Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 21 Jan 1875, p. 4

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® How fur the Holidays ! Terps 80000A --CRATEFSL ASD COMPCRTING © By a thorough knowledge of the nataw % ntheopere iO ba nmin ry ---------- A putrition, and by a canal applicatio =n rai . 254 fine propertios of well selected coco: Serer emis he Jibs "Mr Epps bas provided "our Treakfast table | opp Fe 0 to supply hath of all with a delivat-ly flavor.d boverage whicl in everything pertaining to may save us many heavy doctors' bills. IT is Ly the judicions use of wach articles of dist that a coostitution muy be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to seal Hundreds of sultle ef around ui fendy fo Wt HOIDAYS!! tack wherdrer there isa weak point. | line. - Fine Fancy Bread and Choice Con-, may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping foctionery, and Lie has not forgotten his' young friends in providing for them an end-| less variety of the most attractive 70S for Boys and Girls, Toys! Toys! Toys ! tie me we oof SE 0 ourselves well fortifi-d with pure blood and a properly nourished frame."--Civil Service Gazzite. Erp<'s Cocoa --GRaTeFut, Axp CoOMFORRT- 150. --The agrecable character of this prepar- ation has rendercd it 8 general favorite. Made simply with vofling waterand milk.-- Each packet is .abelled Jauzs Eers & Co, Homeopathic Chemists, 48, Thr.adnecdle- street, and 170, Pic adilly, Works for Dictetic Poeparationg, Euston.rced and Camde 9 fe dé Town, London. ki Fary o Dob. 16, 187 04 ir: Io 5. mpm -- : NTEMBERANCE, OF EVERY IND IS follo ¥ @ in of the vital forces Saat woe ATLORIN Gr --by n.ripugipe Fug serait Lpdy and mind, 4 hody abled & ertion--the mind feeble, capricious, with no power of concen eration, and often subj ct to dixpendency ond an indisposition to-battle with the world -- To recover permancitly abstiin frem the excessive use of Whiskey nnd Tobacco, re form irregular habits, and 'ate Dr Wheel- er's Compound Elixir « f Phosphates and Culysayn, to restore tone to the stomach, vitality th the Merve and nyuscles, ana ener. In all its Departments. fa Sr E NE Subseriber. Eugen the Tailor ing Businessin all i Ee ts at his rooms over Corrigan & Campbell's Store, Port Perry. Newest Styles, First Class Workmanshir, and a perfect fit guaranteed. Charges moderate. gy to the ognus ct the Lody. - Sold at $1 00 Ih Adel See w ' PAIN -KILLER ! os 3 After thirty-five yoars trinl it is still re. ceiving the most ungualifi d testimoninls tc To jx virtues from persons of the highest clar- ; acter and-pesponsibibity. -- hysicians of the Agent tor the Singer Sewing Machine "The Singer Machine is decidedly the best machine now in use and also the cheapest when the quality of the, machine - is taken into consideration. Parties will do well to cme and examine the machines. JOHN PEARCE. Port Perry, Dee. 1, 1874. 49 ee ~ Ni . N FARM FOR SALE, The Subscribers offers to Sell by Private Sale that excellent Farm being composed of the 8. E, § of lot 18, in the 7th con. of Reach, adjoining the corporation of Port Perry, conta ning 60 acres, more or less. Terms casy. For particulars apply. to the. subscriber on the premises. first respectability recomm nlitas a most ffectnal preparation for the extinction of in. It iz not only the best ron dy eva known for Braises, Cuts, Burns, &c, Int fn Dysentry and Chola, or any sort «f Bowel Complaint it isa remedy unsurpassed for efirnensy, ani rapidity of action. In the great Sities of India, and th other hot climates, it has. become the standard me ne ior all xnch. comylainty desi Afar Bvapepsia; I iver complaints and all kindred dirorders For Co whe and Cuids, Ennker, Asthma, and Rhenmatic diffionltic s, it has been proved Ly the host Abtindant 'and convincing testi- mony to be wi invalipble medicine. 