"without spec «7 yg PUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY, » JVERY-HURSDAY MORNING, © ERMS--§1 per spnum, if paid in ad. + if not $1.50 will be charged. No iption talsen for less than six months; A atinued until all arrears samp « Panos. |, WILLCOX, RATES QF ADV ERTISING. line, first insertion . c.s« +». $0.08 Fos each Tne: ons, pif line ant Se 1 6 0 AUCTIONEER. Lotters containing money, when ad-| pop THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO. to this Office, pre- paid and regester- 'ed, will be at or risk. vertism Posi according tothe space they ac= oupy. antil fordid and rertis i taken out until d for. { Collecting, &¢, Adroriomon: hij ol It will be my endeavor, by prompt and careful attention to business, to give full | o C0 ds west of t A liberal discopnt allowed to Merchants HENRY PATENT SOLICITOR AND DRAUGRISUAN, ents, measured by Nonpareil, B YT GRIST, OTTAWA, CANADA, auctioneers. LICENSED AND TOWNSHIPS OF MARIPOSA & CARTWRIGHT, ) EGS to thank his many friends and the fons Hotel -and fitted i ublic generally, for the liberal patron- | 5. © age it upon him for the past five Juss, | tort of is agner Saipan) rhiEneils ved blication, Having now given up the business of the hospital i Ely ibe inserted | Bailiff, I intend, in future, to vote my charged aiccodingly. No | whole time to the business of Auctioneer, Liquors and Cigars Stables punctually and others whi adyertiso by we Jour = satisfaction to all who may fayor me with half-year. Job Department. lots, Hand Bills, Posters, . Pro={at the Onservet Office, an: biciiiy Bin Heads, Blank Forms, Receipt Office, Port Perry. Books, Checks, Books, Circulars, Business i their Salés or Collecting. 2&5 Those terms will in all cases be a a A strictly adhered to. free of charge. } Also Bill Stamps always on hand. Arrangements can be made for sales &c., d at the Standard | Cards, Boll. Cards, &e., of every style 'and | | 0 ce Albert, Oct. 25, 1873. d at lower rates 9 romptly an adel, exyelttad prompLy t in the County. than any other establishmen = Parties from 8 distance getting hand bills, & c. printed can have them done to take | gicensed Auctioneer, Valuator, OR the Township of Brock, Uxbridge, Scott, Thorah, Rama, Mara, Mariposa | home with them. 3. BAIRD, 1. PARSONS. Wm. Gordon, &e. == | and Eldon, I JONES, M. D, Coroner, Physician,' , Surgeon, &e. Port Perry. (Office, over Allison's Drug Store, Queen-st. terian Church. 1.4 of Brock, Thorah, 5 : North Ontario ; Mariposa, etc., In the County 3 pe@y™ Parties entrusting their Sales to me X may rely on the utmost attention being given to their interests. WM. GORDON, R. WARE, Coronor for the County od of Victoria. Residence--Cannington, Brock. Jeoucheur, 3 Prince Albert. A PORT PERRY. Omce over Nott's Furniture Store, cogner of. Queen and Perry Streets. 3 OfMce hours from 9a. m. to 12 m. Residence, the dwelling recently occupied Dy Mrs. Geo. Paxton. ee -- RS. MCGILL & RAE, Physcians, Surgeons, leg prompt remittances made. BB RANGSTER, M. D.,, Physician, Sur J i the North Ontario Auction- ER re and Accoucheur, WALSH E, LL HO' &o., &e, Office and Residences, King st, 1." OF DIVISION COURTS Oshaws, WH. MW GILL, MT. FRANCIS RAE, M.D. Nudes WY F. MCBRIEN, M.D, M. R. C, Hospital, London, England, Th ,0, H. Ly, Oshawa, me -------------------------- ws = ZI2|E|x|22 E. MARTIN, M. D. Simcoe St., Twodoors 215 (8 al Eel C. North of the Central Hotel, 5S 3 Ml < 22 = Ssnawa Whitby. 3 2 11 i er Lr ro! al = « . AREWELL, LL. B,, Connty Crown | Port Perry 110 612)! 