Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 21 Jan 1875, p. 3

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< Clearing T ©. FORMAN'S. WINTER GOODS! we any or $40,000 WORTH OF | MBROHANDISE, | DRY 00DS, CLOTHING, BOOTS & SHOES, & GROCERIES, | ENJBRACING AT ACTUAL COST PRICE ! FOR SIX WEEKSONLY «+ Phe Subscribers being about enter on new business arrangements, and having decided to dissolve the prosunt partnership of | JONES ES ey Tin & ave the p: an and extent of the Stock , it is impossibl samples which they trust will satisfy the most shoptioal that they are offering EXTRAORDINARY INDUC r from' this date, THE oe of reterring to tho Invoices, and satisfyi pgs ay sducin theirimmense stock by tho FIRST DAY OF MARCH, 1k ExmRe Stock Ar Cost PRICE. o to enumerate all the lifforent NTS. to the smallest possible dimensions. To remove all doubts as to the ng themselves that thers is NO DECEPTION. departments, they therefore respectfully submit the following Lines, 8s ROTHERS, To effect a speedy clearance, enuineness of the sale, purchasers wing to the enormous yariety Holidays ! | J 10,0qp vos Grey Cottons. 10 pieces Linen Straw Ticking. Lybster, worth 11¢, for = 9c Extra value at...... 28c, for 20 Excellent value at 45¢,for 37% . Extra value at......30c, for 24 Pwillod ab..uinsisns B0c, for 42 Boston, worth 12}¢, for ~ 11 y enerees y : fo Extra value at...... 36¢, for 28 Very finest Btowesn B52, for 473 Cornwall, worth: 15c, for 123 23 pieces Brown Hollands. 37 pieces Fanoy Flannel Shirtings. 84 Pieces French Merinos, New ° Shades. Marked ....... Marked ...c.. ..50c for 40c 0c for b6c 85¢ for T0e Special Lines in e 65,000 yds White Cottame. ve ; Really cheap at....17c, for 13 1 Pieces Soarlet Flannels. 43 pieces Black Lustres. Cheap at.. «10; for Really cheap at....20c, for 16 Splendid value at 30c for 25¢ Prime value at......25¢ tor 20¢ ' Cheap at.. -12}e, for 10 Really cheap at....25¢, for 20 Splendig:¥alue at 40c for 32¢ Prime value at....... 3bc¢ for 28¢ | , Cheap st...; -18¢, for 12,0 io ces Irish Table Linens. Twilled at......... .» bbe for 46¢ Prime value at......40c for 32¢ 12000 yds Ashton & Hoyles' Prints. Splendid value at...30c, for 25 |46pieces Plain & Checked Wincies. | 20 pieces Pure Alpaccas. | Well worth... wile, for 10 Splendid value at...45¢, for 37 Extra Cheap at 12}c for 10¢ Ready Sale at......55¢ for 45¢ Well worth,s.......15¢, for 12} Splendid value at...60c, for 50 Extra Cheap at 20c for 16¢ Ready Sale at......65¢ for 55¢ Well worth..ceeeee. 16¢, for 13 21 pieces Striped and Wincey Extra Cheap at 256c for 20c Ready Sale at .....T5¢ for 60c 17 pices Dosen FesiberTicking, Shirting. 72 Pieces Fancy Dress Goods. 19 pieces Blavk Silks, During the" Holidays, compris- Regular price....... 25c¢, for 20 Worth..cerieneinre.s + 202, for 16 Regular Price......20c for 16¢ Richly worth ...... 5c for 57¢ ing a beautiful lot of Regular price cee 30c, for 23 .-»25¢, for 20 Regular Price......80¢ for 23¢ Richly worth ... $1.10 for 85¢ Regular price.......35¢, for 27 Worth ..ceesveeseseess 30c, for 23 Regular Price......45¢ for 37} Richly worth... 1.25 for $1 2 A A, French Clouds, SHAWLS, MANTLES, CLOUDS, SCARFS, GLOVES, AND HOSIERY, ACTUALLY LESS THAN COST! 75 pisots aradian Tweeds. 25 ieced Tapestry, and Wool 100 prs Boys' and Youths' Boots. 900 prs Women's Prunellas. Felt Skirts S ey Regular price $1 10 for $0 85| 0P0%: Boys' course, $2 25, for $1 85 Bal. & Gaiter $110, for $0 90 Regular price 125 for 100 Sold all over at $0 80, for $0 62} Youths'coarse, 175, for 145 Bal. & Gaiter 125,for 100 Regular price 150 for 125 Sold all over at 1 00, for 0 80 Boys' Kip...... 2 50, for 2 00 Very fine.... 1060, for 125 Shawls Regulenprive' TT5%r 140) all overas 1125 for. 100 Youths' Kip-.. 