y: ¥ 5 # geoiks VOL. + maaan pi buiiy ss aly i Fi BEF Parties from, a distance getting hand bills, &e. printed-gan have them done to take | © home with them. J. BAIRD. H. PARSONS. XVII, NO. 6. Ootnrio Obseratr. AND G ENERA a L ADVERTISER "RG § HENRY GRIST, PATENT: SOLICITOR AND DRAUGHTSMAN, TTAWA, CANADA, Wm. Gondon, dad A » y &e. PORT PERRY, PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEB. 4, 1875, ---------- pose PEREY HOUSE, WHOLE NO: ¢ PORT PERRY. JAS. V.' THOMPSON, -' PROPRIETOR. Good Stabling and attentive Ostlers. EZRA BATES, Anglo-American Hom, Proprietor. July 16, 1874. R the 'Township of: Brock, Uxbridge, Scott, Thorah; Rama, Mara, Marip and-Eldon, BE Parties entrusting their Sales to me may rely on the utmost attention being given JONES, M. D,, Coromer, Physician, Surgeon, &c. Professional Cards. R. : Port Perry. Office, over Allison's Drug Store, Queen-st. Resldence--One door west of the Presb terian Church. - RB. WAR D Ontario, cheur, 3 H. BANGSTER, M. D., Physician, Sur- « geon and Accoucheur, . PORT PERRY. OmMoee over Nott's Furniture Store, corner of Queen and Perry Streets. Office hours from 9a. m. to 12 mi. Residence, the dwelling recently occupied by Mrs. Geo, Paxton. 4 Coronor for the | County of Physician, Surgeon and Ac- Prince Albert. RS. MCGILL & RAE, Physclans, Surgeons, D &e., &c, Office RADE! dences, King st., Oshawa, wi. werLL, MD. ' FRANCIS RAE, M.D. to their WM. GORDON, Sunderland, Brock. I Auctioneer for the Township of Brock, Thorah, Mara & Rama in North Ontario ; Mariposa, etc., in the County of Jiotoria Residence--Cannington, Brock, its left at this office, or at his resid making the Revere House a comfortable REVERE HOUSE, MANCHESTER, poh nla 4 4 0 2 The above House, is now most comfort. | L now take great pleasure in thanking my patrons and friends for the very ., POLITIOAL, AGRICULTURAL; |r isis business. with the Patent Office |abiy furnished, and Guests ave cared for in | liberal support they have accorded mein the past, and hope by closely SEL od A i tes | ler op ments. of the Government. the Home Sip Good. Liquors and, Cigars, attending to their wants to merita genitinuance of the same. Lhavenow FAM LY NEWSPA PER, Sorta gna . ured. - Drawings, pu do i made which maker this iat ph al pV mask Dieisure'in showing Iny new Srl of : EE YY TE Spetifications, atid other Documents' nieces- | the largest and best. House in this section of 'm Sd i a foe poRT PERRY, [myles Tnesf ites peed cous. Saw S140 pu I. AS / Tab x #5 i AY Levy 6 on receipt of the e! e . T)ENIE0N DOMINION HOTEL, . EB y "EVERY 3 A THURS, MORNIN lima : h / be En perio com 1H) ALE Rallwny Slatin, g Consisting i follows: Baro a PARSONS. : PORT PER 3x. LAT nsisting in part, as follows: -- Ee LL -- 4 i » i ; 2 I TERMS.--$1 per annum, if o ad- the Hor" od Goods ~ vance; if not $1.50 will be . No thé best brands | 1 4 Sleighs, taken for less than six months; stable and shed ace | Tea Setts foun no | ftinued until all arrears + Betts, #and no paper digoofitin: - it ve ostlers, nies. Yay, PE Reelin: Hd ; 3.5 Proprietor, | Cruits; a Al # ADVERTISING. ; gx Teri For each line, first insertion .... ....$0 08 HICKNSED 3533 Q == Hors), Joe Bakes lly, Subsequent insertions, per line 0 03 CT 4 PORT PERRY. Butter Coolers, : Qaids, under 6 lines, per annum l J . y '8 Be mins 'money, when ad- A aft) IONEER, JAMES DEWART, - PROPRIETOR. ny Tov, \ W.# to this Office, pre-paid and regester- FOR 'THE COUN . ; '| The Subscriber having leased this excel- 8% od, will be at our risk, AND TOWNSHIPS OF MARIPOSA & CARTWRIGHT, l1n¢ Foto] and fitted it up witha view to go, A i + d by Nonpareil, Bi to thank his many fonar ad she the comfort of and the Fos td Stand Lamp. c RCo they ac- blic generally, for the libe = | tion of the gen 0 Will be: Napk 1 4 elurg dU STE tothe - age owes upon hii for the pastfive years. | wojcome old 7.10 'take part in apkin Rings, [ ide Bla «0a te received for ti Having now given np tho) business of the hospitalif Tea Spoons, [| Side Brackets, ' switliéut specific