4 23 E bang Yor Ontario, Barrister, Attorney, | Uxbridge . ul \ 7 21) 6 3 } *Soficitor, and Notary Public. Ofiice lately oc- | Canningto 2 a 7 i \ [, Cochrane, Esq, Broclk street, Beaverto) ,eupled by 8. f ochrane, sy ly He Whitby. IS eed La 1. ENGLISH, LL.B, Solicitor in Chancery, Attorney, Uonveyancer ae Geo. H. DARTNELL, Junior Judge. Whitby, Jan. 1, 1874. Oshawa. Ofice--S8tmeoe street, opposite the Post Office. YOUNG SMITH, LL. B., Barrister, At- ,_torney-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, and Insolvency, Notary Public, &e. ¥OR THE County of Ontario, FOR THE YEAR 1874. JupGE. WHITBY Office--MeMillan's Block, Brock street, S$ TE AM M ARBL EW 0 R KS. Whithy: eter VAMERON & MACDONNELL, Barristers and Attorneys at Law, Solicitors County Council, Ontario, Offices : Court House, Whitby. tles, Monuments, &c., Dur Also, Agent for the Scottish Granite, Also Building Stone cut to order, MM, C, CAMERON, I. J. MACDONNELL. in Chancery. Office inthe Royal Arcade, Port Perry. A of ed P A. HURD, Attorney at Law, and Solicitor w. Maurice Cochrane, TTORNEY-AT-LAW, Solicitor in Chan cery, Notary Public, &c., &c. (Office hours punctually from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 'Money to Loan at 8 per cent on all {hinds of, good security. Office, Bigelow's Royal Arcade, PORT PERRY. O. N. VARS, L. D. 8. Ee inserted on all the latest princi- ples of the art, arid as cheap as the cheap est, and as good as the Dest. Teeth filled with Gold and Silver. Teeth extracted Twithout pain' by, producing local anamsth- block, Street, HAS, THORN, VS, M ER of Ag oe «bok cxemination on Horse oe, Grad * ated Sept. 16,1867. Eno All grders leftiat the M of Mr To "wll receive prompt attention. on Lilly street, opposite Cossitt's Factory. Port Perry, Oct. 28; 1873. ER a Whitby, July 29, 187+. John McDonald, | ' §@ The Veterinary Stables may be fotind wo Office in * Utica, July 15, 18173. i em New Marriage Act. port Perry, July 'lst, 1874. CHAM, Clerk of the Third Divi- Bigelow's Block, J. & BR. worreNDIN, HOLESALE and Retail dealers in novation and Marble Man~ the comfort 5t, Whitby. | public. | table anc | Ostlers will have charg Whitby, June 20, 1870. Foreign and Amer JOIN NOTT, Agent, Port Perry. 33 MARBLE DEA LER ! NEWCASTLE, ONT. : ONUMENTS. Tomb-Tables, Head- Stones of great variety, with every de- scription of Marble Work, suitable for Cem. eteries, supplied at short notice. Also Peterhead and Aberdeen Granite. Parties will find it to their advan. tegeto withhold their orders until called on, ' dp J. 0. WILLIAMSON, Agent, Satisfagiion guaranteed, and all work war. ited. MONEY | MONEY! | MORE MONEY! ubscriber would intorm all in want of Mopey that he is prepared lo getotate ith the Trust and Loan 3 o, for any amount of mony h 00 AND UPWARDS, ommission ¢! ithout delay. iii y 'JOHN chester, Nov. 12, 1878: TemiNG, &C, 1B fed in the best style. ENRY CHARLES having ' been rei a ears duty) continues to fu sixteen Y' \ Te Licenses as Roreolore--t Part Perry. gt Fn GENERAL ADVER ERRY, PROVINCE OF ON ARIO, THURSDAY, JAN. 28, 1875. TISER -- WHOLE NO. 886 Por TERRY JAS. V. THOMPSON, = PROPRIETOR. : 'The above House is now Transacts business with tho Patent Office }ably furnished, and Gu wil and other departments of he Governmsmi the Home Style. + Go on »=_ | Copyrights and the Registration o ¢ | also, first class Stal FAMILY NEWSP AP ER, | Marks and" Designs procured. Drawings, 'Additions have bee ; Specifications, and other Documents Neces- | the Jargest and sary to secure Patents of Invention, prepared | conntry.. Fave on receipt of the model of the Invention. ime bmp siost comfort. | L now take great pleasure in thanking mi; 1 o cared for in| liberal support they have accorded The in thé past, and hope by closely . rs sid Cigars, attending to their wants to merita continuance of the same. Lhavenow years ago, a man of between thirty ich make: this best House in this section of 3 drawing-room floor in Museum St, $1 ; , : V London, writing. ~ His table was : a thickly strewn with old books, en- gravings some of the former lying open, others with numerous slips of paper sticking out from between the leaves to mark certain places; for Sleighs. he was writing a history of the ON'S DOMINION HOTEL, At the Railway Station, PORT PERRY. e accommoda- | Silver Plat- The table and {the Marketaf | ed Goods. and the best brands | table and shed ac- Tea Sctts, and attentive ostlers. -- B. DENISON, Proprietor. Cruits, ee tion and comfort of guests bar supplied with the of Cigars, . commodation, AL