1t is ue d internally and « xternally. . Sold everywhere, Price 2b conta, Perry Davie & Son, sole proprictora, WINTER TRADE K Wi Fal and mo Favar | E. 0. RICHARDSON. Reach, Dee. 9, 1874. " CALL AXD SEE CUR PHY GODS! ANY QUANTITY CF | . Oysters! FOR WRIGH 'S BOOT &: SHOE EMPORIUM ! PORT PERRY. WANTED. 500 Cords of Hem- lock Bark, 3000 Sheepskins, AT J ? nd nanti f BONGARD & ROBINONS.| wud YL ay de Xmas & New Year's. LT} CF CHOICE MEATS Xmas & New Years lad 1.0TS CF Sweets, Fir Xmas and New Year's, - J Everything in the Bakery and Confectionary nnn Vill be paid Ly the Subscriber. J. WRIGHT. Port Perry, Dec. 17, 1871" 5 {HIGHEST PRICE Ik us CARRINGE WORRY GENERAL BLACK SMITHING ESTABLISHMENT. Port Perry, Oct. 1, 1874. 1.0TS OF | TE ae fuels pleasure in stat TE Subscriber has for aale: at- his yard ing that 'be hus secur d the valuable Port Perry any quantity of First clase wren mervices uf Brick whichhe 1s selling cheap. MR. ANDREW CAMPBELL Nhs Brick can be got. Come and One of, the bestivoudaworkons in dhe Pa om vine, aud is now 1 ter itt "than ever to bus oil abl rdevsifur : Cuttors, , §l-igh3, Bot-Sleighs, or any deacription of Gardeg: with dispatci. AN papiine '0 Wood or Tron ex cuted with NEIL McARTHUR., 4 Port Perry, Dec. th 1874. (10 i 9 pe -- -------- Stallion for Sale. Te Thorough-bred Canadian Fo known in North Ontaric-as + Emaul "works! Parties who have known him should have {him on his old route again. rest, JAMES M. HOLMES. Cart: T Or, CHAS THORN, Port-Perry. 5 J3i-1m cagLIEl ¥ HERE FR WATER I ile ater, | wrt Sch ' * The land is announce to the inhabitants of Thee are © rry and ucightoriood that she orchard of superfo fruit and a complete sup- ol iy ce in ) tle busines of - of water, There is every copvenien fg os ma Jlieentl "ry +f buildings, a substantial Dwell- | onse 25x35 with 14 feet posts and well Tel dRY cee AN Dee -- AND -- ee Al -- l BILL LUMBER ALL DESCRIPTIONS CONSTANTLY ON HAND CUT T0 ORDER, Th ot a PORT PERRY: 1541s 0} 7200 38 Dito i I ; Aad nena i brs ey YF TH ams - ® | UXBRIDGE | grgan CONCEDED ~ SUPERIORITY ! 10 i, of Che oa toe th Best Instruments, bt Sell them the Cheapest! QUALITY - AND VALUE CONSIDERED. Tue : Furniture DeparTyENT Is now is full running order. 'There Warerooms are furnished with a large variety of the latest and most popular wares of the day, and upon examination, will be found to be very LOW IN PRICE. Comparisons invited. Their Wholesale Prices will be found to compare favorably with any other 'house in the trade, they most respectfully solicit an examination of their Stock in all their De- nts. partmen IN THE (NDRRTAKING DEPARTMENT ! Everything is also complete. A good selection of Walnut, Elm, Butternut, Oak, Rose TRENBETH'S wanes mrnal ! and the public By tha! and English Tweeds, Broad Cloths, Trowser- ings and Vestings, ya Sig EY 8 © FOR 181, and VERY CHEAP. |® Full lines and splendid value in Canadian | Every variety of Overcoatings. A Complete Stock of Ready-made Clothing in the latest styles, my own manufacture. The Fumishing Department comprises everything in the line. Shirts in every va- riety. 'Underclothing of Choice quality and all Styles, cheap. & Full Assortment of Stylish Hats and Caps. . Look out for my Stock of Gents' fine Furs to arrive shortly. : W. TRENBETH. Port Perry, Angt 26, 1874. wood, Velvet and Cloth-covered COFFINS always on hand. We have also two FIRST- CLASS HEARSES with the necessary appendages, Uxbridge Cabinet and Organ Manufacturing Co'y, A. T. BUTTON, i) rts THE SUBSCRIBE | Uxbridge, July 23, 1874. ) Has now on hand & splendid assortment of TVS, E508 TNR \Eavetrought, Cistern : Pumps, I EAD PIPES, &C. 