instructons, willbe inserted Bailiff, T intend,' in fature,"to devote my The Table d, Choice | dntil fordid and vharged siccodingly. No |whole time to the business of Auctioneer, ' 1iquors ang O , the Yard and | Table Spoons, Hall Pendants advertisment will be taken out until paid for. | Collecting, &c. Stables punctu ' y A liberal allowed to Merck It will be my endeavor; by- prompt and | The Queen's is conveniently situated a |Tea Knives, 1,2,3 and and others who advertise by the year or|careful attention to business, to give full | few rods west of the Post Office. i J 4 half-year. satisfaction to all who, may favor me with JAMES DEWART. |Dinner Knives, 4 light Chanda. x f i Collecting. - AT: Vornt in Ws in dranghted and Biank Notes rnished Port Pory, Nov. 11, 1813. _ 'Tea and Dinner Tiers, psi sae ve Rvs on Doni A NOLOAMERICAX HOTEL, Forks, Job Department. Arrangements aan be mide for sales &c., 1 PRINCE ALBERT, ONT. Butter Knives, Larger sizes got Phamplets, Hand Bills, Posters, Pro--|. 410 0, Office, and at the Standard rs TES i WL ioc) Pen] Lilly ing Receipt he Queues 2 y By EZRA Tae. Aine Pickle Forks, Books, Checks, Books, Circulars, Business ? W. M. WILLCOX, The comforts of guests carefully 'atten ed : to order, Cards, Ball Cards, &c., of every style and| oh "to. The Table and Bar well supplied. Toast Racks, olor, executed promptly and at lower rates | Prince Albert, Oct. 25, 1873, Choice Liquors and the best brands of than any other establishment in the County. Cigars. &c.; &c¢, &c., 2 < Again wishing you the best compliments of the season. I remain, Very truly yours, Port Perry, Dec. 24, 1875. WL PARRISH. A. TENNYSON, Proprietor. House }s deeidedly one of the Deh Taos comfortable country Hotels in the Province and is situated in a most ton- venient position for the traveling public.-- | Stages to and from Uxbridge, Utica and Ep- som, call here daily. he ET re ad the premi<cs thoroughly re Hl with 8) re nelthor labor nor expense in transient home for travelers, and for the re- freshment of guests. The table and bar supplied with the best the market 11 will be punctually attended fo. Debts col= lected in Carmington," or othertise, and d attentive ostlers, ! too giatice 7% TEN i YSON, Proprietor. Manchester; Aug. 5; 1574. prompt i made. : WALSHE, the North Ontario Auction- eer. WHITBY STEAM MARBLE WORKS. J. & R. WOLFENDEN, VY HoLEsALE and Retail dealers in Foreign and American Marble Man- M. F. MOBRIEN, M.D, M. R. C. 8., Guy's [! Hospital; Londun, England. The liye R. ay Oshawa, C. E. MARTIN, M. D. Simcoe St., Twodoors North of the Central Hotel, Oshawa. E. FAREWELL, LL. B., County Crown Attorney for Ontario, Barrister, Attorney, ieitor, and Notary Public. Office lately oc- wpled by 8. H, Cochrane, Esq., Brock street, Whitby. YMAN IL. ENGLISH, LL. B,, Solicitor in Chancery, Attorney, Conveyancer, &o. Oshawa. OMce--Simeoo street, opposite the Post Office. YOUNG SMITH, LL. B., Barrister, At- . torney-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, and Insolvency, Notary Public, &c. Oiftce--McMillan's Block, Brock street, Whitby. thes, ME , &.; Dundas St , Whitby, Also, Agent for the Scottish Granite. Also Building Stone cut to order. JOHN NOTT, Agent, Port Perry. 3 Whitby, July 29, 1874. 2 John McDonald, MARBLE DEALER ! NEWCASTLE, ONT. ONUMENTS, Tomb-Tables, Head- "Stones of great variety, with every de- scription of Marble Work, suitable for Cem- eteries, supplied at short notice, Also Peterhead and Aberdeen Granite. pF Parties will find it to their advan. tage to withhold their orders until enlled on b! y J. C. WILLIAMSON, Aaexr. PRPSpUTY AMERON & MACDONNELL, Barristers C and Attorneys at Law, Solicitors County ©ouneil, Ontario. Offices : Court House, Whitby. M. 0, CAMERON, H. J. MACDONNELL. A. HURD, Attorney at Law, and Solicitor P. th Ohatiosry: OMge in the Royal Arcade, Port Perry. d, and all work war. ranted. | January 10, 1872. 