QQ" JAMES DEWART, - PROPRIETOR. ing leased this excel- |: t-up with a view to | @ the accommoda- ngs, will be glad to | Napki: ; to take part in pkin Rings, comfort of guests and The. Table carefully supplied, Choice the Yard and | Table Spoons, situated a | Tea Knives, JAMES DEWART, |Dinner Knives, k Notes furnished Port Perry, Nov. A SOLeAYERICA HOTEL, W. M. WILLCOX, | The comfort of guests carefully attended 3 i to. Choice Liquors and the best brands of | Cigars. ] d Stabling and attentive Ostlers. EZRA BATES i ! Angld-American Hotel, Proprietor. aa Tea and Dinner li Forks, Hers, Butter Knives, Larger sizes got Pickle Forks, - . to order, 1 supplied. Toast Racks, Oe, &e., &e, &c., . : Again wishing you the best compliments of the season. 1 remain, ? Very truly yours,* REVERE HOUSE, MANCHESTER, ; yf The Revere House is decidedly one of the | country Hotels in the Province and I Sunderland, Brock. | venient posit! stages to and --_-- ------------- ['som, ot THOS. H. WALSHE. Residence--One door west of the Presby | T*ICENSED Auctioneer for. the Township has b Mara & Rama in maki aveling public.-- Utica and Ep- since hecoming proprietor. 7 § horonghly repaired ; izher luhor nor expense in . g t House a comfortable jent home for travelers, and for the re- { Li b py - . ¥ i ble and bar supplied with the best 7 1) Ontario, Physician, Surgeon #4 Acs | Orders left at this office, or at his residence alse supplie: T will be punctually attended to. Debts col ted in Cabnington, or otherwise, and Manchester, Aug. 5, |¥ A mri NYSON, Proprietor. PH T 0 G a rh) § JAMES I. HEARD, PropRIETOR. Careful attention nts of travelers and guests. |p pop GRAPH GALLERIES! to the require! 1 with the best Liquors and | a tee | -- 71TH Oy v (rTaenfaoTs | W demand for t R. McRAL, PROPRIETOR. The above hotel has undergone a thorough | and Las been fitted up with a | view to the comfort and convenience of the | b £ traveling public. A | the table gnd the and an atfentive ostler cA J. DAFOE, PROPRIETOR. Good accommodadions. Careful attention | Frames, Stercos quirements of travelers and FOC | The barsupplizd with the best wines, liquors | less variety. _--- (and cigars. t ------------ | visit our Galler ALE HOTEL, idergone a thorough re- fitted up with a view to} * TT convenience of the traveling | O TORONTO. Hon. John MeMurrich. ...U. Magrath, Esq. Bernard Haldan, Esq. JAMES PRINGLE, General Agent. Lr THE ONTARIO FARMERY now fully cogunised and is t risks on Farm ngs | ps n ; country School Houses Prince Albert, April 2, 1874. wishing to insure and rt a Home Insurance Company oing so, either ts of the C oi» auy of To Loan on good Farms, at 8 per cent in- of the Company. Our rates | terest. : Tow as those of any respon- RR d Insurance Company in Canada. LYMAN ENGLISH, e m oO v © the Royal Hotel, Oshawa, TO HIS ATRBANKS, Js., Sceretary. WANTED ! ["asres NEW BUILDING, rtgage Security on Town ok: Farm ee Se . he interest is only 8 per cent. | go Loupe jpro- MONEY ! M0 TAYLOR. ! > asians B 47 LOAN at 8 per cent interest ry PA HURD, J] Tiree pe . Port Petry, March 12,1874. 13] MRS. L. M. COOK, Valuable ; Real state for Sale, Ch high go mc & acres in the Village at tov ALL PERSONS ng BR. Lund's property. 4 of an acre of 1and{ | and settle before of Prince Albert. Those whose accounts have been running atinobod, Sr She village from two to five 'years will find them in i For particulars, a Bl ie Si i e The farming community are respectfully | but wandered about from place to |last time we met; and #8 you Went Law Office, before the above mentioned time. + Wort Perry. A MERRY XMAS T0 ALL! patrons and friends for the very much pleasure in showing my new Stock of' Consisting in part, as follows : Butter Coolers, Mugs, Tea Spoons, 1,2,3 and Subscribers have large sums of mon- s fr investment on nterest. As wi times Borrowers money with the Bs have funds on hand at a candep nd on gesting their east possible deluy. RAPHS Yams T0 PURDHASE, umber of Mortguges for which the high- ures will be allowed. ers