'Which will compare favorably with any in the County both as to price and quality. | ) Job Work attended to with our usual dispatch. fies . r A. B. McOAW. Port Perry, May 13, 1874. em Another Triumph Te Jomvston [eaves | : Agricultural Society's Reaping mateh, held at Chatham, ©HATHAMN, Oxr., Joy 16TH, 1874. & & Combined and Single Reaping Machines, which took place near this town, on whan of under the auspices of the Kent Uounty Agriculiural Society, the fol- lowing named Machines competed for prizes, with the results attached thereto, respectively, via: COMBINED MACHINES. Dominion Harvester, manufactured by Messrs. Forsythe & Co., of Dundas, took the Eh a Silver Medal. Cut 5 feet 1 inch. Dsaught, 350 Ibs when raking, 380 1bs when not. The Kirby Machine, manufac ured by Messrs. A. Harris, Son & Co., of Brantford, took the nd Prize. a Diploma. Cut 4 feet 6 inches. Draught, 320 1bs when raking: 2175, when net. Dodge & Stephenson Machine, manu'actured b; Messrs. Eastwood & Co., of Ingersoll, i took the Third Prize, 8 Diploma. Cut, 5 feet. Deaught, 375 Ibs when raking, 3251bs when not. Single Machines. The Johnston Machine, manufactured b the Brown & Patterson Manufacturing Co., of Whitby, took the First Prize, a Silver Medal. Out, 4 feet 10 inches. Draught, when raking, 32 dom n not, 300 1b s. en Afechine, manufactured by A. Harris, Son & Co., of Brantford, took the Second 1p a Diploma. Cut 4 feet 11 in, 'Draught, when raking, 3121bs, when not 275lbs. - Pe Lark Machine, manufactured by Jobn Elliott, of London, took the Third Prize, a Diploma. Cut, 4ft.2 in. Draught, when ng, 3101bs, when not, 2801bs. i llowing named Combined Machines competed bat werd not awarded prizes, viz: Joe (Rlipper, manufactured by Mr. John Watson, of Ayr. 4 fut ret 4 inches. Draught, 251bs, when not 2751bs. ei when raking, Ly 'manufactured by Messrs John Stewart Co, of London. Cut, 5 feet 1 |i nch" ght; when 1aking 5oke, when not, 3001bs. he Buckeye, manufactured by sr. John Elliott, of London. Cut 4 fest Sinches, Draught, when raking, 3251bs, when not, 290 1bs. ow ufactured by A. Herzia, Bon & Co., of Brantford. ; Cut, 4 ft. 10 in= nght, Wide Ja 5 Bib bere len Tot 94 4 heats A 7 Aor] x ! JOHN TISSMAN, Sec'y Kent Agricultural Society. ane 1%} Thisis another Trinmph forthe Johnston Reaper, as manufactured by the Brown & Patterson Manufacturing Company, Whitby. hen it'is a well k fact, that "in all the trials i hich the Come a el gm Jo af toe a A Jnly 230d, 1874. a i Fuser : "PUMPS! PUMPS! of adaat] Ch) 1 e-- -- : You can get the best and cheapest Pamp in the Province At J. TIRVIN'S PU PORT PERRY. SEE JHE PRICES: ~ Ponr--A complets Pump and Fire Bogine with Hose 1 4 Foor -p Sent Snag Ti Pampas 0 I 8 ri Li 3 een at 35 oor. SER abe Pe hom 8 0 05 age in grok bran ef ME ie ray oth depen of Pomp ab yi... BQUALLY LOW RATES! > 5h (F ARM ERS. following is the Secretary's Official Report of the Kent County HAT is the use of paying Thirty Dollars The : July 15th, 1874. Wier WM P | FACT ORY s Starch ar, 1874, E 2 lei The Subscriber hasmuch pleasnre in an-- nouncing to his friends 'and customers, and | the public in general, that he has completely a FURNITURE Centre, Dining and Kitchen 'Fables; Wood, Cane, and Hair- Cloth Chairs ; Couches in Repsand Damask ; | boards, Bedsteads, What- Seagrass, JEWELRY EMPORIBM! With a<vell selected Steck of . Fine Gold Jewelry, 8 Gold Chains, Watcl es, Buch ds Extension, : : nots, Stands, Mirrors, Straw, Gt Rind; ote, Mixed, and Spiing Mattrasses, &c., which Clocks for the Million \ ne sold as low as atany House in the Fine Toys for the Young ! &c., &c., &c. And the above Goods and -by Selling a REALLY Goo article at as low a price, as he possible can afford, he is sure, that, after you have bought, you will go 'home with great satis-- faction. He intends to sell at a Low Figure, so as to clear out the whole of his Stock by the 15th January, 1874. GRATIS 1! l--Come and get the Eglin Illustrated Almanac for 1874. All Goods and Work WamaxTe | pen. Please give a call. JOHN DIESFELD, Opposite G. U. White's Carriage Factory. Port kerry, Dec. 17, 1873. 