3.yr MONEY! MONEY! | MORE MONEY | would intorm all in want 'W. Maurice Cochrane, A TTORNEY-AT-LAW, Solicitor in Chan- cery, Notary Public, &c., &c. hours punctually from 9 a.m. to 5 p,m. , Money to Loan at 8 per cent, on all kinds of good security. Office, Bigelow's Royal Arcade, PORT PERRY. 0M: VARS, L.D. 8.0 Toot inserted on all the latest princi- AS. THORN, V8. of the Vi ¢ M best examination ofan Prise Essay on Shoeing. ; 16, 1867. rs Dr. Thorn begs to announce he has #4icen np bis residence at and is BOW proparett $5 treat all § en his care in the most skillful #nd manner. All orders left at the Medical of Mr Allison, will receive prompt attention. on Fort Perry, Oct. 28, 2873. QF HaZows of Whitby, has. boew ap= pointed w= OFFICIAL "ASSIGNEE Fed di re 0, tended to, Ww se pT hicago, IIL Gold Modehat a on Horse Practice, Author to scientific Hall ¥ )t nd | Ri Yomi Si, saggosse The \ of Money that he is prepared to negotiate Loans with the Trust and Loan Society of Toronto, for any amount of money from $400 AND UPWARDS, On Mortgage Security on Town or Farm Property. The interest is only 8 per cent, No Commission charged and L 18 pro- urga iret, REN AG Bg le dn denen at" JOHN" R. Manchester, Nov.-12, 1873. } «| 47 WM. SPENCE, CONTRACTOR & BUILNER. 1 ) RICK-LAYING, STONEWORK, PLAS- o> ION HOTEL, { MANCHESTER. JAMES T. HEARD, PROPRIETOR. Good dations, Careful to the requirements of travelers and guests. (JoTracE HOTEL, GREENBANK. i. McHAE, PROPRIETOR. The above hotel has undergone a thorough renovation, and has been fitted up with a view to the comfort and convenience of the traveling public. Suict attention paid to the table and the bar, Comfortable stables and an aftentive ostler, Greenbank, March 26, 1874, I) a HOUSE, PHOTOGRAPHS FOR ALL, AND PERFECT PICTURES "fhe bar supplied with the best Liquors and [PHOTOGRAPH GALLERIES ! Cigars. Good Stabling. ; chester July 15, 1874, 30 | Orpbosit Foy's Hotel, Port Perry. Photographs, the Subscribers have--regard. less of expense--so fitted up their Galleries and introduced such Instruments as will at all times secure PERFECT PICTURES. partment of the Art; acquired in some of the best Galleries on this eontinent, together with their excellentGalleries and superior in- struments, give them facilities enjoyed by few for producing those beautitul Photo- graphs admired by all who sce them. most hantésome photographs are produced in SECURED AT M°KENZIE & SCOTT'S 7 ITH the view of supplyiug the great demand for , their much admired Their thorough knowledge of every de-- By skilfully retouching the negatives the and cigars. Good stabling. LBION HOTEL, vi _ WHITBY. A. MASON, - PROPRIETOR. This Hotel has undergone & thorough re- novation and been fitted up with a view to the comfort and convenience of the traveling public. Every attention paid to the table and bar, while obliging and attentive Ostlers will have charge of the stables. 'Whtby, June 20, 1870. WESTERN ASSURANCE COM.'Y TORONTO. UTICA. every instance. bh Their Galleries are stocked with a choice J. DAVOE, PROPRIETOR. . _ | assortment of First Class Albums, Picture Good d Careful Frames, Stereoscopic Instruments, the Finest to the requirements of travelers and guetts. | op , and speci Ph hs in end. The bat supplied with the best wines, liquors | ees variety. Port Perry, Dec. 10, 1873. PORT PERRY LIVERY STABLES, Cc. MK ENZIE, TE Subscriber having now fully Squinped prepared to furnish first class LIVERY RIGS Port Perry, Aug, 6, 1878. A cordial welcome is extended to all to sit our Galleries and inspect our Stock. McKENZIE & SCOTT. 