for the Canada Per- cioty, the cheapest and Institution in Canada. Paid « 000 Instalments re-payable in from 2 to 20 years, Lands Bought and Sold. Nhl TAR | | | FOR ALL, AND PERFECT PICTURES SECURED AT MCKENZIE & SCOTT'S 300 Opposit Foy"ss Hotel, Port Perry. good farms for sale. its £0 upplying the great | sur 8. ir ed | Collections made and a general agency busi- | Photographs, the Subscribers b Pte | less of expense--so fitted up th | and ingroduced such Instruments ds will a all times secure PERFECT PICTURES. Their thorough knowledge of eve partment of the Art, acquired in some of the dst' Galleries on this continent, together veral titst class Fire Int INTURES BOUGHT."&S ui | JOHN.& DAVID J. ADAMS, General Agents, Office in Mr, Ross' Ontario Buildings, Port Perry. Suic enti aid te % : art Pearcy. Oot. 17. 187 Suet somicn 1% | with their excellentGalleries and superior in- | € rt Perry, Oct. li, 1572, | struments, give them faci | few for producing those beautiful Photo- _ |'graphs admired by all who sce them. | | 1 | J | | By skilfully retouching the negatives the i | { i most handsome photographs are produced in VE | 3 i . i ties enjoyed by every instance, Their Galleri | assortment of F are stocked with a choice Class Albums, Picture ic Instruments, the Fix 1s. | Chromos, and specimen Photographs in cud. ( Unusually Low Rates of Interest! come fs extended to-all to| Loans canbe repaid in any manner to suit and inspect our Stock the borrower, | McE ZIE & SCOTT. Also sever: | Port Perry, Dec. 10, 1873: 51 | Land The undersigned has a | A cordial wel for sale, cheap. Investments made in Municipal Deben-- Apply to "A. MASON, -- PROPRIETOR. | PORT PERRY LIVERY STABLES, tures, Lank and other marketable Stocks. | ' iF JAMES HOLDEN, to the | Official Assignee, Broker, &e. : Ho) : = CTE 1 NT 3 . vhile oblizing and attentive { M K I L Z I I Orricp--~Over the Dominion Bank, MeMil- e of the stables. [~ ' 49 | lan's Block, Brock st., Whitby. | PROPRIETOR, Whitby, April 10, 1873. -- eT | HE Subscriber having pow lly equipped Ty NY NTN WESTERN ASSUBANCE COMP'Y | TiReb smash LUGGAGE 0 bi prepared to furnish first class . TAKEN TO AND FROM THE STATION L i VY E R Y R 1 C S AND AROUND TOWN. 1851. On Moderate io ENE The Subscriber is prepared to convey | port Perry, Aug. 6, 1575. NY Chiods, Tout fumes id ry oe de- = | == et min -- emmy KCTiption of L ge to or from the Railway 400.000.! FIRST CLASS | os ywhere around town. All rders prowptly attended to. Charges ITALLOBRING == > od uv Xe J. COOK. Er class Tailoring in oll its departs | TOF Posty dan. 1st, 1594, ments, | i 1 AT HUGOE'S, PRINCE" ALBERT, ZZ Work mals, up % the Sitios notice in /A Chi A f the latest styles and at te rates. A g Aa Mutual Insurance Company. a dal am-- ry Remember the place, opposite Cook's Hotel. x RE R. HUGOE. 1 MONEY [Private Funds,] BARRISTER, &C., November, 31, 1866. 14 NEY | over dye and'yet to become due, ac: = {1 counts, Judgments and Mortgages, Opposite J. W. Davis' Cabinet 'Apply personally to Factory, W. M. COCHRANE, 4. 0 Port Perry. QUEEN STREET, | PORT PERRY, Port Perry, Oct. 15, 1874. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT ADIES' HAIR DRESSER; «© | Rooms, over Mr. Nott's Furniture W: HOW ROOMS in the 5th conces: ich ci | ea '[NDEBTED to me are requested to call the end of November -- for inspection. ; other hands for collection unless arranged | invited to call and inspect our machines. E. WALKER. H. 8, JOHNSON. R. JONES, M.D, 44 Port Perry, Dec. 30, 1874, - 48 Port Perry, Oct. 28, 1874. Wiwifet] ' Ea OO A Pe 2 Eh for two octavo volumes without Toys; reaching George the Third's reign, and proposed to get as close to the Stana Lamp. {flood as ho could, it threatened to be a volumnious, exhaustive and costly | Side Brackets, work. Fortunately, however, he never dreamed of its paying. 