3 | sect! board Santen, fog Council must make. the 2 WES BAIRD, -- Editor. | Pushy, JAN. > 1875. | The T egis for t the. County of Lg 2 -- . i ed to the electing of a speaker, and we think In treating of our Bchools a couple of years we then stated that the time would come jy401y in the selection no one, we think, will some of our school sections would yep to dispute. The marked attention k kind orother ; we lit- ,¢ 4}, worthy Reeve of Scott to his duties as the id all wonid Syne a member of the County Council for several fact. Th Council scarcely warmed foc the honorable and responsible position of EE mamm---- Council to abolish the severa | B@™ One of the most comfortable, health« Public Meeting. ions wnd es ablish & township? fu panty he et at the Court House, Whitl y, on Tuesday 20th inst' The members elect having been sworn in by the Clerk of the "louse, proceed- wisely gave the honor toG SmithEsq, of Scott. 'I'hat hon members acted both wisely and curs past is the best guarantee of his finess their chairs when they were invaded by coli wurden; and we congratulate Me Smith and from several sch action of the Council on Monday will found in our report of the proceedings of day as found elsewhere in this issue. tending aiid against ook ine the township he represents on the distin. Sham oring "8,10 and 11. TheCouncil guished honer conferred npon them, | got into a quandary and did not know how , to face the music. They consequenidy weat jute committee of the whole inthe broadest sense of the term, for ail that were in the hall simultaneously joined in the debate which was kept up with much vigor for a couple of hours or 80; tim combatants on either side renewing the cambat with varying success und with perfect indifference as to the weapons ade i t. Ly water hi Tefen an unfisied state 3 the Countil its spstained in Toronto proves la- adjouraes Ui She ain wien mentable condition of mental organization Erafig Madlib plumb ce of bowing to the decision of an in. Breit ns Tren troduced The, to tt | the work and increase its production. (See | his advertisement, ee ee Farmers and Dealers in Seeding Machines are directed to Richard Syl vester& Bro's new «Come along, John, we have lots of |advertisement in our advertising colnmns of money, and help us to put down bribery and | to-day. The advertisers claim the attention corruption 1" - 1 ne tellizent people aud regarding the defeat of That some cause for complaint dpes exist po over bribery and corruption as if Anyone cannot for a nfbment be doubted by any one guid believe it ; he secks to attribute the knowing anything of the difference in the gure to improper means. extent and value of the several sections ; but the question is how should this Le grappled with ? whi:h would De the most judicious course to pursue under the circumstances 1 Only let an unguarded hand be lad on our oe whol an they will totter like a From the Sublime to the Ridicu- house of cards. Let the term "indiscrimin- | ate change" be written on the boundarie of AE---- | Sore Heads, Of the vast multitude of Grit heads which the late clections have madesore, no head | amongst them has been so jam ed and | bruiscd or is ncw half so sore as that of the Globe ; in fact whatever little binin there is | left. uppears badly eficcted ; the cause to | which be attributes the late crushing defeat the Grit a fitting reproof for Grit extrava- Hance ul isrule. the Globe makes a whin- our schoul sections then farewell to ail sta | One of out poets in descanting on mercy, bility aud progress ; the borderers of the var-| the most Leautiful ot all the graces, ious sections not knowing bow soon they | gat the quality of mercy is not straine may cross the border into the neighboring' droppeth as the gentle dew from heaven § section will oppose duny expendi- byt had he lived in these times, in the days dite however necessary seeing that of our good Gov, he would no longer have after the ontlay has been ciiected they muy talked of mercy dropping as the gentle dew be included in apother section and py have pe wonld have seen it rush like a torrentand | Beran NET REMOVER, Tt willbe ohserved | moree « similar outlay for a new school Louse OF, uy down all before it. , some other repair in the new section to As we have above stat>d there are several | upon him while a justly offen sections in the towpship which have just) gaid amen. But here the --General § cause to demur at tho divisions as they DOW | jn and with the consent if not the advic are, but whether ay cure that might be ad- | is