51 (A. ] his new and extensive Livery Stab! es with supply of superior nd Carriages, is On Moderate Terms. C. MCKENZIE. a MONEY 70 LOAN ! MORTCACES WANTED. aE Subscribers have large sums of mon- ey placed in their hands for investment on [inprov Farms, Village Properties, and other rities iu this and adjoining Counties at the est current rates of interest. As we have funds on band at all times Borrowers candep nd on gétting thelr money with the east possible delay. WANTED TO PURCHASE, Any number of Mortgages for which the high- est figures will be allowed. Weare also ippraisers for the Canada Per- manent ding Societv, the che largest Nonoriel Ssubution in Canada. Paid up Capital 0. Instalments re-payable 4n from 2 to 2) ee. pay Lands Bought and Sold. Several good farms for sale. surance Companies. Oaflections made and a general agency busi- nesg transacted, | 8 Besa 72 DEBENTURES ROCGHT 6% JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, General Agents, Ross' Ontario Buildings, Port Perry. Office in Mr, Port Perry, Oct. 11, 1872, [OEY TOLEND! The undersigned has any amount of Money to lend upon Fara and Town Property, at Unusually Low Rates of Interest! Loans can be repaid in any manner to suit the borrower. Also several Improved Farms, and Wild Lands for sale, cheap. Investments made in Municipal Deben- tures, Bank and other marketable Stocks. Apply to JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee, Broker, &r. Orrice--Over the Dominion Bank, McMil- lan's Block, Brock st., Whitby. Whitby, April 10, 1873, LUGGAGE TAKEN TO AND FROM THE STATION AND AROUND TOWN. The Subscriber is prepared to convey Chests, Trunks, Boxes and every other de- Incorporated.......... eee ot. A851. Capital - $400,000. President........... Hon. John MeMurrich. Vice-P . FPeR ¢ 4 Esq. Secretary ............Bernard Haldan, Esq. JAMES PRINGLE, {Gene Agent, THE ONTARID /PARMERY Mutual Ingyranee. Compagy. y is now fully TERING, in all their ts, executed (ud oh style, Utica, July 15,1873. New Marriage Act. i L24 Glerk of the Rb styles. i Soucy ns 3 Office hours Caps, Bp, wid oy "ia; Fur line Parties bring Se -. Liat sad Trimmer 1 4 ) hii d and is to accept risks on Farm Buildings De air contents, country TAILORING. AT HUGOE'S, PRINCE ALBERT, the latest style; and at moderate rates, A good fit guaranteed. Remember the place, opposite. Cook's Hotel. Prince Albert, April 2, 1874, | ) | FINST CLASS IRST class Tailoring in all its depart~! ments, : Work made up on, the shortest notice in R. HUGOE. | 15 and Churches. se wishir insure and thereby support-a Home Insurance Company have now an opportunity of doing so, either b; School Houses to insure and MONRKY [Private ds,] Ee ia Covapeny. Our rates | 10 Lown on good Farms, at 8 per cent. Inc | Ror Perry, July, 1s§, 1874. pik Jase us low ax Shobe of any vompets nvuan mov, ENRY CHARLES" having been' re- hcl Gao the Hoyal Hotel, re ARMATES, in er area Joi dotky cussion L. FAIRBANKS, Jn, | November, 21, 1665. alld) 'nish Licenses as her tafore-- t Port Perry. 113004 yo gq : Secretary. WANTED ! MITER EET SRE PH TY 0 PURCHASE, Promissory Notes, both PREPARE FOR WINTER |. | MONE MONEY! | Tomiimint® fo 5% oes Er WR oNEY To LOAN sore TW . M. COCHRANE , Mrs: 1. Drinlewater, MS a" a AL Ll Lit Ron Pory aod ne di hu Hime 1 Pea HAIR DRESSER, i i Vale Real Elle for Sule oe rnp gov & 1 i poy fn IT. COU Opposite J. W. Davis" 'Oabinet A {ii Factory, iid p of Luggage to or from the Railway(( Station or anywhere around town. All Orders promptly attended to. Charge moderate, J. COOK. Port Perry, Jan. 1st, 1874, RTICE'S PREWIUM SADDLERY WAREHOUSE Removed T0 HIS QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY. Port Perry, Oct. 15, 1874, © ris; Comb- Also, 8 acres in the Village of Port Per: 5 a Adjoining R. Lund's property. fo 0a wo p w. ie lio, w Hote with ofan acre of land CETERA 3 EUR A 3} Jaying oe inthe village of Prince Albert. ! CL | ] 3 itees, comp! \ or particulars, a to ! TOWNSESP OLERK, Lee be. roy Sisil) of baad | : For ars, PO YRER, HURD, ° « x 1 Residence--Union Avenue, "fagh; Eira ALP. A, Hurd's Law, Office, «| ! © MRS. E. DRINKWATER.' : 5 xis Perty. 5 Parry, Oct 38,2874 44] Nov. 