52 T good selection of THE PLACE TO are: Shadignery, © 18 AT THE 0 TVOILOVAd 'opum puwy uo A[3u¥3sUC sai3ug Jo juomp088Y 00D '7TyE RMOL WHI EVAN Tumonuug "opedsep FUE, SSOULERU TILA. 19DI0 03 opum JOM -AGLIHM 'l33uls noous og sn ANVIL TOVIYE ---- "| Patent Medicines, 0 » MY FALL STOCK ! assorted selection of ofas; Bureaus, Side 'NVAONOG Ei, SING, All goods delivered free of charge. UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT | Everything is complete. 1 keep on hand a, IMPORTANT TO Root Cutter when youcan get the Empire Root Cutter FOR SIX DOLLARS. It will cut at least as fast as any. other, 3, ¥. THOMPSON, . - JL Bort Perry. R. RIOHA' Ei N vor him with & call, ¢ TL sot egasrotauy 10, Deities & 5 All orders for sny of the aborg, whether by mail oro i io, @ genOll HOT Be 5 I, Poy ; ; Sept 18,1840. = J i " - & x { 5 3 ne of 9 5 WHER Gell © nw Una nut, R Coffins. Shrouds in all styles and sizes. Napkins, Gloves and Hat-bands, furnished free when required. . exchange for work. only authorized Agen Whitby Marble Works. Port Perry, May 13, 1874, CHEAPER THAN EVER W. H. PARK | oy emmpoinied Tenge pl. Wiarriage Ratcenses| 168 con, Brock. Olen, UN 20, 8 « Brock, Avg, 81874. © a8 icul ti id to Pi - My invites the ins on of a ar attention paid to Picture Fram. Walnut, Oak, Elm, Butter- d, Velvet and Cloth~covered A FIRST CLASS HEARSE. JOHN NOTT. N.B. All kinds of good Lumber taken in 'The subscriber is the for the J.N. 18 SELLING FURNITURE Of every description Cheaper than ever for Cash or Short Credit. Undertaking A stout boy wanted to learn the ing these medicines bear; Shans ET : wl nt will be dealt with ing to law. + Agent for Tounstonss and Mayoymxts. Baswwood, 1 in., avy width. - 4 1}in, 5,8, 10 or 16 in, wide. « 1§in, 12,44, 17, 18; 20, 0r 21, y anh, The, foot Tong, | Sale net p . in. wide. ~~ om Pine, 116, 1, 8 In, 12, 14 or 16 sch, nd Birch: "wr: | 50 V t in this locality $n 13 in, 14 In, 1§ in, 14 in, in, 3} in, 5in., Plank. ¥ 3x2, Square Scantling. W.H d Osiews, Feb, 51878. GIBBS. President. y 'RICHARD 'WARRINER. Has now arrived and is com) in every Greenbank Store. : i Lk Fe Nova 0 \ ie department ; Gn GEO. FLINT. y Embodies the Latest aiid best results of Inventive Genfus and Hrxperfenco-tience their OHOICE QUALITY, : Greenbank, July 20, 1873. : A NEWEST STYLES, Eh STEAM en ee Subscribers always k5 (and are constantly manuf. a large Stock of just ch FURNIT(JE ! _ arcs as cannot fail to suit. UNDERTAKING : Inall its departments promptly : + attended to and charges moderate. © : COFFINS of all sizes kept con- + stantly on hand. . wearer » : SHROUDS of all sizes and : newest styles. : - . * CASKET OR BURIAL CASE : : procured on short notice. The American Style of : : Hearse. Also an ordinary style ; : of Hearse. : : . W. DAVIS & SONS. J 1874 Port Perry, Nov. 26, 1873 9- 1 ------------------------------ HE Subscriber takes pleasure in inform- ng his customers and the public gen- erally, that he has on hand a good and well 875,000 00 IN VALUABLE GIFTS! to be distributed io IT. DD. SINE'S 171ST REGULAR: MNNTHLY To be drawn. Monday{ February 22nd, 1875, TWO GRAND CAPITALS OF $5,000 Bach in CASH! One Prize $1,000) [arness, worth $o00. Three Gold Watcher and Chains each. (in all) worth from $f Lo $30 Gold Chains, Silver-ware, Fewelry, &c, 75,000. yd 91 | Whom liberal Premiums will Single Tickets, $1; Six Tiel Tickets, $10; Twenty-five $2 description of the Main Office, 101 W. Fifth St. pr---- SE manufactured nor sold in any ed States, although they may the B.N, American Province Each Pot and on. Tt has become necessary to make this Company (who pay nobod; that