agvisers, says Lepine shall not dic, ministered would nat prove worse than the | goauple of years imprisonment shall satisfy {'be,a crime) was loyalty to his | country, had been apprehended and fairly tried Tand the righteous sentence of death, passed mt disease is a watter tor consideration before | the cians of an outraged law and atone for tampering with the prescut state ef things. gue of the st fqul murders on record. -- "The cours is open und the way is plain 0 | Hers js the concentration of mercy as it those sections who may feel dissatisfied with | poured in an extra of the: Canada Gaz tte! the boundaries of their sections. NUPPUSE, of the 20th inst: o for instance that a section wishes itsteriitory | Gov.General's Sce'y -- the signature of the enlarged or its boundaries chavged ; then) «have it, therefore, in command to In- the triustees of the section wishing the change | form you that it is his Excellency's pleasure shallapply to the Council to have such | that the capital seatence passed upon the effocted ; but before theGouncil can take 80Y | priconer Lepine be commuted in to two years action they must be satisfied that the other | imprisonment in gol from the date of con, sections to be affected Ly this chapge have | giction, and the permanent forfeiture of his been duly notfied of the altarations sought | political rights." so that they may appear before the Council and offer their objections to the proposed al- | teration, it they have any objections to offer. eee Hurrah tor the Races ! It being shown to the sutistaction of the | The Winter Meeting on the ice at Port Conncil that the section or sections to be ef- | fected by the proposed changes have had | due notice tuat the matter was to be brought | E up before that meeting of Council then the |. Council may go on and consider the matter | and after hearing whatever way be urged for and u against the alterations the Council may tin proceed und grant toe request of the applicants in whole or in part Ol InAy | Paarsday, 17th and 18th days of I pruary. iverything connected with the coming Races son a scale far surpassing any previous i tion of country 1 of witnessing wefore been witness- | ed on the ic: of Scugog, Active and thor: | ough preparations are being made for a cou. yf it witoguther But this Hons not. ll) ple of gala days sport and such as will justly «cessurily end the matter, for should eter; hye port Perry Winter Races to a fore- party feel dissatisfied with the action of the) Council in the matter appeal may be mad to the County Council against the actiop of | and nothing will be the Township Council. . Buppose, for instance, section A wishes | he and give satisf: must plate in the front ravk of «uch sports, e | An active comuittee have been appointed left undone which may ¢ ntribute to make the races all they should 'tion fo the thousands who to have their territory cnlarged by taking in | will come in to witness ths Raced, The a portian of section B, section A may apply | james of the Judges gre a sufficieit gua™an- 0 the township Council to have said change | gee for just and honorable decisions, whild effected, but before the Council can tke any | the liberality of the promoters Lave provided | action in the h.attershey must" be satisfied | prizey amounting to nearly five hundred dol- that section B has beep notitied of the action | jars But the Port Perry Races now about (o be taken before the Council. 'I'he | gnstain a reputation which make the prizes, Drrsamuid vey titi pioveea and either grant | handsome as they ave, of less consequence nection A their request or refuse to grant it. than the fact of winning the race from such Af the Council grant section A their request, horsey as enter the lists in these races. No «and section B feel dissatistied overita mAa- | jahor or expense will be spared in securing Jority of the trustees of section B or five rate- | gvery degree of comfort and fafr play for the payers of the section pay apply by petition | horses, 'fhe track is to be kept cléar for to the County Connoil.to huve the action of | geven days prexious to the races, The cem-} the Township Couucil reversed, ing races will without doubt far excel any- The County Council when so applied to! thing of the kind ever witnessed in these shall appoint arbitrators to settle the matter, | parts, See large posters and put your 2:10's not less thap three or more than five--the | into training at once Couanty Judge und School Inspector being two of said arbitrators. These arbitrators .bave power either to set aside or confirm the action of tue township Council. In like manner should the township Council refuse "Gone Down. | The Brown-McKenzic draft Reciprocity | Treaty has been effectually shelved and way fo grunt the requast of sec. A, a majority of | now be justly regarded as a most successful he trustees or five ratepayers of section A | failure. At the recent meeting of the Do- -anay, as above, appeal to the Comaty Council | minion Board of Trade the President of that who shall appoint arbitrators, as above. who | Board, speaking with autnority, stated that shall either confirm the action of the tews.