1le Hall Pendants, | W3S & bachelor with a fair income, riding his hobby-horse as it was cheaper than a thorough-bred, or 4 light Chanda. | even a hack. Cheaper, but not con- ductive to health, perhaps, for he if ; looked pale and nervous. Indeed | After that [lived in a perfect state Walgs, with a change of linen and a ~~ his general appearance was delicate | of terror, lest by some careless word | few netgssavies in a knapsack. Sol his figure and sparce hiskers-the eolorof tow, a calamity, and for some time [ sue | manteat at the hotel there, and took plied the girl. ¢ Ask her--tell her----- he began, watched me as a cat does a mMouse,s0 but the entrance of the visitor & that life was a perfect nightmare. 1 question, closely veiled, cut his di- {asked him one day, when he was in rections short. offer a chair, 80 digelosing a limp. of speaking, which excited his un-|,.| times, half fingers on her lips, as she went back| Us? Iexclaimed. to the door, which she opencd.-- « Yes," he said; you first and fy-{ up a hill on a warnt day: Satisfied that the girl had gonedown | self afterwards.' . stairs, she returned, and exclaimed : | « ated England; becaust he! . > } He hated England; becayst he t easy walking on tle level rond; then anything of my husband ?' chair and collapsed. rapid, yet self-possessed manner,and | family lawyer, and he took me be- o \ i 0 . J found glasses and a decanter in the | foro a magistrate, and I swore the! cupboard. peace against my husband, under : ; amount of Money | TY WHICH | Sti to lend upon Farm and Town Property, at {of a thievish landlady; and, fumb- | principally due to his own violence ling for his keys he managed, though | in the witness-box, where he. gave with shaking hand, to unlock a com- | vent to the most atrocious sentim--- partment of his writing table, in ents. But though we were seper | ral Improved Farms, and Wild | which a bottle of the wine reserved | gated, he did not give up watching) . ; 3 : 8 51 side of the mountain, the sight of' a for his own drinking was always kept. W onderful is the instinct of | ghd places ho would turn up, gener- self-prefervation ; 4 man going to be Lally disguised ; and if any man hap- hung at 9 has been known to refuse | joned tobe in company with me} port at 8 because he was subject toon several occasions runting, and| the gout. of glasses of wine, Mr. Peters re- | ceive a laconic note warning me to vived a little. Then the lady con- |shun that new acquaintance; and tinued-- since 1"durst not disobey nor dis- would nt be be so agitated. Qh, | T acquired areputation tor fickleness pray, relieve me from this horrible |and prudery . Little did my cen- suspense. 1 cannot draw money or sors know the nervous distress oc- anything until there is some proof. | cassioned by the idea that an eye is I was interrupted in this pleasant Tell me, is he dead ?' ; |T. COURTICE'S PREMIUM SADDLERY WAREHOUSE 3 A Green-eyed Monster Loose. [tributed this to alove of travel and jand in a deplorable state of nervoitd a (From Once-a~Week.) ! change of scene, and did not discov - prostration, I cannot help suspecting oth td IH er that his restlessness was in reality | that you went abroad, that he ie td One February morning, about ten caused by the'givility of some casual | lowed you, and forced you into a i male acquaintance towards myself. duel; that he wounded you and you : and forty sat in hislodgings on the |till after his first duel--" willed hit.' . 2 : 'Duel I' - ¢ Ihave not been abroad at alf;f 4 ¢ Duel. THe was born and bred in|gasped Mr Peters, pouring himself : Gorm and his ose shot ny out _ another things were not at a Joglish. "But: come; "5 : believe he topsidered killing one not a come,' be vis] presently, only pleasant bat something. to Ye nerved up by the stithulunt and des- proud of. peration ; ¢ you havi told me your story and I will tell you mine. I glass of sherry.