190, for 160 Extra fine... 175, for 145 : Sold all oyer at 175, for 140 1750 Pairs Children' d Mi : oy airs ren's an, isses Over Coats and Pea Coats. 800 prs Men's Kip and Coarse Boots | 2000 Prs Women's Boots. Boots x : F J I , swelr Richly worth $6 00 for $4 75 No 1 eoarse...82 75, for $2 40 Plain Buft.... 125 for 105 Regular Price.$0.80 for30 65. © ANCY Jewelry, &e. Richly worth 850 for 6175 No 2 coarse... 2 50, for 225 Plain Buff.... 140,for 120 Regular Price. 100 for 080 re Richly worth 10 00 for 8 00 Clump Kip... 325, for 275 Peb. Bal....... 150, for 125 Regular Price. 130 for 105 Richly worth 12 00 for 9 50 8lip Kip...... 300, for 2 62} Peb. Bal....... 175, for 150 Regular Price. 150 for 120 ly ) MILLISERY GOODS BELOW COST, Hats, Bonnets, Flowers, Feathers, Ribbons and Laces, American Cotton Yara for . $1 25 worth $1 50 | Splendid Mink Sets for . Pine French Wove Corsets... vs ooo0eeoors 86c worth 700 «Cornwall Cotton Yarn for 1.5! «Canadian Cotton Bags for... Ribbed Shirts and Drasveta for. Buffalo Robes for . = Men's Felt Overshoesifor...... serene 425 worth 475 . 075 worth 1.00 . 900 worth 11 00 125 worth 1350] 0 worth 1 75 aevesesrevens $16 00 worth$20 00 German Mink Sets for .. . No. 1 Josephine Kid Gloves for Splendid Poplin Dress for..... eereans Ladies' Felt Over Shoes. . Women's Rubbers for.... 4 76 worth 6 00 105 worth 125 6 75 worth 8 50 1 056 worth 125 0 40 worth 0 50 Fine American Wove Corsets for. Hoop Skirts for......... Huck Towels. ... Knickerbocker Wi Roller Towelling .... .. 35¢ worth 50c ++ 25c worth 35¢c 6c worth 10¢ Sc worth 10¢ 6c worth 8c NEW 600DS | 5 The undersigned are offering The Millinery & Dress : ; Making Department FOR INENONTI At Cost. Ladies' Furs at Cost, Gents's Furs, Mantle Cloths, Mr. Christian's Column Waited! 1000 DRESSED HOGS. t ¥ a Dressed Hogs, FOR WHICH THER Highest Market Price WILL BE PAID. CASH FOR SALE I, WORTHINGTON. [PORT PERRY. ALE--Basw and O'oel's,...... Axo Helves,...... ccooee vanes Arrowroot...... cone ee tesenven cane re) BRANDIES--Case, and on Draft, Bitters--Joha Bull, ....coeo00 correo connec Blacking--Stove and Shos,.,,,... Blusing--Ball and Button Chickory, ...... te WHEAT, BARLEY, % GROCERIES. GROCERIES ! No. 1 Prince of Wales oonaten. & ee. Bright Virginia Buohing. 111bs. Bright Sugar for.. #0lbs. Choice Rice for.... .... 4 pa TEAS! 50 cent Teas reduced to 40 cents. MAMMOTH STOCK OF CROCKERY! .. . 50¢ per 1b. .:b5¢ per 1b 81 Finest Toilet Soaps. . Sardines.......... Best Baking Soda...... . Mixed Pickles. ....... a per bottle. Dome Lead. . ; 124c. per box. 2a 75 Half Chests to be Sacrificed ! "@a 80 cent Teas reduced to 65 cents. Best China Tea Sets $5, Old Wheat Tea Sets $3, Telegraph Matches. , Extra Vinegar, . . Five bars Soap Tor. oh .12§e. Enos. TEAS! -8g $1 Tea reduced to 80 conta, SPREAD THE GOOD NEWS! Port Perry, Jan. 16, 1875. EE GREAT t Sale! fori | Promises, bs willbe in 2 position to |My Stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Xo. \ ; un, Buffalo' ahd} Wolf Robes. JONES BROTH ERS. | Ontario takes in which he has been in in $0ill orders on the shortest noti CUTTERS, Orders for Blacksmithing c Come and inspect our Works, Port Perry, Dec. 24, 1873. Garnings this of thanking his liberal and constantly | increasing | Al bestowed apon him during: the many years Works ! for the ving an of premises necessary, I have MOVED TO PORT PERRY, | Largely exteuded my premises and secured greatly increased facilities for business pi am now prepared more promptly bo meet the increasing demands CERRIAGES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, SLEIGHS, BUGGIES, WAGONS, built of the, best, material in Lin tle best best style and by first class nokia: with and dispatch. Wood-work ironed and forseass immed for the trade at reasonable rates, JAMES EMANEY. § i Se ig iy pleasure in |e tg quality of cannot fail tc satisfy Manohester, Nov. 11, 1873. Taylor' s Sto re, MANCHESTER. * .