'f4, 1874," . . i . int Mr. Nott's 17, in the 5th conces-, SB, 25 tod he Toenbip of Reach, situates | a Perry Streets. i between Princo and. Port Perry, well | ort Perry, Nov. 18, 1874. "ALL PERSON NDEBTED to%me are requested to. call © and settle before the end of November. -- whose have AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT SHOW ROOMS ! Subscribers have apenéd Show 0 on Perry 8t, North of Mr. Currie's Store, where Sample. Machines of 78 Agents for several first class Fire In- | that he is clearing out his large and | hentee of the turndown REMOVAL # oon 0 John Diesfeld, 'Watchmaker, &c. Bes leave to say, that he has Removed 'to his NEW PREMISES, Between Bigelow's Royal Ar- cade and the Walker House, And takes this, opportunity to thank his many friends and customers for the kind patronage bestowed upon him during the past and solicits a continuance of their kind favors. Watches, Jewelry and Clocks. « Elgin Watches, &c. All Goods warranted as represented to be. Ben. All work warranted. JOHN DIESFELD, Practical Watchmaker. Port Ferry, Jan. 27, 1875, 5 THE NEWEST STYLES And best quality of WINTERGOODS Clearing out at prices which cannot a ress I (From Once-a- Week.) Concluded. ¢ 1 explained to him that if he had any causc of complaint against me, which was absurd, be bad his remedy at law ; that the practice of duelling was foolish unchristain and obsolete ; that no one had fought with deadly weapons in this country for' a quarter of a century; and and that if we were now torev"ve the custom the surviver would be hung. " Not so," said your husband, * we are alone and in a desolate part' The one who. falls might be here for months before his gkeletort was discovered ; and who would suspect how he came by his death? But the safety of the survive may be yet further securcd ;he has but to drag his defeated enemy to the brink ot yonder it into the gulf, and then what trace would be possible? but Tam here to fight not to argue. Here is your Pistol--loaded but uot capped--and here are caps, Stay where you are and I will take up my position near the edge of the shaft, which will save you trouble if luck attends you.' ' Do not flatter yourself that your pre- cautions will avail,' [ cried in considerable trepidation. ¢ Murder will out and you will forfeit your life for mine.' ¢ ¢ That makes.no odds to me,' he replied. ¢Fops like you bave mademy lite an in- sufferable burden to me.' ¢ Poor man! how he loves me sighed the lady." '3could hardly believe that he was in earnest' continued Mr Peters ; but he retired to the spot he "had mentioned, near the mouth of the hole, 13 or 14 yards off, and presently called out : ** Have you capped your pistol ?' "I bad not, but I did so mechanically. 1 do not know why for I think I had no inten- tion of firing at him. But in truth I was like one in a dream. ¢ ¢ After Ihave counted five it is lawful to fire," he cried presently. "I have seen ¢ The Tivals' performed, and knew from Bob Acres how to stand so as to show the smallest front to the adversary. I also held my pistol towards him, covering my body as well as 1 conld. ¢ At that moment I remember that a gleam of comfort shot across my mind--was it a practical joke ?' ¢ ¢ Ope, two, thren, four, five I' ¢ 1 felt a sharp pang in my right leg, which T suppose caused me to cluch the weapon I held convulsively, for it exploded asT fell to the ground Tknew I was hit, and de- fail in soon clearing of the entire Stock of Winter Goods and making room for Spring purchases. termined to lie quite still, and pretend to be i ble. I have heard that such a plan answered with bears, and thought it might with duelists. Only--oh, hotror !--he might come and drag me to that awful hole and thrust me over the edge. 1 have far greater dread of falling from a height than any other kind of death, even that offire, Itis very foolish and illogical, for such an ending must be painless; but it is not a matter of reason. The cause is pwely physical and has something to do with the brain or stom. The Subscriber has much pleasure | | ach. I have often expermented upon myself aud observed--on the brink of a precipice, I in informing the public generally | splendid stock of Winter Goods at COST. The Goods are new, and in style and quality cannot be sur- passed and will be sold at such prices as cannot fail in securing large and rapid sales. Come and inspect my Goods and Prices. . A. W. ROBERTS. Port Perry, Jan, 27, 1875. D. CONBOY, Carriage & Sleigh MAKER, MAIN