-- Mr Peters groaned. drama backwards, taking the nine- Skates, _ [teenth century first and then going « Was it not shocking continued | havo met your husband; though I a9 backsto tho eighteenth ; and as he |the lady. Well, though his halr|"0t know tor certati hin whites box Cake Baskets, Bells, had accumulated enongh manuscript | Wasgrey, be was very strong and |¢om of him, It will bow vptief to active, and a dangerous antagonist, speak, for this life of secrét nppre= too, believe, with either small sword, hension ard perpetual anxiety is Liles sabre or pistol. : ling me. «Tt was at Dieppe, and about six "In August last a few days ifted months after our marriage, that 1|the fete you atltide to, I went for my was first made an excuse for blood. | annual holiday. I have a self ims shed. A polite young Frenchman, posed task here a little book, which' who had sat next me a few times at takes up a good deal of my time, and the table d'hote, and danced with me | causes me to lead a somewhat sed- at the assembly rooms, was so civil |entary life and 1 find a tnonth of ai¥ as to offer me a bouquet, and my and exercise necessary to my health: monster wounded him in tho arm for. | My idea was a walk through North all and slight, his hair |or even look, I should bring about|went first to Chester, left my port- his eyes weak and prominent and at ceeded in avoiding any excuse for The train on to Conway {from which -------------- at any sudden noise he started. -- | calamity, and for some timg I suc-| place 1 made a cureit which brought Even so small a matter as the maid- ceeded in avoiding any excuse for| me on the third day to Chapel Craig; servant opening the door startled quarrel; but a year afterwards, at [where I remisined a couple days; and him, and it did not seem to vom- Heidelberg, a German Professor then started in the early morning, pose his nerves when she announced | Wrote a Sanscrit ode upon me; my with the inténtion of crossing Snow- a lady. husband cut his nose of with a weap | dowh, and sleeping that night at ¢ A lady ? What lady ?' he asked. |on they calla schlager. He never|Llauberries, on thd other side. ¢ She wouldn't give her name.' re- illused Me, orievel up-braided me--1{ «| pad not yet picked up any ca indeed, I gave him no cause; but he quaintance during my walk, as ond generally does in a pedextrain ex: cursion over such favorite ground ; though I knew that another excus sionist was following the same track for 1 bad caught sight of him sev= a mile or to behind me ; but his taste was evidently for soft humor, if there was anything He rose and hurried forward to in my manners, or dress, or way of Directly they were alone she worthy mistrust. raised her veil ; the man literally Roa he, witha grim calm-| (i 1itude, for he declined the chance bs o! v y a op: Cit v staggered back, and caught hold of | vess which made me shudder; 'it I gave him and halted too. 1 rather the table for support. | there had been, I should have shot regretted this British -éxclusiveness now for a companion. lightens the Journey when you haye a long climb s £ } » ¢ Push ! said the lady placing her | 18 The first six or séven miles was ¢ Oh, Mr. Peters! Do you know | coud mot fight duels there, but he dies, id | came the narrow neck of a lake, was obligad to pay periodical visits ! whieh I ercssed inn bout ing ! The poor man sank down in al40 this country on business; and vs seal fas boss Snaniounly i 3 i pa fastened to both banks by the 'sama is conversa ace ring i i 7 conversation took place duringi yo hy hauling on which you fer- Has visitor searched about in a 4 is Ah one of them, I went straight to my ried yourself over; after that 1t was all pretty steep hills: Trying to cat loff a corner, I lost the track ; but as it was a perte y, without a wreath of cloud or fog visible, that o sty clear « WO « Not that, not that.' he marmured whose roof I never gain stepped, as she offered him the peculiar sher- and in due time J got & foul seperu= | did not much matter. [had only to hich was left out for the benefit | (jon from him, my success being, 3 | 2 21 keep on going up; unless the ascent led me away from the principal sum. us which was visible nearly all the | way. ¢ At midday I came to a gap in the Ime. At tho most unexpeted times |, oe) tert Ta deserted mine, as was shown by a shaft which hud been sunk di- reetly