th and 18th February, 1875. FIRST. DAY. DOMINION PURSE, $125--Open toall horses owned in Canada 3 Jonths previous to. the date of the bills, oat never trotted iter than 3 minutes, First, $100; Second, . TOWNSHIP PURSE, $5.--Open to all horses owned in Uxbridge, ch, Cartwright and Port Perry, atthe date of thetoluis, t tL nev- erawon money on Lake Sougog. Fist, $257 Secoad $15; Third, $10, '| PURSE, $100.--Open to all horses that never trotted better than 2:40. First, $75; 2nd, $25 SECOND DAY, COUNTY PURSE, $75,--Open to all horses owned in the County of Gntario, Townships of Mariposa and Cartwright, tliat never trotted better than 3 minutes, Firs 3 Second, $25. s OPEN PURSE, $150.--Open to all horses.-- inst, $100; ed nd, ; Third, $20. The Track will be kept clear for seven 8 X% 10 the Liki on. day i JUDGES --Jas. Black; Oshawa; B. Pl URodet 3. Ce De yok, Pool Seller,--S. D. Page. Rules and Iations.--Entrance per cent. Sealed entries to be made with retary befored o*clock, p. m. on previous to the first day's ¥ s. Horses en- tered under false pretences to forfeit entrance money. nter 4 horses to enter and 3 to start, all races mile heats, 8 in 5 to harness. Race; commence eac at 1 o'clock, sharp. ' decision to be final. Juiges have power 'postpone on account of inciement weather. W.T. PARRISH, C. MCKENZIE, Becretary. Treasurer, Port Perry, Jan. 23,'1875. A 10 the 1874. I Wie Fold an Fo ME into the premises of the. Lot 7, Er G HELF and white. 'The owner

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