STREET, UXBRIDGE ! ENDERS his siicere thanks for the hearty and generous patronage he has recived from the public since commencing busines in Uxbridge. A practical know- ledge of the business in all its details, super-- ior Workmanship, First-Class Mrterial, Ele- saice, in Style and Finish, and a determina- tion to make his work equal in every respect to his i i i f lose my k and become the most ig- noble of reptiles, 1 dont suppose there is any meanness and crime, 1 would not swear to commit to save myself from being shoved i over. I determined to grapple with my foe in good earnest when it came to that. How ! 1 regretted that my pisfol had gone off! 1! was quite ready to shoot him when he stoop- | ed over me. roe ' But he did not come, When a minute; I suppose had elapsed, I opened my eyes and glanced around; he was not near I cau- tiously raised my head, so as to see in the mine-shaft ; little force will suffice to tumble | ¢ I shall be asked why I delayed it.' ¢ And yo will reply Adlon nd had no met me, and wore unaware of my husband's UOD-BPPEArADCE, © Cc: uo wy. "1 believe you are right, niadem; and I will muke my desposition to- ? ¢ - ¢ Thank yoti--ol, thank you, Mr Peters. -- then my trustees will sign { Hy Oey I mustgo and prepare them at once ; you know that I have overdrawn my seco i at the bankers? Good morning Mr » She was gone. The die was cast. . 'Poor Peters slept not a wink that night, yet the History of Drama grew not. wits tov apprehensive of being cast tr lo principal character in a tragedy himself, .But he could not back out now~--he. must needs make his deposition at ofice bi E80, 8c count of the matter spread about ifi 8 other way, Ae would go to Mar'boro stre Police office about the time the night cases Nould be over and ask to see-- ' "plrapl Upca ea letter ina hand, Mr Wy tore it apeti.;! 5 ayy ¢ Dear Mn Peters--Yoil need not 'trouble about the matter I have beard, from my hus band. You did not hit him, I suppose ;. at all events he must have got away very quick ly. But he has had a bad fever and been: delivous, and that acconnts for his. silence so long past quarter day. If you wish to see me--' ' ( ¢ Wish to see her! Good heavens; Not if I know it. Whew !'--what a relief!' cried this most ungallatt of mes An old bach 3 " When I remem. ber all the girls I've met together, I feel Hike a rooster in the fall exposed to every weather! I feel like one who treads alone some barn- yard all deserted, whose oats are fed, whose hens are dead, or all to market started," The ix a gruff old party who lives opposite a church where the members of the choir meet twice a week to practice, and who says if singing affects Heaven as it - affects him, there'll be no use ef guing there for Lappi- ness, RE ' " You have a pleasant home and a bright; fireside, with hap iildren sitting around it, haven't you 2" said the Judge "Yen, sir said Mr. Thompson, who thought he saw: a way out of the difficulty. « Well," said the Judge, "if the happy children sit ground the. cheerful fireside until you return, they wilt sit there just 44 days, as I shall have to send you up for that time. "--Cin. Times. 2 ee An industrious citizen of San Juan arose a few mornings ago, while, the festive lark was still snoring, and with a tin bucket under his arm went to the barn tomilk th - family cow. 1t was dark and rainy and in fumbling about he got into the wrong pew and began to pail the off mule of his wagon feam, He can't remember now which side of the roof. he went out at but his recllection of alight. ing on the picked fence is very vivid. He expects the bucket down ina few days. ------ 2 Mary was the proprietress of a diminutive, incipient lamb, whose outer garment was as devoid of color as congealed vapor, and to all localitics to which Mary perambulated;: her young Southdown was morally certain to follow. - It tagged her to the dispen. of learning,one diurnal section of time, which was contrary toall precedent, and excited the cachinations of the seminary attendants, when the the