inmy path ; 20d I shuddered I peered inte ths unprotected and tospeak to me rather more often | oo pt tity 3 lod than to others, I was sure to ro-- ee the rane Lhere was nothing to have prevented my walking right into it. ¢I had taken a light lunch with me and this seemed a good place to vest and eat it: So'I sat under the shadow of a rock, and refreshed my: self. : When he had swallowed a couple «Yon know something, or you |close the tyranvi sal order, I fear that always upon me. I feel as if it wera | employment by a footstep, and look- ing up, [ saw a man standing 'before me with his arms tolded on his chest Mr Peters shuddered. on me now.' ¢ I--I don't know. How should I «Good gracious !' know? Twas not aware, when I| 'Compose yourself, it was buti fan- and regarding me 1n a threatening saw you last, that you bad & hus-|C¥, I neither seen nor heard of him manner. 1 need not describe him to band. What makes you think--", since August last. That would be a | YoU, madam ; it was your husband. «I will tell you, interrupted the relief but his man of busingsgs has| Your name is Peters 2 ho obs lady. "T am now 25. Seven years not heard of him either. It fs not |served. ago I was married to 8 monster, He only that he has not transmitted me| Yes,' said I; 'but pardon me,yod was old and frightful ; but my par my woneg, he hy Sa none for| have the advantage of me.' onts were very Strict, and thought his own use. very other means| yoo none, ho replied oy all pleasure wicked, so that I was os been Spay jo irae him{ re my death ail vid oud Ro . without suc: at last ft . ; : glad of any excuse to leave home, ithout succes, ast thought of you here to give youn 5 fair and oquak: and when they offered him to me T|YOU We met, you may remember, iw} > dais took him without hesitation. He for the first at the Richmond Easter shanceof compnssing it. J uiso del was rich, he made good settlements ; ball and afterwards whether by acei- : : but, ob, his jealousy was fearful. Ho |dent or design et? ¢ My dear sir,' said I you are las did not shut me up--indeed, he rath- ¢ Accident, pure accident, madam, boring under a veay great mistake, 1 fo Or I assure you.' have no illfeeling toward you. Why, sire yours. er courted than shunned society, for he bad a horror of his dominant pas «Qui s'excuse a'ccuse,' said" the should 1 Rish the death of a perfect sion being suspected ; yet anybody, lady smiling. stranger ? ; By could see it who had eyes, for he "I know it I know it though I can- : Because yoti eould marry 'Ws could not conceal it a bit. It wus|not pronounce it. But still madam | Widow" ig HE Subscribers 'have apened Show Rooms on Perry 8t, North of Mr.{ ; f Currie's Store, where Sample' Machines of [to that ; some of his extravagences | ly enough to te my husband, till that moment that you. the Manufacture of the Joseph Hall Manu-\ . - . . 4 gibt a ts a pH a were quite inconsistent with sanity. |and asT saw him disguised as a not only of me he was jealous. He|though I own that appearences And then, madam, he mentioned had quarrelled with all his brothers{ might have been against me, there you dud said tat be Had a. 3 and sisters, because he thought bis| was no desigin whatever.' ing me for a mouth past. ou hes parents loved them best; he had a And the poor man wiped his fore put a most ex:radrdinary inte Iu favorite dog poisoned because it|head. "727 | tion upon our intbgent ACQUAINLADERs «1 grew too fond of a servant. There| ¢You are nota flatterer, at any ship: : e : would be no end to enumerating in-| rate.' continued the lady. * Well t When I protested that stances of his mania, for it amounted | the accident recurred quite frequent- error; did that I had not. e r married woman, er nid A Weonever had a house of our own, |waiter at Lady Chiswick's fete the place living principally on the conti- | away directly after; ty hiisband 2-tf' ced in the ways of the world, I at- heard of since ; and as You are lame! nent ; and, being utterly inexperien. | disappearing and not tinting beer. Se.