|Fur Caps, Sealskin Jackets, of customers and| Roating. Sausages, superior 0 any) LOW PRICES is complete-with all the latest Novelties in Ladie$" Hata, trim- med and untrimmed, Ladies' &e., &o The Grocery Depart- Fresh Stock of Choice Teas, Raisins, Currants, Biscuits, &ec. Choice Cuts of Pork always| on hand, Ribs, Tender Loins, Backs for comprising Spare-| heretofore sold in this market. Silk Velvet for Mantles, Silk Millinery Velvets, Rich Black Silks, ~Woel Costume Cloth, Ladies' Velvet, and Felt Hats and Bonnets. (J No such opportunity has beep offered for securing ) ment is fully assorted with 2 J § g Ty Goods AT As the above Goods are id To spe Subscriber would embrace the present present operat of thanking his custcmers Sie patronage bestowed upon him since opening bi business and offer Will always be selected with the greatest care. The entire satisfaction of custorners both goods and, sioderation in price xvill always be aimed at. The Newest Styles of Dry Goods, &ec., usiness . at Manchester, p Sus laving Purchased the e and extend. his to $20 per Set. Packing House. A magnificent lot of China new and Fidhionable,ind, will be sold at Oost to clear aT en EB 8 (ead Cush' for Hogs at the| make roorn for New Goods. £ Iae | | GEO. CURRIE. out the balance of Stock and| FOR SALE No. 1 Lard in Leaf. No.l Lard, Rendered. Bacon, Hams, &c. NOW READY. S: ked H on OF THE FINEST QUALITY, CHEAPER And choise and Fresh GROCERIES constantly supplied and sold a such prices as| ¢ Spade 0 nagw : b TRS BROWN & Ross. | JOHN TAYLOR PORT PERRY. | Port Perry, Dec. 1, 1898, 3 or ; . ee ip on " / oe THAN THE CHEAPEST, | Clothes Ping, ..c0svsannrianesisr evade . Clothes Lines. ....cu covers vecscnvasenss . Cigars, cocveereisves canes .e 'eee ~--FOR-- =e ESSENCES--Lemon, Vanilla, Yiponion F1SH--Herrings, Cod, Whitefish, Trout, * GIN--Henkle's, and Old Tom . Ginger--Ground and Whole Overcoats, OP) ceeues corosavasaresarereinne : t } MEAT--Fresh, Dried and Smoked,........ Heavy Coats, MEALS-- Oatmeal, Cornmeal, best White Flour, Graham Flour, &e. Blaskess, Peas, Oats, &ec. MACCAPORE,. cuvuue covene vers - Horse Blankets, [Matohes, .oouy coven cian ee p Railway Rugs, ! Mustarde-Coleman's, and Keen's, c. cu cee . Shawls and Mantles, MODE, cre cr vvnssvansn van eve mse eases Nuts--Walnuts, Almonds, snd Pilbests,.... Oil--Hair, and Castor... coos sees senen . Pickles--Cross & Blackwell's, Morton's Wy- att's, and Batty's,.....c.ccv0 eens . PORTER--Guiness', and Blood's Reels--Orange and Lemon... Plowlines .......o00ee canons Pepper--Black, White and Red. . Rice--Whole and Groupd RUM--Jamaica and Demerars .. Sauces . . SIA Rre oy onareshle, Bour. 'bon, Whiskies .. I rT Salt--Barrel and Bottle .. sees taenne 8yrup--Sugar Loaf, Amber, Silver Drip, Golden, Baspberty, Pine Apple, aad Starch--Corn and d Siiver 01 Gloss....... Spices, --Allspice, Cloves, Nutmegs, ste.. Saqueyiivyes) Semi Suge Io} 0. A. ete. eens vas sresanee Vinegar... teases snsnsn ants sein cra .WINES--Port, Sherry, 'Champagne, Moselle, (CIATEE, P10 1uuree seus oo rrevereruann WaShDORIAS, ose cos sscavs sassansannss | Whisky . | Bto, 010, #80. 1. ces amsree sanane essnesaast | evesse saree senses seseee 48 Goods Delivered

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