children perceived its presence... Consequently, the pr tor expelled him from the interior, but he con tinued to remain in the immediate vicinity, and tatried jn the. neighborhood without fretfulness un(it Mary once more became visible, TL EGR sd : Shocking Deat™ of Three Men. direction in which he had last stood ; he was not there, Isatup, Where had he gone to? "The blood was flowing rather freely from a wound in my leg just above the knee. I tied my handkerchief as tightly as could round the place, and got on my feet. My | hurt did not to my surprise, prevent me from | walking, so I ddvanced to tho edge of the shaft, and saw--Dhis pistol, f Well, well," said the lady, ¢ pray go ow. Here take another glass of sherry, That is it. Now, what next? ¢ My first idea was one of rv lief, that if he was at least unarmed. My second--oh, | Madam, you can guess what my dread was, | alas!is. My pistol went off ; it was pointed | in his direction ; he was standing on the edfe of the pit. Oh, the thought has been wear- ing me to death ever simce, though I have | never uttered it--the thought that perhaps T am a murderer I' And Mr Peters buried his face in his| hands. ¢ Then you never saw him egain ?' the! the lady asked, when he was calmer. + Never, I looked up and down the moun- tain, and to either side ; but I was alone. I kicked the pistol into the shaft, and threw the one I held in my hand after it and listen ed; but never heard them fall. Then I went on my way, and struck the proper path ; but before I had got 1,000 yards higher, pain, | loss of blood, and horror caused me to faint. When I came to my s'nsi§ again, a man was stooping over we with a flask in lis hand. In reply to his questions, T told him that I had met with an accident while pis--| tol-practicing, which was literally true.-- | With great difficulty he helped me toto the | top of Snowdown, and there I gota pony | which had carried up some lady who kindly p , isan exp of the very large and increasing demand for his work. Mr. Conboy, the Inventor and Pat has made a very great improvement as applied to Buggies.and is now making a ialty of Carri with | I 1 to walk down, and was taken fo Lanberries where surgeon dressed my wound, and attended me till I was fit to leave. Glad was I to get rid of him, for I wasalways dreading that he would ask how d to inflict a wound with such a this seat, The great 1 demand for Cutters with this seat fully i i upow myself; but the idea never direction d to him. x ol and excellence. Asa Single Buggy it is light and stylish, it is almost i ible to ¢ Why did you feel that dread ?. the lady | ked hingly detect the fact that it was ever designed fo two seats, yetin a t it can be d asl . + Whydid you attempt to conceal what happened ? My unfortunate to an elegant family Carriage capable of car- rying four persons, A shifting Top Carriage with this improv- ed seat is pd of being changed to Bight different forms and so perfect in every feature as to call forth the admiration of all. Parties about purchasing Buggies will find d brought his fate npon himself -- | You could not possibly incur any blame ¥--. ¢ Could TI not thongh ?' replied Mr Peters. 1+ Ah, madam, you little know of the English law which would never enter into the rights of the matter. Two men met gnd hada duel; one was killed threfore the surviver must be bung. It would not take into account that thi P d is surviver went into this un- iF Seclartly 20 Youit wi i - lsewh awful condition against his will. He must The Tutn-down Seat is exempt from every trust , ) the jury for that; and generally Cutty: Bote hth, a: Ie sa ei 1 my sot, i ili er y mons 4a Valin bs i oh Se forward your husband's expatiated eatnes and Ch as the Tum-d on the virtues "of his Seat with its adjustable contrivance costs but {pecuted wife, and the innocence $2.50 extra, Uxbridge, Jan, 20, 17865. NOTE LOST. OST, a.Note of hand for $35 made L Geqrge- Ward, Jr ; in favor of Geo Word, r., or bearer, payable at the of Stoneh 4 f | favor of the latter, for most jurymen