- | the committee of the American Senate de. whip Coun. il in refusing the request of sec. | clined to recommend Wiis notorious draft to the request. tion A or will set aside that action and grant i the consideration, of the Senate. Canada may thus thank her stars that she "his Act in common with a n ajority of | has escapod tao trap which had been set for 4be Acts passed by the present Ontario Gov- her had this treaty been passed, who live in the towuship erameat bristles all over with indications ef | petty tymuny. lt bas been the aim thiough- OV 2 outed x the { The public w'll be glad to learn that the Ontario Government and inturn make the! Annual Entertainthent in connection with townships' Conncils the mere puppets of the Bounties' Counciie. The tpifornally extra. | avagant Jegislatign of our gushing rulers is! equally munifestin this acts Tne County Judge must be one of the arbitratiors. thins entailing an unnecessary expense on the soetion demanding the urbitration--the sec-! tion in whose behalf the arbitration is held! must pay the expense of the arbitratian sad | sach arbritrations as now held cost in th neighborhoodot $100, whereas wore three ! men to which the complaining section belongs they eH A Rich Tre1t in Store. | th Bible Christian Church will bs held in | the Town Hall, Prince Albert, on Wednes- day, Feby t0th 'The Eutertainment will copsist of a sacial T'ea, a generous supply of | fine. music, and better than all a highly in- Rev. J. Kenner one of the most attractive Jecturers of the day. Our Bible Christian who have beard Mr Eenper lecture will be could arbitrate better as to the facts of the onght not to miss the treat. «Let us give ritorial contests begsveen school section: _ There is ene gffectnnl remedy for all ter ) 'An oF! of phoios suse, da it more quickly and at one fifth the Sher a tnrnout worthy of the rich feast vaical and intellectual, which they bave prepared for us. The whole entertainment, Tea, Music and the the. y wight thd Lecture is only 2L cents. (See posters.) expeniive on it would obviate ---- Intelle2tual Entertainment. i 1 Entertainment, consisti Vocal and Instrumental Music, In- teresting Recitations and Dialogues and se- eadings will be given in the town hall, _ | Prince Albart, on the evening of Monday, Feb. 1st, in connection with the Presbyterian {Church. The ~ admission is "only doubtless they will have om! | Monday evening, Feby 1st at 7:30 o'clock. t el el re is good to give should net be Teddy to manifest his con 'powers of his cele shytasentt bv au waived. uae iof teat ing «| On motion of Mr Holman s were ordered to be eagerly sna advertisement, ml ffm meen BEF" FORMAN'S GREAT CLEARING SALE :--The Great Clearing Sale of Winter Goods a Forman's is coing on with increasing vigor. Fiist-class Goods are being parted with at coming in contact with the ballot boxes at'low figures. (See advertisement.) vert Perry, will take place on Wednesday and | | deresting and instructive lecture from the | friends never fail ip supplying a rich treat|® by- when they give an entertainment. Those Sections rid ple prepa 'being tuade for & pleasant and interesting. "time ; they deserve a bum, 3 most comfortable and Tavern Stands in the , | something to suit them in our advertisi columbs. (See Mr. Payne's advertisemen BEY" 340,000 WORTH OF CHOICE GOODS AT Our readers will find Messrs. Jones' having explained the purpose of the meeting Bros' large advertireaent otherwheres in this) called on Mr. Forman wno related a some- issue. They are oftering their magnificent | what doleful tale of the more than Egypt- stock at cost. The partnershipis being dis-| ian darkness which has fallen upon the solved and they wish to dissolve partnership | Reach and Scugog Agricultural Society between the firm and Forty-thousand Dol- | since its late change of some of its officrer. Jars worth of the very best description of Mr Forman did his best to convince