their name bas 2 sumed the title of ** Holloway ments to supply exclusively the firm of and is the Simplest and most complete ol) Henry & Co.,of New York, with their so-called any pow 18 Une Pd To any thickioss iy | Done op he SHORTEST NOTICE and|"Hol ya Bills ud, Olarment hed quired; It will cut from 1 to 2 bushels per | CHEAP. tis prisumed that from the large connexion minute. A trials wl tAL L000 In the Remember the BIG: CHAIR | Nests Beory 240 00, bt, he Sih Ce ok Cutter in the market: font a2 owrosite the Post Office, Port Perry. | likely to be imposed upon he. Public i koe ried offthe ¥] Rf Ph ie A videial The highest price paid for all kinds of | vendors and others unless they exerci 'machines, and wherever shown fas n| good Lumber. caution to prevent their being migled, achine has a Métailic Plate cines ame of ** Holloway nae oe rh Tr Mr. W. H. Thompson, Harbe! He ot Np Messrs. W. & D. Yuile, Montreal. of not an! Pl he - which itianiots i pon 1 Sikiment, for hemists and other vendors genuine Pills and Ointment names inserted 1 [los apply of Ho may 3 par First block west of the Post Office Capmer Factory! PORT PERRY. | oa! hand ring more) As thé community requires ; ¥ for x classes of purchasers. A T. kMA rERIAL, the Bes WoRKMANS and stoo 49-1y The only reliable Gift Distribution in the country. GIFP ENTERPRISE! Two Prizes $0 ¢ N Five Prizes $100 38 CA SH One Horse and B ith S11 oun . ne x Ww; ver Mounted One Fine-toned Rose-wood Piano 'worth $5350." worth $300 each, 2 3 Gold 'American Hunting Watches worth $125 eac 10 Ladir s Gold Hunting Watches worth $100 1000 Gold and Silver Lever Hunting Watch: # 0 300 each ! Number of Gifts, 7,500. Tickets limited to' Agents wanted to sell Tickets, to pa kets $5 Twelve Circulars containing a full list of prizes, a manner of dmving and other information in reference to t stri- bution, will be sent to any one ordering them All letters must be addressed to A PUBLIC CAUTION: Holloway's Piils and Ointment are neither oi the uit s. Box bears the British Gov- ernment Stamp, with the words "Holloway's Pills ana Ointment, London," engraved theres' to nouncement because the New York Chemical findin, been so Laon have as- & Coyi" but, even now, no one will buy their medicines direct from them, 80 they have made arranges Messrs. SEI Morden, N. re ©. Hunt, Jun., Fredericton, NB. sent in advance. leway's in the here-- : THOMAS HOLLOWAY. #33, Oxford ret oe % ie Fada (0 if } Fs 8 mira witl'b Meny respectable firms Tam In a jon, this season, to fill all W.H. PARK. |yinces, who ol grders ont recep tient. Every Machine's Port Perry, Sept. 14, 1874. yin ne y re at] hg be gaa Suge 0 Bee. or -- ee ---------- lghould, n it of themselves and the eusible Barty ria, to ay place in the bic, Jum Se ee in the nes hat or i pire gents havo not ready Sheen | I \ B bad genuine from them. 7 = "Address, : * The fol is a list uded x. DATOB, sy RA al hed ©. _ Manufacturer, -- nes. 10: apply 54 : ZEPHYR, Ox%. 5 of the Houses named :-- General Agena Dato ie, an. THE OSHAWA CABINET CO'Y|¥ootm: Santis. LI i a | will pay the highest, price, in Cash, for the TB, Barker & So Zephyr, Dec. 9, 1874. 50-8m | following siges.of © =. ; oT, Des Brisay, Oharl . oY Vato lal : Messrs. Lang & Co., Victoria, B. 0. "LUMBER [mie AC ; 4 Messrs, Munro & Co., Montreal. FOR S A JE, i wt thelr ya 10 | i Nessrs. Winer & Go. Hamilton, Ont. ACRES of Land, being t lot Square Edge Preferre A i 6 _ No. 29, in the 5th onsen of the Oak or Ash, 1 in, 1, 2 in., any width. Ar Joho pond Sein ORL AAT 0 toWNSHiP oF soorr. | uersss Lio anrdh. anh Seton. © BO 2 Jip abet Rock a 3} in, Wk, auf wide Ne: a ington Brothers, St. John, N.B, For fi : ry : uni Common Water Elm, 1 in., any wadth. i » Tor Fifty Windsor, Ont. %

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