are mar- thereof. | with a jealous husband.' Sua as Lapis ths, mn hy = "Tain to or pain fm sein 06 of former victims, with more persuasive elo- quence than the prosecuter could manage to employ when holding me up asa wily. sed- ucer who had made the forte ion oF aon estic happiness my one object in life, they | A acquit me; if the Crows] lawyer were the most purshasive they would "ponvict me. And the chances would be in ried, and are th ly to symp fears cause yoy to ex 'ou , could. not bly be accused in the way. your i ation has ! Nay, nay ; your « matters. Ha or j : said the Manufacture of the Joseph Manu- | note ment hasbeen stopped; - 7, Cuan, Ill bo. kop | 1% 48 Baymest. Bo bees shopped; © spectio en phi Cartwright, Jauy 22, 1875. 3 is & Coliriectiogt widower who de- up if the im! ion this mysterious matter proseal. in whe first instance from | --or, mither, do not Al ont consult a good id peace nothing reminds him so mnch of or, dear wife so Sich as Yo live i or am 0 Mak 0 HY wih rel og nn. ple in the world. Th Tam certain he will tell yon |e for. A dreaaful catastrophe occurred to three men on Wednesday of last week in Matic township, Lancaster county, Penmsylvania. A man named Philip Cramer and his two sons, James and John, went out into the woods to cut wood, going in their couse above the railroad Not returning home when dinner time arrived, search was at once instituted, when the horrifying fact became. known that two of them, the father and son James, had been blown to atoms, shreds of flesh and bits of bone being picked np for squares away from the scene of the disaster, John, the other son, was found dead im a shed near by, where it is supposed he had crawled to die. How the accident occurred, will never be positively known, hut it has been ascertained that the railroad hands 1. ft aninety-six pound can of nitro-glycerina standing which is supposed to have frozen and in that state, it is said, the explosive pawers are more severe than ever. Fa chop- ping the tree a chip thrown against the case would have been sufficicnt to cause the gly- cerine to explode, und 1t is probable that this is the way the affair occurred. The force of the explosion was so great that a hole was rent in the earth sufficiently 'large for a four horse teamto stand without being seen. --Ex ------ The Result. _ The election of Lorne, now for-Lorne Mc- Douygat has been voided for south Renfrew as represntative of that riding for the Commons. It will be remembered that at the late elections for the Commons Mesears, Banvir-t man andMcDougall weréthe nominees for that! riding the former in the Conservative a) d the latter in the interests of the Grits, = To { make a nomination for the Commons valid the nomination paper must bave the names' of twenty-five electors, The papersof Ban- . nerman and McD wugall had each i the rgair- ed number of nam-g lLuf: the too officious returning officer discovered that one of the names on Bauneram's paper was not 'such as the law demanded, and being only: too glad of an opportunity Af displaying his tect, threw aside Mr Bannorman's nomination' and declared Mr Lorne McDougall elected, Mr Bannerman's friends . were 'sedtcely prepared for such action and placed the mut- ter in the conrts, The case was argued be- fore Judge Wilson on Thursday last and the Judge rled that the tetnrning. officer's con- ict was unjustifiable and declared the scat vacant. 8o that if Mr Lorneg:t the seat it) will have to be through the hallot box and' not by the grace ot the returning officer. 4 FERRER ? The Demon of War. -- i A n The good time coming when ies shall beat their swords into plongh-shares 'and spears into pruning hooks appears to be yet in the very distaiit future ; in fict at' no form period in the world's history did the rewerse of all this prev The whole conti signal to del the ear lay og vit set. back the clock of pnother hundred years, If the natives of Routh AtHor-Ne they must Ve Sorsfirutionaleiinds srutionniivieh anys the natives of natal re Believe. me | hutidred