the rm dis- meeting that the township society was solves, and in order to accomplish this they neither able nor willing to make any terms are offering rare inducements which are being * with Port Perry in the matter of holding fall ed by the crowd. (See large Goods ere the parternersivip of the ot Farmers and all dealing in seeding mach- ines to their new Improved Bpring Toe Seed- ers, asserting that those who inspect their. Tous. | machines will buy no other. (Sce theiradv.) | --- d but | public a chance to secure bargains. { selling Clothing at cost for cash. | advertisement from M Lepine, one of the foul murderers of the | wi ui Sey five a lamented Scott whose only crime (if such | business to his handsome new premises op-! matte he i would be productive of the greatest mischief en A most Injurions So the best luterssts o Land_found guilty of unprovoked murder several sections, SC - oice Jewelry has STAXDARD NEDDY AND HIS OLD PATENT-MEDICINE Neddy's wrath is kindled against he Opser- ve for the gentle butfaithful rebuke we gave him for his contemptable and covetous habits. As public journalists we have a legitimate right to interfere when the public are being fleeced, and we will exercise that right not-- withstanding any amount of grinning or superlative illnature which Neddy may see A concern must be pretty well cooked when it-has to adopt the patent. medicine dodge to make a dishonest penny. Only think of it | the Standard and an oid patent medicine almanac for one year for $1. They would be dear atone tenth of the fit to manifest. money. eed Reach Council. The above Council met at the Town Hall, on Monday, 24th inst, Members all present, Regve in the chair. Mr 8t John presented the petition of Wm Spence and eight others praying to have the south part of lot 8 in the 5th and all of lot 8 in th® 4th and the north part of 8 in the 3rd annexed to school section No 5. Mr St John presented the petition of Chas Holtby and 13 others jot § Barrett aud 11 others; of H Fitchett and 29 others all against detaching a portion of the territory ~fschool section No 6 and attaching the 1 und pleasantly located Tavern Stands in ) the Province for Sale or to Rent. Parties| = A public meeting called by the Reeve desirous of purchasing or. renting ong of the | was held in the town hall Port Perry on easnntly located | Saturday last. Besides a pretty generous vince will find! turnout from the village there were several | from the village of Prince Albert anda re- resentation of the farmers of. Reach and cugog. pen, PREPARE FOR SPRING AND SUMMER BUILD- rr ® -- eee DEuiSPELD'S WATORMAKING AND JEWELRY \ld's New Advertisement else. | Of the society and fr i its use- | fulness than the course he has adopted ever when he gets over his pet he will and | posite the Ontario Bank. Mr Deisfeld's large | b¢ and valuable stock of Gold and Silver watch- es. Chains, Rings, and every description of | of a rival society which he wished to organ- Teh Try has been largely increased by | ize, The general intelligence of the meet- ded" people [a eplendid variety of the finest and most | ing adopted a much wiser aud better course ps | stylish gocds in Watches, Gold and Silver | than needlessly rushing to arms to avenge au of land the most fashionable Jewelry, Fancy | imaginary wrong and thus bring Reach and hich he sells at the lowest | Port Perry into open war on agricultural Don't fail to visit his es. | matters while it is to the intcrests of both e ir this iss Goods, &c, &c, Ww! possible figure, The Reeve was called to the chair and ws and blaming the Editor of the Osserv- | sr of taking the chief part in bringing about this deplorable state of things. We showed | Mr Forman that his sad tale was not even t founded on fact, ! ending the const as we had assisted in so am-! With regard to the unwillingness of the' society to have the fall shows held in Port Perry we have only to say that when Mr. Forman moved his stupid motion to have { all the shows of the society held in Port "Perry it was moved in amendment that the | shows be held in Manchester; but both the mover and seconder of the amendment asked | i Mr Forman so to change his resolution as to | embrace the fall shows only but he would | not consent, and it was only when he refused | this reasonable request that they pushed the amendment and carried it. But the fact is they had no more intention of holding a fal} | | . show at Manchester than they had of brifig tell SELLING OFF AT cosT AT TRENBETR'S --MF. | jpg the next Provincial Exhibition to that ells us | Trenbeth, Merchant Tailor is giving the | village ; but they were left no alternative, He is | Mr Forman's magnificent motion coverirg (Bee his | a1] the ground claming all the fairs--ayd he going it blind--Ileft no alternative Lut to kill it with an amendment of similar mag: ° Mr Forman could not possibly have takena fiectun] means of destfoying the peace ANGE ASSOCIAT! OYAL OR. L ANNUAL MEETING. p.m. All Brethren are requested toattend. AUCTION SALE CUTTERS, BUCCIES, SLEICHS," 0'Donovan's Carriage Factory WHITBY, ON SATURDAY, FEB. 6, 1875. TERMS --Eight month credit by furnish- ing approved notes. * Whitby, Jan. 27, 1875. 5-2w TON B. A. TT oder, x WEBSTER, County Mastes. | workmanship. itution that not only the 3 McPHADEN, SecRETARY. name was changed but that Reach, Scugog| Brock, Jan. 1 and Port Perry should enjoy equal privileges | in the society'; so that by this change the shows (if holding shows be a privilege) may » be held in Reach, Scugog cr Porc Perry as ING AND REPAIRS :--Our readers will find Mr. | may be pitched upon. So that this entirely Reihardson's new advertisment in our ad-! gwesps away Mr. Forman's groundless asser-- ng columns of to day. Since Mr Rich. ' tion that the socicty has not in its power to {ardeon has become sole proprietor of the. permit the fall shows to be held on the Port ! Port Perry Door, Window Blind and Sash | Perry Show Grounds. 875. 5-1w oF CARRIAGES, &C. AT come more reasonable. Mr Forman read the copy of a coustitution that they act in unison Messrs T. C. Forman, J.J. Shaw and C Sharrard were anxious for the new depaiture and even went the length of asserting that the township society had no existence ; but the good sense of the meeting would consent to nothing so foolish as court a quarrel with the townsh p on so flimsy a pretext. A resolution was carricd by the mecting appointing three delegates to confer with the directors of the township socicty regarding the holding of the Spring Show at Manchester and the Fall Show on the Port Perry Show Grounds. We do not believe that thercisa member 'of the board who will hesitate for a moment to consent to this proposition as it will be largely to the aavautage of all con- cerned and be the building up ef the society, as such an arrangement would vastly in- crease the membership of the society and in- fuse an interest which could not exist in either if an antagonistic socicty were formed. If the committee appointed ta wait on the directors do their part there is not the slightest fear for the result, an amicable arrangement will be come to. | Messrs Adams, Forman and Williams are the committee appointed. The advisability of regular Monthly Cattle Fairs was then taken up,and discussed, On motion it was resolved to hold regular Monthly Fairs in the village in accordance with a certain by-law passed by the village conncilin 1872. For the proper manave- ment and conduct of said fairs a President, Treasurer, Secretary, and five Directors were same to school section No 7 as asked for by | ted Mr John Adams was (lected Presic- No 7 cil. On motion of Mr Holman it was resolved that no further action be now taken as toany alteration in school sections 10 and 11. On motion of Mr Dobson the Reeve and Clerk were instructed to communicate with : the Chief Superintendent as to the power of | council to deal with that portion of Union | School Section No 8 lying within the corpor- | ation of Reach. Mr. Joseph Bryant complained of having had damage done to his sheep by a dog or dogs amounting to $10, On motion $6.66 was.ordered to be pai Aun account from Dr. Hillary for, Medical attendance on a boy in the employ of Mr. P. Anderson was presented to the Council. On motion of Mr. Holman, the Council | refused to entertain the matter it being he- yond their jurisdiction, the boy having been adopted by Mr. Anderson, Mr. Holman moved for lcave to intioduce hange the boundaries of School 0.6 and 7. es hs Re oe ie Rosy stated that the matter-bad al- #ppy.at having another opportunity of hear- | ready been disposed of for . the present in ing him and those who have not heard him ! Mr. Holman's former by-law and that re ro) garded the present motion as out of order. Mr. Holman demurred at the rulling of the Reeve and appealed to the Council, The rulling of the Reeve was sustained by all the members except Mr. Holman, introduced and carried through a by-law to appoint certain town- ship officers. - Mr. Wm. Spence was uppoint- ed A , and Mr. Wm.C Heard, License by-law t Mr. St. John Inspector, uw a Holman rough a by-law a) ting Po missioners or Dpcinting their eredit, viz: F. Wa ¥ Jolie Muriro and J. Bon five dollars being placed to the credit of the first four, and $150 to the fifth, On motion of Mr Holman sealed ten- ders were ordered to be asked for the print ing for the corporation for the present year, left with the clerk by the . On motion of Mr Holman the Reeve was st Jn favor of the Clerk for the balance of his On motion of Me St John the sum of $6 was ordered to.be to Mr Park for expen- ected wilh the fuera! of ah Indigent aid tenders to next meeting HES CON Mr St John presented the petition of Chas Marsh and 1i others againstdetaching a por- n.d ] § Tre Nu Dd LL 8 ion No 8 from said union Rain, J. V. Thompson, and D. Urquhart, section and attaching v,¢ sam * to sec, No 7 The petition of Alex Harper and § others was brought in but.not presentea, that no change be made in school secs ons Nos 10 and 11. Mr Holman introduced a by-law to make | certain alterations in school sections 5, 7& 8, The by-law was read a first time and the council resolved itself into comuyittce of the wliole thereon. On motion of Mr Dobson the committee arose, reported progress and asked leave to meet as a committee at next meeting of coun- 'made by the Res o~ Ona CRdgar$t, N B Munro Bees. 1 Patay $oy'A Hurd 85. {Eee ent ; Mr Jghn Rolph, Treas ; Mr John Shaw, Scc. and Messrs D- Bateman, M. Currie, F. Directors. On motion the meeting adjourned to meet again at the call of the President to receive _the report of the committee. ---------------- First Meeting. The mens bers elect of the Port Perry Coup. cil met nt the clerks office on Friday, 22nd inst, The Clerk having taken the declara- 3 > m "whers the Council Reeve taking the Chair. On motion of Mr Shaw the Dinan y In- spector was instructed to transi the toense from the Jewett House to the Railr, 3d Hotel tions of the severa! was organized by the --Jesse Ireland proprictor. Mr Currie introduced and carried througn a by-law to appeint an auditor for the cor-|F poration and confirm the appointment to be e. Theblanks were filled up with the pames of T. C. Forman, and Geo. Dryden. The Council appointing the former and the Reeve the latter. On motion of Mr Shaw the time for the Collectcr to return his roll was extended till February 1st, On motion of Mr Kellett the account of Mr Parrish amounting to $152.71 was ordered to be paid. ,Op motion of Mr. Jones the snm of $223 26 was ordered to be paid to Mr. Spence for work done on the Town Hall and for sup- plies provided for the same. Mr Jones moved that the Clerk be and he is | [2 hereby instructed to notify Mr Wm Spence that this Council purposes to submit to ar- bitration all matters in dispute between the said Mr Spence and this corporation in "ac- cordunce with an agreement to that effect | made betwen Mr Spence and the Corpora-- tion, On motion of Mr Kellett. the account of Mr Tipp amounting to $400 for work done on Town Hall was ordered to be paid On motion. of Mr Shaw the Recve and Treasurer were instructed to finance for $4,000 and not to put; the debentures on the market until nioney becomes a little easier, that the Corporate seal be attached to the note of the Reeve and U'reasurer and that the the debentures be given ascolaters! secnrity On motion of Mr Kellett the sum of $2 per month was ordered tobe paid to each of the i t poor within the corporation, The sum of $4 was ordered to paid to Mr "H Burnham for services rendered as Return- ing officer. On motion the Council adjourned till the] first Tuesday in Feb'y. BIRTH. a Port Perry, on Monday, 264h inst; fhe 'of Mr Robert Clarke of a son, In Reach, 8th con, on the 2:th inst, the wife of Mr. Joseph Rolph, of a son, BE DIED. On the 2nd of Brock, Martha A Watson, aged 31 years. ie id The Markets. --- Opsernver Orion, Jan, 28, 1875. Fall Wheat... ... REMOVAL J ohn Diesfeld, PRACTICAL style and quality cannot le sur- -_ Watches, Jewelry and Clocks. Elgin Watches, &c. All Goods warranted as represented to be, pen All work warranted. Port } erry, Jan, 27, 1855. PORT PERRY Trotting Races. \HE WINTER MEETING on the Ice of Scugog Lake will take place on * { WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, 17th and 18th February, 1876. DOMINION PURSE, $125,--Open to all horses owned in Canada 3 months previous to the date of the'bills, that never trotted better than 3 minutes, First, $10v; Second, $25, TOWNSHIP PURSE, owned in Uxbridge, Re: Port Perry, atthe date oi the bi er won money on Lake Scugog. 100,--0pen to all horses that never ted i, @lter than 2:10. Lirst, $75; 2ud, $20, SECOND DAY, COUNTY »URSE, €75,--0pen to all horseS owned in the LONE an irs! . trotted better than » MINLISE: First, 30; 25. & . 1 SEN PU 3.0 all 1jorses.-- . Olin $i0vy dodond, $03: Tint, 2 ONE MON 'H The Track will be kept clear for seve. days previous 1o the Races. JUDGES. --Jas. Black, Oshawa ; B. Plank, Uxbridge ; M, Currie, Port Perry, Pool Seller,--S. D. Page. ul and Regulations.--Intrance 1 per cent. Sealed entries to be made with the 'y before! Tek T. m. on ths me For Cash nly. to the first day's tere | under false pretences to forfeit entrance {horses to enter and 3 to ) races mile heats, 8in 5 to harness. Races to commence each day at 1 o'clock, sharp. Jud- s' decision t6 bg final. Judges have power postpone on account of inclement weather. W. T. PARRISH, Secreta FARMERS & DEALERS SEEDING MACHINES! YOUR stimtion is drewn to SYLVESTER'S NEW IMPROVED Spring Toe Seeder, |he vey ioe Pte applied for in, Caonda and she United on the 24th ingt. Mrs Partics whosee - it will buy no other. Tt is the best out. * Manufactured by 3 Watchmaler, &c. |[pessed and will he sold at such TGS leave to say, that he has Removed NEW PREMISES, Fetween Bigelow's Royal Ar- cade and the Wa'ker House, |Prices. And takes this opportunity to thank his many friends and customers for the kind patronage bestowed upon him during the past and solicits a continuance of their kind JOHN DIESFELD, Practical Watchmaker, © 5 er FIRST DAY. ust, $25; hird, $10, - y of Ontario, Townships Car Wright, that never aces. Horses en- start, all C. McKENZIE, T to an el Garriage Eouiskillen, Jan. 21, 1875. [ted Spo fons. Spring Wheat . 086to 090 RICH'D SYLVESTER & BRO. Tey .... 100to 100 Ensiskillen, 037to 040| BEF Circulars sent free on application, | Ewo seats, yet ia 068to 070] 00 to 860 OST, a Nite of hand for * $85 George Ward, Jr, in favor of Geo. Ward, bearer, payable at the residence of Stonehouse. Reach, and said POR SALE OR TO RENT 'MY TAVERN ST HY has as een SE fe ad he Glan il PORT PERRY J DOOR, SASH & WINDOW BLI Factor PLANING MILL, &C. ha ONE MONTH ONLY ! ubscriber having become sole pro- . ; \ 2 prietor of the above works has spared WwW : 3! neither expense nor labor in introducing the 1 n te r G ood 8 ! The L.0. County Annual Meeting of North | most approved description of machinery and i . Ontario, for the Election of Officers and other | perfecting the several departments of the, important business connected with the work, and has now much plepsure in inform- Order, will be held in Port Perry, on Tuesday, 'ing the public that he is prepared on the 2nd February next, at the hour of 2 o'clock i shortest notice, to fill all orders for Doors, p Sash, Window Blinds: Mouldings of every style, all of the best quality of material * and Planing, Turning, &c, &c, done to order. Charges moderate. On hand a large number of Doors, Sash Window Blinds, Mouldings, &c, &, of the best quality, cheap. Port Perry, Jan'y 25, 1875, | make room for extensive Spring purchases, the re~ they have determined to sell THE NEWEST STYLES| 5 Waiulng portion of their Winter Goods at will bo found of superior quality, and this sale offers an opportunity. to purchasers seldom presented, viz: ---TO Boy Goods at And best quality of Cos, and no mistake. WINTERGOODS Clearing ont at prices which cannot - s -- Furs at Cost, Blankets at Cost, Clouds at Cost, Scarlet Flannels at Cost. Shawls at Cost, Tweeds at Cost, Jacketsat Cost, ~~ Ready-made Clothing at Grerinosat Cost, Shirts and Drawers at fail in soon clearing of ihe entire ---------- ie ete Port Perry, Jan. 18, 1875, Lands & Farms Stock of Winter Goods and making room for Spring purchases. The Subscriber has much pleasure SE ; : acres cleared. . in informing the public generally acres--6 acres cleared. Bot! two miles from Brechin. that he is clearing out his large and splendid stock of Winter Goods at COST. The Gooda ave new, and in Well timbered, and convenient to Rama Sta- Whitby, Jan. 13, 1875. prices as cannot fail in securing large and rapid sales? Lome and inspect my Goods and A. W. ROBERTS. ' mar well bred Durham Bull, Port Perry, Jan, 27, 1875. own stable, lot 8, 8th con, Reaeh. calved Dec. 23rd, 18735 bred by John Miller, (368). g dam Flora by Nichol, [17]. dale, (11156) fl AY 498%, I'f you want Cheap Clothing, BEST BOAR! at the Provincial Exhibition at Toronto, Hin TREN BETH'S ch, Cartwright und at n Port, Perry, Jan. 26, 1875. D. CONBOY, Carriage & Sleigh MAKER, MAIN STREET, UXBRIDGE ! to his repiesentations, isan exp! 'work. Mr. Conboy, the Inven 'entee of the turndown seat has great improvement as is now making a special e this seat, Th ith his east ally 'and excellence, FOR AT COST! HE Subscribérs beg to intimate $0 their friends aud the public, that in order to The Stock which is new and fashionable, Cost. Fancy Dress Goods at Cost. Cost Hats and Caps at Cost. 'Winceys at Cost, . Under Clothing, &e,, &c., at Cost, CORRIGAN & CAMPBELL. FOR SALE. MARA. West } Lot 14, in the 6Lh con., 100 acres,--5) Also, North } Lot 13, in the 7th con., 100 h lots are about Also, Lot 12, in the 11th con,, 200 acres, Lot 12, in the 12th con. 200 acres. 8. } 16, in the 12tb con. 100 acres, All first-class Lots with small clearings. RAMA. Lot 16, in the 3rd con. 200 acres. Lot 15, in the 4th con, 200 aeres. £. } 16, in the 4b con. 100 acres, tion on the Northern Railway. Apply to J. HAM PERRY, WaITBY. 8-2m IMPROVE YOUR STOCK. T.ord Charles! Will stand for service, this season, 1875, at his PEDIGREE.--LORD CHARLES, red and white, Esq., Brougham; the property of Wm. Stovin, each, Ont. _dam Fiora the 2nd, by Prince of Bourbon g g dam imported Louisa, by Baron of Kids- £ g g dam Jane, by Remus, (11987), € g g § dam by Sir William, (12102). £ 2 & g g dam by Strathmore, (4517). gg gg gg dam by Emperor, (1674). TERMS--For grades $2; thorough-breds, $5. WM. STOVIN, Rach, Jan. 17, 1875, Epsom, Ont. In the Province of Ontaria. HE Subscriber having recently purchased from James Main, Esq., of 'Trafalgar, County of Halton, his 1m ported Suffolk Roar, under one year old. 'He took the first prize last fall ; 1st at London, 2nd at Hamilton, and 2nd at Guelph--keeps bim now for Service at his place, Lot No. 18, 4th con. of Brock. Service only one dollar at service, 5 HENRY PAITCHARD. | Pinedale, Jan. 2, 1875. 2-1 AND SECURE BARGAINS FOR THE BEST BOAR IN THE COUNTY, TE Subscriber keeps for Service at Lis place, lot 24, 15th con. Reach, a firot class Thorough-bred Berkshire Baor, pro- nounced by competent judges, the BEST BOAR in the County. Service only $1. JOSEPH WILSON. Reach, Dec. 9, 1874. 50-2m ayw.-PSGPL STRAY HEIFER. (rr into the premises of the sulscriber, Lot 7, in the 1st con. of h, in Sept. last, A YEARLING HEIF lor, red end white. The owner is requested to come,' prove property, pay expenses and take her airay, otherwise she will be sold tc pey ex- id JOSEPH BRYANT. Reach, Jan. 7, 1375. 2-3w STRAYED SHEEP. TRAYED from the 2nd cori. Reach, about the 16th of July last, 4 Sheep 3 Lambs. They have a piece cut out of the left ear. Any party giving such Jatoraton 2 y as will lead to their recovery will be sui rewarded, 3 JAMES EIRBY, Hot 20, 1st con. Rin Deo. 29, 1874. PET STRAYED STEER. Would take this oppurtunity of informing on the Farming community ¢f this sect CORRIGAN & CAMPBELLS, = The Cham THE CHAMPION SINGLE MOWER, THE CHAMPION SINGLE REAP; BROAD-CAST SOWRRS snd SPOUT DRILLS. , ' Matufactuing Company | . OSHAWA, country that they are to furnish preparca hah Shortest Notice and the Most . Favorable Terms. COMBINED REAPER and WISNER'S SULKEY HORSE-RAKE. THRESHING MACHINES, &C. 14 highest Prize Medals and Diplomas Tl Awarded the Champion in Europe for 1873. A Sweeping Victory in the old world 1 | A Crowning Triumph in the New!!! Barope ant Amin ol and $3 Crowning King of the 'Harve ; 5 Field. 4 E. WALKER, H. S. JOHNSON, Port Perry, Dec. 23, 1874. ° 52 A FINE HOUSE And Three Village Lots, for Sale in Port Perry. FY HE Subscriber offers for Sale his present Residence on Lilla 8t, Port Perry.-- The lot is one of the best localties in the village, Fhe House is nearly new, well got ap with every accommodation for comfort and convenience, a good cellar, four capital apartfaents on the ground floor and four up stairs. There is on the premises a good well of excellent water and a thrifty young Orchard of choice fruit trees. For particulars apply to the subscriber, JAMES BROAD. Port Perry, Jan. 13, 1876. 3 -------------------------------------------------- PREPARE FOR TH& HOLIDAYS Every Delicacy of the Season in abundance of the best quality and at the lowest possible price, at : BROAD'S PORT PERRY. Go to BROAD'S for Choice Meats of every description. At Broad's you will get pure and genuine Liquors, Brandes, SHIT, WINES & WHISKYS! of the best Brands. Every variety of Groceries Good and Cheap Oysters ! Oysters! n Can and bulk--Fresh and Cheap at BROAD'S, . JAMES BROAD. Port Perry, Dec. 16,1871. 51 HOLS Holidays ! W. H. M'CAW, JUST RECEIVED { Qpe of the \ Largest and Fines} 1 Stocks of tn du COLD AND SILVER WATCHES! i PREPARE OR WINTER] |